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By vanwinklee

44.4K 1.3K 374

โ๐–ธ๐—ˆ๐—Ž ๐–ฝ๐—ˆ ๐—„๐—‡๐—ˆ๐— ๐—๐—๐—‚๐—Œ ๐—‚๐—Œ ๐—‚๐—†๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—Œ๐—Œ๐—‚๐–ป๐—…๐–พ, ๐—‹๐—‚๐—€๐—๐—?โž โ๐–ถ๐—๐–บ๐— ๐—‚๐—Œ?โž โ๐–ด๐—Œ. ๐–ถ๐–พ ๐–บ๐—‹๐–พ ๐—‚... More

1| Granger Household
2| Fork
3| Arabic Name
4| Toad Hunters
5| Friends
6| Brooms
7| Ring
8| Stranger
9| Worry
10| Swallowing Snitch
11| Train Ride Home
12| Dinner's
13| Christmas Morning
14| Malfoy's Christmas Ball
15| Area of Peace
16| Twin's
17| Pranking 101
18| Late Night Punishment
19| Thinking by the Lake
20| Frantic Last Day
21| Full Moon & Conversations
22| Dad Fight
23| Mum's Magazine
24| Pixies
25| Imagination
26| The Chamber
27| Bludger
28| Snake Language
29| Behind Smiling Faces
30| Polyjuice
31| Uncovering The Truth
32| School of Sorrow
33| Last Day Joy
34| The Eight Roommates
35| Radio
36| Cheer Up, Malfoy
37| New York
38| New Year's
39| Aunt Marge
40| Black Robes
41| Dementors
42| Tea Reading
43| Hogsmeade
44| Stranger Reveal
45| Lupin's Story
46| Transformation
47| Tips for a Werewolf
48| Astoria Greengrass
49| Talk with Harry
50| Malfoy the Wise
51| Panicked Gryffindor's
52| Another Mystery
53| Map Malfunction
54| Sirius Black
55| Saving the Godfather
56| More Then Expected
57| Diffuse the Tension
58| Waves
59| Camping
60| World Cup
61| Stranger on Burned Ground
62| Trolley Lady
63| New Arrival's
64| The Three Curses
65| Goblet of Fire
66| Theo's Article
67| Hot Chocolate & Cookies
68| Albino Ferret
69| First Task
70| Ballroom Dancing
71| Dress Shopping
72| The Yule Ball
73| Happy Howlidays
74| Happy Howlidays PT.2
75| Barty's Threat
76| Late Night Reading
77| Second Task
78| Harry and the Pensieve
79| Night With Malfoy
80| Third Task
81| Barty Crouch Jr.
82| The Story of 1983
83| Baby-Sitting
84| 12 Grimmauld Place
85| Heart and Soul
86| Flavored Beans
87| The Pink Toad
88| Umbridge's Class
89| Run, Hide, Panic
90| Everything at Once
91| Thestrals
92| High Inquisitor
93| Possibly Impossible
94| Happy Memories
95| Dumbledore's Army
96| Severus Vs. Dolores
97| Sharing Secrets
98| Melodies for a Werewolf
99| The Letter
100| Reunite
101| Caught Red-handed
102| Apologies
103| Fireworks
104| The Ministry
105| Slughorn
106| Weasley's Wizard Wheezes
107| On the Racks
108| Amortentia
109| Now you Know
110| Cursed?
111| Dinner With Slughorn
112| Ron's First Match
113| Slughorn's Christmas Party
114| Ring of Fire
115| Won-Won and Daft Dimbo
116| Blood in the Water
117| Dumbledore's Downfall
118| Eight Potter's
119| Wedding Day
120| Regulus Arcturus Black
121| Ministry Infiltration
122| On the run
123| Godric's Hollow
124| The Three Brothers
125| Malfoy Manor
126| Lifeless
127| Battle of Hogwarts PT.1
128| Battle of Hogwarts PT.2
1| 19 Years Later
2| New Life
3| Back to King's Cross
4| Permanent Scars
5| Healing Process
6| Back in the World
7| Graves
8| An old Friend
9| Memories of the Past
10| Teddy's Return
11| Unboxing the Past
12| Manor Memories
13| Sleep Over
14| Muggle Cookies
15| Harry and Ron
16| The New Minister
17| A Gift
18| Old History
20| Back to Work
21| Dinner for two
22| His Mother
23| Brunch
24| Herbology Professor
25| Muggle Bus
26| The Market
27| New Plan
28| Plan B
29| Teddy's Findings
30| Chase her

19| Ghosts

121 4 4
By vanwinklee

''𝙄 𝙙𝙤 𝙗𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙚𝙫𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙖 𝙛𝙚𝙬 𝙥𝙚𝙤𝙥𝙡𝙚 𝙬𝙝𝙤 𝙬𝙞𝙨𝙝 𝙩𝙤 𝙨𝙚𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪.''

𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗼 𝗶𝘀 𝘀𝗮𝗳𝗲. There was a trial held yesterday, Joseph being as obnoxious as I thought he was. I didn't know where Hermione went, but I didn't ask. But without her, the trial went a little awry. In the end, I had won and Theo was able to leave. Now he's staying with me until further notice. 

Currently, he's asleep on the couch. One arm draped over the side of the couch as he lays on his stomach. His face squished against the pillow beneath him. I smiled at him and carefully threw a blanket over him. He moved a bit, but only stuffing his face further into the pillow. 

I already ate earlier and Theo still wasn't awake. Then again, it didn't look like he slept well in the cell back at the Ministry. I let him sleep soundlessly on the couch for the morning. I thought over what I could do today. Teddy was at Hogwarts, so I couldn't do anything with him. Draco was out of town, so that was a no. 

Then my eyes landed on the small, square box on the counter. The one I had gotten from Hermione back at the Ministry. Neither of us had figured out who sent it. 

With another glance at the couch, I took the box and stepped outside. I walked away from the house for a few good seconds, finding myself a small clearing with the trees surrounding in a sloppy circle. The trees above had covered some of the sun beams that shines through. 

I opened the box, carefully undoing the fabric wrapped around the tiny stone. The dark colors contrasting against the little bits of sun that came through. I carefully set the box on the ground, leaving the stone inside. 

''This is a bad idea.'' I mumbled to myself, standing and wiping my hands down my face. My back was turned to the box, my arms crossed against my chest. I looked back over my shoulder at the box, contemplating my options. ''Damn you.'' I turned back to the stone, taking it in my hand. ''You and your stupid, little, intriguing self.''

The cold from the stone had ran through my hand. I fidgeted with it for a few, before I sighed and looked around. 

''Waste of time.'' I murmured, turning to put the stone back in the box. 

''Is it now?'' I jumped from the sudden voice, almost dropping the stone in the process. I thought it was a Patronus at first, but a closer look had told me that it was a person and not an animal. 

I squinted to see into the faint blue light, which had temporarily blinded me in the process. ''Dumbledore?'' 

He gave a slow nod with a smile. His hands were held in front of him, one folded over the other. And he acted as if he hasn't died years ago. 

Then everything had clicked. 

''You gave this to me?''

''Indeed I did, Miss Granger. Do you still go by that name? I've learned it's been Diggory recently.'' 

''B-But when?'' I held up the stone. ''I thought this was destroyed.'' 

Dumbledore shrugged, not giving a straight answer. 

''It was part of my will.'' 

''Your will? They told me I hadn't gotten anything from you.'' 

''Well, it has to be delivered late. You-Know-Who would still be here if you had it beforehand.'' 

I sulked, thinking about dropping the stone and walking back to the house to check on Theo. He would be awake by now, wouldn't he?

''You might want to hold onto that.'' Dumbledore said, practically reading my mind. ''I do believe there are a few people who wish to see you.'' 

Dumbledore turned and a door had appeared from thin air. I furrowed my brows, clutching the stone tighter in my hand. Looking away from the door, I looked back at the house. What about Theo? I couldn't just leave him here. 

''Do not worry, Miss Granger.'' Dumbeldore spoke. ''For him, it'll be like nothing had happened.'' I guess that was reassuring. With a deep sigh, I walked towards the door and took a hold of the handle. 

I opened the door a sliver, but turned back to Dumbledore. ''What's on the other side of this door?'' 

And again, he didn't give me an answer. 

I opened the door and walked in, blinded by a bright, white light. But through the light, I could hear faint voices and the sound of clinking glass. The smell of caramel had infiltrated my nose. I lifted a hand up, covering my eyes from the light. I kept walking on. 

When the light had dimmed down, I was brought into a familiar scene. It looked a lot like the Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade. Tables all around were filled with people, people old and young, smiles gracing each and every one of their faces. But unlike Dumbledore, they didn't have the blue aurora surrounding them. 

''Here's to the afterlife!'' 

''Amen!'' Everyone lifted their drinks, before  clinking them against the table and drinking from them. I smiled with a chuckle, slowly moving further into the room. A few of the people glanced at me and they waved, even though I didn't know them. I waved back. 

The further I had gone, the more people started to take up the room. But that didn't seem to be an issue. The room grew and grew with the new amounts of people that joined. And from what I've discovered, I'm with the people who've passed. I'm not dead... am I?

''You really had to cheer to something like that?'' A familiar voice asked, masked by a few of the other chatters. But I caught it, perking up. 

''Of course, my dear friend!'' I recognized that voice, too. ''It's a good day, I can feel it.'' 

I apologized when I bumped into people, they only chuckled and waved their hand saying 'no worries'. I made sure the stone was still in my hand and never left. Afraid that if I let go, I would loose this. Suddenly, I seen it. I stopped and stared, wide-eyed. 

''You say that about every day.'' Remus shook his head with a chuckle. 

''Well, have I been wrong?'' 

''Eh.'' Remus shrugged. 

Sirius rolled his eyes, lifting up his cup of Butterbeer. He caught sight of me, standing a few feet behind Remus. A smile came across his face, setting down his cup and getting close to Remus. 

''Well, I'll be damned. Today is a good day.'' 

Remus looked up at Sirius, who gestured with his head to look behind him. Remus did so, unsurely glancing at Sirius before turning to me. His eyes went wide and his jaw hung agape. I probably looked the same, seeing two people - who were dead - right in front of me, living their second best life. 

''Y/n?'' Remus didn't waste time, taking long strides to come and engulf me in his arms. I thought I would've just passed right through him, but I didn't. It was as if he was actually there.

I heard Sirius chuckle as I wrapped my arms around him. I wanted to break down and cry with happy tears right there, but I stopped myself from doing that. Remus pulled away, hands on my shoulders as he searched my face. 

It looked like he was about to cry, too. 

''All right, Moony. Move over.'' Sirius gently moved Remus to the side, it being his turn to give me a hug. I laughed, returning his hug. ''You're not dead, are you?'' 

''No, no.'' I shook my head, wiping my nose with the sleeve of my clothing. 

''Then how did you get here?'' Remus asked, taking his spot beside Sirius. 

I lifted my hand, slowly unraveling my fingers to reveal the Resurrection Stone in my hand. They stared down at it with the same look, a look of utter amazement. I smiled with a chuckle, still not able to believe what I'm seeing. 

''Dumbledore apparently had this saved for me. Then he brought me here.'' 

Remus hugged me again, his head resting on top of mine. 

''Well, seeing as I was right,'' Sirius called our attention, giving a playful look to Remus. ''There are a few others who dearly miss you.'' 

Sirius and Remus had guided me through the Three Broomsticks, running into Tonks along the way. She greeted my like a god, lifting me up and spinning me around once before putting me back down. She asked about her son, I told her everything about him. Remus and Tonks seemed happy. 

When Sirius had stopped, he put a hand on my shoulder and smiled down at me before looking back up. I looked around, not knowing why we had stopped. I couldn't see anyone that was familiar to me. The large crowd of people made it even harder to see anything. 

Sirius gave a short whistle, which had earned another in return. Sirius moved forward again, Remus and Tonks standing behind us. His hand didn't leave me shoulder as he guided me through the crowd of people. 

We came close to another table, two people seated across from one another. I recognized them both. Sirius stood there for a second, before the younger man of the two had seen me. He smiled first with a laugh, a grin coming across his face. It reminded me of the grin he would sometimes give me during a Quidditch Match. 

''Well, look who finally died.'' He raised his hands, standing from the seat. He came forward and gave me a quick hug, Sirius' hand coming off my shoulder. 

Remus had replied for me. ''She's not dead, Marcus.'' 

He pulled away, looking down at me with a curious look. When I showed him the stone, everything seemed to fall into place. Marcus threw a look behind him and patted my shoulder, moving to the side. 

Barty now stood up from the seat, hands in his pockets. I ran forward and brought him into a hug. He stumbled back but caught himself and hugged me back. When Barty let go, I could see how alive he looked. Compared to what I had last seen of him. 

Sirius was leading us through the Three Broomsticks again, everybody else following along. I shared a few words with them, catching them up on what had happened during the years they've been here in the afterlife. 

''Where do you think they would be?'' Sirius asked from ahead, looking in all different directions.

''Maybe the reserve.'' Barty shrugged. 

''Reserve?'' I questioned as we kept moving along. 

''Yep.'' Marcus nodded with a smile still on his face. ''You can say that we're pretty famous around here. We always have the best table reserved back here.'' 

''This place is huge.'' I looked around, seeing the way we had just came from and how high the ceiling was. Though this was a replica of the Three Broomsticks, it seemed fancier than the one back at Hogsmeade. This one has a few chandeliers on the ceiling. 

''Well, the afterlife doesn't really have a limit.'' Remus shrugged.

''Oi!'" Sirius shouted, raising his arm in the air to wave at someone. I heard voices respond back, but couldn't tell who's they were from where I had stood. 

Everyone moved forward, Tonks placing a hand on my shoulder. She also moved forward, her hand falling off my shoulder. I raised a brow and made my way between people, apologizing with each step. Again, they just waved it off. 

I would say that I wasn't surprised, but that was a huge lie. A rounded table had sat, chair surrounding the outside of it. Remus, Tonks, Sirius, Marcus and Barty had walked around the table before choosing a chair to sit in. Already at the table, Cedric and Fred. Cedric was laughing at something that Fred had said, while the ginger laughed with his face in his hands. 

When Cedric took sight of me, he stood up from his chair and opened his arms. I ran to him and gave him a hug, burying my face in his chest. He laughed, his chin placed on my shoulder. Then Fred had stood up, pushing Cedric to the side to have his turn. When he pulled away, Fred sat me down next to him. 

Everyone was here. 

Even Faris and Moose had joined us, Moose sitting beside my chair while Faris landed on my shoulder. The amount of times I've wanted to cry had almost made me pass out. But I didn't want to miss a chance like this. 

We all say around the table, sharing a hearty conversation. During the middle of a conversation, I sat back and took a deep breath, eyes scanning over everyone at the table. They either were laughing or had huge smiles on their face. In a good way, it made my heart ache at seeing them all being friendly to one another. 

Even Snape had stopped by and Sirius patted him on the back. I was flabbergasted, Fred laughing at my face. He told me that I missed a lot here in the afterlife. But yet again, I couldn't stay forever. Dumbledore had approached our table, a sympathetic smile on his face when he looked at me. Everyone knew what that meant. 

I said goodbye to them all, even Snape. And I could've sworn I had seen him give me a short lived smile in return. I'm never forgiving that. After pulling away from Cedric's hug, Fred had spoken up.

''We're going to miss you, Major Granger.'' He bought back the nickname from years ago. ''Take care of my brother for me, yeah?'' 

''Of course.'' I promised with a smile. 

Remus walked up, Tonks standing at his side with her arm around his. ''I'm glad our son has someone like you to watch over him.'' 

''He looks exactly like you.'' I told him. ''Then again, he can look like you, too.'' I looked over to Tonks. She gasped, before jumping and gushing over the fact that her son was a Metamorphagus. 

Before I walked through the door with Dumbledore, I stopped and turned to face the large group. There they were, standing beside one another. Barty and Marcus standing beside Sirius and Remus. Cedric standing slightly behind Marcus. Moose sat at Cedric's feet while Faris was perched on Marcus' shoulder. 

Fred spoke up again. ''Hope you die soon!'' He called out. Everyone turned to him with a look. ''What?'' 

''I don't think he meant it the way it sounded.'' Cedric tried explaining. 

''Of course I did.'' Fred retorted. ''We want to see her again, don't we?'' 

''How about you say something that sounds less like a threat.'' Tonks butted in. 

''Okay, how about this.'' Fred groaned, rewording what he had said. ''Live a good life, Y/n. We'll be here at the end.'' 

''That sounded better.'' Sirius nodded with a laugh. Cedric crouched down to pet Moose, who gave him a funny look in return. 

Dumbeldore placed a hand on my shoulder, silently telling me it was time to go. I looked down at the ground before looking at them one last time. Who knows how long it would be until I see them again. 

''Live in the moment, Y/n.'' Cedric called out, making me smile. Marcus threw one arm around Cedric's shoulder, being careful of Faris. 

Snape stood behind the group, raising the glass in his hand as a farewell. I nodded back at him in recognition. 

Then I stepped through the door, being greeted with the blinding light of the sun. I was back in the clearing, everything seemingly the same as before. When I looked behind me, the door was gone and there was no Dumbledore. I opened my hand and looked down, the stone was also gone. 

I walked over to the box and closed it with a sigh, standing back up and leaving the box on the ground. I stared at the spot where the door had appeared before, wishing for it to show up again. 

''Y/n?'' A voice called from the house. ''Y/n, are you out here?'' It was Theo. Dumbeldore was right. 

''Yeah.'' I called back, straining to keep my voice as straight as possible. 

''Well get in here, I miss you.'' 

I laughed at Theo's words, looking back down at the box before trudging back to the house. 

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