you're the only one I need

By widowswife00

13.1K 635 272

"you are more than enough, Lu-Lu" ~~~ Lucy Hayward could never remember her parents being nice to her. At suc... More

left and found
finding some answers
first night
finally ours
family of three
summer loving had me a blast
out we go

new experiences

1.2K 56 17
By widowswife00

Another chapter up!! Tysm for all the love on this story! It means so much to me! Also it's my bday tomorrow and I'm gonna be 16. So crazy to think I've been writing for nearly 4 years now!


(Lizzie's POV)

I got a notification on my phone that all of Lucy's stuff for her room was arriving at 9am today, so I needed to get her out of the house so Robbie could set everything up. As well as stuff for her room we also ordered things like kid cutlery, as she struggles to lift the heavy ivory knife's and forks, a highchair, a stroller and lots of other things that you need when you have a three year old.

I naturally wake up early most days, so today I woke up a bit past 6, and so decided to head out and do some gardening while Robbie and Lucy were still fast asleep.

I must have been looking after my plants for longer than I thought as after what feels like only 10 minutes, I hear the patio door slide open and turn to see Robbie coming outside, carrying Lucy who had clearly just woken up.

"Hello my darlings." I greet, standing up from where I was kneeling and going over to greet my husband and daughter. It's still crazy to me that I now have a daughter. "Sorry, I must have lost track of time."

Robbie chuckles. "Were you having another gardening frenzy?" He jokes, softly rubbing Lucy's back as she lays her head on his shoulder, trying to wake up.

"Stop calling it that!" I protest, putting my gardening tools down as Lucy finally lifts her head of Robbie's shoulder to take in her new surroundings.

"Pwetty flower!" She gasps, wriggling to be put down as she spots some pink flowers that I planted last year in a nearby border.

As soon as Robbie puts her down she waddles over and crouches like she was going to sit down, but her bum doesn't touch the floor.

"Yeah baby! Those are called tulips." I tell her, keeping an eye out so she doesn't suddenly try to grab them out from the ground.

"Toolip." Lucy repeats adorably, gently reaching out her hand to stroke the petals. "Pink wike dis!" She points excitedly to her pink pyjama top.

"That's right princess!" Robbie praises her, making the toddler squeal happily and clap her hands.

"You ready to go and get some breakfast before we go to the park, Lucy Lu?" I ask, walking over and picking the small girl up from the pathway before she hurt her feet, as she was currently barefoot.

"Milky?" She asks, playing with the necklace I have on.

"You want a bottle before breakfast, sweetheart?"

Lucy nods, smiling around her pacifier. "Milkyyyyy!"

"We can do that, bubba." I chuckle, scrunching my nose up and kissing her forehead as I follow Robbie inside.

"I'm making a smoothie bowl for my breakfast Robbie, do you want one?" I ask my husband as he closes the patio door so Lucy didn't decide to go wondering.

"Sure babe, I'll fix up a bottle for Luce." He follows me towards the kitchen area and starts pouring some milk into a bottle to warm up. "I also ordered some milk formula by the way, it should be arriving later with the other stuff."

"Perfect." I smile, holding Lucy on my hip with one hand while I start cutting up some fruit with the other, swapping her pacifier for a bit of strawberry which she happily starts chewing on.

As I'm cutting fruit and Lucy has finished her strawberry I noticed her snuggling right into my breast and placing her hand on it protectively as I tip all of my fruit into the blender.

I smile at her action and continue to make mine and Robbie's smoothie bowl while humming softly.

Once our breakfast is made and Lucy's bottle is warm, we all sit down at the table to eat, me positioning Lucy on my lap so I could feed her the bottle while I ate.

After she was happily cradled in my lap and suckling her milk, I talk to Robbie and eat my smoothie bowl with my free hand that wasn't holding Lucy's bottle.

I check the time and see that it's 8:35am meaning Lucy's things should be arriving soon so I needed to get her dressed and ready to go to the park.

As soon as me and Lucy had finished, I give her to Robbie so he could change and dress her for the day, while I get ready myself so I look half presentable. I then go back downstairs and find the new coat that we had bought for Lucy the other day, as well as putting my own on, as it was quite cold outside.

A few minutes later Robbie brings Lu-Lu downstairs who was dressed in an adorable red corduroy dress with some grey tights, and a white long sleeve top underneath to keep her warm.

"Look at you, cutie!" I coo, taking Lucy into my own arms as she giggles.

"Obbie do piggies!" She cheers, nodding her head which made her two little pigtails swing about.

"I can see!" I chuckle, leaning over to kiss my husband before I help Lucy put her little boots on. "Call us when you are done." I tell him, slipping on Lu's coat and taking hold of one of her hands.

"Will do, have fun in the park Lu-Lu!" Robbie waves to the toddler as we walk out of the door and down the drive.

Lucy drops my hand and waves back, before running slightly ahead of me and looking around in awe at all of the golden trees.

"Wizzie, gold!" She squeals excitedly, pointing up at the autumn trees that were all starting to loose their leaves in preparation for winter, which was rapidly approaching.

"That's right, sweetheart!" I smile, quickly grabbing Lucy's hand as she starts jumping in all the fallen leaves so she didn't slip over.

"Jump! Jump! Jump!" She chants, the leaves making a crunching noise under her boots.

I chuckle, smiling in adoration at the toddler. God she's so fucking cute.

(Lucy's POV)

Ma-Lizzie said she was taking me to the park and I was so excited because I have never been to a park before!

Mean mommy and daddy never wanted to take me as they always said they had 'better things to do.'

As we walk closer to the park I can hear the sound of lots of other children playing and screaming happily as they climb all over the colourful playground, going down slides and swinging up really high on the swings.

I started to get a little nervous at being around so many noisy people, so I stop in my tracks. pulling down on Lizzie's hand, hoping she won't get mad at me...

"What's wrong, honey?" She asks, stopping and turning to look down at me in confusion. She didn't look mad that I stopped...

I don't say anything, just put my hand into my mouth, nervously chewing on my fingers.

"Don't do that sweetheart, your fingers are yucky." She tells me gently, bending down and picking me up, removing my fingers from my mouth. "You want your paci?"

I nod, and Lizzie quickly slips my pacifier into my mouth, moving some hair from out of my face and tucking it carefully behind my ear as she continues walking towards the park.

"Have you ever been to a park before, Lu-Lu?" Lizzie asks as she gets to the red gate and pushes it open.

I shake my head, looking around nervously at the busy playground.

"That's okay sweetheart, it's super fun, I promise." She assures me, placing a kiss on my head before walking around the edge of the park, away from the other kids. "Is there anything you wanna try first?"

I glance around, looking for anything I knew the name off, before my eyes landed on the swings. "Swingy." I whisper, resting my head on Lizzie's shoulder and pointing shyly to them.

"Good choice!" She praises, immediately setting off towards the swings, which thankfully had no one in them. "Do you wanna swing with me or by yourself?" She asks, pointing to the baby swing and then the big swing.

"Wizzie." I tell her, snuggling further into Lizzie's chest.

"Okay, sweetheart." Lizzie chuckles, sitting down on the swing with me on her lap, my legs around her waist. "You readyyyyy?"

I giggle at her playful tone of voice and nod my head, sucking on my paci.

"Gooooo!" Lizzie pushes off from the ground and starts gently swinging backwards and forwards.

The motion made my tummy funny but in a good way, making me giggle. "Tummy funny!"

"Does the swing make your tummy go all funny, monkey?" Lizzie questions, smiling down at me as she swings a bit higher.

"Yah!" I nod, enjoying the feeling of swinging back and forth, cuddled up safely into mam-Lizzie's chest.

"You wanna try going in your own big girl swing?" Lizzie asks, stopping the swing gently with her feet.

I nod, wanting to be able to see what all the other kids were doing while I was higher up.

Lizzie slides off the seat and carries me over to the swing which had little bars on it so I didn't fall out. She helps puts me in, moving my legs so they were either side of the middle bar.

Once I was in, I hold on to the front of the swing, kicking my legs back and forth, wanting to go. "Wizzie go!"

"I'm doing it, I'm doing it!" Lizzie walks gently pushes the swing backwards, making me smile at the feeling in my tummy.

"Weeeee!" I giggle, smiling at Lizzie as she pushes me. "Higher!"

"You wanna go higher, Lu? Okay then!" Lizzie pushes me harder, and I'm able to look at all the other children who were playing in the playground.

Every time I swing towards Lizzie she gently grabs my feet and tickles then, causing me to squeal with laughter. "Tickle!"

"Does that tickle, sweetheart?" Lizzie smiles, continuing to push me.

"Yah!" I look around, catching sight of the slide and wanting to go on that instead. "Wizzie swide!"

"We can go on the slide, sweetheart!" She immediately says, gently stopping the swing and lifting me out, placing me on the floor.

As soon as I'm out of the swing, I run off towards the slide, momentarily forgetting about Lizzie in my excitement.

"Lucy Lu slow downnn." I hear a voice call behind me and I stop to see Lizzie a few metres behind, walking quickly to catch up.

"Sowwy..." I stare at the floor, not daring to look up in case I made her mad.

"It's okay, sweetheart." Lizzie immediately tells me softly, picking me up. "Just don't run off. I don't wanna loose you."

I nod as Lizzie carries me towards the slide, thankful she wasn't mad.


After the slide Lizzie is playing with me in the sandpit and helping me build sand castles when she gets a call from someone.

"Hey babe are you done? That's perfect, we will start heading back now!" She smiles at who I assume in Robbie down the phone, before hanging up and turning to look at me. "You ready to head home baby? Robbie's got a surprise waiting for you!"

"Supise?" I question, tilting my head in confusion. Surprises are good things... right?

"Yeah Lu-Lu! A good surprise!" She confirms, standing up from where she was kneeling and dusty off all the sand from her pants. "Up we gooo!" Lizzie lifts me onto my feet and gently brushes the sand off my body, although I could still feel it in my shoes and I didn't like it.

"Itchy!" I whine, jumping from one foot to the other to try and make the itchy feeling go away.

"Okay come here, bubs." Lizzie picks me up and takes my boots off my feet, leaving me in just my bear socks, which immediately made my feet feel less itchy. "Better?"

I nod, happily swinging my legs backwards and forwards and Lizzie carries me home, with my boots in her free hand.

(Lizzie's POV)

Robbie told me Lucy's new room was ready, so I was very excited to see her reaction to it!

I use my key to unlock the front door, not having to disable the alarm as Robbie was already inside.

"We're homeeee!" I call as I carry Lucy through the front door, placing her sandy boots by the front door to clean later and kicking off my own shoes.

"Heya!" Robbie smiles, appearing from the kitchen. "How was the park?"

"It was good! We had a good time didn't we Lu?"

The toddler in my arms nods, reaching out to Robbie who happily takes her from my arms.

"Where are your shoes, monkey?!" Robbie teases, tickling Lucy's stomach.

"Dey got all sandy!!" She giggles, wiggling her toes about in her cute little bear socks.

"Did they now?!" Robbie asks in an over exaggerated voice.

"Yahhhh!" Lu nods her head, before resting it on Robbie's shoulder.

"Do you want to go and see your surprise, Lucy?" I ask, subtly grinning at Robbie.

"Supise!" She squeals, wriggling about excitedly to be put down.

Robbie puts Lucy down and we help lead her up to the stairs to the door of her new bedroom which now had a rainbow sign on the door with her name on it.

"What does that say pumpkin?" Robbie asks her, pointing up to the sign.

"I nu no..." Lucy shrugs, sucking on her pacifier.

"It says L-u-c-y." I spell out, using sounds instead of letters.

"Ucy!!" The toddler giggles, turning to smile up at me and me and Robbie, making our hearts melt.

"Yeah baby that's right!" I praise, as Robbie goes to open the door. "You ready to see your surprise?!"

Lu nods and watches Robbie inquisitively as he pushes open the door, revealing a beautiful pastel pink and white themed room with a little crib in the corner, and a toy box next to it, overflowing with toys. There was a changing table packed with diapers, wipes and clothes underneath it and a wooden rocking chair in the corner of the room, Lucy's beloved blanket placed carefully over the arm. In the centre of the carpet there was a white fluffy rug, and on it laid more toys for her to play with. It was perfect.

I hear a little gasp and see Lucy run into the room, turning her little head round and round to look at everything. "Dis for me?!" She questions in awe.

"Yeah pumpkin, it's alllll for you!" Robbie confirms, gripping onto my hand tightly.

"Do you like it bubba?" I ask, biting my lip anxiously, hoping that she likes it.

"I wuv it!!!" Lu squeals, jumping up and down on the spot. "It so pwetty! Tank ou ma-Wizzie and Obbie!!" She runs over and hugs me and then Robbie as we have both bent down so we are more her height.

We both notice the slip up but don't say anything, I hope soon she will be comfortable enough to call us mama and dada, but until then I'm just happy that she is happy.

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