Pricing The Heart

By LeeleeKez

208K 17K 1.6K

Eloise is desperate to take charge of her life after losing her parents and home, and after discovering her u... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 43

6.5K 479 107
By LeeleeKez

David watched Eloise sleep. The two had sat talking into the dead of the evening. They'd talked, and they'd kissed, and they'd reveled in each other's presence until Eloise began dozing off at three o'clock. When he offered to escort her back to her bedchamber, she mumbled a soft no, rested her head on his shoulder, and closed her eyes. He was pleased with her response, for he too had been unwilling to let her out of his sight. He shrugged his travel coat off, and once he'd spread it on the floor, helped her settle on it, before settling beside her.

Sleep eluded him as he lay staring at her, his heart bursting with joy and contentment at the thought of having the woman he loved in his arms. He loved watching her sleep; he loved the expressions that creased her lovely face as she dreamed; he loved the soft sounds of her snoring; he loved her silly movements, for they gave him a reason to hold her through the night.

David wanted to do more than hold Eloise, he wanted to claim her as his under the starlight. But he didn't wish to dishonor her. He would marry her first, then he would have her.

Leaning forward, he kissed between her brows. "Wake up, my love. It's dawn." When she didn't respond, he kissed her full on the lips. She moaned, and taking advantage of the small opening of her mouth, he deepened the kiss. Her hands crawled up his chest as she threw a leg over his thigh and arched her back. He felt himself respond to her intimate movements, and fearing the passion that burned his flesh, he pulled back.

"David..." Her eyelids gave way to beautiful blue eyes.

He was dangerously aware of her hands that rested on his chest. "I must escort you to your chamber now, my love. I fear if we remain here a little longer, either Mr. Decker, his wife, or a servant might find us here."

He saw her disappointment as she nodded. "Yes, you're right. I must return now." She made to rise, but he gripped her hips, keeping her firmly before him.

He held her gaze. "I do not wish to leave your side. I hate that we must separate like this, when I would much rather spend the rest of the morning exploring every inch of you." Her entire face turned crimson. He was pleasantly surprised she didn't break eye contact with him.

"I..." She licked her bottom lip. "I do not wish to leave your side either."

"Then marry me."

A breathtaking smile claimed her lips. "Have you forgotten so soon, my lord? I already said yes."

"David," he corrected as he brushed her cheek. "And indeed, I remember. I shall live with the blessed memory for the rest of my life. But I do not simply mean that we be wed sometime this year, I mean right away. Today, at noon perhaps, or as soon as a ceremony can be had. I fear I lack the patience to endure the long voyage back to England, then wait for the banns to be read, or a special license to be had." He watched her eyelids widen several notches and shook his head. "You needn't conform to my wishes. It truly is up to you. I shall not fault you if you desire a proper wedding; one with a white dress, guests, and, of course, a wedding breakfast, or a ball—"

She giggled, halting his flow of words. "Oh David, of course I shall marry you right away."

"Are you certain? You seemed displeased at first."

"I was shocked, is all. Only a year ago, you were so averse to the concept of love. It's hard to believe you're the same man."

"Believe it." He kissed her one more time, then helped her to her feet. Once he'd seen her off to her bedchamber, he paced back and forth through the large foyer, hoping to speak with Mr. Decker first thing that morning.

Thirty minutes passed before Mr. Decker appeared at the top of the stairs, clad quite informally in simple black trousers and a white shirt. He raised a brow when he saw David.

"Good morning, Lord David."

"Mr. Decker," David greeted.

"You remained unseen last evening, and until Pearl and I retired for the night, I believe the same was the case with Miss Lydia." He flashed David a smile as he descended the stairs.

David returned his smile. "I thank you for the help you've rendered so far. Eloise... Lydia and I have..." He cleared his throat, rubbing his neck. "The conflict between us has been resolved."

"Good." His smile broadened. "Please, join us for breakfast. I'm certain Pearl shall be pleased to hear the news of your reconciliation with Lydia."

"I'm afraid I have much more pressing matters to attend to. Eloise and I have decided to get married."

Mr. Decker's brows disappeared into his blond hairline. "Oh?"

"Indeed, today. Midday, at best. I covet your help in finding a clergyman who might be willing to conduct the ceremony with such short notice." David hadn't thought it possible that Mr. Decker's smile could grow any bigger, but it did, exposing pearly whites.

"Yes, yes. Right this way," he said, and motioned for David to follow him.

That evening, Eloise and David were joined in the Decker's living room, before a witness of four; Mr. Decker, his wife, and two daughters. It surprised David to find that after the joining, an exquisite dinner awaited them in the dining hall. Mrs Decker proved efficient in putting together the five course meal, and had even managed to throw a two-tiered cake into the mix. Everything was lovely, but it was his bride who stole his attention, as well as the air from his lungs, every time he looked at her.

Eloise was breathtaking in an elegant blue dress that would have appeared white under sufficient lighting. The neckline bared her shoulders, teasing him with a decent display of her bosom. The V-shaped bodice gave the illusion of a tiny waist, and the full skirt swept the floor, forming a small train behind her. Her hair was pulled to the back to form a masterpiece of curls and yellow roses.

David stirred as he thought of the sheer pleasure he might derive tonight from unraveling her dress. He barely paid attention to the conversation that went on around the dinner table, grunting every time a question was aimed at him. By the end of the evening, he was weary of waiting and quite irritated when Mr. Decker invited him to his study for port. He had half the mind to turn the man down—to gather Eloise in his arms and carry her up the stairs to the room the Deckers had been kind to assign to them. But Eloise had cruelly accepted Mrs Decker's invitation to tea and was already making her way out of the room with her.

Stifling the urge to groan, David accepted Mr. Decker's invitation with great reluctance. The two retreated to Mr. Decker's study. They sat talking about politics. Seeing as David had no interest in the topic, he was bored and out of his mind with the need to be with his bride. He breathed a loud sigh of relief when Mrs Decker entered the study an hour and a half later, requesting to be alone with her husband.

"Mr. Thinner will show you to your room," Mrs Decker said with what he thought was a coy smile.

Nodding his thanks, he left the study eagerly and followed the butler to a room on the second floor. The butler handed him the key and left. He unlocked the door and made to go inside, but the sight that greeted him stopped him dead in his tracks.


Eloise sat on the edge of the bed, her anxiety rising as she listened to David unlock the door. She feared how he might react to find her like this, clothed in a sheer nightgown. The cotton fabric was so sheer, she wondered about the use of the dress, for it left her feeling utterly exposed. She'd been reluctant to wear the scandalous nightgown, but Mrs Decker had insisted, just like she'd seen to it that Eloise walked down the aisle in one of her elaborate dresses. It was also Mrs Decker's idea to whisk Eloise away after dinner to prepare her for her wedding night. The maids had spent the last hour and a half bathing and perfuming her. Her hair had been combed and oiled, and the loose curls were left to drape her shoulders. Mrs Decker said it was because men had an odd fascination with women's hair. And as the door slid open to reveal David, Eloise silently admitted Mrs Decker was right about everything.

David faltered at the sight of her. Pausing in his tracks, he clung to the doorknob, and stared wide eyed at her for several seconds.

"Come," he whispered huskily. Complying with his command, she rose steadily to her feet, her body warming as his heated gaze caressed her form. He released his grip on the knob as she neared, causing the door to slam shut behind him. When she paused before him, she watched his throat work on a swallow.

"Where in Hades did you find this nightgown?" he grunted.

She frowned. Had she misinterpreted his reaction when he first entered the room? "You're displeased with it?" Perhaps she should have stood her ground against Mrs Decker's suggestion and gone with a demure nightgown.

"I'm... It compels me. I'd hoped to be... civil tonight, but this dress," he swallowed, "disarms, corrupts, seduces."

She was possessed with an unfamiliar boldness as she stepped forward, closing the gap between their bodies. She leaned into him until her lips brushed his. "Perhaps I do not desire civility."

He groaned in response. His arms curled around her waist suddenly, tugging her forward until she was bumping into his solid chest. He bent his head and captured her lips in a fierce kiss, his hands burning through the thin fabric of her dress as they slid further down her back. Passion sizzled in the pit of her stomach, evoking soft sighs of pleasures from her as his lips ravished hers.

She gripped his shoulders when he hoisted her up, and resting her head against his neck, she wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her across the room to the sofa. He placed her on it, then knelt down before her.

"Take off my jacket." His warm lips seared her earlobe. She obeyed, and working quickly, removed the black garment. "Now my cravat," he whispered, kissing her jaw. Fighting to still her racing heart, she untied the silky white fabric with shaky fingers. "Keep going, my darling." He gripped her hips, drawing her forward until she was seated on the edge of the seat. He urged her on, ridding her of all the anxiety until she had completely disrobed him.

He rose to his feet then, and a staggering wave of heat bolted through her as she gazed at him. He stood still under her scrutiny. When she realized she was staring, she blushed, to which he chuckled, then drew her to her feet with him. With one quick movement, he removed her nightgown. He then settled on the sofa with her, their bodies becoming one as he claimed her as his.


Three days after their wedding, Eloise and David bade the Deckers farewell and boarded a ship back to England. Sixteen days passed before they reached Oakham Hall. Eloise felt a burst of excitement at the sight of the familiar faces that lined the front porch, waiting to welcome them. In front of the small party was Adam, an entire foot taller than she remembered, clinging to a bouquet. Her heart melted at the sight of him, and as the carriage pulled to a halt and the stairs were lowered to help her down, her tears broke free of the restraint she thought she had on them as Adam ran into her arms.

"Oh, Adam, I've missed you so very much," she murmured against his overgrown hair. They stood hugging for several seconds until Adam pulled away and handed her the bouquet.

"How lovely these are!" She smelled the assortment of flowers.

He smiled proudly. "I picked them out myself."

"I love them!"

He nodded. "Is it true you and Father are married now?"


He regarded her with curiosity. "Does that make you my mother?"

"I..." She hesitated, uncertain how he must feel about her marriage to his father. "I shall care for you as a mother should, but you needn't refer to me thus. You may call me whatever you please."

Silence followed her words as Adam stood staring at her for several seconds, indecision creasing his brows. Eloise prayed earnestly he might accept her, and if not as a mother, then as a friend.

He nodded. "I missed you too, Mother." She sucked in a breath and gripped her chest as her heart threatened to leap out. But Adam didn't seem to notice the effect his words had on her. He instead slipped his hand into hers, just as David came to stand beside her, placing a hand on the small of her back.

Flanked on both sides by the two men who possessed the entirety of her heart, she followed them up the stairs to her new home.

The End.



This is it, guys, we've come to the end of this story. Unlike all my other stories, I do not see the need to end this one with an epilogue because I'm quite satisfied with this ending. Needless to say, Eloise, David, Adam (and their future kids) went on to live happily ever after.

I want to say a heartfelt thanks to those of you who came on this journey with me. It's been an entire year of writing, but you stuck here with me. Thank you for your votes and kind comments. You make writing so much more enjoyable.

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