Fall Apart- R.J.L

By teddyloopy

737 18 1

Nothing lasts forever Like the moon Theodora Malfoy's light can only last so long. When the sun comes up, and... More

The Blacksheep
The infamous Black Lake
Miraculous Memory Recall
Bumps and Bruises
Berry Ocky Rot
Moody Moony
Teddy Bear
Christmas confessions and chaos
Strays rehomed
A Lupin Tradition
Potter's Holibobs
Drunk Twister
McKinnon's Mischievous Mayhem
Rock n Roll into '77
Massacres and happy memories
Black ink
Happy Deathday
press, pull, bleed
the trials and tribulations of loving a corpse
flight risk
perfection implodes
Make a good thing bad
drown your sorrows and smoke your secrets
give you the moon
want for nothing
The Portkey Plot
dream a little dream
Lupin & Lupin
Little bug
Family Ties
Blood Type
Cornwall, Summer, 1977
The Photo Album
Drift Off
Mr. Ballroom Dancer Black
Hope Ophelia Lupin
Little star
All Hallows Eve
The Body in the Lake
Dear Remus
The Order of the Phoenix
the first mission
remember me, please?
real or not real
engaged, again

a hearty breakfast of red wine and cigarettes

14 0 0
By teddyloopy

A very good morning '76

James 'we should start a band' Potter '76

Reg and Marls '76

Moony and Teddy can't be left alone '76

Remus' perspective

"Mornin darling" I hear whispered in my ear as a kiss is placed to my cheek. I bury my face further into my pillow trying to hold onto sleep and drown out the impending hangover. That is until I remember where I am, and last night's events. A grin spreads across my face and I quickly roll over and grab the girl next to me by the waist bringing her closer to me.
"Mmmm goodmornin love" I mumble into her neck and she laughs softly. Fuckin hell that laugh.

She turns in my arms to face me, her cheeks are flushed and her hair is a mess but her eyes are bright and the smile on her lips is enough to light the entire room nevermind the sun. She is the sun.
"You have mornin breath." She laughs.
Fuck do I? Shit I should brush my teeth.
"Sorry, lemme go brush em."
"Mmmm noooo wait." She holds onto my hand as I get up out of bed. She has the sheets pulled up around her but I know she's still bare arse naked under them. She's so hot like this I could practically just-
"Stay with me a little longer...pleeeaseee." she pouts and I fold immediately hopping back into bed with her. "I can stand the morning breath."
"I should hope so, otherwise you're gonna hate this."
"Hate wha-" I cut her off by capturing her lips in mine and setting us off into another snogging session. It's different to last night though. It's slower, softer like everything is moving in slow motion and it's just us together in this room. Nothing else exists for those few moments.

That is of course until fucking wormtail ruins the moment.
"HEY MOONY BREAKFAST, TELL THEO TOO IF SHES IN THERE WITH YOU!." Peter shouts, slamming on the door with his fists ensuring that we are thuroughly informed of the existence of breakfast.
"I'm gonna kill him." I grumble but Teddy just laughs slipping from my grip and out of bed.
I would argue but she's completely naked and prancing around the room so I'm struggling to form any words at all never mind a cohesive argument against Peter Pettigrew and his breakfast obsession.

"Bloody Hell Remus what did you do to me?"
"Hm, what?" I question being pulled from my daydreams about naked teddy and murdering wormtail.
She holds up her top which now has a large rip up one seam.
"Oops?" I laugh with a grin at the thought of last night.
"You owe me a new top, a whole new outfit really Merlin Remus!" She holds up her tights, although there's not much tights left.
I'm a werewolf I can't help it!

"I'm sorry darling, Cmere." I walk over to her and pull her into a hug and her angry face softens to mildly annoyed.
"I'll buy you all the new clothes you want I promise."
"I'm holding you to that, now give me your t-shirt."
I throw her my shirt which had been crumpled in a ball on the floor and she pulls it on along with the her underwear which were, miraculously, not ripped to shreds.
She then runs a brush through her hair and wipes the remnants of mascara from under her eyes. She looks perfect.
"Cmon."she pulls me downstairs in only that shirt and pants, me in only my boxers.
Well, if they didn't know before they certainly will now.

"Well would you look who it is." Sirius remarks when we enter the kitchen.
"Mornin lovers." Marlene calls to us with a wink from behind her daily prophet.
"Could've at least cast a silencing charm Moony." Pete remarks from his seat in the corner.
"Yeah Moons we all had to listen to you too, allll nighhht long." James joins in on the mockery.
"Ohhh Remusss ohhh" Sirius moans banging his fists on the table.
"Oh shut up Padfoot, you just wish it was you." Teddy grins and swanders into the kitchen sipping on left over red wine and lighting a cigarette. Fuck my girlfriends hot.

She sits on the window seat with her legs curled under her and smokes out the slightly open window. Lily joins her on the window seat and they quickly engage in hushed 'girl talk'. I take that as my signal to make myself coffee and catch up with the others.
Although mine and Teddy's sex life seems to be the topic of most interest to my friends I do discover that Mary and Sirius snogged last night after a round of veritaserum and Mary admitted to having a crush on him. This explains her being asleep on the chair next to him with her head in his lap. And Sirius' lack of annoyance at this action.
Mary could be good for Sirius.
Marlene and Dorcas got into a fight about something or other it was hard to make out from Marlene's mumbling. Dorcas left last night with no date of return. But I'm sure they'll be fine. Dorcas and Marlene are constantly fighting and breaking up and getting back together a week later. If I didn't know Marlene as well as I do I'd say she's rather toxic. She's harmless really, just stubborn and a reckless drunk.
She's quite like Sirius really. Thank god they broke up, that was quite the pair.

Peter is rather grumpy this morning. Apparently he revealed his crush on Mary during his veritaserum round. Clearly the feelings were not reciprocated. Pete sits in the corner of the kitchen glaring at Sirius as he combs his fingers through Mary's hair. I've never seen someone eat toast so aggressively.
James must've got some action also last night as he's remarkably content. The hickeys on his neck were also a good clue.

Speaking of hickeys I'm seemingly covered in them. I didn't really notice until Sirius pointed it out.
"I knew Teddy was wild but I never would've pinned her to be such a bear in bed Moons, I mean you look worse than after some moon nights."
I gave him quite the smack on the head for that remark but its true my chest is covered in purple and red hickeys and my back is scattered with scratches and nail indents.
Teddy's not much better though. From my seat at the table I can see the hickeys trailing up her leg and the deep red blotches on her neck. It was certainly a night to remember.

She makes her way over to the table with Lily once they've finished their little chat.
"Well boys, what's the news." Teddy asks brightly, sitting herself down on my lap and settling into my chest. I could definitely get used to this.
"Well actually," James starts, "I had an epiphany last night."
"Oh merlin help us." Marlene laughs.
"No wait listen to me. I think we should start a band!"
"What?" I laugh now this must be another of James' drunk plans which never come to fruition.
"I think we should start a band." He says plainly.
"But we don't even really play instruments." Peter says simply.
"Well no that's not true." Sirius pipes up. "Reg plays bass and piano, I play guitar, so does James and Moony... and Marls and Ted's right?"
"I play keys mainly." Teddy adds. It's true she's a beautiful piano player. I often hear her practicing in the common room when she thinks everyone else is asleep.
"Yeah I play drums mostly." I mention. It helps me let out my anger.

"See! If moony plays drums, Teddy plays keys, Sirius Marls and I play guitar, Reg plays bass and some of us sing we've got ourselves a band!" James says excitedly.
He's not wrong.
"It could be fun." I smile.
"Yeah I'm in." Teddy grins and kisses my cheek.
"Alright." Reg nods in agreement and so does Marlene.
"Yeah why not!" Sirius agrees.
"Pete you can help you can be our manager!" James adds.
"You know I'll be your photographer love." Lily grins and slings her arms around James' as he pulls her in for a kiss.

This could be a lot of fun.

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