Wizard Hunt (Original)

By HumanoidAlien27

165 1 0

This is how the Wizard Hunt fanfic book was originally supposed to go. It's very dark, very painful and has g... More

Chapter 1, Hubris
Chapter 2, with friends like these
Chapter 3, months later
Chapter 4, Sebastian's wand
Chapter 6, Betrayal?
Chapter 7, feeling alone
Chapter 8, Animagus
Chapter 9, getting help
Chapter 10, consequences
Chapter 11, Too Late
Chapter 12, Determination
Chapter 13, changing things
Chapter 14, no secrets from you
Chapter 15, Worth it in the end

Chapter 5, the Ministry

10 0 0
By HumanoidAlien27

     You decided to tell Ominis about what Sebastian and Felix had said. Though he was annoyed, his hope that Sebastian was trying to help overshadowed everything else.
"So, what are you going to do?"
You shrugged and stared at the parchment between you. "I want to be skeptical here, I really do, but he knows we'd read it."
He nodded. "That's where I'm at too."
You looked up at him, seeing his brows pinched. "I really need you to be my voice of reason here, Omni. I don't know what to do."
"I don't either," he admitted softly, his hand moving to rub his temple. "But, if he's telling the truth, then this may end up getting complicated fast."
You nodded. The parchment felt as heavy as bricks as you picked it up.
"Do I do this? Or should I stay out of it?"
"I'm not sure we have a choice here. If innocent people really are being locked up, the people have to know."
His hand fell limply to his side as he nodded. "Yes, we. Someone has to make sure you don't get yourself killed."

     Getting into the Ministry was a piece of cake, trying to get into the Minister's office, was a bit difficult. Especially with two polyjuiced criminals following after you.
The only thing you were grateful for was you had bought enough of it, discreetly, to get them through this whole ordeal.
"Ah, you two came in today," Draken said walking over, getting the men behind us to tense. "We heard our two escapees were in Hogsmeade. They say you were talking to them."
You purposely screwed your face up in annoyance. "I was in Hogsmeade, but I left early because of Imelda Reyes. I had two other friends with me that can vouch," you replied, noticing his face twist. "Why does it feel like you've already mentally thrown me in Azkaban? Why would I help either of them? One killed my mother, the other was an absolute idiot and brought it on himself."
Ominis gave a slight nod.
"So, you wouldn't mind us investing your home?"
"Go ahead, I have nothing to hide."
He eyed you carefully, which only irritated you more. "Who are these two?"
"Fellow students who were thinking about becoming aurors, thanks for making such a great first impression."
He sneered and waved you on as he realized you were gaining interest and people were coming over to see what was going on. "Go on, but I'm keeping my eyes on you."
"Stalking is a crime Draken. Surely as an auror, I don't need to remind you of that."
He grunted in disgust as he moved to leave.
"I should use the leg locker curse on him," Sebastian mumbled. "Has he always been that rude?"
"Just to her," Ominis admitted. "He has it out for her or something."
"He's just a jerk, let's go before we have another unfortunate encounter," you hissed softly, already moving forward.
The four of you moved into the elevator. Your group had already planned everything out into great detail, so once the doors opened, you and Ominis moved towards the Minister's office, while Sebastian and Felix headed towards the record's room to start a distraction.
You walked into the break room and leaned against the window so the other aurors in training could see you and Ominis clearly.
"Is it strange working together again?"
Ominis mashed his lips together for a second. "Not really, it's sort of like he never left."
You nodded as you took a careful sip from your cup.
"Do you really think we can pull this off?" His voice went so soft, you had to strain to hear it.
"Honestly, I don't know. Things aren't exactly easy right now, given everything that's happened. It's like we're losing a piece of ourselves, you know. I just don't want to lose all of them."
"Well, you still have me. I have to do something now that Sebastian's on the loose again," he teased as you looked up at him. "I'm not oblivious to how you feel about him. Anyone else and you'd have told them to shove off. With him, he had a way to get you to follow him and that's what I'm worried about. If all of this is just another one of his ploys, it will backfire on you."
You nodded, scratching the back of your head. "It's why, despite my feelings, I'm trying to look at things rationally. And that you're here, even when I wish I never brought you into it. Things could end horribly."
"I'm grateful you told me and I don't regret getting involved. No matter how mad I am at him, I want to believe in Sebastian too, for me, for you and for Anne." Pain streaked across his face, as he sighed. "I miss Anne."
Nodding, you moved close enough so he could lean against you, something you two ended up doing the last couple months.
The fire alarm blared loudly, making both of you jump and spin seeing everyone running towards the doors.
You moved to hide behind the counter, dragging Ominis down before you were seen.
"I guess it's time," he whispered after the footsteps stopped.
You moved to peek up over the counter, not seeing a soul. "Alright, let's go."

     Both of you were reminded of Headmaster Black's office when you walked into the Minister's.
Ominis stood by the door to listen, while you went straight for the cabinet listed on the parchment.
It was a bit tricky to get inside it, having to use three different techniques at the same time, but as soon as you did, the door opened, drawing your eyes to Felix and Sebastian who looked panicked.
"He's coming back."
You grabbed everything from inside the drawer and stashed it in your bag, before slamming it closed and moving to leave.
Ominis went first, so you followed after him, being you two were very familiar with the layout of the Ministry.
No one was around, but you could hear people shouting. One even sounded like the Minister himself, probably finding the drawer empty.
"This way," Felix said moving to the front of the group, his real form showing. "There's a secret path leading outside."
The voices behind you were getting louder. Before you could worry about it too much, warmth swallowed your hand before Sebastian took off running down the path after Felix.
You hurriedly snatched Ominis's wrist, making him yelp, but follow you while the door closed.
Sebastian cast Lumos so everyone could see where they were going, but your eyes moved to his hand, which was holding onto yours tightly. Messing with your emotions even more.
The only thing heard was the slapping of shoes until you broke outside, hearing the fire alarm still blaring.
"Ominis and I have to go back so we don't cause suspicion," you said hurriedly, moving to let go of Sebastian's hand.
You were properly disheveled, so it would seem like you rushed out of the Ministry because of the fire, but as soon as you and Ominis turned around to walk away. 
The combined voices of Felix and Sebastian made you freeze before you and Ominis fell forward.
Coughing hard as pain exploded throughout your body, you looked towards Ominis, who was groaning softly as he started to pass out, having hit his head pretty hard on the road.
You moved as you heard Sebastian and Felix coming over, pointing your wand at them, but Sebastian just accio-ed it out of your weak grip as he walked closer.
Felix began to pick up Ominis as Sebastian stowed your wands away. Felix held his hand out as Sebastian picked you up, who took it once he had a good grip on you and apperated as you passed out.

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