Tangled Paths | Bucky Barnes

By aLovelyHeartAche

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Darla was a simple girl born in West Virginia in the late 1910s. She grew up a kind, smart, generous and cari... More

Title and Warning
Chapter 1: The Lost Mind
Chapter 2: Darla Grant
Chapter 3: Some Man with an Eyepatch
Chapter 4: Pretty Eyes
Chapter 5: When you win the war
Chapter 6: Go to Hell
Chapter 7: I knew him
Chapter 8: Meet the Avengers
Chapter 9: The Contingency Plan
Chapter 10: Fight or Flight
Chapter 11: I Remember
Chapter 12: Worthy
Chapter 13: Here we Go
Chapter 14: James
Chapter 15: Local Legend
Chapter 16: They're my Friends
Chapter 17: Walter Grant
Chapter 18: Avengers!...
Chapter 19: Rumlow
Chapter 20: Coffee Grounds
Chapter 21: Farewell... And Hello
Chapter 22: Getaway Car
Chapter 23: Blonde Phantom
Chapter 24: The Winter Soldier
Chapter 25: Blue Bug
Chapter 27: The Raft
Chapter 28: Vengeance Pt.1
Chapter 29: Vengeance Pt.2
Chapter 30: Hey Doll
Chapter 31: I'll be seeing you Sugar

Chapter 26: Civil War

78 1 0
By aLovelyHeartAche

Civil War

Darla stepped out of the van in her combat boots and one of Nat's suits. Her knife garter sat over her thigh and her gun belt sat on the other leg.
"You know. I used to wonder how she fought in these things but I kinda love it." Darla said out loud to the group as she kicked the air just in front of Lang's face.
"Woah!" Lang said backing up a bit. Darla let out a chuckle as she looked Wanda up and down.
"New corset?" She asked.
"And jacket" Wanda replied with a smirk.
"You look hot," Darla said to her honestly.
"So do you. You should wear battle suits more often." Wanda replied.

Sam looked at Steve and Bucky in confusion. Steve who was now also fully suited looked just as confused, and Bucky didn't even acknowledge him. He didn't take his eyes off her. Darla turned her eyes back to Lang.
"I apologize....uh.. what was your name?" She asked him in confusion.
"Scott. My name is Scott and let me just say I agree with Wanda, you look hot." He said as he held his hand out to shake Darla's. Sam watched as Bucky's gaze shifted to Scott with a sour look due to his remark as Scott shook Darla's hand.
"Well, Scott. I hope you're as good at fighting as you are sticking your foot in your mouth." She said as she looked him in the eye with a small smile.
"Yeah I am, I will, I- what?" He asked her now processing her words. Darla patted him on the shoulder and then turned her attention to Bucky and headed toward him as he leaned on the Bug. He was smirking at her remark and he stared at her with his arms crossed as she approached.
"Don't like that he beat me to it but he's right, you look good," Bucky said to her as she closed the gap to him. Darla let out a laugh. "Okay, enough. Someone's gonna give me a complex." She replied to him.

Darla turned to look at Sam and Steve who were both glancing at her during their conversation with Clint then she turned her attention back to Bucky. She motioned for him to follow her and she walked around to the far side of the van so they had some sense of being alone. Bucky's hands were in his pockets as he watched her lean against the van. He kicked his foot up on the front tire.

"What's up?" He asked her. Darla didn't answer him, she just paced back and forth along the length of the van. Bucky pulled his hands out of his pockets and stepped off the tire to face her. When she came back toward him he grabbed her by the shoulders and held her in place. "It's gonna be okay, Doll. Just don't try and kill me when you see me fighting." He joked with a smile in an attempt to defuse her tension. Darla's worried face slowly contorted into a grin.
"As long as you don't attack me again we should be fine," Darla replied with a small laugh and then pulled him against her tightly for a hug. Bucky held her back just as tight. He wrapped his arms together behind her neck and kissed her forehead as he watched Steve approach.
Steve paused when he saw them then turned around and cleared his throat. Darla opened her eyes and pulled herself away from Bucky. Steve glanced back to make sure the moment was over before turning around.

"Choppers here. I sent Wanda and Clint up to the car garage for a vantage point. Buck im gonna stick you with Sam, if Starks here that means a Quinjets here and I have no doubt they're going to sabotage the chopper. You two are gonna find it. Darla you and Scott are with me. Darla nodded as she stepped away from Bucky.
"See you at the jet." She assured him. Bucky gave her a weak smile as she disappeared with Steve.

Bucky walked around the Van to see Sam standing there holding an earpiece for him.
"You ready for this?" He asked Bucky as Buck grabbed it from his hand and placed it in his ear.
"We gotta stop that asshole, or this is gonna be bigger than it already is," Bucky replied as they walked into the terminal. Sam nodded and released Redwing. The metal bird broke off of his wing pack and hovered beside them as they walked.
"Alright, let's go find a good view of the chopper and the tarmac," Sam said as he led him upstairs and into position.

"We're in position." Clint rang through coms.
"Perfect. Hold position until Sam finds the jet." Steve muttered as he and Darla walked out of the secure door to the tarmac.
"Sam I get why you call him tic-tac now," Darla said quietly as she looked at a really really small Scott sticking on the inside of Steve's shield.
"Right? It's weird." Sam replied. Steve shot Darla a look.
"Sorry." She muttered before putting her game face back on.

"There's the chopper," Darla said to him as they ducked down behind some crates.
"Any visual on Stark or Romanoff?" Steve said into coms.
"None from where we're sitting," Clint replied.
"Sam?" Darla asked.
"Redwings occupied but no. Nothing from what I can see." He said. Darla looked up at Steve from their position.
"You ready for this?" He asked her as he looked down at her.
"No, but I have to be." She replied to him.
"Stay close to me."  He said to her. Darla nodded up at him as they looked each other in the eye.
"Awkward," Scott said under his breath.
"Let's move." She said ignoring him. Steve was the first out from under cover. The pair walked carefully out onto the tarmac and then looked both ways.

Steve nodded and then he and Darla sprinted for the chopper. Suddenly the noise of an incoming projectile stopped them in their tracks as some sort of device landed against the chopper's surface and stuck on. They stopped and watched as it fried the chopper making it obsolete. Darla and Steve looked around for the source and then suddenly Tony and Rhodey flew in, in their Iron Man and War-Machine suits. Darla sighed as they landed.

"Wow, it's so weird how you run into people at the airport. Don't you think that's weird?" He asked Rhodey as his helmet dissipated into his suit and he looked him in the eye.
"Definitely weird," Rhodey replied to him keeping his helmet on. Darla eyed the fresh black eye on Tony's face that Bucky had given him.

"Hear me out, Tony. That doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this." Steve tried to explain. Rhodey and Steve turned their attention to him. Suddenly King T'Challa pounced in from out of nowhere and landed beside Rhodey. "Captain... Phantom." He said looking between the two. Darla gave him a small nod.
"Your Highness," Steve replied with a small bow.
"I knew it was you," T'Challa said to Darla.
"Guys.. we don't have to do this." Darla tried to reason with the men ignoring the king's comment.

"Ah-hub-bub. I don't wanna hear it from you kid. Who's side are you even on?" Tony asked her. Darla looked at him with a small sigh.
"Steve is not lying to you, Tony. The guy is dangerous, he's the one who activated James and blew up the UN. Bucky wouldn't have done any of this." She attempted to reason.
"Oh, so he's Bucky now," Tony said with a hint of annoyance in his tone. "I thought we were a family. That's what you always said." Tony pushed as he pointed at her.
"Yeah, we are. I'm not the one who won't listen to reason!" Darla replied. Tony sighed.
"You know, I wish I could believe you but you've been playing both sides of this all week. I just didn't want to believe it." He said to her honestly. "It's clear where your loyalties lie." He added looking at her disappointed. Darla bit back tears and Tony averted his gaze.

He turned his attention back to Steve as he circled behind Rhodey. "Anyways," he said getting back on topic. "Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you in, that was 24 hours ago. Can you help a brother out?" Tony asked.

"You're after the wrong guy," Steve pushed.
"Your judgement is askew," Tony said. All playfulness in his tone was now gone as he stared Steve in the eye. "Your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday." He hissed.
"And there are Five more Super Soldiers just like him. I can't let the Doctor find them first Tony, I can't."  He once again tried to reason, keeping his composure.
Darla looked around once more. She felt as though Tony was stalling.

"Steve." A voice called from behind them. Darla and Steve both turned to see Nat approaching from the rear. She was fully suited as well. "You know what's about to happen... Do you really wanna punch your way out of this one?" She asked him.
Darla's heart broke a little bit. She just realized now that if these things escalated that meant she was going against Nat. She didn't want to but if she had to she would. Steve didn't answer. He just looked back at Tony with a frustrated stare.
Darla continued to look at Nat who was now looking at her silently pleading for her surrender.
"Alright, I've run out of patience... UNDEROOS!" Tony yelled. Darla whipped her head around to look at Tony once more in confusion when suddenly a web-like substance yanked Steve's shield out of his hand and restrained him as well. A man dressed up like a spider landed in a superhero pose while holding the shield. Both Darla and Steve stared at this guy for a second.

"Nice job kid," Tony said as the spider-like man rose to his feet.
"Thanks! Well, I could have stuck the landing a little better, it's just the new suit." He said motioning to it. "Wait! No, it's nothing, Mr. Stark. It-it's perfect. Thank you." He cooed.
"Another babbler," Darla said as she crossed her arms.
"Yeah.. we don't really need to start a conversation." Tony tried to explain.
"Okay." He said as he turned his attention to Steve.
"Cap-Captain." He said as he saluted Steve. " big fan, I'm Spider-Man." He said placing his hand on his chest as he introduced himself. Steve nodded at him. "Also I don't know you but hello." He said to Darla. Darla gave him a small confused wave.
"Yeah. We'll talk about it later." Tony said cutting Spider-Man off, now clearly annoyed. "Just- good job." He praised the young man.
"Hey everyone!" Spider-Man said as he waved. Earning a few nods.

"You've been busy," Steve said to Tony with his restrained hands.

"And you've been a complete idiot." Tony bit into him. "Dragging in Clint, 'Rescuing' Wanda from a place she doesn't even want to leave, a safe place" Steve sighed, clearly done with Tony's banter. "I'm trying to keep!..." Tony yelled losing his cool. He collected himself and let out an audible sigh. "I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart," Tony said softly, almost as if his voice threatened to break.

"You did that when you signed," Steve said to him. Tony stared at him in disbelief. He looked to the side as his face contorted back to anger.

"Alright, we're done." He started softly. "You're gonna turn Barnes over, and you're gonna come with us! Now! Because it's us! " He yelled. Darla's bottom lip began to tremble and she looked away from Tony. She just wanted all of this to be over, it was killing her. "We're a Squad of J-SOC guys with no compunction about being impolite." He finished voice still raised. He looked at Darla who was now looking at the ground. "Come on." He said under his breath as Steve looked over at her. It was very clear to Darla that he didn't want to do this either but he would if he had to.
"We found it. Their Quinjets in hangar five, north runway." Sam's voice came through the coms breaking up the Drama. Darla held her breath. This was it.
Steve eyed Tony one last time and thrusted his fists up into the air.

Everyone looked at his hands as one of Clint's arrows tore through the webbing freeing, Steve. Tony spun around quickly as his helmet re-covered his face.
"Alright, Lang," Steve instructed. Suddenly Scott climbed up the top of the shield.
"Hey, Guys, something-" Spider-Man grunted as Scott suddenly began to grow to normal size and kicked him in the jaw effectively knocking him back and taking Steve's shield.
"Woah wait what the hell was that?" Rhodey asked confused as Scott landed and stepped back in between Steve and Darla.
"I believe this is yours, Captain America." He said handing Steve back his shield. Darla cringed a little at the formality. Steve smiled and gave him a small nod as he took the shield back.

"Ah great, alright. There's two on the parking deck. One of them's Maximoff, I'm gonna grab her." Tony said to Rhodey and Nat as he lifted off the ground. "Rhodey you wanna take Cap?" He asked as he began to fly away.
"I got two in the terminal, Wilson and Barnes," Rhodes replied as he lifted higher into the air.
"Barnes is mine!" T'Challa yelled as he began to run for the door.
"Like hell," Darla yelled running after him. Steve threw his shield at Rhodes knocking him off balance and sending him back a few feet. When the shield came back Steve also ran after T'Challa and threw his shield at the king's back destabilizing him, then Steve launched himself forward and tackled him. Steve threw him backwards toward the open tarmac and he and Darla stood in the way of the terminal.

"Move Captain," he said to Steve as he rolled out of the throw and once again landed like a cat. "I won't ask a second time." He said as he rose to his feet.
Darla went to charge at him when suddenly a bald woman dressed in red with silver dressing stood in her way wielding a spear.
"If you want to get to the king you must go through me." She said pointing it at Darla. "And I'd like to see you try," Darla smirked and cracked her neck side to side.
"Steve go," Darla said. Steve nodded and he and T'Challa began to fight. "Let's do this man-to-man," Darla said as she pulled both of her knives out. She tossed one to the woman who caught it and looked at the weapon with a smirk. Intrigued by Darla's request she dug her spear into the concrete and moved into a fighting stance.

Darla and the woman both charged at each other. Darla went high and the woman went low. Both of them dodged the others attack and they both stood upright again still in a protective stance. Darla and Her inched closer together then Darla made the first move and swung the blade at her with a grunt. With her free hand, the woman grabbed Darla's arm and flipped her backward. Darla hit the ground and looked up as the woman brought the blade down toward Darla's throat. Darla caught the woman's wrist with her own and with her free hand she held the blade to the woman's throat as well.
They both paused for a moment then Darla kicked off the ground and launched the woman forward off of her. The woman rolled away nicking Darla in the process. They both looked at each other with an intrigued look then Darla threw her knife into the ground. The woman threw hers down also and they locked eyes.

"I don't think we've met. I'm Darla." Darla said as she bridged the gap between them and threw a punch. The woman grabbed Darla by the wrist and flipped her once more then kneeled between her shoulder blades.
"Ayo." She replied. Suddenly amidst all the fighting surrounding them, a gas truck exploded stealing both of their attention. Darla rolled under Ayo through the pain and punched her in the face knocking her off. She got up quickly and caught up to Steve and Scott. The three started running for the jet.

"There's our ride," Clint said as he sprinted up beside them with Wanda.
"Come on!" Steve yelled as Sam and Bucky took up the left. There were maybe 100 yards between them and the jet which sat in a hangar on the other side of a wide open Runway.

Suddenly a beam shot down into the pavement, drawing a line of sorts between them and the runway. Everyone looked up to see Vision hovering in the air in front of them.
"Oh boy," Darla muttered trying to catch her breath as the group slowed. She eyed Wanda whose expression was blank while she also attempted to catch her breath.
"Captain Rogers. I know you believe that what your doing is right, but for the collective good. You must surrender now." Vision said as he lowered himself toward the ground and the other six opposing them walked and flew up onto the other side of the line. Steve took a step forward in front of Bucky. Just like that, there was quite literally a line drawn through the middle of the Avengers. Seven on one side. Seven on the other. Darla knew what was about to come so she prepared herself and looked at Nat with apologetic eyes.

"What do we do Cap?" Sam asked from the end of their line.
"We fight," Steve replied before stepping over the line and moving toward the other group, the rest of his side followed suit. Nat tilted her head to the side as Tony led his side forward.
"This is gonna end well." She muttered.
Steve started to run and the rest of the group followed also gaining speed.
"They're not stopping," Spider-Man said with panic in his tone as his suits eyes widened and he looked over at Tony.
"Neither are we." He replied as they began to run also. Tony's thrusters launched him off the ground and Rhodes followed suit while Vision levitated behind them taking up the rear.
Sam's wings deployed and he launched himself off the ground. Wanda used her powers to lift off from behind Darla. Darla Scott Steve and Bucky continued to sprint forward as Clint stopped and readied his bow toward the flyers on the opposing team.

Tony thrusted himself forward and threw a punch at Steve which he blocked with his shield.
Scott tackled Natasha while Rhodes tackled Sam in mid-air. Clint sent an arrow at Vision who made himself transparent and the projectile flew right through him. Bucky ran at T'Challa and readied his fist but T'Challa went low tackling him backward. Wanda sent balls of energy toward Ayo who fended them off with her spear and Darla tackled Spider-Man to the ground, the two rolled backward toward the Jet.

Everything was utter chaos. There were fists, objects, weapons, and webs flying in every direction. Bucky continued to fight T'Challa while Tony continued to fight Steve. Sam and Rhodey were in an air fight once again bickering back and forth, Scott turned himself small again and disappeared and Spider-Man took Darla for a ride slamming her into a nearby luggage van. Wanda began sending cars flying at him which he dodged as Darla hit the ground with a groan. Vision had taken off to help Rhodes and Clint moved to help Nat. Bucky had T'Challa pinned so Ayo slipped away from Wanda to lend a hand and Clint came to help.

Natasha saw that Spider-Man was outnumbered and walked up to begin to fight Clint. The two battled it out for a few moments then Nat asked if she and Clint were still friends. Clint replied that depended on how hard she hit him and they continued to fight until Wanda launched Nat backward with her powers into the same luggage carrier that Darla was catching her breath beside. Nat hit the ground with a groan and the two looked at each other.

"I know," Darla said groggily as she attempted to climb to her feet. Nat kicked her foot out knocking her back to the ground and the two both lay there momentarily.
"Thanks for the suit," Darla muttered as she tried to get the wind back in her lungs.
"For legal reasons, I didn't give you that suit." Nat choked back as they both looked at the sky panting.
"Sushi once this is all over?" Darla asked.
"You buying?" Nat replied.
"Sure," Darla answered. Suddenly she rolled to the right and got up running from her to lend a hand where needed.
"Shit," Nat muttered as she climbed to her feet and watched her run away. She sighed and also went to lend a hand.

"I didn't kill your father," Bucky said as he choked T'Challa with his metal arm. T'Challa reached for his wrist and began to squeeze. The connection to Bucky's metal hand from his brain weakened and he looked at the hand in shock.
"Then why did you run?" T'Challa asked. Bucky yanked his arm back and then threw his right fist forward hoping to land a blow. T'Challa grabbed Bucky by the fist and squeezed. Bucky winced in pain as T'Challa rolled backwards taking Bucky with him. He torqued up Bucky's arm momentarily immobilizing him. Quickly T'Challa roundhouse kicked Bucky and launched him several feet into a stack of crates.
Bucky slammed into the crates and then fell face-first into the pavement. He sat up with a groan as T'Challa pounced for his throat claws out. Bucky gasped with no time to react when suddenly a ball of red energy surrounded T'Challas wrist which stopped T'Challa's movements and saved Bucky's life.
Both Bucky and the king looked over to see Wanda holding him there. She whooshed her arm to the left with a grunt which launched T'Challa backwards into an airplane. Bucky gasped a few times as he watched him rip through the side of the plane and then back to Wanda who was already gone.

Steve launched his shield into the air, effectively slicing through one of Spider-Man's webs Spider-Man hurtled towards the ground and landed, then looked at Steve as his shield found it's way back to his wrist somehow.
"That thing does not obey the laws of physics at all," Spider-Man said perched on top of a vehicle.
"Look, kid. There's a lot going on here that you don't understand." Steve tried to convince.
"Oh, Mr. Stark said you'd say that, Wow," Spider-Man said as his suits eyes blinked and refocused on Steve. Suddenly he launched his webbing toward Steve's face which Steve blocked with his shield. A second web launched and grabbed him by the ankle. Spider-Man yanked back on the web pulling Steve forward. He launched two more then flew forward and kicked Steve into a vehicle. Steve hit the vehicle and then the ground as his shield went flying.

"He also said to go for your legs," Spider-Man said with a chuckle. Steve looked at his shield and quickly got up then ran for it. He reached for it but Spider-Man trapped his arm so he reached for it with the other one and Spider-Man trapped that arm too, holding his arms backward while he held his ground behind him. Steve strained against the restraints and pulled while Spider-Man strained to hold him back. Steve suddenly launched his one arm over his head and turned to face Spider-Man before flipping forward in the air and wrapping the web around himself launching Spider-Man forward in the process. Steve broke out of the web and picked up his shield as Spider-Man stood up and launched another web at him. Steve once again blocked it with the shield then grabbed the end and wrapped it around his wrist launching Spider-Man forward. He put his shield out in front of him effectively using it to knock Spider-Man in the face as his shield rang like a bell from the impact.
In a panic, Spider-Man rolled out of it and looked around quickly for an escape route. He launched a web up and grabbed onto it pulling himself up on top of a jet bridge then he looked down at Steve.
"Did Stark tell you anything else?" Steve asked with a small pant.
"That your wrong. You think your right, and that makes you dangerous." Spider-Man said between deep breaths. Just before shooting two webs onto the top of the jet bridge and jumping off the back of it swinging toward Steve. He shot another web at Steve which he dodged and Steve sent a flying kick into Spider-Man's chest knocking him backward into the leg of the jet bridge.
"Guess he had a point," Steve said as he landed and launched his shield at the leg causing the jet bridge to collapse. Spider-Man caught it holding it up underneath him while he strained. Steve nodded at the motion as he secured his shield back to his wrist.
"You've got heart kid. Where you from?" Steve asked.
"Queens." He replied still straining. Steve smirked and let out a proud laugh.
"Brooklyn." He replied pointing at himself before running off and meeting up with Bucky.

Darla looked around and saw Nat heading for the hangar.
"Oh no, you don't," Darla said as she ran after her.
"We've gotta go. That guys probably in Siberia by now." Bucky said between breaths to Steve on open coms.
"We gotta draw out the flyers. I'll take Vision. You get to the jet." Steve replied to Bucky as Darla got to the hangar.
"No, you get to the jet. Both of you! The rest of us aren't getting out of here." Sam replied.

Darla turned off her coms as she walked into the bay meeting eyes with Nat who was catching her breath while sitting on the wheel of the jet.
"Nat please don't make me do this." Darla panted as she leaned on the wall.
"I'm not making you do anything, I believe you," Nat said to her.
"Bullshit you believe us. If you believed us you wouldn't have fought us for the last half hour." Darla replied. Nat wiped the sweat off her brow.
"What the hell am I supposed to do Darla? These people are the only family I've ever had, I just want us to stay together." Nat replied.
"Yeah well. Clearly, that's not happening." Darla said in defeat.
"They're on their way to the hangar. You're not gonna be able to stop them alone." Darla warned.
"Do you trust me?" Nat asked as she stood.
"I wish I could right now," Darla replied as she backed off the wall. Nat closed her eyes and let out a disappointed sigh.
"Your not just gonna let me sit here and wait for them are you?" Nat asked.
"Not when you have your gauntlet ready and your game face on," Darla replied.

Nat looked down at it then at Darla. Only when she looked back up Darla was right in front of her. She spartan kicked Nat in the face busting her lip open, knocking her backward a few feet and causing her to fumble to the ground. Nat wiped the blood from her lip and looked at the red liquid as she climbed back to her feet.
"Okay, I've changed my mind, let's see what you've got."

Nat said now angry. Natasha ran at Darla and balled her left fist prepared to aim low and Darla ran at Nat as she balled her right fist and drew back to aim high. Both women landed the first punch on each other and as they lined up for the second they caught each other's wrists, the girls looked each other in the eye for a second. Suddenly Darla brought her knee up and got Nat in the gut causing her to let go of Darla. Nat stumbled backward then jumped and kicked Darla in the chest knocking her back a few feet.
Nat came to deliver another blow and Darla looked up to see the wing of the Quinjet above her. Thinking quickly she jumped up and swung her body weight backwards then with both feet launched Nat backwards as she delivered a blow to her chest. Darla swung back once more and climbed onto the wing of the jet and attempted to get inside so she could power it up for Steve and Bucky only for Nat to send one of the energy blasts into her back. Darla fell backwards in pain as she screamed. She fell off of the wing and hit the ground at a weird angle. A sharp pain rushed through her from her right lower leg as she and Natasha heard a snap. Darla screamed as she reached for the appendage.

Natasha's eyes widened in horror as she ran to Darla's side.
"How bad is it?" She asked in concern as she sat Darla up and yanked the taser out of her back. Darla attempted to move it and screamed again.
"I think it's broken." She said to Nat as tears began to form involuntarily from the corners of her eyes. Her body burned from the pain.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to actually hurt you." Nat said in a panic. "Okay come on, we're done. I'm taking you for medical." Nat said as she stood up and attempted to pull Darla to stand. Darla nodded a few times as the roof of the hangar began to rumble.

Both Darla and Nat looked out of the giant bay door to see Vision shooting his beam into the tower and Bucky and Steve sprinting to the hangar. The tower came crashing down blocking the entrance.
"Shit," Nat said. Instead of picking Darla up she pulled her out of the way of the jet and laid her back down as Wanda held up the broken pieces of the tower with her mind. Darla noticed T'Challa taking up the rear.
"Nat.. the king," Darla said as she looked up at Nat.
"I know you said you didn't trust me right now but you need to," Nat said to her quickly. "What?" Darla asked in confusion. Suddenly Nat shot a tranquillizer dart into Darla's thigh. Darla gasped at the sting and then watched as Rhodey sent a sonic boom to Wanda's head causing her to drop the tower and reach for her head with a pained scream. Bucky and Steve Narrowly made it into the hangar. Her eyes met Bucky's as she felt herself begin to get sleepy, she watched Nat approach them in her peripherals.

"Darla," Bucky said as he moved to run past Natasha. Natasha raised her gauntlet toward the men which stopped him in his tracks as she turned her attention toward Steve. Darla's heart sank when she saw Nat stop him.

"You're not gonna stop, are you?" She asked him panting still trying to catch her breath from the fight. Steve glanced behind Nat at Darla and then looked at Nat.
"You know I can't." He replied to her, lowering his battle stance. Natasha sighed and moved her aim from Bucky toward Steve.
"I'm gonna regret this." She said to him. Steve braced as he looked at Nat with a disappointed sigh only for her to shoot past him and paralyze King T'Challa who was stalking up from behind. Both Bucky and Steve looked back at him and then at her in shock.

"Go." She said to them. Bucky looked at Darla once more. "I've got her, I promise. Go." She said forcefully. T'Challa got up and continued to attempt to pursue them as Bucky and Steve ran for the Jet. Natasha sent another shock to T'Challa as he crumpled in on himself and cried out in pain. as the jet engine roared to life.
Steve aimed the Quinjets guns at the roof of the hangar as it lifted off the ground to create a bigger opening for them to leave. The king tried to climb to his feet once more, determined not to let Bucky get away.
Natasha shot at him again, this time borderline point blank as she held her ground. Steve began to thrust forward and T'Challa fought through the pain as he launched himself over Nat and grabbed the wheel of the jet. Only for the landing gear to lift and for him to be shaken off and fall to the ground.
Darla watched the jet until it was out of sight which caused a small sense of relief to wash over her as they escaped. The effect from the tranquillizer dart finally was too much for her to handle and she fell unconscious. The next thing she knew she was waking up in a cell.

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