Defenders of Relics

By TheSupremeFanfic

128 18 15

Long before time was created, a group of Deities created the world. Using their magical and unknown powers to... More

Knights of the Royal Guard
An Unusual Feeling
The Dragon Queen
The Mysterious Mage
Our Enemy
Life in the Castle
Past Memories: Ryder (1)
Cross-Sword Day
Alliance Talk

The Masked Singer

10 1 0
By TheSupremeFanfic


"Your Majesty! We have Intruders marching to the throne room at this very moment-" the knight didn't have time to finish his sentence as a black energy sword pierced his stomach and slowly infected his body. Hiko, Hetchi and Lio screamed as they backed up away from the knight and saw the energy sword break through the door. Soon an explosion happened, making everyone cover their eyes from the debris and smoke. Honebi wasn't fazed by this but instead, turned on.

Then One person came out of the smoke and cleared his throat before speaking.
"Introducing....The King of Hoshio, the Savior of the World, and Strongest leader, The Masked Singer!" He said before more knights from the country known as Hoshio started marching before standing in attention and one other person was walking sending out waves of Aura that could make any one person not breath. Hetchi, Lio and Hiko saw the person walking and it fit the description of what Kamata saw in her vision.

"Well well...Hello handsome~" Honebi said which made her servants plus the Knights of the Royal Guard look at her like she was crazy. The smoke soon clears for good and more of his body is revealed.

This was the man known as the Masked Singer.

On to the Chapter:

The man now known as the Masked Singer showed himself and ignored the Royal Guards as he walked to Honebi, who was the least to say, attracted to the mysterious man that barged into her kingdom.
"Oh my~ and what do I owe the pleasure of meeting you stranger~?" She asked the man not even caring what he did to her doors and some of her subjects.

"Queen Honebi Mishima, You and your marvelous kingdom are in possession of a great item known as a Relic. What you have is called the Everlasting Dragon Scale. The first Scale piece of the Dragon to ever walk the face of the Enlightened Globe. It is said that this Scale can protect even the tiniest grain of sand and will leave no mark on it. Making it the best suit of Armor for one fitted to wear it." The Masked Singer responded, speaking highly of the said Relic. Honebi was even impressed by his smarts and what he knows of it.
"Oh my dear~ You're even a scholar too? Oh man you are definitely the one. The one I've been looking for." She said which made Hiko growl.
"Your Royal Reptilianess, This man has hurt your Soilder and probably more coming here! Do you not see he is probably here to harm you?" Hiko shouted before the Masked Singer looked at his direction.
"If I were you boy, I'd keep my mouth shut while I still can." He said to him.

Hiko wasn't gonna take any chances with him and thrusted forward, charging at him with his sword begore he felt a force so strong, he couldn't regain his balance. The Masked singer did nothing but stood still while Hiko was blown back and was stumbled on top of Hetchi and Lio.
"Oh my...and you're strong? Please, entertain me more Mr. Singer; What do you want?" Honebi asked as she clapped her hands softly.
"Oh it's quite simple. I want the Everlasting Dragon Scale. You hand the Relic over peacefully and I'll leave your Kingdom alone. No blood will be spilled." He said but one of her servants begged her.
"Your highness! You mustn't give him the Relic. Your family has protected it for generations after generations." He said and Honebi sighed in defeat.

"Very well...Sorry my love, but I just can't give you the Relic. But I hope there is something else I can give~?" She said being persuasive while winking at him. Lio got up and growled, charging at the Masked Singer with her Claymore ready to attack him. He simply moved out the way and lifted his hand before Lio started to float and then get pushed to the wall. He then turned to his men and gave them their first order.
"Don't let the Royal scum interrupt me again. Kill them if you must." This was even more than enough for Honebi as she never met a man who would be up to her standards and even more. The Soilders of Hoshio nodded as they not only surrounded Hiko and his allies but cornering them with their spears.

"If you think they will stop us then think again, Masked Sucker!" Hiko said which it all of a sudden became quiet, and only the sounds of crickets could be heard.
"Really? Masked Sucker?" Lio said not impressed with Hiko's comeback.
"Hey, It's the best I could come up with." He said trying to defend himself.
"Personally I would've said Masked Simper!" Hetchi said.
"And she's not the one to do comebacks and insults." Lio added.
"Can we just focus on these guys first?" Hiko said as he got his sword out. Lio and Hetchi nodded as they got their weapons out and was ready to fight the soldiers of Hoshio.

Meanwhile with the Masked Singer, he was facing Honebi while crossing his arms.
"Last chance your highness, hand over the Relic." He simply said.
"I said no...and that means No!" She said, as she was starting to get mad that he wouldn't drop the subject about the Everlasting Dragon Scale.

"Then you leave me no choice." He said as his pendant around his neck began to glow a dark neon green. One Hoshio soldier saw him and began to shout at his comrades.
"His Majesty is gonna play the Song of Death! Cover your Ears!" He said before the ones that could cover their ears did exactly that while the others were fighting Hiko and his knights.
"Ehh? What the heck is the Song of Death?" Hiko asked before they began to hear a whistling sound.

Everyone in the castle that heard the Song of Death began to either wither away or started to feel really really sick on the inside of their bodies. The only exception for the death was Hiko and his friends plus Honebi. Hiko, Lio and Hetchi were paralyzed from the sound of his whistle and were taken down easily by the Hoshio knights. Honebi on the other hand, suddenly had the urge to destroy everything in her path. She growled and held her head slightly before her normal purple eyes changed into a more glowing yellow Dragon like eyes. She then let out a mighty roar that could be heard all across from her kingdom to the Vanity Palace.

At the Vanity Palace:

Kamata was in her chambers, reading a book to Luna until they stopped and heard a roar of a Dragon and she knew who that was.
"Honebi make loud nose. Dragon mad?" Luna asked and Kamata nodded her head before a knight came to the chambers.
"Forgive me your highness, but we have scouts report of a Giant Dragon heading this way to Vanity Palace." The knight said obviously scared.
"Get everyone out the way of the streets and have our knights take the defensive, drawing her away from the palace." She ordered and the knight nodded, going to do just that.

"What can Luna help?" Luna asked as she wanted to help her fend off Honebi from destroying the kingdom.
"Nothing my dear friend. Have faith in our knights that they will protect everyone." She said smiling softly before she got up and left the room.

Outside Honebi's Castle:

Hiko, Hetchi and Lio had escaped the castle just in time before Honebi could transform and began to make her way to the Vanity Palace to destroy it.
"We have to beat her to the Palace before she destroys everything." Lio said. The Hetchi grumbled a bit before she turned to both Hiko and Lio.
"You two, hurry and hop on!" She said.
"Eh? Both of us?" Hiko asked as he was shocked, Hetchi would never let anyone besides Lio ride on her back.
"Yes. This is an exception, I will let you hop on for now." Hetchi said, making it clear that she doesn't give horseback rides to anyone aside from her friend Lio. The two nodded as they got on and Hetchi began to run as fast as her Centaur legs could carry her. Lio then started to grumble and groan in pain.
"I don't....feel so good." She said before holding her mouth from puking.
"That's what happens when you eat nothing but sweets!" Both Hiko and Hetchi said shouting at her.

In the far off distance to where Hetchi and the others were originally at, someone came from out the rubble and saw where Hetchi and the others were going. He dusted himself off before he started to think out loud to himself.
"Vanity Palace... That's where that Dragon is going. Then I shall go there too. Maybe they know something about the Masked Singer." He said before he began to take one of the horses and make his way to the Vanity Palace as well. But just who is this other mysterious person and why is he going to the Vanity Palace?


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