Young justice x Sasuke Uchiha

By kxd106

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This story is based around Sasuke Uchiha in the young justice world. The Uchiha clan was the most powerful fa... More

Sasuke Uchiha origin
Sasuke meets Superman
What Now?
4 years later
Itachi Uchiha Of The Sharingan
Twin terror
Alpha Male
Injustice League
Sasuke meets Zatanna
Double Date??
The Genjutsu Master pt 1
The Genjutsu Master pt 2
The Unknown Partner
Usual Suspects
Auld Acquaintance
The Ghost of the Uchiha pt 1
Battle of Brothers pt 2
Let's end this pt 3
Final Valley
Young Justice X Sasuke // Q&A
Happy New Year
World War 3 pt 1
Madara vs Hero Alliance
Itachi vs Sasuke Uchiha
It's all over
Salvage/The Truth


978 14 2
By kxd106

Inside The vacuum of space in Earths atmosphere, Batman flies his ship along with The Two Green Lanterns of Earth, as they continue, they reach a ship what sees to be of a red hue and almost like a growing seed.

Batman: "Deploying camera-sensor units."

John(green lantern): "Attention. You have entered the boundaries of Earth space. Disengage all weapons and engines. This is your final warning."

The Ship blasts a beam of flashing light, Vaporizing the Lanterns. Batman immediately begins evasive maneuvers,

Batman: "Code red. Full offensive deploy."

His bat ship opens up, Superman, Atom, Martian Manhunter and Shazam out, and they get vaporized as well.

The Group watches from the Mountain. The heroes being exterminated one at a time.
Zatara comes into the screen.

Zatara: Tonado did you?....

Tornad: Yes, we saw. Celestial defenses have failed. Initiate all terrestrial measure

Zatara: Affirmative. See you in field.

Zatara ends the communication call. Tornado then turns his attention to the rest of the team, who all stand together.

Tornado: I must join the League. We will protect the planet at all costs. But should we fail, the responsibility falls to you

Aqualad: We will be ready

Time Passes by, but the team watches all the hereoes on the holographic screen fight back against the invasion. It seems all over earth.

Tornado: Red Tornado to Cave. I fear i am all that remains of the League.

Before he can continue talking his transmission cuts off abruptly. There's readio silence

Sasuke(tsh): Were the only ones left

Superboy walks up next to him

Conner: So what are we waiting for? A theme song

Aqualad: A strategy. Earth's weapons are ineffective... and it has been made tragically clear a direct attack will not suceed

Sasuke: Then we need to figure out what they're doing here in the first place. Robin, can you pull up satelite imagery?

Robin nods and types on the holographic keyboard, a hologram of earth appears and red lights all around location of ships

Robin: Here's where the aliens are now

Superboy picks up something off about one of the alien ships

Superboy: This one get lost?

He points to one blip in the far north, deep in the artic, Sasuke knows where that is

Sasuke: Thats Superman Fortress of Solitude

Superboy: "Superman has a fortress of solitude". Superboy says obviously shocked and suprised

Sasuke: Yeah its where me and him used to train together. Its power source must have attracted the aliens attention.

Robin: At least enough to send a scount ship to investigate..

Superboy: Must be some fortress

Superboy says as he turns away and M'gann attempts to comfort him

Sasuke: Not really. Its too cold out there

Superboy smiles at Sasuke comment, and so does M'gann as she could tell that sasuke was trying to make superboy feel less upset.

Aqualad: Regardless we must go and investigate

Wally: Yeah. break it down. Build more. Hit those ugly aliens with their own mojo

Artemis quickly elbows wally

Artemis: Martian and Kryptonin in the house

Wally: Yh, heh, not that all aliens are automatically ugly.

Sasuke(sigh):Come on.

Artic ocean

Sasuke wears a warm attire to attend to blend in with the artic background. the group also Dawn white attire to blend in. They travel to the heavy arctic to see one of the ships residing very calmly. Miss Martian moves in and tears off a piece of the ship.

Miss Martian: "Communications disabled. propulsion disabled."

Artemis fires an arrow at its vision emitter, sealing it up, it fires blindly.

Artemis: "And ET's are sealed inside."

The others rush in, Superboy and Sasuke grab the cannon, holding it as Robin analyzes it's content

Robin: "Identifying weapon's structural stress points and links to the ship. Here, here and here."

Sasuke forms a large ice blade construct, he slashed at those three points with precision.
The ship loses its cannon begins to loosen. A charge of the blast whirs up. And fires, before Superboy can be vaporized, Wolf takes the hits and disappears.

Miss Martian: Wolf

Robin: "There was no indication of feedback. I'm sorry."

Sasuke: Conner...

Superboy: Can't do anything for him now.

Superboy says, focusing on the mission, he tears off the cannon and leaps to the Bioship. Miss Martian begins to combine the two pieces of machinery together.

Miss Martian: "Rerouting systems to integrate weapon into ship's bio-matrix. I'll need to de-camouflage for a few minutes."

Robin: We may not have a few minutes

Robin says as large spaceships start to fly in on there location from the skies

Sasuke sees the ships and attempts to take them out by firing fireballs from his mouth .

One of the fireballs hits one of the spaceship sending it crashing down to the ice covered ground. Artemis joins and cuts one off,

Sasuke turns his back on the Spaceship that appeared to be out of commission. The spaceship was directly behind him. But without sasuke awareness it aimed its cannon at him

Sasuke: how much longer until....

The ship turns it cannon to him and fires, without thinking, without any hesitation, Artemis shoved him out of the way, and took the blast, vaporizing her.

Miss Martian: ARTEMIS!!!!!!

M'gann screamed, Sasuke turned back he couldn't believe what he had just saw. He wasn't able to process what had just happened.

Kid flash: Artemis!!

Pain and anger were the only emotions going through sasuke mind as he crunched his teeth and his fist. And awakened his Sharingan

Sasuke: Everyone get back. NOW

Sasuke charged his full power into one massive attack.

Sasuke: Heaven piercing ice wall!!

That one attack took out all the Alien spaceships covering them in ice and left his friends in astonishment of the power he had, he felt more powerful in the artic when there is ice around to use his ice powers

The danger is gone, but the loss still remains. Sasuke still stands there, not able to process it all. It feels so, surreal now, to watch someone he grew to care about, Die. And it being his fault

Sasuke: Artemis, I'm sorry.


Kid flash: "They're dead. Every single alien. If it's the last thing I do.

The bioship was silent for the most part besides M'gann and her weeping and Wally's frustrated banging of the console.

Sasuke: Wally stop

Sasuke puts a hand on Wally shoulder attempting to comfort him. Wally looked at Sasuke eyes and he could see the Cold, calculated look in his eyes.

Aqualad: "There's no time for us to lose ourselves. We need to make sure this threat is dealt and make sure Artemis sacrifice wasn't in vein.

Robin: The Cave?

Aqualad: The hall of justice. Earth needs to know that there are still heroes defending them. There is still hope."

Hall of Justice

They arrive at the Hall to see ships rushing at the armed forces; Superboy leaps out of the ship to destroy one

Sasuke fires a lightning bolt at another ship destroying that one too

Superboy and Sasuke both land

Soldier: "See? It is Superman. I told you he wouldn't leave us out here alone."

Soldier 2: I don't know he seems kinda young and where's the cape. Also who's that other one with him, the symbol on the back of his t shirt is from the Uchiha clan.

Aqualad and the rest of the team land next to Sasuke and Superboy. The commanding soldier walks up to them

General: General Wade Eiling, U.S. Air Force.

Aqualad: Aqualad justice league. We'll help you salvage as many of the aliens' cannons as possible. Then we start taking our planet back.

They all head inside to see the statues of the heroes, all fallen and crumbled, but they notice something out of place, a hand burned under so much rubble. M'gann uses her telekinesis to pick it up to see that the hand belonged to Martian Manhunter.

M'gann: Uncle J'onnz !

Superboy: "But we saw you get disintegrated. You and Superman and everyone."

Manhunter holds onto his head

Manhunter: "Yes, I remember. But I cannot remember how I survived or how I arrived here.

Sasuke: "Maybe you were density-shifting and the beam passed right through you."

Robin: "Scrambling your brains along the way."

Manhunter: "My mind is clouded. I feel certain I had something important to tell you."

Kid flash: "Hello, Wally. Come on. I knew it. Look."

Wally shows the readings from the cannon they integrated into the ship.

Kid flash: "It's giving off Zeta-Beams. The same stuff that powers our Zeta- Tubes. This thing doesn't disintegrate, it teleports. Artemis is alive!"

Robin: Maybe but...

Kid flash: "No maybes. They're all alive. That must have been what you wanted to tell us.

Before the could continue the conversation the Bioship is gets vaporized by an attack from the Alien spaceships that appear from the sky as well, damaging Her and Martian Manhunter.

Superboy: M'gann!!

Miss Martian: "That didn't feel like.."

Superboy picks her up as Sasuke puts up an earth wall as big as he can.

Soldier: Were trapped

Aqualad: "Maybe not. We can all Zeta to the Cave. If you can grant us computer clearance to access the tubes."

Manhunter: "I can only authorize one at a time."

Aqualad: "Send the soldiers first.

General: "Belay that. You Eight are assets we cannot afford to lose.

Aqualad hesitate but accepts

Aqualad: Fine, go

Martian Manhunter walks over to the Zeta tube

Manhunter: "Override: Martian Manhunter, zero-seven."

Computer: "Recognized. Access granted. Miss Martian, B-zero-five. Robin, B-zero-one. Kid Flash, B-zero-three. Sasuke Uchiha B-Zero Six, Private Jason Bard, U.S.M.C. Superboy, B-zero-four.

Before Aqualad could get in the zeta tube, a beam from the ship hits him vaporising him. The group begin to somberly plan.

Sasuke: "Our mission is clear. If we believe the aliens have been teleporting victims...

Kid flash: "We do."

Robin: "Then the only reasonable detention facility is here.

Robin: Their mothership. On top what used to be Smallville. Ring any bells?"

Manhunter: No, I'm sorry

Sasuke and Robin both look at each other but don't say a word

Sasuke: Fine then I'll create a distraction

M'gann: No, sasuke you'll be killed

Superboy: I'm not gonna let you do it alone. I'm coming with you. It's what Superman would do.

They two looked at each other and smiled.

Sasuke(smiles): Fine just don't slow me down loser.

Superboy(smiles): I should be saying the same to you Sasuke.

Robin: Ok then it's decided we need to get in contact with everyone on earth worldwide.

They pull up a transmission Robin, Sasuke and Kid flash walk up to the camera as there projected all over the world.

Robin: People of Earth though we know all seems lost.. the one thing the aliens cannot destroy is hope.

Conner: Hope survives, because the battle is not over. Not as long as even one of us is willing to fight.

Sasuke: It doesn't matter how many fall... for new heroes will always rise to carry on...

Kid flash: bringing all their resources, their skills, their talents to bear to defeat the enemy.

Robin: The people of Earth will survive this. We will rebuild, and we will thrive. Never doubt and never forget. The Earth will never surrender.


The remaining heroes travel to the mother ship, and begin the assault. Superboy and Sasuke leap and fly.

Superboy: You ready Sasuke?

Sasuke: I'm ready Conner

Superboy(yells): "All right, you glorified trespassers! You wanna see how a real alien fights?!

Superboy screams, tearing off one cannon to use it. Sasuke activates his Sharingan and charges his lightning that blast and tear the ships cannons. The two boys keep the attention on them, by taking out multiple of the cannons

Until Superboy is wiped out. The cannons then turn to and Fire, he forms an ice wall that begins to block the attack.

The ice wall slowly begins to crack, and just before. The ice cracks everything feels slow in Sasuke point of view as he knew his time was coming to an end

Sasuke(thoughts): How did I let it end like this, I didn't get to do it. I didn't beat Itachi. Mum I'm sorry.

And just like that Sasuke Uchiha is vaporized. Megan felt the sad ends of Sasuke and Superboy as she dropped to the ground inside the mothership

M'gann: No, they're gone.

Kid flash: "It's all right. We'll find them with Artemis. I know it."

Manhunter: "No. My mind is clearer now. The disintegration beam is exactly that. There is no detention facility, no prisoners to rescue.
Our mission holds no purpose."

Kid flash: "No! You're wrong. The Zeta radiation proves she's alive. She's.." Wally argues, and slowly begins to crumble down.

Robin: "Stop it, KF. I've been scanning for League and Team signals since we got inside.
They're not here. Artemis is gone. But our mission still holds purpose. To destroy this mothership

Kid flash let's our a tear of sadness, then they rush to the gravitational pull of the core.

Robin: "This is the power core. Blow this and the whole mothership blows."

They slowly descend into the core, and place a volley of Thermal charges. On the core, and prep it for explosion.

Robin: Four minutes. Let's go.

They all exit to a hanger but are quickly pinned down by the approaching robots. Luckily they manage to get into cover.

Robin: "Sixteen seconds and counting. Manhunter, take Miss Martian and go.

Miss Martian: "No. We won't leave you."

Robin hurls explosive discs to slow the aliens down.

Robin: "That's an order. We'll follow as soon as we blow those doors."

M'Gann and J'onn leave. Instead of catching up, Robin and Kid Flash charge in head first! Fighting to the very end! As they get vaporized too.

Miss Martian and Manhunter get out of the ship and land outside away from the mothership and in a safe spot and watch the ship go up in flames, all her friends, her love, dead.

Miss Martian breaks down into tears

Miss Martian: "Don't...Don't tell me the mission was a success. The price was too high.

Martian Manhunter: No, but we have to end this

M'gann turns around to him, confused, and with one move he shoves his fist straight though her chest, shocking M'gann. She wakes up in the cave

She sees everyone recovering for what hell they just went through.

Miss Martian: "You're all alive.!

Batman: What happened in there?

Manhunter: "The exercise, it all went wrong."

Sasuke: Exercise?

Batman: "Try to remember. What you experienced was a training exercise. Manhunter psychically linked the six of you within an artificial reality. You all knew this going in. What you didn't know was that it was a train-for-failure exercise. No matter what the Team accomplished, the scenario was designed to grow worse. Still you were aware nothing was real. including the deaths of the entire Justice League.

Batman: That is why you hardly grieved. Even when Wolf was disintegrated before your eyes, But all that changed when Artemis died."

Batman: "Though consciously Miss Martian knew it was not real her subconscious mind could not make that distinction. She forgot it was only an exercise. And her subconscious took control, making all of you forget too. Sasuke even subconsciously activates his Sharingan to attempt to get out but he couldn't

Sasuke and the rest of the team all turn to M'gann

M'gann: I'm sorry, I'm so sorry She says, tears forming in her eyes.

Superboy: "This isn't her fault."Why didn't you stop the exercise?

Martian Manhunter: "We tried. But M'gann had a death grip on the scenario. Even Artemis, who should have awakened upon her death was so convinced she had passed, she slipped into a coma. I realized I would have to wrest control from Miss Martian's subconscious...
from within. But upon entering the reality I was overwhelmed by your collective emotion.
There was too much noise to think clearly to remember why I was there.

Martian Manhunter: The deaths of Aqualad, Superboy And Sasuke helped. But only when the mothership exploded, and Robin and Kid Flash were silenced.. did my mind clear enough to remember my true purpose. To shock M'gann out of the exercise before your comas became permanent. My apologies. I had no idea a training exercise could be so dangerous.

Manhunter turned them dropped to his knees but were quickly caught by Batman and Tornado.

Manhunter: So damaging. Make no mistake. My niece is untrained and cannot be held responsible for this... For our debacle. No one blames her.

Manhunter: But clearly we underestimated her abilities. In terms of raw power, she has the strongest telepathic mind... I have ever encountered. By Stronger by far than mine. Maybe even stronger than the Sharingan

Sasuke(thoughts): All that training with the Sharingan and I couldn't even break out of an illusion.

Sasuke crushed his fist into a ball shape but then let go in disappointment

Sasuke(thoughts): Has all this just been a waste of time?

Sasuke turned to see M'gann in tears barely holding it together and deep down he felt even worse.

To be continued....

A/N: Damn, what a training session. Who's idea was it anyway. But what I wanna know is, has this pushed Sasuke or broken him completely? find out on the NEXT CHAPTER OF YOUNG JUSTICE

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