The Avatar's Advisor (HIATUS)

By kxngmxrs

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"You love him, don't you? I see the way you look at him. It's like he's your whole world. I can't possibly bl... More

Book One: Water
The Boys In the Iceberg
The Avatar Returns
The Southern Air Temple
The Warriors of Kyoshi
The King of Omashu
Princes and Conversations
The Spirit World
Avatar Roku
The Waterbending Scroll
The Dam
The Storm
The Blue Spirit
The Fortune-Teller
Bato of the Water Tribe
The Deserter
The Northern Air Temple
Lost and Found
The Siege of the North: Part 1
The Siege of the North: Part 2
Book Two: Earth
The Avatar State
The Cave of Two Lovers
Return to Omashu
The Swamp

The Waterbending Master

95 5 2
By kxngmxrs

TW: brief traumatic flashback, suggestive comments (all that's happening is Polu receiving severe frostbite)

As the other three argue about the long journey, Polu shivers and curls further into his parka.


"I can turn a failure into a worldwide success. First, let us make sure the world knows who your future husband is."

11-year-old Hera whimpers as hands hold her down.

"Hold still, dear girl. If you do, it'll be much more pleasant."

The preteen wriggles as she attempts to escape. "No! Please, I'll do anything, just don't hurt me!" She cries loudly.

The Chief of the Northern Water Tribe scoffs and points at one of his 'assistants'. "Ensure nobody interrupts this marking."

"Yes, Sir," the man responds.

"Now sit back, Princess. It'll be over before you know it."


"Look, we're all just a little tired and cranky because we've been flying for two days straight."

Polu sits upright, breathing heavily. In a blur of vehement desperation, the teen rips his necklace from his throat and rubs a cold hand against his marred skin.

"And for what?" Sokka snarks. "Oh, hey Polu."

The prince doesn't acknowledges the greeting. Instead, his attention is drawn to the cold sensation of his hand against the burning feeling of the skin around his vocal cords.

"There's nothing up here," Sokka whines.

"Good. Turn back," Polu manages.

Aang frowns at his friend. "No, we need to keep going."

"Hate it," the noirette grumbles.

"Po?" The Avatar's eyes go wide with realization. "Oh, is it burning again?"

Before Polu can answer, Appa jerks to the side. In one hand, Polu clutches his prized necklace; in the other, he grips Sokka's hand as tight as he possibly can.

The bison quickly rights himself only to be spun around after a collision with an iceberg.

Before any of the children can process what's happened, Appa is tossed onto the surface of the water. They groan and hold their heads in their hands.

Polu turns green and bends over the water. As soon as he does, he loses his last two meals.

"They're waterbenders," Katara murmurs. "We found the Water Tribe!"

Sokka shoots Polu a concerned glance before staring between the boats. "More like they found us."


As the large group heads toward the Northern Water Tribe, a boat steadily makes its way closer to Polu's side of the saddle.

A boy around Polu's age smiles up at the prince. "Are you Prince Polu? From the Earth Kingdom?"

Polu finds one of his hands drifting to seek comfort in the renewed feeling of the necklace hanging from his neck. Hesitantly, he nods.

"Your mother was Queen Tola, right?"

The prince nods again. "Yes, she was. Why do you ask?"

"My name is Sadu. Your mother is my great-great grandmother's sister!"

Polu's eyes widen. He isn't sure whether to be shocked or ecstatic.

A few feet away, Sokka bitterly wonders what sort of hushed conversation with a stranger could have Polu so enraptured. So, as any totally-just-a-friend would do, he eavesdrops.

"My mother had a sister?"

Sadu nods and smiles broadly. "Yes! She was little when your mother left, but she remembered enough to miss her when she was gone. My family has grown up on the stories of you and your family."

"Well," the boy frowns, "we actually don't talk about your father. My great-grandmother always told us not to speak of him; something about him being a cruel man."

Polu slides down Appa's side and lands next to Sadu. He chuckles at the shocked expression on his cousin's face. "Yes, he wasn't very nice. I'm surprised, though. Both to hear that I have a family here and that you spoke of us."

Sadu's grin returns. "Yes! Grandma Kura learned of you being the Advisor when she was 14! Word must have spread quickly, especially considering how remote the tribe is."

"My aunt was 14 when I was 4?" Polu hums. "I figured they were farther than 8 years apart, as my mother never spoke of a sister."

"If I remember correctly," Sadu starts, "Aunt Tola wasn't allowed to have contact with her family. It would track that she also wasn't allowed to speak of them."

Polu sighs sadly. "Yes, I suppose. I do apologize for my father and grandfather's actions. I can't imagine the pain your family felt when their 16-year-old was married to a 34-year-old man in another nation."

Sadu rests a hand on his cousin's shoulder. "I'm sure it hurt, but they're your family too. Would you like to meet them?" He smiles warmly.

Something like nervousness and thrill churn in Polu's gut. "Yes, I think I'd like that."

Sokka leans away as he realizes the continuing conversation is one he should not be part of. I didn't mean to accidentally learn that much about Polu's family. Wait- his parents were how far apart?!


"There it is!"

At Aang's declaration, Polu glances up from his cousin. His mouth gapes in awe at the wall before them.

"Are you ready to meet the rest of us?" Sadu eyes his elder cousin with anticipation.

Polu stands and prepares to pull himself up to Appa's saddle. "I hope so," he responds. In two smooth movements, the prince joins his friends on the bison's back.

"So, that's your cousin, huh?" Sokka questions, praying that Polu doesn't wonder how Sokka has come across this information.

"Yeah," Polu responds. "I guess he is. And my mother's family is still alive." The prince, it seems, is too dumbfounded by this realization to care that Sokka also knows.

Polu's eyes light up as the waterbenders around him bend the wall of ice and snow into the ocean.

"I can't believe how many waterbenders live up here," Katara marvels.

Polu can't help but nod. "It's mesmerizing."

"We'll find a master to teach us no problem!" Aang grins.

Something tugs at the back of the prince's memory. All three of us finding a master. Why does that feel wrong? What am I forgetting?

Despite the unease settling in his gut, Polu finds himself admiring the city around him. He locks gazes with the occasional citizen and smiles cautiously.

In turn, almost every person waves at Polu.

The Advisor's attention is pulled to the side as a boat passes Appa. His eyes widen at the snow-white hair of the girl sitting in the vessel.

"This place is beautiful," Katara hums.

Polu watches, jealousy boiling in his heart, as Sokka slides down Appa's tail to continue staring at the strange girl.

"Yeah," the brunette sings. "She is."

The Earth Prince scoffs and forces his gaze away from his friend.


"We're Katara and Sokka of the Southern Water Tribe," Katara introduces.

The chief nods respectfully. "It is an honor to host our brother and sister from our southern tribe." The man turns to Aang. "It is my understanding that you are the Avatar?"

Aang grins and nods. "That's me!"

"An honor indeed," the man smiles. Finally, he turns to Polu. "And who might you be?"

"He's my Advisor!" Aang offers. "You know, the one prophesized by Avatar Kyoshi?"

From his throne, the adult contemplates the statement. "Yes, I've heard something about him. Though that doesn't explain why Sadu is stuck to your side."

Polu laughs nervously as Sadu waves at his chief. "My name is Polu, Chief. I am the true heir to the Earth Kingdom throne. Sadu is with me because we are cousins."

The chief raises a brow. "An Earth Prince? How are you related to Sadu? Advisors are required to stay with their chief at all times and, if you weren't aware, Sadu's family is the only one to hold that role."

Polu bows respectfully. "My mother was Queen Tola. She was born here, in the Northern Water Tribe. Her father was Moadu."

Chief Arnook's face lights up with realization. "You are Tola's son! Of course! My apologies, prince."

"It's no problem, Chief Arnook." Polu holds his hands up and chuckles.

"Please, come to our celebratory dinner tonight. You are our guests, and I'd like for you to meet some of our tribe."

In near unison, the group agrees.


A few hours later, the group sits next to the chief, amongst a vast number of waterbenders. Drums echo through the area in perfect timing.

Polu shifts uncomfortably, stuck in a small space between Katara and Aang. His mood lightens a bit as he watches a few men run away from Appa when the bison growls.

Then, the chief stands. "Tonight, we celebrate the arrival of our brother and sister from the Southern Tribe." He gestures to the siblings in question. "We also celebrate the arrival of a long-lost brother from the Earth Kingdom: Prince Polu."

The boy smiles sheepishly as all eyes turn to him.

"And they have brought with them someone very special, someone who many of us believed disappeared from the world until now. The Avatar."

Aang follows Polu's lead and flushes bashfully.

The people in attendance cheer loudly.

Once it is quiet, Arnook continues. "We also celebrate my daughter's 16th birthday. Princess Yue is now of marrying age."

The white-haired girl from before steps forward.

Whatever Yue says goes straight over Polu's head. Arnook's words ring through the boy's ears, reminding him of what his fate was a century ago.

16th birthday... Marrying age... Spirits, it's still a thing. I think I'm gonna be sick.

"...and his students will perform!"

The prince watches the waterbenders through a haze. He claps when his friends do until, finally, he is released from the hold of his past. "Look at the precise control they have over that much water," he comments.

"It's impressive!" Katara agrees.

"I think we've found our master," Aang grins.

Polu's attention is slowly torn away from the waterbenders by a familiar voice.

"You're a princess, huh? You know, back in my tribe, I'm kind of like a prince myself."

Katara and Polu have the same thought, though the former voices it. "Ha! The prince of what?"

"A lot of things!" Sokka retorts. "Do you mind? I'm trying..."

Polu snorts and leans forward to lock eyes with Yue. "It's nice to meet you," he offers.

"You as well," the girl responds.

"Your, uh... your father said you are of marrying age?"

Yue nods with a soft smile. "Yes. It's my understanding that it is also common practice in the Earth Kingdom, is that correct?"

Polu ponders the question. "I think so. My father arranged my marriage twice, but that was before I was sixteen. He and my mother were also arranged, but before or after that, I couldn't say."

The girl nods again.

"Is it something you look forward to?" The prince asks politely.

"In a way, yes. It's my duty to my people."

Polu frowns. He turns away when Sokka continues where he'd left off. Her duty? That's a lot like what my father said. Someone should ban these things already.

As discomfort sinks into Polu's gut, he takes a bite of the fish sitting in front of him. Then, a thought strikes him. "Sir, what did you say your name was again?"

The chief smiles proudly. "Arnook."

Polu struggles not to grimace at the familiarity of it. "You wouldn't, by chance, be related to the Chief Arnook from 100 years ago, would you?"

Arnook nods, his pride yet to wash away. "He was my great-grandfather." He begins to push, curious at Polu's knowledge of his ancestor. "Did you know him?"


Sokka frowns as Katara teases, "Very smooth."


The 116-year-old takes a deep breath. He resists the urge to scream as his hand comes into contact with the frostbite, hidden only by the necklace his brothers had made for him all those years ago. "He certainly left his mark."

Sokka picks up on Polu's comment. His heart sinks and his hand freezes where it is, food half-raised to his mouth.

Why does it hurt to hear him comment on something like that in such a passive way? It's a good thing that he's able to talk about it like that... right?

He blinks harshly and focuses on his food. That's a conversation for a different time. Let's focus on how badly I just handled talking with Yue.

Aang nudges Polu.

The prince glances up to find Arnook smiling at the pair. "I'd like to introduce you to someone."

So, the three make their way over to the waterbender from earlier.

"Master Pakku, meet your newest students: the Avatar and his Advisor."

Both boys bow respectfully to their master.

"Just because you're destined to save the world, don't expect any special treatment," Pakku huffs.

I already hate this man.

That feeling grows as Pakku's attention turns to the boy standing at eye level. One of his eyebrows raises in thought. "Those clothes are from the Northern Water Tribe, over a hundred years ago. You may have lived in the Earth Kingdom, but where do you originally hail from?"

I was literally introduced as the fucking Earth Prince you dense sack of wrinkles. Polu does his best to maintain an indifferent attitude. "An iceberg," he states simply.

Pakku's gaze hardens. "Is that right?"

Aang steps forward, laughing nervously. "Our friends found us in an iceberg. Polu is only from the Earth Kingdom. He, uh..."

"I had a friend in the Water Tribe. The last time I visited him, my clothes got soaked. He gave me a pair of his so that I could stay warm."

Pakku hesitates before relaxing his brow into its previous lackluster state. "Very well."

An uncomfortable silence falls over the group.

"Our friend, Polu, and I can't wait to start training with you... after we relax for a couple of days," Aang smiles.

Polu struggles not to run a hand down his face.

"If you want to relax," Pakku huffs, "then I suggest visiting a tropical island. If not, I'll see you three at sunrise."

The students and their master share an uneasy stare.

"Good night."

As soon as the man treks away, Polu sighs. "I could've told you not to say that, kid."

"So why didn't you?"

The prince deadpans at Arnook, who shrugs helplessly. "I didn't think I had to. We are here to train, you know."

Aang grumbles quietly as the two return to their friends. "Still wanna have fun."


Bright and early the next morning, Katara, Aang, and Polu make their way to the training area.

"It's too damn early for this," Polu yawns.

Aang snickers. "You've been up for like fifteen minutes, Po."

"Not true," the prince retorts. "I was up earlier so I could do my normal training. I just went back to sleep afterward." He yawns again.

"Why not wait until after waterbending lessons?" Katara questions. "Then you wouldn't have to get up so early.

Polu runs a hand over his face in an effort to wake himself. "I stick to a routine. My nonbending training always comes before earth and waterbending, not the other way around."

The other two nod in understanding before falling silent.

"I've waited for this day my whole life." Katara interrupts the sudden quiet. "I finally get to learn from a real waterbending master!"

"We're excited for you, Loops," Polu grins.

The three reach the top of the staircase to find Pakku bending in silence.

Aang, being Aang, loudly greets the man. "Good morning, Master Pakku!"

"No, please. March right in! I'm not concentrating or anything."

Polu holds the tiniest bit of pity for the bender.

"Uh... this is my friend Katara. The one I told you about," Aang introduces.

The teen bows respectfully.

Polu tenses as Pakku's eyes slide over to Katara.

"I'm sorry. I think there's been a misunderstanding." The man crafts a seat of ice for him to sit on. "You didn't tell me your friend was a girl."

Alarms ring in the Advisor's mind. The traditions of this tribe!

"In our tribe, it is forbidden for women to learn waterbending."

Katara clenches her fists as anger courses through her veins.

Behind her, a distant fear he had nearly forgotten was settling into Polu's gut. Old memories of being purposefully misgendered race to the forefront of the boy's brain.

"What do you mean you won't teach me?!" The girl stomps toward the old man. "I didn't travel all the way across the world so you could tell me no!"

The master is unmoved. "No."

Katara persists. "But there must be other female waterbenders in your tribe."

"You tell 'im!" Polu cheers.

"Here, the women learn from Yagoda to use their waterbending to heal." Pakku rolls his eyes. "I'm sure she would be happy to take you as her student- despite your bad attitude."

Polu and Aang both feel their jaws drop at Pakku's words.

No way she lets him get away with that.

"I don't want to heal. I want to fight!" Katara barks.

Pakku raises an unimpressed eyebrow. "I can see that. But our tribe has customs, rules."

"Well, your rules stink!"

Aang and Polu finally step forward.

"Yeah!" The Avatar adds. "They're not fair!"

"They're outdated, sexist rules! Times have changed!" Polu huffs.

"If you won't teach Katara," Aang continues, "then-"

Pakku finally stands. "Then what?"

Aang's face contorts with anger. "Then I won't learn from you!"

Polu grimaces as his friend walks away. We do kind of need Pakku... unfortunately.

"Have fun teaching yourself," the man retorts.

Polu scoffs and sends a wave of snow flying at the master before he follows after Aang.

"Wait!" Katara runs to catch up with her friends. "You can't risk your training for me," she states. "You have to learn from Master Pakku, even if he is a big jerk."

Polu and Aang share a glance before nodding to her. Grudgingly, they turn back to Pakku.

"Why don't we get started, then?"

Pakku sends a wave of water at each bender.

Aang doesn't stop it in time.

Polu manages to part it around him, but it falls to the snow immediately after.

"Looks like you already have some experience," Pakku comments.

"I was lucky enough to meet a traveling master," Polu retorts.

The man smirks and sends a perfect orb of water flying at the prince.

Polu catches it. The water, however, loses its clean edges and becomes a loose mass of floating liquid.

"But you're sloppy." Pakku easily sends another wave at Aang, who manages to control some of it.

Polu snarks, "Hard to learn precision when the only waterbender for miles was my mother."

"It's a good thing your friend swallowed her pride, then," Pakku retorts.


An hour later, Aang is managing better than Polu.

"You're moving the water around, but you're not feeling the push and pull," Pakku criticizes.

"I'm trying," Aang complains.

Polu does his best to concentrate on each molecule. "It's hard when it doesn't want to work with me."

The master finally glances up at his students. "Maybe that move is too advanced for you. Why don't you try an easier one?"

"Why don't you just tell us how to correct our mistakes?" Polu snaps.

Pakku is less than impressed. "It's no wonder you have no control over water. You have a temper that easily rules your mind."

The prince growls and lets his water splash to the ground. "Oh don't tell me about all that 'maintaining a cool head' bullshit. The master I learned from was pretty damn good and he was the pissiest man I've ever met."

"If you'd listen to me, I could offer you a solution." Pakku approaches Polu until they're a foot away from each other.

"And what would that be, Master?" Polu jeers.

The man sighs. "I assume you know of Avatar Kyoshi?"

The prince scoffs. "Of course I do. What kind of earthbender do you think I am?"

"Then you know what she was capable of." Pakku continues as if he hadn't heard Polu's last comment.

"Yeah?" The prince crosses his arms. "She created Kyoshi Island. She was a fucking madwoman who any respectable earthbender should look up to."

"But do you know of her struggles with bending?"

Polu falters just a bit. "What struggles?"

Typical earthbender. Pakku's lackluster expression shifts to one of contempt. "I'd think that you would know that since you were the one who just claimed 'any respectable earthbender should look up to her'."

The prince's cheeks flare with embarrassment. "Just get to the point."

"Avatar Kyoshi also struggled with finer aspects of bending. As great of an earthbender as she was, she couldn't master the minute details of it."

Dots start to connect in Polu's mind. "Hence why she had the fans."

The very faintest of smiles taint Pakku's lips. "You can be taught. I assume you have a pair of your own?"

"I do," the boy confirms.

"Good." Pakku turns to address both of his students. "We're done for the day. Tomorrow, come prepared." His gaze shifts to Polu. "Which means you'll need those fans."

The boys bow to their master and then take their leave.

"Why did he help you so much?" Aang groans.

Polu shrugs. "Beats me. I still think he's a stuck-up old man who desperately needs a lesson on how to be not sexist."

"All he did was tell me to feel for the push and pull," the Avatar continues.

"My guess is we had different issues?" Polu teases, "Or maybe because I actually voiced my frustration instead of grumbling like a little kid?"

Aang pouts and crosses his arms. "Still think it's unfair."

"I don't disagree, kid. I'm just saying-"


The pair stops when the voice calls out. A moment later, the owner comes into view.

"Sadu! What's up?"

Polu and Sadu exchange a handshake.

"You remember yesterday when I was telling you about your family in the tribe?"

The earthbender thinks for a moment before nodding. "Yeah. What about them?"

Sadu grins as the three begin to walk. "I was wondering if you'd want to meet them?"

"Of course!" Polu beams. He yawns and adds, "But maybe tomorrow? Pakku completely wore me down."

The brunette snickers at his cousin's misfortune. "Yeah, he's like that to his first-time students. Wish I could say it gets better." Sadu claps his cousin on the back. "Tomorrow, then."

Polu grins. "Tomorrow."

The cousins wave as they part ways.

As soon as Aang and Polu return to their house, they collapse onto the floor and fall asleep.


Polu jerks awake when something hits him in the back. "What gives?" He grumbles.

Sokka barely mutters an apology before he crashes next to his friend. "It's Princess Yue," he huffs.

The noirette manages to keep his eyes from rolling at the name. She seems nice, but we've not even been here for a full day and she's all Sokka talks about. It's already getting on my nerves.

"I don't get it. One minute, she wants to go out with me, the next, she's telling me to get lost," Sokka rants. He takes a deep breath and glances at his friends. "So how's waterbending training?"

It's Katara's turn to flop dramatically to the ground.

"Master Poop-Head won't teach her because she's a girl," Aang states.

Sokka considers the problem. "Why don't you two just teach her?"

"Why didn't I think of that?!" Katara exclaims. She stands and grins at her friends. "At night, you can teach me whatever moves you learn from Master Pakku. That way, you get extra practice, and I get to learn waterbending. Everyone's happy!"

Sokka's smile falls and he glares ahead of him. "I'm not happy."

"But you're never happy," his sister retorts.

Polu snickers, earning himself a fist to his side. "Hey!"

Katara chuckles at the older teens. "Come on, Polu."

The prince shakes his head. "You and Aang go ahead; I'm wiped out."

The waterbender nods in understanding and leaves with Aang.

Sokka and Polu are left in awkward silence for a few minutes. One boy stews over his love life and the other stews over... the same thing actually.

Somewhat unsurprisingly, Sokka is the one to initiate the conversation. "So... how are you doing?"

"Hm?" Polu sits up and finally looks at Sokka. "Fine, I guess. This whole Pakku thing is stupid, but I'm fine."

Sokka frowns. "You're holding your neck and wincing again. You did that after that sparring match with Katara. And that night with the Freedom Fighters. And in the-"

"Okay!" Polu lunges forward and uses his hands to cover Sokka's mouth. The prince's cheeks burn with embarrassment and something akin to awe. Has he been paying that much attention?

Sokka flushes a bit. "Sorry, it's just- with all that you've been through, I wanted to make sure you've got support."

Polu smiles and his heart melts. "I appreciate that, Sokka. I... I think I'm okay, just a bit worried about meeting my family, you know?"

The younger nods and opens his mouth to reply.

Before he can, the pair are ushered out of the house.


The chief, Princess Yue, Master Pakku, and Sadu's grandfather sit directly in front of the four foreigners. Behind them sit four more councilmen.

"What do you want me to do?" Chief Arnook demands. "Force Master Pakku to take Aang back as his student?"

"Yes. Please." Katara frowns apologetically at the chief.

"I suspect he might change his mind if you swallow your pride and apologize to him," Arnook suggests.

Anger boils in Polu's gut. This isn't my fight, but Spirits I wish it was.

Katara turns back to face Aang and Polu. Her face twists with resignation as her mind swirls with thoughts.

Thoughts of Aang not completing his waterbending training. Thoughts of her friends turning on her and blaming her. Thoughts of the Fire Nation winning because Aang couldn't master waterbending.

Because she let Pakku and his backward traditions prevail.

"Fine." She spins to glare up at Pakku.

The man crows and a smirk paints his detestable features. "I'm waiting, little girl."

Rage surges through Katara's veins.

How dare he talk to her like that? How dare he treat her as less than a boy? How dare he sit up there and act like he's better than everyone else?

Polu watches as her hands curl into clenched fists. Inwardly, he beams. Get his dusty old ass, Loops.

"No!" She sneers up at Pakku. As she swings her arms around, the ground beneath her cracks and groans loudly.

The boys standing behind her back up. They weren't sure whether what they were standing on was stable, and the two waterbenders didn't trust their bending enough to protect them.

"No way am I apologizing to a sour old man like you!" Vases of water burst as Katara points an accusatory finger at Pakku.

"Uh, Katara...?" Aang tries to gain her attention.

If she hears the Avatar, she doesn't acknowledge him. "I'll be outside if you're man enough to fight me."

Polu's eyes widen. He turns his head away from prying eyes and lets out a flabbergasted breath. She just threatened a master. Even if she's justified in her anger, she just threatened a master. This... this is not going to go well. This never goes well.

The council in front of them all gasp as one.

Sadu's grandfather turns a disbelieving stare toward Polu, who shies away from the attention. When Polu turns back to his friends, he notices that Katara has stomped out of the building.

"I'm sure she didn't mean that," Aang laughs nervously.

Sokka raises an eyebrow. "Yeah, I think she did."

Polu crosses his arms and nods in agreement. "You don't joke about challenging a master. She'll have to follow through."

The three bow quickly before racing after Katara.

"Are you crazy, Katara?" Sokka tries to reason with his sister. "You're not gonna win this fight."

The brunette pulls her parka over her head and tosses it to her brother. "I know. I don't care."

"You don't have to do this for me," Aang comments. "I can find another teacher."

Oh boy... Polu cringes as Katara responds.

"I'm not doing it for you," she says. "Someone needs to slap some sense into that guy."

The prince nods. "And like I told you before, A, she challenged a master. She can't back out now."

Katara glances over her shoulder to find the man striding down the stairs. "So, you decided to show up?"

Pakku ignores her as he continues down to the ground. Then, he walks right past the group.

"Aren't you gonna fight?" Katara calls.

"Go back to the healing hut with the other women, where you belong." Pakku doesn't even bother to glance back at her as he replies.

Well, now he's done it. Might as well enjoy the show I suppose. Polu falls back onto the staircase.

Katara reaches for a strand of water and whips the back of the master's head.

"Fine," he relents. Slowly, he turns to face her. "You want to learn to fight so bad, study closely."

"Go Loops!" Polu cheers.

Pakku bends from two nearby craters of water and sends it flying toward Katara. It hits her head-on.

To her credit, Katara shows no signs of stopping.

Then, the master encircles the two.

"Hey, no fair! I wanna see what's happening!" Polu cries out.

Aang frowns at his friend. "That's what you're worried about? Katara's fighting a master!"

The prince nods from the stairs. "Fights are a learning opportunity for everyone- not just those directly involved."

Sokka huffs and shifts his sister's parka in his arms.

As he does that, Katara breaks the wall of water and sends it away from her and Pakku.

Polu wheezes as Sokka is sent flying backward. After getting his giggles out, he stands and offers a hand to his friend. "All good there, ponytail?"

"It's a wolf's tail!" Sokka's cheeks darken with a blush as he retorts. "And yes, I'm fine," he mutters through his embarrassment.

Polu giggles again and goes to stand by Aang's side to watch the continuing fight.

...Shit. Sokka frantically shakes away the fluttering sensation in his stomach.

"You can't knock me down!"

The group cheers her on as she lunges for the master.

The pair briefly engage in hand-to-hand. Then, Pakku captures the girl in a wave of water and sends her into one of the ice craters.

Katara emerges and creates a pillar of ice.

"What's she- oh!" Polu hoots and hollers for his friend as she shoots ice disks at Pakku. One even comes close to slicing down the man's face.

They return to passing a wave of water back and forth before Pakku sends it crashing toward Katara.

It sends her to the ground, sputtering for air.

Aang and Sokka gasp. The latter even reaches for Polu's hand, squeezing it for comfort.

Despite wanting to help his friend, the overwhelming feeling of rejection and losing to Yue wins Polu over. He gently removes his hand from Sokka's and crosses his arms.

I can't continue letting myself believe we have something. He clearly has no interest in men; he's expressed it time and again. I have to move on. I just... I wish it hadn't been here. We have to be here for who knows how many weeks, and I'll have to watch Sokka continue falling for her.

I have to start pulling away.

Katara makes the totem poles behind Pakku collapse on top of him.

"Well, I'm impressed," the man commends. "You are an excellent waterbender." He almost smiles.


"But you still won't teach me, will you?" Katara questions.


Polu nearly boos the master, then recalls why the two were fighting in the first place. If Pakku doesn't back down, Katara probably won't apologize. And if she doesn't apologize, - not that she should have to - then Aang won't get a master, which means I'll have to relay everything I learn to them.

Damnit. I can't publicly shame him yet.

The two waterbenders charge each other again, each on a mass of their element.

Polu notes that, despite her expression showing that she still wants to fight, Katara seems to be on the verge of physically collapsing. How much longer can she go on? It won't be before Pakku gives in, unfortunately.

Pakku bends the ice under Katara and sends her flying across the clearing.

The girl is quick to rise, though she stands on unsteady feet.

"Get 'im, Loops! You've got this!"

The universe, it seems, is intent on proving Polu wrong.

Pakku creates tens of ice spikes and bends them into a pointy prison around Katara.

The onlookers gasp in unison. Some children even bury their faces in their parents' parkas.

Katara tries to wriggle her way out of her cage. Unfortunately for her, the ice prevents her from moving enough to escape.

"This fight is over," Pakku drawls.

Katara continues to struggle. "Come back here! I'm not finished yet."

The old man spares her a glance over his shoulder as he walks away. "Yes. You are." Something at his feet catches his eye. "This is my necklace." He bends down to grab the blue fabric.

Polu's eyes widen.

"No, it's not!" Katara objects. "It's mine. Give it back!"

"I made this 60 years ago..." Polu thinks Pakku grows misty-eyed. "For the love of my life- for Kanna."

The icicles surrounding Katara melt. She stares at her hands helplessly before turning her gaze to Pakku. "My gran-gran was supposed to marry you?"

The area clears until it's only the four travelers, Yue, Chief Arnook, and Pakku.

"I carved this necklace for your grandmother when we got engaged."

Subconsciously, Polu is searching to ensure that Pakku is telling the truth. He has no reason to doubt the man's words, yet the protective part of his mind tells him to test Pakku anyways.

"I thought we would have a long and happy life together. I loved her." Pakku tears his gaze away from the necklace.

Katara concludes, "But she didn't love you, did she? It was an arranged marriage." She approaches the old master. "Gran-Gran wouldn't let your tribe's stupid customs run her life. That's why she left."

Polu can hear Yue's uneven breaths from the other side of Sokka. He does his best to feel some empathy for her, through their shared hatred of arranged marriages, but he can only feel contempt for her taking Sokka away from Polu.

Even though Polu knows Sokka isn't his, and never will be.

"It must have taken a lot of courage," Katara continues.

Then, Yue runs off.

Polu silently eyes Sokka. Something in him resigns to the fact that he has to move on. "Go get her," he murmurs.

Sokka's eyes shine with determination and he follows after the white-haired girl.

"Po?" Confusion is clear in Aang's voice. "I thought-"

"Not now, A," Polu dismisses.


"Why'd you encourage Sokka to go after Yue?" Aang frowns up at his friend.

Polu, much to Aang's discontent, refuses to meet the boy's eyes. "You're just a kid, A. You don't need to worry about my pile of shit."

The Avatar sighs loudly and leans back on his hands. "I'm also your best friend. Isn't it you that always says 'We have to trust each other to save the world'?"

Polu curls into himself. "Don't- don't turn my words against me."

The pair sit on top of the house they're staying in, sharing their conversation with the moonlight.

"Polu, please. I want to know what's going on," Aang pleads.

"I-" The prince runs a hand through his black hair. "I don't know, Aang. He- I mean, I-" He takes a shaky breath.

Aang patiently waits for his friend to calm down.

"I care for him. I think- I think it's something more than that, but..." Polu stumbles over his words. His mind runs over a thousand tracks, racing to find the best words to use. "I like him, but he doesn't- I don't know if he-"

"Feels the same?" Aang supplies.

Polu nods frantically, his voice trapped inside his throat. "I mean, he's clearly head-over-heels for Princess Yue. I don't know why I was foolish enough to think he'd ever be attracted to guys. Maybe Milan was right. Maybe-"

"He wasn't right about anything," Aang interrupts. "And he certainly was never right about you."

The older boy takes several deep breaths. "Thanks. I think I needed that. Uh- what was I talking about?"


"Oh, right." Polu's returning smile quickly fades. "He's clearly in love with Princess Yue, and I clearly don't have any chance. I told him to go for her because I need to accept that we'll never be a thing."

He shrugs and turns his attention to the moon. "It's gonna be a fucking pain to see him coo over her, but I'll get over him. Eventually."

Aang frowns. "Polu, I don't think-"

"I'll be okay, Arrowhead." The prince stands. "Let's get some sleep before training tomorrow."

The Avatar watches sadly as his friend retreats back into the house. But he's never looked at anyone the way he looks at Sokka. He's just gonna give that up?


The next morning, Polu watches as Aang performs a trick Pakku had taught them. His attention is drawn to his fans, and he inspects them worriedly. Please work for me the way you did for Kyoshi.

"Not bad. Not bad," Pakku comments. He laughs. "Keep practicing, and maybe you'll get it by the time you're my age."

And here I thought I'd get to like him. Polu rolls his eyes at the master's comment. Behind him, panting draws closer and closer. He turns around to find Katara racing up the steps.

"Hey, Katara," Aang grins.

"What do you think you're doing?" Pakku's voice booms across the area.

Polu tenses, preparing to defend his friend.

"It's past sunrise." The man falls into a defensive stance. "You're late."

"Good to see you here," Aang smiles.

Katara returns, "You too."

Polu snaps his fans open and follows Pakku's movements. A small grin curves onto Polu's lips. Just more proof of people changing; and they're doing it so openly. Things are certainly different now.

To his pleasant surprise, the moves he performs are cleaner than the day before. I'm changing too. I wonder if Mom would be proud...

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