Stain The Pharaoh

By WorkOfConfusion

111 1 0

Kaiba meets up with Atem in the afterlife for a final duel of passion, but he gets dragged into something mor... More


111 1 0
By WorkOfConfusion

Please Take Note:

This is a lemon/smut and is intended for people who are only willing to read it as such.

Please turn away if you are not comfortable with smut, or do not like to read things like that.


The dynamic of this ship is Top!Atem and Bottom!Seto.

So beware of that too.


The goal was always to have a final duel with Atem to finally give an end to his loop of self-hatred, regret and the hair pulling inducing feeling of having something unfinished. Their rivalry was ambiguous, he hated that word, to never have an answer whether or not Kaiba would always lose to the Pharaoh and his cards. Kaiba hates not having control, to not have a solid answer to any question he has. He knew the moment he saw Atem, the holo duel disk will be summoned by its master, its creator. But reality was different, the CEO wasn’t so sure why or how, but when his ocean eyes landed on Atem, light glowing behind him to remind everyone that put themselves before the Pharaoh that he is a god of pure beauty and strength, he fell to his knees to heed his respect. Kaiba lowers his head, gulping down his nervousness as he feels Atem’s eyes stare, silent. 

A few painful seconds pass, before a few whispers occur in which Kaiba closes his eyes, trying his best to make out whatever the words are that fell from their quiet lips.

“Rise, old friend. “

Kaiba slightly raises his head, hesitating a bit before giving a slight nod and stands back up, taking a deep breath to push down his rising anxiety. There was a small twitch to his finger, having a small urge of punching himself to make that feeling exit his chest as it causes slight pain. To say that Kaiba was very shocked he’s feeling this again after years is an understatement. Very. Not even those odd times of soul stealing and Mokuba kidnapping, most of the time it was fear, anger and annoyance, not anxiety. A sharp breath through his nose comes out as he places his hand on his chest.

“It’s a bit of a… confusing time to see you here so early, Kaiba. “

“Underestimating my mind, huh, Pharaoh? “

“Well. I expect someone as smart and powerful as you would live longer than a few months, I’ll admit that. “

“...what? Live longer?? “

A blanket of confusion fell unto everyone, guards, Atem, Kaiba, and the priest at the right side of Atem. Kaiba then lets out a small chuckle, evolving into a laugh of amusement.

“Oh god, I’m not dead, Atem, as if I’d let that! ” Kaiba snorts out, Atem tilting his head and standing up in a sudden way, looking at the priest with a confused look before aiming that expression at the amused man. 


“Look at me, I look like some kind of fuck from a sci-fi movie, I assume you know what that means because I’m sure the nerd herd like to watch a lot of movies. I’m not sure if dead people can wear these to the afterlife or whatever. “ Kaiba slightly spreads his arms, presenting the gears stuck to his arm and his whole body, the end of his white coat dramatically flicking. 

“Well, if you’re still having a hard time, I traveled here thanks to this, “ Kaiba closes his eyes while leaning his head slightly to his right, index finger pointing at the side of his head, suggesting towards his brain. He places his right arm back at his side and sighs, 

“Whatever, I don’t need to explain myself - “ Kaiba goes to his dueling form, “I challe-”

The CEO was then cut off by a question from the Pharaoh, “You used that cube, didn’t you? Which almost caused, I don’t know, the world to crumble in pieces? “

Kaiba felt the corner of his mouth twitch, averting his eyes to the side as his body slowly slumps as if being scolded by his parents, “N… No? “

Atem snorts and pinches the bride of his nose in disappointment, before motioning at everyone to exit so he and Kaiba can be all alone, “We’ll need some privacy, Mahad. “

“Are you su-” Mahad pauses himself when he sees Atem’s facial expression become more subtly annoyed, before nodding and giving a small bow, “As you wish. “

Mahad commences his exit, guards trailing behind the priest obediently. Seto watches, their seemingly graceful walk passing by him every time. The final few guards then pulled the doors towards themselves, closing and indefinitely trapping Kaiba inside the building with his rival. He lets out a small hiss, staring at the doors before hesitantly looking back at Atem.

“Alright, Kaiba, what were we talking about again? Yes, almost ruining the world, as punishment, no duels for you. “ Atem continues to scold, sitting at his throne’s armrest as he looks off to the side, thinking about something as he strokes his chin. Kaiba quite literally wanted to growl at him and maybe shout in anger, but he just can’t help but act lowly before the higher man. 

‘Shorter, but higher. Heh. ‘ Kaiba smugly thinks, giving a slight nod to himself.

“What was that? “ Atem suddenly asks, making Kaiba flinch before groaning to himself. Can Atem hear his thoughts in the afterlife? Nah, no, nope, he’ll just have to deflect. Clearing his throat, he looks by the side, “...nothing. “

Atems eye twitches, putting on a grin, “Well then, Kaiba, why don’t you come up here then, hm? “ Patting the armrest he seats on.

Kaiba huffs, glaring at Atem then at the stairs, crossing his arms as he takes a single step back, “No thanks, I don’t do well with Egyptian stairs. “

The Pharaoh frowns, fixing his blonde bangs, “Kaiba, it’s six steps at most, I don’t think it’s too hard. “

“Oh yeah, and then what? - Why should I, even? “ Kaiba challenges, the glare battle continuing on between them.

“Oh for Ra’s sake, Kaiba! Just come here already, you know you want to. “ The commanding voice of Atem made Kaiba flinch once again, the CEO’s anger towards Atem’s refusal of dueling slowly steering itself towards himself. Kaiba isn’t usually a twitchy, flinching guy and he doesn’t know why he’s flinched twice now! Muttering as he makes his way to the throne, he starts thinking about whether or not Atem is using his powers in a weird way to make Kaiba Seto more… Submissive and fearful of his presence. Cheater.

Atem sighs, crossing his arms in a lax way, “Mmm, Kaiba, I haven’t done anything to you, stop blaming your Pharaoh for your problems, “ he teases, a smirk replacing the frown he wore. Kaiba’s index finger twitches as he snarls, “Stop reading my thoughts! “

“I can’t help it! A chance to look into your head, the quirky Kaiba - which by the way, you think way too fast, I advise you to calm down a bit. I can barely keep up. “ Atems smirk widen, amused with Kaiba now trying to think of things like paper and pens instead of thoughts he actually wants to think.

Atem then gets down, landing on the floor before approaching Kaiba, distracted from trying to think very hard about mundane things. Now, with the taller man being a bit vulnerable from any attack, Atem grabs the collar of the white coat and shoves Seto into the throne, getting a loud sound of pain followed by a groan. It took Kaiba a few seconds to calculate the action that was done and tried to fix himself into a sitting position, getting ready to scream Atem’s ear off as if he were a KaibaCorp. employee. That plan all dissolved when Atem leans down, grabbing at the outer edges of the armrests to support himself, slightly trapping Kaiba. Kaiba doesn’t know what got over him when his face started to feel hot as Atem looked into his eyes once again. 

“Get off.. “ 

“I don’t want to. It’s about time that you get a punishment, one, for being an idiot, and two, for being disrespectful to the Pharaoh. “ Atem licks his lips and moves his arms, placing his hands on the sitting area of the throne right by the sides of Kaiba, making it a tight space. Faces even closer together.

Kaiba inhales through his nostrils, trying to back his face away and closing his eyes but Atem didn’t like that, “Seto, “ bringing out his trump card, the man's name, “Look at me, don’t disrespect me even more. “

Kaiba lets out a breath, his breath starting to go disarray and disorganized, “You can’t tell me what to do, Atem. “

Atem closes his eyes, humming softly as he listens to Kaiba’s thoughts which are starting to fall apart that he can’t even understand a single word that occurs. The shorter man then raises his right hand, wandering before reaching the soft skin of Kaiba’s cheek, who responds in a hitched breath.

“Fine, this won’t do, I need you to be calm.. “ Atem sighs out, opening his eyes and is met with a flustered Kaiba with eyes still closed tight. The Pharaoh's hand then moves to the glowing piece stuck by Kaiba’s head, it faintly reminds Atem of earpieces in those movies he was shown during his time in the mortal realm. Too different, though, and those movies never made them glow for sure.

‘What an interesting item..’

Deciding that he wants Kaiba to be calm enough to form coherent thoughts, because it truly is starting to hurt Atems' own head to listen to Kaiba’s head, he might as well ask questions about something Kaiba might like to talk about. Atem gets a bit distracted with his hand close to Kaiba’s milky pale skin, so pale and flushed compared to the tanned skin he owns. He then clears his throat,

“Anyways, since you somehow broke life and death with your magnificent mind, why not tell me all about these new stuff you’re wearing. I certainly never saw you wear them before. ”

Kaiba gulps, opening his eyes and to his dread, Atem’s face is still up close,

“It’s- It’s just a headset. “

“Is that so… “

Atem then raises his wrist up close to the headset, clinking his golden wrist cuff with the metallic headset, hearing a satisfying sound between the two. He then slowly brings the cold gold to Kaiba’s cheek who leans towards it. Poor thing, the burning warmth on his face, flustered and scared about the Pharaoh being so close and forcibly entering the brunette's personal space. Atem was originally going to punish Kaiba by teasing and stuff like that, but Kaiba’s panicked and embarrassed thoughts are starting to give the man a headache and so he’s changing course.

Oh and of course, he noticed the subtle boner that Kaiba was sporting. It’s not easy to ignore, really. 

“You like the coldness of my wrist cuff, Kaiba~? “ Atem purrs, taking the cuff away from Kaiba’s cheek and then pulling it closer to the crotch of the trembling man, “Too bad, I’m going to make it hotter for you. “

Kaiba’s eyes open up right away in a slight alarm, “What does that mean-! “ Feeling a slight graze to his crotch, he gasps and uses his arms to raise his body to try and get away from the sudden contact, before being pushed back down by Atem,

“Steady, Kaiba, I only grazed it” The shorter man teases, snickering silently to himself which Kaiba responds to with his iconic Seto Kaiba glare. 

Atem then backs away, pushing himself up and turns his back to Kaiba, thinking about whether he should just ravage the flustered man right on his throne. Sure, very hot and arousing, but dear god, so uncomfortable. Atem clicks his tongue, stretching up his arms, letting out a small groan for Kaiba to hear before he starts walking away to his chambers. He isn’t concerned about Kaiba running away, knowing that the man would follow him just as Atem wants it. 

The painful silence of Kaiba was soon replaced by Kaiba’s boots clicking on the ground, assuring Atem that the brunette will obediently and quietly follow him. Thoughts pass by Atem’s head, thinking about whether or not he should really punish the man who is practically a living, volatile weapon or to worship the body of this King of the present. Both are deliciously amazing to fantasize about, but doing it both would be too much energy and too different to be done in one session. Another sigh. How difficult.

“Where are we going..? “ Kaiba meekly asks, trying to fix himself and wanting to fill up the silence they share as they walk.

“Mmm, why should I tell you? “ Atem purrs, leaning his face on the hand he placed on his cheek, turning around to face Kaiba all the while walking backwards. Kaiba scoffs, looking away with teeth clenched, wanting to punch the cheshire grin on the tanned face. The silence continues, Kaiba not wanting to continue on and risk being teased even more while Atem just stares, observing the way he walks, his coat fluttering like the Pharaoh’s blue cape and Kaiba’s thoughts rambling about weird torturing situations.

Step, step, step, “Ah” Atem then approaches a door, opening it up and slinking through the large enough gaps of the double doors, “Why don’t you come in with me, Kaiba? “

“And possibly trap myself in a torture dugeon? No. “

Atem peeks out, raising a brow at the man who stares at him as if he were a suspicious man leading Kaiba into a drug den. Kaiba is a very imaginative man indeed, if Atem were to not be able to read thoughts in the afterlife, he would’ve gone centuries just thinking that Kaiba’s head is just a blue eyes white dragon doing corporate stuff or something.


Now that he thinks about it, Atem is possibly the more imaginative one.

“Hush, it’s just my bedroom… “ Atem laughs out, before giving Kaiba a shit-eating grin, “Or do you want to be in one? “

Kaiba takes off after Atem, covering his mouth with his sweaty hand from all the minutes of being flustered and nervous with a muffled laugh coming through. Kaiba responds with a growl, before Atem pulls his hand away,

“It’s illegal to lay your hand on the Pharaoh, you know, “ The shorter man jokes, “Shut, just- Shut up! “ 

“Your face is so red, you poor little thing~” 

Kaiba was about to retort, but Atem took him by the wrist and pulls him inside the torture dungeon!

Which was just a large bedroom with an impressive bed, much to Kaiba’s relief (or dismay). Kaiba follows the pull of his wrist, observing the new environment, in which there are many golden trinkets. Impressive. Kaiba’s bedroom just consists of a bed (of course), a nightstand and a desk that he uses to work on when he doesn’t want to go to his work office or just can’t sleep. Very, very, plain compared to Atem’s. While he’s distracted, Atem pushes him down to the plush bed just as he pushed him into the throne but this time it was softer and didn’t fucking hurt.

“Stop pushing me you ass. “ Kaiba groans, adjusting his disk uncomfortably before Atem somehow took it off seamlessly, “Wha-”

“The afterlife does things like that, don’t be too surprised” Atem explains with a smile, carefully placing the disc on a table nearby while appreciating the designs. But although it is beautiful and sleek, there’s an even more beautiful man right behind him, so he won’t take any much longer before finally taking the blue-eyed man. Kaiba slowly sits up, unsure of what’s going to happen next, which really, kind of irritates him.

“Mind taking your headset off and handing it to me? “ Atem requests, stretching his open palm out to Kaiba.

Kaiba stares at the hand, before trailing his fingers up to his bright white headset and hands it off to Atem, trusting that the man will be gentle with all his techs. Atem smiles and places it beside his unique disk before cupping Kaiba’s face to appreciate all his facial features, before dipping in for a kiss.

“Wh-Wh-What the hell-!? “ Kaiba shouts in shock, slightly pulling away and covers his face, confusion and a queasy feeling wrapping around his head while Atem snorts at the man getting all flustered all over again. It’s just such a cute sight, considering Kaiba always made himself out as someone that is better and experienced in everything who can deal with everything. But apparently not with little things like a kiss though (barely a kiss, just a peck).

Kaiba then removes his hands, grabbing Atem by the forearms and stares into his eyes, "What was that?! " 

"A peck in the lips? A kiss, I guess. For how smart you are, it's silly you don't know what a kiss is~"

"I don't- I know what a kiss is! Why did you kiss me though?! "

Atem frowns a bit, "Oh, did I misread? I'd assume you like me after breaking life and death to meet with me. "

Kaiba pauses, blinking. He tried to say something, opening his mouth a bit but nothing came out, instead, all the words voiced itself in his head. Atem listens in on it, waiting for Kaiba to wrap all those thoughts up. 

'Like… Like?! Like. Do I like him?! Holy shit- No! I just want to duel him, of course! '

'...right? '

Atem stops himself from laughing at Kaiba's poor confused face, simply dramatically falling to the bed with his arm on his forehead, 

"Oh Kaiba! You can't even tell if you have feelings for someone! " He delivers his 'lines' with dramatic effects, looking at Kaiba who is looking at him, fuming. 

"Don't worry, you poor baby, I can teach you to be a normal person with feelings" 

Teasing the man was just so fun. 

Kaiba groans, "I know what feelings are! God, fine, okay, I guess I like you. But, like a rival. "

"Sure.. "

"I'm sure! "

'Why am I panicking? Calm down, Seto. Not like that was just your first kiss… But it's not like you care about those stupid things anyway! '

Atem blinks, half surprised yet half not surprised that it was Kaiba's first kiss. Atem adjusts his position and starts making circles on the soft sheets, staring up at Kaiba with a smile, 

"I can read your thoughts"

"Then stop reading my thoughts! "

Atem sits up and kisses Kaiba again, more impact than the first one and then pulls back, "I can't help it, my sweet Seto. "

Kaiba gulps, before closing his eyes and freeing when Atem goes in for another, another that is longer than the second kiss. It went on for a few seconds, soft kisses on the lips before the Pharaoh slightly opened Kaiba's agape lips with his tongue. The brunette lightly flinches from the sudden intrusion and grips on the tanned arms nearby and goes with it, not backing away or pushing. Atem smiles and pushes further, making the kiss more open mouthed.

Kaiba then pulls away, taking a deep breath and wipes his mouth, lying down. Atem hums, playing with the bangs splayed on the man's face, letting him take a break from all these sudden kissing and feelings and whatnot. Atem then tugs at the white coats sleeves.

“Why not take this off, and preferably every clothing you’re wearing”

“Buy me dinner first. “

A laugh comes from Atem, before going on top of Kaiba with his legs trapping the taller man's waist. He lowers himself down to the flushed face and giving a soft kiss, whispering by Kaiba’s ear,

“This will be your dinner, my dear. “

Kaiba gulps and gets pulled up to a sitting position which then proceeds to having his coat instantly taken off. Atem kisses him again, going even further and pushing himself deeper into Kaiba’s warm mouth, earning a small groan from him. The erotic sounds of their lips together felt so loud yet so soft, echoing in their ears as they pant within the evergrowing passion between the two. Kaiba could feel his turtle neck being raised up and he tries to help, before Atem suddenly cuts the kiss off and pushes Kaiba back down, revealing the man’s flat stomach to the Pharaoh.

The warm fingers of Atem touch his stomach, slowly trailing to his waist and feeling the curves. The gold adorned man sighs appreciatively before pushing the turtleneck further up, finally seeing the chest of the brunette who shivers from the passionate stare of Atem. 

"Do I have the permission to worship you? " Atem breathlessly asks, his arms craving to run itself through every centimeter of the body of the man below him. To tease those buds on with his tanned thumbs, making Kaiba slightly writhe underneath him and praising him with every reaction that he gives. Fuck. They haven't even done anything so physically taxing, but the young men are already feeling sweat climb up their bodies, a drop of the salty secretion dropping from Atem's face. 

"Shouldn't it be me who's gonna worship you? " Kaiba answers, before shivering from a single kiss at his stomach, 

"True, but for now, I want to worship your body. To make you feel good. Is that alright? Seto? " 

There was no solid answer from Seto, but from the way he took a breath and fully relaxed his whole body and fully removed the turtleneck he wore, it was a silent permission. Atem smiles, before cupping Seto's cheeks once more for another kiss, the soft lips of the other making Atem feel like he might spiral in an addiction of kissing the man. But he has other matters to attend to, like the enticing neck Seto had, wanting to pepper it with his kisses. 

Seto sucked in his breath when he felt warm contact to the left side of his neck, subconsciously leaning his head to the left to try and prevent any more contact but forced himself to lean his head to the right. Seto wants Atem to continue on, not wanting to stop him because of being slightly ticklish. The Pharaoh proceeds to place his teeth on the soft skin of his partner, nibbling gently before finishing it off with a lick. 

"Mmn.. " Seto lets out, nervously threading the sheets through the gaps of his fingers from the new kind of contact. It was so odd, it gave Seto's body a tingle of excitement, surprise and a sense of wanting more. 

Atem lets out a sound of happiness, going back to nibbling, slowly lowering himself to space between the neck and the shoulder blades. More pressure was given to his bite at the area, slight pain building up as Seto takes a few deep breaths, 

"Harder. "

Pain is something that the CEO will always hate and never in any circumstance would he ask for it, but the budding pain being caused by Atem's teeth made him quite eager to feel more. Atem hears his command and slowly places more pressure, making Seto gulp and throw his head to the right, pulling at the sheets and letting go in trembling relief once Atem has finally bitten down and let go. 

"Unfortunately it would bruise your perfect skin, but I'm filled with happiness that it was by me. Shall I treat your body as a blank canvas, to mark and paint with my passion? " Atem whispers, kissing up Seto's collarbone and nibbling the shell of his ear. 

"Please, make me your canvas, " Seto whispers back as he snakes his hand up Atem's arm, giving a slight squeeze at the man's biceps.

Atem then changes his stance, changing from the neck to the chest. He notices that the pale pink buds of Seto have risen from arousal, soon giving it teaseful attention by circling around it with his thumb. Atem earns a quiet and shaky gasp from the man below him who moves, trying to cross his legs together. The higher man gulps, the gasp and leg crossing making him feel things even if it were just such simple reactions. Seto then closes his eyes, wanting to feel the touch even more by focusing on it. He could feel the thumb inching closer to his neglected nipple, before losing all the warmth that was close by. It's quite an embarrassing statement, but Kaiba whined. 

"Seto Kaiba, whining underneath me. What a sight. " 

Atem expected to be hit with a glare or grunt of dislike, but he only felt a slight squeeze by his bicep once again. Kaiba sighs, his thumb drawing circles on the skin of Atem, soothing himself from the repetitive motion before being distracted by a suddenly wet yet warm feeling on his neglected bud. 

“Ahmn! “ Kaiba moaned, slightly muffled by him instantly closing his mouth before it all fully came out with his face somehow getting even hotter. Atem kept down his laugh, licking the hard nipple that was in his mouth before returning it inside his warm cavern.

“F-Fuck… “

Within the pleasure, Atem mixes in pain as he bit the pec, earning a wonderful groan from his partner. 

“Gods, I love hearing you make these noises.. “ Atem compliments, before taking in the other bud, hands appreciating Kaiba’s waist and hip, leaving tingling marks. The sneaky fingers unclasped the belts then hooked themselves at the waistband of the black pants, slightly lowering it.

Kaiba gulps, Adam apple bobbing as excitement starts to leak into him with Atem getting closer to finally giving attention to his throbbing genital. Atem then takes one of Kaiba’s hands, intertwining their fingers together once the pants have been raised down to the man's knees, Atem wanting to stare into Kaiba's eyes. The coldness within the deep blue melting away soon covered by Kaiba closing his eyes as he throws his head back, back arched when Atem finally touches his bulge. 

"Open your eyes, Seto. It's an order. " 

'Don't want to… Fuck his eyes are so- God his face. ' Seto rambled on in his thoughts, before opening his eyes to look at the handsome face that was slightly flushed. 

"Aww, Seto, you like my face and eyes as well? " Atem teased, before removing the final piece that covers Seto at the crotch, revealing his cock drenched in sweat and pre-cum. 

With a single stroke, Atem earns himself a breathy moan from Seto with hips raising itself for more contact against the hand nearby. Atem pulls away, wanting to give a soft punishment for Kaiba to respond to his command,

“Seto, dear, open those eyes up, I need you to look at me loving your body. “ Atem sighs with a slight growl which gives him the instant effect he wanted with those eyes back looking at him. The Pharaoh offers a smile, raising the hand he holds to his mouth before kissing the palm lovingly,

“Before I go further, I want to say that… I love holding your hand. It’s quite a shame I never tried to hold them before going here; maybe it was because you would have tried to murder me, but that’s besides the point - I feel like it’s a puzzle that fits with my hand. So warm, slightly bigger than mine, so soft yet so scarred, rough. It really says a lot about how you work hard… “ Atem kisses Seto’s hand again and then kisses the tip of the index finger, “I wonder… Have you tried pleasuring yourself with these fingers of yours? “ 

“I wouldn’t have minded if you tried to hold my hand…”  Seto admits under his breath, ignoring the question.

“Are you admitting that your feelings went way back, not just something that came recently~? “ 

“ “

Atem kisses the index one last time, before opening his mouth up and letting the finger slip in, then pushing another inside, flicking his tongue at them. Keeping the eye contact, he sucks on them, licking and nibbling before letting them out with saliva galore, noticing Kaiba’s breathing having become more erratic from this short show with wider eyes. Atem smirks while he smudges the fingers at the edge of his lips,

“Care to answer my question? “

“What do you mean by pleasure myself  with my fingers..? D-Do you mean my as- that. That thing. “

“Just say your asshole Seto, and yes, I’m talking about your asshole. “ Atem snorts and soon gives another stroke at Kaiba’s dick and having his finger gliding at the leaking slit,

“Nn- ah, no. It’s weird to think about, nevermind doing it. “

“So, you never tried it, huh. Well, why don’t we try? “

“I’m not sure about that… “

“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure it’s good; I don’t want to hurt the man I worship too much. “ Atem kisses Seto again, pulling back with an assuring smile. Most of the hesitance tightening in Seto’s chest melted away, bringing the Atem saliva covered fingers to his mouth, suckling on them as if they were covered in precious, sweet, golden honey. Atem lets out an erotic groan,

“Please pleasure me more, my Pharaoh, teach me something new.. “ Seto says with seduction laced at every word.

“I will, my dear~” 

Atem pinches Kaiba’s nipples, earning a small wince and giving the stomach a final kiss before moving on the greater price which throbbed and leaked. The tanned man inhales as he dips down, lips placed on the tip and opening, letting his tongue out. Parted lips opening wider from hips pushing up, he hums and pulls away again.

‘Goddamnit, he really won’t go through it fully, I feel like bursting.. ‘

“Hahah, I’m sorry Seto - truly. “ Atem fully removes the underwear and pants, Seto’s black boots being the only thing left


Atem raises the man's thighs, this part of his body having its turn of butterfly kisses of appreciation. Honestly, Atem would like to be crushed by these thighs. He does the same actions at the other thigh before licking at a certain area, tongue flicking and teeth aching to bite at the supple skin.

“I know it’s too late to ask for permission now, “ Atem starts, eyes glancing at the two hickeys left at the chest and neck, “but may I leave a mark? “

“Like you and I said, I’m a blank canvas, do whatever you want. “

Atem pushes his cheek to the thigh, smiling and soon having lips fully placed on it, baring his teeth and biting down with a small wriggle coming from the owner of the leg.

“It’s a bit more painful there..” Seto muses and getting a response of another bite right beside the fresh one, “Ah… “

“Would it be vulgar to say that I would love to have your legs wrapped around me? And crushing me with your thighs… “

“You’re weird, that’s all I have to say. “ Seto jokes before wrapping his legs around Atem’s neck, lazily crossing together to trap the man in between and gently pushing him closer to his genital, “Appreciation is not weird~”

“I would love to go slower and compliment you more, but I’m quite excited to make you feel good here. Maybe the rest of my complementing escapade will have to be for next time. “ Atem says and prods his middle finger to the hole of Seto.

“Okay… I’ll trust you. “

It was such a small and simple sentence, but the amount of happiness and gratefulness that flooded him makes it something special to his heart. 

“Thank you for trusting me, it makes me happy” Atem smiles, the heartwarming moment being disrupted by the man suddenly going down and fully placing the tip into his mouth once he’s covered his fingers with oil that just appeared out of nowhere,

“Ah! F-Fuck~ “

‘Why, why, why does his mouth feel so good, unfair, unfair, unfair’ 

Atem fixes his position to something comfortable, or, well, as comfortable as one can be with legs tightening around his head and trying to finger the owner of said legs - but that doesn’t matter anyways, he just wants to pleasure Kaiba as much as he can. Head going further on the cock, he inserts one finger in, making sure to suck and skillfully use his tongue to distract Seto from the possibly awkward and weird feeling of a finger inside his exit hole. 

“No~ Ahh, Ahhtem, it’s too mmm, fuck, fuck, fuck- “

With the final profanity being said, it all devolves into mindless moans from his beloved. 

‘So sensitive… ‘ Atem comments in his head, starting to fully go into his role of sucking and inserting while trying to find the jackpot but is then pulled out of it once he notices the whitenoise changed. Kaiba started to cover his moans, maybe embarrassed from how suddenly loud he became, mouth tightly on lips and eyes tightly shut. Fine, he may forgive Seto for closing his eyes again, but covering his beautiful sounds is just quite a bigger sin to commit than murdering Atem, the Pharaoh. Getting up, cock leaving his mouth with a soft pop, he loosens the legs of his partner,

“Now, now, my dear, that won’t do. “ Atem sighs, earning a muffled whine from Kaiba.

“No, I’m sorry- “

“Sh, sh, sh, don’t worry. “ Atem then crawls up, taking Seto’s mouth from his lips and cuffing the flushed man's wrists, a surprised expression appearing at the face of the brunette.

‘When did he-’

“Oh I didn’t have it awhile ago, I just thought it up and it appeared~! “ Atem happily explains, “If y-you could do that and remove my disk easily, why didn’t you…” Kaiba clamps his teeth and groans, “use whatever those were in undressing me instantly. “

“Well, it’s because stripping you was hot.“

“I see. “

Atem combs the messy bangs of Seto, kissing his forehead, “Don’t try to cover your sounds anymore, alright? “

“Not like I have a choice anyways. “ Seto snorts, moving his wrists to test out the cuffs.

“Well, it was a decision that had to be made, “ Atem softly laughs, “I’ll continue now. “

The Pharaoh crawls down again, spreading legs wide this time to have a wider view of the entrance he was soon going to penetrate. This time, a hand was used instead of a mouth, but of course, he was still as skilled and still as pleasurable. Finger closing in on the hole again, pushing it in with gentleness and care, the venture for the jackpot continuing its paused journey. 

“Haah… Ugh - hah! “

“Yes, yes, beautiful. “

Atem inserts a second finger, hoping it would help with the process but unexpectedly finds it instantly, earning a yelp and legs trying to curl around the tanned man. 

“Hah… Found it. “ The man then curls his two fingers, earning a loud moan from the man beneath him, a moan escaping Atem’s slightly chapped lips as well. The man prods the spot again, another attack. Again, and again, he attacked the weakness of his rival, just as he always does in their duels. You could say this was just another way of dueling. 

After playing with that one spot, he moves around to also try and see if there are other pleasurable places that he's able to take advantage of. Seto cries out from the fingers inside him moving so much, grazing so many places that made him ache by his abdomen, butterflies fluttering so much. Once Atem is finished going around, he returns to the prostate to rub with his fingers to see how long Seto would last against something new yet so blissfully amazing. 

“No, no waAAH! Wait - Atem plea- hngh..-”

Chains of the handcuffs shaking louder, legs moving, not knowing how to respond to the pure bliss happening nearby and soon, white bursts out, staining both Seto and Atem, the cum blending in with the tunic and loincloth before the spots darken, indicating that the cloth is now wet. Atem lets go of his held breath, panting in symphony with Kaiba. The tanned man gives a soft chuckle of satisfaction, raising his chin up and closing his eyes, another pearl of sweat falling off his flushed face. No string of words could really describe how much satisfaction, bliss and arousal Atem felt when pleasuring Kaiba; once his rival and now his intimate partner.

“Another. “ Seto quietly commanded, having mostly recovered from the high bliss at a very quick pace.

“Of course, of course,  after all - I love seeing you like this, it would be a waste just doing this for one round~” 


Atem collects some semen on his finger, confidently bringing it up to his lips and lapping it all up, causing Kaiba to look at him with wide eyes, slight disgust before shyly looking away. The fingers that were still inside then curl again, moving on to the second phase.

“O-Oh! Atem… ah. Not your fingers - with your dick. “ Seto deadpans… Well, as much as he can with a sweaty and flushed face. 

If it’s possible for someone to choke on air, then Atem was able to do it.

“Well that was unexpected! “ Atem laughs out, “What the fuck do you mean unexpected? It is literally what sex is, sticking your dick inside the… urgh, ‘entrance’ or whatever. Isn't that what you were going to do?“ Kaiba blurts out

“Hmm… Okay, we can do that… But are you ready, though? “

“I promise you, even if your dick is 10 meters, it’s still gonna be less painful than the amount of times you keep beating me! “

“Oh Seto, you never really stop thinking about card games, hm? I like card games but honestly, that very statement of yours almost killed off my erection. "

Seto huffs and watches Atem trace circles around his belly button, spreading more of the semen that landed on his stomach. 

"I feel like… Licking it all off your body.. " 

"Why don't we just go to the main event- mmm… " Kaiba gulps, tongue already placing itself on his belly, licking around and tasting his salty secretion. Atem then grips at his waist, making sure his body stays in place and prevents it from moving away or arching whenever something ticklish happens.

Breathing out, Kaiba tries to relax his body more and sinks his head down to the plush pillows once realizing that he kept such a tiring position with his head. Relaxation came better for him from the soft kisses and licks Atem gave, not too bothered with a raging erection having just gotten back from a high. Of course, his cock is starting to regain its hardness, but at least he can actually focus on the small intimacies without frustration and agonizing pain of arousal. Atem finishes lapping all his semen up and cleans the ones that are stuck to the corners of his mouth, then he catches a glance from Kaiba. 

Atem brings the finger he used to wipe the semen away and gives it a kitten lick, watching in amusement as Kaiba's eyes instantly look away with a small twitch at the mouth. 

"You seem pretty relaxed, why don't we stop now? You must be tired. " Atem suggests. 

"Objection, I want you in me" Kaiba says, Atem softly shaking his head, "Alright, alright, I shall commit to the end, your honor"

Atem gives a small him, before crawling up to Seto's chest and hovers upon him, "I'll just use your mouth for a while, if you don't mind"

Seto stares at the tunic slightly raised by Aten's clear erection, before looking up with a face as if he just got offended, "You wear nothing under there? "

"Yes? What's the problem? "

"Isn't that… Uncomfortable? Just… Why? "

"Hey, underwear made me feel like I can't breathe, the only reason why I wasn't butt naked whenever I took over is I didn't want Yugi being in trouble, I don't judge you for your life of undies, you don't judge me for my life of no undies, " Atem muses, moving the cloth up and revealing his own cock, "Now, shall we continue? "

"Never say undies again, and yes we shall, it's overdue" Kaiba mutters to himself, scrunching his nose as he thinks about how many seconds earlier Atem would be inside his mouth if Kaiba just didn't ask about the vigilante life of no underwear. Atem really wants to laugh at the thoughts but simply pushes his tip to the agape and soft lips of Kaiba which welcomes him at ease, opening up. He slides in the slick mouth, sighing in satisfaction at the pleasure he finally gives himself the luxury to have. Although he liked teasing and touching Seto, it's without a doubt, still painful to not touch himself. Of course, Seto knew this feeling. Atem smirks to himself and lets out a low moan as Seto fully takes him in, giving a small suck and trying to adjust his tongue. 

Honestly, Atem intended to only do this for at least a minute before moving on to the final destination, but Seto's mouth felt warm and heavenly, a pleasure so amazing. It's not like this was his first time ever unlike Seto, but the lords really crafted the man under him so well because goodness gracious he feels like staying inside and fucking the mans mouth. 

'BUT! ' A voice yelled in Atems head, 'He's gonna get impatient! And you too! You'll be too tired if you finish in his mouth, dumbass. ' Atem grunts, thrusting and pushing farther, taking a few breaths as he hears a small gag from Seto. The man then backs away, his slick cock connected with a string of saliva to Seto's lips. 

"Jeez-" Seto coughs and inhales, "What was all that about being gentle with me? Feel too good? " he teases with a sloppy smirk. 

"Yes, it felt good, I'll admit that. " Atem breathes out, then he adjusts Seto a bit before adding more oil to the entrance, feeling a small shiver from the man before placing the tip nearby, "This will feel better, though"

Soon enough, the golden clasp around the waist was removed with the loincloth and thrown by the side. It clacks with the ground with the rustling sounds of Atem removing his white tunic, finally undressing himself and revealing everything that is under him yet the golden accessories stay. But there was no complaint about that, in fact, they looked even better on the nude presence of the Pharaoh. 

Seto held his breath, letting out all the air as he pushed his head back, his support being the cuffs that he held unto with slight stinging pain going on with his ass. Atem was trying to get his tip in, wondering whether he should prepare the man a little longer, but there were no complaints. Sure, Seto might be a virgin, but Seto still likes to speak his thoughts out with his different worries and concerns, to say what he wants. He was then able to get the tip in with a few groans from Seto, finally bypassing one of the hard parts, then he starts tracing circles on the brunettes stomach,

"Too much? "

"No.. "

"Say the truth Seto, I need to know, truly, so I can make it better for you, " Atem sighs, bringing the thigh closer to his mouth with his hand, gripping firmly. He gives a single kiss while keeping eye contact with those blue eyes and smiles. 

"I'm fine, I promise.. " Seto quietly gasps out, “Also… Are you sure that was enough preparation? I mean, I'm doing fine, really, but I think it might be easier to do this with some more… Prodding around-“ 

It was a question that was asked so meekly,  a question Seto was embarrassed to ask after all the time he’s been asking for Atem to hurry it up.

“Well, I did as much as I could in the time crunch you put on me - during sex, Ra knows what you do to your employees with time crunches. “ Atem jokes, even though he really was never rushed, they’re just both impatient men, and that's okay. Seto gave an inward kick at Atem's legs for that joke since he can't really smack him at the head with his bound hands. 

"Hey-" Atem retorts, spreading the man's legs wider, "No kicking. God I can't believe I have to say that during something so intimate. "

Seto snorts. Atem jokingly rolls his eyes, 

“Alright, do you want me to prep you more? I admit, it was more all about finding your prostate than properly stretching you for me, “ Atem confesses.

Seto gives himself a few moments to calculate, comparing different scenarios that could come about with not needing anymore prep or having more prep. Atem watches as he’s a bit amused with Seto’s flushed face looking so serious, thinking and thinking. He can still hear it, his thoughts, and all the well thought out scenarios roaming around before one became the winner. Ah, there’s his decision. It was 'Fuck it, he's already inside with the tip. '

“Alright then, if you want that..” 

Pushing himself more, carefully going against the resistance of the opening towards something larger than fingers. Understandable, but Atem will still follow through, gulping as he slowly descends into the warmth. Seto mutters something to himself, limbs lightly twitching from the sting that brought pain yet made him feel so warm and wanted more. His deep breathing morphs into pants once Atem is fully in, finally deep within him. Both connected so intimately, Seto feels like he's lying on cloud 9 instead of the crumbled sheets beneath their bodies. 

Atem let's out a soft gasp when he moves himself in the tight and warm place he's in then gives a single stroke to Seto's cock, 

"I'm happy to do this with you, you're so beautiful, so alluring, " 

A satisfied sigh from Atem harmonizes with Seto's small whine. The Pharaoh then reaches to Seto's neck and places a few kisses under Seto's chin and licks the mark from awhile ago and murmuring a few more compliments, 

"Just tell me when to move, my love. "

Kaiba lowers his head and looks at Atem, "Please, kiss me.. "

And with that, he gets rewarded with a deep kiss with a small whisper of a 'now' from Seto in-between the wet kisses that was followed by a small push from Atems hips. 

"Holy- No, no, " Seto gasps from Atem slightly pulling back, "Need more time- it's too… Haaah, good. "

"Awh, that's cute of you~"

The eyes of Seto squinted at him in disagreement at the compliment, "I can tolerate all your compliments, but do not call me cute. "

"Why not, my cutie pie? " 

Seto shakes his head, doing a small pout at the compliment he is not entirely used to and has never been called even during his times as a child. It was always about him being mysterious, majestic, beautiful, handsome, but none of those gave him the small butterflies he was feeling from being called cute by Atem himself. Seto is unsure why he's reacting like this to just another compliment, another word, another-

Seto was interrupted from his thoughts when Atem took his cheeks to make him face the Pharaoh, gulping after he remembered about the mind reading mechanism that exists within the afterlife. 

"Not used to getting called cute? But you like it… I wonder how flustered you would be if someone called you cute before I even said it, " Atem smirks, "Thinking about it, you would look so adorable with a flustered face, not knowing what to do or how to react to it. "

Seto gives a small whine as a response, averting his eyes away. Atem thrusts in to make Seto gasp and moan, subconsciously pushing his hip into Atem's, body yearning for this absolutely amazing feeling that it has never felt. 

"You like to be complimented like this instead? I wish I would have known earlier, you know, of course, you're still beautiful, handsome, godly, but, " Atem grunts, giving another small thrust, "If I knew - I would've called you cute, adorable; so sweet to look at as if you were a dessert. "

Seto cries out once again, the thrusts gaining pattern and fogging his numb brain, especially with all the compliments suddenly flooding in. At least the compliments a while ago were quite spread out, but this kept going on and it might have broken some kind of circuit in Seto's head. 

"It's a secret of mine, but I always thought you looked cute and endearing in just a black turtleneck. I'm not sure why, but it made me want to cuddle you and place kisses on your face. Hug ever so tightly. "

Another thrust, another compliment, 

"You may not know, but sometimes I caught you pouting your lips a few times, nobody or you, yourself noticed it, but I did. I wanted to coo at you, to kiss you. "

"N-No, please Atem, too much! Ah~! "

"Too much? I'm just complimenting you in the ways you want to be complimented, my sweet dear. You're so majestic, more than how gods dance, you're so handsome, more than me, more beautiful than any concubine, but do those make you bend? You want to hear me sing words about how you look adorable with a flushed face, how I want to hug you when you do something endearing, how I would coo whenever you try to be nice or sweet? "

A violent shudder climbs up the spine of Seto, whining, whimpering, moaning and groaning, "AhhTEM! " he moaned ever so loudly. 

"You don't want me to be in awe of you, to kneel before you; instead, you want me to hug you, dote on you, cuddle you and give little kisses at your cheeks and gush about how cute you look whenever you're embarrassed. Do you want that? "

Once Atem has finally established a pattern to his thrusts, he quickens the pace and lets out a few groans from the pleasurable grip on his cock, warm all over and tight. It's just so amazing, so blissful, but even more so because the one he's being so intimate with, so close together, melding body and soul, is with Seto. The one who he always seemed to appreciate only in the background, like the sea and the moon, to appreciate from far, far away, ever so silently. If only Seto was able to realize his feelings for Atem so much earlier, they could have been closer before he passed on. Maybe that would've made his disappearance much more painful, so maybe he should be glad. The sounds that the two made together all melted together, turning into delightful white noise. 

"I love you, Seto, I love you so much, I want to take care of you, spoil you in however I can, I want to adore you so much - Mnnn~ It's so painful how much I want to do all those, " Atem kisses Seto, cutting away the cries of satisfaction, 

"Me too, Atem, I want to take care of you too, to spoil you, I want to kneel before you-! Please, please, keep going -" Seto gasps in-between his words, throat threatening to break from so much of his screams, "I'm almost there, please~! "

The begs of the man underneath made Atem moan out loud, slowing his thrusts down a bit to focus more on the strength of the thrusts, pushing in as much as he can. He wants to push Seto over the edge, to make sure Seto will never forget this experience and will always come begging for more, just like how he is now. Atem throws his head back, Seto following suit. The Pharaoh took a few moments to pause from the gratifying feeling that flooded in, entrance tightening so much around him, indicating the close release of his partner. 

Atem hears a small growl escape his throat, his grip on soft tissue becoming tighter and rougher. Seto might have another pair of bruises on his body, by his thighs. But he kept going, thrusts having a pattern that was amazing and flowed well, giving both participants pleasure. But it has to end, unfortunately, even earlier than the average length of men, one being inexperienced and one having gone on not doing any intimate acts with anyone for so long.

"Shit- I'm close too, Seto, d-do… You want me to… " Atem breathes out his words, struggling to say each word with decent clarity, "Inside you? "

"Yes, please stain me inside, like I stained you outside! " 

If it was possible to cum from words, that might have done it for Atem, and maybe many times for Seto considering all the compliments that went on. His tanned hand then reaches out to one of the cuffed arms, releasing it and holding it, holding hands once again. Seto gave Aetm a faint expression of affection and pure, innocent love, from that simple gesture and gave a grateful smile. Atem connects their foreheads together, breathing into each other while hips start to coincide again. The brunette finally catches his release, soft chanting of the Pharaoh's name. 

"I'm almost there, please bear with me, my love" Atem murmurs. 

Seto gave a soft squeeze to the man's hand as a way to tell him that it's fine, that he wants Atem to see himself find release, probably too spent to speak anymore higher than a whisper he would never hear. Atem's teeth latch on soft skin, biting as he reaches the new heights of pleasure faster, getting rougher at every thrust. More moans arise from his partner, Atem drooling all over said partner's shoulder. After a few more thrusts, he finally arrives at his end and bites down hard, possibly drawing blood, but it didn't matter. Atem's balance staggers, relaxing his limbs a bit, finally one with Seto. 

"I love you.. " Seto mumbles ever so closely to his ear. 


Atem sighs and takes his cock out which was slowly losing its erect state, finally satisfied. He then releases the other cuffed hand before lying down right beside the panting man. 

"I would've lasted longer, but considering it's been a few thousands of years since I've done this activity, it would be understandable" Atem hums. 

Seto just gave away silence, but it was not bad, it was a comfortable silence. The ability to talk soon come back to the brunette, albeit a bit rough and quiet, 

"Well thank god you didn't last longer, I wouldn't be able to keep up.. Fuck-" He touches his new mark, grumbking a bit, "You drew out blood… "

"Yes, I apologize. "

"You sure you're not a vampire? Didn't see you spit the blood out. "

"Maybe everything about you tastes so sweet that your blood tastes sweet as well. "

"Ugh, " Seto's nose wrinkles before moving to lay at his side and wrapping his arms around Atem's waist to pull him closer, "You always shock me, you triggered something I didn't know about myself. "

"Compliments about how cute you are and about how many cute things I want to do with you? Yeah, I wouldn't have guessed either, " Atem chuckles. 

"Nobody would've, you're just so not cute like that, with your biting attitude, " Atem hums out, moving to his side as well and placing a kiss to Seto's forehead, "But keep the attitude up, I only want the adorable Seto to myself. "

"Alright, alright, I like being called cute, don't overdo it. " Seto groans, trying to hide how much it's affecting him. Atem gives a tooth grin. 

"Shall we wash up? I have a pool we can clean up in, no need to stand, just sit and relax together with some fruits… "

"That would be nice, haven't had a moment to relax. "

"Yes, because you made it your choice to not relax, you workaholic. "

"It's because you never said bye to me. " Seto complained, then touched the corners of his mouth in disgust, "God I feel disgusted with drool. "

"Not cum in your ass? "

"That too, " Seto sighs out and tries to sit as slowly and as pain free as he can do it, feeling the aftermath of every bite and bruise and whatever else flooding his whole nervous system. It felt like a buzz. 

Atem sat up more faster and confident than his poor partner, getting off the bed and trails to the other side of the bed to assist Seto with his walking. He extends his hand to the other, softly being slapped away as Seto denies the help and got off on his own, legs tired yet managing all the while, 

"You can just lead me there, Pharaoh, it's dripping everywhere, " Seto muses while Atem just chuckles and rubs his wrist, before nodding and making a gesture to the door, "We'll be heading out there first, I'm sure there are no guards by the doors. "

"Hopefully" Atem mumbles under his breath which was not caught by Seto who just takes a few long strides to the door and opens it up to peek out, seeing no sign of another soul. The door fully opens up, Seto shrugging and rolling his shoulders, "Welp, no one, let's go. "

Atem catches up with the nude brunette and stretches his arms as he proceeds through the walls he is oh so familiar with, knowing every trace, scratch and stain that is on every area of the walls, floor, roof. He subconsciously moves closer to the walls, tracing a line with his fingers and continues to move, entranced. Seto simply just watched, before looking at his side and observing the walls he was too busy to look at, taking silent notes of decorations and carvings. With a few turns, Seto and Atem finally reach a pool. 

A very large pool. 

Might as well be a pond they just built around and decorated, Seto wouldn't know the difference, maybe. There were a few bowls of different fruits to choose from, Seto deciding to pick up the bowl of green grapes to go along with the cliche while Atem went into the waters straight away, a satisfied hum coming from his lips. Seto eats a single grape before following the actions of the Pharaoh and was quite surprised that it was warm. The warmth made his muscles tingle, finally relaxing themselves and almost making Seto collapse before Atem snatched him and helped him sit down. 

"This is good… " Seto compliments, sinking in deeper while Atem twirls a strand of brown hair around his finger, appreciating the closed eyes and relaxed lips. Atem then moves on to twirling his own blonde bangs, observing each golden bowl, complemented with such bright fruits, freshly picked. Seto opens his eyes and observes the fruits as well, then rising a bit to reach his bowl of grapes to feed to his partner, taking on and gently pushing it to the corner of Atem's lips, 

"Say 'aaah'" Seto jokes, pushing the fruit with more force, before being aggressively bitten away, almost taking Seto's fingers with the crushed fruit, "I'm not a child"

"Sure, " Seto gives a peck at the tanned cheek, "Just wanted to spoil you, my dear Pharaoh~"

Atem wraps his arms around the brunette's neck, smiling a bit and placing their foreheads together once again, both closing their eyes as Atem spoke, 

"You're my cute Seto, my darling, my love, my dearest… " The words came out silky and softly, whispers of loving nothings coming afterward which made Seto's chest tighten again. This made him shiver, squirm, squeeze at something. All of this was so overwhelming, yet not unwelcomed by him. It gave him bliss, true bliss, something that he might have never experienced ever when winning the duel he came for. Honestly, thank god Atem was assertive and bold at the beginning, maybe this would have never happened because Seto was too stubborn for that game. 

"I love you, my Pharaoh" Seto spills out, hugging Atem, his fingers intertwining under the warm waters. 

"What's your favorite fruit, anyways? " Atem suddenly asks with Seto pulling away to respond, "Filet mignon. "

Atem laughs at the stupid and awful joke that Seto has just placed upon him, his rich laugh echoing as Seto listened happily, seeping in these happy reactions of Atem. He shakes his head, taking the bowl of grapes again and eating them, juice slightly dribbling from his mouth, 

"Well, I never thought about it, but these grapes are good. "

Atem picks one out for himself, munching on the delicate fruit before grabbing a random bowl of fruit, seeing it to be pomegranates. A wonderful fruit that Atem likes to indulge in eating a lot, 

"How about you try this? Have you eaten pomegranates before? "

"I can't say I have.. "

"They're good, an honest and truthful opinion of mine. "

"Then maybe I shouldn't try it then, I don't trust your honest opinions" Seto boops Atem's nose, earning a small sneeze from the man. 

"Awh, come on! Try it~"

The chatter continues on, the warmth of the waters stay, and the fruits slowly disappear one by one at the hands of two rowdy men. Their joy continues to beat. Atem smiles as Seto spits out a fruit that was apparently not up to his taste, peace of mind filling his head and heart from the sight of his beloved. 


Ah, sweet beloved Prideshipping

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