Varg Vikernes x Fem! Reader L...

נכתב על ידי the_saw_is_family

1.1K 10 6

Varg Vikernes x Reader LEMON עוד


1.1K 10 6
נכתב על ידי the_saw_is_family


Someone requested this personally. Forgive me if this isn't what you had in mind when you wanted a "Switch! Varg x Fem! Reader LEMON" but I don't have the best perception of how to write Varg. xD Enjoy it if you can.

"Ohhh! Ah! AH! ah! ah! Yes! Harder!!"

You huffed as you sat on the couch beside Blackthorn, trying to ignore the clear view of some girl and Varg out of the corner of your eye. Blackthorn was used to it by now, he simply stayed put and played his game while occasionally handing off the controller to you when it was your turn. He was a sweet dude, but so clueless dumb at the same time. The noises were still fairly loud but you mainly tried focusing your attention on the TV instead. This was the 5th girl tonight that Varg had fucked, and he usually spent 30 minutes with each one; fucking for hours at this point. He'd always fuck them, wouldn't use protection, and would never satisfy any of them. They always looked pissed off when they would leave his apartment after yanking their clothes back on, only Varg's pleasure mattered to Varg. The sounds of skin slapping against skin halted as you heard the girl yelp a moan out when her hair was pulled, Varg moved closer to her ear before spitting venomous words. "Time for you to leave now you fuckin whore, take my cum with you." He released her and backed up to pull out. She panted out her breaths as she struggled to compose herself, soon making her way to the edge of the bed and standing on shaky legs. She glared at Varg, huffing the word "asshole" as she threw on a trench coat and stormed out; slamming the door behind her.

Varg put on a comfortable robe and wore a smug grin on his face, walking in through the open door to join you and Blackthorn. "Usually I don't let girls into my apartment unless I'm going to fuck them, or they have to do a job for me." He said and eyed you as you rested against the couch. You passed the controller back to Blackthorn when it was his turn and shrugged a shoulder before replying, "I finished cleaning, and you seemed busy so I didn't want to bother you by suggesting that we go out and do something fun." Varg smirked a little when you said the word 'busy,' knowing full well what you meant. You actually met Blackthorn first at a gas station while he was trying to pump gas but the hole was on the wrong side of the car, you watched this man try for 5 minutes to yank the hose around the trunk of the car before you spoke up and suggested that he just pull the car up and loop it into the other pumps. He seemed a little dumb, but it was a cute dumb. He told you about his friend 'Kristian' and then introduced you two, at first he was kind to you and would invite you over to the apartment to hang out and listen to music or write songs.

You had to admit, you found it a little funny when you showed up unannounced one morning and found Kristian in his boxer shorts and T-shirt with full corpse paint on, eating his pop tarts and milk at his little desk. He looked at you like a deer in headlights until you broke the silence and offered a smile. 'Don't mind me, just came to return this book for Blackthorn.' You didn't ridicule him, and in turn he seemed to relax more around you. You two never talked to each other for very long, but when you would have the occasional small talk convos it seemed like he was a really sweet guy under it all. You remember the bonfire party that he took you to, he was preoccupied with checking out a few specific folks in the crowd but even though he mostly left you alone you still had fun. There was even an unhinged blonde walking around with a handsaw swinging it at people, whom you decided to avoid and steer clear of. You remember the first time Kristian took you out to a little sandwich place where you both ran into that same group of boys from the bonfire. Kristian was having a total fanboy moment as he stood up to introduce himself, damn near knocking over his glass of water on your lap. He was dismissed by the other guys, which you felt bad for, but at least you two enjoyed a nice meal together.

What the fuck happened to him?

He used to be so nice, now he treats you as bad as he does Blackthorn, yet forces you two to be around him and suffer through it by manipulating or blackmailing you two. Varg's voice interrupted your trip down memory lane "Well, guess you can hang out for a bit more, I'm not having anymore bitches coming over until tomorrow night so that means I'm officially out of things to 'do." He grinned at you, "unless...someone's offering?" He leaned closer to you, but Blackthorn ruined the moment and paused the game, looking alarmed over his shoulder at Varg "Who? Me?" He said with wide eyes and slightly parted lips. You clamped a hand over your mouth to contain a giggle while Varg gave Blackthorn the most un-amused look ever. "No, dipshit. HER." Varg clarified, sighing as he stood up and adjusted his robe. He reeked of sex and sweat, but neither one of you two were about to complain, knowing he'd likely make you two find somewhere else to sleep for the night. "So, what do you want to do now?" Blackthorn asked Varg, who only shrugged in response. "We could have a jam session, or make some music of our own." You suggested, eyeing both of them for their reactions before sighing and slumping against the couch. There really wasn't anything fun to do around the place, he didn't have much in the way of entertainment besides fucking women, you've read all of the books, played table games until your head throbbed from thinking so much. You damn sure weren't going to salute the little man with an even littler mustache who's flag hung on Varg's living room wall.

The sound of a rock being tossed at the window startled the three of you, prompting Blackthorn to get up and check who was outside. "Oh, that's one of my friends. I'll be right back." He got up and walked to the door, putting on his cowboy boots and heading down. Varg called out after him, "you don't HAVE any friends!" Before rolling his eyes and sitting down on his couch beside you. "Wonder what that's all about." You mumbled, but it didn't take long for curiosity to get the better of you and motivate you to go to the window and check it out. Blackthorn was downstairs leaning against the door of a car that was left running, he poked his head through the window and rummaged through his pockets before handing something over. You couldn't make it out due to it being so dark outside, but in return Blackthorn was handed a couple of pitchers filled with liquid, and bumped his head on the car ceiling before readjusting and leaning out properly. The car drove off shortly thereafter and he came back upstairs to the apartment, walking in with both pitchers hugged tightly to his chest while using his other hand to operate the door handle. "What's that?" You ask him, genuinely curious about the reddish orange fluid. "Oh, my friend made this, punch, it's his special blend. It's good." "Well it must be if your stupid ass bought two pitchers of it." Varg interjected, making Blackthorn hush down and silently put the punch pitchers in the fridge, one was labeled 'For Blackthorn + Friends' and the other was labeled 'Varg'. He took both crates of ice trays and dumped one in each pitcher to help cool it down.

'Damn, that's a lot of ice...that shits gonna be watered down by the time it's cold enough to enjoy.' You thought, but turned your attention to your duffel bag and got up to walk to it. You kept everything you owned in that red and black bag, it was big enough to be considered a gym sack but thankfully you didn't have to lug it around everywhere since Varg let you stay and sleep on the couch now. Blackthorn used to sleep on the cushions but now he sleeps on the floor, which admittedly makes you feel a little bad when you see him struggle to get up in the morning because he has night bruises and is sore all over. Poor dude never complains about it though, compared to Varg- who complains about every goddamn thing. You rummage through it for a few minutes and sift through your underwear, bras, socks, hygiene items, 'personal stuff' and weeks worth of outfits before pulling out a set of Poker cards. "Either of you know how to play?" You asked, prompting both of them to shrug, Varg was a bit more annoyed though. "No, never learned how to play any stupid card games, but I bet I can learn to play better than you in the first round." He challenged, making you shrug off his remark and zip up your duffel bag. "Okay, sure we'll play that then." You walk into Varg's 'bedroom' and drag the table over to the couch so you three can play. Varg stayed on the couch with you whilst Blackthorn sat on the chair. "Go get that stuff you bought, I've never had it." Blackthorn looked up, "punch? Oh, it's not chilled yet." He spoke, his German accent coming out a bit. "Go get the punch, or I'm gonna punch you." Varg countered, making Blackthorn sigh and go fetch it.

You grimaced at the exchange, it was hard seeing what a piece of shit your friend became, and how he mistreated the only genuine buddy he has. Blackthorn returned minutes later with two cups, one for you and one for Varg. He decided to wait until it was colder before enjoying some, and you offered a smile as a silent 'thank you' for considering your thirst. "Alright, how do we play this shit?" Varg asked impatiently, to which you began to slowly explain the different rules for different games and how they could all tie in using the same deck of cards. Blackthorn seemed to catch on, and was happy to be involved. Varg took a sip of the punch and shrugged his shoulder, "not bad. It's a little sour for my tastes." You blinked curiously and then took a sip for yourself, smiling a bit at the flavor. "Mmmm, a little tangy...not bad at all." You gave Blackthorn a thumbs up and then proceeded to begin the first round of Poker. You guys made it halfway through when Blackthorn started getting the antsy twitch in his leg and had to excuse himself. "I'm going for a smoke." He got up and placed his cards with the rest of the deck, ignoring Varg's scoff as you both now were left with only each other. Blackthorn grabbed two packs of cigarettes and his jacket, stepping outside and heading downstairs for some alone time. You tried to make the most of it, just enjoying the game and having some peace with Varg who wasn't yelling about something or smashing things for the first time in his life. It actually felt like the old days before 'Varg,' when it was just you, Blackthorn and Kristian.

 Shortly after being served, both you and Varg finished up the punch glasses. "I'm going to get some more of this shit, don't you dare cheat and peek." Varg got up and took both of your glasses. He went to the fridge, opening it up and noticing the pitchers were labeled. He purposefully pulled out the one labeled 'Blackthorn + Friends' and served himself some. You could read the label from where you were sitting and sighed, but knew better than to pick a fight when everything was super calm and pleasant. You couldn't remember the last time you saw Varg this mellow since he became 'Varg' or 'The Count.' Varg returned soon after and set the glasses down, taking a huge sip and licking his lips as he sampled it. "This version actually tastes a lot better, and that bastard wanted to keep it for himself and give ME the shit-punch." He scoffed as he chugged half the glass. You perked an eyebrow and tried the new punch from your refilled glass, it really did taste a hell of a lot better. "Huh...maybe this is a higher concentrated blend." You two finished the round and Varg lost, he didn't take this well at all mind you, slamming his cards down and huffing as you gathered them for a reshuffle. You shuffled the deck and then dealt the cards, Varg chugged his drink of punch and you took a few more smaller sips. Halfway through the second round, Varg refills his glass and comes back to sit down. The round was faster this time, and to his enjoyment he won that one. "Good job." You offered a half grin, but Varg took it as you mocking him and rolled his eyes at you, chugging his punch in one full swig.

"Alright, round 3." You said and then began feeling a bit light-headed, pausing the game for a moment before blinking a few times until the feeling went away, you sipped some more of the punch hoping that it would help hydrate you and make you feel fine again. Varg on the other hand seemed to be acting a little off. He blinked repeatedly, shook his head several times, leaned side ways to rest on the couch's armrest when he laid back. He seemed to have something going on but you couldn't really tell, so you decided to spark up a conversation and ask. "You okay?" The words seemed a little tougher to push out than you remember, but Varg waved his hand dismissively and sat up straight against the couch. "I'm fine, mind your own business. Just feel tired that's all." You nodded and resumed the game, but it didn't take long for you to eye one of the cards and snort loudly. Varg glanced over at you and hiccuped before speaking, "what's so- hic- funny?" You showed him a Joker wild card and giggled, "He doesn't have a bulge. You reckon he's a eunuch?" He looked at the card in your shaking hand and then joined you with a slight chuckle. You laughed harder and in turn he snickered louder and fought to contain his laughter. It was hard since your laugh was contagious. "Damn...hehe...why the fuck is that so funny? Hahaha!" You wiped your eyes and blinked before clearing your throat. "Can't believe I laughed that hard over a dumb little card, heh." You added, Varg spoke up "I can't believe the shit Blackthorn pulled once. I gave him a -hic- job to do, which is find someone to watch the apartment for the night. Tell me why he brings the last -hic- bitch I'd trust in my home to get the job done? On top of that, they fucked in MY bed and he desecrated my pillow! I should've killed him like I-" He stopped there, but continued laughing in a deep voice.

You were too busy laughing at his hiccups and his voice crack when he said 'desecrated' to bother understanding what he meant when he said all that. "Hehehe oooo is Varg hitting puberty or something? That was a squeal I didn't think I'd ever hear come out of you." Something in your head told you that was a major fuck up, but the other part of you was care. Instead of becoming enraged, Varg stared at you for a few dead moments before snorting and letting out a short cackle. You were starting to see bits and pieces of Kristian now, remnants of the man he was. That smile and laugh suited him much better in your opinion, you caught yourself staring and tried to distract yourself by continuing the round. You attempted to restart the game but you were slowly forgetting the rules one by one, the dizziness in your head from earlier returned and soon you had to stop and take a break. " My head's really bugging me." You mumbled, prompting you to rest your elbows on your knees and cover your eyes with the palms of your hands. Varg shifted a bit next to you and then you felt his presence move closer, until your hands were tugged away from your face and he said...


That was it, you hooted with laughter and soon Varg did too, "what the FACK was that?!" You said and laughed so hard you felt your bladder contract. Varg's face burned a bright cherry red as he held his jiggling stomach, fighting to keep the robe shut tight around his body. You trailed off in laughter first, coughing a bit due to the esophageal mucus that had accumulated in your throat from cackling. Varg wiped tears from his cheeks and sniffled, his nose was runny from the intense laughing fit.  You giggled a bit and smiled, feeling a slight pounding feeling in your forehead that you attempted to massage to force it to go away. You were beginning to feel the onset of a dizziness sensation in your temple. You paused the game and rested your chin in the palm of your hand, closing your eyes tightly and trying to will the feeling away again. You felt and heard Varg move again but you ignored it this time. That is, until you felt something warm and wet against your right cheek. Your eyes opened and pupils darted over to look in Varg's direction, realizing he was mere inches from your face. "Varg?" You asked, slightly confused for a moment before you felt his hands on your shoulders easing you back down against the couch cushions. "Hey man, the hell are you doing-" your words were cut short by his lips pushing up against yours. Varg was acting really strange, but he seemed really genuine with his intentions. You felt his long brown hair tickle your face and hang off the sides of his. He used his weight to hold you in place, moving in between your legs and lowering himself down until he was laying on top of you.

You had to admit, it was slightly harder to breathe now but you didn't let that bother you too much. Varg moved from your lips to your neck, his nose trailing down from your ear to your collarbone. You then felt him start suckling in different spots, keeping his glossy eyes on you the entire time. You'd never seen this side of him before with those other girls, he was always just looking out for his own needs. "Varg..." you tried to get it out, but couldn't think straight with his mouth on your skin leaving kisses behind wherever they touched. "Shhh...let me taste you..." not to mention when he came back up to resume the make out session with you and capture your lips once more, you felt something twitch and throb under his robe against your pubic bone. He breathed heavily now, his hands began to wander your body and feel every inch of sensitive flesh that he could. "Varg wait...stop..." he heard your protest and paused what he was doing, pulling back to look at you. "What's wrong?..." You blinked softly, trying to ignore the slight spinning in your head. "What are you doing?...I mean, I get that you are horny all the time but you seem...caring...right now." It was clear he was a little more far gone than you are. "I've wanted you for a long time. Just didn't know how to say it..." he muttered, sounding half asleep as he did so. "I don't know what's gotten into you..." you mentioned softly, prompting him to sit up and pull you with him by your hands. "Neither do I...all's I know is I wanna fuck you so bad." He slurred his words slightly, though you couldn't tell if it was him or your hearing that was messed up.

Once he determined there were no further questions, he pulled you into his lap and tugged the robe tie loose. He was completely naked under it of course, and for the first time you got to see him bare and vulnerable. You adjusted on his lap, still feeling his erection on your navel albeit a lot more obvious now. "Don't stare...I'm not a 10," his voice broke your focus and caused you to look at his face which he was hiding behind his hair. Why did he care what you thought about his body image when he's fucked women well into the double digits? You responded with a few kisses to the top of his head, running your hands up and down his back, helping him remove the robe so you could have better access. He gazed up at you and you leaned in to kiss him, feeling his hands squeeze your ass. "Take off your clothes." He muttered, you obliged and tugged off your shirt and bottoms, leaving your socks on. You were in the process of removing your bra when Varg reached up and slipped it off your head like it was a tank top, encasing your boobs in his hands and pushing them together, sucking and biting them here and there. "Ahhh...Varg. Varg, mm..." he pulled back and massaged your boobs lightly, focusing on them intensely. You got a funny idea, giggling about it for a moment before doing it. You reached over and lightly tugged on Varg's nipples. You expected another laughing fit or him to swat your hand but instead he moaned. He lost the color of his face and locked eyes with you, praying you didn't hear it.

"Oh? get turned on by having your nipples touched? Are they sensitive too?" You grinned, enjoying the look of defeat in his eyes as he refused to make eye contact with you. "No one's gonna know...I'm just asking." You added, causing him to sigh and shrug. "A little...maybe because I have extra skin there." He mumbled. You hummed in response and then decided to test your theory, you moved down his body until your lips latched on to his nipple and sucked. "Oh fuck...y/n..." his nails dug into the arm rest and you noticed his cock twitch again. You purred at this revelation and sucked harder, tugging and toying with the other one. "Oh shit...shit..." he moaned lowly, fighting to contain any noise his body threatened to release. "Y/N...they're tender..." you switched it up and sucked gently on the other nipple, using your tongue on the bud gently and swirling it around until you felt his nipples become erect too. A quick look downwards showed that he dribbled out a decent amount of precum just from having his nipples sucked on. "Wow, you must really like that." You smiled, kissing his flushed cheeks, he responded by spanking you abruptly, causing you to gasp and shiver at the burning sensation that gave you. "Mmm, is there anything else I should know about you Varg? Things that I might not have known all this time?"

You could visibly see Varg tense up at your hints, but he was so unbelievably horny that he was starting to care less and less about his appearance and reputation. "I -hic- sometimes I wonder what the big deal about -hic- prostates is. Doesn't feel good to take a shit -hic- why the fuck would it feel good to have something go in reverse up there?" You snorted, feeling giggly again. Man, the hell was up with you two? You watched Varg take another huge swig of the punch as you replied. "Well...if you're curious I brought some stuff...I keep my adult toys in my duffel bag's separate pouch." He gave you a questioning stare, and when you realized he wasn't making the connection you got up and went over to retrieve your tiny bag of toys. "I have a strap on, anal plugs, toys, lube, vibrators, dildos, condoms, pretty much everything I need." Varg frowned when he heard a few. "Condoms? The fuck do you -hic- need those for?" He sounded almost jealous, causing you to give him a 'so what' face. Before you could ask, he shifted on the couch and pulled his knees up to his chest as much as he could with his belly in the way. You tried not to fall over as you walked back over to him. He still seemed annoyed by the fact that you had condoms on you, scowling slightly in his place. In response to this mood swing, he relaxed his legs and pulled you back onto his lap, kissing you roughly. "mmm! Okay okay...heh, gentle." You said softly, but you fully intended to fuck with him a bit more.

"How about we try this?..." You showed him a miniature bullet vibrator and he gave you a questioning look once more, "What's that for?" he belched a few times and took more swigs of the punch you didn't finish. You smiled and added some lube to it, gesturing his legs apart slightly. "You really don't mind me -hic- doing this?" Now it was you that was hiccuping everywhere. "I'm so fucking horny I'll take anything you give me if it'll make me cum. Minus that strap on thing and dildos." He groaned, digging his nails into his thigh hard enough to draw blood. You chuckled and felt a new sprout of arousal bloom in your nether regions, you gently probed his hole with the toy and he grunted, shifting a bit until you were able to get it all the way in. "Fuck, that didn't feel good at all." He commented, making you wink and grab the remote from the bag. "Trust me, it will in a bit." Before he could protest, you switched on the vibrator to the first of 5 settings, watching as his pupil dilated in reaction to the power that little thing had. "Y/N- shit..." His breath became ragged as his body tensed up and struggled to get used to the new sensation. You wasted no time and got down on your knees in front of The Count. "Relax won't take long for you to adjust..." You leaned forward and gave a few experimental licks to the underside of his cock, watching as his body jolted slightly. "Ahhh...ah...ahhh..." he groaned and used one hand to roll his nipple between his fingertips and the other to dig his fingers through your hair. "Suck harder, this feels so -hic- fucking weird but I think it might be enough to make me bust..." He admitted.

You grinned as you felt your wetness leak down your thigh, seeing his muscles tense and stomach jiggle was really making you want him even more. You sucked harder at his request, but you could tell when he was getting close, judging by how many times you've bore witness to him fucking those nasty skanks. You weren't sure why you felt so envious of them, but you were determined to top them all. "You can't cum yet...I need my desires satisfied too. I'm not some fuck doll Varg~" you said and climbed on his lap, wiping the precum from your lower lip and hovering over his dick. "Just fuck me already, it's -hic- starting to throb again..." he said frustrated. "So impatient~" You purred and reached over to the counter, pulling a condom back and tearing it open. "There we go..." you said and slipped the rubber on him, letting him adjust it as needed. "I'm not about to share pussy juices with sluts I don't even know~" you said possessively, wrapping your arms around his neck and feeling him grope your ass. "Aww, little girl doesn't like sharing?" You felt jealous creep in again as you slipped the tip in and slammed down onto his dick without warning. Varg hissed at the sudden feeling of being squeezed, his body lurching off the couch momentarily before relaxing again. "'re strangling my cock." He grunted in between hiccups and words, trying not to lose it just yet. You gave him a few test rides before deciding it wasn't painful anymore and began to find a rhythm.

You still held the controller to the vibrator and you kicked it up to a 3, prompting Varg to swear and gasp at the intensity. "Nono no...fuck no! Don't turn it up so high or I'm gonna fucking cum." He wanted release, but he also didn't want it to end. You purred and kissed his nose, "hold back baby." "Call me Kristian honey" He said and got even with you, sucking on your nipple and securing a hand under your pubic bone to massage your clit in rough but slow movements. "I've had plenty of practice~" he growled as he teased you, you retorted "I've had better dick~" you two quickly turned it into a hate fuck session, with Varg roughly slamming you down on his dick and you messing with the settings on the vibrator. This time it was you that announced that you were close, " I'm close." You whined and felt him change his pace, grinding up into you to massage your g-spot instead of just jack hammering. "Then fucking cum." He ordered, panting softly as he felt your muscles contract and squeeze him. Your mouth formed an O shape as he stared into your eyes and soaked up your pleasure, still rubbing your clit but in much softer and quicker circles to help you properly ride out your orgasmic bliss. "Shit!! Shit...shit..." You cursed and gasped as you felt your body turn into jelly. Varg breathed heavily into your ear and flipped the two of you over so now you were under him on the cushions again as he railed you. "I'm gonna cum, fuck I can't -hic- take that buzzing in my ass and handle you at the same time." His voice strained as he fucked into you, chasing his own pleasure now. You lean up slightly and begin to lightly suck on his nipple to help him out.

That pushed him over the edge, "Oh fuck!" He convulsed on top of you when his orgasm washed over him, massaging his tip against your clit as he pulled out and filled up the condom. "Oh my fucking god..." he groaned as his head fell against your shoulder, panting and rolling his hips into you, occasionally making jerky movements here and there as his prostate was overstimulated by the tiny bullet vibrator. "Ah...ah ah turn it off turn it off!" He gasped and gripped your leg tightly until you turned off the vibrator. "You okay?" You panted and pulled him closer to you. He nodded and reached under himself to get the bullet vibrator out. "I'm fine, just still so fucking horny..." he pulled the condom off slowly and tied it up, tossing it into a nearby bin. His dick throbbed and leaked some more when it brushed against your leg. "Come on, I'll take you to bed and make sure you're satisfied." You offered, he nodded and finished the rest of your punch, then stumbled with you as you both struggled to get to the mattress. Once there, Varg laid back on the sheets and laid exposed for you to see, you knelt in between his thighs and he followed your movements carefully, panting with lust as he watched you take him into your mouth again. "Oh...oh fuck, yeah...there. Right there." He adjusted his hips slightly to make your tongue brush up on that sensitive spot on his dick. He began to sweat as a major flush of red ran down his cheeks and chest. "Y/N...Y/N...get the strap on." You paused for a moment before realizing he meant it, getting up and going to retrieve it and the lube before coming back.

"Here, this is it." Varg massaged his nipples and watched you put it on yourself, you still felt strange but oddly enough that orgasm make your head stop spinning. "hurry the fuck up, I want to cum again." You smiled at his desperation, he was needy and not getting what he wanted. "Okay okay, hold still and I'll make it quick." You agreed, lubing up the strap on before easing the tip in and holding his legs apart. "FUCK that hurts!" He gritted his teeth, prompting you to pause and wait for him to relax again before sliding the rest in. "I want you to fuck me, not tear me a new-ohhhhh fuuuuuuuck~" a long passionate moan escaped as the tip of your strap on nudged his prostate. "Oh god, do that again please..." You nodded at his request and lightly began rolling your hips in a circular motion, watching his face contort with pleasure. "Shhh, just relax honey...just breathe..." You cooed. "Kristian, breathe..." he took a few deep breaths and shakily exhaled, his neglected cock dribbled droplets of precum onto his stomach again, leaking murky white fluid. You found a steady pace to give him some nice anal stimulation, lubing up your hand and reaching forth to take his cock in your palm. "Oh shit!" He blurted out, gripping the sheets so hard you thought you heard a rip, the sight was something to behold as Varg came again. His legs were bent at the knee around your hips, toes curled, belly and chest jiggling, face beet red and sweaty, hair messy and all over the place, and his arm muscles flexing as he rode out his high. "Oh~? Your back is arching up against me, should I keep going? I don't want to overwhelm you Kristian." He whimpered like a pup, "keep going, fuck me through it." He screwed his eyes shut and felt you forcefully rail him into the bed, causing it to creak.

He erupted over your fingers and hand like a milky volcano, hot semen landed on his belly, chest, and a bit on his cheek. He covered himself in his own cum, head tilted back as his eyes rolled until they were white. You could barely make out the words he said next, "stop...stop...stop!" His voice was broken, the pleasure ran his vocal cords dry. You stopped immediately and smiled down at him, watching him fight to recover his composure. You pulled out of him slowly, causing weak moans to escape him as he felt your strap on move out of him. "So, you satisfied those curiosities." You smiled and removed the strap, moving closer and kissing his lips deeply. "Kiss me..." he mumbled and brought you in for a make out. "I came too hard, I can barely keep my eyes fucking open..." he muttered. "You're -hic- mine..." he whispered and passed out. You blinked at that, what the hell did that mean? Was he going to stop railing groupies? You didn't try to wake him up for an explanation, you just washed the toys and put everything away, setting the pitcher back in the fridge after it was left on the counter. You picked up the poker cards and set the table and chair back where it was meant to be, pulling on some pajamas and bringing Varg his robe as you draped it over him. "Goodnight...Kristian..." You kissed his temple and crawled into bed beside him for a good night's rest.


"What the fuck are you doing in my bed?" Varg's loud and angry voice rang out loud enough to startle you awake. You sat up quickly and looked over, seeing him staring at you. "Kristian? We had fun remember? We were playing a poker game and-"

 "My NAME is VARG! So what if we played poker together? That doesn't mean I want you in my bed with me!"

You bit your lip and eased up out of his bed. "Sorry, I just figured after what we did you wouldn't mind."

"What WE did? What the fuck are you talking about?" He sat up and that's when the pain struck him. "OW! What the fuck..." He hissed and forced himself to lay back down. "What did you do to me...?" He seethed.

"What I did? YOU came on to ME after we played a few rounds of poker. You told me a lot of stuff too..." you trailed off, noticing the commotion woke up Blackthorn who didn't miss his chance to sleep on the couch again once he saw you in bed with Varg after his smoke break. "Hey 'thorn, sorry about your punch. Varg wanted to try your pitcher instead of the other one." He blinked and eyed the two of you. "How much did he drink?..."

Varg eyed him, "few glasses. So the fuck what? Why does my ass hurt?"

Blackthorn nodded silently, before adding. "The one with my name on it was spiked with alcohol and aphrodisiacs. It was a blended mixture which is why I added so much ice to help dilute it. The girl I had over last time told me about it." Your eyes widened, not only did you and Varg drink a spiked beverage but that's probably the most you've heard Blackthorn talk in one sitting. Blackthorn wasn't the sharpest tool in the barn but he wasn't at fault at all here.

Varg took a moment to process everything. "I drank alcohol last night...then you and I did something...Ruch, leave." Blackthorn shrugged and stepped out of the apartment, prompting you to get a little closer and sit at the edge of his bed. "Yeah...we did a few things actually...liquor is truth serum for you apparently. You told me a few things about your bedroom interests and you actually wanted me to call you by your name. I sucked your chest and you even let me fuck you with a strap on after having enough-"

"Shut UP!"

You blinked and watched him, feeling a bit fearful of him now. He huffed and grabbed the knife that was in his nightstand. You watched him drag it across his palm as he stared down at it in his hand. "I'm not going to say anything Varg. Promise. I know you're not the best when it comes to this stuff but I've kind of always liked you."

"You're not going to say anything. Or you'll up like HIM."

Your brows furrowed slightly, blinking slowly before placing a hand on his bare back. "Hey, I had fun...though judging by the soreness in my vag I think you might be a bit big for me." That seemed to calm him, wrapping an arm around you and placing the knife back in the nightstand. He pulled you up onto his naked lap and kissed your lips. "I like you too, which is why I don't plan on ever letting you go. 'Just never knew how to say it..." You swore you noticed a hint of regret in his watery eyes, but you leaned in and kissed his face before he got too emotional. "It's okay, I understand you Varg. I understand why you are the way you are." He silently kissed your ear and held you. "You can call me Kristian when we're alone...only then." You smiled and kissed his lips, biting his lower one. "Okay, Kristian..." you were about to go in for another kiss when he suddenly shoved you onto the bed and ran to the bathroom.

"What the hell?" You blinked and stared in the direction he went, hearing him vomit violently into the toilet followed by dry heaving. "Oh...uh, yeesh..." You mumbled and walked over, leaning your head against the door. "Hey, Kris? I'm going into the kitchen to make you something to help you feel better ok?" You heard his weak gurgled response soon after.

"I'm never drinking again."

You smile to yourself and head into the kitchen, knowing that 99% of the time someone says that, they get back at it again eventually.

המשך קריאה

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