All Kinds of Quiet

By voxcorr

227K 4.1K 10.9K

✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟐 𝐨𝐟 ❝𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐞𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬❞ ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ Griffin held his phone to them... More

𝔅𝔬𝔬𝔨 2: 𝔄𝔩𝔩 𝔎𝔦𝔫𝔡𝔰 𝔬𝔣 𝔔𝔲𝔦𝔢𝔱
ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 1
ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 2
ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 3
ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 4
ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 5
ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 6
ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 7
ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 8
ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 9
ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 10


21.6K 443 843
By voxcorr

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I was going to kill him.

Either that or cut off his dick and choke him with his balls.

Although, that would be a rather messy death and I don't have the time or patience to clean up after.

Maybe I'd just drown him.

Or inject insulin into his body every night for two weeks until he finally drops dead. After that I'd bury him and then bury an animal on top of him so no one will be able to find his body.

"I'm here, I'm here" My head turned to the direction of his voice and face palmed as he made his way to me, various pairs of eyes following him.

It was a good thing I chose a seat at the edge, that way he wasn't disrupting anyone as he crouched down in front of my seat and neither was I.

"You can stop plotting my death now" He smiled.

"Keep your voice down" I scolded him, getting some weird glances myself. "You're not supposed to be here remember? This section is for graduates only"

But Miles being Miles just shrugged, grinning from ear to ear like a damn cheshire cat. "I got your thing though"

"Graduate hat" I corrected, positioning it on my head. "Did I put it on okay? I don't think I did. Why did they make us come out here so early? The commencement ceremony hasn't even begun yet. Do you think I should go to the bathroom? To see how it looks? Yeah I think-"

"Breathe, pumpkin" Miles chuckled, placing his hands over mine, slowly bringing them down to my lap. "You look amazing, the whole graduate cap and gown thing really suits you."

I suppressed a laugh at his name for the academic regalia.

"You've come too far to overthink things now. I'm so fucking-"

"Language, Miles" I groaned, noticing the spared glances we were getting.

He rolled his eyes. "-freaking. I'm so freaking proud of you. It's been a rocky few months but despite that, you worked your ass-" I gave him a look and he rolled his eyes. "-butt off every day and now you're graduating"

"With a masters in app development and freaking honors" He added, his voice a bit louder.

"The honors are called graduating summa cum laude," I laughed.

"I don't care about the stupid name," He said. "What I do care about though is you and I know for a fact you're going to crush this"

"It's just collecting my diploma on stage"

"It doesn't matter, you're still going to crush this"

I sighed, a smile playing on my lips. "Thanks Miles. I feel much better"

"That's what I'm here for" He beamed.

"I think I should start heading to my seat, some people-" He glared at the other students around us that had been giving us dirty looks "-just don't know how to mind their goddamn business"

"Miles" I whisper-yelled.

He just chuckled, standing up right. "My little sister is all grown up" He took in a huge shaky breath, furiously blinking his eyes. "I think I might-"

"Nope, none of that" I interrupted, pushing him slightly. "Go now, please"

Miles laughed, forgetting about his attempt to embarrass me in front of the hundred other Caltech students that were graduating and finally headed to his seat.

I let out a sigh as I watched him disappear to the other side of the large hall we were gathered in.

4 months.

It had been 4 months.

4 months since the worst day of my life, after my birthday.

4 months since I had gotten the text that had changed my life.

4 months since I had seen Xav-

No. None of that.

I stopped my left hand that had absentmindedly began scratching the skin of my thigh. Shaking my head and careful not to make my hat fall off, I took a deep breath and cleared my mind of any thoughts that would spoil my mood.

Today was about me.

Despite everything, I managed to work hard enough to graduate from one of the most elite universities in the world with honors.

And I was going to enjoy today. Why? Because I deserved to.

After everything I had been through, I deserved to enjoy my own graduation.

Calming myself, I searched my purse for my keys. It was either that or scratching myself and the first seemed like the best option.

A sense of security washed over me as I spotted my keys but was quickly replaced with panic as soon as my phone lit up with a text.

Unknown: Congrats on graduating, my dear. It'd be a shame if all that hard work went up in a puff of smoke.

Was I terrified? Yes. But was I surprised by the random text I had received? No.

In the span of the 4 months that had passed, ever since that night, I had been receiving weird texts just like this one once every week.

Not only that, but each text came was completely different from the last, coming from a completely different number than the last.

Every time I tried to triangulate the IP address of the number, with the hopes of finding out anything, I'd come up short and the message that I always received was that the phone number didn't exist.

I was completely out of the dark though. I was pretty sure the texts had something to do with the reaper.

I felt my breathing quicken as I read the text again for the millionth time. I was beginning to panic which meant I'd soon start hyperventilating.

In order to prevent that, I searched for my inhaler.

When I didn't find it in there, I realized I had left it with Miles who was all the way on the other side of the hall.

In one of the hundreds of rows of chairs that were lined out.

In the midst of over five hundred people.

To make matters worse, the lights had dimmed and one of the faculty had walked up the stage in front of us, stopping at the podium, indicating that the commencement ceremony was beginning.

I was definitely hyperventilating at that point. Just the thought of trying to find Miles in the dark, surrounded by hundreds of people sent a shiver down my spine.

Ah. Social anxiety at its finest. The last time you felt this way was... oh, when you were friends with the blue-haired backstabber.

It's crazy how you didn't have to worry about this after you met Xav-

I didn't have time to think about that. Especially not when the graduates were now being called to collect their diplomas.

Unfortunately for me, I couldn't just find Miles later because my lungs now felt like they were on fire, burning up my ribs with every breath I took.

I slowly stood up, walking towards one of the exits of that great hall. Once I was able to get fresh air, I'd be able to think of a strategy to find Miles and my inhaler.

As soon as I stepped through the doors and into the hallway, I let out a breath I hadn't realized I had been holding in.

My lungs still felt like they were about to burst with every breath I took but I felt somewhat better.

That feeling immediately disappeared when my gaze landed on Miles, who had his back to me.

I decided against pondering about what he was doing out of the hall, instead, I made my way to him with the intent of getting my inhaler from him... and maybe a hug or two.

What I wasn't expecting was the two other voices that accompanied Miles' as I stood next to him. And by the sound of Miles' voice, he wasn't happy. In fact, he was yelling.

"No you can't fucking see her. After all the shit that happened you really think I'm going to let either of you anywhere near her?"

"Miles, please we just want to see her" A female voice pleaded. A voice that sounded all too familiar.

"Just give us a minute with her" Another all too familiar voice spoke up.

The three voices stopped abruptly and I could feel three pairs of eyes on me. Rather than acknowledging the two people that I hadn't seen or talked to in 4 months, I focused my gaze on Miles.

"What are you doing out here? The ceremony has started" Miles said.

I caught a side glance of the two people that were standing next to me and it became even harder for me to breathe.

If everything about me meeting them was a lie, what were Kat and Jordan doing here?

More importantly, why was Kat dressed in the academic regalia as well?

"My inhaler" I rasped out.

Miles' eyes widened with the realization that I was having an asthma attack and he immediately handed me my inhaler, a sigh of relief leaving his lips after I had two puffs of it.

"Olive," His voice was soft. So soft that I found myself turning to face him before I had even realized I was doing so. "Hi"

"I didn't say you could talk to her," Miles seethed, glaring daggers at Jordan.

When I didn't respond, Jordan sighed like he had expected me to ignore him and Kat took over. "It's nice to see you again"

"Olive, you should get back. They might call you soon" Miles told me, gently grabbing my arm as I nodded.

"We could head back together," Kat offered, flashing one of her warm smiles. Her smiles that I missed so much.

"Please Olive, everything will make sense if you just hear us out" Jordan added.

"That's fine, I can walk her myself" Miles replied to Kat but was glaring at Jordan.

We walked back down the hall, not once turning around to look back until we stopped in front of the doors leading inside.

"Relax, they aren't here anymore" Miles said softly.

"What if they- fuck. Why did I have to see them? I thought it was all a lie, why is Kat graduating too then? Does this mean Griffin's also here? If Griffin's here that means he's here too" The words spewed out all at once, unable for me to control or make sense of them.

"Hey, hey. Calm down" He tried to comfort me but I didn't miss the way he winced at the mention of his ex boyfriend.

"I don't want to talk to him, Miles. I don't. I don't even want to see him" I panicked, my hand reaching up to the opposite forearm, my nails ready. "It's too soon. What would I even say to him? I can't, won't be able to face him. I-"

"Olive" Miles said, dragging me out of my head. "I'm right here, calm down. Nothing's going to happen"

"You've worked too damn hard for today to be ruined by anyone. Not even me." He continued, pulling my hand away from my forearm. "Today's going to be perfect, I'll make sure of it"

My eyes met his and the determination and resilience I saw in them sent a wave of comfort washing over me.

"I promise," He added, placing a kiss on my forehead. "Now please stop panicking, I think your mascara is about to run. And I swear, if the three hours I spent on your makeup ends up to be in vain, I'll kill somebody"

I let out a small laugh and the sound brought a smile to his face. "Thank you... for being here for me despite everything"

"Don't get sappy now, just get your ass inside and get that diploma" He rolled his eyes, furiously blinking his eyes.

"Is Miles Moreno really about to cry?" I teased.

"You're an ass, you know that?"

I laughed before looking at him seriously. "You're gonna be watching me right?"

"Like I'd get dressed up in a suit and everything, do my hair and drive all the way here just to miss it" He replied.

I smiled before taking in a deep breath and turning around, opening the door in front of me.

"I'll go in through the other door to avoid all the students" He told me and I nodded.

"I love you" I told him and without waiting for him to respond, I walked back into the hall.

'There's nothing to worry about, Olive.' I kept telling myself as I made my way back to my seat.

It's just your graduation.

Nothing could possibly go wrong... right?


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"I don't want to talk to him, Miles. I don't. I don't even want to see him"

Everything she said after that had blurred into the background, letting those words that felt like swords piercing through my heart, echo in my mind over and over and over again.

I turned away from her, leaning against the wall that I had been hiding behind, running a hand over my face.

What made me think that she'd even want to see me after everything?

What made me think this was a good idea?

Why was I even here?

"Kat and Jordan said they ran into her but she left a few minutes ago. Did you see them?" Griffin's voice answered my question.

Kat had reminded us that today was her graduation and there was a high chance that Olive would show up.

We all decided to accompany Kat, not only to see Olive but also to support her as it was her big day as well.

When we arrived, we decided it would be best for us to split up in order to look for her faster.

"Over there" I pointed over the wall I was hiding behind.

"What are you doing back here then?" Griffin asked.

"This was a bad idea, man. I don't even know why-"

My words were cut short when Griffin pulled my arm, dragging me towards Miles and Olive alongside him.

"What the fuck?" I struggled against Griffin's grip but he refused to let me go.

"That shitty excuse isn't going to work with me. You've been psyching yourself out of this for too long. You're going to talk to her and you're going to explain to her just like you did to me and the others"

By the time we got to them, Olive had already entered the hall, shutting the door behind her.

"I love you too, pumpkin," Miles said.

"Orse- Miles" Griffin said, finally letting go of me.

Miles looked like he had seen a ghost when he turned around. "No, no, no, no, no."


"No, no, no, no" His eyes remained on Griffin as he panicked. "Today was supposed to be perfect, I promised her that it'd be perfect. And you guys-"

His gaze turned to me before returning to Griffin who took a step forward, causing him to take a step back.

"She's worked so hard for this. She's going to break down if she sees you. I can't let that happen"

"Okay. We're leaving" Griffin reached out to cup Miles' face but only brushed away the single tear that had fallen instead. "Please just calm down, you need to be strong for her"

I didn't miss the way Miles eyes briefly fluttered closed at Griffin's touch. I also didn't miss the shocked look on Griffin's face when Miles did so.

"I- okay" Miles quickly composed himself and wiped away his tears with a handkerchief he had in his pocket before taking a deep breath.

"Please don't let her see you, she'll break down if she does" Miles told us.

"We won't," Griffin assured him, the pain on his face not going unnoticed.

With one last glance at the both of us, Miles headed down the hallway, disappearing down the hallway.

"Fuck" Griffin cursed, running a hand through his hair. "He was right there and I couldn't even say anything"

He sighed. "I guess we have to leave"

His words brought me out of my head and before he could convince me not too, I ran past him and into the large hall.

"Xavier, what are you doing?" Griffin whisper-yelled as he followed after me.

The answer to his question was simple, I just didn't know it yet.

I managed to make my way to the back of the hall without disrupting any of the students. I climbed the set of stairs leading to the platform where a few people were.

It was easier to see the whole ceremony from here.

"She can't see you, dumbass. Did you not listen to a word Miles said?" Griffin asked when he caught up with me.

I ignored him and focused on finding Olive. When he realized I wasn't going to respond to his question, he sighed and rolled his eyes before helping me look as well.

"Candidates for the degree of masters in app development, please rise" The speaker said.

A particular group of students on the right side of the hall stood up and then names began being called.

Fortunately, we didn't have to search for long because a few minutes later, her name was called.

My eyes were stuck on the stage, waiting for her to make her way up, thinking I was ready to see her finally after 4 months.

But I was so wrong. I was nowhere near ready.

The breath got knocked out of my lungs as soon as I laid eyes on her. My brain and other bodily functions stopped working and the only thing I could make out was the furious pounding of my heart against my rib cage.

Her beautiful ebony black hair was held in a braided bun, her graduation hat covering the top of her head.

I understood that every student that had been called prior to her and those that would be called after her were wearing the same regalia she was.

But there was just something about seeing her in that black gown that made my heart swell uncontrollably.

To finish the job and inadvertently kill me and every last brain cell I had left, she was wearing her glasses.

Not only did that make her look more beautiful than she already did by highlighting her freckles, it also made me realize that she's the best thing that has and will ever happen to me.

Seeing her on that stage, holding her diploma, her beautiful dimples evident as she smiled for the camera and her astonishing brown eyes that have appeared in every dream that I've had since that night, glowing with a sense of pride... it cemented what I had always thought.

She was it for me.

The most beautiful and most imperfectly perfect woman in the world.

And knowing fully well that I had fucked up the relationship I once had with her brought tears to my eyes.

Griffin noticed my tears and let out a small sigh, placing a hand on my shoulder. "You just fell more in love with her, didn't you?"

"That's my fucking little sister" Miles cheered so loud that Griffin and I were able to hear him perfectly.

Multiple parents turned to him at the use of his language but he just brushed them off, rolling his eyes.

"I paid the same amount you all did to enter this place. If I want to swear, I will fucking swear" He said, taking pictures of a laughing Olive on stage.

"I should know," Griffin chuckled, fondly gazing at Miles.

"How did I fucking lose the best thing in my life?" I groaned, wiping away my tears with the back of my hand.

"That doesn't matter now, what matters is that you keep on trying. Try your fucking hardest to make her hear you out, and if that isn't enough, do keep fucking trying" He sighed. "I know that's what I'm going to do"

I glanced over at Olive who was still on stage, taking her picture before my gaze found Miles further down the hall, in the middle with the rest of the photographer as well as the rest of the parents that were taking photos.

Not far behind him, I noticed several shady figures creeping around at the far back of the hall, the shiny black objects in both their hands catching my attention.

Griffin seemed to notice them too but before we could yell to alert everyone else, one of them threw the item in their hands which I identified to be a smoke bomb.

A loud explosion rang through the hall and chaos took over as parents, students and faculty combined began screaming, running for their lives.

My only focus was on the black haired beauty who stood on the stage as the smoke engulfed the entire hall.

I wasted no time jumping over the railings, deciding that this would be a faster way of getting down than using the stairs.

The collision of another pair of teeth on the floor seconds after I landed told me that Griffin had jumped off after me.

Jordan and Kat could handle themselves and they were probably already chasing after the figures that had caused this in the first place.

Griffin's number one priority was finding Miles and conveniently, the only thing on my mind was getting to Olive.

Another smoke bomb was set off, the smoke around us getting thicker by the second. Despite that, I was still partially able to see, due to the intensive training I had undergone, and made my way to the front of the hall as quickly as I could.

A body crashed into me and from the crash, I could tell that the person had just been thrown. I identified the body as one of the shady figures I had spotted earlier.

When I noticed another person laying sprawled out on the floor, next to the one that had crashed into me, confusion washed over me.

I tried to focus on the stage where Olive once was and noticed that more and more of the shady figures were either being thrown off the stage or punched.

"MY. FUCKING. DIPLOMA" The familiar voice filled my ears the closer I got, the rage in her voice not going unnoticed.

I looked again and this time I was able to see Olive very clearly as she shoved one of the guys off her.

She twisted his arm, pinning it behind his back. The rage in her eyes - I was terrified and I wasn't even the person she was fighting off.

I felt the presence of one of them behind me and raised my fist in the air, connecting with his face before he could touch me. I couldn't move as I watched her, I was mesmerized.

"All I asked for was one good day" She ranted.

She shoved the end of her heel into the back of the person she was holding, pushing him away from her and into a couple others.

"But no, the universe just loves to fuck with me, doesn't it?"

Her fist connected with someone's jaw. The bone crunching sound it made sent a shiver down my spine.

"Doesn't it?" She repeated, punching between words.

"Fucking great" She sighed, looking at her hands. "I think I broke a nail"

Someone tried to grab her from behind but she was faster. She moved out of the way and he fell in front of her. She grabbed him by his hair. One. Two. Three punches.

"Do you know how much this cost?" She asked her victim who desperately shook his head.

She smiled and connected her fist with his jaw, knocking him out before taking another one hostage.

"The nail costs more than all of you put together I'm pretty sure"

Her fist was bruised and covered with blood that wasn't hers. The scream that left his lips as she pressed her nails into his eyes drew the attention of the rest of the intruders.

A third bomb went off soon after that but it wasn't a smoke bomb like the other two - it was real.

The flying pieces of chairs and debris coming from my left indicated that the bomb had gone off somewhere around there.

I brought my arms up to shield myself from the wave blast. Seconds later, I searched around for any sign of who had set the bomb off.

Unknown to me, Olive was doing the same thing and our gazes met. All the adrenaline and fire that I had seen disappeared in the blink of an eye.

She looked at me like she had seen a ghost, her skin pale and clammy as she shook her head, blinking furiously.

She doesn't want you here, I tried to remind myself but I didn't see disdain on her face. The emotion I saw looked more like hurt and sadness than anger.

And that was much worse.

Before I could do or say anything, she was being dragged out by Miles who glared at me for as long as he could as he led them out.

I moved to go after them but was stopped by a hand on my forearm.

"Jordan and Kat were able to apprehend three of them. We need to go and interrogate them" Griffin said.

When I didn't move, he let go of my forearm and exhaled. "It'll be better if we know who we're dealing with and how to go about this than you just going after her"

"I don't know if you saw but she's more than able to handle herself, especially when she's pissed. With Orsetto looking out for her as well, they'll be okay"

I cursed internally and sighed, running a hand through my hair.

"I'm going to fucking kill them" I yelled, turning around and following Griffin.

I didn't know at that particular moment but I'd come to realize that the attack that day would be the least of our problems.


So.... what do we think???

My brain is literally about to explode because of how many ideas I have for this book, as well as the other books I have planned.

How do you guys feel about me writing a reverse harem? (not any time soon btw, I already have the next book after AKQ planned)

C.O.D.: Your dry ass lips look really beautiful. Omds, is that blood? Even cuterrr.

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