Wizard Hunt (Original)

By HumanoidAlien27

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This is how the Wizard Hunt fanfic book was originally supposed to go. It's very dark, very painful and has g... More

Chapter 1, Hubris
Chapter 2, with friends like these
Chapter 3, months later
Chapter 4, Sebastian's wand
Chapter 5, the Ministry
Chapter 6, Betrayal?
Chapter 7, feeling alone
Chapter 8, Animagus
Chapter 9, getting help
Chapter 10, consequences
Chapter 11, Too Late
Chapter 13, changing things
Chapter 14, no secrets from you
Chapter 15, Worth it in the end

Chapter 12, Determination

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By HumanoidAlien27

    Starring out the window, Sebastian barely noticed Felix talking to Fig. The faces of his friends haunted his mind as your voice echoed the last thing you said to him.
"I absolutely hate you Sebastian."
His chest twisted as his fists tightened again.
"Sebastian?" Felix asked, resting a hand on his shoulder, only to be smacked off. "I know it hurts-"
"Hurts?" He asked sharply, now glaring at Felix, eyes so close to yours it only added to it. "If I had blocked that spell instead of dodging it, they'd be alive. Their deaths are my fault."
Felix watched his face crumble as he glanced at Fig, who looked helplessly at his former student.
"She died hating me!"
Felix sighed softly, knowing what he was about to say wasn't going to help, but it needed to be said. "It seems the killing curse doesn't kill as painlessly as you thought, does it?"
Sebastian practically fell to the table, his fingers digging into his scalp.
"That is the price of using dark magic. You get hurt, the people you care about get hurt. She and Ominis cared for you-"
"They hated me."
Felix gave a slight smile. "You don't put your back to someone you can't trust. Their backs were to you."
Felix startled as Sebastian began to sob. "I didn't know. I didn't know they were there."
Moving close, he carefully pulled the teenager into an awkward side hug, his own emotions spilling out onto his cheeks.

    That night, Sebastian snapped his wand in half. A silent way of telling himself never to touch or defend those spells ever again.
He didn't want to be tied to it or reminded of it.
Sitting still for a moment before his eyes fell onto your bag, the place he stowed yours and Ominis's wands.
He pulled it closer and reached inside, finding more than he bargained for.
He, instead of a wand, pulled out a box that was wrapped in green paper with a silver bow.
Curious, he turned it over, seeing his name written on it was his birthday.
Felix's words about you carrying about him filtered through as he opened it.
Inside was a book filled with painted artwork on enchanted canvases. The first two had you, Anne and Ominis, though it didn't speak. The enchantment was just to make them move.
The next page had Poppy and Natsai. As he continued, it slowly progressed into the teachers and finally random ones of her and Ominis. The last page had him, back in the fifth year.
He glared at the bright smile on his painted self's face.
He shut the book, before reaching in again, finding another present. This time he assumed it was a Christmas present. It was a book of ancient curses, with a page bookmarked, so he opened it, seeing a note slipped inside saying it was Anne's curse cure.
You had found it a few weeks after she had died and forgot about the note when you put it in the box.
The next thing to come out of the bag was a letter written to him.

      -I know you'll never see these, but I can't help myself. Being your friend hasn't been easy and loving you, even harder. I think I've just gotten used you not being around, which seems worse in a way. Ominis is helping, though I sense he knows I'm lying half the time and is too polite to point it out. The truth is that it's been months and I can't stop these feelings for you. A part of me wants to wish them away, but they're all I have left of you. The only thing that I feel tethers me to you. I wish I could go back to that day we dueled and change the way everything went afterwards. I wonder if you felt the same or if this is just a silly dream of mine. I'll never be able to tell you to your face, not after everything, but I love you Sebastian. I never stopped and I miss you deeply.-

   He quickly wiped the droplets that splashed down, away before it smeared the ink as his eyes moved to the date seeing you wrote this a week before visiting Azkaban.
Breaking down, he had to stop digging and went to bed, or at least pretended to.

    Felix accio-ed the wands from the bag, but Fig's and Miriam's came with them.
"Who's are these?" Felix asked.
"She kept my wand?" Fig asked surprised.
Sebastian nodded and showed Miriam's. "Both of yours."
He stared at the wands, each belong to a wizard who died before their time.
Felix watched Sebastian grab your wand and stow it in place of his own.
"What happened to yours?"
"I broke it."
He nodded and moved to grab a box from behind the table. "Here. I'm giving these to you. Do with them what you will. I'm going on a very long trip." He placed it down and grabbed his bag. "I need to get my mind off things."
Before Sebastian could reply, Felix turned into his animagus form and flew out the open window.
Staring at the paper, which read about the Minister's downfall, Sebastian felt more alone than he ever did in his cell.
"I'm sorry," he whispered to nobody as he laid his head down on the table.

    By the time he woke up, it was dark out and the house was way too quiet. His eyes moved to the parcel, he pulled it close and carefully opened it seeing a necklace on a letter floating in the middle of the box.
He reached in and grabbed it, his fingers brushing against something soft.
He pinched the air, finding cloth and pulled it free from the box revealing an invisibility cloak.
He draped it over his lap and pulled the letter free from the necklace.

    -I know you regret many things that's happened and though I know I shouldn't, I'm giving you that chance to change it all. But remember that worse things can happen as well as it changing for good. Messing around with time is always dangerous. It's your choice.
Do take care of my cloak, it's been in my family for generations. The necklace is a time turner, I'm sure you've read all about them and know how to work them. The turner does not have the ministry restrictions on it, I won't get into why I have it, but do take care not to be seen by your past self unless in disguise.
If you decide to live this life the way it is, simply leave both in the box and it will apperate to me. Good luck Sebastian.-

Blinking, he took to time turner out and inspected it.
He had infact read about these items before, but he was doubting if he was even able to save people. All he's seemed to ever do, was get them killed.
"Living a life of regret isn't easy," Fig said, drawing his eyes. "When I lost Miriam, a part of me died with her. By the look on your face, it was the same with her."
Sebastian nodded slowly, though he missed Anne and Ominis just as much.
"I know that somewhere, they wouldn't want you to do this-"
A smile creeped up on his lips. "When was I ever able turned away by someone not wanting me to do something?"
"That was also your downfall," Fig added quickly.
"But it won't be my younger self's habit. Not if I managed to change certain things."
Picking up the cloak and the necklace, he headed towards the bedroom to grab a few things he may need as determination burned brightly in his eyes.

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