Azur Lane Harem

By ChingWungWeeb

410 17 54

Isekai'd into a world that used to be on your phone. Being the only man might prove challenging but then agai... More


410 17 54
By ChingWungWeeb


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Your eyes slowly opened. Ears pierced by that God forsaken iPhone alarm. You were tired but you knew you had to go to work. You made a living by working at a marina. For the most part you just tended to small sail boats and yachts, but the little-to-no interaction with customers made the job easy.

Y/N: Another day...

You rose from your bed and started your daily routine. While eating breakfast and drinking coffee you played your favorite mobile game, Azur Lane. Nowadays it was the only thing that kept you entertained. Being an adult hit harder than you could've thought. Bills, taxes, and even old friends were slowly starting to drift away. As much as you wanted to stay positive, you felt empty. As always however, you decided that dwelling on those empty emotions was pointless and began to head for work. Walking out of your house you were glued to your phone screen while debating on what to have for dinner.

Y/N: *Sigh* I really wish they'd release more than two or three girls in each event. I'm not complaining but I feel like my 1,137 wisdom cubes are just collecting dust at this point.

You felt proud yet ashamed of your progress in the game. You had every girl in the game, even the Hyperdimension Neptunia girls from the early days of the game's release. (Nah like seriously, I don't mean to brag but I straight up have everyone, except for Seattle because I'm too lazy to grind that much combat exp... again) You might be thinking to yourself, "why don't you try and play a different game like FGO?" The answer is simple... BECAUSE I HATE WAITING FOR JEANNE ALTER TO BECOME AVAILABLE JUST FOR ME TO SPEND 200 SAINT QUARTZ AND NOT GET HER, LIKE DAMN!!! anyways... It is a feature that originally drew you into the game in the first place. The ability to grind wisdom cubes in daily and weekly tasks made you happy because you knew that if you were dedicated enough and spent time each day completing tasks, you wouldn't get stuck behind a paywall for certain characters.

You had your earbuds in while still looking down at your screen. The volume was turned up just enough for you to not hear the truck who was also not paying attention. By the time both of you had realized it was too late. It happened so fast and all you could see was white. Your body was in excruciating pain, and your hearing was muffled. The only thing you could here were muffled and distant sounds of the ambulance before finally shutting your eyes for the last time.

... ...
... ... ...

Or so you thought

You opened your eyes back up to realize you were in some sort of pure white void. You started to sit up and immediately noticed your body wasn't in any pain.

Y/N: Where the hell am I?

???: Oh good, you're awake!

You looked to your right and see a floating golden orb. The orb began to speak.

???: You're probably wondering what happened and where you are. Don't worry, normal reaction. That's also why I'm here!

Y/N: Who are you?

???: Before that, I should let you know something. I'm the one that killed you.

Y/N: W-What!? Why did-

???: Wait hang on. To be more specific, I pulled some strings to have that truck hit you is what I meant.

Y/N: Okay, again, why did-

???: Because you're depressing.

Y/N: ...

???: ...

Y/N: ... Damn

???: Sorry that came out wrong again. My intention for killing you was to help you out.

Y/N: Okay, I know I can be kinda depressing sometimes but I've never been suicidal-

???: Let me finish. I want to help you have a fresh start.

Y/N: How are you gonna do that? I'm dead remember.

???: Good question, and now I'll answer your earlier question by revealing who I really am. I go by many names but you can think of me as the Isekai God.

Y/N: I'm sorry?

???: You know like isekai, the term for being transferred to another world. Come on I know your weeb ass watches anime.

Y/N: I know what isekai is dumbass. I just didn't think there'd be a god specifically for that. So what now, am I getting sent to another world?

???: Yep! How does Azur Lane sound?

You started to get nervous and began blushing.

Y/N: Won't I be the only guy there?

???: Yeah isn't it great!

Several thoughts started going through your mind. Some were dirty. You tried to ward off those thoughts however.

???: So what'll it be?

Y/N: I-I don't know. This is all happening so fast.

???: Good lord, you sound like some teenage girl about to have her first time.

Y/N: Fine! Just send me already... prick

???: Awesome, just... try and tuck your arms and legs in a little so you don't die when you break the surface tension of the water.

Y/N: Huh!?

???: Anyways that's all I have left to say, bye now.

Y/N: Wait a minute-

Before you could intervene you were teleported out of the void and into the sky above the ocean. Then you started falling. You didn't bother screaming as you were more concerned about avoiding death. After all, it would to die twice in one day. Then you heard a voice ring out in your head.

???: Hey buddy, I'm was just messing with you. I coated your body with an invulnerability aura so you can't be harmed. Don't take it the wrong way but I'd prefer that you and I not meet again. Consider it as my parting gift to you. However you may pass out from the oxygen dispersion from upper atmosphere to sea level.

Y/N: So I'm just gonna pass out in the middle of the ocean?!

???: Yeah, but don't worry you won't be alone. I'm sure she'll help you out.

I scoffed at this, but more importantly I noticed a cruiser as I was falling one that I recognized all too well. She was the first girl I married after all.

Y/N: Prinz Eugen.


Hey guys first I'd like to say that this is a harem story so if there are any girls you wanna see let me know. More importantly, I would like to apologize for those who have been keeping up with my other stories such as the Royal maids. I keep promising to update and then weeks and sometimes months go by without me doing so. I'm sorry about that for those that truly enjoyed reading them. I don't plan on abandoning them. They will get updated and eventually completed at some point, however I won't sit here and lie saying that I'll release chapter's regularly. I'm kinda not doing so well mentally right now and I'm trying to get better. I'm hoping that writing will be a form of release and relaxation to help with that. For those who have read my other works such as the Royal maids, Skyrim harem, white crane, and the lonely eagle, I will do my best to ensure that those are updated and completed at some point. I especially want to apologize to the individual who originally requested the lonely eagle story to begin with. I feel as though I let you down. I am working on that story now and will do my best to correct my error. As always I thank you guys for reading and putting up with my constant bullshit.

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