Bound by Fate (Sesshomaru Lov...

By Silver-Tigress

39.5K 788 81

Do you believe that demons could fall in love?~~ Sakura Shinguji is a princess and Priestess. After her famil... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Inuyasha The Movie: Affections Touching Across Time (Special Chapter)
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31: The Woman Who Loved Sesshomaru (Special Chapter, Part 1)
Chapter 32: The Woman Who Loved Sesshomaru (Special Chapter, Part 2)
Inuyasha The Movie: Swords of an Honourable Ruler, Part 1
Inuyasha The Movie: Swords of an Honourable Ruler, Part 2
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Inuyasha The Movie: Fire on the Mystic Island

328 11 0
By Silver-Tigress

Here's the missing fourth Inuyasha movie chapter: Fire on the Mystic Island!!

We've also got 15K reads in Bound by Fate!! Again, thank you all so much for your support in this book!!

Enjoy 😉!

(This fanfic is now officially complete!)

Sakura's P. O. V:

"Oooohhh, the resounding bell of the Dion Templeee!" Jaken says loudly, before breaking into a coughing fit as we walk along a beach at night, Shinobu and I leading our horses. Karina wanders beside the dog demon. "Oh, that singing irritates my throat. Sesshomaru-sama, if we keep going, we'll end up at the sea." I gaze at my fiancé when he doesn't answer. Jaken goes to say something but sees to think better of it and sighs sadly. "I don't think he heard a word I said."

Rin says reassuringly, "Don't worry, Jaken-sama. As long as we follow Sesshomaru-sama, we'll be fine."

Jaken snaps back at her, "I don't recall asking for your opinion, girl! No one knows My Lord better than me!" Sesshomaru and I stop as we gaze ahead. "Not even a little twerp like yo—" Jaken is abruptly cut off when he collides with the back of Sesshomaru's leg and tumbles backwards, but catches himself somehow. The imp immediately bows and grovels his apologies. "Please forgive me, Sesshomaru-sama! If Rin hadn't made that silly comment, I wouldn't have lost my composure, and—"

"The time has come," Sesshomaru says calmly, interrupting Jaken. This prompts him to look up in surprise.

I wonder aloud, seeing colours of lightning flicker in the night sky, "Time for what?" There's an island with a volcanic mountain far out to see. Weird. Since when did an island appear here?

I find a place to change into my pink armor and priestess attire, before my group and I travel to the island. I left Miyu on the beach with Seiji and Shinobu, Rin and I had flown on Karina.

Karina comes with me as I follow Sesshomaru to a certain spot on the island where a temple is. I could hear the screams of civilians and see fire and smoke. Upon reaching the area, birds made from fire were burning the civilians and a demon with curly burgundy hair and a pink diamond on the center of his forehead stands before the burning temple, gripping a flame coloured fan in his hand.

I see a couple of fire birds still flying about. Sesshomaru and I cut through them with our swords before we make ourselves known to the enemy.

I gaze at the people, feeling anger boils in my veins. How could he do something like this?!

"So, you've come at last," The demon says by way of greeting. He seems to have already known of our presence. We stop before him. "You can't begin to imagine how long I've waited for this moment, Sesshomaru-sama." The dog demon doesn't respond. "Crimson Demon Fan!" The demon thrusts his weapon down and a torrent of fire heads towards us.

I immediately form a barrier around me the second the tornado of fire swirls violently around us. I knew Sesshomaru would be fine, being a greater demon and all.

"How do you like that?" The demon outside the vortex of flames asks, a smirk in his voice. "Huh?" We shock him when Sesshomaru sends out a pulse of Yokai in order to drive away the flames while I remain shielded by my barrier. The burgundy haired demon seems even more surprised by my own defence, an impassive expression on my features.

I know to stay back unless otherwise as Sesshomaru dashes forwards and my barrier fades. Sesshomaru swings Tokijin at the burgundy haired demon but he dances back to avoid the attacks. With another swipe of Tokijin that flashes blue energy, the enemy leaps into the air, brown wings sprouting from his back, fire birds flying around him.

"I'll hand it to you, that was impressive."

The fire birds fly at Sesshomaru but he deflects them with his sword before whirling around and running back towards me. I ready myself as fire birds fly straight at me, but Sesshomaru was already there to deflect them.

I send him a grateful look as he stands protectively in front of me. Sesshomaru holds up Tokijin as it flashes blue momentarily. Then he holds it in front of him as a dragon of blue fire forms behind Sesshomaru.

"Dragon Strike!" The dog demon swings out Tokijin and the dragon of blue flames roars as it shoots for our enemy. It tears through the earth until it hits the demon, however, the demon doesn't appear fazed.

"Hahaha! We'll cross swords again soon on Horai Island," The demon laughs.

"Explain yourself," Sesshomaru commands.

"You bear the mark of the Four War Gods," He explains as red fire bursts around him. "As long as you do, your fate rests in our hands." I frown at that as the demon fades from before us, along with Sesshomaru's attack.

The darkness clears to reveal the rising morning sun.

I sheathe my sword and place my hand on Sesshomaru's arm as he huffs and sheathes Tokijin.

Sesshomaru turns and starts to walk away, just as the children and Jaken poke out from behind the log they were hiding behind. I walk beside my fiancé.

"Mummy/Sakura/Sesshomaru-sama!" Rin, Shinobu and Jaken say in unison.

Rin and Shinobu easily leap over the log gracefully but Jaken ends up tripping and face planting. He looks up with a moan of pain and pulls himself forward before getting to his feet and running after the rest of us as we stand on a cliff overlooking the ocean.

Jaken says, briefly closing his eyes as he holds out his free hand, "What a shame indeed, My Lord!" Here, Jaken clenches his fist in frustration. "You only missed him by a few seconds," Jaken stomps his foot, "but he got away!" Sesshomaru scowls in annoyance as he glares back at the imp. Jaken sweats profusely as he flails his arms about. "No, no, wait! That didn't come out right. You wouldn't let the enemy escape, would you, My Lord?" Jaken laughs nervously as Sesshomaru looks away. Jaken proclaims as he points. "I get it now! You let him go on purpose to save the pleasure of defeating him for later!"

A devious expression crosses Jaken's features.

I give Jaken an exasperated expression as I think, "Idiot."

Sesshomaru swiftly punches Jaken on the head which knocks him down, forming a nasty red lump and causes Jaken to whimper in pain.

I quickly walk beside my fiancé as he turns and walks away from the others, no doubt unhappy that his prey got away.

"Sakura/mummy, Sesshomaru-sama!" Shinobu and Rin call as they and Karina race after us, leaving an injured Jaken on the ground.


I continue to walk in silence beside Sesshomaru, Karina beside me. It has started to rain so I make a pink barrier around us to shield us from the water. I flick my gaze to Sesshomaru. He hasn't said a word since we left Jaken and the kids behind, and I silently wonder what's going on in his head.

"Sesshomaru-sama," Says a female voice from behind, causing us to pause and turn. A demon woman with pointy ears and long dark hair in a ponytail, pink lines on her face kneels before us with a daek haired male next to her. The woman carries a fan like the enemy from before while the man Carrie's some kind of club. "But I had the honour of serving your father in the past. My name Kujaku, My Lord."

"And I go by the name of Saiten, My Lord," Introduces the male.

Sesshomaru informs them, "It means nothing. My father is dead."

"We are aware of that," Says Saiten.

"Then I suggest you stay away from me," Sesshomaru warns them.

Sesshomaru, Karina and I turn and we start to leave but Kujaku calls as she throws out her hand, voice pleading, "No, please wait! Won't you at least hear us out?! We came to slay the Four War Gods of Horai Island."

"It was your father's dying wish," Adds Saiten. This causes Sesshomaru to pause. Karina and I also stop beside him as I study my fiancé.

"I'm not interested," Sesshomaru finally says before he resumes walking, Karina and I following.

"Sesshomaru-sama!" Saiten and Kujaku call after us, but we were already gone.

Somewhere on the beach, Sesshomaru and I watch as the burgundy haired demon from before slashes his Crimson Demon Fan and burns Kujaku, causing her to drop to her knees with an agonising scream.

"Curse you!" Saiten growls, fists clenched. But then he gets burned as well. "Sesshomaru-sama, forgive me!"

The burgundy haired demon says disappointingly as the birds screech, "He didn't live up to his reputation. I'll take their weapons as my spoils." He steps up to the weapons but looks up as a light whip and bolt of purple energy are shot at him, but the demon easily dodges and faces Sesshomaru and I. A smile touches his red lips. "What an unexpected pleasure this is." We step towards him through the fog. "You are the Sesshomaru-sama I've heard so much about. And you've brought a pretty face with you." I just hood my eyes at him, not saying anything. "And now we finally meet."

Sesshomaru retorts, "Indeed. And you call yourself a god."


I say in an unimpressed tone, "Ridiculous!"

I just hang back as the demon lunges for Sesshomaru with his fan raised. However, Sesshomaru just swings his poison claws and slashes them through the demon before his own attack could land, causing him to cry out in pain, a stunned expression on his features.

Then, the demon bursts into flame.

Sesshomaru wonders aloud, confusion in his tone, "What was father doing, doing battle with these weaklings? It doesn't make any sense to me." I blink as flames lick behind the dog demon.

"My, my, you are strong," Says a voice. We look at one of the flames on the ground as the demon emerges from it. "Much feared. Never underestimate the power of a god!" He throws himself at the dog demon but Sesshomaru just swats him away as though he were a mere fly.

Worry tugs at my heart when Sesshomaru grunts as he's struck in the back by flames.

The demon tells him, head hovering in the air, "Now that you bear my mark, you will never escape me." Sesshomaru just stands there, seemingly in numbed shock as a wave hits the shore and the enemy vanishes.

I rush up to my fiancé and cup his cheek as I ask, concern in my voice, "Are you alright, Sesshy-kun?! You're not hurt, are you?"

Sesshomaru answers as he just looks right into my eyes, wind tossing our hair and clothes, his hand covering my own, "I'm alright, Sakura-chan. But it would appear I've been marked by one of the Four War Gods."

Worry tugs at my heart at that.

We return to our group and make our way along the shore to wherever it is we're going.

Jaken speaks up, "Err, Sesshomaru-sama? Tell me, are you going to slay the god that managed to get away from you?"

"There's no need," The silverette responds.

"Just what I was thinking!" Jaken says in agreement. He whirls on Rin, waving his arms about. "You see, Sakura, Shinobu, Rin?! Why on Earth would you bring it up?!"

Rin tells him simply, "I didn't say a thing about it."

Hooding his brown eyes, Shinobu adds, "Yeah. Neither did I."

"I didn't either, you twerp," I mutter before I knock Jaken on the head with my fist.

Sesshomaru, Karina and I soon arrive at an ancient temple in the island and stop at the bottom of the tall staircase. I blink my eyes at it.

"Sesshomaru-sama, I've been waiting for you," Calls a familiar voice, prompting us to look up. The burgundy haired demon from before stands above us with his Crimson Demon Fan in hand. Sesshomaru and I unsheathe our swords silently as Karina takes on her Sabertooth form. "Excellent." The demon smiles. "I will gladly be your opponent."

That said, he raises the fan and twirls it above his head before thrusting it down. Fire erupts from the ground and heads right towards us.

The demon roars challengingly as the diamond in his forehead seems to open up as an eye.

Sesshomaru and I take turns at clashing our swords against the demon and Karina swings her claws until he leaps back into the air. "Birds of Fire!" With a swing of his fan, our opponent sends out a flick of birds made from flames which Sesshomaru and I easily deflect.

We dance back just as the enemy throws himself down upon us with a war cry, bringing down his fan. Sesshomaru, Karina and I slash viciously at him but he dodges. Sesshomaru and I send out a blast of Kenatsu only for the demon to jump forwards once more with a swing of his fan, thrusting it at us with red electricity crackling around the butt of the fan.

Karina, Sesshomaru and I easily jump back to avoid it. A chunk of the boulders we're standing on breaks off and crashes heavily to the earth, causing it to shake.

The burgundy haired demon asks, "Isn't this exciting, Sesshomaru? We're kindred spirits, you and I."

I frown at him as Sesshomaru and I raise our swords and the silver haired demon retorts, "You are out of your mind." We leap at our enemy and slash our swords but he jumps up and forward flips, catching Sesshomaru's hand as electricity crackles, making the dog demon grunt at the pain.

"We feel joy when we're fighting, and we feel alive when we are killing!" The demon continues. "What is different between you and me?"

Sesshomaru shoots back, "Do not compare me to a pathetic wretch such as yourself!" Sesshomaru then tries him back but the demon lunges for us again, only to clash weapons against Sesshomaru. They grunt as they press against each other.

They pull back and Sesshomaru, Karina and I swing at the demon but he jumps down to the water below. Sesshomaru and I follow. We thrust down our swords but the demon dodges, grinning.

"Crimson Fan!" The demon thrusts his sword down before landing on a boulder above us. Sesshomaru and I gaze around as flames erupt around us. It was hot but I keep close to my fiancé out of reflex. Karina presses close to me to try to protect me from the flames as well.

The demon above us laughs as he inquires, "Then, tell me, how we're different?"

"I have no reason to explain anything to you," Replies Sesshomaru as he raises Tokijin. It crackles with blue energy before the blue dragon from his Dragon Strike attack forms behind us.

"Dance of the Dragon, Striking Talon," I think as I dash towards the enemy at blinding speeds, craters form in the earth. I look above the burgundy haired demon as Sesshomaru's attack hits him, and thrust my blade powerfully at the demon.

He blocks the attacks with his fan pointed downward and I quickly jump back beside my fiancé as he slams his sword into the earth with a grunt. I too slam the point of my sword down.

I blink when I notice the energy glowing beneath the boulder the enemy is standing on.

He asks smartly, "Is that the best you can do?!" The demon gasps as the energy flares around him and cries out in agony as it strikes him from all around.

Sesshomaru says as we straighten and we brandish Benizakure and Tokijin, "I seek nothing more than to battle the most powerful beings alive, which excludes the lowly likes of you."

As the demon behind us continues to scream in agony, my fiancé and I turn and walk away. I stick close to my fiancé as the demon is torn apart by his attack, followed by a massive explosion that tears up and shakes the ground.

Sesshomaru and I sheathe our swords and Karina returns to her nekomata form before I get in front of him, causing Sesshomaru to stop and blink down at me. I was just so relieved he was freed that I cup Sesshomaru's cheek and lean in to kiss him deeply.

Sesshomaru instantly returns it, his arm going around my waist and fingers pressing against my tailbone to bring me forward and to help deepen the kiss as everything around us explodes.


We return to our group awhile later and start making our way off the island. We get the horses as Horai Island begins to disappear and walk through a forest, the morning sun now shining brightly on the sky.

Rin presses as Karina walks beside her, "Mummy, Sesshomaru-sama, where have you been?" When we don't answer, she adds, "Please tell me, mummy, My Lord."

Jaken chides her, running in front of the girl, "Cut it out, Rin! Don't bother Hime Sakura and Sesshomaru-sama with unnecessary questions!"

Rin exclaims eagerly, "I have to ask lots of questions! I wanna know everything they do!" Rin and Shinobu see that we've moved further ahead and quickly run after us, Karina meowing as they knock into Jaken in the process.

Shinobu and Rin exclaim, "Oh, wait for us, Sakura/mummy, Sesshomaru-sama!"

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