Malefic [BOOK 2]

By wonuwu4k

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A few words from the author.
Another year.
Path to Immortality.
Under the Sea.
Leo? Not Leo.
A confession he was not ready for.
A box of poisonous snakes.
Dangerously Adorable.
All Those Little Things
β™« β™ͺSalt- shaker, shaker~β™« β™ͺ
Wild flowers and floating slimes.
Must have been a deadly kiss
Tom's Strange Interests.
I Am the Rich Man
Elementary, my dear Watson
Let Me Tell You a Story
Dreaming a Dream I've Never Seen Even in Dreams
Something About You Makes Me a Dangerous Man
The Viallain's Story.
Torn Apart by Fate's Design
Aunt Flo is Visiting.
Hope Hurts.

It's All a part of the big plan

152 8 4
By wonuwu4k

"Tom, at this point, you're simply enjoying watching me suffer," Leo whined from her seat. "I can't believe you managed to get Tayden to join in on it too."

Leo was in fact tied to the chair of a beauty salon called "Gillyweed's Glamour and Grooming.".

Leo should have known that something was very wrong when Tayden had asked Tom and her to accompany him and another girl to Hogsmeade. Leo thought of it as any other normal double date. Except, Tom had agreed to the idea quite eagerly which was very out of character for the heir of Slytherin.

"But that's a beauty salon, Tom," Leo had pointed out as soon as Tayden had led them to the place.

"Is it now?" Tom had questioned back, acting innocent and unaware of the blazing pink billboard that had 'BEAUTY SALON' written in bold.

The moment that they had entered the place, a perky witch with bubblegum pink hair approached them, "Welcome to Gillyweed's Glamour and Grooming, my dear! What can we do for you today?"

At that moment, Leo knew that she had agreed to something very dangerous. It was not a double date at all! Before she could make an escape, she was dragged to a chair by Tom and Taden helped to tie her up. At least he was polite enough to ask if the knots were too tight. The witch with bubblegum pink hair only watched with a painfully forced smile as if that was not the worst she had seen.

So much for trusting the heir of Slytherin.

She was glaring at the two boys through the mirror. If only she knew what was to come, she would have chosen a dress that didn't have a collar.

Sighing in defeat, Leo calmly waited on her chair (because she had no other option) and watched Tayden as he disappeared behind a door that lead to who knows where.

Leo's eyes started inspecting the interior having nothing else to do. The walls of the salon were painted a deep shade of purple, and large mirrors with ornate frames lined every wall, making the space seem larger than it was. A display case with various beauty products and enchanted accessories such as hair clips, earrings, and bracelets was placed at the reception.

Leo wondered if all those magical items were going to be applied to her. Her brows furrowed in displeasure just thinking about how painful it was going to be.

The main floor had several stations with chairs where witches and wizards could sit while getting their hair styled, nails painted, or makeup done. Each station was equipped with an array of tools, including wands that magically straightened or curled hair, bottles of shimmering hair spray, and jars of colourful potions for facials.

Leo was seated in one of those stations. She could see her reflection in the mirror. Her skin looked brighter. But she knew it was because of the 100 luminous ords that were shining down on her face. Despite that, she looked tired. She looked mature. Her eyes were sunken and her cheeks were hollowed. She had aged so much within the last few months and now she would be turning 18 soon, the age that she travelled to Tom's world.

She dreaded that it might be the time when she will be sent back again. She would lose Tom forever. 

Leo's eyes looked at Tom through the mirror with a sense of immense sadness.

Tom had made himself comfortable in the small seating area which was tucked away in another corner of the salon. Leo could still see him through the mirrors and couldn't help but feel reassured that she was not left alone. 

The seating area had plush velvet sofas and armchairs in shades of pink and purple, and a table with a vase of fresh flowers, perfect for Tom to relax.

Tom was reading a beauty magazine with furrowed eyebrows. Therefore, he was yet to notice the looks of longing he was getting from Leo.

"Why would men be interested in girls who pretend like they don't exist? This article is full of false accusations," Tom commented.

Leo's lips tilted upwards at his innocent comment. How could someone be so full of knowledge yet be so lost? 

Tayden had finally emerged out of the door followed by a petite-looking lady. She appeared small and had a nervous look on her face. Leo tore her eyes away from the heir of Slytherin and paid attention to the new arrivals.

Her eyes fell on the lady who, she guess, was going to assist her. Leo had to admit that the witch was beautiful. She had porcelain skin and bright ginger hair. Her skin glowed like freshly baked honey buns. Her teeth were perfect pearly white and her lips were full and flushed pink.

Leo knew instantly that if she could trust anyone with her hair and makeup, it would be that lady. Except, Tayden was the one giving instructions.

"I say we chop down the hair and make it short and give her some longer lashes. We need to do something about her chapped lips as well," Tayden explained while making dramatic hand gestures.

The lady, who was assigned to assist Leo was frantically noting down every word Tayden was saying.

"Oh, what about the eye bags?" The lady asked.

Tayden gasped, "Yes! The eyebags must go. She looks like she has crawled up from her grave."

"Wow. I feel so confident about my looks right now. Thank you, Tayden," Leo deadpanned.

Tayden offered her an apologetic smile and went straight back to pointing out all the things that needed to be fixed on her.

If only Leo knew that Tom's 'super amazing plan that had never been done before and will be written in history' was to give Leo a makeover, she would have politely declined.

When she had asked Tom about why she needed a makeover, he vaguely explained that it was all a part of his plan.

So much for trusting that little broccoli.

As soon as the thought left her mind, her eyes connected with Tom through the mirror. Her eyes widened like a deer caught in headlights. Tom raised an amused eyebrow and held her gaze for a few seconds before going back to reading his magazine.

Leo huffed in annoyance.

"Okay, shall we begin the procedure then?" The lady declared nervously.

Leo rolled her eyes once again. The lady, Jane was her name, was all geared up.

She had wrapped herself up in a shiny apron that had at least twenty pockets carrying an assortment of tools, most of it not even related to beauty. At this point, Jane might even pluck out a tooth or two from Leo's mouth and she wouldn't be surprised.

Jane had her gloves on, her hair was secured inside a shower cap and she was wearing protective goggles.

But what confused Leo the most was that Tayden was dressed the same way, except for the multiple-pocket apron. He just wore a simple one, well, as simple as a shiny apron can get.

Leo shook her head immediately, "Nope! I am not doing this. Let me out!"

"Oh, don't be ridiculous, Leo. They are only trying to help you," Tom called out from a distance, sitting on the farthest couch from her chair.

Leo groaned in anger, "Ridiculous?! They look like they are here to diffuse a bomb! And why are you sitting so far away?"

Leo's eyes narrowed in frustration as she received no response from the heir of Slytherin. She turned around and caught him red-handed, hiding his face behind a magazine that boasted a picture of a striking young lady flashing a thumbs-up. Leo couldn't help but roll her eyes at the image as it looked like that lady in the magazine was mocking her. 

Jane and Tayden slowly approached her with their wands raised in the air. Leo braced herself for the makeover from hell, feeling as though time had slowed to a crawl. She watched in mounting annoyance as Jane lit up her wand with an excited but nervous gleam, Tayden grinning like a Cheshire cat beside her.

Before she could even catch her breath, a blast of multicoloured spells rained down upon her, transforming her hair from its natural dark brown to a sickly shade of green, which changed to blue and then to a horrifying rainbow colour.

Not that she had anything against rainbows per se, but she'd much rather see them in the sky than on her head.

They showered her in a barrage of powders, leaving her face a patchwork of shades ranging from ashen white to beetroot red. Leo's eyes stung with the smoke that filled the room, and she had to fight the urge to cough and gag.

Merlin knew what magic items they were using on her. She only hoped that her skin won't break out into pimples after this.

Leo remained defiant, determined to withstand this magical torture with the same grit and determination that she had while fighting Grindlewald. 

She gritted her teeth and braced herself for the next wave of attacks, determined to emerge from this ordeal with her dignity - and her hair and face - intact.

Jane stood behind Leo's head, scissors in hand, surveying her hair with a critical eye. Leo watched as her expression slowly shifted from being nervous to serious. Her eyebrows were pulled together in concentration as she measured Leo's face from different angles.

"Bring the scissors!" Jane commanded.

Leo watched as Tayden ran across the salon to search for a pair of scissors. She wondered why Jane didn't have a pair of scissors even after wearing that obnoxious apron, heavy with tools.

Tayden handed her the pair of scissors. Jane fetched a golden comb from one of her pockets and started sectioning her hair. Leo was surprised that Jane was cutting her hair without using any magic, or the magic was in the comb and scissors.

"Hand me the thinning shears," she barked at Tayden, who was standing by her side.

"Yes mam," Tayden obediently handed over the requested tool, his eyes wide with apprehension - it was like they were in the middle of a high-stakes operation, and one wrong move could spell disaster.

Jane expertly used the thinning shears to remove a few strands of hair, making Leo's thick locks fall in soft waves around her face.

"Now, the ruler," she said, holding out her hand expectantly.

Tayden fumbled through a few drawers before noticing an assortment of measurement tools neatly arranged in one of the pockets of Jane's apron. He awkwardly cleared his throat trying to figure out a way to tell the lady. Leo noticed the whole exchange with an annoyed expression.

She sighed, "It's in your pocket, stupid woman. Untie me from this chair. I have had enough!"

Jane's serious expression broke and she went back to her nervous and hesitant self.

"Right, I am sorry," she said meekly before fetching a brush and dabbing it on Leo's face.

"Bring the basin here. We need to wash her hair," Jane demanded, her voice urgent.

Tayden nodded and ran to the back of the salon to bring the basin.

Leo let out a groan of impatience and looked at Jane with a pleading expression. "How much longer do I have to endure this torture? And where is Tom?"

Jane glanced nervously at Leo as she snipped away at a strand of hair. "I'm not sure, he left a while ago," she replied timidly.

Leo rolled her eyes and muttered under her breath, "Typical Tom, always disappearing when he's needed." Then, with a murderous glint in her eye, she added, "Just wait till I get out of this chair, Tom. You'll regret leaving me here."

 Tayden returned with the basin and placed it in front of Jane, who eagerly grabbed a bottle of sparkling liquid and exclaimed, "Ah, here it is!" Jane chirped a bit too excitedly, desperate to distract Leo, "The magical shampoo I brewed last night. This will surely do wonders for your locks."

Leo looked in slight concern as the bright green potion bubbled inside the glass vial. Jane slathered some on the scalp and started spreading it all over.

Jane massaged her head making her eyes droop down in satisfaction. But Leo tried to act nonchalant, she was not planning to admit that the little makeover was not that bad.

Tayden helped Leo to rinse out all the soap from her hair. Jane twirled her wand and a gust of wind blow-dried her hair in seconds. She then proceeded to comb Leo's hair and tame it down to a style that framed her face perfectly.

"And finally, the finishing spray," Jane said, holding out her wand, "This will keep the appearance on for a week. Absolutely waterproof."

"Is it murder-proof as well," Leo asked with a serious face.

The poor lady flinched and looked at the young girl's reflection in concern, "I am sorry-"

"Forget it," Leo cut her off.

Jane nodded gingerly and twirled her wand. In the next second, Leo was engulfed inside a mist that was tinted blue. She was scared at first but soon realised that the mist felt quite cool and relaxing against her skin.

As the mist cleared, Leo surveyed the damage with a sense of dread, expecting the worst.

But to her surprise, she looked...pretty good, actually. Her hair was now in a sleek bob cut, with delicate layers framing her face, and a beautiful shade of honey blonde that perfectly complemented her skin tone. She couldn't help but admit that Jane had done a fantastic job with her makeup too. Her features were perfectly highlighted with just the right amount of blush, and her lips had a subtle hint of bright red lipstick that made them look luscious and inviting.

But of course, Leo wasn't going to let on that she was actually impressed with the transformation. Instead, she scowled at her reflection in the mirror.

"Hmph," she muttered. "It'll do, I suppose."

Tayden rolled her eyes. "Oh come on, Leo, you look amazing! But we are nearly not done yet. We still have an entire closet to fill with new clothes!"

Leo's jaw dropped to the floor in shock, "Who's paying for all this?" she asked incredulously.

Tayden gave her a look of disbelief, "Who do you think, Leo? You're the one with the mansion!"

A/N: I am done with my first semester and they gave us only TWO WEEKS FOR BREAK! That is too short to recover from the stress!

But enjoy the chapter.

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