Emeralds and Roses

By yolo_babes

16.4K 403 49

(Lloyd x OC) Oc fic but its still Y/N you'll understand it if you read it trust me <3 Emerald eyes meet rose... More

Let The Games Begin
Bringing Back Memories
Some Secrets Are Best Kept Secret
Those Scars Are New
One Of Us May Not Make It Back
Old Friends Turned Foe
Earth Vs Lighting
Only One Can Remain
I Have A Confession To Make
The Last Round
A Plan To Escape
Feels Like Just Yesterday
Lets Blow This Shit Hole
Shes Got Pink Hair?
Its Not Over Yet
The Mark Of The Anacondrai

Scars Heal, They Dont Fade

1.6K 35 1
By yolo_babes

sounds of grunting filled the tiny dojo I called home. Fist against fist, knuckles cracking and the occasional knee getting skinned. My master was relentless in her teachings I will admit but somehow I always came out unscathed. You call it skill I call it dumb luck a price that came with my elemental abilities.

Dark green smoke began to seep across the dojo floor, single tendrals like tentacles surrounded my feet and I clenched my fists, If my dearest friend and current sparring partner wanted to play dirty well so be it. Holding my breath to avoid inhaling the gas, it clouded my vision leaving me in a haze but I could see her shadow move around the room, hear her sinister laugh bounce off the four walls that surrounded us.

My pink eyes began to glow brighter, I didnt like using my element, it hit a little too close to home, and I didnt appreciate the reminder but I am competitive to a fault and at this present moment that outweighed my dislike for my 'gift'. The only thing to be heard other than my opponent's laughter was the sound of cracking. I couldn't see where she was but I didnt need to I'm used to this tactic of hers and over time learnt to rely on my ears if I was ever going to stand a chance against her. Swiping my arm a little to the left while not even looking in her direction large pink spikes erupted from the ground and pinned her to the wall behind her. The mineral is coarse beneath my fingertips, a smooth surface cold enough to send chills up your spine and sharp enough at its points to draw blood if pressed to hard against skin. Rose quartz.

My elemental power has been the bane of my existence for 6 long, gruesome years. I was 12 when they awakened, the memories leaving me with flashbacks that haunted my dreams and l would often spend nights at a time fearing the idea of falling asleep.

"your getting better" I laughed, I withdrew the crystal and it vanished into the ground leaving no trace of it ever being there in the first place "its no fair, I'm older than you, I've been training longer, how are you still stronger than me?" she whined and I helped her off of the floor.

Before I could answer her mother, my master, came through the dojo doors hands clasped regally behind her back." Y/N, Tox, you girls have recieved letters" my face dropped, was it... But there was no chance I hadnt heard from him in so long and I wasn't planning to now. Its been 8 years since we last spoke and the chances of him finding me here, in the biggest city in ninjago.

Doku, My best friend Tox's mom handed us each an envelope, identical letters but one feature differentiated them. The wax seals, one was lime green and the other pastel pink. It was pretty clear which letter was for who.

Tox was the first to rip hers open eager to see its contents, 'impatient as always' I chuckled silently to myself before inspecting the envelope suspiciously. Trust issues much?
Hesitantly I slipped my finger under the wax seal breaking it and opening the envelope. Tension hung thick in the air, a tension only I could feel and it was suffocating me. I read the letter slowly and shuddered at the old ninjagoen, my back itching slightly specifically my spine.

Dearest Y/N master of crystal
You've been formally invited to the island of Master Chen to participate in the tournament of elements along with 20 other masters
You may not bring weapons to the island with you, they will be supplied as you compete
A prize awaits the last competitor standing may the best man win
If you accept this invitation meet at the city docks tonight tell no one

Master chen

The letter was weird to say the least, dropping my hands to my side the piece of paper still between my fingers, it felt like it weighed a ton as I calculated my options in my head.
"oh Im so going" Tox mused as she rushed off to go start packing. It felt like the whole world came crashing down and I could see Doku giving me a look, silently asking if I was okay.

Taking a deep breath I straightened my back and pushed back all my doubts and reservations "you dont have to go if you dont want to dearest" she placed a hand sympathetically on my shoulder. "no, someone's got to look after her" I chuckled but the smile never reached my eyes.

It didnt take Tox long to throw her belongings into a bag and she was waiting rather impatiently when I finished aswell. I packed basics, I didnt know what we would need so it took me much longer but by sunset we were out the door, waving goodbye to Doku and on our way to the docks. By the time we reached them it was already nightfall and a group of people who I assumed were elemental masters aswell were standing by a boat as if they were waiting for something. When I noticed a mop of dark brown hair paired with his black and brown Gi I pulled the hood of my hoodie up to somewhat cover my face. I was wearing a black mask, Ninjago may be pretty but its air is not for the faint hearted so the dark surgical mask actually helped filter what I was breathing in.

Tox and I joined the group, I was careful to stay in conspicuous
But it was difficult when the group of ninja were as skittish as they were and constantly observing their surroundings. Surely he wont recognize me, its been so long theres no way
I was sorely mistaken

Right off the bat as we were all filing onto the small boat the brown ninja, master of earth. COLE BROOKSTONE HIMSELF noticed me. It looked like he had seen a ghost, and considering our situation he might aswell have. I shuffled between people, even pushed past some to avoid being in his line of sight and I was failing miserably. He had made a B-line directly in my direction and I searched frantically for some place to hide.

My eyes lit up when I saw a door to some sort of storage room on the boat, it would be a tight fit considering the size of the boat but it was something so I slipped in and locked the door from the inside. I heard Cole's heavy footsteps thud past the door and his huff of frustration. I sighed a sigh of relief when he stomped away, his footsteps growing quieter but stayed there for the rest of the trip

Just incase...

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