
TylerMatzuo द्वारा

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Y/n Sawamura is new to Fujimi Academy. He's only a first year that recently moved into town from the small to... अधिक

Character Analysis
Hi My Name Is
New Group
Road Trip
How much for a Gallon?
DEAD don't Sleep
Rescued Takashi from the DEAD
Help! We Need Help To Get Away From the DEAD
Get Back From the DEAD
I Told You, I Love You (🍋)
Issues With The DEAD
Guys... The DEAD Are Coming
Conflict? Really? Focus on the DEAD!
Your The Only One for Me (🍋)
Plans For the DEAD (🍋)
We have Hundreds- The DEAD Has Thousands.
DEAD Man Crawling
Not DEAD Man's Family Skeletons
From Morning (🍋)
List of Lemons
DEAD Coach, Maybe DEAD Best Friend, Not DEAD Family
Dance With The DEAD
Night To Remember (🍋)
Dude! Your Not DEAD!
I cant believe it!


884 28 10
TylerMatzuo द्वारा

(Z-Day +2)
Y/n's POV:

My mind goes blank and the ground goes cold. The white light that everyone spoke of overtakes my psyche.

"Wake up."

A voice, small but significant, echoed in one ear and out of the other. Submitting to the whisper and cracked open my eyes. Finding the source of the dreamy voice to be a girl no older than 12 smile sweetly at me.

Her hair was golden blonde, her eyes green with, and her face flushed with a slight blush every time we would see each other. This was my first love, my first kiss, the girl who I thought I would marry.

"There you go. It's been a long time Y/n, did you miss me?" The girl crouched down trying to help me up. Finally getting to my feet only to stumble again, being caught and held up.

"Mina..? Mina? Why? Where?" I held onto my head with both hands. The feeling was most severe near my neck.

"Shhh... I know you have questions. The back of your head has been gashed. Not too deep but still enough that you got sent here to meet me!" She skipped around to a nearby chair and shoved it my way, knocking me into it.

I craned my neck to meet her gaze. "Where is... here?"

Mina skipped right back over to me. "This is a place neither here nor there, a place where nothing exists but our own thoughts. Look around, what do you see?"

I did as she said. The houses and the one large town house that was in the center of the village. I stumbled past Mina toward a single tree that read three simple phrases.

'Chief Sawamura's Manor —>'


'Welcome to Kamakura Mountain Village'

Mina slipped her hand into my own. "This is your home." She cupped my face and turned my head to meet her own. "This is our home, my Y/n."

She leaned in and tried to kiss me before I quickly put a hand between the two of us. "Mina I'm sorry I can't, I need to get back to my friends."

I pushed past her before immediately being immobilized. Her hand caressed my back. They were as cold as ice the memories flashed from Kamakura to a silent winter night.

"Do you remember?" Mina giggled.

I looked out at the landscape my neutral face dropped. "Do you think I would forget where you died? I watched you fall into the ice and drown, you were-"

"I was 12 and then I watched over my entire family grieve and not move on. Tell me Y/n... where is my father?" She asked.

"Dead, along with Aunt Hiriko, old man Jiro, my Uncle, my friends, everyone Mina. There is only a few of us left. Nowadays I'm not sure about that either." I answered.

With a snap of a finger we're back in the town square. "Your uncle runs the village now. The boy who I was arranged to marry was your cousin, so why did I try to run off with you?"

Her words cut deep I doubled over in agony, a hot white pain erupted in my skull. It felt as if a vice was crushing my head in two.

My eyes watering but I could see Mina towering over me. I looked up to see a sweet, sinister, smile. "You asked where we were my Y/n?" She giggled before stabbing me in the lower back. "I'm in paradise—your in hell."

"AHH! M-MINA STOP IT! PLEASE!" My screams of pain drown out the anger.

She had stopped for a second. "This is to atone for your sins." Before giggling to herself again and humming as she continued to stab me.

Her voice changed, so did her outfit, her hair turned black as the night, and her skin got grayer. But her eyes they were shining with red hot rage, as if the devil was appearing before me.

This was hell, I am in trouble, I am dancing with Satan...

...And I'm all alone.

Rei's POV:

I cradled Y/n in my arms, his eyes snapped shut, his body was not cold in fact it was warm. There was a swarm of zombies that circled around us.

"Get away from him." I muttered.

I reached for the pistol equipped at his waistband. Adrenaline got the best of me as I took the pistol firmly in my hand and released the safety.

"You fucking freaks. Killed my boyfriend, injured my friends, destroyed my life... get away." I kept muttering.

Feeling one of "their" hands approach my shoulder, the adrenaline rush finally released.

"Get the fuck away!" I let out a bloodcurdling cry. Turning and aiming straight for the jugular and took "it's" head off.

The single zombie got knocked back into "their" compatriots. Although I had killed one, the swarm only seemed to multiply.

"Rei hang on!" Takashi yelled, leaping in front of us. "Okay pull the slide, aim for the head, fire!"

Takashi unloaded two shots from his shotgun which did not have much effectiveness but still killed two.

"The fuck? I aimed for the head?!" He annoying cocked the shotgun again. "This things got a kick— here's another one!" Before unloading another shell, this time only hitting three. "Fuck it!" He said before bashing the backing into a nearby zombie.

Running back to me, he crouched down next to Y/n and felt his pulse. "He's alive just knocked out. Cold."

Hirano popped his head out of the hummer. "The reason why your only hitting a few at a time is because you don't know what your doing! If you aim for the head, the recoil will knock your aim off! Aim for the chest! Keep them occupied for a second!"

Takashi grunted before following his directions. "Slide—Aim—FIRE!" This time instead of two or three he killed seven in one shot and five in the other. "Alright! Fuck an A!"

Saeko leaped off into the swarm and beat four of "them" to death before rushing back to our, more specifically Y/n's, side. She grasped his face and brought her ear to his mouth.

"He's warm, he's breathing. What happened Rei?" She asked.

I gulped. "When Ms. Shizuoka broke we were hanging on by a thread and when she broke we went— we went over the top and he shielded me."

"Guys I know Y/n is injured but... we need to figure out what to do." Hirano shot a bunch of them back.

I looked down at Y/n and then back to the horde. Using my Smithfield rifle as a crunch to get myself up. Saeko rushed at "them" first before Takashi, Hirano, and I cleared a better path from afar.

'Just hold on Y/n. We'll save you.' I was left to my own thoughts before immediately engaging back with a different zombie.

Y/n's POV:

"ACK!" This time a scythe pressed deeply into my left quad.

Mina stood there with a different weapon every other moment. This time the lucky winner was a scythe.

My heartbeat rose and my breathing hitched on itself. I just wanted to get out of hell and back with my friends. Back with Saeko, Rei, and Shizuoka.

"Saeko? Rei? Shizuoka?" Mina painfully mutter.

I felt a new item enter my middle back— an hacksaw.

"SAEKO! REI! SHIZUOKA!" She hacked—"YOUR DYING AND YOU THINK ABOUT THOSE WHORES!" And hacked— "YOUR SUPPOSED TO LOVE ME!" Finally hacking me completely in half.

She took ahold of my upper half bringing me to her teary eyes. "Am I ugly?"

I began to shake my head. "N-No." I whispered.

She summoned a pistol and shot my shoulder. "Hmm? What was that honey?"

"No!" I cried. "Mina please don't do this!" I begged her.

She stopped for a second then took another shot at my other shoulder. "You wanna head back? You wanna head back?" She unloaded the remaining four bullets in the pistol, to four lethal parts. "I wanna go back too! I wanna go back and kill you for pushing me into the water!"

With a sadistic cackle she stuck a machete in my kneecap. "I am your sins, this your atonement, for eternity!"

She turned from me to get a new weapon, this time it was a mallet. "I still feel it! The water filling my lungs." She swung at my chest. "The scratches on my throat!" Her hand grasped my throat and shook. "The helplessness." An idea chimes in her head, you could see it in her eyes.

With a simple snap, she brought up the image of what is currently happening. Saeko, Rei, Takashi, and Hirano were all fighting to survive. If I had been there, if I had been there to protect them! Then none of this would be happening.

"Did she feel good?" Mina points to Rei who was firing shot after shot with her rifle, after every shot, peering back to me. "Was she a better kisser than me? After all I was your first kiss, your first girlfriend, I wanted to be your first and only." She conjured a butcher knife.

She started to appear in a wedding gown with the knife. Her signature sweet smile was gone only a crazed lunatic remained. The eyes were squinted with nothing but rage.

"Here comes the bride... here comes the bride... here comes the-" I squinted hard to shield my eyes shut. The singing stopped, but I could hear the tiptoes as if she were still sauntering toward me.

"Bride." Her voice was as cold as frost pinching my skin. "Come on Y/n... you can kiss the bride." I shook my head vigorously. "I said... KISS—YOUR—BRIDE!" She carved at my eye-lids before they were completely off showing me a the worst sight imaginable.

Her skin was gray, her eyes and face maimed by scratches, her once soft blonde hair was black ice, and her eyes that I once lost myself in, they were red and raged.

I was combing through my mind, trying to find a happy thought but it was only the thoughts around here, around what seemed like five days.

'Wake up!'

'My Y/n!'

'I know you have questions.'

'Pushing me into the water!'

'Wake up!'

'I am your sins, this your atonement, for eternity!'

'Here comes the bride.'

'My Y/n!'

'I know you have questions.'

'This is a place neither here nor there, a place where nothing exists but our own thoughts. Look around, what do you see?'

'A place where nothing exists but our own thoughts'

'Our own thoughts'


"ENOUGH!" I belted before thinking of something I can conjure. 'I wanna be whole again!' And in an instant my entire body fell to her feet.

"No!" Mina hissed but it was already too late. "H-How did you break out! How did you know?"

I pointed my own weapon, a police grade pistol which I've become very fond of, right at her head. "This is our own thoughts! We can fight for eternity inside of my head if we want to." Before unloading two shots of my own into her own head.

"You may be the embodiment of my sins," I summon two stakes and force them into her hands. "But I can't live in the past, I've met people who I've grown to love, we laugh, we cry, we live. We may all come from different backgrounds but fuck there all I've got left now aren't they? Goodbye Mina, don't ever enter my mind again." I summoned a block of tnt and a bomb shelter.

"Bada-Bing." I threw the explosives at her feet before getting into the shelter.



I got out of the bunker and took one last look at Mina's mangled body, it would be enough to drive any man insane. Like she said tho, these were my sins, and I am here to atone.

I summoned a chair and a light switch, turning the setting back to a more comfortable setting. An outdoor, rundown, basketball court, with a single worn down ball just about ready to be pumped up again.

"Sawamura goes right past the defense and-" I dribbled the ball once before taking a jump shot, banked off the backboard and in. "In!"

Laughing to myself as the ball bounced back to me. "You gonna call bank this time?" I stopped immediately but summoning my pistol and turning to the figure who was blocked by the glare of the sun. "Woah there! Don't shoot!"

The figure stepped out of the sunlight scratching the back of it's head. "Jeez can't even recognize your own father's voice? You really are broken."

My eyes squinted, brown hair, stumble, jeans, leather jacket, and a t-shirt. "How can I be sure it's you?" I asked.

He put his hands up for a pass and I skipped it over to him. "Well I'm not really him, just taking up a friendly image until you decide to wake up." The figure says before taking a shot and failing miserably.

I pointed my gun at the figure and shot at its foot, before it ricocheted back at the ball, popping it completely. "Oh normally people don't shoot at me. I got it." It summoned a new ball, the same as the previous one. "Any question by the way?"

"Where's my parents? Who are you?" I asked.

"Your parents? They haven't met me yet, but when they do I'll be sure to tell them you said hello." The figure joked before I aimed my gun again.

It put it's hands up defensively. "And you are?" I asked my second question.

The figure snapped his fingers and we were instantly sitting across from each other. "To put it simply I'm what all different religions call their higher being. I appear as the person they love and trust the most."

"Why am I here? In heaven I mean." Looking around at my surrounds.

"Y/n... this is a musty old basketball court, if this was heaven then no one would wanna die. Please listen this is where you feel most safe. You needed it after the whole atonement period." As they folded their hands.

"Are you a man? Or a woman?" I thought aloud.

The figure snapped between different people: my mom, my dad, my grandmother, my grandfather, and finally into Choi. "I am whatever you want me to be."

I nodded, but just then a clock struck and chimed in. The figure looked at his watch. "Oh heavens I gotta split."

Getting themselves up before turning to leave. I had one more question I needed answered. "When can I go back?"

The figure turned once more. "Anytime you want, just remember one thing, one mistake does not make a villain, just as one triumph does not make a hero... people will lean on you but you need to find someone to lean on."

I scoffed. "Well what about you?"

They pondered for a second before smiling at me. "I don't think you want advice from someone who has seen what I've seen. May you live long and prosper."

With a single snap of their fingers the white light that previously engulfed me before—

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