Sallows Salvation

By SithEmpressLoren

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*Hogwarts Legacy Spoilers* *also in this version they're aged up not 15* A new student is joining Hogwarts... More

A foggy London morning.
Dragons Breath.
Portkeys & Vaults.
Sebastian Sallow.
All Paths Lead To Hogsmead.
Restricted Sections & Poltergeists
My favourite Slytherin girl.
A Girls Day Out.
The Common Room Party.
Codeword: Honeydukes
The Room Of Requirement.
The Undercroft.
I'm sorry! (not a chapter)
Soldier, Poet, King

Tell Me You're Mine.

531 6 6
By SithEmpressLoren

                  (Smut warning)

A few weeks have passed since Fledcroft, Anne and Sebastian have sent a few owls back and forth but we haven't returned to Feldcroft quite yet. Sitting on my bed in the common room, listening to the sounds of the crackling fire and Wintons small hoots I feel at peace. I look across to my bedside table and a small smile creeps across my lips, staring at the small glass orb that holds the preserved flower Sebastian gave me. My Godmother helped me make it, I wanted to keep it forever and thought she'd be the best person to ask.

The flower thrives inside the orb as if it was never picked from the ground, a small pond of water sits at the bottom giving life to the flower, with the help of some magic. Small decorative rocks and moss at add to the beauty of it and at night it the water glows blue illuminating the flower. I look at the time, shit I'm late.

I shoot up from my bed, I havent even picked an outfit shit...

I grab the green silk dress from the party and throw it on before rushing out my dorm and for the common room stairs. I was supposed to meet everyone at the three broomsticks thirty minuets ago! Goodness I'm awful at time keeping.

Jumping on my broom once outside the castle, I rush for hogsmead. Almost forgetting their "no flying" rule when I get there, a group of elderly witches yelling at me as I awkwardly land shooting them an apologetic smile before rushing towards the three broomsticks, I hear them scold something about reckless young witches and can't help but laugh.

"What time do you call this then?" Sebastians mocking tone welcomes me as my group of friends all look up at my late arrival.

Sebastian, Ominis, Poppy, Natty, Garreth and Amet all sat around smiling at me, I feel a warm happy sensation in my stomach as I look at the glow of my friends. I'm a lucky girl.

"I call it, I turn up whenever I want Sallow" I stick my tongue out at him as I sit next to Poppy and Ominis.

"Here I got one for you" Natty passes me a butterbear and smiles linking arms with me.

"Thank you Natty" I squeeze her arm and take a sip, Poppy giggling at the butterbear tash I seemed to of acquired.

"Don't listen to her, you suit a tash" Garrerh laughs at me as I wipe my mouth with my sleeve, laughing and shaking my head.

"Yes rather handsome Y/N" Sebastian gives me a small wink and I can feel all eyes on us, I try to change the subject.

"So... how was detention AGAIN?" I roll my eyes looking at Garreth.

"Honestly at this point he might as well just admit he's crushing hard on me, why else would he give me so many detentions"Garreth scoffs sipping at his butterbear.

"Oh I don't know, maybe because you're reckless in class?" Natty shakes her head at him with a smile.

"Okay miss teachers pet know it all" Garreth smirks at her.

"Oh yes because it's such a bad thing being knowledgeable with magic, would you like a duel to see who's better than who?" Natty raises her eyebrow proudly.

A small "oooooh" from our group as all eyes are on Garreth, a small amount of colour on his cheeks.

"I'll pass, I'd never forgive myself if I hurt a girl" Garreth shrugs it off trying to play it cool before we all erupt into laughter.


As the day starts to turn to night and the sun begins to set, we decide to finish our drinks and head out into the square. Poppy and Ominis seem rather close, I can hear Poppy giggling about something.

"Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Natty nods her head towards them.

"I think I am" I smile looking at my two friends heading into Honeydukes.

We all follow after them, looking at some "mystery boxes" stacked against the back wall, its rather tempting but hate the idea of getting stuck with liquorice.

"Imagine getting liquorice though" Garreth says picking up a box and giving it a shake trying to figure out what's inside.

"That's exactly what I'm thinking" I say giving him a nudge of agreement.

"Is that would you said when you agreed to sneak here with him last time?" Poppy giggles nudging me.

I snap my head in her direction, oh no.

"Poppy shh" I mutter under my breath.

"Sneaking? Someone snuck into honeydukes and I wasn't involved? I'm hurt! Who was it?" Sebastian looks between us all, a cheeky smile on his lips.

"No one!" Poppy basically shouts, I can see the panic in her face realising what she's done.

"Well now you're hiding something which means it's even more sneaky than it should of been? Who snuck into here Poppy?" He has an amused confused look on his face.

I feel sick, oh god I should say something but I'm not sure what.

"I think I'm going to get it" Garreth turns back to our group holding one of the mystery boxes, unaware of the situation unfolding before us.

"Come on, tell me what happened in here" Sebastian folds his arms, I can see Poppy squirming.

"What happened in her-?... you told them we slept together?!" Garreth looks at me surprised, as the words leave his mouth I could of sworn everything was in slow motion. I feel dizzy, oh god this can't be happening.

"Wait.. what?!" Sebastians face has now turned to confusion and anger.

Ominis pulls Poppy away as she starts to speak up before looking at me with apologetic eyes.

"Oh...OH you didn't tell.. OK...Well... this is awkward" Garreth shuffles his feet and looks at me unsure of what todo with himself.

"You slept with him?" Sebastian is looking at me, hurt.

"Please let me explain... it was after the common room party...we were really drunk and... and you were with Ella.. I-" I can't find words, my heart feels like its in my stomach.

"Look mate, it was a mistake... we'd been drinking and one thing led to another. She was only with me because she thought you didn't want her and it only happened once" Garreth steps in trying to save me.

"Shut your fucking mouth Weasley" Sebastian hisses through gritted teeth.

"Sebastian.." Ominis sighs trying to defuse Sebastians anger.

"Just pretending were we? Sounds to me like you enjoyed being with her. I bet it was what you wanted in the first place!" Sebastians tone is louder and he's moved to stand infront of Garreth.

I'm frozen in place, it's like seeing a car crash I just.. can't move or look away. I can see Garreths face change from worried to anger.

"I don't regret it, if that's what you're asking" Garreth snaps.

Sebastians breathing is heavier.

"You're dead Weasley" Sebastian scoffs before pushing Garreth, hard. So hard he goes flying backwards into the stacked mystery boxes knocking them all over.

"Sebastian! What the hell!" Natty is rushing to Garreths side to help him up.

"Fuck you" Garreth stands, shaking his head in anger.

Sebastian goes to reach for his wand and I grab his hand.

"Seb.. don't do this..please" I plead holding his hand hard to stop him.

Sebastians gaze falls on me, his eyes are dark and full of hatred. It seems to soften slightly as he looks at me before he shakes his head and yanks his hand away from me.

"I can't even look at you" he scrunches his nose at me.

"Oi! Clean this up and get out!" The owner of Honeydukes is now standing over us, looking at the mess all over the floor.

"We're so sorry, Sir" Ominis apologies as him and Poppy start picking up boxes.

"Fuck this" Sebastian hisses and storms out of the shop.

"Sebastian.." I call out to him but feel Ominis grab my arm.

"Let him go Y/N.. he needs to calm down" he sighs giving my arm a light squeeze before turning back to help clean up the boxes.

"Are you okay Garreth?" I give Garreth a hug and sigh.

"Yeah I'm fine, the boxes made it look more dramatic... he pushes like a mooncalf" he hugs me back giving me a small laugh.

We pull away and I ruffle his hair before we help the others clean up.

Standing outside Honeydukes, Natty is inside apologising to the owner and convincing him to let us shop there in the future.

"I'm so sorry Y/N" Poppy looks at the floor, her little voice sounds as if she's about to cry.

"Hey" I lift her chin "don't say sorry, he was going to find out one day and none of us could of predicted his outburst, its not your fault" I give her a reassuring smile before bringing her into a hug. She hugs me back tighter and Natty joins us.

"He's agreed to let us shop there and there's no hard feelings" she smiles proudly

"Damn you're good" Garreth laughs as we all head back for the castle.


Back in the common room Sebastian is nowhere to be seen, Ominis headed to the undercroft to see if he was there but I decided to try here instead. A few students fill the common room, small hums of conversation and two students playing wizard chess... but no Sebastian.

I refuse to go to sleep without speaking with him, I head towards the boys dorms getting a few glances from some second years heading into their rooms. Third, fourth, fifth. As I stand at the door to the fifth year dorms I take a deep breath before heading inside, the room is fairly dark the only light coming from the fireplace, it's messy except for one very organised and clean area which is undoubtedly Ominis's bed. A student pacing around the room... Sebastian.

"Hi..." I announce myself quietly, suddenly regretting coming in here.

He stops in his tracks and looks at me, he looks like he's been crying.

"What are you doing here Y/N?" He shakes his head and starts pacing again.

"We need to talk... you.. you were out of order to Garreth, Natty had to convince the shopkeeper not to ban us all for your mess as well" I sigh remembering the events from tonight.

"I was out of order?! Is that some kind of fucking joke?!" He stops pacing and looks at me, his uniform is messy. He isn't wearing his robe, the first 3 buttons of his shirt is undone, the shirt partly untucked from the trousers and his tie undone lazily across his shoulders. His chest rising and falling with his deep breathing.

I don't know what to say. His tone leaving me quietly shuffling by the door.

"It was hard enough believing you were even dating that prick, seeing you in his arms, kissing him!" He's taken a few steps towards me.

"But now I find out he's actually slept with you?! And no one told me?!" His voice is getting louder in this small room, making me feel smaller.

"Did it ever occur to you, we didn't tell you because of how you'd react?!" I gesture up and down at his current state.

He laughs and runs his hands over his face.

"Wow who'd of thought I'd hate the idea of him all over you! And to think that night I sat up waiting for you...I was so worried because you hadn't come back and I..." he moves towards me and I feel the door against my back, he's looking down but i can feel his body heat with how close he is.

"I was going to say sorry that night.. and whilst I was sat thinking about you, you were fucking Garreth Weasley... his hands were on you, his lips... he's felt every inch of you..." hes starting to get angry again.

"Sebastian I'm so sorry..." I barely whisper it, afraid to say the wrong thing and then I feel his hands at the hem of my dress.

"And this dress... I used to love this dress on you. When I saw you wearing it that first night I couldn't take my eyes off you...and now he's ruined it" his hands clench the bottom of the dress tightly and I gulp.

"Take it off.." sebastians voice is low and deeper now.

"W-what?" I stutter unsure of what he means and his eyes look at mine. They're darker than before.

"I said..." his voice is dark and it sounds so hot. His hand grabs my throat and squeezes slightly making his eyes darken even more.

Before I can attempt to form a sentence his lips press hungrily against mine, a small groan escaping my lips. He kisses me hard with a hunger I've never experienced before, his hand still on my throat and his leg pushes between mine opening them slightly as he pushes me against the door, I hold his wrist of the hand that's around my throat and place my hand on his bare chest through the shirt.

He pulls away slightly and I sigh from the lack of touch.

"Get on my bed. Second one in" he pushes me away from the door, stunned I walk over to his bed and sit down on it, looking over at him I can hear him muttering something as he moves his wand against the door. From the sounds of it, he's enchanting the locks.

I feel nervous.. is this really happening?

Sebastian turns to face me, he raises an eyebrow before storming over.

"I told you to take this off" he pushes me back onto his bed and grabs the end of the dress before ripping it hard in one quick motion, tearing the dress off me revealing my dark green underwear, I suddenly feel very exposed. He turns and throws my dress into the fireplace before looking back at me, his eyes scan down my body and he bites his lip slightly.

"Hey! I liked that dress" I look at the fireplace as my silk dress burns into the fire.

"Tough. Weasleys touch tainted it" he spits before undoing his buttons on the rest of his top.

"Does that mean I'm tainted too?" I look up at him raising an eyebrow.

His brow furrows and he holds my chin in his hand standing above me over the bed, making sure I keep eye contact.

"No...but I am going to remind you exactly who you belong to...he doesn't deserve to of touched you in any way... let me show you how you deserve to be touched" he smirks and I feel heat rising to my cheeks and a hunger for him in my stomach.

"But first..." he doesn't break eye contact with me as he unbuckles his belt, unzipping his trousers and drops them showing his boxers already slightly damp with precum and the outline of his erection showing through.

My breathing becomes heavier as he pulls his boxers down, his dick springing out infront of me, my eyes widen slightly and he smirks.

"Like what we see do we?" He winks at me and I roll my eyes. I grasp his length in my hands, taking him by surprise as he lets out a small whimper, I look into his eyes as I start to pump my hands in sync against his dick and tease his tip with my tongue.

His hands grab my hair and hold it in a fist as I start to take him into my mouth, swirling my tongue around his head as he lets out small groans, helping guide my head up and down with my hair.

"Mm fuck..." he groans as he starts to push his hips forward and back. He pushes his hips forward more, pushing his dick further down my throat and I take as much as I can trying to deep throat him all.

"Oh fuckkk Y/N" Sebastian moans and I feel tears run down my face. He pulls away and I take a big breath, he tilts my head to look back up at him with his hand before wiping away my tears.

"So beautiful..." he murmurs as he kisses me gently before moving his lips to my ear "my turn" he growls before sucking on my ear lobe and I whimper slightly.

He move up onto his bed further, the light of the fireplace highlighting every curve of his body as he drops his shirt, freckles over his torso and his muscles look more defined in this light, he looks like he was sculpted by God's.

He climbs onto the bed and kisses me again hungrily, holding my my body and dancing his tongue with mine, chills running down my body and I feel him smile into the kiss.

He starts kissing down my neck before he starts sucking hard and biting making me whimper out in a mixture of pleasure and pain.

"I'm going to make sure everyone knows you're mine" he growls into my neck before kissing down my collarbone and down my torso. He reaches my thong and hooks his teeth on them, pulling them down and discarding them to the floor before laying down between my legs and sucking on my thighs, I squirm slightly and he holds my legs down to steady them. He looks up at me with hunger in his eyes, I can feel his breath against my clit and I'm aching for him, I start to move my hips up slightly wanting him to close the distance and he chuckles.

"Such an impatient Princess..." he smiles and I feel the warmth of his tongue on my clit, I throw my bed back in pleasure and groan. Tangling my fingers in his hair as he swirls his tongue around it.

Fuck it feels so good.

His tongue dancing around my clit is making me ache when I feel him tease my entrance with his finger.

"So wet for me already" he murmurs against my clit, the vibration of his voice sending me wild. He pushes a finger inside me and I arch my back.

"F-fuck" I moan as he pushes his finger in and out, curling it hitting the right spot. He pushes another finger in, fingering me faster as I start to moan louder, I can feel a knot in my stomach. I'm so close.

It's almost as if he sensed it because he suddenly pulls his fingers out and moves away, looking down at me smirking before putting his fingers to his mouth and cleaning up my mess.

I pout at him, the knot in my stomach vanishing and being replaced with the need for touch.

"You cum when I say you can cum" he looks at me with lust and desire before climbing ontop of me, removing my bra and sucking on one of my nipples whilst his hand grasps the other.

"P-please..." I murmur slightly embarrassed all of a sudden.

"Please what?" He looks at me for a moment.

"Please... fuck me.." I bite my lip, the ache in my body for him is overwhelming. He smiles from ear to ear before his eyes glaze over with a dark lustful look.

He positions himself against my entrance and starts to push the tip in.

"Shit.. you're so tight.." he grunts biting his lip.

Pain pulsating through my body, I  grab his shoulders as my breath hitches. He's thicker than Garreth.

He kisses my forehead gently as he slowly pushes in more and I whimper in pain slightly.

"It's okay... it's okay" Sebastian reassures me stopping to let me adjust to his size as he kisses me softly. After a few seconds I give him a nod to continue.

He pushes the rest of his length in and the pain is suddenly replaced with pure ecstasy and I moan loudly, my eyes rolling to the back of my head.

"Mmm good girl" he grunts as he starts thrusting in and out of me.

I dig my nails into his back and he fucks me harder, the room filling with the sounds of him slamming into me and our moans combined.

"D-did you do a silencing charm on the room?" I manage to ask between thrusts and he smirks.

"Nope. I want the whole school to know who you belong too babygirl" he breaths heavily smirking.

Before I can protest he slams into me hard and wraps his hand around my throat squeezing, my body is racing with pleasure, I can barely think with how good he feels inside me. God I don't want this to end.

"Tell me. Tell me I fuck you better than him. Tell me who's dick you like fucking you more" Sebastian demands, biting his lip and looking in my eyes.

"Y-yours" I moan not breaking eye contact.

"Tell me you're mine" he growls, pushing himself deeper inside me.

"Oh fuck... I'm yours" I'm shaking and he places his forehead against mine.

"Say my fucking name" his tone is full of desire and his hips grind against me, his length hitting all the right places deep inside me.

"Sebastian" I moan as I feel the knot in my stomach returning.

"Sebastian... I'm going to..." I moan, I can barely form a sentence with how good he's making me feel.

"Fuck let me feel you cum all over this dick Y/N" he moans as he starts rubbing my clit with his thumb and thrusting in and out hard.

The bed is slamming against the wall, squeaking and echoing through the room. A mixture of my moaning and his moaning filling the room.

"Fuck fuck fuck.. Sebastian fuck" I arch my back as I feel the sweet release cumming all over his length. The feeling of me cumming and the tightening of my walls around him bringing him to his release as well.

"Holy fuck Y/N ah... ah.." he throws his head back as he fills me up with cum, thrusting a few times before pulling out and collapsing next to me.

We lay there for a moment, sweaty and breathing heavy. I look over at him, the sweat in his hair sticking to his beautiful freckled face. He's already looking at me and smiling.

"God.. you're so beautiful" he kisses me gently.

"So... are you still mad at me" I giggle slightly and he rolls his eyes.

"Nah...I think I made it quite clear who you belong too and after that performance I dare you to say my name and his in the same breath and tell me they feel the same" he winks at me proudly.

He's right. Garreth was.. Great but oh my god what just happened...I've never felt anything like it.

I sit up blushing as he stands putting his clothes back on.

"Whoever the fuck has locked the door you better open it right now. The whole common room could hear your disgusting display, let me in so I can get my quidditch gear for fuck sake" an angry student on the other side of the door is banging on it.

"Oh shit" I murmur standing and realising I have no clothes, thanks Sebastian.

"Uh...Sebastian? I don't have any clothes" I say slightly panicked.

"Huh? Oh... oh yeah" he chuckles to himself before going into a chest of draws and pulling out a slytherin quidditch jumper and handing it to me. I pull it over my head , putting my arms through and it's practically a dress on me. It smells like Sebastian and I can't help but smile.

"Mmm you look good in my clothes" he beams as he wraps his arms around my waist and places a kiss on my forehead, making me giggle.

"Don't make me go get a professor!" The angry voice shouts once more.

"Ugh" Sebastian groans and heads for the door, whising his wand and undoing the charm.

"Come in and stop your pathetic whining" Sebastian snaps at the student ad he opens the door.

The student doesn't even look in my direction, storming over to his bed grabbing a bag full of what I'm assuming is quidditch supplies.

"Fuck you Sallow" he huffs as he hurries out the door making Sebastian chuckle.

I sit on Sebastians bed and he walks over to me beaming, cuddling up to me and running his hands through my hair.

"Guess there's no way of hiding our relationship now" I state, thinking back to the student who just left saying the entire common room heard us.

"Guess not... what a shame" he mocks pretending to me annoyed.

"Is it safe to come in?" Ominis is stood in the doorway shuffling his feet.

"Of course we were just uh...talking" Sebastian winks at me.

"Oh don't be ridiculous. Even if the entire common room hadn't of been an involuntary audience to your... "fight" one of the effects of being blind is all your other sense are heightened. I felt like I was in the bloody room with you two" he shudders at the thought as he sits down on his bed.

"I'm sorry ominis" I say blushing, surely we weren't that loud.

"I'm not sorry, I hope we could be heard all the way up to the Gryffindor common room" Sebastian smugly nudges me.

"God you're pathetic" I roll my eyes but can't help but smile.

"You're both insufferable" Ominis huffs.

"You love us really" Sebastian teases.

"Yes I do. Though it's days like today you put my love to the test" Ominis tuts.

There's a moment of silence before all three of us erupt into laughter.

I look between Ominis and Sebastian and feel the same feeling I felt earlier in the three broomsticks but something deeper... it feels like home.

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