Rise of the Jedi Order

Av soulfox1305

2.2K 55 18

Years after the Empire has fallen a new order has taken over name the First Order but there is still hope in... Mer

Village attack, Rey meets Alina and BB-8
Escape, Finn meets Rey and Alina
Millennium Falcon, Han Solo
Rathtars, Snoke, Map
Maz, Lightsabers, Republic Destroyed
Takodana battle, Leia Organa, Resistance Base
Face reveal, plans, infiltration
Battle of Starkiller Base
R2 and R3 wakes up, Luke and Aayla
Evacuation, Finn awakes, Aayla and Luke
Jedi texts, Ambush
Holdo, Rose, Maz
Lesson one, Canto Bight
Lesson two, DJ, Fathier's freedom
Axel, The truth, Yoda
Snoke's Destroyer, Evacuation
Phasma's Death, Crait Rebel Base
Luke and Aayla vs Kylo Ren, Spark
Sidious alive, Hyperspace skipping, Force Training
The Massage, New helmet, Pesaana
Sith Dagger, Force Lightning, Plan
D-O, Kijimi, Babu, Location
Rescue, The Truth, Death Star
The Vault, Rey and Alina vs Kylo Ren, Leia's Death
Kijimi destroyed, Preparing, Leia lightsaber
Battle of Exegol
Aftermath, Skywalker and Secura, The Jedi Order

Betrayal, Snoke's death, Holdo's Sacrifice

37 2 0
Av soulfox1305

Alina POV

Our binders beep and come off I twist them staring at Snoke who said "Come closer, children" He motions and we didn't move "So much strength" Snoke move his hands "Darkness rises, and light to meet it" He clasp them together "I warned my young apprentice that as he grew stronger, his equals in the light would rise".

Suddenly Axel and Luke's lightsabers went pass us into Snoke's hands "Skywalker and Secura..." He chuckles moving his hands "...I assumed" He looks at them "Wrongly" Snoke puts them on his armrests before looking to us "Closer, I said" I felt myself move I look to see my body moving forward and look to Rey who notice we look back to Snoke I said "You underestimate Skywalker, Secura, and Ben Solo..."

We got closer towards Snoke "...and us" Staring at him Rey said "It will be your downfall" Snoke said "Oh..." He takes a breath "Have you both seen something" Snoke stares at us "A weakness in my apprentice" We stare at him "Is that why you both came" I took a few short breathes and Snoke laughs "Young fools".

He breathes raising his brows "It was I who bridged your minds" My eyes widen a bit "I stoked Ren's conflicted soul" I kept cam listening "I knew he was not strong enough to hide it from you two" Snoke breathes "And you two were not wise enough to resist the bait" Rey and I stare at Snoke who brought us closer "And now, you two will give me Skywalker and Secura".

He place his hands on our faces and we breathe heavily "Then I will kill you both with the cruellest stroke" Rey and I said "No" Smiling Snoke said "Yes" He use the Force making us grunt going backwards hovering in the air I try to move "Give me everything" I grit my teeth I said "No" I close my eyes Rey said "No" I grit my teeth more I yell "No" We both scream at the pain.

3rd POV

Meanwhile Poe wakes up gasping he looks around Poe said "No, no" He gets off the gurney "No, no, no" He runs to the window to see the Rebel cruiser hitting the window Poe lower his head Leia calls "Poe" Poe looks to see Leia and motion him to come over and he did pointing Poe ask "What is that" In the distance is a planet D'Acy said "The mineral planet, Crait" Poe looks to her "An uncharted hideout from the days of the Rebellion" Poe ask "That's a Rebel base"?

D'Acy said "Abandoned, but heavily armoured..." Poe stares at the Crait "...with enough power to get a destress signal to our allies scattered in the Outer Rim" Leia said "Holdo knew the First Order was tracking our big ship" Poe looks to Leia "They're not monitoring for little transports" Poe sits down then he realises Poe said "So we could slip down to the surface unnoticed and hide till the First Order passes".

Looking to Leia nodding "That could work" Looking to him Crazy said "Holdo had a feeling you would do something" Poe looks to him "So she had me assign to give her the information of the plan about taking out the tracker" Poe ask "She knew"?

Nodding Crazy said "It was a good idea so she played along until my time was to take you out" Nodding back Leia said "She was more interested in protecting the light than she was seeming like a hero" She takes the beacon off Poe holding it before looking to Poe who stares before looking to the window watching the gunners fire at the Rebel cruisers while Holdo stood at the bridge watching the transport ships heading for Crait walking to the window Holdo said "Godpeed, Rebels".

Meanwhile Finn and Rose are being escorted by Stormtroopers and Phasma to a hangar that is filled with Officers, Stormtroopers, At-At and Ties hanging above Finn and Rose were force to their knees Rose grunts looking to Hux who stares at them he walks up to Finn who stares then Hux slaps Finn making him grunt Hux said "Well done, Phasma" Turning her head Phasma said "Your ship and payment, as we agreed".

An Officer and two soldiers push a transport with crates on it and walking by a Stormtrooper looking at it is DJ looking towards him confuse and DJ turn his head to Finn and Rose who slowly realise she said "You lying snake" She tries to move but the Stormtrooper behind her holds and Finn looks shock staring at DJ as Rose struggling and DJ said "We got caught, I cut a d-d-deal" He shrug his shoulders narrowing his eyes Finn ask "Wait, cut a deal with what"?

Walking forward an Officer said "Sir, we checked on the information from the thief" Hux looks to him as Rose glares "We ran a decloaking scan, and sure enough, 30 Resistance transports just launched from the cruiser" DJ kept his gaze down while Rose look to Finn who breathes "He told us the truth" Hux walks to Phasma he ask "Will wonders never cease"?

Rose said "No" Turning his head Hux ask "Our weapons are ready" Nodding the Officer said "Ready and aimed, sir" Hux looks back to Rose and Finn he said "Fire at will" The Officer nods and leaves Finn said "Wait" Peavey walks pass "No, no" He tries to move but the Stormtrooper stops him "No, you can't" Struggling Rose yells "No" The Stormtrooper keeps a good grip.

Meanwhile a cannon powers up and fire destroying a transport catching everyone's attention the cannon fires again destroying another transport as a Pilot said "Admiral, we're taking fire" Holdo looks to him "Do we turn around" Holdo said "No, you're too far out" She walks to him "Full speed to planetfall" Suddenly the hologram went off making Holdo looks back to the destroyed transport.

Alina POV

Snoke stop using the Force making me and Rey fall to the floor we groan and turn our bodies laughing Snoke said "Well, well, I did not expect Skywalker and Secura both to be so wise" Rey and I sit up looking at him "We will give them and the Jedi Order the death he desires" Snoke breathes deep "After the Rebels are gone, we will go to their planet and obliterate the entire island".

I glare at him getting up with Rey we reach out using the Force to summon the lightsabers to us, but they went pass making watch them go around and I turn only to get hit in the head I groan getting up "Such spunk" Snoke raise his hand "Look here now" He use the Force making us move we struggle heading to a device and stop.

We look at the device seeing the red wall move "The entire Resistance on those transports..." We watch a few get destroyed "...soon they will all be gone" We stare at this "For you two, all is lost" Turning around Rey reach out using the Force to summon Ben's lightsaber activating it then the Red Knights hold their weapons.

I move staring at one "Ooh" I use the Force to send two on either side of us back "And still that fiery spit of hope" We breath looking to Snoke "You both have the spirit of a true Jedi" We run forward towards Snoke, but he uses the Force sending us we grunt landing on the floor "And because of that, you both must die".

We were force up and we struggle to move Snoke use the Force to turn us around facing Ben "My worthy apprentice, son of darkness, heir apparent to Lord Vader" Ben stares at us "Where there was conflict, I now sense resolve" Rey and I struggle "Where there was weakness, strength" I breathe "Complete your training, and fulfill your destiny".

Ben grabs his lightsaber and stands up I breathe heavily staring at Ben who walk to us he said "I know what I have to do" We stare at him Rey said "Ben" Snoke laughing he ask "You both think you can turn him" He laughs more "Pathetic children" Snoke breathes "I cannot be betrayed, I cannot be beaten" We stare at him "I see his mind, I see his every intent".

Staring at him "Yes" I watch him raise his lightsaber "I see him turning the lightsaber to strike true" He aim his lightsaber at us "And now, foolish child..." Ben stares at us "...he ignites it and kills his true enemy" Lightsabers are activated but not Ben's.

Suddenly we drop onto the floor I look to see Ben activated Luke and Axel's lightsabers going through Snoke's body and the two lightsabers cut Snoke in have heading towards us and Rey grabs Luke's lightsaber and I grab my father's we get up looking at Ben who activates his lightsaber we all turn back-to-back, and the Red Knights charge at us.

I clash against two knocking them back before blocking an attack from a 3rd Red Knight I turn and stab a 4th Knight in front of Ben who swing his lightsaber killing a 5th turning back and clashing against another with Rey helping we force them back.

3rd POV

Meanwhile another transport ship gets destroyed Poe went up to the cockpit Poe said "Come on, give it full thrusters" He points forward "Full speed" The Pilot said "I am, sir" Another transport gets hit while Finn said "You murdering bastard" He tries to move but the Stormtrooper stop him as DJ looks in the crate DJ said "T-T-Take it easy, Big F".

He looks to Finn "They blow you up today, you them up tomorrow" DJ close the crate and wave his hand "It's just business" He pat the crate for the two Soldiers to move it towards the ship Finn said "You're wrong" DJ looks to him before shrugging he said "Maybe" With that DJ turns and head for his ship while Finn glares at him.

Alina POV

I clash against a Knight with a staff and a 2nd Knight with a staff spinning around avoiding the sword and clash against the staff as Ben knocks a 3rd Knight into a 4th Knight and Rey clashes against another staff 5th Knight and a whip 6th Knight, she avoids the staff, and the 5th Knights whips her lightsaber making Rey move towards him and grab her throat.

Spinning around and slash at the 2nd Knight killing him before running over I battle cry catching the 5th Knight's attention and slash his arm off for Rey to stab him and move her lightsaber throwing the whip weapon onto the red wall making it caught on fire while the 2nd and 6th Knights stand up Rey and I stood side by side lightsabers raise.

The 2nd Knight raise his sword and the 6th Knight split his staff into two they walk to us Rey shrieking and I yell clashing against the 2nd Knight and Rey clashes against the 6th Knight I spin clashing a few times noticing Ben had two Knights in a lock in front of him and 9th Knight went towards him, but Ben breaks the lock and stab the 9th Knight and threw his corpse in the hole behind him.

I break the lock and clash a few times avoiding the sword twice and clash against him then the 2nd Knight kicks my stomach I grunt and clash against his sword hearing Rey yelp I turn avoiding the sword and clash again moving back as Ben clashes against the 7th and 8th Knights, I move avoiding the fire passing the throne and block a strike from the 2nd Knight.

I jump over him and slash his back killing the 2nd Knight who collapse I turn and block the 6th Knight blade and help Rey clash against him I stab the 6th Knight, but he locks my arm I yell in and force to kneel only for Rey to cut his head off freeing me I stood up and use the Force to send his body over the edge.

We turn to see Ben struggling Rey yells "Ben" He looks to see Rey threw her lightsaber at him and Ben grabs it aiming at the 8th Knight activating it stabbing him through the head before deactivating it and the 8th Knight collapse Ben drop the staff I said "The fleet" Rey and I run over I deactivate my lightsaber walking to the device "Order them to stop firing".

Turning Rey said "There's still time to save the fleet" We watch Ben walk and stop staring at Snoke's throne and corpse I ask "Ben" Ben breathes staring he said "It's time to let old things die" We stare at him "Snoke, Skywalker, the Admiral" He looks to us "The Sith, the Jedi, the Rebels..." Ben walks to us "Let it all die" He stops walking "Rey, Alina".

He hold his hand to us "I want you both to join me" We stare at him "We can rule together and bring a new order to the galaxy" Shaking her head Rey said "Don't do this, Ben" Shaking my head I said "This isn't right" I stare at him "Please don't go this way" But Ben said "No, no" He keeps his hand out "You're still holding on" He stares at us "Let go".

Ben lowers his hand and we stare at him "Rey, do you wanna know the truth about your parents" He looks to me "Alina, do you wanna know why you see those visions" We didn't say anything but stare "Or have you both always known" Staring at him I said "I know what those visions mean, Ben" Looking to Rey stepping forward Ben said "Rey, you've just hidden it away".

I move closer to Rey "You know the truth" Ben nods "Say it" I glance to Rey and back "Say it" Rey said "They were nobody" Ben said "They were filthy junk traders who sold you off for drinking money" I hold Rey who sobs "They're dead in a paupers' grave in the Jakku desert" I glare at Ben "You have no place in this story".

Ben nods his head "You come from nothing" He shake his head "You're nothing" I look to Rey who gulps lowering her gaze "But not to me" Rey looks to Ben "Neither are you, Alina" I look back to Ben who raise his hand "Join me" We stare at it before looking to Ben "Please".

3rd POV

Meanwhile the cannon fires destroying another transport and Poe looks back while another transport gets destroyed Holdo had enough she turns walking to the chair she sits on it and getting the controls to move the chair around and the Rebel Cruiser begins to turn while an Officer said "Sir, the Resistance cruiser's preparing to jump to lightspeed".

Hux walks forward and Peavey looks to him Hux said "It's empty" The cannon fires "They're just trying to pull our attention away" Peavey turns his gaze "Pathetic" Hux stares forward "Destroy those cruisers and keep your fire on the transports".

Alina POV

Rey and I stare at Ben then slowly Rey raises her hand, and she uses the Force to summon Luke's lightsaber to her, but Ben uses the Force to stop and summon my father's lightsaber I raise my hand using the Force stopping the lightsaber from getting out of reach Ben, Rey and I all panting using the Force.

3rd POV

Meanwhile Rose and Finn look to Phasma who said "Execution by blaster is too good for them" Finn struggles a bit "Let's make this hurt" Phasma moves to the side for two Stormtroopers each holding a staff the Stormtroopers shove Rose and Finn to the floor the two Stormtroopers activate their staffs for electric lines to form axes.

They walk on either side Rose looks to Finn the Stormtroopers lower the axes and Phasma turns "On my command" The Rebel cruiser continues to turn pointing staring Connix said "She's running away" But Poe said "No, she isn't" Holdo press a few buttons while the cruiser turns fully aiming at the First Order.

Holdo raise her gaze and the instruments beeping she looks at the Star Destroyers in front of her as Hux notice and Peavey walk pass he said "No" Walking to the officers Hux yells "Fire on that cruiser" he points while Ben, Rey and Alina keep using the Force then all three moving back and the ash spreads out.

Axel and Luke's lightsabers move a bit each way as Holdo leans back on the chair staring forward while in the middle of each lightsaber begins to glow Ben straining, Rey and Alina both groaning as Phasma said "Execute" The two Stormtroopers raise their axes while Holdo push the lever going into hyperspace.

Rose and Finn close their eyes, Luke and Axel's lightsabers break into two pieces sending a shockwave force Ben, Rey and Alina back as the Rebel Cruiser went into hyperspace going through Snoke Star Destroyer and the Star Destroyers behind where the first hit is causing an explosion while Leia, Poe, C-3PO and D'Acy watch the explosion and the remaining transport ships head for Crait.

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