
By FlynnRider

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371 7 3
By FlynnRider


1: Put a mustard/ketchup packet under the toilet seat so when somebody sits down they get squirt with what's inside it.

2: stuff cotton into a friends shoes to make them think there feet have shrunk.

3: Purchase a rubber snake and tie a short length of thread or fishing line around its head. Tape the other end of the thread to the lid of the toilet. When the lid is opened, the snake will "attack!"

4: During sporting events, drink (or dump out) your teammates' sport drinks and refill their bottles with regular water, salt, and a few drops of food coloring to match the sport drink.

5: If you pack a daily lunch for someone, throw him a curve someday. Fill his lunch box/bag with junk and a sandwich that consists of a crust of bread folded over a ten-dollar bill and a note that reads, "Go out and have a nice lunch on me." (Make sure the sandwich is near the top and the bill is obvious.)

6: Here's one you can do while wearing a large sweatshirt or sweater: Prepare by tucking your empty sleeve into your front pants pocket. Get into a conversation in which you gesture with your exposed arm while talking. Without warning or recognition on your part, make a "third" hand come out of your neckline and scratch your chin.

7: Place an ad in the paper for a basement sale at a friend's house. (Of course, he won't be aware that he is going to have a sale). Advertise antiques, baby clothes, guns, etc., and that the sale is Saturday-door opens at 7 a.m. Very early on the morning of the day of the "sale," put up a sign on your victim's front door: Basement Sale: Please Use Back Door. Keeping the victim out late the night before will add to his confused stupor the next day as eager sale goers rap at their back door.

8: You can create your own bird droppings with a can of whipped cream and a little shake of pepper. In the heat, the cream will run just like the real thing. Place the droppings strategically on door handles or in the middle of the windshield-any place that will cause your victim disgust and/or annoyance.

9: You're riding along with a friend who needs to stop at a store. When he goes into the store, stay in the car and move it to a different parking spot. Watch as your friend tries to remember where he parked.

10: Next time you order chicken fingers (usually breaded breast fillets) tell your server, "I'd really like to try those chicken fingers." Then overreact when they're delivered to the table: "Man! That was some huge chicken! I mean think of it! These fingers are bigger than mine! That sucker must have been four hundred pounds easy! Must have been a Texas chicken.... Personally, I was surprised to find out that chickens even had fingers!" (Continue for an uncomfortably long time.)

11: freeze your friends hat/gloves/underwear

12: block the tv signal with black paper

13: Put a DO NOT ENTER sign on your room door. Secure a piece of cardboard into the upper doorframe (opposite the hinge side of the door) so the cardboard extends four inches or so into the room. Close the door and leave it slightly ajar so the door is holding the cardboard. Set a plastic cup (Big Gulp size) filled with water on the cardboard. When the door is opened, despite your warning to not enter, the intruder will get doused.

14: Replace Elmer's glue or any white school glue with ranch dressing. For better results use ranch dressing that doesn't have any black seasoning.

15: When you see your server coming your way, slip a few white Tic Tac in your mouth. When the server asks how everything is, stick your tongue in your cheek and with labored speech say, "I didn't want to complain, but the steak is a little tough..." Then, spit out the Tic Tac as if you've lost a few teeth trying to chew the meat.

16: Boil some eggs and begin eating them. Then ask your victim if she wants one. If she says yes, give her an unboiled egg. Then watch as she crack it open.

17: At a crowded party, or nightclub with a line to the bathroom, crack a glow stick and then snip the end, emptying the glowing contents into the toilet/urinal. Hilarity ensues when the people behind you are shocked and amazed at your glowing urine! If someone comments on it, tell him nonchalantly that you just toured the local nuclear power plant. Or pose the question, "Have you ever been probed by an alien?"

18: Styrofoam packing peanuts, painted with orange food coloring, make for some interesting eating when used to refill the cheese puff bowl.

19: If you're sure a telemarketer looms on the other end of your ringing phone, answer by saying: "Hi, I'd like to place an order to go," and continue by reading your favorite Chinese restaurant take-out menu. If the telemarketer doesn't do so on his or her own, hang up!

20: Take a friend to a restaurant that you know makes a fuss when it is someone's birthday. When your dining guest is in the restroom or at the salad bar, notify the staff that it is his birthday and that he will probably deny it. But ignore what he says; he never wants people to make a big deal about their birthday. Watch hilarity ensue as he is fussed over and trys to deny that it is his birthday.


[Author's note]

See that awesome cover to your left? That one is made by IronhidesSparkmate! Thank you!

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