Shudders: Retribution

By Lilas___

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[Tsundere and Yandere Demons x Reader] A world where demons and humans can live amongst each other. ... More

Chapter 1 - The Awakening
Chapter 2 - The Savior
Chapter 3 - The Kill
Chapter 4 - The Trailer
Chapter 5 - The Fabric
Chapter 6 - The Geese
Chapter 7 - The Motel
Chapter 8 - The Trees
Chapter 9 - The Stable
Chapter 10 - The Stable pt. 2
Chapter 11 - The Partners
Chapter 12 - The Map
Chapter 13 - The Storm
Chapter 14 - The Skull
Chapter 15 - The Vines
Chapter 16 - The Shot
Chapter 17 - The Boy
Chapter 18 - The Beach
Chapter 19 - The Trio
Chapter 20 - The Guns
Chapter 21 - The Moment
Chapter 22 - The Stunt
Chapter 23 - The Alone
Chapter 24 - The Repeat
Chapter 26 - The Bittersweet
Chapter 27 - The Disturbance
Chapter 28 - The Confrontation
Chapter 29 - The Decision
Chapter 30 - The Ambush
Chapter 31 - The Realization
Chapter 32 - The Argument
Chapter 33 - The Help
Chapter 34 - The Gap
Chapter 35 - The Training
Chapter 36 - The Robbery
Chapter 37 - The Sewers
Chapter 38 - The Appreciation
Chapter 39 - The Dream
Chapter 40 - The Peace
Chapter 41 - The Note
Chapter 42 - The Broken Heart
Chapter 43 - The Hostage
Chapter 44 - The Oblivious
Chapter 45 - The Apology
Chapter 46 - The Cut
Chapter 47 - The Train Yard
Chapter 48 - The Mother
Chapter 49 - The Love
Chapter 50 - The Address
Chapter 51 - The Release
Chapter 52 - The Despondent
Chapter 53 - The Answer
Chapter 54 - The Interrogation
Chapter 55 - The Make Up
Chapter 56 - The Covetous
Chapter 57 - The Clash
Chapter 58 - The Room
Chapter 59 - The Hold
Chapter 60 - The Traitor
Chapter 61 - The Fate
Chapter 62 - The Party
Chapter 63 - The Peril
Chapter 64 - The Puppet
Chapter 65 - The Lovers
Chapter 66 - The End

Chapter 25 - The Questioning

1.2K 139 150
By Lilas___

    It's been a few hours since that Capturer left. Way more hours since (Y/N) was separated from Yama.

     She curled up in the furthest corner of the small cell with her knees to her chest and arms hugging her form. All she could do was stare at the ground and wait for whatever fate brings her.

     She didn't even want to look at the demon in the cell next to her. Petrified that it'll be her next.

     A door slid open and shut once footsteps entered the space. (Y/N)'s eyes immediately darted up and she tried pushing herself back even more into the corner.

     In came that human girl again, but she was followed by two men. One that she resembled a bit while the other had tanned skin, messy dark hair that was tied up somewhat, and a beard that was starting to grey.

"You're sure about what you saw?" Said the dark haired man looked down at the girl.

"100%. They had the skulls." The girl exclaimed. She seemed pumped about this.

      The first man walked up to the glass and (Y/N) fearfully kept her eyes on him. On his Capturer uniform was the name tag 'Captain Killwater' while the other guy was 'SC. Driks'. They both stood near the glass while the girl hung back. She would take glances at the demon but when (Y/N) went to look at her, the human girl looked away.

     Her eyes were still yellow. Not glowing like before but they were still not human like.

     The Captain crouched down to the floor to be eye leveled with the demon who put her eyes back on him. "My name is Captain Killwater of Zone 12, you are currently under lockup until we can get you examined by our Head Keeper. But for now, we would like to ask you a few questions about what my daughter saw in your memories."

     That's his daughter? That must be why they had a resemblance.

     (Y/N) didn't say anything as they all watched her. If she said the wrong thing...

"Look, I know you're scared but we aren't going to harm you unless you plan to harm us. The sooner we get through this, the sooner our Head Keeper can look you over and you'll be free to go."

     They'll let her go? Just like that? When the Captain saw the demon raise up a bit, he continued.

"My daughter said the first memory she saw was in a Topsider community. You were there, but now you're here. Can you help explain that?" The Captain spoke.

    (Y/N)'s words were caught in her throat. If they were going to let her go, she should be fine but Yama told her to not say anything. And they know about Zankoku. If they hear that she has his abilities, would they changed their minds and kill her?

     Seeing the demon was having trouble speaking, the Captain continued. "She also saw the Elitists too. We're a part of an initiative to investigate these Elitists and potentially eradicate them all and the source of them. They have been causing trouble to Topsider communities, our fellow Zones, and confirmed demons. But we don't have a solid lead on what they want or where they are. It's why we need this information from you."

    He leaned closer to the glass with a serious look that made (Y/N) shrink away. "You help us, then we can help you. Is that a deal?"

     Could they... help her find Yama? That's all she cares about right now. She needed to know if he was alright. So, hesitantly, she nodded. The man leaned back, ready to listen.

      She started with the very beginning. How the Elitists raided and destroyed her home. Killed her friends and family or turned them into demons. She had to hold back her emotions when talking about it, especially after being forced to witness everything all over again. It felt like a wound that was slowly healing was cut open again.

     Then she told them about Zankora. That she was their leader and wants to erase humans from existence for killing their King.

     Hearing this made the 'SC. Driks' guy run to grab a tablet and return to take notes. They knew that there may have been some connection to Zankoku but this confirms it.

     When asked if she could recall a location or a hideout the Elitists may be occupying, she could only shake her head no. She's seen glimpses of it, but she doesn't know either.

     But what she didn't tell them was the fact that the King's blood was inside her. That she can do what he once could. She made it seem like she was just a regular demon which they believed but she didn't notice the Captain's daughter narrowing her eyes at her.

     When she finished, the two older men huddled together to discuss this. Many of their questions about the Elitists were finally answered but they had more that were still left a mystery. Luck was finally on their side thanks to this demon but there was still more work to be done.

"Thank you for your cooperation." The Captain returned and nodded to her. "Our Head Keeper will see you shortly and if you cooperate with her, then you're free to go."

      (Y/N) slowly nodded and watched the two men leave. When they walked past the human girl, (Y/N) met her distrustful eyes.

      As soon as the men were gone, the Captain's daughter walked up to the glass and leaned against the wall, still holding (Y/N)'s eyes in hers. "Is there something you didn't tell my dad?"

      (Y/N)'s breath hitched and she cursed herself for it because the human girl clearly noticed.

"Look, I don't like liars." She moved closer, and (Y/N) moved back even more. "I especially don't like it when they lie to my people. We're risking our lives to put an end to the Elitists and we can use all of the information we can get right now. So if you're withholding something, we would like to know."

      This human girl was so threatening. She leaned against the glass as a shadow casted over her face but her yellow eyes slightly glowed in the darkness, making her even more intimidating. (Y/N) pushed herself to her feet and pressed up against the back wall, the human girl never losing eye contact.

"I- I uh-"

"Take your time. It's not like we don't have all day for this." She was being sarcastic.

     (Y/N) swallowed back her fear. To tell the truth or not both had scary outcomes. The Captain said that they'll let her go but the way his daughter could tell something was up made it seem unlikely.

     (Y/N) met the human girl's eyes and hoped she was doing the right thing. "You... promise you won't hurt me?"

"Unless you give me a reason to." Was all she responded with.

"I-" (Y/N) started, kicking herself to just say it. "I have Zankoku's abilities."

     The Capturer's face dropped. A door opened and soon more footsteps came. They both turned to look and saw a woman in her 30s approach. She had a stern face as she carried a tablet in her arms and her heeled boots knocked against the metal floor.

      She was pretty tall and thin, olive skin, and long dark curls that fell past her shoulders. Her green eyes pierced into (Y/N)'s when she got closer and on her name tag pinned to her white coat was 'H. Keeper IT Torres'

      Torres glanced at the Captain's daughter for a second before going back to observe the demon. "Blythe, shouldn't you be patrolling? Or should I tell your parents you're slacking off again."

     The Captain's daughter, or now Blythe, glared at the woman. "How about you mind your business? I am working."

"How about you watch your tone with me?" Torres shot back with an authoritative look.

     Blythe huffed out a breath before stepping back but she didn't leave. After what (Y/N) told her, she felt she needed to be here. She went to lean against a counter and crossed her arms which annoyed the woman but she ignored her and focused on the demon.

"Let's get this over with." Torres muttered as she tapped on the tablet. "Do you have a name?"

"Um- (Y/N)..." The demon answered. 

"Ok, (Y/N). Do you have a distaste towards humans or are looking to do us harm? Will you be a problem for us in the coming future?" Torres questioned.

     (Y/N) looked confused. "No? Why would I?"

"Can you display your abilities for me so I can classify you?"

     Blythe in the back immediately sat up and shook her head 'no' (Y/N). Secretly telling her not to.

"Uhh..." (Y/N) was also hesitant but seeing Blythe who was just threatening her a moment even tell her not to made her even more concerned.

"Just a quick demonstration. We're almost done." Torres pushed, looking ever the more impatient.

"Do I- Do I have to?" (Y/N) asked.

"If I'm asking then yes? What's the problem?"

      Everything! What should she do? How can she get out of this?

      (Y/N) looked to Blythe and stepped closer to the glass. Maybe if she can make it look like something else? Maybe like what Yama can do?

      Her hands moved toward Blythe's direction and soon the human girl felt a weird feeling in her legs. She looked down confused before she was starting to walk against her will. Blythe's eyes widened as she looked back up to (Y/N) who had an anxious expression as she tried to make it look like what Yama could do.

      Torres watched Blythe be forced to walk against her will. She narrowed her eyes to determine what it is but Blythe understood what (Y/N) was doing and quickly jumped in. "A manipulator? Maybe?"

      (Y/N) didn't know what that meant but she nodded along and released Blythe. "I- I'm not that strong. I can't move much. But that's what I can do."

      Torres did another once over of the demon with her eyes before she sighed and typed it in. "Manipulator it is."

      A relieved look washed over Blythe's face. That must be good. But (Y/N) wondered why the Captain's daughter suddenly wanted to help her lie after saying she hated liars.

     After some more questions and snarky remarks between the two humans, Torres turned to leave as she finished typing in the information. "I'll be back with the chip, consider yourself confirmed."

      Then she stopped and gave (Y/N) a serious look. "Just because you're confirmed doesn't mean we won't eradicate you if you give us a reason to. It just means you won't be captured. Am I clear?"

"Ye-Yea!" (Y/N) stuttered. All she cared about was being free from this cell.

    The woman then turned to leave but not before acknowledging Blythe one last time. "And you get back to work or I will go to your father!"

"Yea yea, whatever." Blythe waved the woman off which made Torres tsk and leave. Muttering 'damn children' under her breath.

"Fucking bitch." The human girl muttered as she went up to the glass. "You dodged a bullet there."

"I thought you said you didn't like liars?" (Y/N) asked, still confused. "What was that?"

"I don't but I don't like her even more." Blythe leaned against the glass. "If you were to tell her what you told me, she wouldn't hesitate to throw you into experimentation and you don't want to go through that. Trust me."

      (Y/N) looked shocked. They would've experimented on her?!

"You have his abilities? The whole blood thing?" Blythe asked.

     Hesitantly, (Y/N) lifted her arm and made her bloody vines appear. Blythe leaned closer to the glass to get a look and indeed, it was blood. "Oh, this isn't good..."

"But I'm not like him!" (Y/N) urged. "I didn't even know who he was until the Elitists took everything from me and turned me into-"

     She motioned towards her body and all her demon features. "This! I managed to escape them and have been running ever since. They want to use me to hurt more people and-"

     She was starting to ramble and get worked up so Blythe held up a hand to stop her. "Ok ok! I believe you. You're obviously... scared."

"I just want to find my friend and leave." (Y/N) choked. "I was with him when the Elitists found us and we got separated. I just want to know if he's safe."

     Blythe took a second to think. She can get in a lot of trouble helping a demon lie to Torres. But Torres wouldn't care if (Y/N) was important to the Elitists, she'll just throw her into experimentation at the slight mention of her abilities. But (Y/N) could be a key to helping them find the Elitists' hideout and Zankora and finally get rid of them. If the demon were to leave, who knows when more leads will come?

     Blythe stood up from the glass and motioned for (Y/N) to get closer while keeping her voice low. "Let's just keep this between us for right now. Once you get the chip, you should be fine. But..."

"But?" (Y/N) pushed.

"We need help finding the Elitists. We had nothing on them until you showed up. We'll just be at a disadvantage again if you left." Blythe explained.

"But I thought you said I can-"

"Wait, I'm not done. Hear me out." The Capturer cut in. "You want to find your friend, we want to find the Elitists. We can help each other."

     Was she making a deal with her? If it meant finding Yama, she nodded to hear the rest of what the deal was.

"You stay with us and help us locate their hideout. In exchange, we'll help you find your friend. And keep you protected. We come across a lot of demons on the road, I'm sure your friend will be one of them." Blythe finished.

"And I- You're people won't hurt me right? You're sure I'll be safe with you?" She hated that she couldn't feel safe around humans anymore. Not too long ago, she used to be one.

"You have my word." Blythe promised.

     A few seconds had passed until (Y/N) finally agreed. She was going to take a chance with the Zone if it meant finding Yama. She wondered what his reaction would be to this deal. Probably not as trusting as her right now.

      A door opened again and (Y/N) assumed it was Torres coming back with the chip. Then she'll finally be out of this cell.

"Hey, honey. I thought you were out patrolling?" A feminine voice came.

      Blythe turned around. "Oh, mom! I was just talking to the demon we caught."

     That voice sounded familiar. (Y/N) glanced around and saw an older woman approach but when she met the woman's yellow eyes and vice versa, they both froze.

      She was...

     (Y/N) peaked out from around her mother to take a look at the alien lady. She must have noticed the girl giving her a curious look as she faced back down toward her. "Hello sweetie! Aren't you adorable."

     She's the...

"Well, the Zones are looking towards working with topsiders if we're to return to the surface. We would love for your community to be one of the first." The woman proposed. Then her yellow eyes looked back down to the girl who was watching her the whole time. "And I would love for my daughter to have some topsider kids to meet. Maybe you two can be friends one day!"

     (Y/N) couldn't move. Neither did the woman. That was her. The woman from that Zone who visited her community. This Zone!

      She watched the woman slowly approach as her yellow eyes examined her. Obviously, (Y/N) was older and didn't look the same as when she was a kid, but the woman knew that shy face from anywhere.

      And (Y/N) had that same shy look right now.

"Oh no..." The woman whispered.

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