By i4yuuta

398 41 99

︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶ ⌇ ❝ bibbity bobbity boo, seven artworks ⌇ coming true, but don't forget that ⌇ reality... More

﹅ i'៹ntro 𖧧 ⸝ ıllı
﹅ t'៹he creators 𖧧 ⸝ ıllı
﹅ f'៹orms 𖧧 ⸝ ıllı

﹅ p'៹rologue 𖧧 ⸝ ıllı

78 13 16
By i4yuuta

❛ i love you ❜

❛ i wish i could in return ❜

ONCE UPON A TIME, in a land of ancient and unknown history, lived a small village in peace and tranquillity. The land was filled with magical elements and mystical knowledge which was studied by the people, who used them for their daily lives and needs. They were hidden and protected by an enchanted barrier which made them unknown to the other lands and nations.

That village was a small and old one, a majority of the villagers were aged, yet also artistic. Their uniqueness laid on how the whole nation owned skillful hands and minds full of imagination, so various forms of artworks were made by them. As most of the people were well in years, they needed more young energy to balance the land, so with the science of magic, they managed to make a spell which could turn their artworks into living beings.

Year after year passed by and the numbers were increasing. Some of the young people born by the decendants of the people married some of the first living artworks, but after ten years, the enchanted artworks would return to their original, lifeless forms. With the offspring they made though, the land continued to increased in number and created a kingdom several decades later.

This cycle continued for centuries and the land lived in pleasant comfort and peace, completely safe and sound without needing to make contact with the nations outside the realm. This was so until one day, discontent found its way to one of the enchanted artworks who wished to venture passed the barrier and to the outside world. He was rebuked and told not to think about doing such a thing, yet his curiosity wouldn't leave him, and he set out to search for a way to break through the barrier which stood between the land and the outside lands.

At his tenth and last year of living before returning to his lifeless state, he finally found a spell which would create an opening to the outside lands, and in secret he sneaked out alone.

He came to a kingdom which settled there and entered it, meeting and getting acquainted with the citizens of the nation. They all greeted him welcomingly, inviting him to their houses cordially and making him feel at home in their country. He made many friends, becoming close with them and maintaining a bond. However, he didn't told them of his origin or where he came from, keeping it a secret as he planned to disappear from amongst them and return to his own land on his last day of life.

However, things didn't go as planned for the male. He fell in love with one of his female friends and became attached with her. He thought it was only a passing by infatuation, but as his love grew stronger and he was blinded by his feelings, he told the female everything about his home, where he came from, and what he really was when nearing the time for him to go back.

His foolish act may seem small and harmless, yet the result it brought was a catastrophe. Right on the day he was about to leave, his 'love' betrayed him and his friends caught him, locking him up and robbing him of the spell which was his key back home. They ran off to rip open the barrier and hoard the land of all its magic, leaving their foolish friend struggling and crying in tears for the nation he betrayed.

He managed to break through the ropes and escape where he was locked up in, running to catch up with from his now enemies with the hope of saving his country. However, the clock was ticking and he was running out of time before the curse of a living artwork like himself strikes him, and he was too late to save his land. He collapsed and fell down to the ground, now hopeless in the form of a mere, lifeless piece of a clay.

His fake friends, however, succeeded in their intent to break the stronghold, shattering the enchanted barrier which collapsed, making the land vulnerable to the outside world they were once shielded from. They attacked and killed all of the enchanted kingdom's citizens, leaving virtually no survivors to spare. They were about to steal all of the magic they could obtain, but right at the moment the realm was broken, all of the magic spreaded and was scattered across the whole earth, and so little was found in the area although they searched and searched.

Until this very day, some are still in search for the magic which brought life to once lifeless things. It's said that magic has the will to choose for themselves to whom they would reveal themselves to. It's been rumored about some artworks disappearing, some suggesting that the legend had come to this modern age, but nobody had been granted the privilege to know the truth.

Then who will be the choosen one, or ones, who will discover the mystery of this tale?

"Gosh, stop writing nonscense and finish your project already," spoke out KING with a rebuking tone.

"Wait, what?" stammered the videographer and supposed script-writer of the story, JACK after being snapped out of her raconteur, looking up from the notebook and pen she held in her hands.

"Could you please stop writing stories with such a cliché bedtime story flair to them," put in DIAMOND as she made one last stroke at her tablet with her apple pen. "And writing isn't available for the project so get off that and finish your work first."

"As if making a 3D printed plastic is valid for our project also. You didn't even inquire of Mr. Yoon if that's okay." retorted JACK as she dropped her notebook, picking up her half-stitched doll and continuing to complete it.

"Now now, enough fighting, you two," broke in KING, cutting the small arguement between them before it had the chance to get heated. "DIAMOND, stop being so mean, and JACK, get back to your work. Although I must admit, that tale you just wrote is pretty interesting." she added with a compliment to the script-writer.

"Idealistic fantasies may be interesting, but they're delusional. You don't really hope that our art projects would 'magically' come to life, don't you?" came from SPADE who glanced up from her own doll as she spoke.

"Of course not! I was just messing around when I wrote that! I'm not as fantastical as I seem."

"Hey, that guy in your story was also messing around when he told his so-called beloved about his origin. You don't wanna become the fool like him also, now don't you?" was the cheeky statement made by QUEEN who just grinned at JACK jokingly.

"Says you, look at yourself now, you're fooling around with your model. Stop rubbing its sides already." reprimanded KING, her fingers itching to fix the imperfect carve QUEEN had now made to her clay sculpture.

"Well, that would be pretty cool, I'd love make an ideal boy and be able to bring him to life." smiled HEART at the idea, smiling at her drawing which she spent the whole evening doing small, minuscule strokes although it's already completed.

"In your dreams! As if JACK'S story would actually come to life also." put in CLUBS with a wild toss of her hands, although she also internally thought the idea pretty amusing.

HEART yawned, "Speaking of dreams, are you guys done yet? I wanna head home now and get to bed." she said, sinking in deeper into the CLUBS' bed which she sat on.

"Why did you even joined us? This whole time you were just making tiny detailed strokes on the canvas although you've finished your drawing days ago." "I didn't want to be left behind. But it's getting late now, are you all finished yet?"

"What? But I'm not done yet," whine JACK after having her finger slightly pierced by the needle. "My thread wouldn't stop getting tangled." SPADE sighed, "Fine, I'll finish it for you tonight and bring it tomorrow." she said, reaching out her hand for JACK to hand her unfinished doll.

"Sweet! Come on, let's get to bed," sang QUEEN, hopping down from her seat and preparing to leave for her own room. "I'm gonna leave Sunnie in your room for him to dry, so don't you dare ruin my masterpeice, CLUBS."

"Did you seriously just gave your statue of clay a name?" retorted DIAMOND as she swung her bag over her shoulder.

"Yeah, so I already know what to call him when he wakes up tomorrow." the other joked with a carefree smile.

"Pray for all ye high and delusional brains to fall back to earth with a resounding crash." sighed SPADE as she passed QUEEN and out the door.

"I'm calling it a night also, meet you guys later at school." KING also put in, taking her stuff and also leaving.

"See you guys tomorrow then, bye!" bid SPADE along with JACK, all leaving CLUBS' room.

"Bye." bidded CLUBS also as she returned the waving gesture, being left alone in her room after they all left.

The female stood up and tidied up the room a bit. Slipping into her onsies, she crawled onto the bed and snuggled under the duvet. She peaked and looked to her cousin, QUEEN craft which she dubbed 'Sunnie', staring at it for a moment.

What if they really do come alive the next day? she thought as she gazed to clay statue.

Nah, that wouldn't happen.

"QUEEN! QUEEN! Wake up now!"

"Ugh, what's wrong with you? You're going hysterical as if you've seen your drawing come to life like JACK'S story."

"Well that's possibly what happened, 'cause who would steal your crappy piece of clay which is nowhere to be found."



Owemjiee, heyaaa guyzz! I am back with a another af! The new and improved TAOY or "The Art of You" by Me and Abby (RICEKYU) before. Hope y'all enjoy this one, and manifesting it won't flop. K, that's all, byeeee and take care everyone <3

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