Far Away Reality

By 24azentner

10.3K 306 100

I don't own BBC Merlin or any of their characters. I only own any added storylines and my OC's. Arthur Pendra... More

Cast of: "Far Away Reality"
Chapter One: Ealdor
Chapter Two: Welcome to Camelot
Chapter Three: The First Meeting(s)
Chapter Four: The Dragon's Call
Chapter Five: Tournament
Chapter Six: Snakes
Chapter Seven: Talks with a Dragon
Chapter Eight: Morgana
Chapter Nine: The 'Plague'
Chapter Ten: The Afanc and Nimueh
Chapter Eleven: Arthur and Carly
Sneak peak at chapter twelve
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen (Part One)
Chapter Seventeen (Part two)
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 21

211 8 3
By 24azentner

3rd Person POV-

"Help" a voice screamed in fear through Merlin's mind causing him to look around. Where is that coming from? He wasn't so sure he had really heard anything at all until... "Help me! Please" There it was again, loud and clear. Glancing around for a second time, his eyes landed on a young, pale, raven haired boy huddled behind a stone ledge. "Please. You have to help me" The boy pleaded, only his lips never once moved,"Help me" his voice getting more fearful and desperate by the second.

"Search in there. Take the other side. You, did you see a boy run in here?" Yelled one the Palace Guards, sending orders to his men as they hastily looked for the helpless child.

"They're searching for me" The boy explained to Merlin.

"Why are they after you?"

"They're going to kill me"

"Guards! In here!" The Guard, who appears to be in charge of the group, ordered.

"This way. Run. Run!" Merlin instructed the boy as they began to quickly evade the patrolling guards. The raven haired boy clutching his arm, that appeared to be bleeding.

"Hey. There he is! Alert the rest of the guards!" Merlin grabbed the child's hand, leading him into the Griffin Stairway. "In there. Quick, down there, We've got'em" The guards shot on their trail as they made their way through the large Castle.

Merlin and the boy bursed into Lady Morgana's room, "Have you forgotten how to knock, Merlin" the lady accused.

"The guards are after him. I didn't know what to do" the manservant explained, shortly followed by a loud knocking on the door.

"My Lady? My Lady?" The Guard called.

"In there" Morgana whispered as she pointed to the curtains behind her changing screen that flowed just in front of an alcove. Once the two were safely hidden, she opened the door for the guards.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, My lady. We've been searching for a young Druid boy. We believe he came this way"

"I haven't seen anyone. It's just me and my maid"

"Best keep the door locked 'til we find him"

"Of course. Thank you" Morgana shuts the door as the guard leaves and rushes over to check on the boy. He lay passed out in Merlin's arms and Merlin's hand was covered in blood from the boy's injured arm.


Carly's POV-

Arthur hadn't been in his chamber's as he normally would this time of day and I had completed all there was to do without the Prince causing a mess in his wake. I left the room through the servants door and made my way through the castle in search of Merlin. Walking past the Council chamber, I could hear Arthur's voice... Was there a council meeting that I was unaware of? Curiosity getting the best of me, I walked around to the servants entrance, which was weirdly unguarded, and slid into the room.

"The Druid was only in Camelot to collect supplies. He meant no harm. Is it necessary to execute him?" The Prince inquired. Druid? They never enter the city, it is too dangerous.

"Absolutely necessary. Those who use magic cannot be tolerated" The King stated firmly. Oh, how I pity the man. He allowed his grief and anger to turn into bitter rage, to lead him to cause others pain and misery, to rule with fear rather than respect. I cannot understand how someone could murder and expect it to snuff out his own guilt.

"The Druids are a peaceful people" There's the once and future King we all love. If only the Prince were always like this.

"Given the chance, they would return magic to the kingdom. They preach peace, but conspire against me. We cannot appear weak" Weakness or tolerant and merciful? It took all my willpower not to speak up. The only thing keeping me back was the knowledge that Uther would not hesitate to order my execution for being a magic sympathizer or would claim that I, myself, was a sorceress. No man (or woman) should be allowed to have such power. Moments like these make me grateful for America, which unfortunately is not a democratic republic yet. Europeans don't even know the continent exists yet- at least in this time the Native Americans are safer.

"Showing mercy can be a sign of strength"

"Our enemies will not see it that way. We have a responsibility to protect this kingdom. Executing the Druid will send out a clear message. Find the boy. Search every inch of the city" Mordred!


My feet carried me to the door of Morgana, hoping that Mordred was safely hidden there. At least for now. Please let him be okay. Forget what he might do in the future, nothing is set in stone yet. No matter what that grumpy old lizard has to say about it. He isn't all knowing and there is always hope. I calmly knocked on the Lady's door.

"Carly?! What are you doing here?" She asked as soon as the door was open.

"There was a lot of commotion throughout the Castle about some druid boy and I just wanted to see how you were. Plus I missed you and with Arthur aiding in the search I have some free time. I was wondering...if I could hang out here? " I lied through my teeth. Although, the part about missing her was true. We haven't had time to hangout all week.

"Uhmm... I'm not so sure now's the best time" Morgana hesitated, confirming that Mordred was here.

"It's okay, we can trust Carly" Merlin's voice could be heard coming from further in the room. The Lady opened her door just far enough for me to enter; I slipped in, making my way to Merlin. Only to find him cradling a very pale, sickly looking young boy. He couldn't be older than 10 or 11.

"Hey, Wise Guy" I ruffled Merlin's hair,"Who's this here" reaching for the boy as I took a seat next to them. Something maternal must have kicked in within me. I had a strong protectiveness for the boy as soon as my eyes landed on him.

"I don't know. I found him on the run from the guards. He won't say a word"

"Hello there, My name is Carly" I gave a small smile as I turned my attention to Mordred," I am here to help you" I assured him in a hush tone, earning a nod from him. Touching his forehead, I was met with hot, clammy skin. I brushed his hair from his eyes and began to look him over. I needed to find any other injury there might be, other than his arm - that I already knew about.

With a sigh, I looked to 'Lin (Merlin),"I will be right back. I'm gonna go get some honey and a snack for him from the kitchen and get some supplies from Gaius'. Don't do anything stupid until I get back" He rolled his eyes and nodded.

"Just- don't tell Gaius, please"

"Well, duh" I smiled and squeezed his shoulder.


Arriving back at Morgana's chamber with the supplies, I entered through the servants entrance this time. Luckily, Gaius hadn't been home when I gathered them.

"Did he see you?" Lin asked in panic, resembling a worried mother hen. I pray that he stays this concerned, much to Kiligarah's dismay. That grumpy old lizard doesn't care what gets done as long as he gets what he wants- his survival. Mordred is only a child and the future isn't set in stone, it changes, and is formed by every action we take.

"No" he sighed, relaxing his shoulders,"Let me treat his wound, please" I brought the medical supplies over to the boy and sat beside him. As I reached for his arm, he started to pull away. "It's alright, I just want to help you. Here" I held up the bandages and honey,"they're for your cut. The honey will protect it from infection and then I can wrap it up to keep dirt out" Mordred reluctantly allowed me to treat his arm. Morgana stood by the window, peering down at the courtyard, dreading what was soon to happen.

"People of Camelot" Uther's voice bellowed through the courtyard and palace,"the man before you is guilty of using enchantments and magic. Under our law, the sentence for this crime is death. We're still searching for his accomplice. Anyone found harboring the boy is guilty of conspiracy, and will be executed as a traitor. Let this serve as a warning to your people" I joined the raven haired Lady, taking a deep breathe.

"You have let your fear of magic turn to hate. I pity you" The man set to be killed said bravely in the face of death.

"I can't watch this" Morgana left me at the window to hold Mordred, while I could not remove my eyes from the boys father. I feel as though I owe him the respect of not turning my eyes. Witnessing the horror that the King inflicts on innocents. The drums rang as Uther raised his hand slowly, in sync with the executioners ax. Within a blink of an eye, Uther had lowered his hand and the man was murdered. The sight burned into my mind as I closed my eyes. My heart shattered for Mordred and what he must be feeling. I could never imagine what it must be like to have your father ripped from you and for the man responsibly to want you dead for something you were born with. A mirror suddenly shattered, I could only assume it was Mordred. I rushed to his side and engulfed him in a hug as we both cried.


"Do you know much about the Druids" Merlin asked Gaius as we worked in the Physician's chamber.

"Very little. They're very secretive people. Especially now they're being hunted by Uther. Merlin, please tell me you haven't gotten yourself mixed up in this"

"Me? No. Mixed up in what?" Merlin's answer caused Gaius to send me a look. It was as if he was asking me if that was the truth. I only shrugged and pursed my lips in response. God help Merlin and his nervous disposition.

"For someone with such as big secret, you are a terrible liar"

"Well, I haven't done anything"

"Merlin..." Lin sent me a look for help.

"Just tell him, Wise Guy"

"I heard the boy calling out. He was nowhere to be seen, but I could hear him...like he was inside my mind" Telepathy

"Yes. I've heard of this ability. The Druid look for children with such gifts to serve as apprentices. While they're searching for this boy, you must be especially careful otherwise it'll be your head on the chopping block"

"I'm always careful. You know me"

"Yes. Merlin, unfortunately, I do" I rolled my eyes at Gaius. He may act like that but we all know he loves Merlin like his own. For that I am eternally grateful. 

A/N: Sorry that this chapter is shorter than normal, I really wanted to get something up for you guys. I hope you enjoy it anyways. Love you!!! XOXOX, Abby Z.

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