A Collection of Short Stories

Von foresthoney1

266K 1.2K 249

Short erotic stories with some fluff. Each chapter is a different story :). #1 (07/22/2021) - #boyxgirlrelati... Mehr

Note From Author
The Revelry
New York
Stepbrother 2
Stepbrother 3
Apocalypse 2
Bestie's Brother
The Revelry 2
Revelry 3
Revelry 4
Mafia Leader (Part 1)
Mafia Leader (Part 2)
The Revelry 5
The Mafia Leader 2 (Part 1)
The Mafia Leader 2 (Part 2)


13.5K 51 1
Von foresthoney1

Walking around at night during an apocalypse is probably not the smartest idea but I needed to go on a food run. The house I'm staying at ran out.

Did I ever think a zombie apocalypse would happen in my lifetime? No. Did I think my entire family would be killed? Also no.

September 7th, 2137 is when this all started. It's now January of 2139 and the temperature in Florida gets cold but not unbearable.

I walk past all the abandoned cars and decaying bodies. As a doctor, I'm used to seeing bodies but the smell is something I will never get used to. I reach in my pocket and take out my vanilla extract, putting some under my nose to block out the dead body smells.

I look up from putting my vanilla away and see a huge group of Sprinters coming my way.

"Shit," I cuss under my breath.

Now these aren't the zombies you see in most movies, they sprint, which is why I call them Sprinters. Imagine a corpse barreling after you. It's horrifying. I see one of them start running towards me and book it into the forest. I glance behind me and see that entire group sprinting after me.

My feet slap against the dead leaves and sticks. I'm gasping for air and weaving between trees trying to find someplace for me to go. My eyes scan the woods and as far as the eye can see, there's just trees. If I climb one, I'll be stuck up there for who knows how long. My only choice is to just keep running.

I look behind me and see them closer and cuss. I suddenly hear a motor and look to my right. I see a man on a dirt bike, approaching and thank God. He stops in front of me, "Hurry!"

I hop on behind him and wrap my arms around his waist. He speeds off right before the Sprinters reach us. I look behind us and see them getting further and further. I rest my forehead on his back and try to catch my breath.

He's driving for a while before we reach a shed looking thing and he parks his bike in it. I get off and he grabs leaves to cover it up, making it look run down and unused.

"Hey, thanks for saving my ass but I should find my way back."

He takes his helmet off and grabs my wrist leading me into the forest behind the shed.

"Wait- Let go!" I struggle against his grip as he pulls me somewhere. He sighs and pulls me in front of him, "I'm still trying to save your ass."

I pull my gun out of the waistband of my pants and put it up against his head, "I can handle myself from here. Let go."

He keeps his eyes on mine and his grip on my wrist doesn't loosen. He's at least a head taller and looks stronger than me. I probably shouldn't have pulled a gun on him.

I suddenly feel something press up against my stomach and look down. He has returned the favor.

"Quit this bullshit, I'm trying to help you."

"I don't trust you."

"I don't trust you either but I'm willing to take a risk here to save your life."

I begin to hear groans of Sprinters in the distance and look behind me. I don't see them yet, but I will.

I reluctantly drop my gun and he puts his away before taking me to a bush. He pulls on it and a square door reveals a dark hole.

"Ladies first."

I glance between him and the hole. This could either kill me or save me. I go against everything screaming at me to run and lower myself down the ladder. He follows and closes and locks the door. I turn around and see that I'm standing in an underground bunker.

There's a living room connected to a kitchen and on either side there's doorways leading to two rooms. It's lit with kerosene candles.

"Give me your gun."

I look at him like he's insane. "No."

"My house, my rules." He holds his hand out. "Gun."

I roll my eyes and give it to him. He walks to a safe and puts mine and his gun in it.

He looks back at me, "Anything else?"

I shake my head and cross my arms.

His jaw clenches, "Give it up or I'm patting you down."

I sigh, irritated before pulling the knife out of my pocket. And then giving him the other one in my bag.

"Thank you," He mumbles before putting it all in the safe and locking it.

"Hungry?" He asks as he walks into the kitchen.

"No." I'm starving.

"It's not poisoned."

"I already ate." My stomach growls and I roll my eyes.

He smiles and shakes his head. "You're ridiculous."

I walk in and sit down at his small table. He opens his cabinet and grabs a can of fruit, opening it.

"What's your name?"

I think about lying to him but don't see the point, "Hazel."

"I'm Flynn." He hands me the can with a fork and I see that it's canned peaches.

"Thanks," I say with a slice in my mouth.

He smiles at me. "Anyway, there's a bathroom over there with running water if you want a shower. It's cold as shit but it gets you clean."

I nod as I shove more peaches into my mouth. Before this, I hadn't had anything for a few days. All the stores I went to were already empty.

"So," He starts, "What'd you do before corpses roamed around?"

I look up at him and swallow, "Surgeon."

His eyebrows shoot up, "A surgeon? How old are you?"

"24, I was still a resident."

"Can you fix something for me?"

I pinch my eyebrows together, "What is it?"

He lifts his shirt up to his ribs and I see a bandage. He takes it off and I see a bloody stab wound in his abdomen. I get up and feel around the wound, "How big was the knife?"

"I don't know, but they broke the blade off so some of it is in there."

"What?" I look at him like he's insane.

"It's not my fault!"

"Did you even try to get it out?" I ask, my concern growing, "How long has it been in there??"

"Well I wasn't going to dig around in there for it with dirty hands," I grimace when he says "dig around" and he raises his eyebrows, "It's also been like an hour since I got it."

My eyes widen, "An hour?"


"Sit down and take your shirt off. Where's your first aid kit?"

"Above the stove."

I wash my hands before pulling up a chair. I place his arm above his head and look at it. "Do you have anything to numb it?"

"Whatever's in that kit is this the only medical supplies I have."

I lean back and look at him, "Flynn, you're about to be in a lot of pain."

He sighs, "Yeah, I figured."

"I'm serious. I have to get the rest of the blade out and then stitch it up."

He rubs his forehead, "Okay."

I lean forward again. I stretch the wound to see if I can see anything but all I see is blood. I glance up at him and he's watching me, visibly concerned.

I decide to conjure up the bedside manner we learned in med-school. Make the patient feel better:

"It's not that bad."


I nod. "Mhm."


"I'm not lying."

I'm technically not. I don't actually know if it's bad or not, there's too much blood to see anything.

"Don't lie to me, Hazel, I can't handle it," He teases.

I bite the inside of my cheek before looking back at his wound, "Okay so I can't actually tell-"

"There it is!" He interrupts.

"-there's too much blood to get a clear view-"

"Uh-huh," He says, loudly.

I sigh sitting back in my chair, "I was just trying to make you feel better."

He smiles. "I was stabbed. I know it's not good."

I look back at his bloody wound and lean forward, again, "Okay, fine. I'm gonna try to make this quick."

I open up the kit and grab the rubbing alcohol. I pour it on the wound and he sucks air in between his teeth. I grab the tweezers and he looks away. I reach the tweezers in and he grips the side of the table and bends his elbow in top of his head. The tweezers go deeper and deeper until I hit something. I hope that it's the blade and start trying to grab it.

"Stop- Hazel-"

"Flynn I can't. Take some deep breaths," I say gently.

Blood is starting to drip on the floor and on my hands. The blade keeps moving, the blood making it slippery. I can tell Flynn is in a world of pain because he keeps crying out every time it moves.

"Almost got it," I tell him.

"Fuck!" He screams when I finally grab onto it, accidentally pushing it deeper when I do. He looks at me like I'm insane and I avoid his eyes. I start pulling it out and his heavy breathing turns shallow.

"Focus on your breathing," I say, concerned that he might pass out, "I have it."

He starts breathing in through his nose and out through his mouth. I slowly pull it out and place it on the table before quickly grabbing gauze and covering the wound. I sit up and look at his face. He looks pale and a sweat has broken out on his forehead. His eyes are closed as he rests his head in his hand.

"You did good," I tell him, which is the truth.

"Do I get a gold star?" He asks with a small smile.

I smile. "Sure, after I stitch it. I'm gonna give you a minute, though."

"Appreciate it," He mumbles, already worn out from the pain.

I start to zone out thinking about what I would be doing if this wasn't my reality. I'd be running around the hospital, taking care of patients, probably on the ER night shift. I miss it. I miss normalcy. Getting up at all hours of the night because one of my patients needs me and my Attending. Coming home with my feet in pain and so tired I fall asleep in my scrubs. I loved it, I loved what I did. I was happy.

Flynn clears his throat, interrupting my daydream, so I look at him. His eyes are on me and I can tell he's dreading the next part.



"We can wait but the longer we do, the more blood you're gonna lose."

I look at the piece of gauze, already soaked. I remove it and put a new piece over it and he sighs.

"Fuck it. Go."

"Don't move." I carefully remove the gauze and put it on the table. I grab the needle and thread and pinch the wound closed. He cusses under his breath and I start stitching. "How old are you?"

"26, why?"

"Just curious. What'd you do before all this?" I ask.

"Why are you choosing this moment to play 20 questions?" He teases through heavy breaths.

"I'm trying to distract you," I say as I finish up the second stitch. Two more to go.

"Tattoo artist."

"Why tattoos?"

"I like- fuck- I like that the art is permanent," He says, out of breath.

"Did you do those tattoos yourself?" I ask, referring to the ones on his arms.


"Any significance?" I ask as I finish up the third suture.

"Some of them. Are you almost done?"

"Want a break?"


He cusses when I start the last one.

"Last one," I tell him, "How'd you get into tattoos?'

"My sister."

"How old is she?"

"Your age."

I look at his face for a second before looking back at his wound. It's twisted in pain and I can tell it's very hard for him to hold this conversation.

"Do you want me to keep talking?"


"Where's your family?"

"Safe in a camp. They make you do chores all day so I left."

I finish the last stitch. "Ok, I'm done."

"Thank fucking God."

I douse it in more rubbing alcohol and wrap gauze around his torso.

I get up and wipe the sweat off his face, "You're all good, Flynn."

He sighs and drops his arm, "Thanks."

"No problem."

I wash my hands before packing the kit up and putting it back.

"Seriously, Hazel. Thank you."

I look at him and he's watching me. I lean back against the counter and shrug. "It's my job."

"You didn't have to help me."

"And you didn't have to help me. We can call it even," I glance at the bathroom door, "Can I use your shower."

"Go ahead."

I walk into the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I take a short shower since the water really was freezing but as long as I'm clean, I'm happy. I dry off and go to put my clothes back on but there's a knock on the door, "Yeah?"

"I have some clean clothes you can wear."

I open the door, keeping the towel wrapped tightly around me and he hands me a hoodie and sweatpants.

"Thank you."

I take them and close the door. I decide against my dirty undergarments before pulling his clothes on. I walk out and see him sleeping in a cot, blocking the only way out. I roll my eyes and look at the couch with a pillow and blanket.

"I wasn't gonna leave," I tell him but he doesn't answer so I assume he's asleep. I blow out most of the candles, leaving only one lit in the living room.

I walk over and lay down, pulling the blanket up to my waist. I look at Flynn and see that he never put his shirt on and the blanket has fallen to his hips. My eyes travel across his broad chest before falling to his abs.

He's quite beautiful and the tattoos make him even more so. He has them on his torso and chest and a few on his arms but that's not what I'm staring at. He clears his throat and I look at his face. His eyes are open and he's staring at me.
Without a word, I turn my back to him and close my eyes. I fall asleep almost instantly.


I sit up, startled out of my sleep. I look at a worried Flynn sitting on the table text to me. I'm breathing heavily and I can feel the tears on my cheeks.

"You were talking in your sleep. Something about someone named Cooper."

My older brother.

I wipe my cheeks and realize that I had the same nightmare I've been having since my family died. It used to be every night but now it's every so often.

"What time is it?" I ask, feeling shaky.

He checks his watch, "8 AM."

"I have to use the bathroom."

I flip the blanket off me and walk to the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I grip the sides of the sink, letting the tears fall down my cheeks. My shoulder's shake as I silently cry. I don't usually react to my nightmare like this but every now and then, it gets to me.

I cover my mouth with one hand and look in the mirror. I wipe the tears away and then take some deep breaths, calming myself down. I take a few minutes before leaving the bathroom. Flynn is standing in the kitchen, cooking something.

"When can I leave?"

"In a few weeks."


"Yeah with a huge group like that, they're wondering around above us, right now. They won't clear out for a while."

I sigh and he turns around to look at me, "Come here."

I walk closer to him and stop in front of him. He grabs my wrist and pulls me closer, "Wanna talk about it?"

I shake my head, "No."

"Are you okay?"

I nod, "Yes."

His arm snakes around my waist and I rest my hands on his hips. He cups my face with his other hand and brings his lips very close to mine.

"You know," He whispers, "Staring is rude."


"What're you talking about?"

He chuckles, "You know what I'm talking about."

He leans down and softly places his lips on mine. I lean into his touch and grip his pants. My heart rate speeds up and my breathing becomes shallow as he deepens the kiss.

He pulls away and turns the stove off behind him before picking me up and taking me to the couch. He sits down with me straddling his hips and I lean down and kiss him. I run my fingers through his hair and grip in the back. His hand goes to my hips and holds me in place as he grinds his boner in between my legs. I moan into his mouth and he smiles, "What do you want from me, Hazel?"

I sigh, "Isn't it obvious?"

"Say it."

"I want you to fuck me."

Flynn smiles before he lays me down on the couch and pulls the sweatpants down my legs. He kisses my inner thighs and I look up at the ceiling. He licks between my folds and I grip his hair, letting out a small gasp. He pushes the hoodie up and grips my bare waist.

He swirls his tongue around my clit and I moan as my eyes close. I grip the edge of the couch with my other hand as my orgasm already starts to build. He sucks on it making me moan his name. His grip tightens on my waist as his tongue relentlessly sucks and circles my clit. Uncontrollable moans fall out of me as he pushes me closer and closer to an orgasm.

He suddenly stops and I groan. He chuckles and kisses up my torso, pulling the sweatshirt over my head. I tug at the hem of his shirt and he reaches over his head, taking it off. I help him, not wanting him to mess the stitches up. He leans down and kisses me as he takes his pants off.

I realize this is a kinda fucked up situation. There's walking corpses- fast corpses taking over... but do you know how long it's been since l've had sex? Almost two years. The one night stand I had a week before this happened, was the last time. I'm losing my mind.

His tip pokes at my entrance and he pulls away to watch my reaction. My mouth opens and my eyebrows pull together as I grip his shoulders. He bites his lip with a smile, pushing himself all the way in. He groans before staying still and letting me get used to his size. My body is tense at the almost foreign feeling and he notices, "How long has it been, Hazel?"

"Almost two years."

He starts moving, "Glad to be the one to fix that."

I wrap one arm around his shoulders while the other loops under his arm. My eyes close as his strokes stay slow and deep. His right arm, stays by my waist while the other is by my head. I open my eyes and grab his right arm, "Don't move this one too much."

"Are you seriously giving me medical advice? Right now?"

I nod and he rolls his eyes with a smile, "Thanks, Doc."

He starts fucking me faster and I moan out, digging my nails into his upper arm. My eyes close and he sucks on the skin in the nape of my neck. I move my arm to loop under his and pull him down onto me as my moans begin to fall out.

I can already feel my orgasm building as he picks up the pace.

I moan profanities and open my eyes when I feel myself right on the edge. Flynn is staring down at me and smirks before slides his right hand in between us. He finds my clit and lightly circles but that was all it took.

I whip my head back as loud moans leave my mouth and my body explodes. I rake my nails up and down his back, hardly being able to handle this orgasm.

When I'm done, he kisses my neck. "That was quick."

"Shut up, it's been a while."

"You don't see me coming in five minutes."

My eyes go wide, "That was only five minutes?"

"Mhm," He pulls out and sits in the empty space by my feet. He looks at me, "Come here."

I smile and get up, crawling over to him. I straddle his lap and he aligns his tip with my entrance. I sink down on him and a breathy moan escapes my lips.



"Don't come in me. The last thing I want is a kid."

He smiles, "My pull out game is strong. Don't worry."

I smile and shake my head, "Good to hear."

I move my hips up and down his dick and he lets his head fall back against the couch. His hands grip my hips, helping me move, as his eyes stay on me. I grip the couch by his head as I begin to go faster. Moans fall out of me and Flynn smiles at me. I lean against him, kissing his neck. I suck on his skin in a few different spots and he wraps his arm around me. I moan against his neck and hear him groan.

I pick my head up and look at him. His eyes are closed and he's biting his lip. His hand moves from my hip up to my boob, massaging it. He opens his eyes and pulls me against him. His lips are by my ear as he whispers, "You feel so fucking good. I can feel that you're close. Are you gonna come for me? All over my dick?"

"Yes!" I moan out.

"Good girl."

I grip his shoulders as I move faster and he groans, sliding his hand into my hair and gripping. I reach down and circle my clit, feeling myself teetering on the edge. He looks down and sees my hand. His head falls back and he looks me in my eyes. "You're gonna be the death of me."

I smile but it quickly fades when my body gets wracked with an orgasm. He pulls me against him and listens to me come. I moan again and again as my body stays tense.

When I come down from my high, I'm breathing heavily. I slowly sit up and look at Flynn. He grabs my hand from in between us and licks the finger I used. He smiles when he feels me pulse around him. He wraps his arm around me and lays me on my back. He starts moving and I let out a breath, shaking my head. "I can't do another."

"Just one more, baby," He whispers, out of breath. He kisses my forehead. "One more for me."

I dig my nails into his back as he thrusts into my oversensitive sex. I resist the urge to scream and whip my head back instead. My eyes close as he holds nothing back, my nails digging into his back. He rests his forehead on my shoulder as his right hand grips my hip, holding himself up on his forearm. I moan out and he moves his hand to my ass, keeping my hips flush against his. He cusses under his breath. He moves his face to my neck and sucks on my skin. I grip his hair and he smiles against my neck as I feel my orgasm building. He slides his hand from my ass to my clit and starts circling. I moan out curse words as his thrusts are relentless.

My back arches as I'm hit with an orgasm, my moans escalate in volume and he groans as he fucks me through my orgasm. At the last minute, he sits up and pulls out. He strokes himself a few times before coming on my stomach, groaning. My body relaxes as I try to catch my breath but I keep my eyes on him. He reaches to the coffee table and opens the drawer, pulling out a towel. He wipes my stomach before getting off me and pulling his shorts back on.

"You just store an extra towel in your coffee table?" I tease as I pull the hoodie back on.

He smiles. "I spill things a lot."

I chuckle as I put the rest of my clothes back on. I get up to use the bathroom but Flynn grabs my wrist and pulls me towards him.

"You should work on your stamina," He teases with a smirk.

I roll my eyes, "Whatever."

He laughs and lets go of my wrist. I go to the bathroom and go pee before washing my hands and coming out. Flynn is cooking whatever it was he was cooking before I interrupted.

"What's for breakfast?"


My eyes widen. "I haven't had those in so long."

He smiles and I sit at the table.

I'm more inclined to stay now that I have a fuck buddy but my plan is still to leave as soon as possible. Just because he's good in bed doesn't mean I want to stay forever. I don't want to get close to anyone, especially not in this new world. I can't lose anyone else, I won't survive it.


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