Falling Upwards { Bocchi The...

By Hvnt3rr

4K 152 156

"You want me to join your band?!" Y/N L/N a 19-year-old man who doesn't have much going in his day-to-day lif... More

Chapter 1: A Ziptie
Chapter 2: The Familiarity


1.7K 49 20
By Hvnt3rr

(???): "You are turning 18 now Y/N. You have to take care of him from now on."

He held his head down. Listening to the news of what he was saying to him.

(???): "I hate to be the bearer of bad news. But your parents are planning something for you. The screaming I heard from the other side of this door was unpleasant. Then your name came up. Sorry kid, I can't help you with whatever happens in the future."

The gray-haired man looked up to face the doctor.

(Y/N): "Maybe if I work hard enough."

~Flashback End~

~3:29 PM~

(Y/N): "I think it was enough."

Y/N L/N.

A gray-haired 19-year-old man who is currently residing in his parent's old apartment. The place was trashed, but for Y/N, it was his own personal abode, and he was proud of it.

(Y/N): 'I said that out loud, didn't I? Blergh. Reminiscing sucks, especially that moment where my life went to shit."

Y/N stood up from his futon and began preparing for the day ahead. He made his way to the kitchen and grabbed a slice of bread, putting it in the toaster.

Once he did that, he noticed a sticky note on the refrigerator. It read as.

Electric bill! Pay next Monday!

(Y/N): "Oh."

Y/N took a glance at his calnder. It has multiple circles and multiple arrows pointing at Monday.

(Y/N): "Oh! We have no classes on Monday."


(Y/N): "Wait I wrote that note last week. That means. TOMORROW IS NEXT MONDAY!"

He ran back to his room to check his AdSense account. He breathed a sigh of relief, the gray haired man had 100k yen in his account.

(Y/N): 'Guess that advertising deal was worth it after all. Now then I have to record my 100k subsriber special. I'll take this nice and slow, my viewers deserve the world.'

Y/N smiled to himself and started to clean his mess of a room to make space for his recording equipment.


~7:12 PM~

(Y/N): 'Phew. Now time for the outro. Now what do I say? Hm. You know what I'll just wing it.'

After recording the main track and editing the lyrics in. He made a voice-over track.


He thought to himself.

(Y/N): 'I should make plans tomorrow. Being cooped in my apartment for the entire weekend does things to me. You know pretty sure there is a club called Starry near by. Might go check that out in the evening.'

Y/N gave himself a high-five and went out of his room to get more coffee. The sweet nectar of god himself.

After he brewed himself some coffee, he sat down near his laptop setup to begin recording his voice.

(Y/N): "Hey guys. Thank you for all the support you have given me since the very start of this channel. Hope to see you in the next one! Always remember to stay exceptiona- Ah."

The young boy got rid of the section, hovered over the record button, and began to record a fresh voice over section.

(Y/N): "Hey guys (F/I) here I just wanted to thank you all for 100 thousand subscribers and uh...Fuck."

A/N: (F/I) means first initial.

(Y/N): "Wassup my subscribers- No that's cringe."

He screamed into his pillow in frustration.

(Y/N): "I have been trying to record this one section, FOR 2 HOURS STRAIGHT! Am I doing something wrong? Is it me? NO ONE IS LOOKING FOR."

He sighed and sat up from his futon. He wasn't ready to speak to his viewers with this mindset.

(Y/N): 'This whole thing has gotten me fucked up. I need some fresh air.'

Y/N walked across his room and opened his closet, with all kinds of stuff including clothes.

(Y/N): 'Maybe I should move the 'starry' visit to tonight. Yeah I'll do that, I am so good at planning. Now what to wear?'

He went through most of his clothes and settled with a jacket over his clothes, and brown baggy pants.

(Y/N): 'I should really do laundry days. This closet stinks of sweat and other weird odors.'

After he grabbed his phone and wallet he locked his apartment and headed out his apartment building.

(Y/N): 'Now where in hell do I go. In the meantime? Go get something to eat? My bloodstream is pure caffeine at this moment...Yeah something other than coffee sounds good.'

He grabbed his earpods and started listening to music while walking to a place his friend recommended him.


7:29 PM

(Y/N): 'You gotta make your own kind of music~ Sing your own kind of song~ Make your own kind of music~ Even if nobody else sings alon- Oh, I'm here. This is smaller than I imagined.'

(Y/N): "Hello."

(Chef): "Welcome!"

He scanned his surroundings. There were only 2 people eating, but that was at the far right of the stand. So he decided to sit at the seat nearest to the entrance.

(Chef): "What would you like to order?"

Y/N rasied the menu to his face to go through the different types of ramen.

(Y/N): "I'll have this."

He showed the chef the menu and pointed at the image.

(Y/N): "Nice angle by the way."

The chef chuckled.

(Chef): "My son took it for me, I got no time to squabble with technology. Anyways one spicy ramen coming right up."

Y/N smiled and went on his phone to watch Alexander Rybak's fairytale in the 2009 Eurovision song contest.

(Y/N): 'It's ironic that I learn english from songs more than I do in school.'

While he was watching the video, he caught a glimpse of a blue-haired girl rummaging through her pockets.

(Y/N): 'Is she going to eat here?'

He got his answer shortly after when the girl sighed and started walking away.

(Y/N): "Hey you."

The girl turned around.

(???): "I'm not a prostitu-"

Y/N stood up.

(Y/N): "NO! I didn't...aw fuck. I just saw you going into your pockets a few seconds ago. I can spot you a ramen bowl if you want? Looks like you don't have the money for it. if you want of course."

He sat back down.

(???): "You do look a bit young to be calling girls out. Maybe this is your plan, you get me a ramen bowl and pull me into a false sense of security to take me back to your place to ravage-"

She was interrupted by a hand covering her mouth with Y/N standing back up to do so.

(Y/N): "Just order- WHAT THE FU- Did you just lick my hand?!"

(???): "No. and I would like the same you ordered."

She sat down next to the seat Y/N was sitting in.

(Y/N): "You are a very weird speciemen."

The unknown woman blushed.

(???): "T-Thank you."

Y/N sighed as a reaction to her antics.

(Y/N): "At least tell me your name."

She chuckled.

(Ryo): "Your reactions are cute. My name is Ryo Yamada. Nice to meet you...? This is the part where you say your name."

The blue haired woman rested her head on her hands waiting for an answer from the young adult.

(Y/N): "Oh. Sorry I was spacing out, my name is Y/N L/N. Chef?"

He called out to the chef who was washing his hands.

(Chef): "Yeah? Oh, you bought another person with you. What will she have?"

The chef turned around to the calling before he could give Ryo the menu, she spoke up.

(Ryo): "I want the same Y/N-kun is having."

The chef nodded and went back to cooking.

(Y/N): "It's spicy."

Y/N warned Ryo.

(Ryo): "I can handle it. Where are you going next?"

The gray haired man raised an eyebrow.

(Y/N): "What makes you think I'm not going home? Ryo-chan?"

(Ryo): "Usually you don't bring a bag when you are just going to eat. You would just bring your wallet and phone and not put the extra effort in worrying about a bag."

Y/N chuckled and went on his phone.

(Y/N): "You make a good point there. I'm heading to a place called starry, heard there was stuff to do there. And I want to do stuff so it might be a good place to hang out for a while."

(Chef): "Here are your orders. Have a nice meal."

Y/N thanked the man and gave him some cash for the ramen bowls.

(Y/N): "Itadakimasu."


(Y/N): "This is good. Really good, don't you think Ryo-chan?"

He turned to look at the girl who was drinking a lot of water.

(Ryo): "It's very spicy."

Y/N smiled at this.

(Y/N): "Told you."


(Ryo): "My friend's sister own's starry. We could go there after this. I still have to repay you after all."

(Y/N): "Interesting. Let's finish this up then."

(Ryo): "Got it. Also Y/N?"

(Y/N): "Yeah?"

He stopped eating and turned to her. She pushed the bowl towards Y/N.

(Ryo): "I'm done."


He raised all his fingers.

(Y/N): "Five minutes, give me five minutes."


7:47 PM

(Ryo): "Give me that."

(Y/N): "H-Hey!"

She yoinked the left earpod and put it in her own ear.

(Ryo): "American?"

They had to walk close to each other due to earpod having limited reach.

(Y/N): "It's from the Philippines. The song is called Come Inside Of My Heart by the band IV of Spades."

She started to sway her head slightly to the song.

(Ryo): "It's good. You have good music taste Y/N."

(Y/N): "I guess."

(Ryo): "We walked passed the place by the way. Just letting you know."

Y/N sighed. He held Ryo and turned around. The blue haired woman made a noise from the sudden physical contact and stared at him. He felt the daggers so he spoke up.

(Y/N): "I didn't want the earpods to break because of the sudden turn. This is it now right?"

Ryo leaned her head to see what he was referring to.

(Ryo): "The name is right there Y/N. S-T-A-R-R-Y that spells starry."

She pointed at each invidual letters like a teacher trying  to teach kids how to spell.

(Y/N): "I'm not in elementary Ryo."

She softly punched Y/N's arm.

(Ryo): "I know. I will introduce you to the crew."

(Y/N): "Sounds like a plan."

Ryo took of Y/N's left earpod and gave it to him. She went first and walked in first. She opened the door to be met with a room and another door at the end of said room. Behind the door is more stairs.

(Y/N): "Underground architecture is weird. We went down a flight of stairs to be met with more stairs."

(Ryo): "You get used to it. And it's good exercise."

She said at the bottom of the stairs. Y/N shurgged and caved in, he walked down the stairs to be met with a sight to behold.

(Y/N): "Well this place is dark and stuffy."

(???): "Ryo! What took you so long? We still have to start our quest for more band members?"

A girl with long blonde hair came out of a studio of some sorts and greeted Ryo.

(Ryo): "Don't worry I found one right here."

She took Y/N by the hand and shoved him in front of her.

(???): "Oh. Hello there! My name is Nijika Ijichi! You wanted to join our band? Wait, this is Ryo we are talking about. Excuse me."

(Y/N): "Um. Okay."

He stepped out of the way for Nijika, she smiled at him and walked up to Ryo.

(Nijika): "How do I know you didn't kidnap this random guy?"

Ryo shrugged.

(Ryo): "You just have to trust me, ask him yourself."

Nijika sighed and turned to face Y/N.

(Nijika): I never got your name Mr...?"

Y/N bowed.

(Y/N): "Y/N L/N."

She clasped her hands together.

(Nijika): "Y/N! Do you want to join our band?"

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