Deepest Desire

By Failia_Baighaan

359K 10.3K 1.2K

The Vicious Leader: Sebastian Stellios *** "You are mine and if I have to cage you to ensure this fact, I w... More

1- Memorable Events
2- Wedding Night
3- Dream
4- Haunting Sight
5- Monster
6- Trapped
7- His Prey
8- You Are So Dead
9- Rage
10- Disgust
11- The Call
12- Empty Words
13- Worried
14- Reprieve
15- Feeding On Fear
16- A Glimpse Of His Abyss
17- Honeymoon and Business
18- Alphonse Jude
19- Beautiful...?
20- Notorious
21- Cannot Understand
22- Mistake
23- Punishment
24- Can't Run
25- Concerned
26- Unwanted Thoughts
27- Heated Argument
28- His Prey
29- One. Last. Time.
30- Important Talks
31- Voices
32- Bad Actor
33- Hunger and Rain
34- Beautiful
35- Prey or Exception?
36- Things He Wanted To Say
37- Sick Brat
38- Take Care
39- Two Small Words
40- Divulgence
41- Consequences
42- True Fury
43- Punishment
44- Crestfallen
45- Disgusted
46- Reason To Stay
47- Power
48- Thrilled
49- Her Deepest Desire
50- Fortuitous
51- Open Threat
52- Gathering Of Aces
54- Not A Tale Of Yesterday
55- Breaking Her Heart
56- The Surprise
57- Emotional Confession
58- Madness
59- Compensation
60- Destination
61- Prayer
62- The Start
63- Notorious, Once Again
64- I... LOVE YOU
65- Promise Of A Lifetime
66- His Angel
67- Little Brother
68- His Voice
69- Ideal
70- Origin Of Screams
71- All Alone
72- Burned Along With Her
73- Fairy
74- Heartily Talks
75- Midnight Gossip
76- A Mesmerizing Date
77- Sleep Forever
78- Refused To Cry
79- Ultimate Protection
80- Open Book
81- Embrace My Protector
82- Clearing Hearts
83- An Euphoric Night
84- Mending Bonds
Last- Her Fairytale

53- The Vicious Leaders

1.9K 72 12
By Failia_Baighaan

"Like you are treated as an outcast, Sebastian?"

Turning our heads, we saw Nathaniel with his hands cuffed, in his usual attire.

The black shirt with matching trouser and waistcoat accompanied with his gloves.

His sleeves rolled to the elbow perfectly with a plague doctor's mask in his hand indicating-

He lived as the Plague Doctor and shall die as one.

"You only have five minutes." The officer said, motioning to him to go inside.

Nathaniel was glaring at me and replied, "I only need two."

"Nathaniel." I smirked, turning to him when he took slow steps towards me. Oh, look how he burned at the humiliation of his beloved.

"Honestly, dignity doesn't suit the man who is nothing without his family hierarchy or perhaps you love being a misogynist pig?" Nathaniel mocked, smirking darkly at me to which I smirked back and retorted.

"Does it hurt to know your wife's reality? I merely told her what she is." I shrugged calmly but the vile smirk stayed to find Nathaniel pissed.

"But the fact remains she is Zariah Alroy. My wife."

Sufiyan smirked at the tension Nathaniel created in a heartbeat and stood up. Tsk, assholes enjoying the moment.

Standing beside Zaviyaar as they both were indulging in the heat collecting between us two followed by a competition of supremacy.

"And if another word escaped your lips against her, I wouldn't mind dragging another soul to hell with me."

Nathaniel threatened me openly, outraged to find anyone taunting her.

"Doesn't sound good when your breaths are limited." I scoffed, reminding him he was going to die.

Folding my arms and rolling my eyes off to consider his threat a fatuous enunciation.

"My breaths don't matter. Whether I live or not, my reign will never die." Nathaniel retorted, recalling the authority he had managed to hold, pissing me off.

Authority he had gained was supreme.

Taking another step closer, Nathaniel glared directly into my eyes, announcing.

"And I am warning you, Sebastian, If you were found anywhere near my wife, You better consider it a war then."

All of us were taken aback at the augmenting tension. We didn't expect Nathaniel to openly challenge me for the sake of the person he ruined himself but amid this a question arose in my heart-

Would I do the same for Eileen?

Am I going to hold this level of sincerity for Eileen?

"You know you are going to die, Nathaniel, don't you?" I laughed, mocking him, not taking a single word seriously.

"Will my people too? Will the terror my people induce too? What can it alter?"

Nathaniel arched a brow which died my laughter as we both were scowling at each other.

Making him my enemy was equal to causing destruction. I didn't want to admit but his reign was stronger than mine.

"What an amazing view." Zaviyaar whispered with a chuckle, outraging me.

"Agreed." Sufiyan nodded, enjoying the show to the fullest.

"Then tell her to never cross her path with mine ever again or else I will grant her the honor to die by my very hands." I threatened, glaring at Zariah for a second, I would never join hands with her.


"Zariah." Nathaniel's supreme voice came, not looking at his woman and honestly I could understand why.

If he looked at her, his heart would melt. Same thing happened to me with Eileen too.

If would stop if he looked at her so he didn't.

"Huh? Y-Yes?" How she stammered before Nathaniel or else we all know what a demon she is.

A fucking human killing machine.

"You heard the man." Nathaniel said coldly, taking a step back, reminding Zariah to never cross her path with mine ever again.

"This feels off, don't you think, Zaviyaar?" Sufiyan whispered, narrowing his eyes in suspicion which I felt too.

There was something wrong. Nathaniel was plotting something.

"Hmm. How can he openly say this?" Zaviyaaar nodded, noticing a strange aura in the air we were unable to encrypt.

"I have a bad feeling about it." Sufiyan breathed out, suspicious about Nathaniel now.


Zariah was about to call him but I mocked her, "I will look forward to the day you will beg me to grant you power."

"Tsk." Scoffing, she walked towards Nathaniel who turned his back on her to leave forever, taking her beats, her existence along with him.

He was leaving forever and she couldn't bear but upon seeing them I couldn't help but to think about Eileen.

Would her eyes look at me with the same desperation if I ever left?

"Nathaniel." Calling him desperately, she held his one with her freezing, weak ones.

He noticed the tremble of her hand but stood stoic, unable to lift his gaze to link with her desperate ones.

And I witnessed another couple falling into misery before my very eyes.

"Look at me, please." She begged him in a whisper, lowering her head and resting it on his shoulder, refusing to let him go.

A dead silence dispersed in the room followed by the sound of her aching wails, wetting his shoulder by her tears, crying by her one request.

The emotionless Crazy Zariah broke before the Aces. Nothing but Nathaniel mattered to her at this point.

"Please don't hate me, Nathaniel. Please don't hate me."

Closing his eyes, he whispered coldly, "I don't."

Would you do the same for me, Eileen?

"Time's up." The officer called, motioning Nathaniel to come after him.

Zariah refused to let him, sobbing faintly, shaking her head in denial.

She couldn't let him go but then-

Since when letting go of the person you love was easy?

"Zariah." Sufiyan called her, holding her shoulder but she didn't flinch.

"Let him go."

"It is time you should let him go." Sufiyan whispered, tightly holding to rip her off from Nathaniel.

Closing her eyes, she fell on Sufiyan's chest, hiding her face and crying softly.

Nathaniel glanced over his shoulder, looking at Sufiyan for a second who was holding Zariah by her shoulders, allowing her to wail silently in his chest.

They didn't say anything, only an exchange of glances and Nathaniel walked away, leaving her domain forever.

This sight unwillingly made my heart clench. When did I become this soft?

"Allow the one you love to leave is not for a weak heart, right Sufiyan? You understand her situation more than any of us." Zaviyaar smirked from behind.

Sufiyan scoffed and rubbed her back to help her calm down.

"Do you think your wife would be mournful like her?" Zaviyaar teased, smirking at me, asking what I didn't want to hear.

I glared at Zaviyaar for asking this.

"Never. She would definitely be grateful." Sufiyan scoffed from behind, giving Zariah some water to calm down.

No, she would break too... she loves me after all...

I remained silent, not bothering to react until Zaviyaar called, "Oh, it's starting."

"Attention, People!"

The jailer walked forward as the amount of people who gathered there were numerous while the man with a plague doctor's mask stood.

"This man right there is the Plague Doctor! The head of the underworld, the affliction of our peaceful home. He is the reason for our miserable lives."

"Tsk, liars." I scoffed to find how the cops were praising themselves while in reality he surrendered himself.

"Let the execution begin!" With an enunciation, Zariah stood up and was about to leave but Sufiyan held her.

"Let me go, Sufiyan." She hissed with tears recollecting in her eyes again.

She was unable to bear it.

I looked out of the window with pure excitement but soon my indulgence faded in a mere moment.

With a grimace, I walked away, leaving them alone, "Tsk, what a waste."

I knew something was wrong.

Scoffing, I went to the lounge of the VIP floor reserved for us Aces, my mood was already ruined, I knew there would be something behind that scheme of his.

Lord knows what was going in his devious mind. What he would do now but I would definitely not work under or with his pathetic woman.

With a scoff, I took out my phone and saw five missed calls from Eileen and turned on the volume.

"Fuck." My phone was on silent and cursing under my breath, I was about to call her back but Zaviyaar's teasing tone came, reminding me of the changes occurring in me.

Narrowing his hazel eyes shining, accompanied by a triumph beard and light brown hair- he truly looks like those rich Sheikhs of Dubai.

"Well, someone has changed." My grip on my phone tightened, what I didn't want to display happened. They noticed.

Damn you, Eileen.

"What do you mean, Zaviyaar?" I asked in my usual dominant tone, glancing from my shoulder, putting my phone back in my pocket.

"How does it feel to have a meeting without violence for the first time?" He mocked, taking a seat, resting his one leg over the other but eyes not parting from my expressionless ones.

"I don't have a reason-" I was about to give another useless explanation but failed.

"Oh, reasoning for blood doesn't suit the person who is the most violent among all of us. You don't need a 'reason' to cause bloodshed." He snickered, reminding me about my reality, the face I was losing along the way.

I was losing the grip on my identity.

"True, I was ready for you to create a bloodbath and take the throne of the underworld forcefully." Sufiyan also came after shifting Zariah to the room, snickering at me as well.

"But then again, our Lord had already said this before- Cruel kings meet cruel ends." Zaviyaar added, shrugging his shoulders, knowing I won't do this.

I know if I took the throne, all of them would join hands in order to assassinate me, they would all start a war and since everyone is afraid of me, they wouldn't stay with me either.

I would die horribly if I became greedy for power.

Ignoring their talks, I took a step and when I noticed Sufiyan and Zaviyaar getting lost on their phones, I called Zaviyaar.


"Hmm?" He hummed, not removing his eyes from his phone and I knew it would sound ridiculous from my mouth but I must speak it.

"Stop Asad from interfering with my life. If he dared to meddle between me and wife then I am warning you already- I will kill Asad." I threatened, which wiped Zaviyaar's amusement, causing him to glare back at me.

"I dare you to graze my brother's skin, Sebastian." He warned me, turning serious in a moment when I mentioned Asad.

"Stop him then." I growled in a low tone yet this bastard Sufiyan heard it.

"Ha, I love how one woman could make even stones vulnerable." He laughed, mocking me, reminding me of the details I tend to neglect.

And it was all directing my fury towards Eileen for doing this to me in the first place.

"Why? Are you falling for your little prey you label as 'wife'? Are you in love?" Zaviyaar smirked, putting his phone back and giving me all his attention.

"I am not but-" I enunciated firmly, completing my sentence sincerely, "She is my Deepest Desire,"

"You heard that, Sufiyan?" Zaviyaar asked, glancing from his shoulder at Sufiyan who patted his heart, jeering at me.

"I wish I could unhear it. Unlikely of you to expose your weakness openly, Sebastian." He smirked, coming closer and taking a seat as well, extremely interested in my personal matter.

"Why wouldn't he, man?" Zaviyaar chuckled, glancing towards Sufiyan speaking in Hindi so I won't get it but I did.

"Janab ko mohabbat jo ho gayi hai akhir kar."
(Mister is in love after all)

"You know I know Hindi too, right? And you are getting a wrong perception." I frowned deeply at his statement, definitely not liking them creating an ordeal out of a non-existent matter.

"Should I kill her-" Sufiyan began to say and I lost it-

I took out my gun and placed it over Sufiyan's head, indirectly warning him to never fathom of hurting my Eileen or else it would start a chain of pure hatred between me and him that might last for generations.

"Well, he had already killed two of his wives. Killing someone else's wife won't be difficult for him." Zaviyaar took no chill into fueling both me and Sufiyan at his insensitive remark.

But, It was true, Sufiyan had been married thrice and killed two of his wives though we all know who is the love of his life.

"Shut up." Sufiyan growled while I pulled my gun back.

I resent all these Sheikh brothers. They were unbearable.

"Ya Allah!" Zaviyaar laughed after successfully witnessing the display of our unwanted sensitive spot.

"So, were you going to have a happy ending or not?" Zaviyaar asked again, pinching my nerves at this point.

"Why don't we wait and see?" I sighed, leaning back, trying to ignore him.

"From that, among all of us, whose bond is actually completed?" Sufiyan asked, interested to know who's story of love is completed.

"Nathaniel's is in its final phase. Alphonse's tale has ended. I have a feeling mine is nearing its end too. That leaves you two." I smirked, shrugging my shoulders but it brought a disgusted reaction on Zaviyaar's face.

"Definitely not mine, I am way too far from this shit." Zaviyaar declared but rolling my eyes, I muttered under my breath, "I used to say the same shit too."

Look at me now!

Never say this sentence, it's a cursed one. Those who say it, always become a victim of love.

"Hey, he is too a part of The Vicious Leaders," Sufiyan called, snapping his finger,

"Wow, what a name." I scoffed, not believing he actually gave our tales a damn name.

"Who?" Zaviyaar asked, not wanting to talk about his tale which didn't even start yet.

"Nathaniel's Brother-in-law, Man, he was much older than his girl, he has a daughter too, remember? That man got Nathaniel's sister and vanished. He got the smoothest way out." Sufiyan said, talking about Prince.

"Oh, You mean Prince Silvester? Yeah, I haven't heard anything from him. After he left, Poison Ivy fell into Nathaniel's hand. He rules everything." I said.

Remembering how he was holding power back in old times but then he faced a terrible situation- He fell in love.

"He is the one who got his happy ending. Now, I want to see how you will gain yours, Sebastian. Prince got away easily because of Nathaniel but what would you do or you're gonna continue?" Zaviyaar asked, excited about my outcome more than I am.

Why do all of them want me to fall in love?

"Leave it. I don't want to bother myself with useless worries of tomorrow." I sighed, rubbing my temples, my mood was smeared at this point, I wanted to rest.

"Good point. So, whose number do you think will come next?" Zaviyaar asked again but sighing, I spoke the name which came to my mind first.

"Sufiyan or Asad."

"When did my Brother become a part of this?" Zaviyaar asked, getting serious abruptly.

"Just now. Your brother threatened me for a woman. You should keep an eye on him, he is slipping out of your hands." I told him nonchalantly about the weak point I noticed about his Brother.

"Leave Asad, he knows how to handle his afflictions. I am looking forward to someone else's." Zaviyaar scoffed, not caring about his Brother at all and turning to Sufiyan with a dark smirk.

And understanding the atrocity behind this look, I turned to Sufiyan too. His tale would be worthwhile to witness.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Sufiyan asked nervously, bewildered at our sudden smirks and since Zaviyaar is the one who loves hitting where it hurts the most- he spoke up.

"Do you miss your Mehmal-"

Losing his patience, Sufiyan slammed his hands down, releasing a loud and outraged growl, "Fuck you, Zaviyaar!" Growling, he got up and left as we both chuckled at his reaction.

It was expected yet highly amusing to witness how his fragile heart melted simply by mentioning the love of his wife.

Chuckling, I also rose to leave for my room but my phone rang again. It was Eileen.

"Oh, The madam is calling, you better pick it up,"

Everything we talked about came to my mind. How she changed me, what she did to me, everything rushed and it enraged me.

Rolling my eyes off, I took my phone and switched it off, not in the mood to talk to Eileen or anyone anymore.

What have you done to me, woman?


Hey Lovies,

Thanks for reading! I have named the series of these leaders- The Vicious Leaders. You can check out my insta account to know more about them. Their individual stories are a standalone.

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