The Crystal Golem: Steven Uni...

By Dat_Dorito

59.3K 1.2K 291

This is my first story so feedback (both negative and positive) is welcome. This story starts when the Crysta... More

Beesechurger Packback
Together Breakfast
Feline phalanges
Effervescence companions
Tiger millionaire
Mirrored oceans
Trust and promises

Semi-serious Steven

1.1K 38 7
By Dat_Dorito

3rd POV

Steven is waking in a daze, a ringing in his ear and looking really worried. An alarm is heard, as he looks around and sees Beach City Funland in ruins, with giant teacups scattered across the park, and several people including Amethyst and Pearl seem to be hurt. Only Garnet and Y/N appear unharmed, standing up and looking in Steven's direction.

Time Skip - 2 weeks after the incident.

Y/N: are you sure that he will be fine without me there?

Pearl: of course! We want him to be safe as much as you do.

Amethyst: yeah, nothing is going to happen to that little ball of energy, so cool you're jets.

Pearl: alright! Steven! It's time to go!

Steven: I'm coming!

He comes running into the living room and stands next to Pearl.

Garnet: alright, Let's go.

Before Pearl walks onto the warp pad, Y/N grabs her arm and pulls her to the side.

Y/N: if anything happens to him, I do not care how many I have to kill to find you, and I will. do you understand what I am telling you?

Pearl just stares at him.

Pearl: O-of course.

She then enters the warp stream, still looking at him.

Garnet: Pay attention Steven, this is going to be your first serious mission. You need to be ready.

Steven: Yes! I'm ready, I'm so ready!

Pearl: Steven, come on, you're gonna make yourself sick.

She grabbed the upside down boy and turns him upright. But in the process gets hit in the eye by Steven's ukulele.

Pearl: Why did you bring that?

Steven: I don't know! I was excited, and i-it's mine, and I like it!

The ukulele starts floating away upwards and Steven swims after it.

Pearl: Steven get back here! You could get seriously-

The Gems warp onto a Warp Pad in the middle of a field of giant strawberries with Steven several feet in the air.

Pearl: -hurt!

Steven falls several yards away from the Warp Pad, and into the strawberry field, groaning in pain.

Pearl: Steven! Are you...??

Steven: I-I'm fine! I'm good. I'm just gooey.

Steven finds himself covered in strawberry juice and licks his arm. He then sees a swarm of butterflies surrounding him, and they cling onto his face and arms.

Steven: Aaaah! Aah! They're in my eyes!

He runs around while frantically yelling and trips over.

Garnet swats the butterflies away from Steven.

Garnet: They're just butterflies, Steven.

Steven gets up and laughs sheepishly.

Steven: Well, they looked a lot bigger when they were on my eyeballs.

Amethyst: Steven, you're a riot!

Pearl: I'm suddenly having second thoughts about bringing Steven on this mission.

Garnet puts her palm on Pearl's shoulder.

Garnet: Shh. Just look at him.

Steven strikes a determined pose in the background.

Garnet: Now let's go recover the gemstone.


I'm currently walking through the forest with Anne looking for her cubs. Steven noticed that she was depressed and asked why, but once he found out, he demanded that I go find her children.

Y/N: do you know where they might be?

The bear answered by leading me into the dark side of the woods.

Y/N: lead the way then.

3rd POV

The Crystal Gems begin walking through the strawberry field, littered with swords stuck in the ground.

Pearl: Unbelievable, this was once a Gem battlefield, now it's wild strawberries as far as the eye can see! Oh, that's what I love about the Earth! Maybe this will be a light mission after all.

Garnet comes to a halt and Pearl bumps into her.

Pearl: Oomph.

The Crystal Gems find themselves standing in front of an upside-down pyramid temple.

Garnet: Maybe not.

Garnet summons a small pyramid piece and slots it into the Pyramid Temple. The door magically disappears, revealing a path into the temple.

Steven: Woooaaahhh!

The Crystal Gems enter the temple.

Steven: Steven's the best!

An echo of "Steven's the best!" returns.

Steven: Why thank you, temple.

Amethyst: You're a doof.

Steven looks around and sees a small pyramid levitating on a pedestal.

Steven: Hey, what's this thing? It's like a cool floaty triangle thing.

Pearl: Whatever it is, you probably shouldn't touch it.

Steven touches the small pyramid and it tips over. The Temple begins to shake and rumble. The Gems quickly rush to Steven.

Pearl: Steven! What have we told you about touching magical things?

Steven: Definitely... always... never do it!

The Crystal Gems begin to float off the ground, as they are seemingly sucked into a hole in the ceiling.


We eventually make it into a clearing in the forest where we see the cubs cowering in a tree.

Y/N: something must have scared them.

Anne just runs to the tree to confront her children.

Y/N: what else is here, and how did it not find the cubs?

As if it was listening, just after I said that the ground beneath me breaks apart to reveal a giant corrupt gem that looks like an earthworm.

Y/N: get yourself and your children out of the forest, I will dispatch the corruption.

Anne wastes no time and leads her cubs down the same path that we entered through.

Y/N: alright, let's get this over with.

We both charged at each other with the intent to kill.

3rd POV

The Crystal Gems fall through a corridor and onto the other side. The Gems land gracefully on the ground, except Steven, who lands flat on his stomach. The hole is then sealed up and torches begin to light up all around them, revealing several doorways.

Amethyst: Looks like we're gonna have to split up.

Pearl: Right!

She holds Steven close to her.

Pearl: Steven and I will stay right here where it seems to be safe, while you guys go and solve the mystery of this place.

Steven: Wait, I want to help solve the mystery!

Amethyst: Yeah, c'mon Steven, let's solve the mystery.

She takes Steven from Pearl and lifts him over her head.

Steven: Yeah, mystery solvers!

Pearl snatches Steven away.

Pearl: No. No, no, no, no. You two are a disaster waiting to happen.

Garnet: Steven goes with me.

Steven: Really? Awesome!

Garnet: But remember, this is a serious mission.

Steven: Understood. Serious Steven!... Pearl, can you put me down?

Pearl: Wha-? Oh, yes, of course.

She sets Steven down lightly.

Steven: I need to be standing or else it doesn't work. Serious Steven!... Activate!

He treads off with Garnet.

Pearl: this could be the teacups all over again.

Steven: Hey, I've put that behind me!


Once we collide I strike it several times with both my hands and feet, but it grabs me by the leg and tunnels underground, shoving me through the ground.

Y/N: This is becoming inconvenient. I need to get back to Anne and see if the cubs are alright.

I then raise both of my hands to the gems head and release an explosion, causing the earth above to cave in on us.

3rd POV

Steven and Garnet walk through a doorway as Steven starts singing.

Steven: Oooh, we're on a magic treasure hunt, for some magic treasure junk! Something, something, magic something!

Steven and Garnet enter an open room and a door closes behind them.

Steven: Huh?

A door on the other side of the room glows, and random tiles on the floor begins to light up all around the room.

Garnet: We need to stay on the glowing panels.

Steven: Right! Serious Steven!... Go!

Steven hops across the panels and reaches the other side successfully.

Steven: Oh yeah!

Steven dances in joy, when the temple suddenly rumbles, causing Steven to trip and fall onto a non-glowing panel. The glowing panels all turn red and the room begin to shake, as the floor collapses into a pit of open flames. The panel under Steven collapses too, and he clings onto the edge of an intact panel.

Garnet: Steven!

Steven begins to lose his grip and falls towards the fire pit. Garnet hops across the intact panels, catches Steven in time and plants her feet into another intact panel, holding Steven upside-down by his leg.

Steven: Woo-hoo! That was... Uhh... seriously dangerous. Thank you, Garnet.

Steven and Garnet walk into another chamber while Steven pats away the fire on his hair. The door closes behind them again, startling Steven, and the chamber starts to rumble.

Garnet: We can take a break if you're not feeling well, Steven.

Steven: Huh? Oh, no. I'm okay! Let's keep going!

He flexes to show that he can still go on with the mission.

Garnet: Alright, but be careful. You might trigger a trap with that gun-show.

Steven: Right! I'll put these babies away, and use my mind.

He starts inspecting the wall.

Steven: Maybe there's a clue hidden in these ancient drawings. It looks like... there's lots of triangles hidden somewhere in this room.

Steven feels around the wall and accidentally pushes a section of the wall inwards. Spikes then appear from the ceiling.

Garnet: Run!


I spend several minutes digging through the ground to reach the surface. I spare a moment to look at the gem in my hand.

Y/N: just how far down did this thing take me?

After a few more minutes I eventually reached the surface, tearing through a few roots that I had been tangled in.

Y/N: time to find Anne.

I then flew above the trees and found the bears beside the road, along with a very damaged car.

Y/N: I hope that man doesn't press any charges against Steven's father for this.

I try not to think about it as I land next to the family.

Y/N are you ready to go?

The cubs look up at their mother and she nods her head in conformation.

Y/N: alright then, back to the temple.

3rd POV

Several ceiling spikes begin crushing upon Steven and Garnet. Steven barely misses the trap, ripping his shirt and the strip of his ukulele. Garnet steps in, summon her gauntlets and use them to stop the spikes.

Steven: Ah, my ukulele!

Garnet: Steven! Now is probably not the best time for that.

Steven: Oh, uh, right!

He rushes to the other side of the chamber.

Garnet somersaults towards Steven, escaping the trap.

Garnet: Now that was a pretty close one.

Steven laughs nervously.

Steven: Yeah.

The door of the chamber opens up and Garnet walks in. Steven follows suit.

Steven: That was a pretty... close... one.

Garnet and Steven enter into another chamber, this time, full of swinging blades, spikes, falling lava and open flames. The door closes behind them, and Steven becomes visibly nauseated and frightened.

Garnet: Get ready, Steven. This is gonna be intense.

Flashback-2 weeks earlier

The Crystal Gems are preparing to ride The Teacups ride in Beach City Funland, operated by Mr. Smiley.

Garnet: Get ready, Steven. This is gonna be intense.

Steven: I'm ready!

Mr. Smiley starts up the ride, with Pearl and Amethyst in one cup, and Garnet and Steven in the other cup. Pearl is holding a teapot, confused.

Pearl: I misunderstood the point of this ride.

Garnet: This is fun, Steven.

Steven looks heavily nauseated.

Steven: I think... I need to get off this ride now!

He jumps off the ride.

Garnet: Steven, no!

Steven falls onto Mr. Smiley, breaking the lever to the ride. The ride starts to spin out of control and flings all of the cups off the ride, causing mass destruction. Mr. Smiley then grabs Steven off the ground by his shirt.

Mr. Smiley: Steven! You are banned from all the rides! Forever!

Time Skip — Present day

Garnet is carrying Steven, slowly waking up. She sets Steven down on the ground, revealing they are now at the other side of the chamber.

Steven: Whoa. We made it?

Garnet: I carried you while you took a nap.

She walks off into the doorway.

Steven: N-Nap?!

He runs after Garnet. Garnet and Steven step into a large chamber. They look up and see the sealed hole where they previously fell in from.

Garnet: We're back where we started.

Steven: Whaaaat?!

Pearl rushes in from one of the many corridors.

Pearl: Garnet, there you are! The doors and rooms here make no sense, they all bring you here!

Amethyst runs out of a doorway, groaning in agony.

Amethyst: Get me out of here!

She runs into another doorway.

Pearl: There are sixteen doors, and we entered from the northeast and went through three consecutive rooms in a straight line...

Amethyst returns with a bear trap on her head. She pulls it off and runs back to the same doorway.

Pearl: ...But arrived back here out the southern-most door, which could only mean... W-Well, I don't know what it means! I-

Amethyst slides in from a different doorway, frozen in a block of ice.


She summons her spear and tries to break Amethyst out of the ice.

Steven: Wha...? What do we do?!

Garnet: We go back in. Again, and again, and again, and again.

Steven starts panicking.

Steven: I CAN'T!

Pearl: Steven.

Garnet: It's okay.

Steven: No! No, it's not! You were all right about me. I wanted to do this so bad, but now I feel like I'm gonna throw up. THIS IS JUST LIKE THE TEACUPS!

Pearl: Oh, Steven, I-I didn't really mean that!

Steven: Wait! Ah! Wait you guys, what if this is just like the teacups? That's why we're getting so lost. That's why I'm feeling so sick. All the rooms are spinning us around so we end up here!

Garnet walks towards the center of the room and starts pounding it with her gauntlets. The floor breaks and the Crystal Gems fall into a hidden lower room filled with spinning upside-down pyramids, orbiting around a central floating obelisk embedded with a gemstone.

Steven: Whoa!

Pearl: This is unbelievable! This Gem-powered mechanism! It's manipulating the rooms above. Every room we entered spun us until we came back to the central chamber! It's just like the teacups ride at Funland!

Garnet: Steven already figured that out.

Pearl: Oh...

Steven notices the gemstone in the obelisk and gasps.

Steven: Garnet, I need to get off the ride now.

Garnet nods and picks Steven up.

Garnet: Serious Steven!... Go!

Garnet hurls Steven towards the obelisk and he clings onto it Steven starts tugging at the gemstone in the obelisk, causing it to glow and eject itself. The upside-down pyramids stop spinning and begin to glow, being absorbed back into the gemstone. The Pyramid Temple start glowing too and explodes, creating a massive crater and rubble all around. The Gems emerge one by one from the strawberry bushes.

Pearl: Steven? Steven?! Where is he?

Amethyst: Ahh, he's over here.

Steven is still holding the gemstone, covered in strawberry juice again.

Steven: The Gem...!

Pearl bubbles the gemstone.

Pearl: Ah, I'd say you handled that adventure very well.

Amethyst: Yeah, nice job, "Serious Steven".

Garnet: I prefer regular, Steven.

She hands Steven his ukulele.

Steven: Hey, my ukulele!

Steven then tunes his ukulele and starts to sing.

Steven: Oh... That's the end of another day
It was mighty serious, I'd have to say
The Crystal Gems looked really cool when they made the temple explo-

Butterflies suddenly swarm all over his face again.

Steven: Aaaah! They're in my eyes again!

He drops his ukulele and runs around frantically.

Pearl: okay Steven, I think it's time for us to get back to the temple!

Steven: okay!

Steven then grabbed his ukulele and ran to the warp pad and waited for the gems to get on.


After we arrived at the temple the cubs followed their mother to the top of the hill behind it as I entered the house to take the gem to the temple.

Y/N: oh, it seems that they aren't here yet.

Just as I said that the warp pad activated and the gems appeared.

Y/N: oh, you're back.

Steven: that was AWESOME!

Pearl: yes it was, and Steven came back safe and sou-

Y/N: Steven, you're bleeding.

Steven: huh? Where?

Steven then notices the tear his shirt, also cut his skin.

Steven: oh, there.

My head snapped to look at Pearl.

Pearl: w-wait!

I start walking toward her with the intention of making an example of what happens when you let Steven get hurt.

Y/N: I warned you.

Steven: HEY, stop!

He gets in between me and Pearl.

Steven: look, Y/N I'm fine! It was only a little scratch!

Y/N: but what if it wasn't? They were negligent, and you got hurt because of it.

Steven: they made a mistake, everyone makes mistakes!

Y/N: I don't.

The room goes silent after I said that.

Steven: come on Y/N you have to have made at least one-

Y/N: I mean no disrespect, but I don't think you understand, Steven, I can process information an infinite amount of times faster than you, any of you. The only way I could make a mistake, is if I did it on purpose.

The gems and Steven just stare at me.

Steven: well, that just means that you have to watch our backs!

Y/N: I only need to watch over you.

Steven then gets a little frustrated.

Steven: but I want you to protect them as well! Stop treating me like I'm some child who can't survive on my own! I am a gem! And I would appreciate it if I was treated like one! And that goes for you to!

He points his finger at Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst.

Pearl: Steven, we had no idea that you felt this way...

Amethyst: yeah dude, we had no clue...

Steven's face became softer and he hung his head.

Steven: ugh, I get that you want to protect me, and I'm not saying that you shouldn't, but you're acting like I'm helpless. Just please, have some faith in me.

Y/N: understood, Steven.

The gems nod their heads in agreement.

Steven: alright, I guess that's that! Now I need something to cheer me up.

I turn to the door and call for Anne to come inside.

Y/N: Anne, come.

Steven: oh! I forgot about that! Did you find her kids?

Y/N: see for yourself...

Anne walks in through the door with her cubs following closely behind.

Steven: *dramatically gasps* their so cute!!!

He runs up to Anne hopping excitedly.

Steven: can I play with them? Please!

Anne nodded her head and laid down in front of the couch, while Steven and the cubs wrestled on the ground. I then turned to the gems.

Y/N: if he dies under your supervision, the entire universe will know my wrath.

I then enter the temple door, leaving them to think about their future.


First off, thank you. I really do appreciate the support from all of you, especially since this is my first story, so I hope that I can live up to the expectations you have set for me. Thank you, and good bye!

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