All Kinds of Quiet

By voxcorr

224K 4.1K 10.8K

✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟐 𝐨𝐟 ❝𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐞𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬❞ ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ Griffin held his phone to them... More

𝔅𝔬𝔬𝔨 2: 𝔄𝔩𝔩 𝔎𝔦𝔫𝔡𝔰 𝔬𝔣 𝔔𝔲𝔦𝔢𝔱
ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 1
ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 2
ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 3
ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 4
ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 6
ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 7
ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 8
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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 10

ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 5

21.6K 387 1.3K
By voxcorr

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Wyatt and I had just stepped out of the building when an explosion was heard. A series of smaller explosions going off immediately after.

With a single glance to the other, we made a split decision.

Wyatt advanced, heading towards the area where the explosion had gone off while I turned around, making a beeline for Raven.

If anything happened to her- fuck, I don't even know what I'd do.

A string of curses left my lips when I reached the bar and realized the front door was unlocked. With my gun pointed ahead of me, I walked in, making sure the coast was clear before heading to the back.

I checked to make sure there was no one waiting by the stairs then ran up, kicking the door to the apartment open.

Four pairs of eyes and one gun turned to me.

Griffin lowered the gun as I lowered mine, his eyes returning to the window he was staring out of. He pressed himself back against the wall and continued watching for enemy fire.

Miles and the pierced guy from earlier were crouched down by the end of the couch opposite Griffin, their hands wrapped around the other.



Confusion swirled through my head when Olive's voice interrupted me but I couldn't see her anywhere.

Her voice came again. "Miles, Kai, let go. I can't breathe"

My eyes were drawn to the two men who were being forced apart, my gorgeous woman emerging from between them.

A smile played on my lips as she walked up to me. I was about to say something when she placed a finger over my lips.

"They were being paranoid," She took her finger off my lips, turning to glare at Miles and Kai. "And annoying."

"You say that, like it wasn't blondie over here who told us to protect you." Kai scoffed.

"Griffin." Griffin corrected. "And there are several ways you two could've done that without smothering her."

Miles tried to stop Kai from arguing with Griffin while my attention returned to my girl. I cupped her face with my right hand, tilting her head to me.

"You okay?" I asked, my eyes searching hers.

"Yeah. As soon as the explosion went off, I took cover."

A relieved sigh escaped me. As much as I knew none of the men here would have let anything happen to her, hearing it come from her gave me the reassurance I desperately needed.

"Good girl,"

"Where's Wyatt?" Miles asked, noticing his absence.

"Checking out the explosion,"

"What if the explosion was meant to draw you guys out and your rivals are waiting there for him?" Kai asked.

"He knows?" I asked, my head turning to Griffin.

"Apparently, we didn't do a good job of hiding our guns earlier"

"He has a point though" The sound of Olive's voice brought my gaze back to hers. "What if there's a lot of them waiting? Wyatt's only one person"

"One crazy person" I chuckled. "Trust me princess, as long as there aren't any commanders, he'll be fine"

"Something tells me she'll love seeing him in action" Griffin chuckled.

The pout lingering on her face told me that she wasn't fully convinced.

"But I'll go check on him, just for you" A smile replaced the pout. "I'm pretty sure the jet's here already, so Wyatt and I will just head to the hangar together afterwards"

The smile was gone as quickly as it came. "You're leaving?"

A sigh left my lips. "We're conducting an investigation on the reaper's commanders and I feel that things are about to take a turn for the worse. The others need me back in L.A."

"That's what I was going to tell you when I walked in," Griffin spoke up. "I'm staying though to keep an eye on you"

"You say that like Miles and I haven't been taking care of her for the past 4 months" Kai mumbled.

"Better safe than sorry. I'll feel more at ease knowing Griffin is here with you guys," I said.

"Yeah, that makes sense" The frown on her face contradicted her words.

I placed my hand on the top of her head, ruffling her hair, much to her annoyance. Her head shot up.

Even though she was glaring at me, I couldn't help but smile at her reaction.

She didn't want me to leave.

"If I had my way I wouldn't leave either" My voice was low so that she'd be the only person able to hear me.

"I'd take you with me and we'd run away. Just the two of us. Away from all the drama of the mafia and everything else. But it's never that easy"

"You're gonna come back right?"

"I'll always come back to you, my love." I reassured her, my right hand cupping her face. "Always, there's no doubt in my mind about it"

"They're just going to act like we aren't here?" Kai asked while Miles sighed.

"Griffy, how bout I show you how to make those cookies you had earlier?" Miles asked.

"There's no reason to. You know I don't eat if you aren't the person cooking for me"

"So how were you able to survive these past 8 months?" Kai questioned.

"Take out," Griffin replied like it was nothing.

"You ate take out everyday for the past 8 months?" Miles was dumbfounded.

Griffin's voice was small when he responded. "It wasn't everyday. More like once a week"

"You only ate once a week? For the past 8 months?" Miles was livid as he stared at Griffin.

"Oh yeah that's true. Him and Xavier thought it'd be smart to starve themselves in order to feel even a bit of the pain they put you and Via through." Kai said.

"Xavier's was probably worse though. You saw how bad he looked when he walked into Raven. I'd say he ate once every two-"

"We're going to continue this conversation in the kitchen. Away from those two" Miles announced.

He stood up and dragged Kai along with him, sparing a single glance at Griffin before my best friend was following after his boyfriend into the kitchen.

I rolled my eyes, my attention returning to my breathtaking girl in front of me. Her face housed a broken look.

"Kai's right isn't he?" Her voice was barely audible as she looked up at me, barely listening to anything the others had said. "You didn't take care of yourself then, what if it happens again?"

"I promised you I'd never do that again, didn't I baby?" I searched her eyes as I spoke. "A pinkie promise, right? The most powerful promise in the world, remember?"

She was hesitant as she spoke. "Yeah, I know but I'm worried about you"

"We're only going to be apart for a little while longer. You said you needed time and I'm willing to give you as much as you need" My gaze softened as a stray tear streaked down her face.

I brushed away the lone tear, tilting her head up so her eyes met mine. "Don't cry, pretty girl,"

I dipped my head lower, my lips inches away from hers. I could see it in her eyes, she wanted to kiss me almost as badly as I wanted to kiss her.

She leaned forward, closing the space between us. But before her lips met mine, the front door of the apartment was kicked open.

A certain man equipped with his signature brass knuckles walked through it.

"Grumpy? I swear to fucking- If they touched a single hair on her head-"

"Wyatt?" Olive cut off his rambling, rushing towards him. "What happened to you?"

His panic died down the second he spotted her and he moved to pull her into a hug. His blood stained hands came into view and he shook his head, deciding against it.

"Fuck that right now. Are you okay? Hurt? All your toes intact? A stripper without complete toes is not attractive,"

"Not that you're not attractive because you are. It's more of you won't make as much money as Clover 'The 9-toed' stripper,"

A smile appeared on my face at the sound of the beautiful sound that was her laugh.

I'd give up everything to hear that sound everyday for the rest of my life.

I'd give my own life if it meant she could live a normal one. Without having to worry about the reaper or his attacks.

"I'm fine. I'm more worried about you. You're covered in blood,"

"Just a little,"

"Wyatt, your hair is red."

"It is?" He took his phone out of his pocket and looked at himself, despite the blood smeared on his hands. "Holy shit, when did that happen?"

"You're worrying her even more," I told him.

His eyes moved from his phone to Olive's pale face.

"You didn't know? Why didn't you know? Does that mean your head is bleeding? Fuck your head is bleeding. You need help, I'll call Miles. We'll get you to a hospital and- fuck- MILES."

"Olive, breathe," Wyatt chuckled. "I'm not bleeding. The red hair just means I got a little bit carried away,"

"That doesn't look like a little bit," Olive murmured.

"He doesn't have any body parts on him, so believe him when he says a little bit," Griffin said as he entered the living room, Kai and Miles walking in after him.

"Who do I need to kill?" Miles asked Olive, in response to her yelling his name.

Wyatt rushed towards the three of them, raising their arms and inspecting various parts of their bodies individually.

"You guys okay? No one hurt or anything?"

"Like I'd ever let anything happen to orsetto and small fry," Griffin mumbled.

"Wow, thank you for caring so much about me," Kai rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry, man. If he doesn't have your back, I do,"

Kai looked at Wyatt from his completely red hair, to his face covered in blood streaks, down to his bloodstained clothes and his battered up hands.

"That wasn't nearly as comforting as you thought it was,"

"Next time, hope you die, got it" Wyatt snapped back.

Kai's tongue dipped out to wet his lips, gliding over the snake bite piercings he had as he bit back a smile.

"We're gonna get along just fine,"

"Did you find the cause of the explosion?" Griffin asked Wyatt.

"Yeah, a gas station." Wyatt paused, taking something out of his pocket. "I found this though."

The rest of us watched him pull out a pendant, the initials 'CH' engraved on it.

"I'm guessing this belongs to the commander the reaper had in charge of the explosion. They must've left after the explosion and left men there just in case."

"Why does that look familiar?" I muttered.

"That's exactly what I was thinking," Wyatt said.

"Why does shit only keep getting worse?" Kai groaned. "I haven't even been involved with you guys for a day yet and there's already people trying to kill me."

"They're trying to get to Olive, don't flatter yourself" Miles told him.

"Where have we seen this before?" Griffin mumbled as Wyatt handed the pendant to him.

Before Wyatt was able to respond, his phone rang. He answered it, bringing it to his ear before mumbling a few words and ending the call, putting it back into his pocket.

"You should probably keep that, I would but I don't want you calling me every time you think you've figured out where we've seen it before."

"Mhm, and it's definitely not because you're going to lose it right?" Miles chuckled.

Wyatt rolled his eyes before turning to me. "The call was from the hangar. The jet's ready,"

"Right. You need to head out," I didn't miss the disappointment in Olive's voice as she took a few steps back.

"Be careful," Griffin said.

"If you die and Olive goes through another depressive episode, I'll kill you." Miles told me. "Wyatt, tell the others I say hey and tell Zayn I miss his food."

"I hardly know you guys so I don't really care what happens to you. Just don't put Via through more shit," Kai shrugged.

"Sure, whatever you say. I can already see the tears falling down your face," Wyatt laughed as Kai rolled his eyes, muttering curses under his breath.

"Wyatt," Olive called out, her voice as impossibly soft as it always was.

It took every last bit of self control I had not to tear myself away from the door and whisk her away with me.

My hand remained on the door as I turned to her, my heart breaking for the millionth time when I saw her face.

"What's up?"

"Take care of yourself okay?" Fresh tears streamed down her face. "And Xav. Make sure he doesn't do anything stupid or hurt himself,"

A smile appeared on his face as he pulled her into a hug, placing a kiss on the top of her head.

"I don't know about the first part, Xavier's pretty stupid," Despite her tears, she managed a small laugh.

He pulled away, tilting her head up to his. "But trust me, I'll make sure he comes back to you safe and sound, even if it's the last thing I do. I swear to you, grumpy,"

With one last smile, he pulled away from her completely and walked out the door.

"See you soon, principessa," I smiled at her before heading out the door, the door closing behind me.

The reality that I wouldn't see her for a while had dawned on me and I was determined not to leave without kissing the fuck out of her.

I was about to head back inside when I felt a slap upside my head. Turning, I was met with Wyatt staring at me, disbelief written all over his face.

"You have five seconds to explain yourself,"

"Do your worst Mr. macho mafia," Wyatt scoffed.

I sighed, crossing my arms in front of my chest. "What is it?"

"I can't believe you're about to leave without kissing her," Wyatt shook his head in disappointment.

I opened my mouth to interject but he cut me off.

"Before you say it, yes I realize you're my boss and yes I realize you're the don to the most powerful mafia in the world or whatever," He paused. "But do you realize that I'm also your friend?"

"We've known each other our whole lives, apart from the 5 years you and Griff ran off because you didn't want to take over the mafia and you somehow convinced him to go with you but still,"

"Didn't convince him, he insisted on coming with me. Something about it being his job as my best friend and getting me out of trouble when I inevitably do something stupid," I corrected.

"Whatever," I couldn't help but smile as he disregarded my comment with a wave of his hand, beginning to pace like he always did whenever he was ranting.

"If I wasn't going to see the love of my life for a while, I'd be looking for someway to glue our heads together-"

There was no hope of getting through to him when he was like this. Rather than trying to explain to him, I turned around and headed back into the apartment.


She was still in the same spot as before when I walked in. Only this time, her back was to the door.

I didn't let her finish her statement.

Or move, for that matter.

I grabbed her by her waist and pulled her towards me. I dipped her, taking her by surprise.

My left arm wrapped tightly around her waist while my right hand cupped the side of her face before I brought my lips to hers.

Behind me, Wyatt was busy muttering something about how he already knew I was stupid but this surprised him.

Or something along the lines of that.

I don't know. I wasn't paying attention.

I was too infatuated with my girl in front of me.

There was no sign of surprise when she kissed me back. Her body had relaxed the second my hand came in contact with her waist and her hands instantly moved to my neck, holding herself in place.

I felt her smile against my lips as I deepened the kiss, pulling her flush against me.

"GET A ROOM" Kai's voice came from somewhere around us.

Seconds later, an 'ow' came from him followed by mumbling and Griffin and Miles scoffing, saying something about Kai thinking before he talks.

"I wasn't talking about you two, I was talking about those two" He muttered, rolling his eyes.

An 'oh' came from both Griffin and Miles. Nothing more.

I groaned and reluctantly pulled myself away from her, pulling her up in the process. I placed my forehead on hers, a smile coming to my face when she wrapped her hands around my torso.

"You know you could've just asked for a kiss," She said, her eyes still closed.

"Yeah, but where's the fun in that?"

"Jackass," She laughed.

"Been a while since I heard that name."

"Thought I'd bring it back,"

My head dipped down to her neck, leaving a trail of kisses. "Your jackass though,"


I tried to pull away but her hands only tightened around me. I let out a sigh. "I gotta go, princess. Wyatt will finish ranting and realize I'm gone any second now,"

Wyatt's voice came from outside muttering something about how he's supposed to tell me when my breath stinks because he's a true friend.

Olive mumbled something under her breath before pulling away from me. I smiled as I placed one last kiss on her forehead.

"I'm gonna work my damn hardest to earn your forgiveness,"

"You'd better,"

"Hopefully it ends with angry makeup sex," I whispered, just for her, smiling when I felt her entire body shiver.

"I haven't even forgiven you yet and that's what you're thinking about?" She lowered her voice, poking my chest between her words. "We're not even alone,"

I chuckled at her cuteness. "See you soon, princess,"

She raised her pinkie to me and my smile grew. I interlocked my pinkie with hers and we both placed kisses to our thumbs before pressing them together.


With one last kiss to her nose, I left the apartment only to be met with a smirking Wyatt who had his arms folded across his chest.

"Could've just told me," He said as we walked down to the bar, heading out the front door.

"You know you wouldn't have let me speak,"

"That's not- You're right,"

I chuckled. "How long?"

"15 minutes to the hangar. 20 if we run into any of the reapers men,"

The sound of gunshots coming from the abandoned parking lot ahead of us caught our attention.

"You just had to say something" I mumbled.

I took both guns out of the holster around my waist, reloading them. Wyatt smiled as he slipped on his brass knuckles.

"The universe just loves to fuck with me,"

I rolled my eyes as we continued down the street. "Let's get this over with and get back to L.A,"

"Someone's feeling homesick,"

"The sooner we get to L.A, the sooner I can get back to Olive,"

Wyatt chuckled and I sighed as multiple guns turned to us, the masked men immediately identifying who we were.

I was first to pull the trigger, shooting two men in the head with both my guns. Wyatt moved immediately, laughing as he punched a man's face in.

We ran around the empty parking lot, taking cover behind two beams that held up the idle gas station store.

"Yeah, you're definitely not going to go crazy from being apart from her for this long," He snickered.

One of the men spotted us. He moved to start shooting but Wyatt was faster, sweeping his leg under his.

The man fell on his back and Wyatt was quick to drag him behind the beam that sheltered him. The man tried to fight off Wyatt but he was stronger, pinning him down before beating him to death.

We were outrageously outnumbered and without any protection. Bullets were coming at us from all angles and we were both calm.

"I went 4 months before seeing her on her graduation day," I snapped back, shooting two more men. "Then went another 3 after that,"

"You're forgetting that you did go crazy though. Starved yourself and everything. Couldn't even sleep without waking up screaming,"

He stood up, kicking the corpse away from him as he locked eyes with me, a dangerous smile creeping up his face. Gone was the playfulness that once resided in his hazel eyes.

Madness and pure insanity danced within them instead, bringing a smile to my face as I knew his eyes were a reflection of mine.

He ran a bloodied hand through his hair. And calculated our chances.

He looked ahead at the men that were shooting at us and rapidly closing the distance between us and them.

"Fucking dumbasses, shooting at a gas station," The smile on his face grew. "Don't they know that petrol is highly flammable? Any wrong shot and the entire 3 mile radius will go up in flames,"

"You gonna do it already or are you gonna make me ask," I rolled my eyes.

He chuckled, taking out the object that was in the cross body bag he wore. "Aren't you the same person who said it isn't normal to carry a grenade everywhere?"

"I am and it isn't normal. You have serious issues man," I paused. "But I'm also the same person telling you now to use it. So use it,"

"Okay damn," He pulled the pin of the grenade with his teeth, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "No need to get so feisty, boss." He calmly threw it at one of the tanker trucks.

He whistled as he looked at the men who were oblivious to what had just happened then at me.

"We have a five second window to get as far away from that tanker as possible. Think we'll make it?" He laughed as he ran ahead of me.

Cursing under my breath, I followed after him. The both of us tried to dodge the bullets that were being fired at us as we tried to get shelter.

We barely made it to safety when the grenade went off.

The entire gas station went up in flames. The resulting blast wave from the explosion was so big that Wyatt and I were pushed backwards, despite taking refuge behind the store.

The store in question fell apart due to the explosion. Wyatt and I had to dodge falling bricks and wood and avoid getting trapped under huge piles of debris.

The smell of burning flesh wafted through the air as the screams of the reaper's men filled our ears.

"You good?" I asked Wyatt after the ringing in my ears had died down.

We both lay flat on our backs, staring up at the sky and trying to catch our breaths.

"Hell yeah, that was fucking awesome. Let's do it again," Wyatt laughed.

"You're crazy,"

"And you're fucking psychotic. You just know how to hide it better." He admitted.

"True," I groaned, getting to my feet before helping Wyatt to his feet. "Come on, the pilots are probably looking for us,"

The police had begun to arrive. The second their eyes landed on me, they asked no questions and busied themselves with cleaning up the area.

I'm sure they'd come up with a believable enough story to tell the news.

"Think they'll let us stop in Hawaii? I'm craving Hawaiian shaved ice right now," Wyatt mumbled as we headed to the hangar.

"If you ask them really nicely, I'm sure they won't mind," I told him as we headed to the hangar.

"Or you could ask for me instead. Regardless of how you ask, they'll agree,"

"The faster I get to L.A, the faster I can get back to Olive," I told him.

Soon, princess. I'll be with you again real fucking soon.


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To say I was worried about Xavier was an understatement.

I was terrified.

I didn't want him to hurt himself or worse, get hurt during any of his missions.

My worries died down a bit when I received a facetime call from him the very second he landed in L.A.

Bordeaux was 9 hours ahead of L.A so when he called it was around 10pm for me but only 1 in the afternoon for him.

What was supposed to be a one minute call turned into two. From two to four and from four, six... hours.

We spent the entirety of the call laughing and messing around. Making jokes about random things, getting to know each other better - that was Xavier's idea.

In the end we had both fallen asleep on the call. I was surprised to see him still on the line when I woke up the next day.

I checked the time and saw that it was 10am, and quickly searched to know what time it was for him - 1 in the morning.

I was about to end the call, thinking he was still asleep when he spoke up saying he had been awake for about an hour,  working while I slept.

He mentioned something about how peaceful I looked when I slept and how it made him happy to see me so worry free.

We eventually had to end the call because Arlo came in and began reprimanding Xavier for not preparing for their raid the previous day.

Later that same day, Kai walked into the living room with a scowl on his face.

"Why are you scowling?" Miles asked, noticing the scratch.

"Come to the front of the bar and find out," He turned to me. "You should come too,"

Without explaining further, he headed down to the bar. Miles and I shared a suspicious look before following after him.

My jaw dropped when I saw four men offloading a huge bouquet of flowers from a truck right in front of the bar.

Kai went outside and again, Miles and I followed after him. "Here she is,"

Another man came down from the truck, a clipboard in hand as he walked over to me, smiling. Kai and Miles decided to help the other men with the flowers.

"You're the princess?" The man with the clipboard asked me.

"Pardon?" I was beyond confused.

"Are you Princess Olivia Laurent?" He asked again, reading my name from the clipboard.

No way.

"I'm Olivia Laurent, yes," I told him.

He didn't.

"I have one thousand plumerias from a Mr. Jackass Russo," He said, smiling as he read out the name. "If you could just sign here,"

Fuck, he did.

I was unable to form words as the man handed me the clipboard and a pen, showing me the line where my signature was required.

He handed me an envelope before heading back into the truck where his colleagues had been waiting for him.

With slightly shaking hands, I opened the envelope, revealing a letter. I opened the letter and read what was written on it.

One thousand plumerias for the one day we've been apart. I miss you so much, princess.

Plumerias; he remembered my favorite flowers.

"One thousand plumerias is crazy." Miles commented. "Griffin better do something crazy like this"

"Where are we even going to put these?" Kai groaned after the men had left. "They won't fit in the apartment,"

"The fight club, downstairs. They'll fit right?" Miles asked.

"Yeah, we can stash them in Via's dressing room. The door's huge so it shouldn't be a problem,"

Kai turned to me. "Tell your boyfriend that if he's going to send you extravagant gifts like this, he better find something for the people that will move them"

"That's why you're scowling?" Miles laughed.

"Yes that's fucking why. How are the two of us going to move this huge ass bouquet without getting anything in return?"

"I could help," I offered, finally finding my voice.

"That's out of the question. I need your hands good and ready for the fights I have lined up for you." Kai groaned as Miles handed him the hand trolley. "How am I going to make money if my number one fighter isn't at a hundred percent?"

That was how I watched Miles and Kai wheel the bouquet of a thousand plumerias down to the ring.

That night when he called, he laughed as I asked him why he sent me flowers after I thanked him for them.

"When do I need a reason to send my girl gifts?" He asked.

I sighed, placing the phone against the headboard so I didn't have to hold it. I laid fully stretched out on the bed, resting my head in my hands.

I rolled my eyes, a small smile on my face when he took a screenshot.

"Kai said you should at least get him and Miles something for doing all the heavy lifting," I told him. "I offered to help but they wouldn't let me"

"Good. You shouldn't have to stress yourself,"

"I just wanted to help though," I said. "Plus, it was my gift"

"You can say whatever you want princess, but we both know this will end the same way,"

I sighed when I realized that he was right. "How'd your raid go?"

"The base was empty," He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "The commander wasn't there, no men, no signs of life, nothing. It's almost as if they knew we were coming,"

"That's too much of a coincidence to be a coincidence," I mumbled.

"I said the same thing. Jordan and Kat are looking into it right now," He paused for a brief second, his expression going completely serious.

"What's wrong?"

"The only people who went on that raid, or even knew about it was Jordan, Xamira, Preston, Kat and the Bianchis,"

"So if the commander did in fact know you guys were coming, the traitor is someone you're close to,"

"We have another traitor?" Griffin's voice came from behind me.

I turned, surprised to see him standing at the foot of my door with a plate and bottle of water in his hands.

"When did you get back?" I asked him.

"A few seconds ago actually. Orsetto had already made dinner and I offered to bring this up for you. Your door was open, I was about to knock when I heard what you said -"

"Griff, that you man?" Xavier called from the phone.


"Yeah, you just came back from somewhere?"

"Yeah, I've decided to take a walk around the neighborhood everyday. It helps me keep an eye on our surroundings while also keeping me fit. It's a win win"

I expected Griffin to walk in but he remained rooted at the door. "You coming, Griff?"

"You haven't said I should come in yet," He pointed out.

A smile played on my lips. "You can come in,"

He quickly made his way to the table I had in the corner of my room, placing the plate of food on it before heading over to the bed, handing me the bottle of water.

"Drink," He told me, after opening it up for me.

I thanked him and drank while him and Xavier talked about the raid.

"That's disturbing. Last time we had a mole, it ended with you two not talking for months and Xavier wanting to kill everyone that made the mistake of looking at him," Griffin said.

"I'll look into it, see what I can gather from here," He rose from the bed, placing a kiss to the top of my head. "Remember to eat, I want that plate empty when I come to check on you again,"

"I will," I laughed as he walked out my room.

Xavier and I talked for the rest of the night, and fell asleep on the phone with each other again.

And that's pretty much how the rest of the days flew by.

He'd call me everyday, despite the time difference, despite how busy he was and update me on everything while also making sure to ask how I was doing.

Before I had realized, two months had passed.

I had a few fights at the club here and there and made some money. Kai was hesitant about letting me fight often though.

He explained that a lot of criminals and thugs came down to the ring to bet, fight and watch.

We didn't know who was working for the reaper and who wasn't and exposing me in fights frequently would familiarize them with my face.

Which would be catastrophic if one of them happened to be the reaper's men.

The only thing I wasn't expecting during this month apart was the presents becoming an everyday thing.

And each day, they got more and more extravagant.

The first week was the bouquet of 1000 plumerias, 20 stuffies, 30 fireworks going off, 4 different wardrobes of designer clothes, a $500 dinner, 6 sky writers that wrote 'I miss you' and a $70,000 diamond necklace.

The presents I received each day, leading up to today, were even crazier.

"Xavier," I groaned when he called .

"Yes, baby," His phone was placed on the foot of the bed like it usually did but I couldn't see him.

"Why?" was all I asked.

"Why do you sound so sad? I thought me having someone to customize and upgrade your motorcycle would be your favorite one yet,"

The hurt tone from his voice tugged at my heart as I rested my head on my folded hands. "No, Xav, I love that you did that for me. Really,"


"I just don't see why you should be spending that much on me,"

"Because you deserve it and I like spoiling you," I heard shuffling in the background.

"Do I though?"

"Hey, none of that," My head raised slightly, my eyes moving to the phone screen.

I was not prepared to see Xavier half naked, wearing gray sweatpants that hung dangerously low on his waist while droplets of sweat skimmed down his perfect sculpted body.

His hair was wet but slicked into a small bun at the back of his head, small strands falling on his face while a towel was draped across his shoulders.

I traced out the tattoos on his torso with my eyes, watching the beads of water glide down each one of them.

"Like what you see?" He teased. "I just finished at the gym,"

"Fuck me," I mumbled, unable to tear my eyes away from his perfect body.

"I would if I could, baby. Fuck, I want you so bad, I'm going crazy,"

I watched as he got on the bed, the phone perfectly positioned at the foot of his bed so I could see every inch of him.

I repositioned my phone, placing it at the foot of my bed as well. This way he could see me perfectly as well.

A random wave of confidence washed over me as I opened my mouth to speak again. "What would you do if I was with you?"

A shaky groan left his lips at my question.

"Princess," A soft whisper was all the word was. "Don't tease me, that isn't nice,"

"I'm not teasing, I want to know,"

He ran a shaky hand through his hair, mumbling curses in Italian under his breath. His eyes closed for a few seconds before he opened them, immediately finding mine.

"Your door locked, baby?"


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I sighed as I watched Olive get off the bed and head to the door, locking it before getting back on the bed.

"Tell me, Xav," Shivers ran down my spine at the soft pronunciation of my nickname.

The nickname only she called me. The very one that drive me fucking insane anytime she used it.

"What would you do if I was with you right now?" She finished, her eyes intently watching my every move.

Fuck me.

I greedily took in every inch of her as she readjusted herself on the bed so that she was sitting directly in front of the phone.

She was wearing a simple white pajama set; spaghetti top and matching shorts. But fuck, she looked so sexy.

"Xav," She called out, her voice as impossibly soft as it always is. "I'm waiting,"

"Fuck," I cursed under my breath feeling incredibly turned on. "First I'd kiss the fuck out of you,"

"Yeah?" The way the word came out had my dick twitching in my pants.

"I'd kiss down your neck, stopping at your collarbone then lick my way back up your neck, stopping at that spot just under your ear that drives you insane,"

Her sharp intake of breath told me that she was beginning to feel as bothered as I was.

"I'd ask you if you were okay with me touching you and once you'd say you were," I paused. "I'd throw you on the bed,"

The softest sound left her lips drawing a groan from me in response. "Keep going,"

"Start with your clothes and work them off your body," I told her.

"What if I didn't let you?" The soft tone she spoke in shut my brain off. "What if I pushed you onto the bed instead?"

"Baby," I fussed.

"Then straddled you? I'd bring my lips to your neck, teasing you with light touches while grinding against you at the same time,"

"You'd feel me. Every inch of me, rubbing against you while I leave soft kisses down your neck. Lightly bite down as my hands traced your chest, your tattoos,"

I was hard. I was so fucking hard it hurt. I felt my tip leak with precum every time she spoke. And I wanted more than anything to touch her.

Kiss her. Lick her. I wanted to feel her. Be inside her. To move. Hear her whimpers as I fucked her into oblivion.

"What do you want, Xav? Tell me," She urged.

"You," I could hardly recognize my voice. "Cazzo. I want you so bad,"

"There's a wet spot on your pants. You want to touch me that bad?"

"Yeah," My eyes fluttered closed and my hand moved to my dick, palming myself through my pants.

"What parts of me? My tits? My pussy?" I heard shuffling in the background but didn't bother to open my eyes.

A strangled sound left my lips as a whimper. I moved my hand faster, trying to gather up enough friction to get me off.

"Eyes open. Look at me, baby," Olive's voice coaxed and I had to obey.

She was sprawled out on her bed with her head tilted to the side so she could look at me.

Her shorts were gone and the sight of her middle and ring finger sliding in and out of her dripping pussy, almost had me cumming in my pants.

Her free hand toyed with her tits but her eyes remained on me, observing my reaction.

"Olive," I whispered, taking my dick out of my pants. "Baby,"

"Xav," She moaned as she played with her pussy. "I wish you were fucking me right now,"

"Yeah? You want my fingers sliding in and out of that soaked pussy of yours?"

"Mhm," She whimpered.

"Want me playing with that pretty clit? Rubbing your wet slit? Sucking on your nipples as you squirm underneath me? That what you want, princess?"

I watched as she threw her head back, her hips bucking up as her fingers pounded into her pussy.

She was close. She just needed a little encouragement.

I mumbled, tilting my head back as I pumped myself faster. "Faster, amore. Go faster for me, hm?"

"Xav, I-"

"I know, baby. I know. I feel it too. You're so close, aren't you? Just a little bit more and you're over the edge yeah?"

"Xavier, please" I could see that she had no idea what she was asking for. "Please. I can't-"

"You can. I know you can. You look so cute like that. So needy and desperate for some sort of relief. Almost like a little slut"

"Xavier," Her whine fogged my brain, bringing me closer and closer to the edge.

I was going to cum. Holy fuck, I was going to cum. And the sight of Olive like that only made it harder for me to resist.

But I needed her to cum first.

Olive was a sucker for praise and for degradation. But both of them together? It drove her fucking crazy.

"You like me calling you my slut? Treating you like a dick starved whore?"


"You want to be my perfect slut, hm?"

A soft whimper left her lips. "Mhm,"

"Words, baby. I need words,"

"Yes. Fuck, yes I want to,"

"Then cum, pretty girl. Be the good slut that you are and cum all over your pretty fingers for me. You're doing so good for me, my princess. The perfect slut for me, aren't you?"

A loud moan left her lips as she rode out her orgasm, her hips shaking from the force of it. I followed after her seconds later, cumming all over my fist.

"Xav," She whimpered.

"I'm right here, baby. I've got you," A sigh escaped my lips. "I'm pissed that I can't help you clean up though,"

"It's okay," Her voice was weak but she had a smile plastered on her face. "I can do it myself,"

"But aftercare is the most important part," I frowned.

"How about we take care of each other?"

"What do you have in mind?"

"We just clean up but while the other is on the phone," She said, moving off the bed with the phone in her hand.

"Careful baby, you might not be able to walk just yet," I teased, heading into the bathroom inside my room.

"I'm fine," She rolled her eyes, smiling. "The only time I'm not able to walk is when you're the one-"

She cut herself off before she could finish, heat rising to her cheeks.

"-fucking you? Is that it?" I chuckled.

"Shut up,"

I watched as she placed her phone down on the bathroom counter, before heading over to the bathtub to fill it up with some water. I did the same thing and soon after, we were out of our clothes, soaking in our bubble baths.

"How's the search for the reaper's base going?" She asked me after a while.

A frustrated sigh left my lips. "We have nothing. It's been almost two months and we don't have anything. Haven't heard anything either,"

"All our leads ended up as dead ends. Either the place was deserted or just a few men remained; no commanders. Yet, our bases are being stormed regularly. By the time we arrive, all the reaper's men are either gone or dead,"

Her face fell. "That means there's definitely a mole right?"

"Most likely yes," I ran a hand through my wet hair. "This whole thing is complicated as fuck and I'm getting irritated not knowing anything,"

"We've never had a situation where we had no clue what the reaper was up to. Something about all this doesn't add up. We're diving into very murky waters right now."

"Not to mention our forces are divided. The Donatos men are in Bordeaux, watching over you guys, cutting our man power down by 15 percent,"

"Then call them back. You don't need to have them here," She said.

"Princess, there's a common ground that all these things have in common and that's you. For some reason we are yet to figure out, the reaper wants you. Your safety is my number one priority,"

"I know," She sighed, sinking further into her bubbles. "I just feel so useless,"

"Aw, baby,"

"I could come join you guys, help you try to figure all this out," She offered.

"You already have enough on your plate with the club and your company. I don't want you to overwork yourself,"

"But I asked to come back to the company,"

"You only asked because I told you how bad the company had gotten under my management,"

"Was it really management if you didn't make any games in the entire 7 months we weren't talking?"

"That's your strong point, love, not me," I smiled. "I'm just here to provide an avenue for you to shine and that avenue is called 'Princess',"

"Yeah, you need to change that name,"

"Why me? It's your company, do whatever you want."

We spent a few more minutes in the baths before we got out, drying ourselves off and heading back into our rooms.

We got dressed as we talked about everything and anything and then got on the bed preparing to go to sleep.

It was just 7 in the evening for me but it was already 1am for Olive the next day and I wanted her to get enough sleep.

I watched as she laid on her bed, her head rested on her arms like it always was. Her eyes fluttered closed for a second, a cute yawn leaving her lips.

Words cannot begin to describe what I feel for you, princess.

I'm so entranced by you. Your mind, body and soul.

So utterly obsessed with you. You occupy every lingering thought in my head. Every dream, every wish, every prayer.

If only you could see yourself through my eyes. See how enthralled I am by the mere mention of you.

That's the reason I always add an 'impossible' whenever you say you love me more.

"Guess I'm not the only one who thinks out loud," Her voice called out, pulling me out of my thoughts.


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"You really feel that way about me, baby?" I teased him.

I smiled as Xavier's face flushed a deep shade of red, reaching the tips of his ears. Despite the clear embarrassment he felt from being caught, he nodded his head.

"You're so cute when you blush," I told him.

I was about to tease him a bit more when the sound of soft knocking on the door was heard. He got off the bed, holding his phone in his hands as he unlocked the door.

"Papa, can't find Chubbs," Melanie's shaky voice was heard.

"Oh, sweetie," The phone's camera was pointed to the ceiling as Xavier bent down, probably lifting Melanie into his free arm.

"No sleep without him," She sniffled.

"I know, stellina. We'll find him. Do you remember where you saw him last?"

The phone was moved to Xavier's right hand as he sat on his bed, shifting Melanie into his lap..

I couldn't lie, I was relieved when Xavier told me she wasn't actually his daughter.

And was even more proud of Xavier when he told me that she was the lone survivor he had saved from one of their missions.

Her attention was drawn to the phone when Xavier adjusted it so I could see them again.

"Who you talking to?" She made grabby hands at the phone and Xavier chuckled, handing it to her.

I waved at the phone, resting my weight on my arms as her face came into view. Her hair fell down her back, her natural curls making her look even cuter than she did in her bear onesie.

"Hey, Mel."

The second she saw my face, the tears that threatened to spill from her eyes vanished. They were replaced with a wide smile.

"You remem-"

"Princess," She giggled, cutting off Xavier causing me to laugh. "Hiiii,"

"Hi baby, how are you?"

"A little bit kinda sad, maybe. I don't know anymore," She admitted.

"Why are you sad, ma chérie?" I asked her.

"Papa bought me Chubbs and I can't find him," She pouted, her lips quivering as she sniffled. "Room is dark and I don't like dark. Chubbs feels safe,"

I wanted nothing more to hug her right then. "Chubbs?"

"Her stuffed panda. She said he was a 'chubby baby' and picked that name for him," Xavier smiled, placing a kiss on the top of her head.

"Papa Xava, princess is your princess right?" Melanie suddenly asked Xavier.

His eyes lit up as I nodded my head with a smile. "Yes sweetheart, she is,"

"So that makes her mama?"

Xavier and I shared a look. "Not exactly, baby." I told her.

I couldn't help but smile as her eyebrows furrowed adorably in the middle of her forehead.

"Stellina, you know I'm not your real papa, right?" Xavier said softly.

"Yes I know," She still looked confused.

"Princess here is more of a big sister to you than a mama," He said again. "Just like I'm more of a big brother than a papa"

"So Bubba Xava? No, papa?" She asked.

"If that's what you want, stellina. I don't mind you calling me either. I just wanted to be sure you understood,"

Her smile was huge as she grabbed his nose in her tiny hands. "Bubba Xava," She turned to me. "And princess sissy,"

Xavier and I both laughed at her adorableness. "That's right, baby. I'm princess sissy,"

"Lani, you in here?" I heard Wyatt's voice as the door opened.

Xavier looked confused at first then relieved as Wyatt came into view, handing Melanie a black and white stuffed panda.

"Found him," Wyatt smiled, ruffling her hair.

"Chubbs," She squealed.

She let go of the phone and hugged the panda in her hands. Xavier was quick enough to catch the phone before it fell.

"Careful, stellina. Both hands, kay?" His voice was soft as he brushed his nose against her cheek, handing her back the phone.

"Kay papa" She giggled, bringing the phone closer to her face.

"Wy? Where are you? Xavier is going to kill us if he finds out we lost her panda and she cried," Preston's voice came from outside the room.

"This is what I fucking get for agreeing to come babysit with you," Preston ranted. "I could be at home downing a tub of ice cream and wondering why I'll never find love but no, I'm stuck here looking for a stuffed animal,"

"You guys are the reason Chubbs went missing?"

"Would you look at that, it's getting late. Time for us to go to bed, Lani." Wyatt said hurriedly, lifting Melanie into his arms.

"It's just 8 o'clock, Wyatt. You're up till 1, more than that if I don't tell you to go to bed," Xavier told him as he walked away.

"Do you hear that, slime? No? Me too," The sound of Xavier's door closing brought me to laughter.

"He's driving me insane," Xavier sighed, running a hand over his face.


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"You love him," She laughed.

"I don't know why sometimes," I admitted.

She was smiling for a few seconds before her smile faded, a frown washing over her pretty lips.

I began to worry when she laid back on the bed, sinking further into her arms, mindlessly playing with her fingers.

"What's wrong, beautiful?" I asked.

She let out a soft sigh, her eyes meeting mine. "There's nothing wrong, don't worry about it."

"Let me in, baby. Please. What's going on in that pretty head of yours?"

"I guess the reality of everything just set in," I said nothing, waiting for her to continue. "I mean there's a goddamn serial killer after me. Why? I have no fucking clue,"

"To make matters worse, he'll kill anyone that gets in his way. The lives of the only family I have left could be over in a matter of seconds and I can't do anything about it,"

"It's scary, Xav." Her voice broke when she said my name.

"My beautiful girl," I coaxed. "I'm so proud of you, do you know that?"

"You've been so brave for so long. Despite everything you were put through, you still put others first before yourself, always worried that you're a burden and trying to find a way to help. You're gonna get through this, "

'But what if one of the guys gets hurt?" Tears brimmed in the corner of her eyes. "What if you get hurt? And we're not able to save you?"

Her sharp intake of breath revealed that she was beginning to panic. Her hand came up her arm, clawing at the flesh there while she blinked back her tears.

"Shh. Try to breathe, princess"

"I can't," She cried.

"Hey, that's okay. How about we calm down together, yeah?"

I stopped, only continuing when she nodded her head. "That's my good girl. Okay, let's try to take a deep breath, okay? Think we can do that?"

She nodded again. Her eyes were fixed on me as we both took in a deep breath, releasing it seconds later.

"Perfect. You're perfect, baby. Can we try another one? Are you ready, beautiful?"

This time, she took in the breath on her own, taking in a couple more after that. I watched her quietly as she calmed herself down, her eyes going to the phone every couple seconds.

Soon, her breathing was back to normal but her hand still absentmindedly clawed on her arm.

"There's my pretty girl. Your nails are so pretty, amore. Did you get them done? Can I see them?" I asked.

She smiled a little as she nodded, bringing both her hands to the camera. "Griffin took me to go get them done, do you like them?"

"I love them. They're beautiful," I watched her face heat up. "You're so perfect, Olive. You really are,"


"You were thrown into this life without warning yet you adapted almost immediately. You hardly reacted when you found out we were in the mafia; most people wouldn't have been that calm if they found out"

"But that's only because-" She cut herself off as her eyes widened. "I can't believe I forgot,"

"Because of what, princess? What did you forget?"

"My father was in the mafia,"


C.O.D.: Your hairy legs look very braidable right now :)

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