Written in the stars (Harry P...

By NyaPotter23

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What would happen if Lily's sacrifice was still made but she wasn't killed as well as James. And what if a wa... More

A/n and info
Year 1
Part 2 - The Sorting Ceremony
Part 3 - The First Day
Part 4 - Troll Trama
Part 5 - Quidditch
Part 6 - New discoveries
Part 7 - Home for the Holidays
Part 8 - Detention
Part 9 - Dogs and Vines
Part 10 - Keys and Chess
Part 11 - Two faced
Part 12 - Home is where the Heart is
Year 2
Part 13 - The summer of regrets
Part 14 - Harry's new attitude
Part 15 - Our return to Hogwarts

Part 1 - The Train Ride

586 7 15
By NyaPotter23

"Well I would love to go to the library and read ancient forms of magic."

Yn's pov:

Today was the day I am going to the Hogwarts express to go to Hogwarts which I panicked about every second of every day since I got my stuff from diagon alley. I panic about if everything was in my bag or if we had got everything from diagon alley. I guess that's why my family call me an over-thinker. But downstairs, Cedric, Mum and Dad were all running around the house trying to get everyone ready and out the house for the start of school seeing as we have to be at platform 9 3/4 by 11 o'clock and it takes us forever to get out of bed by 9:00am let alone get out the door before 10:30am. The trunks were in the living room ready to go, Mum had just finished cooking sausage, eggs, hash browns and baked beans for breakfast and Dad was checking everything was there ready to go with us to Hogwarts and Cedric was on his way to wake me up.

He walked in to my room holding a glass of water incase he had to use it to wake me up because let's just say I am a really deep sleeper and he didn't want to be late. He actually went through with it once just because I refused to get out of bed for a family get together. Let's just say the house became a nerf gun battle field and in our house hold nerf gun wars are taken very seriously. No one was safe to walk openly. My parents got hit at least 30 times last time. They ended up hiding in the airing cupboard. That lasted until 6:00pm and let's just say I won by a landslide.

"Yn wake up. Yn wake up. YN WAKE UP. YN WAKE UP!!! Fine you leave me no choice. Pls don't kill me after this." Said Cedric who then poured the glass of water on my head and instantly wanted to run for it but had to check I was awake. I shot up in bed due to the sudden wave of water splashing in my face which held an murderous expression which was slowly spreading across my whole face. I swear I looked as if I was about to use the killing curse on someone. And that someone right now would be Cedric. I quickly got out of bed and stood opposite Cedric on the verge of an 11 year old being sent to Azkaban for illegal use of magic from someone else's wand.

"Why would you do that. I am going to K!LL YOU!!'" I yelled chasing Cedric with my hand out stretched prepared to strangle him to death unless I got a hold of a wand. After 10 minutes of being unsuccessful and being held back by my dad saying no spilling blood in the house, I went upstairs grumpily to get ready for my new school. I got into normal clothes seeing as i would be getting changed in to my school clothes on the train and the journey is going to last for ages.

It was now 9 o'clock, which meant we had an hour and a half to eat breakfast before we had to go meet the Potters in front of Kings Cross Station.While we ate, we talk about how excited we are and what we hoped would happen this year. Cedric had the idea of trying to guess what house I would get sorted into. Cedric guessed Hufflepuff with him. Mum guessed  Gryffindor because of my outgoing and couragous personality. And Amos guessed Ravenclaw because he thought I was smart and creative enough. But I am nowhere near smart enough for Ravenclaw. But I didn't care what house I got in as long as I was with my best friend Harry Potter. And the thought of being able to produce magic without a wand ran through my head. How is it done? What kind of magic is it? How long would it take to learn it? Is it even possible? What will other students say when they find out I don't have a wand.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" Mum said worried as I had a sad face on.

"Nothing I am just scared of students finding out." I said knowing mum would understand.

"Finding out what?" Cedric said confused.

"Oh dear don't worry. I have sent an owl to Dumbledore about it so he'll figure something out." Mum said reassuring me as my spirit lifted and dad and Cedric gave each other a confused look.

Before we know it, it was already 10:25am so quickly before we left i decided to double check that I had everything and luckily i did check because it turned out I had left my owl pellets in my bedside table draw. Once I grabbed my owl pellets for Y/o/n we left for Kings Cross Station which took 34 minutes to get to. I didn't talk to Cedric the whole way there because I was still mad at him about the water. When we turned up at King's Cross station, the Potters were already there waiting for us. I immediately saw Harry and forgot all about my little grudge on Cedric. I quickly ran to my favourite person and tackled him in a bone crushing hug. Harry stumbled backwards once I crashed into him while the adults were all saying hi to each other and Cedric said hi to Harry while I refused to let go of him remembering I was still mad at Cedric.

We walked in to Kings Cross Station forcing me to released Harry from the hug but when I did release him I was immediately pulled in another hug by Harry's little sister Emma. Emma had short brown hair with brown eyes which she got from James but she definitely had lily's nose and freckles. Me and Emma have always been close and I would play with her for a little bit when Harry came around my house and when I went to the Potters house. Harry was a little jealous by how much time me and Emma would spend together. We all walked down to platform 9 and 10 to be able to get to platform 9 3/4. When the coast was clear, we started running through the wall. First, dad and Cedric ran through then James and Harry. Next, was Emma and Lily following them lastly was me and Mum. And what I saw next was the most amazing and beautiful thing I have ever seen ever. There was a lot of people rushing to get their children on the train on time and hugging them goodbye. The train was scarlet red and wore the words Hogwarts express in gold writing. I stood there in amazement, taking in the amazing sight that was before my eyes. I stood there gawking at the sight in front of me, I snapped back into reality when Harry started pulling me to the adults, Cedric and Emma.

We all said your goodbyes and then I left to go on to the train with Harry right behind me and we went to find a compartment. Cedric went off with his Hufflepuff friends leaving Harry and me alone to navigate the train. Both of us walked across the train to find an empty compartment but majority of them were full. Soon enough we found one and both of us sat down. Harry was on the left side of the compartment next to the window and I was sat on the right side by the door. After we left, I started reading my book on ancient forms of magic. Around about ten minutes of the train moving across the beautiful country side, the slightly dented door slid open seamlessly.

"Do you mind everywhere else is full?" A voice said. I looked up to see a red head standing at the door. He has red hair, blue eyes and freckles across his face. His clothes looked as though they weren't his. And he had a rat that kept trying to bite me.

"Not at all." Harry said gesturing to the seat opposite him. I just smiled at him trying not to be rude but I don't know what to say.

"I'm Ron Weasley by the way" Ron said sitting next to the window opposite Harry and next to me.

"I'm Harry. Harry Potter."Harry said happily in hopes that he'll get a friend other than Yn.

"No way. Do you have the ... the" Ron said pointing at his forehead. Harry just said oh just realising in the wizarding world, he's famous. Harry lifted up his hair to show the lightening bolt scar with a smile on his face. "Wicked" was all Ron said and then after a few seconds of awkward silence the boy said "And what's your name?"

"Oh I'm Yn Diggory." I said with a smile on my face trying to be friendly. He reached his hand out to shake my hand.

"Nice to meet you Yn" he said as he shook my hand.

"You too" I said releasing my hand and wiping it with my clothes.

"What's wrong? Is your hand okay." Ron said confused and worried as to why I was wiping my hand.

"Don't worry about her. She just doesn't like human contact but will gladly hug her family and my family." Harry said letting Ron know that he doesn't have to worry about me.

All of a sudden the door slid open again, revealing an old lady with a trolly filled with sweets. She was wearing a colourful top with jelly beans on, a long red skirt that has daisies stitched on at the bottom and plain black leather boots and a white apron. Her hair was done in a neat bun.

"Anything off the trolly dears"the lady said.

"No thanks all packed" Ron said holding up something that could be food or a rock. Only time will tell.

"No thanks I'm not hungry" I said even though I didn't eat much at breakfast or of any meal in the past 4 years.

After a few silent seconds of Harry thinking which was never a good idea. Every time Harry thought of ideas they would end up in trouble.

"We'll take the lot" Harry blurted out pulling out a load of coins. After handing the lady the correct amount of coins Ron and Harry started munching on the sweets.

"You know your dad says not to spend too much money on stuff especially on junk like sweets." I said disapprovingly not eating anything and looking at Harry. Ron was now sat next to Harry because the sweets were on Harry's side of the compartment.

"Well he's not here is he" Harry said shrugging his shoulders. I just shook my head at how Harry was acting. "Eat something I know you didn't finish breakfast. I don't want you to starve."

"No thanks. I'm good." I said turning down the sweets. I started to read my book again trying to get through two chapters before the Train ride finished and we arrive at Hogwarts.

Ron started eating gummy worms and Harry was going to attempt to eat a chocolate frog but when Harry decided to pay attention and catch the chocolate frog, to his luck it got away and jumped out the window. Ron had a rat on his lap as it's head was in a Berty bots every flavoured beans box scavenging for any remaining food but it was empty. Ron was about to try a spell on his rat scabbers that would turn the rat yellow. A spell that apparently one of his brothers taught him and said would definitely work. But before Ron could say anything, the door to the compartment slid opened seamlessly once more but this time revealing a young girl around our age.

"Have any of you seen a toad. A boy named Neville lost one. Oh are you doing magic? Let's see then." The girl said standing tall. Ron clears his throat

"Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid, fat rat yellow." But it doesn't work causing Ron to just shrug at Harry. The only thing it did was make the rat jolt backwards ever so slightly.

"Are you sure it's a real spell. Well it isn't very good is it. Of course I've only tried a few simple spells but they've all worked for me. For example." She said as she walked over sitting in front of Harry and pointing her wand directly at his face. "Oculus reparo" and then Harry's glasses were fixed quicker than you could say quidditch. "There that's better isn't it. Holy crickets your Harry Potter. I'm Hermione Granger. And you two are?" Hermione questioned Ron and I.

"Ron Weasley." Ron said with his mouth full of food.

"Pleasure." Hermione said and then looked at me.

"Yn Diggory." I said with a smile. Finally looking up from my book, I looked at Hermione. She had brown frizzy hair, with blue eyes and it was clear that she carried herself with confidence. She was already in her uniform which was a black pleated school skirt, a grey jumper and tie with knee high socks and black leather school shoes. All topped with black robes with the Hogwarts crest on.

"Well you best get changed. I'm sure we should be arriving soon." Hermione said going to leave but stopping at the compartment door and turning around. "You have some dirt on your nose by the way. Did you know that?" She said indicating to where it was, as Ron started rubbing the side of his nose. "And the changing room line is huge meaning it's going to take forever to wait to get changed, it would probably be a better idea for you to change in here." And as she finished talking she walked away closing the compartment door behind her.

"So who first me or you two. I don't mind." I said.

"What?" Harry asked not paying attention before. Ever since Yn started reading the book after he bought the sweets, she was the only thing he looked at. That's one of the reasons as to why he didn't catch the chocolate frog in time.

"Who should change first me or you two because I am quick and you two need more time than me ,especially you Harry because you take 20 minutes to get changed, so i suggest you guys first." I repeated more elaborately for the boys to understand more clearly.

"So us first then if Harry takes 20 minutes." Ron said standing up to grab his clothes.

"Ok I'll be just out here." I said stepping out into the corridor and closing the door behind me. I just smile and say hi to people as they pass me in the corridor.

Harry's POV:

I stood up and grabbed my trunk and opened it to take out my school uniform.

"So how long have you known Yn." Ron said breaking the silence.

"Since we were born. Our parents were friends when they went to Hogwarts. Well, her mum was friends with my parents." I said putting the trunk back before getting dressed.

"I have a question." Ron said curiously with his top half naked.

"Sure. What's your question?" I said intrigued as I took off my top.

"Do you like her?" Ron asked and I instantly froze. I started having a battle in my head as to if I like Yn.

"What makes you say that?" I asked wondering where the idea came from.

"It's just you've no stopped looking at her. It make me wonder." Ron said trying to read Harry's face while putting his foot in his trousers. Harry on the other hand was just staring out the window in his underwear contemplating on what to say and how he feels.

"I don't know. All I know is I always want her in my life." I said finally turning around to look at Ron who was already fully dressed.

"Well, you might want to hurry up and get dressed because Yn's still got to get dressed yet." Ron said cleaning some of the rubbish up.

"Ok." I said and started to finish getting dressed.

Yn's POV:

After the boys got changed I got changed into my uniform and when we all sat back down it was starting to get dark.

After another 37 minutes of the boys finishing and cleaning up the sweet wrappers and me finishing 3 chapters, the train had come to a stop at a train station called Hogsmead station which isn't far from Hogwarts. We all stepped out off the train and onto the platform only to come face to face with the games keeper Hagrid. Hagrid told us first year to follow him and he then escorted us to boats but it was two in one boat so I got in a boat with Hermione while Harry and Ron got in a boat together. There was an awkward silence from our boat.

"Hi" I said trying to breaking the silence between me and Hermione.

"Hi" Hermione said back awkwardly trying to keep the conversation going .But I didn't work. We just sat there in silence for 5 minutes before Hermione said. "What are you most excited about going to Hogwarts to do or see?"

"Well I would love to go to the library and read about ancient forms of magic." I said to Hermione who looked up at me excitedly.

"Me too. Apparently, there is every book on any form of magic known to wizard kind you could think of in there. It's the biggest library in the world. I personally love books in general. I would love to help you. If you want." Hermione said happily.

"Thanks Hermione. I be glad to go to the library with you." I smiled at my new friend I just made, happy that we were now getting along and have things in common.

We made our way across the lake laughing, loving the view and having a good time bonding. We even saw the giant squids tentacle. For a few moments it was silent. Not awkward silence but a comfortable silence. I just starred at the sight. The moonlight glistens across the lake as lights of the castle are glowing in the reflection of the lake's surface. Forests and mountains surround the castle almost like a barrier. When we got across the lake, we got out the boats and walk up and through the corridors and up the stairs. When we got to the top of the stairs, we faced a woman and from Cedric's description of the teachers at Hogwarts this was Professor Mcgonagall head of Gryffindor and the Transfiguration Professor.

"Welcome to Hogwarts. Now in a few moments you will pass through these doors and join your classmates. But before you can take your seats you must be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Now while your here your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you points. Any rule breaking and you will lose points. At the end of the year the house with the most points is awarded the house cup-" she got interrupted by a boy yelling "Trevor!" And lunging forward to grab a toad that was on the floor that must of been Neville the boy Hermione was talking about. He apologised and Professor Mcgonagall continued " The sorting ceremony will start momentarily." And then she walked away. As soon as she was out of ear shot a boy with platinum blonde hair that looked as if it was drowning in hair gel and bright blue eyes like sapphire crystals started speaking.

"So it's true then. What they're saying on the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts." The boy said causing an outburst of whispers saying 'Harry Potter'. "This is Crabbe and Goyle and I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy" Ron snorts to himself but Draco unfortunately hears "Think my name is funny do you. No need to ask yours. Red hair and a hand-me-down robe. You must be a Weasley. You don't want to make friends with people of a lower status than you. I can help you." He said with his hand out stretched waiting for Harry to shake.

"I think I can tell who's good for me for myself thanks." Harry said with a slight grin. Draco had an angry expression all across his face as if Honydukes ran out of his favourite sweets and they would be in stock for another 4 months.

"Who's this next to you then?" Draco said staring at me and then started to slowly walk closer to me. Harry was visibly getting angry.

"Don't even look at her!" Harry said standing in front of me like he was guarding me.

"Don't tell me she's your girlfriend. Your nowhere near good enough for her." Draco said laughing hysterically.

"No she isn't." Harry said a little more calmly.

"Then I don't see what the problem is." Draco said wiping his tears out of his eyes.

Professor Mcgonagall returned and tapped Draco on the shoulder with a scroll causing him to stop laughing and return to his original spot.

"We're ready for you now. Follow me." She said leading us through a pair of large, old, oak doors as they start to swing open by themselves without anyone touching them.


Any-gays what did you think of the first chapter.
I have so many plans for how this goes and the kind of magic you will do.

By the way I have finished editing this on the 9th April 2023 and it won't be released as soon as I write it because I am trying to get at least a few chapters done first and I am dealing with posting problems. So yeah but it's been a day since The Owl House finale episode was released and when I first watched it I was literally crying. No joke. I can't believe it's finished it's a really amazing show. If you haven't watched it I 10 out of 10 highly recommend if you love gays and magic and demons. See you later my little nifflers.



Word count: 3744 words

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