Paranoid Girlfriend[GL] - (Tr...

By An-errr

340K 17.8K 1.3K

Dai Shiyuan has a girlfriend who is very beautiful, with gentle eyebrows and eyes. Every time she calls her "... More

Sister-in-law 1
Sister-in-law 2
Sister-in-law 3
Sister-in-law 4
Sister-in-law 5
Sister-in-law 6
Sister-in-law 7
Sister-in-law 8
Sister-in-Law 9
Sister-in-Law 10
Sister-in-law 11
Sister-in-law 12
Sister-in-law 13
Sister-in-law 14
Sister-in-law 15
Sister-in-Law 16
Sister-in-law 17
Sister-in-Law 18
Sister-in-law 19
Sister-in-Law 20
Sister-in-law 21
Sister-in-law 22
Sister-in-law 23
Chapter 24 Teacher 1
Chapter 25 Teacher 2
Chapter 26: Teacher 3
Chapter 27 Teacher 4
Chapter 28 Teacher 5
Chapter 29 Teacher 6
Chapter 30 Teacher 7
Chapter 31, Teacher 8
Chapter 32 Teacher 9
Chapter 33 Teacher 10
Chapter 34 Teacher 11
Chapter 35 Teacher 12
Chapter 36 Teacher 13
Chapter 37 Teacher 14
Chapter 38 Teacher 15
Chapter 39 Teacher 16
Chapter 40 Teacher 17
Chapter 41 Teacher 18
Chapter 42 Teacher 19
Chapter 43 Teacher 20
Chapter 44 Teacher 21
Chapter 45 Teacher 22
Chapter 46 Teacher 23
Chapter 47 Teacher 24
Chapter 48 Teacher 25
Chapter 49 Teacher 26
Chapter 50 Teacher 27
Chapter 51 Teacher 28
Chapter 52 Teacher 28
Chapter 53 Teacher 30
Chapter 54 Teacher 31
Chapter 55 Teacher 32
Chapter 56 Teacher 33
Chapter 57 Teacher 34
Chapter 58 Teacher 35
Chapter 59 Teacher 36
Chapter 60 Teacher 37
Chapter 62 Teacher 39
Chapter 63 Teacher 40
Chapter 64 Teacher 41
Chapter 65 Teacher 42
Chapter 66 Teacher 43
Chapter 67 Teacher 44
Chapter 68 Teacher 45
Chapter 69 Teacher 46
Chapter 70 Teacher 47
Chapter 71 Teacher 48
Chapter 72 Teacher 49
Chapter 73 Teacher 50
Chapter 74 Teacher 51
Chapter 75 Teacher 52
Chapter 76 Teacher 53
Chapter 77 Teacher 54
Chapter 78 Teacher 55
Chapter 79 Teacher 56
Chapter 80 Teacher 57
Chapter 81 Shan Yaxin 1
Chapter 82 Shan Yaxin 2
Chapter 83 Shan Yaxin 3
Chapter 84 Shan Yaxin 4
Chapter 85 Shan Yaxin 5
Chapter 86 Shan Yaxin 6
Chapter 87 Shan Yaxin 7
Chapter 88 Shan Yaxin 8
Chapter 89 Shan Yaxin 9
Chapter 90 Shan Yaxin 10
Chapter 91 Shan Yaxin 11
Chapter 92 Shan Yaxin 12
Chapter 93 Shan Yaxin 13
Chapter 94 Shan Yaxin 14
Chapter 95 Shan Yaxin 15
Chapter 96 Shan Yaxin 16
Chapter 97 Shan Yaxin 17
Chapter 98 Shan Yaxin 18
Chaparral 99 Shan Yaxin 19
Chapter 100 Shan Yaxin 20
Chapter 101 Shan Yaxin 21
Chapter: 102 Shan Yaxin 22
Chapter 103: Shan Yaxin 23
Chapter 104: Shan Yaxin 24
Chapter 105: Shan Yaxin 25
Chapter 106: Shan Yaxin 26
Chapter 107: Shan Yaxin 27
Chapter 108: Shan Yaxin 28
Chapter 109: Shan Yaxin 29
Chapter 110: Shan Yaxin 30
Chapter 111: Shan Yaxin 31
Chapter 112: Shan Yaxin 32
Chapter 113: Shan Yaxin 33
Chapter 114: Shan Yaxin 34
Chapter 115: Shan Yaxin 35
Chapter 116: Shan Yaxin 36
Chapter 117: Shan Yaxin 37
Chapter 118: Shan Yaxin 38
Chapter 119: Shan Yaxin 39
Chapter 120: Shan Yaxin 40
Chapter 121: Shan Yaxin 41
Chapter 122: Shan Yaxin 42
Chapter 123: Shan Yaxin 43
Chapter 124: Shan Yaxin 44
Chapter 125: Shan Yaxin 45
Chapter 126: Shan Yaxin 46
Chapter 127: Shan Yaxin 47
Chapter 128: Shan Yaxin 48
Chapter 129: Shan Yaxin 49
Chapter 130: Shan Yaxin 50
Chapter 131: Shan Yaxin 51
Chapter 132: Shan Yaxin 52
Chapter 133: Shan Yaxin 53
Chapter 134: Shan Yaxin 54
Chapter 135: Shan Yaxin 55
Chapter 136: Shan Yaxin 56
Chapter 137: Shan Yaxin 57
Chapter 138: Shan Yaxin 58
Chapter 139: Shan Yaxin 59
Chapter 140: Shan Yaxin 60
Chapter 141: Shan Yaxin 61
Chapter 142: Shan Yaxin 62
Chapter 143: Shan Yaxin 63
Chapter 144: Shan Yaxin 64
Chapter 145: Shan Yaxin 65
Chapter 146: Shan Yaxin 66
Chapter 147: Shan Yaxin 67
Chapter 148: Girlfriend 1
Chapter 149: Girlfriend 2
Chapter 150: Girlfriend 3
Chapter 151: Girlfriend 4
Chapter 152: Girlfriend 5
Chapter 153: Girlfriend 6
Chapter 154: Girlfriend 7
Chapter 155: Girlfriend 8
Chapter 156: Girlfriend 9
Chapter 157: Girlfriend 10
Chapter 158: Extra 1
Chapter 159: Extra 2
Chapter 160: Extra 3
Chapter 161: Extra 4

Chapter 61 Teacher 38

1.7K 94 5
By An-errr

Dai Shiyuan had a long day of classes and felt extremely tired both physically and mentally. She yawned several times while walking.

In order to prepare for her English exam on Wednesday, she took two days off from work at the bar next door. The manager was easy to talk to and agreed without much persuasion.

Upon returning home, Dai Shiyuan smelled a strong aroma of food. She carefully sniffed and recognized the smell of braised fish. The enticing scent made her unconsciously swallow, and her spirits were instantly lifted. She was no longer tired from school.

Dai Shiyuan put down her school bag, thought for a moment, and then, with a cute smile on her face, ran to the kitchen.

She saw her sister-in-law Shan Yaxin wearing an apron and cooking, and immediately said with a smile, "Sister Yaxin, your apron looks so beautiful, it shows off your figure so well."

Shan Yaxin heard this and looked at Dai Shiyuan with a skeptical expression, then calmly replied, "I bought this for ten yuan at the supermarket."

"Uh..." Dai Shiyuan's expression froze for a moment, and then she smiled again and said, "Even though the apron is so cheap, it can't conceal Sister Yaxin's gentle and lovely temperament."

"Thank you for your praise, Xiaoyuan," Shan Yaxin lightly hooked her lips and continued to focus on cooking.

Dai Shiyuan stood aside with a smile on her face.

Seeing that complimenting Shan Yaxin wasn't working, she turned her eyes and asked eagerly, "Do you need me to wash the vegetables or chop the ginger and garlic?"

When Shan Yaxin heard this, she wanted to refuse. Dai Shiyuan had always been pampered and rarely went into the kitchen. She didn't know how to wash or chop vegetables.

But then she remembered something and nodded with a smile, "Xiaoyuan, thank you."

"It's no trouble at all," Dai Shiyuan quickly shook her head and went to the sink to skillfully wash the vegetables.

Shan Yaxin occasionally glanced over to the sink and saw that the vegetables were cleaned and trimmed very well, with clear leaves, and any rotten or old parts were removed. These were familiar actions that were nothing like the delicate little sister-in-law she remembered.

Ever since Dai Shiyuan's rebirth, her personality had changed a lot. Shan Yaxin could understand and accept this because she was like that too.

But there were many things that Dai Shiyuan didn't know how to do before, and now she inexplicably knew how to do them.

However, there were some areas where she excelled but avoided talking about them. These issues puzzled Shan Yaxin, and she couldn't figure them out.

"Sister Yaxin, I've finished washing the vegetables," Dai Shiyuan washed her hands and said happily, looking like she was taking credit for it.

"Okay, you can go out. I will finish cooking soon." Shan Yaxin suppressed her doubts and smiled and nodded.

Dai Shiyuan obediently left, but before leaving, she looked at Shan Yaxin with expectant eyes.

Shan Yaxin understood the meaning behind the look.

Today, her younger sister-in-law was unusually attentive, just to get close to her for the English quiz.

As a teacher for so long, Shan Yaxin could easily see through these tricks.

But the little sister-in-law would probably be disappointed.

Based on her principle of being responsible for her students, she would never cheat or give any unfair advantage to her students.

Dai Shiyuan sat in the living room, nervous and uneasy.

Exams are always a pain for students, especially for someone like her who is not good at English, it's even more painful.

If she could get some information from the female lead's mouth to help her pass the test smoothly, she would dream that the female lead would be blessed for life.

Although the culprit who set the questions this time was the female lead.

Dai Shiyuan sighed sadly. She wondered if her flattery towards the female lead earlier had any effect.

The female lead in the book is very strict in teaching and treats all students equally without any bias.

Although that's what she said, Dai Shiyuan still hoped that her gentle policy would work.

In less than ten minutes, Shan Yaxin had finished the last dish.

As soon as she brought out the dishes, she heard an exaggerated exclamation.

"Sister Yaxin, your cooking smells delicious and looks beautiful. Even a top chef couldn't do it better than you." Dai Shiyuan gave a thumbs-up and grinned widely, trying her best to show sincere admiration.

If it weren't for the need to pass the exam, she wouldn't have to do such childish things with a straight face.

Shan Yaxin smiled lightly at her words and didn't expose the insincere part. She gently said, "If Xiaoyuan likes it, eat more."

"Okay." Dai Shiyuan nodded vigorously, quickly ate two bites, and couldn't help but cautiously ask, "What if I fail this quiz?"

"I will ask your parents to come over." Shan Yaxin replied with a smile, looking serious and not joking at all.

Dai Shiyuan's little face immediately drooped, her eyebrows furrowing tightly. Her parents were the male lead's parents and the male lead himself. No matter who came, it was not the result she wanted to see if she didn't pass the exam.

"It's just a small test. It shouldn't be necessary to ask my parents to come." Dai Shiyuan said in a small voice, her eyes unconsciously pleading.

She looked a bit pitiful.

Back when she was studying, she was afraid of teachers and even more afraid of having her parents called in.

High school was particularly busy with academic work, especially in her senior year, where there were constant big and small exams and the homeroom teacher would periodically call in parents for a chat.

Fortunately, after entering university, as long as there weren't any particularly serious situations, the school wouldn't call in parents.

She didn't expect the female lead to call her parents over for just one exam. It was a bit of an overreaction.

Shan Yaxin received the look of despair and wanted to laugh, but maintained a serious expression and said seriously, "University is not a place to play. You can't relax just because it's not as strict as high school. As a student, you should study hard so that you can survive better in society in the future."

Dai Shiyuan understood and agreed with the reasoning behind these words.

But she still felt that calling in her parents was a bit too much.

"Can we change the punishment method?" Dai Shiyuan pleaded softly, and then lowered her head nervously after speaking. "I don't want my parents to come..."

She said the last sentence extremely softly.

Shan Yaxin was a bit far away and didn't hear it clearly at first. It took her a few seconds to understand.

She set this rule for the sake of all the students, not just to target her younger sister-in-law.

Now many students in the class have started to slack off, not paying attention in class and not studying during their free time, feeling that university is just a place to have fun.

She took advantage of this opportunity to give this group of playful students a warning, so they wouldn't continue to be idle like this.

Although university is said to be four years, it's actually just a blink of an eye, and time passes quickly when you're aimlessly drifting through it.

"Does Xiaoyuan lack confidence in herself and think she can't pass?" Shan Yaxin smiled and asked.

Dai Shiyuan wanted to nod, but her pride wouldn't allow it.

She could only force a smile and respond, "How could that be? I think I can pass..."

The more she spoke, the less confident she became.

Shan Yaxin's lips curled up, revealing a knowing smile, but she didn't reveal anything.

After dinner, Dai Shiyuan buried herself in her room to study.

Looking at the dense words in the English book, she felt dizzy and her eyelids refused to cooperate, as if fighting against her.

The little English knowledge she had learned before was long forgotten, and coupled with not paying attention in class recently, she felt like she was reading a book in an alien language.

She didn't even recognize many of the words.

Their major didn't require a particularly high level of English, but the female lead demanded a level of expertise in English equivalent to that of an English major.

Although it was for their own good, it was too demanding.

Dai Shiyuan had been reading for almost two hours and was so dizzy and tired that she just wanted to sleep.

The English book was still open to the same page she had been on for the past hour.

Just as she was about to fall asleep on the book, there was a knock on the door.

Dai Shiyuan woke up instantly and turned her head to look at the door in confusion.

"Xiaoyuan, do you want some fruit?" Shan Yaxin gentle voice came from outside.

Dai Shiyuan suddenly perked up and got up to open the door. When she saw the fruit, she couldn't help but smile and say, "Thank you, Sister Yaxin."

"Is studying going well?" Shan Yaxin asked softly, her words full of concern.

"It's going pretty well," Dai Shiyuan hurriedly replied, her speech so fast that she almost bit her tongue.

"That's good. If you have any questions, you can ask me," Shan Yaxin said with a gentle smile.

Dai Shiyuan hesitated for a moment, evaluating the feasibility of this sentence in her mind.

As Shan Yaxin turned to leave, Dai Shiyuan blurted out, "Sister Yaxin, I have two questions that I don't understand."

"Okay," Shan Yaxin turned back, her smile full of anticipation.

Dai Shiyuan sensed the look in her eyes and regretted it instantly, feeling as if all her pretenses had been seen through.

But now that she had spoken, she couldn't take it back. She could only invite the female lead to her room to teach her how to study.

As Shan Yaxin entered the room, her eyes fell on the English book that was still open to the first page.

It seemed that the younger sister-in-law had been studying for two hours and hadn't learned a single letter.

"Where do you not understand?" Shan Yaxin sat down and asked with a light laugh.

Hearing this question, Dai Shiyuan suddenly felt a panic similar to being questioned by a teacher. She quickly took out her English book and pointed to two questions.

"These two?" Shan Yaxin asked in confusion.

These two questions could be considered very basic, and should have been learned in high school.

"Yes," Dai Shiyuan nodded affirmatively, sitting up straight.

She regretted her momentary lapse of reason when she invited the female lead to teach her.

Now the female lead was sitting opposite her. Although her expression was gentle, Dai Shiyuan couldn't help feeling nervous, as if she were alone in an English class.

"Here's how you should interpret this..." Shan Yaxin explained earnestly, not becoming impatient because the question was simple.

If her younger sister-in-law really didn't understand even these two questions, then she would definitely fail the more difficult test papers.

Listening to Shan Yaxin's gentle voice, Dai Shiyuan couldn't help but relax, following her train of thought and nodding from time to time, her eyes showing a look of sudden enlightenment.

"Do you understand now?" Shan Yaxin asked, looking up.

"I understand, I understand," Dai Shiyuan nodded quickly, then cautiously said after a moment, "I still have a few questions I don't understand..."

Shan Yaxin raised her eyebrows, understanding what 'a few' meant, and smiled, "I happen to be free tonight, so I'll give you some remedial lessons."

Dai Shiyuan nodded eagerly and flipped through the English book, saying, "I don't really understand the grammar here, and I also need the translation for this sentence below."

Shan Yaxin nodded and patiently continued her teaching.

Although she had already carefully taught these contents in class.


Author's note: Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated me with nutrient solution between 23:47:43 on 2021-04-04 and 23:54:53 on 2021-04-05.


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