Her Eyes 5

By UrbanQueen

146K 9.4K 35.8K

The cartel life is done for some but only at its peak for others. With the feud between the Hunter siblings a... More

1 - "I Do?"
2 - "Party Over"
3 - "IED"
4 - "Forever Mr. Lotus, A Baby & A Cub, And Voyeurism"
5 - "Someone I Know"
6 - "Requited Love"
7 - "Last Business Meeting"
8 - "Dallas"
9 - "Hide And Seek"
10 - "Sneaking Out Of School"
11 - "Whore"
12 - "Tick-Tock"
13 - "Lifeline"
14 - "Slip of The Tongue"
15 - "In The Knick Of Time"
16 - "Adopt"
18 - "Practice What You Preach"
19 - "Tired"
20 - "Nigga"
21 - "Translations"
22 - "Juvie"
23 - "Withdrawals"
24 - "Delusional"
25 - "Snuff"
26 - "Domino Effect"
27 - "Catatonia"
28 - "Cousins"
29 - "Hunting West"
30 - "Ready Or Not, Here I Come, You Can't Hide"
31 - "Smoke and Mirrors"
32 - "The Royals"
33 - "Sentencing"
34 - "Dizzy"
35 - "Where's Egypt Marshall?"
36 - "Eloping"
37 - "Epilogue"

17 - "Mental Breakdown"

3.4K 231 776
By UrbanQueen

Cilia's eyes shot open to glass breaking downstairs. She looked at the clock that read 8:42am. Sighing, she sat up and Casi did too. Cilia grabbed her daughter and the two went downstairs.

As she got closer Cilia could hear the voices of what sounded like the boys and a woman. She was severely sleepy but she was pretty sure she wasn't dreaming. What were these kids doing up so early?

Cilia rounded the corner and was surprised seeing Journi standing in the kitchen with the broom and dustpan in her hand. She was sweeping up a broken vase while the boys crowded around her and watched.

"Um...hello?" Cilia said, squinting.

The voice of the mother startled the babysitter. She looked up not expecting to see her in the house. She was on babysitting duty today so she didn't think anyone was home.

"Hi. I didn't know you were here."

"Yeah, me either. What's going on down here?"

"Jaxon was dancing to Hip Hop Harry and knocked over the vase." Phenix announced.

Cilia looked at him. "Why are you even watching tv? You guys know you're not suppose to be up this early watching television. Did anyone brush their teeth yet? Make up the bed?"

"Oh, yes. I made sure they did." Journi said putting a finger up.

Cilia turned back toward her. "I'm sorry but how'd you get in here?"

Journi was a bit taken aback by the mother's tone. Cilia had always come off as the more dour parent.

"Allele let me in this morning. I babysit them in the daytime until he comes back home." Journi announced.

Cilia watched her in her long sleeve black shirt, denim blue jeans and white socks. Her hair was in a bun and she had medium sized silver hoop earrings on.

"You three turn that tv off and go upstairs."

No one said a word. Alix went to turn the tv off as the other two went back upstairs. They were bummed, Ms. Journi was fun and their mom was spoiling everything.

"I wasn't aware you were gonna be here today. I'm assuming Allele didn't think so either." Journi spoke.

That was true because the two weren't speaking. So he must have assumed she would be at her car shop today.

Casi yawned, resting her head on her mother's shoulder. Cilia looked at Journi. "You weren't aware because you don't liaise with me. You only talk to Allele, but Allele is not the only parent."

Alix went scurrying past and flew up the steps two at a time. Casi picked her head up and watched him in curiosity until he disappeared up the stairs.

Journi pulled both her lips in. "Well honestly...I haven't been communicating with you because Allele is the parent that was here for the last two weeks. So that's who I was reaching out too."

"It doesn't matter if I was in Pakistan. I don't need to be nearby for you to contact me about my children. When Jaxon was having problems at daycare, you contacted both me and his father every single time. Although the father's job was nowhere close to the daycare. So why is this any different? The children have two parents, not one."

Journi slowly shrugged. "Okay Ms. Hunter I understand that. But you should talk to Allele about communicating my schedule to you. I was just prioritizing Allele as my main contact because he was the parent paying me for my services."

"Okay and you can keep contacting Allele since he pays for your services. But you can do it from outside my house because you're not needed today." Cilia said turning on her heels.

Journi's mouth formed into an o but she was completely amused. She was really goofy and thought everything was funny. She couldn't wait to tell her friends about this.

She put her hands up. "Okay." She gathered her things as Cilia kissed Casi and asked her if she was hungry.

She was already up and so were the boys, they had to be hungry. So she would make breakfast for everyone. Cilia didn't look at Journi once as she gathered her things and left. She was annoyed by the whole interaction.

Cilia put Casi down to walk around and play while she started on breakfast. Something else came across her mind once the eggs hit the pan.

Once they started to sizzle, she imagined it was Tom's flesh sizzling and crackling in the same way. She was going to get him. One way or another.


Noelle sat up in the king sized bed, causing her Senegalese twists to bounce and sway all around her. She closed her eyes, pinching the bridge of her nose. She was so embarrassed. Here she was in the bed of a man she had known only for a few weeks.

In today's society hookups were normal and even celebrated. But that was not her thing. They weren't even dating and she slept with him.

Noelle located her clothes and put them on. Lotus was nowhere in sight, but she knew he was somewhere in the house. As kind and hospitable as he was, she knew he wouldn't leave her in his house alone. They were still strangers somewhat.

Noelle held her suit jacket and heels in her hands as she crept through the halls trying to remember her way out the house. She tiptoed down the hall, hoping his staff was nowhere around.

Noelle made it downstairs when she bumped into Penny the maid. "Hi! Are you leaving? Mr. Hunter would be disappointed if you didn't say anything before you left. He was requesting to speak to you, he's in his study."

Noelle was wondering how she knew Lotus wanted to see her. How did she know she didn't speak to Lotus already? But then again she obviously looked like she was sneaking out.

"Oh...um, okay." Noelle said. Feeling embarrassed, she turned to head right back upstairs. But then she looked over her shoulder. "Do you know where his study is?"

"Yes, I will take you."

Penny walked past her and Noelle followed behind. They walked down a long corridor. The mansion halls quiet and desolate.

When they got to a door Penny knocked. There was a brief pause before a muffled voice responded. Noelle didn't hear what was said but they must've gotten the green light to come in because Penny turned the knob.

"Sir, it's your guest you asked me to look out for. You said if I saw her to bring her to you."

Penny gave a slight bow and left. Noelle was a little in awe, he was obviously well respected. She walked in the office feeling awkward and out of place.

It was a modern home office. From the wood on the desk, the fibers of the carpet and the leather of the chairs. Even his computer was an ultra-wide 49" inch screen.

He looked like he was about to smile until he saw her shoes and suit jacket in her hand. Lotus saw her dressed and frowned. "Are you leaving?"

"Uh...yes. I have to go, I have work in two hours and—"

"Call out. You've never called out before?"

"I have. But not for this. I don't want to sound typical and I know you will not believe me, but I have never done this before. Sleep with a man so quickly."

"Trust me. I believe you."

Lotus was telling the truth. With pussy that good he knew she wasn't giving it away. Noelle blushed and looked away from him. She couldn't lie, he was something else.

She looked like she was thinking about last night.

"Don't worry, this house is huge. No one heard you."

Noelle got instant flashbacks of her moaning when Lotus had entered her from behind. Her stomach dropped and she felt her face heat up. He didn't eat her out, she didn't give him head and they didn't make love. He hadn't been rough with her, just not soft. Noelle understood though; they didn't know each other like that for him to be emotional in sex.

"Call out, stay with me."

"Lotus I don't think we should continue with this."

Lotus clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. He got up from his chair and notice Noelle cross her arms below her breasts. She was putting a wall up.

"Don't give me that this is not professional speech."

"But it's not. I do legal business with you. And let's not forget when women like me sleep with men with power we are crucified and dragged through the mud. We get called whores and get accused of chasing after money and power. I don't want that type of association. Especially at my job, if June were to find out, she would kill me."

Lotus loved her Gambian accent, he found it really cute. "So you see me as a man with power?"

"Lotus I'm serious. This will not affect you how it will affect me. If people at my job find out I slept with a client, I could be let go and the rumors will be brutal."

Lotus walked toward her but stopped three feet away. He grabbed one of her hands, pulling her to him. He put his hands on her waist. "You're thinking way too deeply into this Ms. Wright. First of all you don't have to feel shame for sleeping with me, we're grown. Secondly, your job nor June will find out about this because it's nobodies business. And last, we did do business together—in the past. My mall endeavors with you and June have ended, so you don't have to worry about messing with a client. I'm not a client anymore."

Noelle was highly impressed, rich men were usually the first to go run their mouths to everyone. She had always noticed that quality in them. They may have had money but were usually very corny and big attention seekers.

"What do you say? If you have no interest in me, say it's because you have no interest in me. Not because it's due to some other mitigating circumstances."

Noelle chuckled at the lawyer terminology. "You got jokes."

"Ex was a lawyer."

"Really? What was her name? Maybe I know her." Noelle questioned. She figured the woman had to be a big name if she dated Lotus Hunter.

"She's not important." Lotus mumbled, leaning in and smoothly kissing her lips. "I'm only worried about who's standing in front of me right now."

Lotus pecked her lips a few times and Noelle's knees felt weak. He took her heels from her and tossed them in the corner, taking her suit jacket and draping it over the back of his chair.

"I still have errands to run so even if I call out I'm not staying here." Noelle clarified.

"Okay but you don't have to leave so early. Stay for breakfast at least."

"I can do that." She nodded.

"And for another round? You're really shy. But I think I can bring that out of you."

Noelle's face was steaming. She giggled, playfully hitting his arm.

There was a sudden knock on the door and both turned to look. Magdalene came inside holding Gene in her arms. She was another maid. He clearly just woke up but was already crying.

"He's crying for you. When I was passing her room Ty'kerah asked me to bring him to you." The older Hispanic woman mumbled.

Lotus took Gene from her and sighed, wiping Gene's tears with his index finger. "What's with the tears Gummy Worm? You just woke up, you crying for me already?"

"I mitt you."

"I missed you too." Lotus said kissing his cheek. He turned to Noelle. "You remember my son, Gene."

Noelle smiled and nodded. "Yes, of course." She had a better view of him from last time. Or maybe she was paying more attention to him in the moment right now. "I know I said this last time, but he really looks just like you." She said.

Lotus smiled from ear to ear. He really did and he got that comment all the time in public. It just made him so happy when people said it because it constantly reminded him Gene was literally his mini-me.

"I'll just ah...head downstairs and...and wait in the kitchen." Noelle said.

"I can show her, Señor Lotus." Magdalene intervened, looking at Lotus.

Lotus nodded once. "Thank you. I'll be right down." He said watching the two leave his office.

Gene put his head on Lotus's shoulder while holding his brown teddy bear Mr. Pickles.

Lotus returned behind his computer, sizzling like a fried fish straight out of hot oil. He sat looking at a picture of Vaughn. The man Lisa was dating.

His full name was Vaughn Hamilton III. He was named after his grandfather and father. His grandfather was a successful businessman who had owned a chain of car dealerships called Vice. Then the grandfather passed it down to his son Vaughn II. Vaughn was suppose to take over for his father but refused. The family was extremely wealthy but Vaughn apparently was low key. He took on a more reclusive and normal life when he hit adulthood.

He was thirty-three, five foot eleven and two hundred thirty pounds. He was stocky, full beard and had a tattoo on his lower left calf. Some kind of biblical phrase.

Lotus had his tech guys get all this. They hadn't been dating long so Lotus knew there was no sex involved. But still, this clown was who Lisa chose to give her time too? A man who went to therapy for anxiety and stuttering?

Lotus mumbled some things to himself and shut the computer off. He then went to go join Noelle in the kitchen. Lotus walked into the kitchen to Noelle looking around in amazement.

Noelle couldn't help but be enamored with it all. Usually people would be telling her to run for the hills. To not date single men with kids, but this was not the average single dad. He owned a mall, he could be a billionaire or close to one. He was the one not dating most women. So she knew she wasn't doing him favors by not being with him. He could have any woman he wanted. Especially with that kind of money and a face like his.

Lotus sat across from Noelle and put Gene in his high chair. He noticed Noelle had yet to start eating. Instead she was looking at the feast on the table.

There was an assortment of fresh fruits from grapes, apples, bananas, pineapple, mango, pears, plums and oranges. Waffles, pancakes, french toast, biscuits, freshed baked bread, raisin bagels, plain bagels, cinnamon bagels, boiled, friend and scrambled eggs with turkey and pork bacon.

"Oh my gosh...this is so much food. Lotus I can't eat all of this."

"There's five other people in the house. And I don't know what you eat, so I had the chef cook up an array of different things. I hope you find something to your liking." He said reaching for a plate to take out Gene's food.

Noelle was a little embarrassed she thought he put together everything just for her. But at least it showed he wasn't a waster.

Noelle reached for a plate and started to take some food out. "Seven of you? Are you serious?"

"In total, yes. Me and my son make two. And then there's five others." Lotus left it there knowing she wanted to know who else lived here.

Before she could ask, she looked over at his son who started whining for him. He only stopped once Lotus put a plate down in front of him and told him it was bacon, grapes and pancakes.

The small boy felt around his plate. By the shape and texture he could distinguish what was what. Noelle watched him feel up a purple grape and then pick it up and eat it. It was so sad but cute at the same time.

Noelle watched the baby as he made noises, obviously enjoying himself as he ate.

"Any siblings Ms. Wright?"

Caught off guard, she looked at him. "Huh?"

"Siblings. These are usually the people your parents make. They're related to you."

Noelle smiled. "Don't get smart with me Mr. Hunter. And yes I do have siblings. Two older brothers and one younger sister."

Before anything else could be said, they were startled by a loud voice.


Ty'kerah rubbed her lips together, smoothing out the blood red lipstick on her lips. She tried to smile but her teeth were chipped and spaced out. She broke down at the unattractive face staring back at her.

She looked like a circus freak. She had on foundation, powder, blush, mascara, eye liner, contour—anything to make her face look better and it only worsened her look and made her more freakish.

Half her face was swollen, her eye permanently droopy. Her once pretty teeth destroyed and her large scars overtaking both sides of her face. Tears ran down her face making streaks of wet bronze colored trails.

Ty'kerah sat at her vanity looking at herself. For a while she had been in Dallas with no companion, so she had resorted to online group chats, forums and venting to others online in similar situations about deformities.

She had to lie and say she was born that way. She wanted to sometimes post old pictures of herself so badly. So people could see the real Ty'kerah. See who she once was, to get compliments so she could build her self-esteem some. But if they knew she was still alive it would only be suicide on her part.

Not only would people destroy her for getting pregnant by the same man she tried to put in federal prison for life; she knew the harassment would extend out to Gia and her grandmother and they didn't deserve that. Neither did other Black woman who would get backlash for being a typical "ghetto Black women" by using her as an example of what was wrong with Black women.

Ty'kerah cried, covering her face with her hands. She wished she would've died. Sometimes she thought about killing herself. She had so many suicidal thoughts back in Dallas. Her darkest thought one time when she was home alone, was to take a bunch of sleeping pills. She was going to swallow those and crush some and put in Gene's bottle so they could go out together. But she was too scared to try it on either one of them. She told herself it was just a thought.

Her psychiatrist was help somewhat. It felt nice to vent to someone about how she felt and to get advice. But the reason therapy was only some help, was because as soon as the session was done she had to face reality—she was hideous and cosmetic surgery would never fix her face. It was way too damaged.

She wiped all her makeup off and stood up. She went to go look for her grandmother but the smell of breakfast brought her downstairs. She walked into the kitchen and was taken aback by a woman sitting in the kitchen with Lotus and Gene.

She looked way too comfortable. Ty'kerah snapped, the presence of the woman too much for her. "Who are you?" She asked.

Noelle turned around and looked at her. The woman's face scared her and so did her outburst. Noelle stayed quiet, just looking at the deformities on her face.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Noelle stood up quick while Lotus's eyes became dark. He was trying to give her a look but she was fixated on Noelle.

"Mommy?" Gene asked, hearing her voice.

"Get out, you don't belong here!"

"Ty'kerah, stop it." Lotus said through clenched teeth.

Noelle backed up next to Lotus. She didn't want to sound mean but her face was scary and her behavior was even scarier. Lotus stepped in front of Noelle even though Ty'kerah was across the kitchen.

Seeing another woman here with Lotus hurt her, but she was angry too. He had no right to be happy, to find someone while he left her looking like this. The fact this man was smiling and enjoying himself, it made her snap.

The kitchen got quiet as everyone stood witnessing her mental breakdown.

"Get out! Get the hell out! Get away from my son!"

"Ty'kerah stop." The tone in Lotus's voice was so sharp it sent a shiver up Noelle's spine.

Noelle was surprised by Ty'kerah. He did just say there were seven of them living in the house, but she wasn't expecting one of them to be the child's mother.

Some of the nearby staff came into the room when they heard the commotion. Gene started to cry because he got scared.

"Ms. Wilson, calm down. You have to take your medication." Penny said, approaching her.

"Tell her to get out!" Ty'kerah's voice shrieked as she pulled her hair.

"Okay, okay." Noelle said putting her hands up. "I'm leaving, I'll go."

"No Noelle you don't have too." Lotus said, "Magdalene, come take Gene please."

The older woman rushed over with no hesitation and took him, leaving the room.

"No Lotus. Please," Noelle said putting a hand on her chest. She was frightened and wanted no parts of the chaos. "I'm sorry."

Ty'kerah dropped down crying as the staff consoled her. Noelle scurried out the kitchen but didn't even remember how to get to the door. Lotus went after her to escort her. The way he was feeling, he wanted to punch that bitch's head through the wall.

Noelle was struggling to put her heels on. She was classy; obviously not a fighter the way she avoided saying anything to Ty'kerah and with how fast she was trying to get out. There were still faint sounds of crying in the distance.

Alone in the foyer, Noelle looked up at Lotus once her strap heels were on. "Is that your son's mother?" She already knew but wanted to confirm.


"O-oh. His mother lives with you?"

"Yes. I know that sounds weird but trust me, nothing is going on. Gene's just really attached to his mother and because she has mental issues I felt bad. So I let her and two of her family members move in. We strictly coparent, my mother and brother live here also. My older brother is blind as well like Gene."

"Wow, look at you, you noble family man." Noelle joked to lighten the mood. She completely believed him when he said nothing was going on. She didn't want to sound like a complete bitch, but with a face like that she doubted any man could be attracted to the mother of his child.

"I know seeing stuff like that is so out of the ordinary for you. But please don't let her ignorance sway you from seeing me again."

"Of course not." Noelle smiled. "I don't know if I'll come back here, but I still want to see you."

Lotus nodded, he looked relieved. Noelle could tell he wasn't really present in the conversation anymore. He looked more interested in going back in the house to deal with the mother of his child.

Noelle's soft hand touched his cheek, bringing him back to reality. "Lotus please don't be upset with her. She still loves you. It's really obvious by her reaction. She wasn't ready to see me."

"My life is not any of her business."

"I know," She whispered. She smiled and it was so beautiful. Her midnight skin added to her uniqueness. "Just please don't be angry with her. She's a woman who's heartbroken."

Lotus loved how elegant she was. Sticking up for the deformed Cannibal from the Wrong Turn movies. He wanted to fuck her again.

"Promise me you won't go in there and yell and scream at her."

Lotus looked away, he was about to do just that and hopefully not smack her into the wall. But when Noelle turned his face to her and he looked into those dark marble brown eyes, he really did start thinking about sparing her.


"Okay, I promise."

Noelle smiled. "Thank you. I'll text you when I get home."

"Alright." He leaned down and kissed her cheek. She had her own car and it was parked in the front yard.

Lotus closed the door behind her and stalked right back into the kitchen. The chef was now there looking confused as ever. The mother had calmed down somewhat, but were still moaning and sniffling.

"Everyone leave." Lotus said announced.

The staff scampered off without another word. Ty'kerah was sitting on the cold tile floor, chunky tears rolling down her cheeks as she made little hiccups.

Lotus fought with himself not to rip her hair from the roots. He instead leaned in close to her ear even though they were the only two nearby.

"That same woman you just disrespected, is the same one that just talked me out of doing something to your stupid ass. The next outburst like that, I'm getting a signed document from your psychiatrist and I'm taking it to court to get full custody of my son. Just to be vindictive I'll have them void full custody of your cousin as well and I'll throw you and your sick ass grandmother on the street."

Ty'kerah whimpered and cried, holding her head. She listened to him walk away as she sat there having a mental breakdown.


It was the next day at school and Gia came in happy and glowing. She went through all her classes thinking about how she now had a dad. She couldn't wait to tell Egypt who was always so negative and smug about everything.

Once lunch came Gia found herself roaming the cafeteria to look for Egypt. She couldn't text and ask her where she was because she didn't have her phone. So she had to look for her, she was usually on the left side because that was where six graders sat.

Gia finally found her, she was sitting by herself in a corner. So far she wasn't that popular at this new school. Gia on the other hand seemed to be building a fan base. She was assuming it was because people thought she was important because of how she was dropped off and picked up from school. Because other than that she had no interactions with the kids.

Gia slid in next to her, seeing she had a white styrofoam lunch tray in front of her. It was peas and corn in one small section, a chocolate milk in the other and a slimy burger on wheat bread. Lunch food was so nasty.

Gia had homemade food from the chef Pierre back at the house. The lunch ladies let her warm it up in the microwave. It was steamed fish, steamed spinach and baked macaroni and cheese.

"Hey." Gia said.

Egypt looked at her, "Hey." She said, eyeing her friend's lunch. Her mouth watered a little bit and she was about to ask her where she got that from, but she figured it was from her house.

Gia started to dig into her food, swinging her feet under the table.

Egypt looked at her, she was happy but she couldn't tell what for and neither did she really care. In fact for someone who was so sure she was gonna get what she wanted out of Lotus she had yet to mention it. Like she was avoiding it.

"So, what did Lotus say?" Egypt had a smirk on her face and her hand was partially covering her mouth.

Gia looked at her and smiled. "He said I have to ask my cousin and grandma first and if they say yes, then yes. And he said he'll call me his daughter and I get to call my little cousin my brother."

Egypt was taken aback, Lotus was going to adopt her? She didn't expect the conversation to go that way.

"What did your cousin and grandma say?"

Gia shrugged. "They said sure. They don't care as long as it makes me happy."

Egypt felt her temperature rising. She didn't think Gia was being a real friend. She didn't like Lotus so why was she so friendly with him? Why did she want to be around him when Egypt hated him?

"You're so weird. Why would you want one of your friend's dad to be your dad? You seem a little obsessed don't you think? Why don't you go find your own dad?"

Gia turned to her and put one of her arms down on the table, then put the other arm down so she was leaning forward. "What is your problem? Like no Egypt I don't think it's weird, mainly because I knew him way before you did. And why are you so mad when you don't even like him? You always say he's not your dad, so why are you calling him your dad now? Because I said he's my dad?"

Egypt was playing with one of the extensions in her hair. Her hair was done in box braids but stopped a little below her shoulders. Lisa didn't want them too long.

"Girl whatever. Do you."

"I will." Gia said. "And honestly, I'm not gonna sit here and let you talk bad about Lotus. If he is my dad I have to defend him, sooo after today you need to relax. He doesn't even talk about you. Like at all."

Egypt was quiet, just staring at her. She got emotional easy so in order to avoid talking and expose her feelings by the tone of her voice, she kept her response minimal. "Yup, sure, uh-huh."

Gia looked at her. "You know what I do when I don't like someone? I don't talk about them because I don't like them. So you try and do the same, okay?"

Egypt sighed, she was sweating under her arms and getting mad but she said nothing. The table had become quiet until Gia looked at her again.

"Why'd you get your phone taken away? You were suppose to tell me but never did."

Egypt moved closer and made sure she kept her voice low. Her and Gia were the only ones in the area but she still whispered it.

Gia had a hand over her mouth, she didn't want to judge but that was really crazy.

"So what happened to the boy?" Gia finally asked.

"I don't know. He's at a different school. Can I use your phone to call him?"

"Um, no! So my dad could look up the phone history and see some weird number, call it and see it's the same boy you got in trouble with?"

The dad thing sounded so silly. He didn't even officially adopt her yet and she couldn't stop with the dad bull. But Egypt remembered when she finally attempted to call him dad he didn't want her too. She hated Lotus, he was so phony.

"We could've just deleted the phone history after. But forget it Gia." Egypt said.

Just then some kids came over to the table. Out of all of them Egypt only knew one of them because the girl was in her class. But the rest came over for Gia. The kids at this school were on her hard.

Gia had become a sensation at school. Everyone wanted to be her friend and wanted to know who her parents were. She was clearly rich, yet chose to go to public school. Her hair was always done, she always had the best lunch and when the class had parties she was always contributing the most snacks and food. In the morning and afternoon her bodyguards were always present as well. So being she was the new girl, that just made her more mysterious and boosted her popularity. Everyone acted like she was the president's daughter.

Egypt ignored all the kids crowded around Gia and focused on the girl she knew.

"Hey Rebecca, can I use your phone? I'll stay right here and you can watch me. I wanted to make a phone call real quick."

The girl shrugged and handed Egypt her phone. Egypt called Rome's number and it rang out. She knew there was a chance he could be in school. Maybe he was in class right now. Not all schools had lunch at the same time.

His phone soon went to voicemail, so Egypt shot him a text real quick.

Rome this is Egypt, I'm calling from someone else's phone. Hurry and call back if u can.

Within a minute the phone started ringing and his number came up. Egypt didn't even let the first ring come through fully before she answered it.



"Hey!" She said, excited. It caused some of the people at the table, including Gia to look over at her. "Where are you?"

"In class but we have a substitute teacher today. So no one is really doing anything. Where are you?"

"At lunch. I don't think I'm ever gonna get my phone back. So I don't know how we're gonna talk. I can't use someone else's phone everyday."

He sighed. "I know. What about social media? Your school doesn't have a computer room?"

"It does, but they block most of the good sites and give access to only educational stuff." Egypt told him.

"Yeah that's true most schools do that." Rome made a sound like he was thinking. "Uh...yeah I don't know."

"Is Diamond there with you?"

"What? No, why would she be? She's still at our old school. Only me and you got expelled, why would Diamond come to my new school?" Rome questioned.

"Do you still talk to her?"

"On the phone I guess, but we don't see each other in person."

Egypt frowned. "Why are you still talking to her?"

There was silence for a while but Rome finally spoke. "Egypt, this is what you called me for? To argue about me speaking to Diamond? At this point, who cares. We got expelled, no one is thinking about Diamond in that way. How about asking me how I am? What's wrong with you?"

"Fine, how are you?"

"I'm good. How are you?"

"I'm fine," She said sarcastically. "How's your brother? Unless you're still embarrassed by him."

Rome ignored her. "My brother is fine, everyone is good. Let's make plans to meet up. I wanna see you again."

"I don't know Rome I'm scared."

"Alright no pressure. Don't do it if you don't want to. But if you want, call me or make a social media and message me. You know all my socials. We can meet up next week. It's half a day on Thursday, don't tell your mom. We can hang out for that time and you go back to school by dismissal."

"Okay, I'll think about it. Love you." She smiled.

"Bye." He said, hanging up.


White Locus stood by the window in the room, on the west wing of the house. The fireplace was on making the room warm. She and her men had been congregating for a little over three hours now.

They talked about a lot. How they would execute murders going forward, how they would traffic and distribute drugs and who their new allies would be. White Locus wanted to take the cartel to newer heights. Get them more power and money. She wanted to mingle with the billionaires and become the top one percent.

Of course she would have to run everything through Lotus, but she doubted he would say no to anything she had to say. She had really great ideas and he wasn't the type to let his emotions between them personally affect the business part of it.

Six men were in the room, including Jay. Everyone was spread out, some sitting and some standing. White Locus stood by the window, looking out at nothing in particular. She turned back to her team.

"The pink cocaine is a hit everywhere. But sales in the Bronx are doing the best. Second place is Newark, New Jersey. We have all five boroughs on lock and the tristate area. But those two places are the biggest money points." Locus confirmed.

"We close to that nigga Andre territory in Connecticut though." Kanz said.

"Close is not overlapping. So we're good." White Locus confirmed.

Kanz nodded.

"Another thing that's gonna help us grow is being low-key. That means stay outta trouble if you can. We have police connections but that doesn't mean abuse it." Jay spoke. He was second in command so he had the floor. "Why I'm in Queens the other day checking on one of the corners and one of you lil' niggas arguing with your girl? Making a whole scene in public like you don't have drugs on you. Keep that personal shit off the blocks. Ya'll making shit hot."

Some of the men shook their heads. White Locus looked at Jay, not knowing something like that happened but he obviously handled it. He was that type of man. That was what she liked about him. He didn't have to run to her about everything. He could handle some situations and when he did, he didn't need to run it back to her for cool points.

There was still tension between them for when she punched him up for talking about Mark crazy. But she couldn't deny he was a good worker.

Just then it got quiet, forcing everyone to look in the direction of the doorway. Before White Locus could comprehend what was happening, Mark was in the room. In a white t-shirt and black sweatpants, he stormed in and took her hand, pulling her out the room.

"I can't sleep." He mumbled.

Jay and all the rest of the soldiers watched him drag her out and her not do anything to stop him.

Jay held the meeting down and told them all that needed to be done. When he dismissed them and they went home, an hour had gone by and Locus still hadn't returned. Jay went to go look for her, this was the weak shit she did. Leave in the middle of a meeting for her clingy feminine ass boyfriend.

Jay headed up the stairs where he knew she most likely had went. Jay knocked on her bedroom door, calling her name. He noticed the air of stillness, it was unusually quiet. He knocked again a little louder.

The door opened revealing Mark with a red tint in his eyes. Jay's eyes went over Mark's shoulder and he saw White Locus fast asleep on her stomach. The silk sheet covering her from the waist down. Her back and parts of her legs were exposed. He could see the side of her boob, her head facing the door as she breathed softly. She clearly got fucked.

Jay's eyes met Mark's who just stood there watching him. Mark had his hand across the door, holding it at an angle. He was waiting for Jay to say something but it was clear he wasn't going too. Jay in no way was going to answer to Locus's little freaking soft ass punk of a man. Mark wasn't going to talk either. He came to the room and he was who answered the door. If he wanted Locus he had to ask because he couldn't step pass the threshold.

At this point it was obvious both men didn't like each other. But neither refused to say anything. Jay was waiting for Mark to go get Locus and Mark was waiting for him to say that's who he wanted to see.

It was getting extremely awkward and Mark was about to close the door in his face. Jay only wanted him to so he could knock him the fuck out. Before either man could act on what was going on in their head, they heard footsteps.

They both turned their head and saw Ember. She was rounding the corner with a fully awake Roselyn. She was cooing in her hands, playing with a button on Ember's shirt. Ember was so busy ogling her granddaughter by time she looked up, she bumped into the men.

She was taken aback by both men at her daughter's door. She didn't expect either of them to be here, especially this early.

She saw Mark in his boxers, but Jay at the door. She realized Jay might have come at an unexpected time because Mark wouldn't answer the door like that.

"Daddy!" Roselyn cooed.

"Good morning." Ember said to Jay.

"Morning." He mumbled.

"Hey Mark. Where's Locus?"

"She's still sleeping. Do you want her?"

"No, was just coming to return Rosie. She was whining for her mom. But if she's still sleeping I can—"

"It's fine," Mark said reaching for his baby girl. He took her and Roselyn began talking to him.

Ember then looked at Jay, knowing he should leave too since Locus obviously wasn't available and they kind of came at the wrong time. It was clearly their personal time right now.

Jay was forced to turn and leave. But not before giving Mark a look that to be honest, made him shiver.

He closed the door and Roselyn started talking at the top of her lungs.

"Sshh mommy's sleeping baby you gotta be quiet."

Mark went over to the bed with his daughter and placed her down. She sat in the middle while Mark sat on the other side, one foot on the floor and the other stretched out across the bed.

He turned to look at Locus. The silk sheet covered her from the waist below, her legs tangled between the material. Mark watched her breathing softly. She looked so harmless, so gentle, so beautiful. It made him feel bad knowing some day her life would be cut short.

It was moments like these, moments when it was her, him and his daughter and he saw that beautiful smile on her beautiful face and it made him want to tell her what her brother had planned. But every time he thought about going against the grain, he remembered Lotus's threat.

"I-I'll break up with her again–"

"No you will not, else I'll start you off like how Jay did him," Lotus said making a head motion to Peng-Su's body. "And finish you off how Locus did her." He said doing another head motion to the second corpse. "You wanted her, now you've got her. You're to be with her as long as she pleases, because you will aid me in her death."

Part of him hated White Locus and always would for the things she had done. But another part of him would always love her. She was his first love, the woman who turned him into a man, the mother of his child.

"Because you will aid me in her death..."

But a part of him felt like with Lotus's way, it was the only way to be released from her. He looked away from her, not able to take the guilt.

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