|| Pearl of Gajasharya || [Vo...

By Asphodel-

6.2K 109 596

The Princess of Hastinapura, Daughter of mighty Duryodhana and the heiress of one of the most flourishing dyn... More

0 | Remnants

| Pearl of Gajasharya |

731 33 65
By Asphodel-


Hastinapura alias Gajasharya. lit. The City of elephants.

A Beautiful City known for it's wealth and prosperity is ruled by the most powerful dynasty across Aryavarta.

The Kauravas, headed by the crown-prince Duryodhana are known for their strength, aggression and transgressions. Power and position is what Duryodhana desires for and he would go to any extent to claim it.

Lakshmanaa, the daughter of Duryodhana and the only princess of the clan supposedly had everything in the eyes of everyone but what was the verity?

Flip the pages to witness the entire tale through her eyes.




1. Dhritarashtra : Emperor of Hastinapura

2. Gandhari : Queen of Hastinapura

3. Bhisma : Commander of Kuru Clan

4. Vidura : Prime minister of Hastinapura

5. Duryodhana : Crown prince of Hastinapura

6. Bhanumathi : Crown princess of Hastinapura

7. Lakshman : Son of Duryodhana and Bhanumathi

8. Lakshmanaa : Daughter of Duryodhana and Bhanumathi. 

9. Dushasana : Younger brother of Duryodhana

10. Durmashana : Son of Dushasana 

11. Vikarna : Younger Brother of Duryodhana

12. (Remaining) Ninety Seven Kauravas : Brothers of Duryodhana

13. Kripacharya : Kulaguru of Hastinapura

14. Yuyutsu : Half-brother of Duryodhana


1.Yudhisthira: Eldest Pandava. Emperor of Indraprashta

2.Bheema: Second Pandava

3.Arjuna: Third Pandava

4.Nakula: Fourth Pandava

5.Sahadeva: Fifth Pandava

6.Draupadi: Empress of Indraprashta. Wife of all five Pandavas

7.Karenumathi: Daughter of Shisupala and the second wife of Nakula

8.Valandhara: Cousin of Bhanumathi and wife of Bheema

9.Sarvaga: Son of Valandhara and Bheema


1. Karna: King of Anga and best friend of Duryodhana

2. Vrushali : Wife of Karna

3. Supriya: Wife of Karna

4. Vrishasena: Eldest son of Karna


1.Krishna: King of Dwarka. Incarnation of Mahavishnu

2. Balarama: Elder brother of Krishna. Guru of Duryodhana

3. Jambavathi: Second wife of Krishna

4. Samba: Son of Krishna and Jambavathi

5. Rukmini : Chief Queen of Krishna


1. Chitrangadha: Father of Bhanumathi and former King of Kalinga

2. Sunaina : Mother of Bhanumathi

3. Shrutayuddha: Brother of Bhanumathi and King of Kalinga

4. Sakrayani : Queen of Kalinga and wife of Shrutayuddha

5. Sakradeva: Son of Shrutayuddha and Sakrayani

6. Sachi: Daughter of Shrutayuddha and Sakrayani


1. Shakuni : King of Gandhara and Duryodhana's maternal uncle

2. Arshi : Wife of Shakuni

3. Uluka: Son of Shakuni and Arshi


1.Jayatradha : King of Sindhu

2.Dushala: Wife of Jayatradha and only sister of Kauravas

3.Suratha : Son of Jayatradha and Dushala


1. Ashwatthama : King of Northern Panchal. 



I am always up for constructive criticism but Bashing is strictly prohibited. No one can be perfect thus look at every character as Humans, instead of gods or goddesses. Any resemblances to actual person living or dead, events or place is a mere coincidence. The pictures except for the covers and aesthetics are taken from the web and all rights belong to their respective owners.

The protagonist Lakshmanaa is NOT mentioned directly in BORI Mahabharata. Her marriage to Samba alone is mentioned in Bhagavata Purana and Harivamsa. So The tale is partially fictional though I abide by the facts and the characterization as portrayed in Vyasa Bharata.

I am aware that Lakshman and Lakshmanaa are considered twins and this theory is wide-spread. But by the calculation I made, Lakshmanaa is the younger sister of Lakshman and not his twin sister.  This fits the timeline as well, given Lakshmanaa was married just before the war. I will be adapting this idea in this tale. 

The character list only has the important characters as for now. Any new characters would be introduced when they enter the tale.

Do read, vote and comment. 


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