The Canterfiction Tales

By CanterFiction

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This is a twist on the original Canterbury Tales. I did a collection of 24 mini fanfiction stories. More

Young Frollo
The Marvelous Misadventures of ZephyJack
The Tale of Two Scourges
New Friends and Unusual Parents
Take Them- Part 1
I Forgive You
A French Apology
Diagnosed- Part 1
Diagnosed- Part 2
This Burning Memory
Touche and Unguard
The Scavenger Hunt
The Joys Of Camping
Frollos In Paris- Part 1
Frollos In Paris-Part 2
Frollos In Paris- Part 3
Fall For You
The Wondrous Beauty of Italy
The Will You, The I Will, The Sunrise
The Episode
Here I Am, Send Me!
Emory Maise Deslauriers
Until We're Old & Gray
Revelation 21:4

Take Them- Part 2

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By CanterFiction

(Sorry for the typos)

It's late afternoon and the Frollo family have just had their home ravaged by a group of armed soldiers as a result of their faith as Jehovah's Witnesses. The men tore through their house grabbing literature and demanded they give them the addresses of their friends so they could do the same to them. After refusing, all three were subdued, arrested, and  separated. Now Claude, Ica, and their son Zephyr were being sent to different facilities.


"Get out." The man's tone was stern, but he didn't touch Zephyr, who obediently stepped out of the car. "Follow me." The soldier leads the 11 year old boy to a large building, surround by guards. The man nods to one of guard and they let him and Zephyr pass. Once inside they enter a large room filled with about 15 other children.

"Is this another one?" Said the woman standing at the front door. The man nodded.
"These Jehovah's Witness kids don't crack do they?"

"Did you threaten him? What happened with the parents?" Asked the woman glancing down at the eleven year old.

"Well I questioned his parents, but like the rest these Jehovah's, they wouldn't talk, so I had the guys take them away to the jail facilities. But you know we got orders to take all the children, if the parents held information." Zephyr sits quietly, but listens intently to the conversation. "He told me that if let him say a prayer or whatever, he would willingly come with me without a fight but he didn't say a word." The woman pursed her lips.

"I see. Well I'll take it from here." The soldier nods curtly and turns and leaves the room. "Okay, go sit over there with the rest of the children and don't make a commotion or I'll have you removed and taken somewhere where you'll be by yourself. You got that?" Zephyr nods, then turns and walks over to the rest of the children. Right away a blonde haired boy with light green eyes comes to great Zephyr.

"Hi! I'm SJ." He says cheerfully. Zephyr smiles.
"I'm Zephyr."
"How old are you?" Asked SJ.
"I'm eleven."
"I'm twelve." Here, come meet everyone.

Zephyr follows SJ to where the other children are sitting. "Everyone this is Zephyr." All the kids wave. Zephyr could tell that a lot of the kids had been crying, some still were especially the younger ones, who were being comforted by older kids. Others wore sad smiles, but otherwise seemed okay.

"Did they take your mom and dad too?" Asked a dark eyes girl with dark wavy hair. Zephyr's face grows sad and he gives a slow nod.

"Yeah they did."
"I'm sorry." The girl gives him a sympathetic look. My name's Mariah.
"Actually," said SJ. "All of us here were separated from our parents.
"You were?" Zephyr looks around at all the kids. And they all nod.

"Yeah." Said SJ wistfully. "So...did soldiers break into your house as well?" He asked.

"They did. The wanted our literature and then threatened my mum and dad. They wanted them to tell them where all of our friends lived. When they wouldn't the dragged them away."

"A small red haired boy, whose name was Aaron spoke up. "They pushed my daddy on the ground. He told me not to worry, that Jehovah would keep me safe." Tears begin to leak from his light brown eyes. "Then the took him..then they took mommy. And then I was left by myself, until these bad guys came and took me here." Zephyr's heart goes out to Aaron. He walks up to him and gently hugs him.

"That happened to me too." He whispered.
"Zephyr?" Zephyr turns and looks at SJ, who has a few tears in his eyes.
"Yes SJ?"

"Do you think hour parents are okay? My mom, it's just us. My dad isn't in the truth. He left when my mum started studying. She is sick...and they were so rough with her." His lip begins to quiver. Up until now the twelve year boy old seemed so strong and so positive. But now Zephyr sees that he too, is fragile and scared. Zephyr walks up to him and hugs him and he cry's softly.

"When my mum being dragged away, she called out to me. She told me to say a prayer, even though I was scared. And she told me not to worry about her or dad, because even if they weren't with me, Jehovah would be." SJ sniffles and wipes his eyes.

"Did you?" He asked.

"I did. My two cats and my dog were there, after they took my parents. I prayed with them. Then...then I had to leave them, and go with the soldier." Zephyr's eyes tear up as he thinks of his pets sad eyes watching him leave them behind.

He hears a small voice pipe up. A girl around six or seven with hair similar to his mother's. "I had to leave my doggie too. Her name was Coco."

"A lot of us had to leave our pets Zephyr." Said SJ sadly.

Suddenly, an idea pops into Zephyr's head. "Hey! Why don't we all say a prayer 𝒕𝒐𝒈𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓. Like my mum said. After I said the prayer, I felt so much calmer..still sad but I wasn't so scared. Whataya guys say?" He glances around the group of young witness children.

"I say let's do it!" SJ says pumping a fist in the air.
"Shhh! SJ, we have to be quiet, not too loud. Or we'll be separated.

"Oh! Oops. Sorry! He says his voice dramatically dropping his voice to a whisper. Zephyr smiles at his new friend.

"Okay, everyone gather round and hold hands...uh..if that's not weird for everyone." He adds quickly. All the kids shake their heads then join hands. The security woman glances at the children forming a circle joining hands.

"Hey! What are you kids doing?!" She walk over and glares at the group of children, their faces nervous. Zephyr's steps forward. His voice is calm and level.

"We're saying a prayer." The woman peers down at him tight lipped.
"Ahh you. The 𝒑𝒓𝒂𝒚𝒆𝒓."

"All we want to do is say a prayer, we won't cause a commotion. I promise." She stares at him but he hold her gaze.

"Very well, but make it quick. I can't have Pete walking back in here with a bunch of kids with their heads bowed." A big grin spreads across Zephyr's face.

"Thank you!" With that he gathers the witness children around him and leads them in a prayer.


The car stops and parks in the car park, in front of a small prison. Ica is led through the doors and  told to sit in the lobby. The soldier beings conversing with the man at the desk. Meanwhile Ica looks around. There is another woman sitting in the lobby with her. She has shoulder length gray hair, pale blue eyes, and a slender aged face. Her brow is creased with worry. 𝑰 𝒘𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒊𝒇 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝒂 𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒔 𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒍. She looks at one and flashes her a smile and she smiles back.

"Hi!" She says keeping her voice low. "Are you a witness too?" The woman nods.
"Yes my name is Antoinette. Soldiers broke into my home. Took me and my husband."

"Same with me. They took my husband too, and my son. I hope they are alright. They roughed up my husband and we were dragged away from our son. My poor Zephie bears. I wonder where he is right now."

"Hey! You two! Quiet!" Barks one of the men. Both Antoinette quickly stop their conversation. After several minutes a guard comes over.

"You two, follow me now." Said the guard. The guard leads them down a hallway and hands them outfits to change in to. Once you put these on you will be escorted to this room over here to be questioned. As Antoinette and Ica change they quickly get to know each other.

"You know, I knew that eventually we would be persecuted...but I wouldn't think today would be the day." Said Antoinette, her voice light.

"Haha that's true. Guess that is why we get so many reminders on keeping on the watch. I have to admit I could have being doing a 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 more watching. Plus I always said if I did get thrown in jail I at least have to have a harmonica so I can play that Kingdom Melodies. Both women laugh. Although a sad look washed over Antoinette's face.

"Hey, are you alright?" Asked Ica.
"Oh yeah, I'm fine. Just wondering if my daughter and grandson are alright. My daughter is sick. She has breast cancer. She is being treated with chemo, so I just worry. She isn't...terribly ill, but she does get weak easily."

"Oh..wanting to comfort Antoinette she goes over and hugs her. She feels Antoinette's tears drip on her shirt.

"I'm so sorry. How old is your grandson?

"He's 12. He takes good care of his mum. It is just the two of them. Her ex husband, he's not in the truth. "How old is your son?" Asked Asked Antoinette.

"He's a year younger than your grandson, he's 11. He's a good kid. He is adventurous and tough, but he also has a kind heart. And he can be wise, just like his father." Said Ica wistfully.

"My! You are a little peanut. You don't look old enough to even have a son, let alone a 11 year old..Antoinette trails off. "Oh dear I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to say it like that. I'm sorry if I offended you." Ica looks at her amused.

"Don't worry, I'm not offended one but. I'm actually quite used to it. Besides everyone says I would appreciate it when i'm older." Chuckles Ida.

"So dear, how old 𝒂𝒓𝒆 you? That's if you don't mind me asking that is."

"I'm 41." She says cheerfully.
"Oh your still a baby." Says Antoinette with a wave of her hand. I'm and old lady 72 to be precise."

"Actually you aren't very old to me. I usually only start seeing people as 𝒐𝒍𝒅 when they hit their 80s and even then they can still be a young 80. Another sister and I say that if you start behaving and talking like your old it is called "Old Lady Syndrome." Or OLS." Antoinette laughs. "And you have slunk Antoinette, I love it."

"Oh how you do make me laugh. And please you can call me Nette. That's my nick name.

"Okay, 𝑵𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆. Say, how long have you been in the truth?" Ica asked eager to know more about her new friend.

"Well Fred and I met when we were in Bethel. I was  23 and he was 25. Pretty soon we dated, then got married. We served in Bethel until I got pregnant with Mia at 32. We left Bethel and moved her to Oregon. From then on we have been pioneering for about 40 years." She finishes.

"Wow that's awesome!" Said Ica eyes bright.

"What about you? Did you grow up in the truth?" Ida shakes her head.

"No, I didn't get it until I was 28. My mum started studying when she was an adult about 45 and then I wanted my own study. My father and brother aren't in the truth. I have aunts and uncles in the truth, so they were very happy. I was baptised at 30 and pioneered for 6 years. Best years of my life."

"That's great. Well let me just say that I am glad you found Jehovah, otherwise you wouldn't be here to keep me company." Ida laughs. "What about your husband? He's in the truth, did he grow up in it?"

"No, we actually studied at the same time...except we didn't know each other was studying. If that makes sense. You see, Claude and I became close..." Ica searches in how to phrase her words. "I first met Claude in the park. I felt a connection to him. Not first, but I felt like he was hurting and I wanted to be there for him." Nette nods.

He didn't know anything about the truth, but I was studying. We used to meet up in the park..probably not the best of choices. Up we used to walk and we got to know eachother. Eventually we parted ways due to challenges. But the thing is, by that time I had fallen in love with him. But at that point I didn't think I would see him again so I focused on my study and Jehovah and got baptised."

" how did you two end up married?" Nette was fully into Ica's story by now.

"Well during the lunch break at the assembly, we saw each other...and we had both gotten baptised that day. Nette I was so happy!" But I still hadn't told him I had feelings for him. And not to mention that my best friend and my family had now clue that I was seeing him in the park those times. Let me tell you they were upset!" Ica now chuckles at the memory of the heated discussion. They relly Did 𝒏𝒐𝒕 like him."

"Oh I believe it. A pretty girl hanging out with a man they don't know alone in a park. Not in the truth. I'm sure they felt like he could of you know, hurt you."

"Yes, that was part of the reason." Ica smirks.
"O𝒌𝒂𝒚 what was the other reason?" Nette tilts her head.
"Okay, promise you won't look at me weird."
"Uh okay. I promise."

"When I met Claude, he was 66 years old. Our age gap was 36 years apart. Nette sits there silent for a moment. Then startling Ida, she burst into high pitched laughter.

"HEY! 𝑩𝑬 quiet. I don't want to have to tell you again!" Yelled one of the guards. Nette stifles her cackling.

"Nette! You said you wouldn't think weird of me." Ida chuckles softly.

"I know dear, I'm sorry. But I was completely thrown off guard. 𝑩𝒖𝒕 that being said, I'm sure he is a kind and wonderful man." Says Nette smiling sincerely.

"He is." Ica thinks of how roughly the treated her brave husband. "I just hope he is okay, and not hurt you know." Nette puts her hand on Ica's shoulder.

"You two!" Said the guard. Be ready, you are about to go in for questions in five minutes.

"Ica dear, how about you and I say a prayer together. To keep our families and other brothers and sisters safe, and to help us stay strong in that question hold. Whataya say?" Ica grins and takes Nette's soft aged hands in her own, face resolute.

"Let's do it."


While Ica is being taken in for questioning and Zephyr encouraging the other kids in the holding room, Claude sits by himself in a cold jail cell. He leans back wincing from the bruise on his lower back, where the soldier had dropped him. He tilts his head back and looks up at the ceiling. 𝑰𝒄𝒂, 𝒁𝒆𝒑𝒉𝒚𝒓 𝑰 𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒔𝒂𝒇𝒆. He thinks to himself. 𝑱𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒘𝒆 𝒘𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒍𝒂𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂 𝒈𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆. 𝑵𝒐𝒘 𝒘𝒆'𝒓𝒆 𝒔𝒆𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅. He looks down with a slight smile on his face. 𝑾𝒆𝒍𝒍, 𝑱𝒆𝒉𝒐𝒗𝒂𝒉, 𝒂𝒕 𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒕 I 𝒈𝒐𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒐𝒘.

"Psst!" Claude is suddenly broken from his thoughts. He looks around but doesn't see anyone. 𝑨𝒎 I 𝒉𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒖𝒄𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒍𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒚?

"Psst!" Louder this time. Then Claude sees a soldier slink out of the shadow of the hallway. He couldn't be more than eighteen years old. His jet black bangs falls on his forehead covering one of his bright green eyes. "Hey, are you okay old man?" He says with genuine concern. Claude blinks at him.

"Um, well I'm a little sore, but other than that I think I'll survive." He said with a bit of humour in his voice. "But...why are you asking if I'm alright? I mean soldiers were snatching all of us Jehovah's Witness from our homes?"

"Yeah, well, let's just say I didn't really have a choice. I'm 18 now. If I didn't enlist in the military I would have been throwing jail, well

"Like I am now?" Claude finishes for him.
"Uh..yeah." He looks down. "My name's Bow. Short for Bowlreguard."
"I'm Claude."
"So..did..did they take your family from you?" He asked. Claude looks down at the ground.

"They did. They took my wife and my son. I have no clue where they are or if they are even safe. Say, won't you get in trouble if the see you talking to me?" Claude asked. Bow shrugs.

"Maybe. But technically I'm supposed to be keeping watch over you. And no one is here right now-
I said shut up old man! Or I'll come in there and shut it for you!" Claude stares at Bow, shock and confusion on his face at the start of the 18 year old's sudden outburst. "Sorry." Said Bow, apologetically. "I thought I saw heard coming."

"Sooo, you shout at me?" Bow laughs.

"Well I have to put on an 𝒂𝒄𝒕. If they see me being cordial with you, I might get put on another assignment." Bow's light green eyes grow sad. "I had to accompany two of the older soldiers this morning on one of the raids. I hated it. Seeing them burst into someone's home like that. Thankfully I didn't have to physically remove anyone. I was taken to watch, so that I would 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 what to do." Bow closes his eyes.

"The house we went to, it was a mother and her son. The two soldiers griped the woman's arm so roughly I thought he'd break it. She looked so frail. And her son, he was scared but you could tell that he had fight in him. He called out to his mother. I remember his words clear as day. He said, "Don't worry mom, I'll be strong for both of us. They are tearing you away from me, but they can't tear me away from Jehovah. And I know they candy tear you away from him either. I love you.

" And then the put her in the car and we drove off. We left her son there. I have no clue what might have happened to him." Claude is silent for a minute. "I know you probably hate me. That we could do something like this.

"I don't hate you." He said plainly. Bow looks up in surprise.
"No? But all those horrible things that I've done."

"Yes, but how can I hate you, when I don't even really know you?" Claude smiles fondly to himself, the sides of his eyes slightly crinkle. "You know, when I was younger, I did something similar to you except I might have actually been a bit worse."

"𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚?‟ Said Bow. His light green eyes go wide.

"Yes. When I was 12, I saw my family murdered right in front of me.  My mother and father, and my younger brother. After that I was revenge crazy. As I grew I became bitter and when I was old enough, I became a judge. A horrible one at that. I would just persecute anyone I could. A lot of the time they weren't even guilty. But I wanted to see them suffer. Like I had to."

"That's horrible. But what made did you get out?!" Bow's voice is desperate.

"Well eventually everyone despised me, they would cower or run and hide when they saw me. I began to feel very alone and very guilty. I had to get out of Paris. When I was 42 I moved her to Oregon. That didn't fix the fact that I still felt guilty and alone. I actually began to hate myself ironically. But then I met a kind and beautiful woman, who is now my wife. She always saw the good in me, even after what I told her I did. My son also takes after his mother in that department. He is such a kind boy. And then a young man knocked at my door. He also saw the good in me. He studied the bible with me. That's how I became a Jehovah's Witness." Bow nods listening intently.

"Long story short, both Liam and my wife said, that even if someone does something bad, you don't know why or what they've been through. So how could you hate them without getting to know them first. We don't have all the facts sometimes. And most of all Jehovah sees the good in everyone. Jehovah is God's name by the way." Bow nods his head, pondering on what this aged man had just told him.

" So does this mean that you and um 𝑱𝒆𝒉𝒐𝒗𝒂𝒉 see the 𝒎𝒆?"

"That's right. Besides you already told me that you hated what you were doing and that you knew it was wrong.

"Yeah...but I don't know what to do. I'm afraid to get in trouble or punished. I'm not tough like you or fearless like you. All of you Jehovah's Witness, how do you stand up for you faith. Aren't you scared of being hurt or punished?" Claude huffs a laugh.

"Oh yeah, I'm pretty sure all of us were terrified at one point during all of this. But we don't let the fear paralyse us because come what may, Jehovah is looking out for us. And he will never leave us." Claude concludes.

"Huh, we'll if it's worth anything I'm glad I got stuck watching you old man." Bow says with a smirk. Claude chuckles.

"Yeah, me too."

"So, I hope the men who took your wife and son...weren't too rough with them." Said Bow concerned.
"Not extremely. I mean I got picked up and thrown down on the ground." He said whimsically.
"Uh, well 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 seems pretty rough."

"Yeah, but that's just me." He chuckles. My wife Ica, the grabbed her by her harms, their grip was pretty tough. She's small but she's a tough cookie. And my son Zephyr, I didn't see what they did to him, but he is very clever and he has his mum's fiery personality."

"How old is your son?" Asked Bow, curiously.
"He's 11." Bow blinks at him.
"Um..only 11? mean. Stammers the bewildered teenager. Claude gives a soft laugh.

"I know what your thinking. Aren't I kind of old to have such a young child." Bow looks down slightly embarrassed. "My wife and I are 36 years apart." Bow nearly chokes from shock.

"Are you a sugar daddy?!"
"A sugar what?" Claude has a bemused look on his face. Bow shakes his head.
"Uh, never mind."

"What can I say. I can't believe it either sometimes." He says wistfully. "She could have had any other man but she chose me. I love her so much, and my son Zephyr, my crazy boy. As a matter of fact. He has green eyes like you, except his are a little deeper."

"Well if it counts for anything. I hope that you get to see them again." Bow goes silent then stiffness. "Oh no someone's coming. Play along?" Claude grins.

"How scared and miserable would you like me to sound?"


It's been 24 hours since the Frollos and other Jehovah's Witness have been ripped from their homes and brought to prison. Claude slowly opens his eyes, sore and groggy. 𝑾𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝒅𝒂𝒚 𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒅𝒐𝒘𝒏. He thinks to himself. He hears heavy booted foot steps coming his way.

"You, come with me." Says one of the guards. Claude obeys. "Change back into your clothes."
"Excuse me, sir, may I ask what's going on?" Asked Claude cautiously.

"It seems that one of your... people, had a court case early this morning. The judge has decided to let you all go. They couldn't find a reason to keep you when there was no real cause of harm being done. Your sentence has been suspended. Now here, take your clothes. No more questions.

"Thank you!" Claude great fully takes his black tunic and trouser back and heads in the direction the guard pointed him to. 𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝑱𝒆𝒉𝒐𝒗𝒂𝒉, 𝒏𝒐𝒘 I 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒎𝒚 𝒘𝒊𝒇𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒔𝒐𝒏. 𝑰 𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚'𝒓𝒆 𝒐𝒌𝒂𝒚.


"Ladies! You in there! Wake up." A female guard jolts Nette and Ica out of their sleep. They both sit up look at each other and rub their eyes. "Listen, your sentence has decided to be suspended from a court case that was held with your representative. You are going home today."

"Really?" Said Ica, surprised.
"Yes." Ica turns and grins at Nette and she grins back.

"Alright!" The excited 41 year old Witness pumps one fist in the air, making Nette laugh out loud. The guard looks at them with an amused look on her face.

"Alright settle down. And come with me.


"Zepher. Zephyr!" The sleepy 11 year old is being shaken awake by his newly attained friend SJ.
"Woahhooohhh okay I'm um. You can stop shaking me now." He says with a slight laugh.
"Zephyr! I think we're getting out today!" SJ's growimg excitement fills Zephyr with hope.
"Wow awesome..but wait how do you know? Did they say we were?"

"Well not 𝒆𝒙𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒍𝒚..but- look!" SJ points in the direction of the door. "I see a bunch of people walking by.

"Those could be guards." Suddenly the room is filled with a loud clang. Zephyr's hands shoot to his head as he covers his ears. The rest of the children sit up in a startled panic.

"Alright kids! Listen up!" A guard stands in the door way. "You will be meeting back up with your parents today." Excited murmurs spread throught the room. SJ raises his hand, but doesn't wait to get called on.

"So what happened? Why do we get to leave?" The guard look at him.
"It turns out that there was some sort of trial. You people were found not guilty.

Proving that he is his mother's child, Zephyr gives a hearty "Yeah!" and throws on fist in the air. And his newly found friend joins him. The guard and the woman who was in charge of the community holding room watch them and shake their heads.

"These Jehovah Witness kids."


After about an hour, the children are lined up to be taken out into the court yard. Zephyr's heart speeds up at the thought of seeing his parents again, but a little anxious hoping that they haven't been hurt.

"Listen up!" Barks the guard over the children's incessant chattering. "Everyone walk in a single file line. Do 𝒏𝒐𝒕 leave the line or wonder off. We can't risk anyone getting hurt. Do I make myself clear?" There was resounding drawn out "yes." "Okay let's go."

As they kids are led out into the court yard SJ whispers over to Zephyr. "Do you you think our parents are okay?" Zephyr looks at his friend.

"Don't worry, I know that Jehovah has kept them safe." SJs gives a smile and a firm nod.

They group of young witness children get to the front entrance of the building. When the guard opens the door to let them out, their faces light up as they see their loved ones, ready to claim them. They run into the arms of mothers, fathers, grandparents, and many other family members. There is crying and tears of joys, tight hugs, and many kisses.

In the elation of the commotion, Zephyr sees a woman with light brown hair in a sun hat racing toward SJ, who stayed close to him.

"SJ! My sweet boy! You're're okay. As soon as she reaches him she grabs him up in her arms, and sobs with relief. SJ sobs along with her.

"I told you mom, he says through muffled tears. "I would be okay. I was strong...just like I told you I would be. Jehovah helped me stay strong. Shortly after a woman is hurrying toward them. She I s an older woman, with gray hair falling out of her messy bun. She's throws both arms around the SJ and her his mother.

"Oh my sweet Mia, and my lovely grandson, you're okay." Tears stream down her face.
"Mom.." Whispers Mia. I'm so happy your safe.
"Grandma is a fighter, I knew she could hold her own." Said SJ holding his grandmother tightly.
"Mom, have you seen daddy?" Antoinette shakes her head and frowns.
"No I haven't...I do hope he shows up soon.
"Do you think grandpa's okay?" Asked SJ concerned.
"If I know Fred, he's somewhere making jokes.

Zephyr smiles and feels tears come to eyes as he sees his friend reunited with his mother and his grandmother. Tearing his gaze away from their reunion he searches the ground for his own parents. However he doesn't see them. A stab of worry runs through the 11 year old's mind.

"Zephyr?" Said SJ letting go of Mia and Nette. "Do you see your parents?"
"No..not yet."
"Well you can stay with us, for now, if you'd like." He said touching his shoulder. He nods solemnly.

"Mom, grandma, this is my friend Zephyr and he's pretty awesome. He stood up to the guard and told him that he was going to say a prayer with all of us!" Zephyr looks down bashfully.

"It was nothing...I just thought that saying a prayer to Jehovah would help everyone not be so scared...or sad." Nette bends down to look at SJ's new friend.

"Well Zephyr, I'm sure you made Jehovah's heart glad."

"You know, I wanted to let you know Miss. Mia, that SJ was great as keeping everyone positive. When I got there, he came right over and welcomed me with open arms. And I can tell that he loves you very much. He told me what happens when the soldiers came. He's really brave."

"Aww shucks." Said SJ scuffing the dirt with his sneaker.
"How about you come sit over here with us, out if the crowd." Said Mia. Zephyr smiles.

As SJ and his family turn to walk away, he hears a familiar voice. "Zephyr!" Zephyr turns around d slowly. "Zephyr!" His heart swells when he sees a small woman with big hair jumping up and down waving her arms.

"Mum! Mummy! I'm here! Ica bounds toward her son and picks him up in her arms and squeezes him, tears in her hazel eyes.

"Zephyr my sweet boy! You're alive! He wraps his arms around her neck and laughs.
"Mum, did you think I would die in here?" She pulls back so she can look at his freckled face.
"Well..I don't know. You know I think to the extreme sometimes." She chuckles.
"Oh mum you're so crazy sometimes." She nuzzles his nose and pulls him in closer to her chest.
"Wait...where's dad?" He says looking around.

"I..I don't know I haven't seen him." A hint worry slicing through her. Nettie surprises Ica by tapping her on the shoulder with a huge grin on her face.

"You indeed do have a fine son." Says Nette walking up behind Ica and Zephyr.

"Nettie!" Said Ica excitement coursing through her. Is this your grandson and daughter?"
"Yup." She says proudly.

"Mum! This is SJ! He kept me company and made sure I was okay." Zephyr throws his arm around him. Ica places her hand atop SJ's head and gives him a big toothy grin.

"Thank you, SJ, for taking such hiding care of my Zephie bears."
"You're welcome, he's a good kid. I think I'll keep him. All of them laugh.
"Is that my Nettie!" Bellows a man.
"Fred!" He hurries over and takes his wife in his arms and kisses his forehead.
"Can't get rid of me that quick!" She slaps him playfully on the chest.
"Oh you wily old man. I couldn't get rid of you if I tried."
"Mia and oh! Is that SJ? When did you get so tall?" He says dramatically.
"Grandpa, you're being a nut!"

"Comere big guy." SJ bounds into his grandfather's arms followed by his daughter. Ica and Zephyr look on and smile. A guard's voice booms over the crowd.

"Anyone who had reunited with their families please clear out while others wait fir remaining family members!"

SJ and his family give Ica and her son a sad look. "I'm sure your dad will be here soon. I know he will." Zephyr's nods.

"You're right. I'm sure Jehovah kept him safe."
"Well I guess this is by for now?" Said SJ smiling.

"Bye for now!" Zephyr's and SJ high five and then hug each other and Antoinette and Ica die the same.

As SJ and his family wave good bye and leave the courtyard, Ica hugs her son closes and rest her cheek on his head. Don't worry, dad will be here soon. He looks up at her and smiles.

"I know mum."

The two of them walk over and sit on the stone steps. Ica and Zephyr were playing silly hand games when the spot a young looking guard with black hair pull up in front of the court yard. When the door opens, a man with a black tunic and that thin greying hair that Ica loves so much, steps out. He looks tired and worn out but his aged face and grey eyes come to life when he sees his family.

"Dad? DADDY!" Zephyr dashes toward his father and into his arms. Claude clutches him tight. Not even trying to fight back tears.

"My son." He chokes out. "My baby boy." Moments later Ica is upon him.
"Oh my crazy girl! My tough crazy girl."

Ica takes his face in her hands and covers his face in multiple kisses." He chuckles and kisses her back. Kissed her likes he never see her again. When he pulls away from her he keeps her forehead on hers.

"I don't even care that you guys are being mushy! I missed you so much!" The Frollos hug each other close, happy to be reunited.

Claude looks back at the young security guard with the black hair and light green eyes. He smiles fondly and the guard smiles back at him and gives him a nod. He gets back in his car and drives off down the road. His wife and son notice this and give him a curious look but don't ask any questions. They both snuggle into each side of his  neck. He kisses both of them on the head.

"I love you Ica Frollo. I love you Zephyr Frollo."


Once the Frollos arrive home Zephyr burst into the house. Roary! Where are you boy. Nixen! Irish! At first there is no sign of the golden retriever and two cats. Tears begin to flood his green eyes and Ica's heart drops.

"Oh no...they must've run off or maybe the soldiers took them."

Zephyr drops down on his knees and cries softly. His parents come and kneel down beside him and hold him and his shaking shoulders. Suddenly he hears a faint bark. He snaps his head up.

"Roary?" Another two barks. Louder this time. Then a muddy, doh with a lolling tongue and goofy smile bounds around the corner. "ROARY!" Cries Zephyr. He only gets to the edge of the front yard until the golden retriever barrels him over flat on his back and covers him and violent doggie kisses. Zephyr squeals and giggles. "Oh Roary! I missed you so much boy. I'm so proud of you. You stayed when I told you too."

Soon two distinct meows sound from up in the tree. There peering down at them are two pairs of eyes. One blue one gold. "Um is that what I think it is in Nixen's mouth?" Said Claude giving a grimace. Dangling in the gray cat's jaws is a dead mouse. He scurry's down the tree and drops it at his feet and gives a proud "meow" and looks up at him with bright blue eyes. Irish jumps down and weaves in and out of Ica's legs.

"You wily felines. At least you know how to catch our own food." She chuckles.

"Mum? Dad? I'm happy to be home. But I know the bible says that there will be more persecution. 𝑺𝒐𝒐𝒐. I think we better start keeping on the watch. And I think we should say a prayer. Zephyr's parents look at their son with admiration. Then they walk over to him and wrap him in their arms. Their dog and two cats come and plop down next to the three of them. They all bow their heads and Claude leads them into a prayer, right there in their back garden.

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