| The Governor's Son | Ao'nun...

Da Lexstar11

247 17 12

"I literally can't believe I got a D." Lo'ak as you only rolled your eyes at him. Your twin was definitely no... Altro

| Chapter 1, The Move. |
| Chapter 2, School. |

| Chapter 3, BMW. |

74 8 4
Da Lexstar11

The weekend had finally rolled around, and you didn't have practice today, so you walked out of school early with Lo'ak. It was more of a gloomy day with clouds covering the sky, rain had been on and off all day.

"I literally can't believe I got a D." Lo'ak said as you only rolled your eyes at him. Your twin was definitely not the smartest, but you gave him props for actually studying this time.

"Hey, maybe better luck next time. Maybe you should study with Neteyam and his study group." You suggested, only to earn a 'No way.' From the boy.

"Now I can't go out for another week, this is so wack dude." He said crumbling the paper up and throwing it away in the nearest trash can.

"Wack? And Dude? Maybe that's why you failed your English test." You said laughing at yourself, Lo'ak pushing you lightly before pulling out his phone to look at it while you guys walked out to your cars.

"Oh my god." Lo'ak said stopping on the edge of the sidewalk only for you to stop walking and look back at him. Walking over to him you looked down at his phone at what he was looking at.

"Dude she is so fine." Lo'ak said, liking Tsireyas most recent post.

"Have you even talked to her?" You said, he went onto her page and looked at her other post. She did the same thing Ao'nung did only followed a couple people and had a lot of other followers.

"Like once, but she follows me that's the thing." He said back, you walked away shaking your head.

"She follows me, Neteyam and Kiri." You replied making your way to your car, Lo'ak running up to you.

"That's bs," he started before looking at who she was following and you were right. "Damn, you're right. Think I've talked to her brother more then anything, I let him hit in the bathroom sometimes." He said, that made you get the ick. You hated the thought of smoking all together. You couldn't believe an athlete like that did such things.

"Oh how nice..." is all you could say before your brother shoved his phone in his pocket. He opened his car door and sat down in his seat leaving the door open and turning on his car.

"Hey look there's your chance, ask her if she needs a ride home" you said as Ao'nung, Roxto and Tsireya walked out of the school.

Lo'ak peaked out his car door, before quickly leaning back in his seat.

"Absolutely not." He said as you only smiled at him.

"Are you being a wuss right now?" You said leaning on your car.

"Dude shut the hell up." He said leaning over and throwing something that was in his passage seat into the back. Lo'ak actually kept his car pretty clean and nice. So it wasn't like it was messy or anything. The only thing he had was a bunch of pods and cash here and there.

The group noticed you guys making there way over. Tsireya's idea of course. She waved at you as you waved back, before looking at your brother once more, who was freaking out.

He took a hit before he shoved it in his pocket, and blew the disgusting smoke out.

"Hey [Y/N]! Whatcha up to?" Tsireya asked sliding next to you, glancing at your twin. You knew she was intrigued by the boy, but weren't sure what was really on her mind.

"Oh nothing much, just watching my brother be an idiot." You said, Tsireya letting out a 'Tell me about it' as Ao'nung made his way to Lo'ak, peeking his head into his car hitting as well blowing it into your brother's face, making you and Tsireya cringe.

"Why don't we all go to that new cookie place! I've heard it's so good!" Tsireya said making your face light up.

"I ain't going to a dumbass cookie place." Ao'nung said leaning his front torso on Lo'ak's while looking at his phone.

"Fine, we'll go alone, we didn't want you guys coming anyways." You said making your way to the driver's side of your car. You gave Lo'ak a look gesturing for him to make a move, he shook his head saying no before you gave him a pissed off face.

"Ok, fine I'll go, I don't have anything better to do. Reya, you wanna come with me?" Your twin asked, making her face light up. She said yes of course and went to his passenger side to get in.

Ao'nung gave her a look heading over to the passenger side, his sister rolling down the window.

"Why are you going with this bitch, let me drive you." He said reaching for the door only for it to be Locked

Lo'ak started to pull out giving Ao'nung the finger before driving off. Roxto let out a laugh before stopping when Ao'nung looked at him. You on the other hand hopped in your car about to leave before Ao'nung rudely got into your car throwing his things in your back seat.

"What are you doing?" You asked him making him turn towards you. He only rolled his eyes before responding.

"I've gotta keep any eye on my sister, she can't get close with your brother." He said fixing his seat leaning it back and making it go back due to his high.

"Don't you drive?" You asked shifting your car into reverse before pulling out of the parking lot. "And what about Roxto?" You asked as you saw him walking off.

"His car broke down so I'm letting him use mine until he gets done with work. That was the plan and we were going to use Taireya's car to get home but now we're on this adventure, so might as well come." He said watching you drive.

He had to admit your car was nice of course not as nice as his but it was nice, and they way you drove and the way you just displayed yourself in the drivers seat made him feel a type of way.

"It'll be fun, maybe you'll actually learn to enjoy my company. I can always take you home as well." You stated making him smile a bit.


9:30 pm

"Oh my goodness, Ao'nung you're going to throw up!" You said as the boy only smiled and shooed you away. He and Lo'ak were challenged to see who could eat the most cookies tonight. Ao'nung was on his 6th while Lo'ak was still on his 3rd. The boy wouldn't stop even though he had already won.

"Lo'ak you're losing!!" Tsireya screamed at him, slightly shaking him. Lo'ak put a hand on the back of her chair, his head leaned on the table. He was trying his hardest to not vomit everywhere.

"Take that pussy." Ao'nung said, leaning back in his chair. You lightly pulled one of his curly locks making him look at you. You both smiled at another before you took your finger to wipe off some chocolate he had on the corner of his lips.

Ao'nung looked at you for a second you watched as his gaze softened, before you both looked over at Lo'ak who was basically crying.

"Ao'nung help him!" His sister said, the tall boy stood up retrieving Lo'ak from his chair. Both of you girls watched as the boys went off to the bathroom, hearing Ao'nung scream 'come on man!' As you watched Lo'ak's hand fly to his mouth.

"My brother takes a liking to you." Tsireya said catching your attention, you smiled and rolled your eyes.

"Yes for my homework." You replied back, but Tsireya frowned at this and shook her head no.

"He fancies you. He asks me about you all the time!" She insisted, making you think.

Ao'nung's attitude towards you had changed. He actually did stop asking you for answers and started to do the work with you instead. Then after practice he would ask you to come study with him but it was never at his house. It was either the school, or a place you guys would meet up.

But then when his friends were around, he was the same Ao'nung that everyone knew. Alpha, don't mess with me type. His sister kept going on and on about how she thinks he likes you but you didn't know and besides he was a senior bound to leave soon and Ao'nung had all types of girls who wanted him.

"I guess we'll see, but just to let you know don't hold back on Lo'ak, he really REALLY likes you a lot. He's the very loyal type." You said, making Tsireya gasp, she was about to say something, but that was before the boys came back out.

"I think it's time for him to get home." Ao'nung said patting Lo'ak's chest. You came over to check up on your brother him giving you a smile and a thumbs up. You were gonna take him from Ao'nung but Tsireya got to it first. They walked out Tsireya saying she'd be right back to pay only for you to wave her off.

Walking up to the counter with Ao'nung, you had all four checks in your hand about to pay for all of them.

But Ao'nung snatched your card and pulled out his wallet paying for everything. Leaving the place a $20 dollar tip on all the checks.

"Oh my, Ao'nung you didn't have to do that." You said facing him. The boy only gave you a soft smile before looking back at the register receiving his card back, he signed everything before he gestured for you guys to leave.

"Of course I did." He stated opening the door for you.

You smiled at yourself at the thought of him maybe having interest in you, but then something in the back of your mind told you he had to be a play boy. There was no way he wasn't.

Making it outside you stopped by your brother's car, making sure he was ok. Tsireya reassuring you she's got it, and that they might sit a while until he feels good enough to drive.

Ao'nung and you made it back to your car both of you getting in as the rain started to pick up just a bit. You turned on the car and you had [F/C] LEDs all around your car.

You both looked at another before you looked away to focuse on pulling out.

"Thank you for helping him, and paying for us. I'll make sure to pay you back." You said giving him a quick smile. He only shook his head before looking out the window.

"No need, I enjoy doing it." He said making your smile widen. On the way home it was mostly quite between you two Ao'nung glancing at you every now and then.


Later that night, 1 am.

Ao'nung - ive got a question

You - I might have an answer.

Ao'nung - oh wow I didnt expect you to be up

You - Then why text me?

Ao'nung - idk bored ig. Thanks for Yk always being around ig.

You - You're welcome, I don't mind doing things for you. Hopefully it helps in the end.

You - Also, that wasn't a question. More of a statement lmao.

Ao'nung - yeah whatever just be glad I didn't ask for homework


That night you couldn't fall asleep. You were still thinking about the night you had with Ao'nung and his sister. His laugh still stuck in your head, and that dashing smile.

You couldn't get over it. You were brought out of your thoughts when you heard Lo'ak scream through his and yours wall. Your phone pinging a couple minutes after.

Sully's Stick Together GC

Mommy - I swear whoever screamed, better not wake up Tuk. You're dealing with her.

Twinkie - sorry.

Tey - You'll be sorry when you've got Tuk wanting her IPad and staying up all night.

You - It's not like he's already up all night.

'Plant Speaker, Laughed at "It's not like he's already up all night."

Boss Man - Why is everyone up? It's 1 am.

You - We could ask you the same thing.

Twinkie, emphasized on "We could ask you the same thing."
Tey, emphasized on "We could ask you the same thing."
Plant Speaker, emphasized on "We could ask you the same thing."

(I hope everyone understands what I mean when I'm talking about this stuff, Yk when you react to messages in Messenger it's that.)

Mommy - Just get to bed at some point. DO NOT WAKE TUK.


You laughed at your family's group chat, before you threw off your covers and walked quietly to Lo'ak's room. Opening the door he glanced at you before jumping slights. He took off his headset and set down his control.

"What do you want?" He said spinning his chair to look at you. Walking over you looked at his computer monitors.

"Why did you scream?" you asked, making your way over to his bed instead. Flopping down in it. You rolled around in it wrapping yourself in his big soft comforter.

"Stupid Ao'nung and Roxto made us lose." He said making you look up at the boy. Was he really that good of friends with them?

"Then Neteyam wouldn't stop laughing and died." He continued looking back at the screen getting ready to start a new game.

"You should let me play." You said coming back over to him wrapped up in his comforter. He let out a sigh before getting out of his chair. He gestured for you to sit and you gladly did.

He placed his head set on you and gave you the control. He pressed a button on the head set and actually took the control back to press a few things before handing you it back.

Then sound came in through the headphone making you jump a bit. You heard the quiet music of the game playing and then the three loud boys.

"Yo what the hell dude are we playing or not." Ao'nung said, a name popping up in the left hand corner saying 'aonung.him.' Indicating he was speaking.

"Lo'ak where are you." Roxto said his name being 'roxoxox'.

Lo'ak left it up to you what to do, he went to his bed, laying on his stomach looking through his phone.

Neteyam gave them a hold on before leaving his room heading towards Lo'ak. Opening the door he didn't see his baby brother instead his baby sister.

You smiled and waved at him as he only smiled back. He walked over to you and he pressed another bottom on your head set.

"So Everytime we're in here I need you to press this button so we can start a game." He said Ao'nung and Roxto were very confused about what was coming from Lo'ak's mic.

"You can also talk to us, so don't be shy. Now say cheese." Neteyam said, stepping back and taking a picture of you smiling and holding your thumb up.

He laughed before heading out of the room. Then not even a minute later you heard all the boys freak out and Lo'ak laughing.

Neteyam has sent the cute pic of you to the 'loak anti' group chat on snap.

"Ok, press the button I told you to press." Neteyam said you doing as he said, you were excited. Being bored all night and then you end up doing this.

The game had started and the boys were very quite. That was until you piped up.

"Wait how do I even play?" You asked making the boys groan.

"Wheres that bitch Lo'ak" Aonung said making you turn around at your twin.

"They want you." You said making him roll his eyes.

"You haven't even started. What do they want?" He replied pulling up his bean bag next to his desk.

"Tell him to teach you how to play." Roxto said as you repeated it back to your twin.


As the night went on you played the game with the boys for quite some time and you guys actually passed the level after well 3 hours.

"Oh my Eywa, Lo'ak it's 4." You said taking the head set off, he only smiled and nodded.

"This is not funny, I have dance practice in 4 hours!" You said leaving your brother's room and laying in your bed. You should have gotten off when Neteyam did.

And of course you didn't fall asleep at all for the rest of the night. So that morning you got ready and had Neteyam bring you to practice, too tired to drive.

Neteyam apologized many times to you and all you could think about is how your twin gets to stay in bed all day. You told Neteyam you'd text him when you were ready to be picked up.

Walking into the school you saw Ao'nung he must had been there early for swim. He looked to be about done, and man did he look good.

His body shimmered with water as he walked out of the locker room with a towel around his neck. He must have just showered, his long curly locks resting on his shoulders.

You were thrown out of your thoughts due to him walking over to you. He only had some Nike shorts on and shoes, not yet putting on his shirt.

It was actually a policy in the school that all athletes needed to wear their shirts on in the building

"Hey, how are you." He asked, taking the towel off his shoulders and ruffling his hair with it before throwing it to one of his teammates.

"Very tired." You admitted throwing him a smile though, he flashed back his dashing smile.

"I'm sorry we kept you up so late. We had fun though, maybe we should do it again." He said, making you roll your eyes with a smile. Looking down at your feet before getting an idea.

"Do you mind taking me home after practice?" Asked, making him a bit shocked.

"Don't you drive?" He asked, you told him that Neteyam had dropped you off due to you being so tired. "Oh then sure yeah, what time?" He asked looking from you to one of his teammates that was calling him over.

"I get out around 10" you said, making a smile curl up on his face. Making you raise an eyebrow.

"Is that ok?" You asked due to his expression.

"That's perfect, I'll be here." He said turning around to meet his teammates. You watched as he walked off and the way he laughed with his team.

He really was a dream. He looked back at you once more before he disappeared around a hallway.

Turning to head towards the gym you felt like a heavy weight dropped on you. His presence made you feel light and good but now you feel sleepy once again.

There was no way you could like this guy, he probably had hoes all over him anyways. On his instagram he was tagged in a lot of posts. You did some investigating.

But the thing was he didn't have any posts about them. It was only with his guy friends. Maybe he's just the unloyal type. If you were thinking these things why would you ask him to take you home.

You also didn't know a lot about him and his family. Him and Tsireya were very hushed about it. Your friends told you that they were millionaires, and that his dad was a secret assassin.

You didn't really listen to it and pushed it aside. Although when you dropped off Ao'nung that one time he told you to stop in front of the gated home, you didn't see a house, just a long driveway.

You brushed it off and made your way into the gym greeting your team as they all did the same back.

"Girl, you look so tired." Trinity, one of your better friends on the team said. You only laughed and waved her off.

"I'm fine, I just had a hard time sleeping." You stated as she only put a hand on her hip and gave you a 'really?' Face. Trinity might be a little thing, but man was she feisty.

"I don't think I've ever heard you saying anything like that in the months I've know you. What's really going on. We saw you with Mr. Kouma. What's up with that?" She asked a couple of the other girls coming over.

You only shook your head with a smile sitting down, you took off your Nike shoes and put on your Jazz shoes. Looking up you watched as the girls waited and insisted you tell them.

"I was just up late with my brothers and Ao'nung along with Roxto." You said, the girls squealing a little bit.

"What we're you guys doing!?" One of them asked the other girls asking as well.

"Oh, my brothers were just playing a video game with them so I wanted to try and Lo'ak let me play." You stated as the girls only let out a groan.

"Thought you were going to tell us some real tea." A girl named Xenia said. You only laughed at them, those two girls had become very close to you and you loved them so much.

Not only that they have warned you about Ao'nung even though you've never said you've had an interest in him.

Ao'nung was very known that's for sure. They were the ones who told you that his father was an assassin, which you found out later by Tsireya that their father is definitely not an assassin. But besides that, they had told you he's very mean, makes fun of people and is two faced. But when it came to girls, there was nothing to talk about. People just saw him as a determined athlete, along with being somewhat of a partier. Apparently he used to throw huge parties before that got shut down.

That was mostly when he was younger but as of late junior and early senior year he's been quiet, and doesn't really pay attention to people anymore.

They told you this story about this girl, and that Ao'nung fell HARD for her. Got her things, praised her like a queen, and so on and they weren't even together. She ended up using him for his money and for the attention. She was an older girl and he was a little freshman.

Then after that, he would practically ghost or shut any other girls out of his life. He was also known to be very protective of his sister, he hated how many guys liked her. He thought none of them were good enough for her. Tsireya is also a love at first sight girl so he also hated that about her too.

Your friends made you feel like you understood Ao'nung a lot better now. Even though you weren't that close to him.

"She's the only girl he follows besides her sister and this other girl." One of the girls pointed out as she looked through her phone.
"And according to his record he hasn't done that since the 9th grade." She said making the girls look from her to you.

"Wait. You didn't tell us that he followed you!?" Trinity said, making you shrug and shake your head no. You didn't think it was that big of a deal.

"He follows me and has my number." You said making the girls go crazy. They ran off getting ready for practice as the teacher called you guys over.

You two girlfriends stood up with you walking towards the teacher, both of them still tan girling.

"Ao'nung is such a hunk, you might be lucky! But I still want you to be very careful because I don't trust him." Trinity said once again Xenia agreeing.

"Guys it's probably just because he's friends with my brothers. Him and Neteyam are super close, and to be honest he's probably just watching my twin to make sure his sister doesn't go out with him." You said jokingly, the girls smiling shaking their heads giving you a hard time.


You: Hey! I'm ready whenever you are!



You watched as he had stopped typing, and let out a sigh. You watched a bit more before you closed your phone and sat on a bench in the lobby.

You waited about 10 minutes, checking your phone every now and then. You picked up your phone to call Neteyam, getting up from the bench to walk around the lobby.

"Hey baby sister, you done?" He asked once he picked up, you were about to answer, but you heard a door slam. looking over at the doors you saw him, it was Ao'nung who rushed into the doors smiling.

"Oh no! I'm good just wanted to make sure you got home ok." You said as you watched the boy strut over to you. Once he got closer to you he heard the boys voice on the phone.

"Yup, I'm all good, dad said he's got his new business partners family coming over for dinner so be ready by 5." He said, you looked at Ao'nung telling Neteyam it sounded good. The boy took his hand and pushed a piece of hair out of your face. You sent him a smile, him sending you one back.

You wanted to lean into his warm touch, but you simply couldn't. The touch of skin to skin contact made your heart skip a beat.

You walked over while still having a conversation with your older brother on the phone. You were about to grab your book bags and duffle bag before Ao'nung grabbed them first.

He waited until you got off the phone before he walked outside with you.

"I'm sorry" you said, earning an eye roll from him with that charming smirk of his.

"Please, I should be sorry. My phone died right as you texted me." He said you both made it out the doors and to his car that was parked in one of the visitors parking spots. Ao'nung drove a BMW M5. A sports car.

Lo'ak would literally rave about his car, and how cool it was. Lo'ak would go out with him quite often with Ao'nung and his friends and drive around stupidly fast. Sometimes even race.

He modded his car a lot, it sat close to the ground had LED head lights, and his windows were very tinted, along with his licenses plates. Probably to prevent the police from getting his plates easily.

It had a V-8, and 660 horse power. It was fast especially for a teen. He had a very nice car and sometimes it would scare you when he took your brother out. Thank god it wasn't often he only did it when he wanted to see his sister.

Making it to the car he opened his trunk, it was filled with his duffle bag and many car parts guessing they were extra, and other things.

Walking to your side of the car he watched you get in and he smiled at himself. He closed the trunk, standing there for a minute before making his way to the drivers side.


Ao'nung's POV

She looked hella good. The thought of her is driving me crazy. I like her long dark hair, the way she smiles, the way her presence makes me happy, and calm.

She gentle opened the car door with care, she knew how boys were with there cars, especially nice ones. She was a work of art. I liked how she handled it with such care.

Making my way to my side, I opened the door and got in. I didn't wanna make anything weird, small talk was scattered here and there.

I turned on the car, the BMW letting out a loud sound due to its engine. Always did love that sound. I wanna impress her.

"Just home I'm assuming?" I asked as she looked at me with that beautiful smile, she nodded, and thanked me once more.

I gave her a smile in return before looking at those eyes, the looking her up and down. Looking forwards once more I pull through the parking spots making my way out of the parking lot.

Driving fast was like a passion to me. It filled me with joy, and happiness. I got out onto the main road heading towards house driving quite fast thinking it would impress her.

A boy being risky and wanting to show her something cool, right? No. I looked over and my smile faded.

She had this worried expression plastered on her face, and she was gripping the door handle. Looking back up a red light had stopped us, good opportunity.

"Are you ok?" I asked looking at her, she smiled a weak smile before nodding.

"Yeah, it's just stuff like this scares me, but it's ok! Because you're driving me home and who am I to tell you how to drive." She said as the light turned green, think she was expecting me to drive off fast but I didn't.

"I'm sorry, your brother likes it, I guess I assumed wrong." I said, glancing at her I watched as she relaxed and smiled a bit.

"You know him, he likes anything dangerous. We might be twins but we don't agree on everything." She said, she shifted her body closer to me probably to make herself more comfortable and could talk.

"We should definitely go out and do something again, like the other night." She said make me fear a bit. I glanced at her once more, before smiling and nodding my head a bit.

"That would be nice." I stated making her laugh that beautiful laugh of hers making me smile more.

"What's so funny?" I asked once more before she waved me off.

"Nothing nothing, I was just thinking about last night, do you guys do that often?" She asked, making me smile once again.

"Not often, no, but maybe we should." I said, turning to look at her once more.

She was a beauty and I wanted her.

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