What If The Darkness Infected...

By TitianWriter

223 4 5

The Core was appalled on how long it took for the three stones to come. But this meant the box was on Amphibi... More


Chapter One, Marcy...? At The Gates (Part One)

76 1 0
By TitianWriter

The day was clear and the morning bright. I should have been excited, we were almost to Newtopia, and after weeks of travel we were finally almost there.

But something pulled at my insides. Threatening to pull my heart out. After the incident with Sasha, I couldn't help but wonder where Marcy was. The girl was insanely clumsy. Which wasn't good when thinking about how this world is full of giant creatures who wouldn't hesitate to get their claws on their next meal.

My hand reached down, grabbing onto the photo. It was heavy, heavy with solemn thoughts that crept into my head. The last remnants of Marcy that I had.

I was sitting at the wooden table in the fwagon with Sprig who was talking about something. I tuned him out, continuing to look at the picture in my hands. My knees curled in as more worrisome thoughts filled my mind.

What if Marcy got hurt?

What if she's like Sasha? What if she tries to kill me?

What if Marcy died? How would I deal with that?

I shook my head trying to rid the invading thoughts from my brain, my face pulling into a frown.

"Uh... Anne?" At the mention of my name, my head shot up locking eyes with an anxious Sprig.

"Huh?" Was all I could say as my mind was pulled out of the dark spiraling pit of my mind.

"Uh... I thought you'd be more." His arms reached out for emphasis. "Excited." He finished his voice laced with worry.

"I am excited. It's just..." My hands lashed out, hovering over the table. My face scrunched as my emotions leaked through. Sure I've thought about Marcy, but never voiced my concerns. Everything has just been distracting me... "We've been traveling Amphibia for weeks! I thought there'd be some sign of Marcy by now." My hands pulled back and I brought the photo to my face my head resting on my right hand as my mood dropped. "But nothing." It was worrisome, it did take a while for me to reunite with Sasha... but it's been too long for Marcy.

"Maybe that's a good thing!" I heard shuffling but I didn't care to look up. I know Sprig didn't enjoy the encounter with Sasha, none of us did. "Your last friend was kinda-" A small pink slimy finger invaded my vision pointing towards the photo while inching forward. "Totally evil." The finger finally stopped hovering over Sasha.

Something squeezed inside me, I don't know whether it was guilt or anger. I slapped Sprig's hand away looking up at him. "Hey, look. Sasha and I might be going through a rough patch but that doesn't mean I don't care about her." I paused slightly, did I care about Sasha? I still feel angry. Angry at what she did, ans that maybe... she felt no remorse for it. It made my insides clench, to think that our friendship was nothing more than Sasha using me and molding me into what SHE wanted. My head shaked a tad to help rid myself of such thoughts, this wasn't the time or the place. "And since she got zapped here with me then that means Marcy did too." My eyes slammed shut, the pain of missing her slightly overbearing.

"Besides Marcy is completely different from Sasha." My hands lifted up and then extended to get my point across. "She's harmless." My hand flicked down in an almost careless fashion. My mind lingered back to all those fun times with Marcy. The adorable nerd was always oblivious to outside things. Even to some feelings...

I shook the thought from my mind, already a slight blush was creeping up my face and I knew Sprig was going to ask about it. If he noticed. I decided to continue, hoping for a distraction. "She's super smart but super oblivious. And insanely clumsy." I couldn't help the small smile escaping, thinking about all the times Marcy accidentally hurt herself. Leaving me to help her, whether that was bandages or hugs... maybe even some kisses. ON THE WOUNDS, of course. Why was I being nervous? This is all in my head. "Like maybe the clumsiest person alive." I looked up my eyes lingering on the roof as the feeling of loneliness crept into my veins once again after my small explanation.

"Wow." My eyes snapped back to Sprig who now had a glass of water. Where did that come from? "That must be horrible." Of course, ironically his hands slipped and the glass fell. Its contents spilled across the table. I stifled a chuckle looking down at the photo.

The laughter was extinguished as my mind began to worry again. "Back home we were there to protect her," I was there to protect her. My mind unhelpfully supplied. "But here, she's alone instead of kickballs..." I stopped, not wanting to go back into that dark pit. Sprig had hopped down grabbed a towel then went back to clean his mess. Dabbing at the water instead of cleaning it.

"She could get mauled by an elephant scarab. Or crushed to death by a heron." My heart fell even more with every word that left Sprig's mouth. "Or worse, flayed alive by a-" I had enough and reached over grabbing onto his mouth to shut him up.

"Not helping." My eyes narrowed. A sudden lurch brought attention to the fwagon, as it came to a stop and soon the hatch opened revealing a very excited Polly.

"Guys! Come... It's... I... Not gonna believe it... Ah! Just get out here!" Her small arms waved out in excitement and Sprig leaped out of the bench, hopping excitedly. We both climbed the fwagon our heads coming up into the light.

It took a second for my eyes to adjust to the bright environment but when they finally did I couldn't hold back my gasp. I heaved myself up, then ran over to the edge of the wagon. After jumping down, I landed with a small thud before standing up and running forward. There stood a massive city, its splendor was nothing like I'd seen before. The city seemed to glimmer in the sunlight almost making it look like gold. Footsteps could be heard behind me but I refused to take my eyes off the beautiful city.

"There she is, gang... Newtopia. If there's a way to get you home, it's in that city." Hop-pop's scratchy voice reassured.

My body filled with excitement, "Well, then let's get down there!" We all jumped letting out cries of excitement. Then returned to the fwagon to lead Bessie down the dirt path. There was no way I was going back into the fwagon, my excitement wouldn't allow it.

When we reached the foot-deep water I hesitated. I've been through worse, so I stepped into the water. Sprig was already racing ahead and Polly just started to float forward.

"Well, my feet are soaked." I joked trying to hide my discomfort with wet socks.

Polly continued to float in tell she ran into a hole. I wonder what made those. I could hear Polly say something but couldn't quite make it out. Hop-pop ushered her away from the hole and we continued on. Coming up on the huge gates filled with captivating carvings.

My fist clenched as the realization dawned on me. "We're finally here." My hands lifted up as I started to yell, "Yo! Anybody home?"

One of the shell carvings opened as a... salamander? Poked his head out. His nasal voice replied, "You can't come in here. Newtopia's closed."

Wait... WHAT?

"Seriously?!" We all yelled out my hand reached out in irritation. We had come all this way, only to be refused entry?

"Closed? Like closed, closed? Or like closed for lunch?" I questioned and instantly regretted questioning that. Why would a city close for lunch? That's silly.

"The city is closed, closed to all outsiders." The salamander supplied a look of irritation crossed his features.

"What the hey hey? Why? Till when?" Sprig shouted from behind me his voice filled with annoyance.

"Until the barbari-ants are gone, of course. Good luck out there." The salamander reached out trying to grab onto the handle. His grunts resonated due to all of us just watching him. "Stupid handle." When he finally reached the handle his entire body staggered forward falling out the window. "Whoa!"

The salamander continued to struggle and Polly laughed, the rest of us just continued to watch him. In tell, he finally made it back in closing the door with a parting. "I'm okay."

I looked down at Hop-pop to ask whatever he was talking about. "What's a barbari-ant?"

He brought his hands up shrugging, "Beats me, we don't got 'em in the valley."

"Pffft- They close the whole city because of a few little ants?" Sprig giggled, then here was a pause. "Ah!" The scream shocked all of us, we then whipped around to where the pink frog was standing only to be faced with a large insect. Its beady eyes stared at me and its coral-like horns glowed a soft orange. Suddenly it charged. "Big ant! Really big ant!"

The ant slammed into Sprig and he held its mandibles to keep it away from him. Everyone wasted no time running forward with battle cries. We paused and Hop-pop got ready to launch me. It was like those times I saw Sasha in cheerleading. I launched upwards and curled my elbow preparing an attack I saw on TV.

Of course, I simply bounced off the ant, falling into the water. Now all my clothes were wet too... great. Scratch that, I was entirely wet. I heard Polly's battle cry and ran over to where Sprig and Hop-pop were preparing to launch the old frog.

"One... Two... Three!" We all said in unison. Hop-pop went flying and he puffed his chest up filling it with air. Bullseyes, Hop-pop hit the ant right in the face and it launched backward slamming into the water. Then quickly got up with pained whimpers retreating back into the hole.

I ran forward, yelling with enthusiasm. "Yay-uh! In your face, ant!" I wagged my head afterward trying to get the water out to no avail. Suddenly the ground started to rumble and all of my excitement left.

"Uh, do you guys feel that?" Sprig asked, which was silly considering we all could.

Holes started to appear everywhere as more ants came out, surrounding the wagon. We all clumped together and I started to worry.

How are we going to get out of this one?

"Starting to feel a bit antsy." Cracking a joke right now probably wasn't the best thing to do. But I needed a way to cope with the stressful situation. Suddenly something fell into the water, a black substance stained the water. "What the..." More things fell, falling in between us and the ants. And I started to feel relieved.

Maybe the salamander saw we were in trouble and got help!

Just as fast as the black sludge bags appeared an arrow that was on fire at the tip followed suit falling into the black substance. Everything grew quiet as the ants inched toward the substance. The black goo exploded into flames, which in turn scared off the ants.

What in the world?

We all were gawking and making amazed sounds as our eyes shifted to the figure standing on the wall. They were clocked and mysterious. They lifted their arm and an arrow shot out with a rope attached.

"Hop Pop, can I get a crossbow for my birthday? Please, please, please!" Polly squeaked, clearly amazed by the mysterious person. The arrow embedded itself into a wheel and Hop-pop seemed to jump.

"Eh- we'll talk." Hop-pop supplied, clearly not happy with the wish.

My eyes returned to the strange figure. They leaped onto the rope with a hook and started to slide down. We all gasped as the figure struck a cool pose.

"That's one cool newt." My brain froze at that. They weren't salamanders?!

As the figure neared the wagon they flipped on the rope throwing themself into the air. After one final flip, they landed in front of us. Sprig and Polly gasped again.

"Don't worry citizens you are now safe!"

I knew that voice.

That nerdy high pitch voice.

My hand pushed against Hop-pop's and Sprigs slimy faces as I stepped forward. My brain rushed as I realized that was no salaman- newt.

"Marcy?" The figure lifted their hood revealing... "MARCY!" I yelled running forward, jumping in for a hug.

She let out a small oof as I hit her causing her to fall back into the water. "Anne?! Is that really you!" Marcy pushed me back grabbing onto my shoulders and looking into my face.

"Marcy I can't believe it!" My body screamed for oxygen as I realized we were very close. Marcy on the other hand didn't seem to notice.

"You! Us! Here!?" She grabbed her cheeks and it was adorable.

"I know, I know. I missed you so much" I leaned in for another hug to hide the burning blush on my face.

Marcy laughed and how beautiful it was. "Oh! W- I missed you too!" She hugged back and I was sure I was going to melt away. I finally released her, standing up and admiring her new outfit. A small black chest plate covered her shirt. A long clock dawned on her shoulders with fur covering the top. She had small leather boots with tufts of fur on the end, which lead up to a green skirt. I reached my hands out in order to help her up and she gladly took them. Leaping up with my aid.

"Look at you. Look at this outfit. You're like an Amazon warrior queen or something." I tried to not sound amazed but I couldn't help it. Her outfit was amazing! Not too much like a soldier, unlike Sasha. And not at all like my outfit. It was totally Marcy.

"I know, I know, right?" She pulled her clock over so I could get a better look but I only focused on her eyes. The beautiful soft brown eyes I've missed. "It's nuts! This is real!" Marcy brought her hand forward showing the crossbow attached to her wrist that was pointed at my face. Which made me feel very uncomfortable.

"Yeah, very real." I pushed her hand away and she shyly realized why.

"Heh- Ah, sorry!" Her hands clenched and she brought them up to her face excitement filling her features. "Isn't this place wild? What an adventure. Aw, man!" Marcy started to walk away, looking at the water. "I've really grown out here, Anne. Come into my own. Leveled up." Her face turned to the sky. "No more clumsy, klutzy Marcy. Can you believe it?" She turned back to me and my face heated up again.

"So Anne, who's your friend here?" Hop-pop budded in.

"Guys meet Marcy!" I brought my hands out showing off Marcy who snapped her head to look at the planters. For a second I thought I saw annoyance but it was gone the second it was there. Maybe I'm just seeing things.

"Oh, my gosh. Who are these cuties?" Marcy's mouth opened as a huge gasp escaped. Then she looked back at me, her face full of excitement and admiration. I guess I was just seeing things. "Are they your surrogate frog family?" Her hand reached out and her finger made swirling motions in the air. "Did they find you and take you in?" Her fist clenched and she returned to looking at the Plantars. "Oh! I love the found family trope! Gosh, this is just like the hero in my favorite game, Vagabondia Chronicles. The greatest JRPG of all time. Have you played it? Do you wanna play it, do you wanna borrow it? Just say the word and I'll lend you my copy. Man, it'll change your lives!" Marcy was now screaming up at the sky holding onto the Plantars's shoulders.

Her energy radiated off of her and it felt so familiar. Her constant blabbering and nerdy talks. The Plantars on the other hand were not used to this and looked at Marcy like she was crazy.

"Uh. Anne?" Sprig looked at me with wide eyes not prepared for Marcy's energy.

"Yep, the Plantars took me in. The one you got there is Hop Pop." I pointed at the old frog and Marcy quickly got interested. Grabbing out a measuring tape thingy.

"Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh. As I thought, 62 centimeters!"

"Yep! All brain." Hop-pop replied but something else caught my eye. Sprig was standing a ways away, having moved after Marcy focused her attention on Hop-pop.

"Judging from the size of your cranium and flecks of sediment-" I tuned the conversation out as I studied Sprig. His eyes were narrowed and he had his arms folded. I winced, I knew this was because of Sasha. But I'm sure Sprig will come around.

"Oh, Anne." At the mention of my name, I snapped back into reality trying to guess what Marcy said. "I'm so jealous you found a farming community. I've been studying Amphibia history, and farm culture is super under-appreciated in my opinion. They're the backbone of society and do not get enough credit for it."

Hop-pop would like what she said. And as predicted he leaned back utter shock on his face. " Hub, bub, bub, bub. Hub, bub, bub, bub..." He fell a little too far back and landed on Polly who wasn't happy. "Thank you! Thank you!" Hop-pop grabbed Marcy's hand shaking it.

My brain started to wander again. It wasn't that I didn't like listening to Marcy talk, but sometimes she talks too much. My eyes slowly returned to Sprig who was still looking at Marcy with suspicion. And I started to worry.

What if Marcy-

That isn't possible. Marcy is completely harmless and caring. There's no way she'll betray me as Sasha did.


My mind lingered back to what happened at toad tower. But was quickly shoved out of my thoughts as I became aware of Marcy again after she walked over to Sprig. Lifting her hand into the air after shaking his hand. "I will iodine that later."

"So what about you, Mar-mar? Have you been in Newtopia this whole time?" I asked trying to distract myself from the painful memories.

"Here and there, but, uh, mostly here. I actually warped in right inside the city walls. Pretty lucky, right? Like, what are the odds..." Marcy's back arched, "Oh, oh, okay! Oh, my gosh! Remember that game I tried to get you and Sasha to play, Creatures and Caverns?"

Creatures and what now?

"No," I replied in a monotone voice. Marcy's face fell at that and I felt bad. But the emotion was quickly masked as she put on a smile again.

"It turns out newts are just like Cephalons." Cephaloonions? My eyes slowly drifted to the side as yet again I had no idea what she was even talking about. My face was blank. "From Shadows of Xel'noth!" Marcy raised her hands in enthusiasm. Then her eyes flicked to me, they were almost calculating. "Anyway, I just role-played like your typical artificer/rogue, and the next thing I know... Boom... I'm the chief ranger of the Newtopian Knight Guard!" Marcy beamed and I just stood there with a straight face. Questioning everything that was just said to me.

Marcy seemed to notice my lack of response and something flickered in her eyes.

"Where those words?" Polly asked, and I had to admit I didn't know what she was talking about either.

"So," I started, hoping to diverge the conversation. "Marcy, can you get us into the city? We tried the gate, but they won't let us in."

Marcy's face fell and she leaned on me. "Unfortunately, those gates will stay closed until the barbari-ants are defeated. Luckily, I've got a plan. Come on!"

I watched as Marcy walked forward releasing her arrow and then flying forward.

"Hop-pop birthday make it happen."

Then I realized Marcy was way ahead of us, and I started to run after her. "Marcy! Wait!"

Marcy landed on the ground stopping just enough for me to catch up. Then she started to race off again, and I had to sprint to keep up.

We soon rounded the wall and there stood a tent on one of the few areas of ground in the shallow water. Shouting could be heard inside as Marcy poked her head in. Then she walked in, and we soon followed.

"Ah, Master Marcy!" The newt who spoke then turned to the rest of us. "Uh- are you lost?"

"No, no. They're with me. The Plantars traveled here all the way from the valley." I looked at Marcy as she smiled and I felt all giddy inside.

"Ah welcome dirty peasants." I didn't quip back with a remark, too focused on Marcy's face.

"And this is my friend, Anne..." My hand reached out poking Marcy's cheek. She flinched at the contact, "Ow."

I laughed, her expression adorable as she looked at me with curiosity. "Sorry. Just... still can't believe you're here." Her face beamed at this and I patted her head which she laughed at.

"Anne quit it." Her elbow hit my arm and I brought my arms back. Worried that I took a step too far, but her face was still beaming.

"All right, all right. Keep doing what you're doing." I wanted to wink but decided against it. And soon the purple newt spoke up.

"You'll be glad to hear we've agreed on a battle strategy."

The other newts didn't seem to like this. Both yelled out, "WHAT!" As the Pink one stretched out his arms. "We've agreed on nothing!"

Marcy's attention was brought back to the map on the table, but I couldn't help fondly watch Marcy. She looked so cute when she was serious.

"Well, no worries. I think I got it figured out." Marcy's attention was back on me and I pulled my face into a frown to not be suspicious. "Anne, do you remember when we studied insect migration patterns in biology class?"

Marcy remembered that?

"Nope." I calmly replied.

"Well, since the weather warmed up, those ants have been sending scouting parties deeper into our territory. In fact, We predict a full-scale invasion is just around the corner." I started to play with Marcy's hood, tuning out what she was saying again.

"-King of Amphibia?" Sprig's voice caught my interest as my mind snapped back to what was happening.

Amphibia has a king?!

"Uh-huh." Marcy replied nonchalantly.

What's going on?

"Sprig behave yourself." Hop-pop scolded and I wondered even more about what I missed.

I decided it would be awkward if I just stood there. "I didn't even know you guys had a king."

Hop-pop seemed to take offense to this. "Well, duh. We're not anarchists, Anne."

"SPEAK FOR YOURSELF!" Polly yelled.

"Okay. The plan is we're gonna sneak behind enemy lines and drive the ant queen away." Marcy pulled out a book that held a drawing of a grotesque-looking creature. "With her gone, the rest should retreat."

"Oh, yeah? And how are we doing that?" Sprig crossed his arms, sarcasm lacing his words.

"Check it out!" Marcy pulled out a leather strip, that had mushrooms strapped onto it. They looked like boomshromes but the wrong color.

Polly gasped, "Boomshrooms?!" Clearly, she had the same thought that I did.

"Not quite." Marcy clipped a golden clasp, which was impressive. "These are stink shrooms!"

Polly's voice was filled with disappointment, "Oh... carry on."

"They're designed to release pheromones that should drive the queen away instantly. But we will have to fight our way through a bloodthirsty hoard of ants." Marcy closed her hands leaning them on the map table. Her eyes focused on the map.

I started to worry. This sounded dangerous.

"My interest has been restored!" Polly excitedly said.

"We'll have to be extra careful. If one thing goes wrong... " Marcy faltered and the table tipped knocking some pieces off. "Woah," She let out a dry laugh. "Flimsy table."

My heart sank as I continued to think this was a bad idea. I know Marcy has grown, and all of that. But I still worry for her safety. She could still be clumsy, and what if something happens? I would never forgive myself.

"Uhhhh..." I grabbed the back of my neck, nerves spilling into my chest. I shouldn't be nervous, I'm just trying to be a good friend. A friend who is concerned for her safety. "Marbles, this sounds pretty dangerous. Yeah, why don't you leave the mission to me and the Plantars? We did stuff like this all the time in the valley." My arm released and I waved it carelessly, this of course reflected nothing on how I felt. All the memories of huge creatures trying to eat us came bubbling up and resisted the urge to flinch.

Me and the Plantar's struck a pose while Hop-pop said a line you would here in video games. "To the max!"

Marcy did not seem to like this, her face pulled in a tight smile. "Come on, Annabanana. I'll be fine." She brought her hands out raising them in a manner that looked like a shrug but not completely.

"Banana?" Sprig whispered, clearly confused. I'll have to explain to him later.

"We've changed, remember?" There was a glint in her eyes I couldn't place but it made me uncomfortable. Marcy was right we have both changed... but that still doesn't change the fact that Marcy was clumsy. She could effortlessly get hurt.

"Marcy I'm just worried, what if something happens? I mean you're not exactly the safest person." I winced at all the memories of Marcy hurting herself.

" Anne, trust me. I can handle this. Now let's get going. Mission, engage!" Marcy raced out of the tent and I ran after her. Of course, she already had her nose buried inside a book. As light assaulted my eyes for the second time that day.

As my vision cleared I was amazed at the sight before me. Small coral-colored butterflies circled the clearing as Marcy stopped, her concentration now on the beautiful insects. The way the insects fluttered around Marcy made her almost look majestic. Her silky black hair waved in the soft wind and she let out some laughter, pulling her hand up for a butterfly to land on.

I couldn't help but gape at the scene, my heart thrumming in my ears as Marcy looked over at me. A butterfly sat contempt on her finger and she motioned for me to join with her other hand. I slowly walked over my mind running a million miles per second.

Marcy slowly gave me the butterfly, it crawled onto my fingers flapping its wings just a bit. I was amazed and reached to touch the wings, but Marcy stopped my hand.

"Don't touch the wings." She spoke in a soft tone, leaning in to hold my hand as the butterfly continued to stay. I was perplexed, why couldn't I touch the wings?

My face must have shown my confusion as Marcy continued. "Butterfly wings are fragile. Touching them can cause the scales that protect the feeble membrane underneath, to fall off. Also, the scales on a butterfly's wings are colorful which helps with warding off predators." Marcy got that face, the face she always got when she talked about random facts she cared about. "The butterfly is so beautiful but they are such weak creatures."

I just nodded, words couldn't leave my mouth even if I tried. All I could do was focus on those beautiful soft brown eyes. You would have to look really hard but if you did you could see small flecks of gold. hidden. This made her look even more beautiful and I could feel my cheeks heat up.

Marcy moved away, looking at something behind me. I turned, which caused the butterfly to fly away which made me frown slightly. Sprig came marching out of the tent his arms raised with a face of exaggeration and frustration. Polly hopped behind him, joining the small group.

"Where's HP?" I asked, Sprig just huffed and crossed his arms. Watching a now distracted Marcy, who had her face back into a book.

I turned to Polly, but before I could ask Hop-pop came marching out. His chest puffed and his pants pulled tightly upward. "Dang fancy newts. Should respect us, hard workers, more. We are the backbone of-" He muttered passing me without so much as a glance. I sighed, this was going to be more than what I bargained for.


I'm so sorry for how long this took. I had Marcy at the gates 80% done, then writer's block hit me like a train. I re-read a bunch and edited the first half, so I can release the next half as soon as I finish it. So there will be an update soon since part two is 90% complete.

Again I apologize for how long this took. And for those who stuck around thank you.

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