Paranoid Girlfriend[GL] - (Tr...

By An-errr

340K 17.8K 1.3K

Dai Shiyuan has a girlfriend who is very beautiful, with gentle eyebrows and eyes. Every time she calls her "... More

Sister-in-law 1
Sister-in-law 2
Sister-in-law 3
Sister-in-law 4
Sister-in-law 5
Sister-in-law 6
Sister-in-law 7
Sister-in-law 8
Sister-in-Law 9
Sister-in-Law 10
Sister-in-law 11
Sister-in-law 12
Sister-in-law 13
Sister-in-law 14
Sister-in-law 15
Sister-in-Law 16
Sister-in-law 17
Sister-in-Law 18
Sister-in-law 19
Sister-in-Law 20
Sister-in-law 21
Sister-in-law 22
Sister-in-law 23
Chapter 24 Teacher 1
Chapter 25 Teacher 2
Chapter 26: Teacher 3
Chapter 27 Teacher 4
Chapter 28 Teacher 5
Chapter 29 Teacher 6
Chapter 30 Teacher 7
Chapter 31, Teacher 8
Chapter 32 Teacher 9
Chapter 33 Teacher 10
Chapter 34 Teacher 11
Chapter 35 Teacher 12
Chapter 36 Teacher 13
Chapter 37 Teacher 14
Chapter 38 Teacher 15
Chapter 39 Teacher 16
Chapter 40 Teacher 17
Chapter 41 Teacher 18
Chapter 42 Teacher 19
Chapter 43 Teacher 20
Chapter 44 Teacher 21
Chapter 45 Teacher 22
Chapter 46 Teacher 23
Chapter 47 Teacher 24
Chapter 48 Teacher 25
Chapter 49 Teacher 26
Chapter 50 Teacher 27
Chapter 51 Teacher 28
Chapter 52 Teacher 28
Chapter 53 Teacher 30
Chapter 54 Teacher 31
Chapter 55 Teacher 32
Chapter 56 Teacher 33
Chapter 57 Teacher 34
Chapter 58 Teacher 35
Chapter 59 Teacher 36
Chapter 60 Teacher 37
Chapter 61 Teacher 38
Chapter 62 Teacher 39
Chapter 63 Teacher 40
Chapter 64 Teacher 41
Chapter 65 Teacher 42
Chapter 66 Teacher 43
Chapter 67 Teacher 44
Chapter 68 Teacher 45
Chapter 70 Teacher 47
Chapter 71 Teacher 48
Chapter 72 Teacher 49
Chapter 73 Teacher 50
Chapter 74 Teacher 51
Chapter 75 Teacher 52
Chapter 76 Teacher 53
Chapter 77 Teacher 54
Chapter 78 Teacher 55
Chapter 79 Teacher 56
Chapter 80 Teacher 57
Chapter 81 Shan Yaxin 1
Chapter 82 Shan Yaxin 2
Chapter 83 Shan Yaxin 3
Chapter 84 Shan Yaxin 4
Chapter 85 Shan Yaxin 5
Chapter 86 Shan Yaxin 6
Chapter 87 Shan Yaxin 7
Chapter 88 Shan Yaxin 8
Chapter 89 Shan Yaxin 9
Chapter 90 Shan Yaxin 10
Chapter 91 Shan Yaxin 11
Chapter 92 Shan Yaxin 12
Chapter 93 Shan Yaxin 13
Chapter 94 Shan Yaxin 14
Chapter 95 Shan Yaxin 15
Chapter 96 Shan Yaxin 16
Chapter 97 Shan Yaxin 17
Chapter 98 Shan Yaxin 18
Chaparral 99 Shan Yaxin 19
Chapter 100 Shan Yaxin 20
Chapter 101 Shan Yaxin 21
Chapter: 102 Shan Yaxin 22
Chapter 103: Shan Yaxin 23
Chapter 104: Shan Yaxin 24
Chapter 105: Shan Yaxin 25
Chapter 106: Shan Yaxin 26
Chapter 107: Shan Yaxin 27
Chapter 108: Shan Yaxin 28
Chapter 109: Shan Yaxin 29
Chapter 110: Shan Yaxin 30
Chapter 111: Shan Yaxin 31
Chapter 112: Shan Yaxin 32
Chapter 113: Shan Yaxin 33
Chapter 114: Shan Yaxin 34
Chapter 115: Shan Yaxin 35
Chapter 116: Shan Yaxin 36
Chapter 117: Shan Yaxin 37
Chapter 118: Shan Yaxin 38
Chapter 119: Shan Yaxin 39
Chapter 120: Shan Yaxin 40
Chapter 121: Shan Yaxin 41
Chapter 122: Shan Yaxin 42
Chapter 123: Shan Yaxin 43
Chapter 124: Shan Yaxin 44
Chapter 125: Shan Yaxin 45
Chapter 126: Shan Yaxin 46
Chapter 127: Shan Yaxin 47
Chapter 128: Shan Yaxin 48
Chapter 129: Shan Yaxin 49
Chapter 130: Shan Yaxin 50
Chapter 131: Shan Yaxin 51
Chapter 132: Shan Yaxin 52
Chapter 133: Shan Yaxin 53
Chapter 134: Shan Yaxin 54
Chapter 135: Shan Yaxin 55
Chapter 136: Shan Yaxin 56
Chapter 137: Shan Yaxin 57
Chapter 138: Shan Yaxin 58
Chapter 139: Shan Yaxin 59
Chapter 140: Shan Yaxin 60
Chapter 141: Shan Yaxin 61
Chapter 142: Shan Yaxin 62
Chapter 143: Shan Yaxin 63
Chapter 144: Shan Yaxin 64
Chapter 145: Shan Yaxin 65
Chapter 146: Shan Yaxin 66
Chapter 147: Shan Yaxin 67
Chapter 148: Girlfriend 1
Chapter 149: Girlfriend 2
Chapter 150: Girlfriend 3
Chapter 151: Girlfriend 4
Chapter 152: Girlfriend 5
Chapter 153: Girlfriend 6
Chapter 154: Girlfriend 7
Chapter 155: Girlfriend 8
Chapter 156: Girlfriend 9
Chapter 157: Girlfriend 10
Chapter 158: Extra 1
Chapter 159: Extra 2
Chapter 160: Extra 3
Chapter 161: Extra 4

Chapter 69 Teacher 46

1.6K 95 9
By An-errr

The final investor for the library expansion turned out to be Chen Xiao, and Dai Shiyuan was a bit surprised when she received the news internally.

It seems that the male lead, Dai Wenhao, is still angry and unwilling to compromise on behalf of the female lead.

Although the two had made some progress recently, it seems to have cooled off again because of the incident where the female lead refused to share a room with him that night.

It's unclear how this change in the storyline will affect the future development.

Dai Shiyuan leaned against the sofa, resting her hands behind her head, lost in thought.

Today is Saturday, and she has no other plans, so she sat idle and waited for Shan Yaxin to make breakfast.

"Xiaoyuan, come and have breakfast." Shan Yaxin came out of the kitchen with toasted bread and two cups of milk.

Dai Shiyuan responded and walked over to sit down, picking up a piece of bread and starting to eat.

After a couple of bites, she glanced at Shan Yaxin with an expression of wanting to say something but holding back.

Shan Yaxin noticed the look but didn't ask, pretending to be unaware and continued eating breakfast.

Finally, after finishing breakfast and watching Shan Yaxin tidy up, Dai Shiyuan couldn't resist anymore and asked quietly, "Has my brother contacted you during this time?"

It had been almost a month since the last overnight incident.

Shan Yaxin shook her head lightly, her expression very calm, without any sign of anything unusual.

It seemed that she didn't care about the male lead's indifference.

Dai Shiyuan sighed inwardly, starting to think that her brother was a bit foolish.

If the female lead didn't care, why was he still pretending to be aloof? This way, divorce would be inevitable sooner or later.

"Xiaoyuan, I'm inviting young master Chen to dinner today. Would you like to come?" Shan Yaxin asked after washing the dishes.

Dai Shiyuan was stunned for a moment, thinking for a few seconds before nodding in agreement.

Although she didn't understand why the female lead was inviting her, since the other party had extended the invitation, she might as well go.

Anyway, there are no plans today, which is good because it can prevent the second male lead from getting too close to the female lead.

Shan Yaxin chose a high-end restaurant, and they arrived during a less busy time. When they entered, only a few tables were occupied.

Shan Yaxin sat down next to Dai Shiyuan and asked, "What dish do you want to eat?" She smiled and handed over the menu.

Dai Shiyuan shook her head and replied, "Let's wait for Brother Chen Xiao to come before ordering."

The Dai and Chen families were both prestigious families, so it was appropriate for her to call Chen Xiao "brother."

"Okay, he's probably delayed by something." Shan Yaxin looked at her watch and frowned slightly.

Chen Xiao was usually punctual, and he was already past the agreed-upon time.

After waiting for about ten minutes, a handsome couple appeared at the door. They looked very attractive.

Dai Shiyuan recognized the well-dressed man in a suit as Chen Xiao, but she didn't know the elegant and graceful woman next to him.

"Why did Chen Nianwei come?" Shan Yaxin's eyes narrowed slightly, with a hint of doubt.

Upon hearing this name, Dai Shiyuan suddenly realized.

Chen Nianwei was the younger sister of the second male lead, and she was a devoted sibling who believed that no one was good enough for her brother.

After learning that the second male lead liked the female lead, she became very resentful towards her. Her role was to indirectly matchmake the male and female leads.

"Sorry we're late, we hope you two beautiful ladies can forgive us." Chen Xiao smiled elegantly, his handsome face showing sincere apologies.

"Don't be so polite, please sit down." Shan Yaxin stood up and, when her eyes fell on Chen Nianwei, she smiled friendly.

"You must be Wenhao's precious wife, he's married, but he always keeps you hidden and refuses to introduce you to us."

Chen Nianwei covered her mouth and laughed. Her eyes were full of scrutiny as she looked around, then settled on Dai Shiyuan. "You must be Dai Shiyuan, you look more beautiful every time I see you. Whoever can marry you is very lucky."

These words of implied urging and familiarity made Dai Shiyuan feel awkward and disgusted.

This character was definitely not a good person. She started by making fun of the female lead for being unimpressive, and even now, she was not recognized by the male lead.

 And her gaze towards Dai Shiyuan was sharp and thorough, like she was assessing merchandise.

Dai Shiyuan frowned discontentedly and lowered her head to avoid eye contact.

"Xiaoyuan has just turned 18, which is the age to work hard in her studies. What about Miss Chen? She is already 25 years old. Do you have any love interests?" Shan Yaxin asked with a smile, allowing herself to be scrutinized openly.

A few seemingly harmless words had a great impact, causing Chen Nianwei's smile to freeze momentarily.

"Oh, Miss Chen is already 25 years old. I couldn't tell from her appearance," Dai Shiyuan intentionally widened her eyes and made an expression of amazement, looking as if she couldn't believe it.

25 years old is not old, but it is not the most tender age for girls, and can even be called "auntie" by some children.

Chen Nianwei's face showed a moment of embarrassment, but she still maintained her elegant smile, although her gaze was not as insolent as before.

Suppressing the arrogance of this supporting actress lifted Dai Shiyuan's mood.

After the dishes were served, she quietly enjoyed the food, not getting involved in the war between the other two women.

"Miss Shan not only has good looks, but also has better luck than most people. She was able to marry Brother Wenhao," Chen Nianwei said with a smile, her eyes containing a hint of mockery.

A woman from an ordinary family marrying into the wealthy Dai family was enough to spark the imagination of a great drama.

Shan Yaxin understood the meaning behind Chen Nianwei's words, and said calmly, "Perhaps he has already seen through the tricks of those other women and is not interested in marrying them."

"Ahem..." Dai Shiyuan heard the meaning in their words and coughed abruptly, looking like she wanted to laugh but didn't dare to.

The female lead's words were plain, but they were actually a sneer at the means used by so-called wealthy daughters, which was inconsistent with her proud and elegant appearance.

In the book, there were indeed many rich girls who wanted to marry the male lead, but he looked down on them and found fault with them.

Realizing that the three of them were looking at her, Dai Shiyuan hurriedly covered her mouth and stood up, saying quickly, "I'm sorry, I choked a bit. I'll go to the restroom."

"Be careful, it's a bit choking here," Shan Yaxin said with concern, with a double meaning.

Dai Shiyuan replied hastily and turned towards the direction of the restroom.

The female lead's performance today was outstanding, both in terms of demeanor and intelligence, surpassing Chen Nianwei.

Chen Nianwei's barbed words aimed to embarrass the female lead, but every word was countered, making herself look like a clown.

In the eyes of outsiders, the heroine is an ordinary woman who married into the Dai family without a name, but little do they know that the current female lead is no longer someone who is easily bullied.

Dai Shiyuan smirked and silently expressed sympathy for Chen Nianwei in her heart.

After washing her hands and raising her head, she suddenly saw another face in the mirror. The face wore a shrewd smile and stood behind her.

Dai Shiyuan was taken aback but calmly asked, "Is there something you need, Sister Chen? You scared me by appearing out of nowhere."

"Dai Shiyuan, you're so timid." Chen Nianwei covered her mouth and chuckled. She took a deep look at Dai Shiyuan, then sighed with regret.

Dai Shiyuan furrowed her eyebrows. She knew that Chen Nianwei was just trying to provoke her and stir up trouble between her and the female lead.

The original owner had an immature mindset and already disliked the female lead. It didn't take much to persuade her to do bad things.

Under Chen Nianwei's guidance, she did a lot of terrible things.

But Dai Shiyuan was different.

She had finally achieved a peaceful coexistence with the female lead and didn't want to ruin the present by believing in rumors.

Seeing that Dai Shiyuan didn't show any curiosity, Chen Nianwei couldn't help but say, "Do you know what it means to have one more woman in the family?"

Dai Shiyuan remained silent, calmly looking back at her.

"It means that your brother will love you less. Originally, you were his most beloved sister, but now that there's another woman, you're no longer the most important person to him. And one day, he'll even yell at you for the sake of an outsider." Chen Nianwei had to continue speaking with great emotion.

"I'm not obsessed with my brother." Dai Shiyuan replied calmly, her eyes showing a knowing look.

"You..." Chen Nianwei's face turned red with embarrassment. She didn't expect her deepest secret to be so easily seen through. She was so angry that she bit her lip tightly.

Dai Shiyuan sneered and walked past Chen Nianwei, leaving the room.

She began to doubt the intelligence of this supporting female character. When she first appeared, she looked like a "villainous woman," and spoke in an unpleasant manner without proper etiquette.

It was a shame for the second male lead to have such a crazy and pathological sister.

As Dai Shiyuan left the bathroom and walked through the hallway, she brushed shoulders with a tall figure.

The other person seemed very angry.

She turned around to look and her eyes showed a surprised expression.

The angry figure she saw was actually her male lead brother.

If it weren't for the delay caused by that supporting female character, she would have been able to see the whole situation.

Dai Shiyuan averted her gaze and walked towards the dining table.

Everything seemed normal, there were no food residues scattered on the ground, nor were there any suspicious water stains.

"What's wrong with my brother?" Dai Shiyuan stood on the side and asked, puzzled.

"Nothing, let's go back." Shan Yaxin stood up and said, her originally smiling mouth became cold.

Dai Shiyuan keenly felt that the female lead's mood seemed very bad and secretly glanced at the second male lead, wanting a hint.

However, the other party gave her a helpless look, seeming a bit schadenfreude.

Dai Shiyuan furrowed her eyebrows suspiciously and didn't dare to speak on the way.

Back in the room, Shan Yaxin went straight into the room, and the sound of the door closing was much louder than usual, obviously containing anger inside.

Dai Shiyuan's heart skipped a beat with the door, and she blinked in confusion.

How did things turn out like this in the time she went to the bathroom?

And why did she run into the male lead again while having a meal with the second male lead?

Dai Shiyuan sighed and decided to be a witness for the female lead.

She took out her phone and dialed Dai Wenhao's number.

It took him a while to answer, and when he did, his voice was cold and angry, "What's up?"

"Brother, I just went out to eat with Sister Yaxin and saw you." Dai Shiyuan squeezed out a cheerful voice.

"Are you two teaming up to hide something from me? Now you're covering up for her again." The more Dai Wenhao spoke, the angrier he became, and his face turned pale.

Dai Shiyuan never expected the male lead to think this way, and he didn't even listen to her explanation. Instead, he saw her as a 'co-conspirator.'

Now the male lead is fixated on the idea that the female lead has a problem with other men, no matter how she explains it, he won't believe her.

It seems that these two people really need to get a divorce.


Author's Note: Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or watered me between 23:51:44 on April 14, 2021 and 23:55:40 on April 16, 2021~


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