Malefic [BOOK 2]

By wonuwu4k

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A few words from the author.
Another year.
Path to Immortality.
Under the Sea.
Leo? Not Leo.
A confession he was not ready for.
A box of poisonous snakes.
Dangerously Adorable.
All Those Little Things
โ™ซ โ™ชSalt- shaker, shaker~โ™ซ โ™ช
Wild flowers and floating slimes.
Must have been a deadly kiss
Tom's Strange Interests.
I Am the Rich Man
Elementary, my dear Watson
Let Me Tell You a Story
Dreaming a Dream I've Never Seen Even in Dreams
It's All a part of the big plan
The Viallain's Story.
Torn Apart by Fate's Design
Aunt Flo is Visiting.
Hope Hurts.

Something About You Makes Me a Dangerous Man

208 14 4
By wonuwu4k

"He kisses you to keep you anchored," Chen said more to himself, "I wonder what will happen if I do the same."


"Are you okay?" Tom asked her under his breath.

Tom stood up and took Leo's hand in his with care.

"I will see you in detention then, sir. Excuse us," Tom nodded and led Leo out of the room.
✱ ⁕ ❋ ✻ ✽ ❃ ✿ ❊

Unfazed by the utterly perplexed face of Professor Slughorn, Tom shrugged off the moment. Hogwarts may have just witnessed a historic first—him, a student, willingly signing up for detention.

 If Hogwarts had a record for such things, he would undoubtedly hold the title of being the last person expected to land in detention.

The boy firmly clasped Leo's hand and hoisted her up. Despite sensing her resistance, he stubbornly dragged her out of the classroom, leaving everyone perplexed and a few slightly envious.

Tom couldn't help but notice Leo's trembling hand within his grasp. Stealing a quick glance at her, he observed her pale face, etched solely with an unmistakable expression of fear.

Tom felt a sense of impending doom. Everything seemed to be going too perfectly, setting off alarm bells in his head.

With Leo struggling to keep up, Tom stormed down the hallway. His steps were uneven and shaky. His chest tightened, as if a heavy weight was crushing his lungs, and his heart pounded wildly as if it wanted to burst out of his chest. His fists clenched tightly, his knuckles turning white, and his jaw locked in a determined line. He was a mix of anger, fear, and tension all at once, ready to explode.

As the pair made their way through the bustling hallways, the onlookers couldn't help but express their confusion. It was an unusual sight—Tom, usually composed and focused, tugging a girl along during regular school hours. Leo could sense the whispers beginning to circulate, as the rumours about them started to take shape.

Tom Riddle is enchanted by a clever Ravenclaw. They say she's got him wrapped around her finger, casting a spell on his heart.

Did you see Tom and that Ravenclaw? Rumour has it they're up to something dark and mysterious together.

Word is spreading that Tom's under the spell of a Ravenclaw beauty. Some say she's using him for her own twisted motives.

Leo sighed as the tiredness started taking over her body.

 Tom caught a faint, feeble call of his name from Leo. It stopped him in his tracks, prompting him to swiftly turn around and confront her.

His gaze fixated solely on Leo, causing everyone else to blur in the background. At that very moment, Tom's attention was solely devoted to her. He observed her eyes welling up with tears, glistening with unshed emotion. Her lips, swollen and pink, bore witness to silent sobs. A stark contrast emerged between her reddened nose and pale cheeks.

But instead of seeing fear in those beautiful brown eyes of hers, Tom saw worry. He knew that he was being too rough, too impatient. But he knew that one wrong step, one misjudgement and he could lose Leo forever.

"I am sorry," Tom whispered in a shaky voice. 

The sheer intensity of the emotions flooding Tom's being at the mere thought of losing Leo was foreign to him. They surged through him uncontrollably, making it difficult to contain. He felt an intense urge to eliminate any potential danger, to remove all living beings around him and Leo, just to ensure her safety.

Tom felt a surge of intense killing instincts, stronger than ever before. He had always believed that his lack of positive emotions made him strong, able to take lives without feeling any guilt or remorse. He remained unaffected by the act of killing, showing no emotions whatsoever.

But now, Leo changed everything. She made him feel unhinged. The mere thought of someone causing her harm ignited a wild fury within him. He became thirsty for blood, eager to demonstrate his power to protect Leo. Anger coursed through him in its rawest form.

Leo turned him into a dangerous person.

He glanced down at the girl, trying to calm himself down. With a forced smile, he loosened his grip on her wrist, wincing at the red marks it left behind. Tom intertwined their fingers and slowed his pace, allowing Leo to keep up.

"Where are we going?" Leo asked quietly, still shaken by what she had seen.

"We're going to the Room of Requirements," Tom replied, "We can talk there without any prying ears."

Leo simply nodded, her expression subdued, causing Tom to clench his jaw. Although he had managed to calm down a bit, he still felt a suffocating sensation lingering within him.

Tom's mind became a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions, tangled and chaotic. Yet, he fought to maintain his composure, shielding Leo from his inner turmoil. He couldn't bear to let her see him in such a state, fearing it would only add to her worries. With a forced smile, he attempted small talk, but Leo's responses were limited to sad smiles and feeble hums.

"Hey, have you seen that new book in the library? The one about magical creatures?"

 "Yeah, I spotted it. Seems interesting," Leo answered after a second, her voice soft and tired.

"I remember reading about a creature that reminded me of you," Tom glanced at the girl who was now looking at him.

"It's called a Lumara. It's a small, round creature with fluffy, multicoloured fur. Whenever it wiggles its fluffy body, its cheeks puff up just like yours when you're angry," Tom explained eagerly.

Leo gave him a faint smile and squeezed his hands, "Sound like a delightful creature."

A sigh of relief escaped Tom's lips as he managed to coax Leo into a conversation. Comforting others had never been his strong suit; that was more Leo's domain. Still, he was grateful that he had succeeded in getting her to open up, even if just a little.

As they reached the entrance of the Room of Requirement, Tom briefly released Leo's hand, only to reclaim it moments later. With a gentle squeeze, he led her into the dimly lit chamber, shrouded in an aura of familiarity and mystery. It was a place that held countless memories, both tumultuous and tender, where they had engaged in childish arguments and funny pranks, and simply enjoyed each other's company.

The walls of the room which were made of stone and adorned with ornate carvings and tapestries had seen many secrets, many vulnerabilities of both Tom and Leo.

The room was divided into several sections, each designed to suit Tom's particular needs at the time. The central area was a large, open space, dominated by a large stone fireplace, which crackled with an eerie, green-tinged flame.

The fireplace is flanked by two tall, imposing statues, carved in the likeness of ancient wizards, their eyes glowing red in the flickering light. In front of the fireplace was a large couch that Tom and Leo always fought over for space.

Now, Tom helped Leo sit down on the softest spot and took a seat beside her. Silence engulfed them and the sound of fire cackling took over their minds. Tom watched Leo's face tinted green from the fire. Her eyes looked blank but she was thankful for the space to take everything in. Tom gave out a sigh and started looking around to find peace in nothingness.

To one side of the central area was a small library, with shelves lined with ancient, leather-bound tomes, their spines embossed with intricate symbols and arcane sigils. The books were old and musty making the air thick with the smell of parchment and dust.

These were what kept Tom occupied when Leo was not around. These books had heard so many of his thoughts and complaints about the world. Tom wondered how much he used to trust those inanimate objects.

On the other side of the room was a large, circular chamber, surrounded by dark, heavy curtains. Inside the chamber was a large, stone basin, filled with a murky, green liquid that glowed with an eerie light. That was Tom's personal Pensieve, where he stored his most treasured memories and secrets, safe from prying eyes.

The rest of the room was filled with various arcane objects and artefacts, including a large, obsidian altar, a collection of enchanted swords and daggers, and a massive, gleaming black stone, which seems to pulse with dark energy. Collecting cursed objects was a habit of his. He found a sense of peace in collecting things that represented himself. 

 This room was Tom's sanctuary, a place of power and darkness, where he could retreat and plan his next move in his quest for ultimate power.

But now, he could not remember the last time he had visited the room of requirement to plot a plan or just to get away from people. All his habits, his love for dark objects, shadows and books were replaced by a single person.


Tom found his peace in Leo. Leo calmed him down but turned him crazy at the same time. He felt weak at her touch but powerful when she was with him. He could not afford to lose her. His hooded eyes fell on the girl sitting beside him, trying to make herself appear smaller.

Her round face, with its soft and delicate features, now appeared dull and lifeless. Her normally sparkling brown eyes were now misty with unshed tears, and her messy brown hair looked limp and lifeless. The infectious smile that once graced her face was nowhere to be seen. Instead, her lips were set in a thin line, her expression one of profound sadness and fear.

There was a heaviness in her heart that weighed her down, and it was reflected in her posture. Her shoulders were slumped, and her movements were slow and deliberate as if she were afraid that any sudden movement would cause her to break down completely.

"Leo," Tom called her name with a grim tone, his voice laced with a sense of seriousness, "I need you to tell me everything."

Tom didn't bother to sugarcoat things. He knew Leo had been gripped by fear, causing her to scream in terror in the middle of Slughorn's class. Whatever she had gone through must have been traumatic. Opening up about such experiences wasn't easy, but Tom wanted to provide the support she needed.

After a moment of thought, Leo let out a sigh and nodded. She shifted slightly to face Tom directly, her eyes reflecting vulnerability as she spoke.

"Can I... hold your hand?" she asked softly, her voice filled with uncertainty.

Tom's expression softened instantly, overriding any lingering tension. He moved closer, bridging the distance between them, and reached out his hands to her. Leo took hold of his hand delicately, treating it with care as if it were fragile. She brought his hand closer, placing it gently on her lap, seeking comfort and support in his presence.

In that simple act of holding hands, an unspoken understanding passed between them, creating a safe space for Leo to begin sharing her burdens. She knew that Tom would listen, offer solace, and help carry the weight of her pain.

Tom watched as the girl closed her eyes and took a deep breath. He held his own breath and waited for her to collect her thoughts.

"I saw... something horrible, Tom," Leo started as her voice cracked mid-sentence.

He watched as Leo struggled to blurt out words. He listened to every word that came out of her lips. He tried to analyze every little detail to get any kind of hint. Most of her story didn't make sense. He felt a pang of guilt every time Leo sobbed or shed a tear while reliving the horrible vision.

But he didn't stop her. Tom needed to know all the details of the vision. He needed to figure out who Chen was and what he wanted.

Throughout the entire time Leo spoke, Tom gently brushed away the tears from Leo's cheeks, offering her a touch of comfort. His hand traced soothing circles on her back, providing a sense of reassurance. As he ran his fingers through her soft hair, he hoped that these gestures would calm her down.

Tom could see that she was scared. He was sacred as well. Both of them knew that Chen was the biggest obstacle yet. He had the power to tear them apart. And from what he had gathered from Leo's vision, Chen was having fun playing with their emotions.

"Tom, Chen and evil Leo are linked together. I am not even sure if I'm real," Leo said in between her fearful sobs.

Tom snapped out of his murderous thoughts and focused all his attention on the girl. He grabbed her shoulder and forced her to face him completely.

"Leo, believe me when I say this- it does not matter which part of you is real. You are real to me. This very moment that we are sharing is real along with all the other memories that we had shared, the bad ones as well as the good ones," Tom stated firmly.

"But you didn't see what I saw, Tom. Chen looked like he knew every little thing that has happened to me ever since I came to this world," Leo cried out.

"So what? What does that change? For all I know, he feels jealous and insecure because I have you. All those moments we shared belong to us only and Chen could never be a part of that. That makes him weak," Tom sneered at the thought of that vile human.

Leo sighed and shook her head. She placed her hand over Tom's and closed her eyes, "We must stay careful."

Tom, instead of holding her hand, gently released his grip and intertwined his fingers with hers. Bringing their joined hands closer to his lips, he planted a tender kiss on her knuckles.

"No, Leo," Tom murmured softly against her skin.

Startled, Leo's eyes widened as she questioned, "No?"

Tom shook his head, his eyes locked with Leo's, radiating a mixture of mischief and pride. It was a gaze that he reserved exclusively for her, a look that hinted at the workings of his cunning mind.

A blush crept onto Leo's cheeks as she met Tom's gaze, their eyes locked in a charged moment of intensity.

"What do you mean, 'no,' Tom? This is a serious matter," Leo attempted to sound stern, but her voice quivered, betraying her true emotions.

Tom's expression hardened, a hint of disgust evident in his voice. "We don't need to tread cautiously when our enemy is clearly taking us lightly," he declared. "Leo, I care deeply about you, but I am still the same Tom Riddle. I cannot simply allow others to toy with what belongs to me."

Leo's mouth hung open, momentarily at a loss for words. The eerie nightmare that had haunted her felt like a distant memory as she observed the transformation in the boy before her. His features contorted into an unsettling smirk, his eyes sparkling with dangerous excitement.

It seemed like he was revelling in this twisted game.

"I can't help but notice the similarities between Chen and myself," Tom mused, his voice laced with a hint of amusement.

Leo shook her head, concern etched on her face. "Tom, please don't say things like that—"

Tom cut her off, his voice dripping with self-assuredness. "Oh, fear not, Leona. I am well aware that I surpass him in every way. After all, I am far more handsome as well."

Leo couldn't help but roll her eyes, a mixture of exasperation and fondness washing over her.

"I'm merely pointing out that Chen is driven by loneliness and a thirst for power," Tom explained, his voice laced with intrigue. "And I happen to know just how to push his boundaries."

Leo let out a weary sigh, still apprehensive about the idea of provoking Chen. The mysterious antagonist had proven to be a formidable opponent, with his enigmatic presence in Hogwarts and his uncanny knowledge.

"So, what's the plan, then?" Leo inquired, fully aware that changing Tom's mind was an uphill battle, especially when he was revelling in the thrill of it all.

Tom's gaze fixated on her, the mischievous glimmer intensifying beneath the warm glow of the fireplace.

"Oh, I assure you, you're going to love it," Tom's smile grew wider.

In the next instant, his lips met hers, surprising Leo and muffling her startled gasp. She could sense the faint smirk against her mouth as their lips locked. After a few lingering moments, Tom pulled away, allowing both of them to catch their breath.

Leo struggled to find her words, her voice barely a whisper. "So, your grand plan is to kiss me?"

Tom chuckled, the sound sending shivers down her spine. "Well, that's only a part of it."

Still catching her breath, Leo shook her head in a mixture of confusion and amusement. "I'm utterly lost right now."

Tom chuckled, his laughter filling the room as he ran his fingers through his hair, tousling it playfully. Leaning back against the couch, he rested his head on the backrest, still grinning to himself with his eyes closed.

Beside him, Leo sensed his mirth and shifted closer, resting her head on his chest. Tom's arms instinctively encircled her, providing a sense of warmth and security.

"So, we're playing hooky today?" Leo mumbled, her voice muffled against his chest.

Tom's laughter continued to reverberate through his chest as he responded, "Yes, isn't it exhilarating?"

Rolling her eyes, Leo finally settled into a calmer state after the whirlwind of emotions. "Well, for you it might be. I've skipped my fair share of classes. Not everyone can be a goody-two-shoes like you, Mr Riddle."

Leo blinked, momentarily caught off guard. She quickly recovered, flashing him a sheepish grin before leaning in and planting a quick kiss on his lips.

"Oh, you caught me," she admitted, her voice tinged with playful mischief. "I must confess, I have been known to sneak away from class on occasion. But let's not dwell on that now, shall we? I'm feeling quite tired."

Tom's gaze softened as he met Leo's sheepish look, a fondness blooming in his eyes. He couldn't help but be captivated by her smile, and at that moment, he allowed himself to let go of the weight of their uncertain future. A rare smile graced his features, causing his nose to scrunch up and his eyes to twinkle with warmth.

Leo's heart swelled at the sight of his smile, and she nestled even closer into his chest, finding solace in his embrace. The crackling of the fireplace filled the room, creating a comforting backdrop to their shared silence.

For now, they could forget about the future and just live in the moment, even if it was for only a few hours.

A/N: I am getting lots of comments on my first book. Which made me realise that it is time I start editing the old chapters. My writing style has also changed over the years.

There won't be any major plot changes in the chapters. Just a few things here and there.

This one took me a while to write. So, let me know what you guys think!

Thank you for reading!!!

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