Call It What You Want

ceberlandon által

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"Even if only scars remain, I'll hold you close." What was it that made it so hard to remember? This aching a... Több

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 18

745 22 18
ceberlandon által

𝐔𝐧𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐈


The image I once held of my homeland, it's a distant and elusive haze now, barely tangible.

I've been ensnared within the suffocating abyss for an eternity, where time drifts with cruel indifference, contrasting starkly with the vibrant world outside its grasp.

Memories of faces and voices belonging to family members have slipped away, lost echoes submerged in the unfathomable depths of time.

It feels like it all transpired in an age long past, a distant era.

Even the mere mention of 'Elysian' no longer evokes nostalgia but a bitter cocktail of anger and sorrow.

My homeland, once a sanctuary, is now a prison.

For centuries, the divine crystal bestowed upon our nation and its people sacred magic of unimaginable power. Yet, as time unfurled its relentless march, the allure of this power birthed war upon our once-peaceful lands.

In the chronicles of old, the land was one unified realm, an expanse teeming with promise and prosperity. The domain was ruled by a singular monarchy that governed with wisdom and benevolence, fostering an era of unity and tranquillity. But with time, aspirations diverged, and ambitions swelled in the hearts of the people.

The monarch's lineage was rich in power and knowledge, but their dominion was vast, stretching across vast landscapes, each corner distinct in its strengths and resources.

It began with a confluence of ideals and identities. The seeds of divergence were sown when the territories burgeoned into distinct entities, each aspiring for autonomy and sovereignty. The land, once united under a single banner, now witnessed the birth of five distinct kingdoms: the North, the South, the East, the West, and the Capital.

The Northern realm, known as Elysian, nestled amidst breathtaking landscapes and endowed with an abundance of resources, was safeguarded by the sanctity of a divine crystal, bestowing blessings upon its people.

In the South, a kingdom emerged as masters of strategy and cunning, their prowess unparalleled in the art of diplomacy and manipulation, leveraging intellect as their weapon of choice.

To the East lay a kingdom bedecked in opulence and wealth, their coffers overflowing with treasures from distant lands, their influence extending far and wide, a testament to their shrewd business acumen and mercantile prowess.

The West, renowned for its healing arts and medicinal wisdom, fostered an enclave of peace and solace, their lands sanctified by the gentle touch of restoration and recovery.

The Capital, at the epicentre of this divide, thrived on the advancements of military machinery fuelled by magical technology, crafting a formidable force that reverberated across the kingdoms.

As these kingdoms burgeoned into their entities, each bore unique strengths and distinctive characteristics that set them apart. The Capital flourished with its technological advancements, the South honed its strategic might, the East amassed wealth and influence, and the West tended to the healing and well-being of its people.

Yet, with time, the allure of power cast its shadow over the kingdoms. The Capital, adorned with the splendour of magical technology, grew jealous of the resources safeguarded by Elysian's divine crystal. The lust for dominance gripped the Capital, igniting a spark that would fan the flames of conflict across the realms.

Thus began a saga of discord and rivalry, an intricate dance between power and resilience that marked an era of turmoil and upheaval. The Capital, in its relentless pursuit of supremacy, set its sights on annexation and dominion, leading to clashes that echoed through the annals of history.

Elysian stood resolute, shielded by the crystal's might, a formidable barrier thwarting Lucriesil's desires.

Despite the protective veil of the crystal, Lucriesil's appetite for control remained insatiable. Elysian, resilient and unwavering, posed as a persistent obstruction on Lucriesil's path to dominion.

War waged on, echoing through generations until an unexpected, seemingly peaceful resolution emerged from the cauldron of conflict.

Elysian laid forth three terms:

1. Elysian remains autonomous.

2. Marriages between the Imperial Family and the Northern Dukedom are forbidden.

3. Elysian possesses veto powers against Imperial decrees.

Reluctantly, the Imperial Family acquiesced, realizing that continuing the war would deplete their resources without making a dent in the strength of the North.

And thus, the Lezretha Empire was born.

However, the Imperial Family set their condition for a united world.

The North had to comply with five Imperial orders.

During these eras of Imperial decrees, the true essence of the crystal began to reveal itself.

It was believed that only direct descendants of the Northern royal family could fully wield the crystal's boundless power. It was presumed that these descendants were the initial pioneers in unlocking the crystal's true potential.

Others could tap into its power, but their abilities were limited by the extent of the crystal owner's capabilities, and only while the owner lived.

But with great power came immense tragedy. Extensive use of the crystal's magic came at a hefty cost. Initially, the toll was on ageing, claiming most crystal owners over centuries. Yet, during times of strife, a second affliction emerged: insanity, blurring the line between human and monster. Only three crystal owners had ever reached this abyss.

The first occurred during the initial abyss rampage across other nations when Elysian was implored to intervene.

The second transpired when Lucriesil attacked Elysian in an attempt to seize control of the crystal, a direct violation of the peace treaty between the two nations.

Between these tumultuous events, the abyss laid claim to all other nations except Elysian, stoking the fires of war as the Imperial Family couldn't abide by the fact that only the North remained unscathed.

The third unveiling of the crystal's cost was during the formation of the Arcane, a legion of warriors empowered by the crystal's magical prowess. After their formation, a facade of peace draped the two nations, yet it imposed new and weighty burdens upon Elysian.

Elysian transformed from a mere stronghold against the abyss to a bulwark against Lucriesil's adversaries.

Though an apparent peace held steady for 150 years, the Imperial Family had issued seven decrees against Elysian.

My father, King Rex, the 150th monarch of Elysian and the current crystal owner, once embodied wisdom and strength. However, his excessive use of the crystal had gradually drained his life force, rendering him barely capable of walking without assistance.

My mother, since my birth, remained confined to her sickbed. She was once celebrated as the Empire's most enchanting beauty, capable of captivating hearts with a mere lift of her teacup. Now, she languished within the castle's seclusion, her illness progressively worsening. She had withdrawn from the high society she once adored, seeking solace in the seclusion of the castle. Yet, even amidst her suffering, she managed to bestow upon me a fragile smile, a testament to her enduring strength.

As their sole offspring and the heir to the Elysian throne and the crystal's power, I underwent rigorous training from a tender age: swordsmanship, mana control, and every burden entwined with being heir to both the throne and the crystal.

In moments of overwhelming pressure, my mother would enfold me in her arms, singing her soothing lullaby until I drifted into the realms of slumber. Breakfasts in my mother's chambers with my father, reminiscing about simpler times, yearning for an existence free from the shackles of war, a life basking in perpetual sunshine.

I remained hidden from high society within the Capital, my existence shrouded in secrecy. The elite envisioned the North crumbling beneath the Imperial Family's rule. Only a select few were privy to my existence, not even the Imperial Family, as my father often warned.

"If they discover that the North harbours an heir, chaos will reign," my father had cautioned.

I never fully grasped the depth of his words back then. I dismissed the Imperial Family as jealous, greedy, led by a foolish emperor and an even more haughty, avaricious son. Reports filtered in from other dukes across the Empire, hinting at their envy, despite my absence from formal society.

Yet, beneath the surface lay a truth enshrouded in an Imperial Family prophecy, its exact nature cloaked in shadows. All I knew was that it involved the North and foretold the Empire's demise, straining their bond and instilling unceasing dread in the Emperor. He understood that waging war against the North would seal the family's fate.

Around the same time, the abyss arose, consuming nearby cities and their inhabitants. Soldiers were dispatched, aided by other nations. But despite their magical technology, they were dwarfed by the might of the Arcane, further fanning the flames of envy within the Imperial Family.

It wasn't until I turned ten that tragedy struck the Imperial Family. Every decade, one nation hosted a commemorative ball to honour the Empire's "peace." Elysian had not hosted such an event in centuries, and the anticipation was palpable.

The ball progressed smoothly, despite my continued anonymity. I managed to clandestinely sneak into the ballroom and observe the festivities from a secluded vantage point.

At the stroke of midnight, a bloodcurdling scream pierced the air, freezing revellers in their tracks. Whispers morphed into a cacophony as an Imperial soldier, ashen and wide-eyed, burst into the room, frantically searching for the King of the North.

He collapsed at my father's feet, repeating only two words, "Help me," and "The Crown Prince". My father sprinted from the ball, the soldier in tow, and against all warnings, I followed.

In the dimly lit corridors of Elysian's palace, a disconcerting silence lingered, disturbed only by the faint whispers of torch flames flickering against the walls. An eerie tension filled the air as I stealthily trailed behind my father, King Rex, moving with cautious steps that barely disturbed the hushed tranquillity of the palace's corridors.

A chilling foreboding nestled in the recesses of my mind, an unshakable feeling that something dreadful had transpired. As my father hastened forward, his gait conveying urgency and dread, I struggled to keep pace, my heart pounding in sync with the haunting rhythm of my apprehensions.

The Imperial soldier who had frantically sought the King of the North led us towards a desolate hallway, far removed from the opulence of the main palace. The ambient lighting grew dimmer as we traversed further, a veil of obscurity descending upon the corridors, intensifying the ominous aura that seemed to shroud this forsaken part of the palace.

Suddenly, an anguished scream pierced the silence, sending shivers down my spine. It was a harrowing sound that reverberated through the corridors, resonating with a profound sense of torment and despair.

My father, his countenance wrought with concern and a trace of fear, hastened his pace, following the soldier's frantic lead. I remained a few steps behind, my steps faltering as the haunting screams grew louder, imbued with an unfathomable agony that seemed to emanate from a single chamber.

As we approached the chamber's entrance, the sound of anguished cries mingled with the acrid scent of burning flesh, an ominous portent of impending calamity. The chamber doors, slightly ajar, unveiled a scene that etched itself into the fabric of my memories with haunting clarity.

The Crown Prince of Lezretha, writhing in indescribable agony, lay sprawled within the chamber. His right arm was engulfed in eerie blue flames, a morbid manifestation of an ill-fated attempt to harness the crystal's power. The Emperor, fraught with desperation, struggled in vain to quench the inferno consuming his son, his anguished cries echoing through the chamber.

My father, King Rex, stood at the periphery, a mixture of desperation and helplessness etched upon his visage. With grim determination, he attempted to contain the unruly flames, yet the crystal's location remained a closely guarded secret, known only to the nobles of Elysian.

"A Traitor Has Appeared," echoed ominously within the chamber, an enigmatic proclamation reverberating with dire implications.

Amidst the chaos and torment, my instincts impelled me to survey the room, and my gaze fell upon a charred figure—a lifeless form bearing the emblem of Elysian's noble lineage. It was a poignant testament to betrayal, an indication that someone within our realm had orchestrated this catastrophic event, unveiling the perilous power of the crystal.

In a moment of desperation and unwavering resolve, I stepped forth, closing the doors behind me, and made my way towards the crystal. Though it was not yet my twenty-first year, the age at which one was meant to wield its power, dire circumstances necessitated a new custodian to quell the relentless flames that threatened to consume the Crown Prince.

With a mixture of trepidation and determination, I extended my hand towards the luminescent artefact, bracing myself for the consequences. The crystal's core pulsated with an ethereal luminescence, a captivating yet foreboding allure that seemed to transcend time itself.

"̵̤͙̈́͑̓T̷̙̳̝̓̕ȟ̴̩ḛ̷̟̆̅̿ ̶̟̀T̵̗͙͕̐̇r̸̡̞̞̋͌ȕ̶̱ẽ̴̝̦̝ ̶̤̻̀Ŏ̷̢̺̤̑̉w̷̟̐̂n̸̖̹̚ḙ̸̯̭͆̀͋r̷̡̗̗͐̾͝ ̵̯͒͗ơ̷͙̕f̴̱̯͎̊̔̒ ̶̦̓t̷̩̍̇̿h̶̻͑͝e̷̖̲̊̕ ̵͉͗̎͝C̵͚͆̀̾r̸̛͓̿̚y̶̳̦̘̑̄s̷͓̏t̸̯͗̆ä̵̡͓̥́͘͠l̵̢̳͝ ̵̩̏H̵̞̗̄̀͒a̷̤̟̔̀ͅs̵͕̋ ̸͇̈́͝A̴͎̞͑͂r̸͕̮̒r̷̝̝̥͠i̷̢̾̚v̶̘̙̀̋̐e̵̬͇̎͜d̶̯͙͚̍.̵̺͆̄̓͜"̷͇̯͚͛̆̅

̵̢͇̔̋̐"̸̗͚̈W̸̛̞̍̉ͅé̶̡͇̠͊͒̓ ̵̱̓͑̚Ḩ̵̔a̸̗̰̬̼͋v̴͙͍̮͉͛̀ě̷̟̱͙͂̚ ̶̗̍W̶̖̉a̴̧͙͙̬͐͂́̇ì̷̗̤͚̱̇͠͝t̷̘̖̬̙͊̓͘é̵͍̖̺̗̌d̵̩̅̚ ̷̈́̍̀͜͝C̸̬͍͓͌̊͠é̴͉̈́n̴̰͖̈͌͋͝ẗ̴͉̙́͝ṳ̶͙̩̓̚r̷̰͛̅̿̓ȉ̷͚e̵͍̐͝ͅş̵͕̘̌͂͠ ̷̛͕̻̋͑F̴̪̪̀̇̚ỏ̵̮̽r̵̙͇̒̆̿͆ ̵̧̞̩̐Y̴̟̝͌o̴̱͙̳͑͐̈́u̵͕̕.̷̖̹̲̚"̸̻͚̠͕̾

̸̨̩͑͌̓"̵͍͒̈́͝T̷̗͖̫͑h̴̳̿̉e̸̯̥͆ ̴̩͋͊F̵͓͙̱̐̒̋ã̶̰͉t̴͇͍̄̉e̷̺͕͖͌͐͠ ̷̹͑̏̕̚ō̴͍͑̆f̵̘̞͖̉͂ ̵̮͙͕̐T̷͔̘̞̃̽̀ͅh̶͎͚͇̜̎͒̆̚i̴͚͇͛̍̒̀ś̷̝̒ ̶͙̹͉̫̀W̸̰͎͚̭͗̈o̵̩͋͊͘͝r̸͎͍͙̽ḽ̷̽̄̚d̶͙̖̠̽͠ ̷̖̃͠I̸͉͠s̷̨̥̀̈́͘ ̷͍͖͉͒͜Į̵̤̀̃m̸̲̮̲̒̀̒͋m̸̺̓͑̏̿í̴̦̱̋͋͝n̷̪̲͊e̷̠̖͑́̚n̷̛͖͙̮͎͊͛t̸͖͕̾̒̓.̶̩͕͂"̸̙͗̐͆͠

̴̢̫̙̗͌"̸̯̻̭͉́̐̿̑C̷̥͊̄͂̓l̵͙͍̃̓a̷̘͊̑̿͝ị̴͙̀̓̽̚ḿ̸̼̣̀ ̴̡̳̻͛̕Y̷̻̒ö̵̖̮́̾͛ů̷̯̬̝̎r̵̢͍̗̊ ̷̩͔͕̈̓́͘ͅT̴̫̃h̴̗̮̼̅r̸͖͘o̷̻̿̊̾̇n̴̲͋̿̈́̒e̶̗̣̙̓̉.̶̢̲͊"̸̹̹̳̀͌͗͘

̴͙̀̐̅̅"̸̪̥́́̐Y̴̛͉͉̬̞̒͛o̵̧͎̗̺̽̋̄ṵ̵̫̙̌͊͘͝ ̸̧̃D̶̥̆͊ó̸͚̠͊n̵̫̒͘'̵̺̖̬͛̾͌ẗ̸̳͈̟́̉́ ̴͍́̈̓̽B̸̞̲͑e̴̪̽l̸͖̞̄̍ô̸̧̡͚̭̄̅n̸̙̎̌̂̎g̷̤̑͗̆ ̵̮̜̥̎̿̑͆H̷̺̜̞̙̕ë̷͉̝̫̓͘͝r̵̯̱͓̃̄͜é̵̡̛͖̐͘ͅ.̸̹͓̰̓͂͝"̶̢̜̤̒́̒

As those haunting proclamations resonated from within the crystal, an unfathomable darkness unfurled, creating a chasm that stretched before me. Desperate glances towards my father, his outstretched hands an unspoken plea for rescue, proved futile as I tumbled helplessly into the abyss.

In the disorienting aftermath of my descent, consciousness returned to me gradually, like the dawning light breaking through the veil of darkness. My senses swirled in a miasma of confusion, and as I opened my eyes, a sense of displacement overcame me. I lay amidst a stagnant puddle, surrounded by desolation that seemed to stretch infinitely, an ethereal emptiness that echoed with a haunting silence.

The barren expanse exuded an eerie stillness, an absence of life that permeated the air, leaving an unsettling void where vitality once thrived. Lifeless trees stood sentinel, their leafless branches outstretched like skeletal fingers, casting elongated shadows across the lifeless terrain.

My gaze fixed upon a colossal gate that loomed ominously in the heart of this desolate forest. Its imposing presence bore a foreboding weight upon the forsaken landscape, a monumental structure that seemed to guard a realm unknown and unfathomable.

Driven by an instinctual pull, a magnetic force that beckoned me forward, I ventured cautiously toward the foreboding gate. As I approached the towering structure, inscriptions materialized before me, etched in a language both ancient and enigmatic, yet somehow comprehensible to my bewildered mind.

W̛̼̙͉͑ͤh̴̤̮̿ͪ̍e̪̟̘̲̹̻̍ͦ̿̚͢r̫̬͛ͥ͜ē͙̹͈͓̻̩ͮͨ̉̕ ̥̣͔̭̍͊͠d̨̠̖̥̀̓͑o̞̜̗̥̙̤̬͋̇͘ͅ ̥̺̔ͧ̍̅̕y͇̯͈̫̰̺͓͂́o͔͈̓͋̎̀ụ̤̬̳̩̫̥ͪ͢ͅ ͓̪͉̞̺̗̲̅ͤ̓͘ḍ̥̭̹ͤ͢r̻̹̗͍̜͗́ͭ́ȁ̮͉̲̼̻̠͕͜ͅẉ̬̥̣͚̌̈́ͫ́ ̶̠̳͎ͩͫ͂ͦṭ̷̮̰̠͇̻̩̬̎ͤḧ͚̳́̀ͤ͂́ͅͅe̸͕̼͕̣̹̲̺̍ͧͬ ̻̼ͥ͒́l̵̖͈̻̤͙͔̓͋͐i̦͇͔̞̲̖̭̲̋͡n̶̩̠̫̯ͥͫͮ̇ͅe̖̝̱͕̲̯͈̒͛̐͠ ̲͙̤̉͐͠b̯̮̈͊̓ͧ͟e̩̲͖͕̞̣̪ͬͦ͆̀t̥̰̳̣̊ͧ̈ͦ͡w̾ͬ̈́҉̤̬ë̤̯̖̺̖̻̘̦̀e̦̮̣̓̀̔̌͜n͙̫̩̭̽͜ ̧̞͎͉̞̝ͣͥ̈́̒s̶̖͎̰̱̠̥͛̑ͭả̵̭̄̄ͨͅc̸̻͔͕͙͆̽r͈̮̃ͨ͐̑͠i̼̪͓̖̣͔͊͡ͅf̆ͤͣ҉̫̗̣͉̲ȋ̢̩͍̻ͤ͂ͭͅc͙̯̞̤̘̻̽͡ͅe͇͓̤̲͚̖͉̳͋̈̑̚͞ ̤̯̜͉͉̀ͧͬ́a̰͓̩̻̩̙̳̬ͬ͝ṋ̥̦̼̘͋ͪ́ͅd͇̯̣͖̬̉̕ ̴͇̞̝̗ͪ̎̂s̨̙͖̩̄̽̄̾e͌ͮ҉̳͍̣̯̪̯͇̗l͙̝̟͒̀̿͡f̧͈͇̙̬͋-̵̤̻͓̜̬̈́̆s̵͕̙͗̉̂l͈͉̤̪̹̲ͥ͟ͅa̷̺̳͓̽͆́u̢̱̯͇͈̙͈ͥg̢̘̰ͨͯ̂̀hͮ͂͏̩̳͍̫͇̳͔t̺͚̩͕̬͑̃̈́͘ͅĕ̸͙̙ͭr̢͎̲͔͚͗̓͌͒?̔̀͏̳̦͚̳̜̳

The cryptic words etched upon the gate imparted an eerie sense of significance, a riddle shrouded in profundity that lingered within the recesses of my thoughts. Its meaning eluded my grasp, leaving me to contemplate the implications of such a profound query in this desolate and enigmatic realm.

Seeking entrance, I endeavoured to manipulate the gate, yet my efforts proved futile. Before I could ruminate further on this enigmatic inscription, an inexplicable sensation seized my attention—a presence lingering right behind me.

A voice, disembodied yet resonant, disrupted the eerie silence, its cryptic utterances adding yet another layer of disconcerting mystery to my already confounding predicament.

"ıʄ ყơų ɧɛʂıɬąɬɛ, ყơų'ƖƖ ɖıɛ; ʂɧơῳ ųʂ ɬɧɛ ɛ℘ıƖơɠųɛ ơʄ ყơųཞ ʂɬơཞყ."

Before I could pivot to confront this elusive figure, a sudden force propelled me forward, casting me into the very domain I sought to breach. The gate creaked open with an ominous groan, swallowing me whole and shrouding me in darkness once more.

As I tumbled helplessly into this realm, I managed a fleeting glimpse of my assailant—a startling reflection of myself, a mirrored doppelgänger whose intentions remained enshrouded in elusive intrigue.

In the heart of the crystal's realm, I found myself amidst an unending parade of grotesque creatures. They surged forth, their malevolent presence casting shadows in the desolate darkness. My eyes scanned the desolation and, to my surprise, a battered sword lay discarded on the ground. Its worn and weathered appearance didn't deter me; it was my only means of defence in this nightmarish terrain. I snatched it up without hesitation, its weight a reassurance in this bleak, twisted realm.

I attempted to tap into the crystal's powers, seeking a lifeline in the swirling abyss, but to my dismay, nothing responded. It was as though the crystal's essence had vanished entirely within me. Was it the confines of the crystal's realm that negated its influence? My thoughts were abruptly cut short as the monstrous horde charged forth, their glowing blue eyes fixated on their prey.

The first creature lunged with ferocity, aiming to rend me apart. I reacted instinctively, sidestepping its strike with nimble agility, narrowly avoiding harm by a hair's breadth. In a swift move, I countered, the sword managing only a shallow incision on the beast's hide, further aggravating its fury. The skirmish continued, each foe proving more formidable than the last.

The ceaseless onslaught wore away at me, every new adversary inflicting more injuries, testing my resolve and wearing away at my strength. It felt like an eternity, each breath more laboured, each movement more taxing. But I fought on, the relentless tide of attackers bearing down relentlessly, their savage attacks searing pain through every nerve.

Amidst the chaotic battle, one of the creatures lunged forth, clamping its jaws onto my left arm. The searing pain jolted me into action, the fear of losing a limb fueling my desperation. Summoning every ounce of strength, I managed to thrust the sword into the creature's eyes, a desperate act of survival that brought about its instant demise. The possibility of losing my arm haunted me, propelling me to continue fighting against the odds.

The harrowing conflict persisted, a continuous dance between being dragged and tossed around, all the while slashing at the grotesque entities. It felt like days or perhaps months had passed since I had last been thrust into this nightmarish realm. The sword I wielded was long shattered, its remnants lost to the darkness, leaving me with only my wits and physical strength as weapons.

Frustration gnawed at my spirit; the absence of guidance or direction made me feel trapped in an endless loop of torment. If only there were some form of instruction or hint, I might have found a way out.

A piercing screech echoed through the desolate void, enraging me. In a surge of anger and determination, I plunged the sword into the creature's chest, piercing its heart and bringing about its immediate demise. The fury of battle stirred something within me, an unfamiliar sense of power and ferocity.

"If your only aim is to bring me down, at least silence your wretched cries," I bellowed, my voice resonating through the space, although there was no one to hear. My actions seemed to unnerve some of the monsters, their approach cautious, as if sensing the growing intensity within me.

With each passing moment, I felt an inexorable surge of strength coursing through my veins, a strange exhilaration mingled with the chaos of the battlefield. Looking at the remaining creatures, I beckoned them to come at me, and they surged forward as one, a tidal wave of malicious intent.

For a brief instant, I revelled in the ecstasy of combat, slashing and striking down my assailants one after another. The thrill of battle consumed me, numbing the pain and fueling my relentless assault against the creatures.

When only a solitary monster remained, it hesitated, as if sensing the force that surged within me. But it mattered not; I welcomed the challenge, my heart pounding with adrenaline and fury. The clash resumed, and the clash of blades echoed through the darkness, a testament to the relentless struggle between life and death.

The battle raged until the final monster succumbed, falling lifeless to the ground, leaving me alone amidst the desolate expanse, the silence now hauntingly profound.

As I ventured forth through the dark realm, I stumbled upon what seemed to be a miniature version of the crystal I had touched before entering this place. Driven by determination and perhaps desperation, I crushed it beneath my heel, causing the crystal to shatter into shards and evaporate without a trace.

Suddenly, I found myself standing before the very gates that had first swallowed me into this domain. A crunch of grass behind made me whirl around, only to confront the mirrored version of myself, the one who had pushed me into this wretched realm.



I and the mirrored version began, but words eluded me, caught in a swirl of emotions and unanswered questions. We faced each other, a silent dialogue unfolded between us, words unspoken yet resonating with an inexplicable understanding.

The mirrored version, a distorted reflection of my features, gazed back at me with a sense of eerie amusement. Their eyes, akin to mine yet harbouring a curious gleam, seemed to hold a wealth of enigmatic knowledge. It was disconcerting to encounter a mirrored entity that possessed the very essence of my being but exuded an air of detached control.

As I struggled to comprehend the surreal nature of the encounter, the mirrored version spoke in a voice that echoed like a haunting whisper in the desolate expanse. "ɧąɧą, ı ŋɛ۷ɛཞ ɛҳ℘ɛƈɬɛɖ ყơų ɬơ ƈơɱ℘Ɩɛɬɛ ɬɧąɬ ɖơɱąıŋ, ŋơཞ ɖıɖ ı ɛҳ℘ɛƈɬ ყơų ɬơ ɖơ ıɬ ʂơ ʂῳıʄɬƖყ."

Their voice, an echo of my own, carried a sense of detached amusement as if observing an experiment unfold. I remained silent, grappling with a surge of conflicting emotions—bewilderment, curiosity, and a lingering sense of apprehension.

"ɧɱɱ, ŋơ ཞɛąƈɬıơŋ? ყơų'ཞɛ ɖıʄʄɛཞɛŋɬ ʄཞơɱ ɬɧɛ ཞɛʂɬ. ɱơʂɬ ῳơųƖɖŋ'ɬ ɛ۷ɛŋ ɧą۷ɛ ცཞơƙɛŋ ɬɧཞơųɠɧ. ცųɬ ყơų ɖıɖ," they continued, their tone laced with a cryptic amusement that unnerved me.

Curiosity and urgency flooded my thoughts as I sought answers. "Where am I? Why do you look like me?" I questioned, my voice revealing a mixture of confusion and urgency.

Their smirk deepened, a twisted mimicry of my expressions. "ąɧ, ɬɧɛ ℘ɛཞɛŋŋıąƖ զųɛʂɬıơŋʂ. ı ąɱ ɬɧɛ ƈཞყʂɬąƖ, ყɛɬ ı ąɱ ŋơɬ. ɬɧıʂ ıʂ ῳıɬɧıŋ ɬɧɛ ƈཞყʂɬąƖ. ąʂ ʄơཞ ῳɧყ ı Ɩơơƙ Ɩıƙɛ ყơų? ῳɛƖƖ, ı ῳąʂ ცơཞɛɖ, ʂơ ı ųʂɛɖ ყơųཞ ʄąƈɛ," they said playfully, yet the unsettling nature of their words sent a shiver down my spine.

Their words struck a disconcerting chord within me. "Why should I collect these crystals? I never heard about these trials or domains," I pressed, seeking answers amidst the cryptic riddles.

Their laughter echoed, a haunting cacophony in the desolate void. "ơɧ, ıʄ ơŋƖყ ყơų ƙŋɛῳ. ɬɧɛ ɬཞųɛ ơῳŋɛཞʂ ῳɛཞɛŋ'ɬ ყơųཞ ℘ཞɛɖɛƈɛʂʂơཞʂ; ყơų'ཞɛ ɬɧɛ ཞıɠɧɬʄųƖ ɧɛıཞ. ყơų ɧą۷ɛ ɬơ ƈơƖƖɛƈɬ ɬɧɛɱ ɬơ ɠąıŋ ɬɧɛ ƈཞყʂɬąƖ'ʂ ɬཞųɛ ℘ơῳɛཞ. ɖıɖ ɬɧɛყ ŋơɬ ɬɛƖƖ ყơų ąცơųɬ ɬɧɛ ℘ཞơ℘ɧɛƈყ?" they teased, revelling in my lack of knowledge.

The realisation hit me like a crashing wave—an unexpected destiny I was unprepared for. But before I could comprehend the gravity of their words, they spoke again, their voice tinged with a cryptic finality.

"ɬɧɛ ʂɬཞıŋɠʂ ơʄ ʄąɬɛ ɧą۷ɛ ცཞơųɠɧɬ ყơų ɧɛཞɛ. ɬɧɛ ɛŋɖıŋɠ ơʄ ɬɧıʂ ųŋʄơཞɬųŋąɬɛ ʂɬơཞყ... ıɬ'ʂ ʄơཞ ყơų ɬơ ɖɛƈıɖɛ. ƈơƖƖɛƈɬ ɬɧɛ ཞɛɱąıŋıŋɠ ʄı۷ɛ, ąŋɖ ῳɛ ʂɧąƖƖ ɱɛɛɬ ąɠąıŋ, ı ɖơ ɧơ℘ɛ ყơų ʂųཞ۷ı۷ɛ ɖɛąཞ ყ/ŋ." they declared a sense of ominous finality in their words.

Without warning, they pushed me backwards, sending me hurtling through another portal. As I tumbled through the void, a sense of profound disorientation and fatigue overcame me, pulling me into a deep and dreamless slumber.

And so, in the desolate realm of the crystal, my encounter with the mirrored version left behind a trail of unanswered questions, an enigmatic journey yet to unfold.

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