All Kinds of Quiet

By voxcorr

225K 4.1K 10.9K

✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟐 𝐨𝐟 ❝𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐞𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬❞ ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ Griffin held his phone to them... More

𝔅𝔬𝔬𝔨 2: 𝔄𝔩𝔩 𝔎𝔦𝔫𝔡𝔰 𝔬𝔣 𝔔𝔲𝔦𝔢𝔱
ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 1
ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 2
ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 3
ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 4
ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 5
ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 6
ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 8
ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 9
ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 10

ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 7

16.4K 304 677
By voxcorr

Changed Xavier's name from 'The King of Death' to just ' Death'. TW: Wyatt. WYATT.



Wyatt pushed his thumb deeper into the man's eyes, his screams echoing through the apartment.

I narrowed my eyes at Wyatt at the sound of the man's screams. A ghost of a smile appeared on Wyatt's face.

The man tried to resist but his movements were restricted due to the chair he was tied to.

Kai leaned forward, both his hands placed on his bat that rested behind his head, across his shoulders

"Let's try to keep the noise to a minimum, okay?" Kai said, motioning to me with his head. "He's on a call,"

Wyatt pushed his thumb deeper into the eye. Before the man could scream again, Wyatt placed a gun in his mouth, switching off the safety.

The man choked on it, tears and snot dripping down his face while his wife cried beside him, struggling to free herself from the chair she was tied to as well.

"The sooner you talk, the sooner your husband dies," Wyatt told her.

Kai and I looked at Wyatt. He noticed us and removed his thumb from the man's eye, scratching his head.

"Wait, I meant. The sooner you talk, the sooner your husband stops hurting," He paused. "No I didn't. The sooner you talk, the sooner I get to kill him,"

He moved to her, tracing the gun along her face. "Then again, the more you keep stalling, the more fun it is for me to find new ways to break him,"

A deranged smile spread across his face before he dipped his head down to meet her ear. "Either is fine with me, love."

"They can't give her a fucking break, can they?" Miles cursed from the other end of the phone, drawing our attention.

I had put him on speaker to make it easier for everyone to communicate. And with Wyatt 'playing' with the reaper's workers, it made it easier for me to hear him over their screams.

"I know, Orsetto and I really wish I could stay on the phone but I need to get answers,"

"I understand. I would've returned the phone to Olive but she's sleeping,"

"How did she take the news?" I questioned.

"I don't know," He admitted. "I couldn't tell what she was feeling and her face gave nothing away."

"She's getting used to shit like this and I hate that," Kai mumbled.

"How bout you guys just let me kill the two of them off, then we surprise Grumpy with candies, a fun day out and Xavier?" Wyatt smiled.

"And how will we get the answers we need?" Kai sighed.

"You got me," Wyatt shrugged, licking his teeth with a smile. "I just have all these ideas about what I'm going to do to him and-"

"Calm down, you'll have your fun in a second," I told him.

I turned around, taking the phone off speaker. I placed it between my ear and shoulder, holding it there while I pulled my hair into a small bun at the back of my head.

"I have to go now, Orsetto. I'll call you later. I love you," Only after he responded with an 'I love you' did I end the call, putting my phone in my pocket.

I sighed, turning around. My arms were folded across my chest as I walked towards the pair, stopping in front of the woman.

"Start talking," My voice left no room for argument.

Yet, she refused to listen.

"Wyatt," I called out.

Wyatt's manic laughter filled their living room as he pushed his thumb and index finger into the man's eye.

My friend was long gone. The person in that room was none other than Il Demone Bianco.

I watched as the color from the woman's face drained. Her mouth hung open but no sound came from it.

Blood poured and his screams filled the room as Wyatt pushed deeper until the man's eye popped out of its socket.

Kai gagged, covering his mouth with his hand. "I'm going to be sick," He gagged again and barely made it out of the house before he threw up.

I forgot that he wasn't used to this life like Wyatt and I were.

He walked back into the house, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand before heading to the kitchen and grabbing himself a cup of water.

Wyatt chuckled, cutting the nerves that still stuck to the eyeball with his knife. His grin was huge as he held the man's eyeball in his gloved hand.

"Two of our rivals tied to a chair," Wyatt sang.

I recognized the tune of the song. It was the same one used for a children's nursery rhyme. 'Two little monkeys'.

There was nothing anyone could do when Wyatt got like this.

"The woman crying and the man stripped bare," He continued, his gaze fixed on the man who was screaming.

"We asked the woman to talk but she refused," He turned to her, holding the eye between his thumb and index finger.

"So, the man's missing an eye and I'm confused."

"You have his eye in your hand and you're confused?" Kai jeered.

"Nah, but it rhymed," He shrugged.

"Your husband is naked and missing an eye," I told the woman. "I'll tell you again, start talking,"

"Please stop," She begged.

"Wrong answer," Wyatt laughed, shoving the eye into the man's mouth.

The man instantly spat it out, throwing up on the spot. That only peaked Wyatt's interest.

"You know at first, I was just going to have you keep it there," He picked up the eye. "But now, I have a better idea,"

He placed the eye in the man's mouth again and gave him a look that was very clearly begging him to spit it out again.

Insanity danced across Wyatt's features. He brought his gun to the side of the woman's head, his eyes fixed on the man.

"Chew and swallow,"

Kai gagged again, rushing out of the house while I said nothing. All the color from both their faces drained at his command.

"There isn't anything in the world that I wouldn't do for the people I love," Wyatt started.

Wyatt covered the left side of his own face with his left hand, laughing to himself. "If you really love her, you do as I say,"

He switched off the safety of his gun, pressing it further into the woman's head. "Or her brains get splattered across your face,"

Wyatt's laugh was manic when the man's jaw started moving. He listened to Wyatt and chewed against his will, throwing up constantly as he did so.

Wyatt watched with a smile as the man swallowed his own eye.

"There we go, was that so hard?" He took his gun away from the woman who was screaming. "By the way, I wouldn't have killed her. We still need answers, remember?"

He opened the front door, telling Kai to come back in. "You missed quite a show,"

"You're insane," Kai told him.

Wyatt tilted his head slightly and flashed him an innocent smile, his hair falling into his eyes a bit. "Just a little,"

Kai shook his head. "This is why you insisted we wore gloves?"

Wyatt laughed at the question. "We always wear gloves on missions. It's Mafia 101,"

"One more time," I spoke up, looking directly at the woman. "Start talking,"

The woman opened her mouth to speak but cut herself off with a series of coughs.

"Another wrong answer," Wyatt laughed, plunging a knife deep into the naked man's thigh. "You're on a roll,"

"Wyatt," I warned.

"You're right. Killing him with a knife is too basic," He turned to the man, prodding him with a finger. "You guys got a lighter?"

A frown appeared on Wyatt's face. The next second, his brass knuckles connected with the side of the man's face, the sickening sound resonating through the room.

"If there's one thing I hate, it's being ignored. I'll ask again, you guys got a lighter?"

The man, unable to speak, meekly nodded. Wyatt's frown was replaced by an innocent smile.

"Great, I'm guessing it's in the kitchen. I'll go get it,"

"I'm not sticking around to find out what sadistic plan Wyatt has for this dude. We needed to find out if the picture of Olive's parents was here right? I'll go look for that," Kai said before heading up the stairs.

"Please," The woman begged. "We were just doing what the boss asked,"

Before I could say anything, my phone buzzed with a notification. I fished it out of my pocket and noticed it was a text from Jordan.

Jordan: Kat and I did a search on 'Elaine Adair'. Here's what we found.

Under the text was a file he had sent which I had opened. The first thing I saw was a picture of Olive's aunt.

And the woman in the picture was not the woman that was tied in the chair in front of us.

"Found the lighter," Wyatt smiled as he walked back into the living room.

"We have the wrong lady," I told him.

He looked at me confused and scratched his head. "Huh?"

"Olive's aunt, who went missing about a week ago, is a red head and has green eyes," I pointed to the lady in front of us. "She's blonde,"

"Well that explains who she is," Wyatt and I turned to find Kai at the foot of the stairs, a fragile looking red headed woman, clinging onto his arm. "And why she was in this dingy part of town,"

"Found her tied up in the bedroom when I was looking for the picture frame. After I freed her, she was kind enough to show me where it was," Kai explained, waving the picture frame.

Kai continued. "Angel hasn't been back here since she was a kid, going to visit her aunt during Christmas. A lot has changed. And part of that change is this street being infested with thugs,"

'Angel' was Olive's code name. We used it whenever we were on missions and needed to talk about her. It helped keep her identity secret.

"She most likely lived here when Angel was a kid and then moved. These two were then asked to get from her new place and keep her here knowing there's hardly ever authority around these parts,"

Despite the fear in the woman's eyes, there was no mistaking the similarity between her and Olive. The nose structure, eye shape. She was definitely her aunt.

"These two still work for the reaper though. They're marked and everything," Wyatt spoke up.

"You're right. But we need to question Ms. Adair here. Preferably away from these two," Kai pointed out.

"I'll take her to a private mall," Kai told us. "The owner is a friend of mine. She'll help her freshen up and all that,"

"Take my car," Wyatt said. "We'll meet you both at the bar,"

I nodded, trusting our only lead in Kai's care. He noticed this and flashed me a small smile before calmly leading Ms. Adair out of the house.

I turned to Wyatt. "I saw a few cans of gasoline out the back,"

A wicked smile appeared on his lips as he nodded, not needing me to say anything else.

I grabbed a chair while Wyatt headed out the house, coming back in seconds later and heading up the stairs, holding two cans of gasoline.

"You have five minutes to tell me who you are and why you're here," I told the woman, sitting in front of her.

"Please," The woman begged. Tears dripped down her face, her eyes puffy from crying so much.

"Four minutes, thirty seven seconds," Wyatt called from upstairs. "But hey, who's counting?"

Her half dead husband stirred beside her, regaining consciousness.

"What was the reaper thinking with you two?" I asked, shaking my head. "You'd think the leader of the french-russian mob would know better than to send two amateurs,"

"Not only are you amateurs, you're lovers," I leaned back in the chair, my back against the back of the chair. "And people are known to do ridiculous things for those they love,"

"Take me for example," A smile played across my lips. "I bought my boyfriend a restaurant because I know how much he loves to cook,"

I titled my head. "I also threw myself in front of his car and told him to run me over when I wanted him to forgive me,"

I held my gun to the side of my head, switching off the safety. "And if he asked me too, I'd put a bullet through my own head with a smile,"

I tapped the gun against the side of my head three times. Then once again because I didn't like that it was an odd number.

"Ridiculous right?" I leaned forward, resting my elbows on my knees. "Yet there isn't anything I wouldn't do for that man,"

"Two minutes and fifty three seconds left," Wyatt sing-songed as he came down the stairs.

Gasoline poured from the cans to the rugged floor with every step he took. He frowned, tipping the cans upside down when he got to the bottom of the stairs.

"Both of them are empty," He immediately perked up, tossing the cans somewhere in the living room. "Good thing there's two more outside,"

He snickered to himself as he headed out of the house again. I turned to the woman, expectantly while Wyatt walked back into the house.

He busied himself with dousing the kitchen with gasoline, whistling and humming to himself as he worked.

"Please," Her husband mustered up enough energy to speak, blood splattering on the floor as he coughed. "Tell him,"

"I'm known as Poppy. He's Cipher. We work for one of the reaper's commanders,"

"So you didn't get the order from the reaper directly?" I asked.

"No," She sputtered. "Ever since he lost his eye to that girl, no one gets to even see him apart from the commanders,"

I nodded. "Why did your commander send you here?"

Her tears were a continuous waterfall as she tried to put her words into sentences. "He said the Boss wanted the picture frame and the woman gone,"

"One minute and nineteen seconds," Wyatt laughed as he entered the living room.

I moved my legs when Wyatt walked between the three of us, a trail of gasoline being poured as he walked. Before long, the entire house doused with gasoline.

With the little bit of gasoline left in the can, Wyatt drenched Cipher in it, careful not to get any on himself or me.

"Keep going," I urged Poppy.

"That's all I know,"

A brief glance at Wyatt was all it took for a devilish smile to crack on his face. He was quick on his feet, moving next to the half conscious man.

He grabbed the knife out of his thigh, tapping it lightly against Cipher's cheek. It was a double bladed knife, Wyatt had gotten specifically made for his sick torture methods.

"Say ah," He smiled, his eyes dark.

Cipher trembled with fear, trying his best to evade Wyatt but he was too weak. Wyatt hummed as he grabbed Cipher's chin, squeezing his face and forcing his mouth open.

Due to how much he was struggling, Wyatt was unable to complete his task with one try. And that pissed him off.

"Why struggle knowing this is inevitable?" Wyatt accentuated his words with punches from his brass knuckles to either side of Cipher's face.

One particularly hard punch to his jaw led to a bone crunching noise. Wyatt smiled in satisfaction, looking at the displaced jaw.

"This makes my job easier,"

Wyatt was quick to place the knife inside Cipher's mouth. One end of the knife pierced through his tongue while the other pierced the roof of his mouth.

Blood, tears and screams. From both people. Wyatt, on the other hand, was more than pleased with the sight in front of him.

"Fucking masterpiece," He took his phone out of his pocket. "You're going into the collection. Say cheese,"

Wyatt took the picture. Then laughed at the muddled sounds coming from the man

"Begging for death now, are we?" He smiled, licking his lip. "They always break at some point. You lasted way longer than I thought you would,"

How Wyatt was able to understand the incoherent babbling was a mystery to me. But I knew one thing.

Wyatt was not merciful enough to kill him just yet.

"Please, stop." Poppy begged.

"Stop being such a baby, he'll die soon enough."

Wyatt fished out the lighter from his pocket, taking a few seconds to light it. His smile grew wider as he watched the flame in his hands.

He stuck his hand into Cipher's mouth, bringing out as much of his tongue as he could. In the process, Cipher's tongue was being ripped in half by the blade of the knife.

But Wyatt couldn't care less. He only laughed, bringing the lighter close to the tongue.

"Talk or he loses his tongue. Or what's left of it anyways," A slow smile spread across Wyatt's face as he let go of Cipher. "Actually, I've changed my mind,"

He balanced the lit lighter between his thumb and index finger. "Talk or we all go up in flames,"

He laughed, covering half of his face. "Your husband, you, me, my buddy in the chair. Everyone dies,"

"You wouldn't," Poppy gasped, petrified.

"Try him," I grinned.

"They said the lady was a liability and a loose end. That she could mess up the entire plan," She rushed out, realizing she was in the midst of maniacs.

"Please, let us go. We'll go into hiding. You'll never hear from us again," She begged.

"You'll go into hiding?" I asked, sitting up straight. She nodded her head, frantically. "Promise?"

She was taken back by my statement but agreed nonetheless. I cracked a small smile, examining the gun in my hand.

"You expect me to believe that Le Faucheur, the murderer of thousands, would let you go into hiding?"

I met her gaze. "How stupid do you think we are?"

She was caught off guard and for the slightest moment, worry flashed on her facial features.

It was quick to disappear as soon as it appeared but I caught it.

And it only confirmed what I already knew.

"What are you talking about?" She feigned cluelessness.

I stood up and walked towards her, careful not to step in the gasoline Wyatt had poured on the floor.

I traced the outline of her face with my gun. "You really think we don't know, huh?"

I leaned forwards, bringing my mouth to her ear. "Thought we wouldn't notice the fucking microphone on you?"

I moved my gun further down, stopping at the collar of her shirt. Slightly raising it to reveal the small microphone that had been strapped to her.

"Tell the reaper that if he wants something done, he should do it himself. He shouldn't bitch out," I said into the microphone, aware that their commander had been listening the entire time before crushing it with my fingers.

Poppy was stunned. Unable to comprehend what just happened. "H-How did you know?"

"O-Oh now y-you want to s-stutter," Wyatt mocked. "You don't know who we are, do you?"

"You're the boss's rivals," She answered.

Wyatt titled his head, shrugging a bit. "I mean, yeah. But who exactly are we?"

Confusion clouded Poppy's face. Much to my amusement.

I folded the sleeves of the black dress shirt I was wearing up to my elbows, revealing my tattooed forearms.

"Tell me, Poppy. Have you heard of the Four Horsemen?" I asked.

"The biblical figures?" She forced out, knowing that if she had any hope of survival she'd have to play our games.

"No sweet thing," Wyatt mused. "The Four Horsemen of the Underworld,"

"They're all over the TV. The news, talk shows, everything. Everyone wants to know who they really are. Some parents even use the stories of their missions as a way to scare their kids when they misbehave," Wyatt told her.

I continued. "There's the soundless killer, 'Phantom'. Then the deranged lunatic, 'The White Demon'.

"He's my personal favorite," Wyatt chimed in, grinning from ear to ear.

"Then there's the harbinger of death, Death himself and last but not least the prince of sorrow, Lucifer,"

"Why are you telling me this?"

"I think it's time we introduce ourselves, after all, we know who you are," I said.

"Il Demone Bianco, otherwise known as The White Demon. A pleasure to make your acquaintance," Wyatt smiled at both of them.

He motioned to me. "My friend over here, is Lucifero, otherwise known as Lucifer,"

I don't know how she managed it but Poppy was able to let out several more screams as opposed to me thinking she was unable to.

"There's no need for that reaction," Wyatt told her. "You should consider yourself lucky. Morte stessa, more commonly known as Death himself, isn't here with us,"

Wyatt headed out the front door and I followed after him, careful to step only where he did. We left the door open, facing our two adversaries.

"Please, let us go. Please. We won't speak a word of this to anyone," Poppy pleaded.

"Sh, sh, sh. Why make a fuss?" I asked, frowning a little. "You're going to hurt your throat if you keep screaming like that,"

"He's right. Let the flames handle hurting you," With that, Wyatt lit the lighter again and threw it into the house.

The second the lighter touched the floor, the entire house went up in flames. I covered my eyes with my hand, shielding myself from the bright light.

Poppy and Cipher's screams echoed through the night. The smell of burning flesh accompanying it.

Next to me, Wyatt laughed. I lowered my hand only to find Wyatt eyes transfixed on the front door, a slow smile spreading across his face.

I turned my head to the door, curious to see what had captured his whole attention.

Poppy and Cipher had been freed from the chairs they were tied to. The fire most likely burnt the rope.

Cipher's entire body was aflame while Poppy dragged herself on the floor, heading towards the front door where Wyatt and I stood a couple feet away.

But that's not what had stunned me into silence. It was the fact that Cipher jumped on Poppy's back, wrapping himself around her body.

How he had managed to do that, despite everything Wyatt did to him, was beyond me.

"What are you doing?" She screamed, desperately trying to get him off.

He mumbled incoherent words while his grip on her tightened. She struggled to push him off her but her efforts were in vain.

In the end, they were both burnt alive.

Wyatt started walking away from the house. "They claimed to be in love,"

"But their true colors were revealed," I agreed, following him into the alley we came through.

All of the men that had attacked us earlier were still unconscious. Most of them were bleeding.

While a specific few had their arms or legs, severed. One of two of them were missing both.

Curtsey of Wyatt.

"It's funny, really. She was going to leave him," Wyatt deadpanned. "We didn't hurt her. Her limbs were still intact. The second she reached the door, she was going to make a run for it, leaving the so called love of her life to burn alive,"

"And he knew that," Wyatt turned to me, his all familiar crazed smile plastered on his face. "That's why he jumped on her. He didn't want her to live if he had to die. So he killed them both,"

"A selfish woman and a man full of pride," I said.

Wyatt yawned before scratching his head. "How long is it till Raven?"

There was no trace of the sociopath that had tortured a man half to death just seconds ago.

"Wyatt," I called out, turning around.

Just like I expected, he was crouched down in front of one of the unconscious men and hauled the served arm over his shoulder.

He turned to look at me, a frown on his face as he stood up straight. "But I didn't get anything from the other guy,"

"That's not my problem,"

He grumbled like a kid, tossing his head backwards. His once white hair now completely red and his clothes splattered with blood.

"That's not fair,"

"Drop it," I insisted.

He scoffed, tossing the arm on the body of the man it belonged to. He folded his hands in front of his chest and kicked the unconscious body before walking ahead of me.

"People keep souvenirs of their adventures all the time, but when it's my turn, everyone says no," He mumbled.

"People don't keep other people's arms as souvenirs," I told him.

"Can I take his leg then?"


"Fine," He dragged out the word, rolling his eyes.

I sighed, shaking my head as we walked out of the alley, being met with several cop cars on the other side.

I made eye contact with the chief of police who nodded, noticing Wyatt and I.

"Two of the four horsemen," One of the officers mumbled as Wyatt and I walked passed.

That brought the smile back to Wyatt's face. He turned around, beaming at me. "I told her we were popular,"

"Let's get back home, Wyatt. We have people waiting for us, remember,"

"Can we pick up food on the way? I'm starving." He complained.

"Sure. I'm hungry too,"

"Let's also get something for Kai. I'm sure he's starving as well," Wyatt added.

He gave me a smug smile when I nodded. "What?" I asked him.

"Admit it, you were wrong for thinking he was the mole,"

"I don't know if I can fully say he isn't the mole yet. But it was wrong of me to jump to any conclusions,"

"And admit that Wyatt is in fact the smartest out of all the horsemen,"

"Don't let Xavier and Jordan here that,"

"So you admit it?"

"Wyatt," I chuckled.

"Okay, I'll stop."


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"You just couldn't stay away from her," Jordan laughed as we got off the jet.

"She's his first love. It's cute to see him so excited and giddy," Arlo smiled.

Jordan scoffed. "Says the man who grumbled like a child when we asked him to fly us to Bordeaux, just because he didn't want to be away from his fiancée,"

"Wife," Arlo corrected.

I grinned. "The wedding isn't till February,"

"I'm the person getting married to her, aren't I? If I say she's my wife then she's my wife," He turned to me. "Better fix shit with Olive before the wedding. You know how bad my wife wants her to be a bridesmaid,"

"That's the whole reason we're here in Bordeaux, isn't it?" I smiled.

"Whatever, lover boy," Arlo scoffed. "You're losing daylight. And God Forbid you don't see your girl today. We don't want a repeat of L.A,"

I shrugged. "I don't know what you're talking about,"

"People called it the 8 month trial," Arlo laughed. "They were all convinced the world was coming to an end. That their different gods were using your tantrum as a test,"

Arlo continued. "It was the only reason they could up with when two of the horsemen went on a rampage,"

"Okay, okay. We get it," Jordan chuckled.

"I don't know. Do you, Phantom? Or are you and Death going to run amok again?"

I rolled my eyes, flipping Arlo off while Jordan laughed.

"He has a point though, we should get going." Jordan stated.

"I'm heading back to L.A. I've been away from my wife for too long," Arlo said.

"And you call me lover boy,"

"At least I didn't kill hundreds of people with the help of one of my bestfriends because we fucked up and our girls were mad," He snapped back.

"In our defense, they were all rapists and human traffickers," Jordan shrugged.

Arlo headed back into the jet while Jordan and I headed to the car that had been parked since the moment we got off the flight.

After scanning our fingerprints and the guards scanning theirs as well, we were on the way to Olive and Miles' place.

"You said Olive and Miles are living with someone, yeah?" Jordan asked and I nodded. "How well do we know the person?"

"He's Miles' childhood best friend and he owns a bar; the best one in Bordeaux. The apartment is above it,"

"Need me to run a search on him?"

I shook my head. "Miles trusts him and most especially, Olive does. That's a more than enough reason why we should too,"

Jordan laughed, muttering something about me being 'indescribably high on Olive' as he put it.

Before long, the car was pulling up to Raven. Jordan and I got out, our guards taking their positions at different spots on the street.

We walked up to the bar and I frowned, noticing it was closed.

"Great," I mumbled.

"The fuck you mean by 'great'?" Jordan rolled his eyes at me, banging his fist on the bar's door.

"He won't hesitate to chop a man's head clean of his body but can't knock on a fucking door,"

"Hey," I frowned.

He turned to look at me. "Am I wrong?"

I opened my mouth to say something, anything but closed it immediately after.

"Exactly," He turned around, ready to continue knocking when the door was thrown open.

Kai stood in front of us, muttering words in Korean. "Can't fucking read? It says closed- Oh. It's you, Mr. Big Bad Mafia Don Asshole Heartbreaker,"

He paused. "I need a shorter name for you," He stepped aside, allowing Jordan and I to walk in.

Jordan looked at him, confused. "Aren't you going to ask who I am?"

"A friend of his,?"

"Yes, but don't you want to know more about me?"

"The four horsemen are going to be under one roof and unfortunately, it happens to be mine. Trust me, knowing you is the least of my concerns,"

"I'm guessing Wyatt and Griffin told you about our reputation," I spoke up.

"More like Wyatt came in here gloating about how much he loved his job as the psychotic one out of all the horsemen,"

He headed to the back of the bar, climbing up the stairs while Jordan and I followed behind him.

"Do you know what you're going to say to her?" Jordan asked as we walked up the stairs.

"I have no idea," I mumbled.

Kai stopped in front of his apartment, his hand on the door. "Say to who?"

"Lover boy came all this way to see his girl," Jordan revealed.

Kai's smile was huge as he looked at me. Then at Jordan. Then back at me. Before he laughed to himself.

"This should be interesting," He mumbled, opening the door. "After you, gentlemen,"

I had to physically hold my right hand to stop it from shaking as Jordan and I walked into the apartment.

Yes, we had been apart for more than two months before. But this time it was different.

I wasn't sure exactly why it was different but it was.

Jordan and I walked in to find Wyatt sitting on the floor, facing the tv while Griffin sat on the couch, busy with the bunch of papers that were spread out on the table in front of him.

Neither of them bothered to look up.

I immediately noticed the absence of my gorgeous girl.

"I'm going to hit play if you don't hurry up," Wyatt stated.

Kai shut the apartment door behind him before he rushed to sit on the couch behind Wyatt, his eyes fixed on the television as whatever they were watching was resumed.

Ashley, Aspen, Jada and Deja had made me watch countless of episodes that I instantly recognized the theme song as that of 'Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse'.

"Was that the pizza guy at the door?" Griffin asked Kai.

"Unfortunately not," Kai answered. "Just more trouble,"

Wyatt and Griffin looked up, confused at first when they saw Jordan and I in front of them.

"Xavier," Wyatt smiled.

"Jordan," Griffin said.

"Wyatt," Jordan called.

"Griff," I nodded.

"And Kai," Kai rolled his eyes. "Why do we always forget Kai?".

"Where's Olive?" I wondered.

Griffin and Wyatt turned to stare at Kai who looked like he would explode laughing any second.

"You didn't tell them?" Wyatt questioned.

Jordan and I turned to face Kai. Jordan's eyebrows pulled in the middle of his head. "Tell us what?"

A frown made its way on my face. "Did something happen to her?"

"Could someone explain what's going on?" Jordan exasperated. "What didn't Kai tell us?"

"And more importantly, where is Olive?" I was stressed.

Griffin and Wyatt turned to Jordan and I. Griffin spoke up. "Olive and Orsetto landed in L.A a few hours ago," Wyatt grinned.

"L.A?" I was unable to comprehend what I was hearing, even after Griffin nodded.

"You couldn't have told us that while we were coming up the stairs?" Jordan stared at Kai who was trying to climb over the couch

Wyatt laughed, pulling Kai back onto the couch, much to his annoyance, before turning to face Jordan and I.

"Kai lives for drama which is probably why he didn't tell you guys,"

"Why did they head to L.A?" I asked.

"Orsetto said it was because Olive felt homesick but I believe it's for the same reason you're here; to surprise you," Griffin said.

"And they didn't tell us to keep the element of surprise," Wyatt added.

"Or maybe they know you can't keep a secret," Kai smiled.

The others continued their conversation but their voices faded into the back of my head. My only priority was my girl.

My gorgeous gorgeous girl who had taken a 14+ hour flight just to see me.

A strange feeling resonated in my lower abdomen.

Even though she was yet to come out and say she'd forgiven me, she flew all that way to see me.

"What's got you smiling like that?" Wyatt asked me.

"He's obviously high on Olive," Kai pointed out.

"That's what I said," Jordan smiled.

I ignored their witty remarks. Instead, I pulled out my phone from my pocket with the intention of calling her when a cushion hit my head.

I turned to the direction it came from, only to find Wyatt ready and waiting with another one.

"What did you do that for?" I asked.

"Do you know what time it is there?" Kai asked, lazily flipping through the channels on the tv.


"He's talking about L.A," Jordan clarified. "It's a 9 hour difference, remember?"

"It's 5 in the evening here, but 2 am over there," Kai added.

"You wouldn't want to wake your precious girl, would you?" Wyatt snickered.

I huffed, shoving my hands into my pocket, upset that I hadn't thought about that in the first place.

"How do you know I was even going to call her?"

Griffin was the next to chime in. "It was obvious," He looked away from the piles of paper in front of him. "Plus, Wyatt's inability to control what he says gave it away,"

A cough resonated through the living room, cutting our conversation short.

Five heads turned to the stairs where a red headed lady stood. Everything about her face reminded me so much of my girl.

"Ms. Adair. What are you doing out of bed?" Kai rushed to her side. "You should be resting,"

"I'm okay," She responded with a soft smile.

"You need to be careful and avoid hurting yourself, ma'am." Griffin spoke up while Ms. Adair laughed, slightly shaking her head.

"Ms. A, how about we get back to your room? I'll get you whatever it is you need," Kai offered.

"I'm okay. I really am," She insisted. "I'm fine to talk now,"

Wyatt chuckled. "I see where she gets her stubbornness from,"

She laughed, brushing past Kai and into the living room. She took a seat on one of the single seaters.

"Who are they?" She asked, referring to Jordan and I.

"Our brothers," Wyatt answered.

Griffin turned to Jordan and I. "This is Ms. Adair. Olive's aunt."

I remembered Griffin texting me earlier. He informed me that he was going to try to find out everything he could about Olive's aunt and he would start by checking out the address Olive had given him.

Jordan nodded slowly. "Have you guys had a chance to talk?"

"No. The reaper had people abduct Ms. Adair. They held her in the abandoned part of the city," Kai responded.

"What happened to the people who took her?" Jordan queried.

A wicked smile spread across Wyatt's face, his eyes fixed on the television. "I took care of them,"

Jordan and I shared a look but said nothing.

"Ms. Adair," Griffin said. "Is it okay if we ask you a few questions, ma'am?"

She nodded, clasping her hands. Wyatt turned off the television. And both him and Kai turned to face the red headed lady. There was tension in the air yet a serene feeling of calmness.

"Do you know who we are or why you were taken?" Wyatt started with a basic question.

"You're the four horsemen of the criminal underworld. I should be worried but you saved me so I can't feel anything but gratitude towards you,"

"As for the reaper, I'm guessing the reaper sees me as a liability. I don't know why though,"

"This picture," Kai held the framed picture in his hand.

One I recognized straight away. Olive had been holding one exactly like that the night she lost her mum.

He handed it to her when she reached for it. A small sad smile splayed on her face.

"Elaine," Her sister's name was barely a whisper as it came from her mouth.

"Do you know who the reaper is?" Kai asked.

She shook her head. Kai sighed in disappointment while the rest of us had no reaction to the statement.

We knew it would never be that easy.

Griffin was next to speak. "Olive mentioned that her father was in the mafia. If it's not too much trouble, could you tell us what you know about him?"

"Felix Laurent. Leader of the French mob. Ran the entire of France," She said. It sounded like she had the words memorized. "Was born in Paris but lived in L.A. And was arranged to be married,"

"To Olive's mom?" I questioned.

"To me," Her voice was small. "My father owed Felix way more than he could afford in his lifetime and he knew this. So he offered himself as collateral. As long as nothing happened to my mum, Elaine and I."

"I was young and naive. Newly 21. I had barely lived. But seeing my father on his knees, in front of a man young enough to be his son. Grandson even. And his right hand man. It angered me in ways I couldn't explain,"

"So I took my father's place. Told him to take me instead," She took in a small shaky breath. "And, he agreed. Told me I had a day to prepare myself, that he would come the day after to take me."

"The reality of what I had done set in the next morning. I cried for hours telling myself how stupid I was. Elaine was on the other side of my room the entire time. I didn't realize until I came out and she tumbled inside,"

"In the end, I decided that I'd run away. Elaine walked in on me climbing out of my window the day Felix was supposed to come take me. I can never forget that look in her eyes. The pure hurt,"

She looked up at us with a small smile, revealing the tears that she could barely hold back.

"I tried to explain but she left my room without a word. Slammed the door behind her. Felix and that man came a few minutes later. I watched his car pull into our driveway from my room. In that second I made up my mind to finish what I had started. I was going to go with him."

"But when I tried to open the door to my room, I couldn't. The next thing I know, his car is driving off. My mother was the person who found me. She asked me what I was doing back since I just left with Felix a few minutes before,"

"That was when I realized what Elaine had done. But it was too late. My father was torn. He was happy I was safe but Elaine was his youngest daughter. Barely 18 and fresh out of high school. My dad tried to get her back but Felix refused."

"That was the last I heard from her. Ten years later, my mother calls me and tells me to come home. Said my sister was coming to visit. I couldn't believe it. I booked the first plane from Bordeaux back to Paris."

"The entire 1 hour and 20 minute flight, I was fidgeting. Thinking about how awful it must've been for my sister. But it was the opposite I was met with when I got to my parents house."

"My sister had the brightest smile on her face when I walked in and a daughter who was her exact copy, holding onto her hand. The man next to her wasn't the same man I had met all those years ago,"

"He was softer. Calmer. And was entirely infatuated by his wife and daughter; my sister and niece. Elaine went on to tell me about how he was just a big 'softie' as she put it. That he never once did anything out of turn or against her will. Never forced her to do anything,"

"The few months of their agreement were rough. They didn't speak to each other. Didn't look at each other. Wouldn't even be in the same room as each other. Then one day, she stumbled into his library and found him reading,"

"Rather than pushing her away like she thought, he invited her to read with him. That was where everything began."

"She said he paid her college funds and she graduated from Oxford just as she had always dreamed. She ran a couple businesses and was a self made millionaire. To say he loved her was an understatement."

"He was obsessed. And she loved him; it was obvious by the way she looked at him. And their little daughter was the cutest little girl. Olivia; they had named her. And she was adorned by both her parents. Her father especially,"

"The second she opened her mouth to say she wanted something, her dad was already on it. Sent out some men to get whatever it was she asked for. I was really happy for my sister and her family."

"So how does the picture fit into all this?" Jordan inquired.

"Elaine proceeded to tell me that Felix had disbanded the French mob. It wasn't an easy task but he managed to do it. Financially aided the men that were willing to live a normal life while he had those that weren't, locked up."

"He had a daughter now. He was going to be better for her. And for his wife. The French mob no longer existed. And he had cut ties with all of them. Except one. His best friend."

"They grew up together and ruled over the mob as 'Don' and the trusted 'right hand'. He was the man that came with Felix the day my father offered himself as collateral."

"The picture was taken the day Felix had introduced Elaine and his best friend. Elaine in the middle, Felix on the left and his best friend on the right,"

"What was his name?" I asked.

"Benjamin Geller," She paused, looking at the five of us. "But the story gets weird,"

"I remember the times Elaine and Olivia came to visit me. Olivia was 6 the first time they came to visit. I remember the stories Elaine told me about her life with Felix."

"She told me that Benjamin had taken a liking to her after Felix had introduced them. He had this habit of following her around. This eventually turned to stalking,"

"Elaine told Felix and she said that he talked to him about it. But yet, Benjamin would still show up at their house at odd hours of the night, staring at her from the window in her room for hours with a wide smile plastered on his face,"

"She told Felix about Benjamin's late night visits which caused Felix to relieve him of his position in the mafia. That was what she told me he told her anyway. I didn't believe that he actually fired Benjamin,"

"And I told her this. But it only caused her to get angry at me. We had a full blown argument about him. Her arguing that Felix loved her and me arguing that he didn't. Olivia was 10 the last time I saw them,"

"I can only hope their family is okay," She finished.

The five of us shared a look.

"I'm sorry you have to find out through me but Felix passed away in a fire 10 years ago. Ms. Elaine as well. In a fire, earlier this year. In January," Wyatt's voice was soft.

Ms. Adair was shocked to silence. Then slowly nodded, tears building in her eyes. "And Olivia?"

"She's safe," I assured her. "And I'll make sure she is for as long as I live. And even after that,"

"Okay, okay. Good," She nodded again, blinking back her tears while a sad smile spread across her face.

"Ms. A, we have one last question for you," Kai's voice was lace with care. "You saw Benjamin Geller once in person, the day Felix came to collect your father's debt, am I right?"

Ms. Adair nodded. "Based on your memory of him and what Mrs. E told you, do you think he was jealous of her and Felix's relationship?"

Ms. Adair sat up straight. All signs of tears and sadness were wiped away from her face. An eerie sense of calmness radiated from her instead.

"If you're asking me if he is the reaper, I have no idea." She paused. "What I can say though is that Felix and his family lived in Paris to be close to my parents. They moved back to L.A not long after they moved to Paris but I was never to able to find out why from Elaine,"

"So you're saying-"

She cut Griffin off. "Felix was trying to protect his family and moved them to L.A where it would be easier for him to keep an eye on them. Everything he did, he did for them."

"Elaine had a stalker. And his name was Benjamin Geller."


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"This place is still as huge as I remember," Miles mumbled as the gates to the estate were opened.

"Are you sure we should be doing this? What if he doesn't want to see me? What if he turns me away? What if-"

Miles' hands came to my face, squishing my mouth so I was unable to talk. I looked at him only to find him shaking his head with an all knowing smile.

"That head of yours is going to be the death of you," He chuckled, realizing my face. "He'd have to be brain dead before he turns you away. Actually, knowing Xavier, he'd find a way to keep you around even if he was,"

"You're going to be fine. What you should be thinking about is whether you've forgiven him or not."

"I think I still need a little more time," I looked at him. "I'm sor-"

"Don't you dare apologize," He cut me off. "What exactly is it you're apologizing for?"

"For needing more time to think about everything?"

"Olivia Faye Laurent. You are one of the smartest, sweetest most caring, loving, beautiful and amazing people I know but sometimes, you say stupid shit that makes me want to punch you,"

He continued. "What Xavier did. Whether he had a choice or not was awful. And to some people - me - unforgivable. The fact that you need a little more time to think things over is normal. Do you understand?"

I nodded my head slowly and Miles smiled. "Wonderful. Now chin up, we're here."

We got out of the car and made our way up the huge castle that was Xavier's family house. Despite the fact that it was in an estate, surrounded by other houses, this house stood out significantly.

We got our eyes and fingerprints scanned before Miles and I were led into the house and asked to wait in the foyer.

After a minute, Miles got impatient.

"Hello? Is anyone home?" He yelled as I took a few steps forward, admiring the interior of the house.

Four pairs of feet clattered against the ground and the next thing I knew, I was being tackled by four pairs of hands.

I looked down to find Xavier's adopted sisters, Ashley and Aspen, as well as Xamira's kids, Deja and Jada, hugging me around the waist.

"Olive," They collectively squealed.

I chuckled, kneeling so I could see them properly. "Hey girls,"

"I missed you so so so much," Aspen told me.

"Where'd you go?" Deja asked.

"Why'd you stop visiting?" Ashley questioned.

"I thought I wasn't gonna see you again," Jada mumbled.

"I just love how they ignored my presence," Miles laughed, watching the interaction.

"Princess?" A small voice came from behind the four girls.

Looking between the girls, I found Melanie holding her stuffed panda, trying to get to me. I smiled and lifted her into my arms.

"Hi, Mel." I said, snuggling my nose into the side of her face causing her to giggle.

"Hiii sissy," Her small hands tried to push my face away, causing her to drop her panda.

"Don't worry, Melly. I got Chubbs," Aspen said, handing Chubbs back to her.

"You guys know Mel?" I asked the four girls.

They nodded. "Xavier said she's our little sister for now," Jada explained.

"And we gotta take care of her," Deja added.

"And I gotta take care of everyone cause I'm the oldest," Ashley announced.

"We're the same age," Aspen argued. "We're 7 and Deja and Jada are 6,"

"No. I'm older by a minute," Ashley stuck her tongue out at her sister.

"Now is that any way to talk to your sister?" Miles spoke up, causing all our heads to turn to him.

He crouched down in front of Ashley. "You gotta talk to her nicer, remember?" He leaned in and whispered in her ear. "You're the oldest right?"

He turned to Aspen. "And you gotta help your sister take care of everyone." He leaned in and whispered in her ear. "You two are the oldest right?"

The two girls nodded and then apologized to each other, hugging afterwards.

"Thank you, mister." Aspen said to Miles.

"You can call me Miles. And you're welcome,"

I watched as Melanie looked at Miles. Then held her right hand out in front of her, examining it.

She looked at Miles again. Then at her hand. Then at me and the four girls. Her small eyebrows furrowed in the middle of her forehead.

"Sissy," She mumbled, placing her hand on my cheek. "Why aren't we the same?"

Confusion clouded my features. "What do you mean, baby?"

"Me and Mister Miles. We're not like you and the others. Why?"

Miles and I shared a look. His gaze was soft and understanding.

"Oh I see now," I brought my hands to her side, tickling her. "You're a super smart girl do you know that?"

She giggled, trying to escape my grip. "How about we talk about that later? With Xavier and Mister Miles together? How does that sound, Mel?"

"Sounds good," She smiled at me.

"Speaking of Xavier," Miles started but was cut off by someone rushing into the foyer where we were.

"That's it. No more hide and seek," Preston said panting, his hands on his knees. "And no more babysitting for me. I'm not getting paid enough for this,"

"But Uncle Pressy," The girls whined.

"Don't uncle Pressy me. Do you know how long I've been searching for you guys?"

He didn't bother to look up before he started panicking. "Why can't I hear Mela? Where is she? Oh, I'm going to lose my job. Great."

"You know what it's fine. I didn't even like it anyways. I'm sure living on the streets would be much better than-"

"Calm down, Uncle Pressy. She's right here," I chuckled, setting Melanie down.

Preston's head shot up and a smile spread across his face. "Laurent? Miles?"

"Took you long enough," Miles chuckled.

"It's nice to see you again, Preston." I beamed.

He rushed to me, pulling me into a hug. I laughed, hugging him back before pulling away. Him and Miles hugged as well before pulling away almost immediately.

"Where is everyone else?" Miles asked. "You'd think they would be happy to see us after all these years,"

"It's been 10 months, Miles." I corrected him.

"Same thing,"

"They're all outside. Sofia insisted that today would be a pool day. Apparently we were 'killing ourselves with work' as she put it," Preston explained.

He turned around and the four girls gathered around him, giggling amongst themselves.

Melanie turned to Miles looking all too serious for a 3 year old.

"This is Chubbs. He's a very shy baby. Will you protect him?"

Miles nodded, bringing his fist to his heart. "I promise,"

Melanie nodded, handing Chubbs over to Miles. Then she turned to me, opening and closing her tiny hands. I smiled, lifting her into my arms.

"Miles the bear holder. I guess that's my new job," Miles sighed as we followed after Preston and the girls.

The Russo's pool was just as beautiful as it had always been. Familiar faces were scattered everywhere and I couldn't help the smile that appeared on my face.

Preston and the girls moved to the picnic blanket that was laid out under a large tree. Kat was lying on a lounge chair, her face to the sky.

Mattia and Vincent - Xavier and Griffin's fathers - were busy with the grill while their wives sat on lounge chairs next to them, talking.

Zayn and Derrick played in the pool while Arlo sat on the edge of it, talking to Lexi.

I had forgotten that even though Lexi had volunteered to be the secretary at my company, she was also a good friend to the Russos.

"Chica?" Kat was the first to notice Miles and I, her voice causing everyone else to turn towards us.

I barely had enough time to set Melanie down before Kat was all over me, her hands wrapped around my neck.

"I don't know if I should hug you or strangle you," She confessed, laughing through tears that were sliding down her face.

"I don't know either," I laughed, tears blurring my vision as I hugged her back.

She suddenly pulled away, crossing her arms in front of her chest. "You go M.I.A for 10 months and think you can just walk in here unannounced?"

"I'm sorry. I was just trying to figure everything out,"

"You could've called. Texted. Anything. I was worried sick," Her anger turned to sadness. "I understand ignoring Xavier, Griffin and Jordan. But why Xamira and I?"

"I don't know," I admitted. "I guess I wanted a break from everything,"

She sighed, pulling me into another hug. "You're lucky you're you and I have still have a soft spot for you,"

I smiled. "That's exactly what Xamira said,"

"I heard my name?" Xamira said, walking out of the pool house with Diego next to her.

Both of them held onto the hands of their son, Jayden, lifting him into the air from time to time causing him to erupt into giggles.

"Mama," Deja and Jada rushed to Xamira.

Meanwhile, Miles was being smothered by Mattia, Sofia, Vincent and Laura.

After a lot of hugging and apologizing from both Miles and I to the others, we finally got settled in.

"Why are you guys back in L.A?" Kat asked. "Have you finally forgiven Xavier?"

""I wanted to see him. To surprise him," I revealed.

"Which brings my next question, where is he?" Miles asked.

They all shared a look, smiles on their faces.

I looked at them confused. "What is it?"

"Arlo flew him and Jordan to Bordeaux a few hours ago. He wanted to surprise you," Mattia revealed.

"Young love," Sofia swooned.

"They're so cute," Laura agreed.

I didn't know whether to feel sad or happy. One the one hand, I had flown all this way for no reason.

But on the other hand, he flew all that way just to see me.

"I would've said to call him but the time difference and everything," Xamira spoke up.

"In the meantime, you can have fun with the rest of us." Diego smiled.

I hadn't realized how much I had missed all these people until I spent the entire day with them. To say it was fun was an understatement.

I headed over to the tree where Preston lay down alone, tired from the races I had been doing with Derrick and Miles in the pool.

"Why are you so down?" I asked him, sitting next to him.

"You both flew thousands of miles just to see each other. That's freaking adorable,"

"Adorable? Are you the same Preston I know?"

He sighed, turning to look at me. "I need help, Olive."

I was slightly taken back that he had called my first name. "With what?"

"You remember the intern everyone told you about? Nathan Aziz? That I had a crush on?" His face tinted slightly as I nodded. "Well, I got his number a few months back and we've been talking for a while,"

"Is it moving too slow? Is he not what you expected?"

"It's the exact opposite actually. That's the problem. I didn't expect him to feel anything for me and now that I know he does, I don't know what to do,"

He turned over looking at the leaves. "I don't wanna mess this up, you know?"

"That is so freaking cute," Kat squealed, startling Preston and I.

"Who knew Preston could be cute?" Xamira chuckled.

Preston groaned, sitting up straight before glaring at the both of them. "Hasn't anyone ever told you it isn't good to eavesdrop?"

They rolled their eyes, sitting next to him. "Let us help you," Xamira said.

"I promise Nathan will be head over heels in love with you by the time we're done," Kat told him.

"Olive," Lexi's whisper had me turning my head to find her. "Could you come here for a second?"

Both her and Arlo stood a few feet away from me. I noticed their hands were interlocked which had me tilting my head in confusion.

I got up, heading towards them. "What's up guys?"

"I don't know how to say this," Lexi started.

"She's my wife," Arlo interrupted.


Lexi sighed, slapping Arlo's arm. "You don't just say things like that,"

Arlo frowned a little. "But you said you don't know how to say it. I was just trying to help,"

"Aw. I'm sorry, baby." Lexi couldn't help the smile on her face as she hugged Arlo, bringing a smile on his face.

"I'm still confused," I said.

She pulled away from Arlo, her cheeks tinting slightly as she turned to me. "What Arlo meant to say was that we're engaged."

A squeal left my mouth as I pulled them both in for a hug. "Congratulations," I beamed, after pulling away.

"I can't say that I expected it though," I admitted.

"We've been dating for about three years now. We just didn't tell anyone," Arlo explained.

"Then he proposed a few months ago and then we broke the news to everyone," Lexi continued.

"That being said, I was wondering if you could be a bridesmaid. I know things between you and Xavier are complicated but it would really make me happy if you-"

"You don't have to tell me twice. I would love to," I took her hands. "I'm so happy for you, Lexi."

She let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you. We'll be heading to China for the wedding. The wedding is on February 12th."

"Exactly 2 months from today," I couldn't help the excitement that I felt for the both of them. "I can't wait,"

"Imagine how I feel," Arlo smirked, wrapping his arm around Lexi's waist.

The rest of the day flew by smoothly. Sofia and Mattia arranged a big banquet to commemorate Miles and I visiting.

I had tried to tell them that it wasn't necessary but Miles cut me off, whispering that I should just say thank you instead of spoiling a good thing.

Before I knew it, it was 1 am and I was pretty tired. I excused myself from the dining room and headed up to the room Laura had shown me earlier.

I slept for about 4 hours before my eyes fluttered open. I reached for my phone deciding that it'd be a good time to call Xavier.

"Hi pretty girl," He said as soon as he picked up the call.

His voice instantly soothed me and I felt my eyelids begin to get heavier.

A small yawn left my mouth. '"Hi," My voice was soft and laced with sleep.

"What time is it, beautiful?"

I groaned, stretching. "5 something. Almost 6,"

"Are you going out today?"

"No," I mumbled.

"Then why are you up so early, baby?"

"I wanted to call you before you went to sleep," I admitted with a small pout. "Because I came all this way and you aren't even here," I cut herself off with a yawn.

"I think it's really cute you went to Bordeaux to see me though," I continued, battling sleep.

"But I really wanted to see you," I yawned. "It was going to be a surprise,"

"Go back to sleep, amore. I'll see you soon,"

I didn't register the last part of his sentence as I had already fallen asleep to the sound of his voice.

In the back of my head, I told myself that I'd head back to Bordeaux tomorrow, to see him.

And there was no way he would expect me to do that. That way he'd still be surprised.


A longer chapter as an apology- ish.

C.O.D.: Your toes look very edible. (I'm running out of these)

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