Reign Soma

Von seren_dipityyy

22.8K 472 11

Reign: The fox spirit, known to be sly, cunning, and short-tempered. The one who baited the god into having t... Mehr

Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22

Ch. 12

741 19 0
Von seren_dipityyy

Hatori didn't let Reign go until the car drove off. By the time, Tohru had collapsed to the ground and appeared to be in deep thought. The moment Reign felt Hatori's arm around her drop, she walked to Tohru calmly, trying to make it seem like she wasn't in a rush to check on her. Tohru looked pitiful on the ground and Reign felt a pang of regret go through her.

"Shall I check your wound?" Reign asked stiffly, keeping a poker face.

The sudden sound of her voice shocked Tohru and made her jump in fright but when she looked up and realized who it was she didn't seem so on edge anymore.

"Reign?" she questioned. "What are you doing here?"

Reign offered her hand and Tohru took it. Hatori came out as well, alongside Momiji and Shigure.

"How did you," she slipped off the moment she saw Momiji. "Are you okay Momiji?" she cried, running over to him.

He looked away from her and held the tears in his eyes back. Tohru saw how badly he was in pain and hugged him, making him transform. The two fell on the ground and stayed that way for a while. Thunder struck and it began to rain, slowly soaking all of them.

Shigure mentioned that they should go inside to avoid catching a cold and Reign walked over to him. The expression on her face was unreadable but the look in her eyes screamed regretful.

"They'll be fine." Shigure comforted.

"We're the adults here yet we couldn't protect them. Isn't that pathetic?" she countered.

"Don't think too hard. Let's bring them inside." he said, rubbing her back.

Reign nodded but felt a lump in her throat. She couldn't talk and she didn't feel like it either. Two people got hurt tonight because of the negligence of the only adults on the trip. She felt horrible for standing by and watching instead of stepping in to intervene. There wasn't much she could do now except for helping Tohru and Momiji with the wounds on their faces.

Reign entered the house and Hatori did after her, bringing a tear-faced Tohru in. Reign swallowed her guilt and grabbed Hatori's doctor bag and pulled out everything she'd need to clean and bandage their wounds.


Once Tohru drifted off into sleep Reign left the room. The house was quiet and dark except for the window illuminating the hallway. She found it peaceful yet frightening. Everything that had happened tonight wasn't what she had in mind when a vacation was mentioned. She sighed and walked down the stairs, spotting Hatori at the bottom of the staircase with his eyes watching her and arms crossed.

From his body language it was clear he was upset with her but she didn't want to hear it right now. When she reached the bottom, he didn't say a word to her, he simply walked off and expected her to follow him. Reign raised a brow but did it anyway. He only led them back down the path that they both once ran through and back to the house they were once at.

Even when they got there he didn't say a word until they were in her room. The moment Reign shut the door and locked it he sat down and glared at her.

"Are you aware of how foolish your actions were?" he asked, his tone of voice harsh. "Did you think about how you could've gotten hurt?"

Reign was taken aback by the sudden questioning and put her hands behind her back. "I didn't think I needed to. Momiji was hurt as was Tohru."

He ran his hand through his hair. "Reign you ran down a path that is full of branches and bushes you could easily trip, cut yourself, and possibly injure yourself with no shoes on."

"I'm aware but that wasn't on my mind at the time." Reign argued, glaring at him fiercely. "I needed to help Tohru. I'm not sure what you're trying to get at honestly."

Hatori sighed and stood up, walking to the door. "Let's talk again when you've actually realized why I'm upset. I'm not saying I'm upset for you being you and helping others but I'm upset that you didn't even think before you acted. When you've finally realized that, then we can talk."

Reign let out a scoff of disbelief. "Am I getting lectured now? Who are you, my parents?"

He said nothing. Instead, he gave her one last glance before leaving. Reign scoffed and locked the door before getting into the shower. No matter how much she thought about her actions she couldn't get why Hatori was upset at her. She did everything she could've possibly done to stop help Tohru but was that not enough? Did she say something wrong? What did she do to upset him so much that he went quiet on her?

No matter how much she thought about it, she never came to a conclusion. Even after getting out of the shower and getting into bed she couldn't make sense of it. The only thing she could do was go to bed and try to make the situation between them make sense later, when they've both had a clear mind.


The following day, Reign went to the beach at sunset with all of the kids. She wore a skin-tight grey dress with thin straps that went to just about her knee and a pair of white shoes. Reign left her hair down and straightened it. Though she tried to act like nothing ever happened with Hatori, it still bothered her but she tried to not let it show. Instead, she busied herself with setting up the big fireworks with Haru and Kyo.

Haru joked around and pointed the fireworks at the two of them which Reign responded to with a simple glare. Haru just put his arm around her shoulder and hugged her. Reign simply rolled her eyes and smiled at him before looking at the sunset. It was truly beautiful and she loved how the weather was outside. Everything felt completely different from how it was last night. It seemed more peaceful, more relaxing, and more inviting.

Haru noticed her spacing out and asked her what was going on since it was unusual for her to zone out.

"Are you ok?" he asked, holding her tighter.

She nodded and sighed. "Yes. I think I needed just this honestly, thank you."

"Are you sure?" asked Yuki, walking towards them. "You don't seem as excited as you usually are."

"You're awfully observant." Reign teased. "I am fine though. Thank you for asking."

Yuki smiled at her and handed her a firework. "Let's light some small ones before the big one."

"Sure. Only if Haru lets me go though."

Reign looked at Haru after she said that but he still didn't let her go.

"I'll go along with you. Only if Kyo can finish the fireworks by himself which he probably can't."

The Kyo that was silent the whole time finally said something.

"Who says I can't?" he screamed. "Just go and take Reign to pop fireworks!"

Reign smiled and rubbed Kyo's head. "Your temper seems better. I'll see you later, yeah?"

He looked at her with a furious glare in his eyes but let her rub his head anyway before shooing the three of them off. Reign sat on the steps and watched her sparkler burn. It was pretty with the sunsetting and shined beautifully. She was so focused on it that she didn't notice that someone was behind her until she heard them speak.

"Having fun?" Hatori said suddenly, making Reign drop her sparkler and jump.

Reign turned around and stared at him. "I thought you weren't talking to me. Shall I walk away because I will."

Hatori loosened his tie and sat down beside her. "Have you cooled down now?"

She crossed her legs and fixed her hair. "Am I supposed to answer that calmly?"

"Answer it however you see fit."

Reign sighed and looked off into the distance "You want to talk right here and right now?"

He nodded and she rubbed her temple.

"The only thing I know that I did wrong last night was running off and not listening to you and Shigure when you obviously protested." she reflected, playing with the sparkler. "I won't apologize but I can admit I was wrong. You were worried and I didn't do anything to ease that."

He was silent which made her nervous. Hatori didn't even move and she also didn't hear him even breathe. After a few seconds, he finally made a move and held her hand tightly.

"I don't need an apology." he said softly. "I only wanted you to realize why I was mad last night."

Reign gave a small smile and squeezed his hand back. The two had been together for a short while but it felt like they had been together for years. They had been together since they were babies. They know everything about each other but despite that, they feel like they're still learning about each other. Reign liked that since it felt like they were in the beginning stages of dating.

The feeling made Reign think she wanted this forever. She wasn't sure if she should, but one of them needed to make the first move.

"Can I ask you a question?" she asked, moving his hair out of his face that was blowing in the wind.


Reign let out a deep breath. "This may sound abrupt but I like you. Like, I really like you. So I just want to ask, can we make it official? Will you be my boyfriend?"

Hatori smiled and kissed her forehead. "Yes. I think it's due time."

"It is." she agreed. "Now, shall we go watch the fireworks?"

He nodded and Reign stood up, holding her hand out to him. Hatori grabbed it and pulled her closer to him. She looked at him appalled but didn't retract her hand. They joined the kids and Haru grabbed the matches to light the fireworks.

Reign squeezed his hand and rested her head on his shoulder. Soon, they finally popped off and everyone exclaimed in surprise at how loud it was. Everyone watched in awe of how pretty the fireworks looked and no one could say a word. Reign truly felt happy. She had a vacation, finally made Hatori her boyfriend, and gets to enjoy the fireworks with the people she cares most about.


The next day, everyone returned home except for Reign. Reign went to her parents house to tell them the news of her and Hatori and also because she missed them. It had been a while since she had seen them. Reign knocked on the door and after a few seconds, her dad opened it. She gave a big smile and jumped on him to hug him. She transformed but regardless her dad hugged her back.

"When did you get back from your trip?" he asked, holding her in his arms.

"Today. I missed you and mom too much and wanted to see you both."

"Is that our daughter? I saw red smoke and assumed she was back." her mom said, entering the living room.

Reign wriggled out of her dads grip and climbed into his shoulder to see her mom. Her mom smiled and Reign barked in excitement.

"I'll get your clothes." she said, rubbing her forehead. "Come out when you get dressed."

"네 엄마." Reign responded. (Yes mom.)

Her dad carried her into the bathroom downstairs and left her in there so she could transform back into a human. Reign transformed after a minute and put her dress back on and her flats too. Once ready, she walked out of the bathroom and joined them in the living room.

She sat on the same couch as her mom and laid her head on her lap as her dad brought drinks.

"What brought you over so suddenly?" her mother asked, handing her a cup of water.

Reign took the glass from her and thanked her. "I missed you guys a lot and didn't want to go home just yet."

Her dad sipped his water before asking, "Did you have fun on the trip?"

She nodded. "I did. The kids made it enjoyable."

"Was Haru like his usual self when you're around?"

"Yes. He teases me more often now that he's older. You know when he was younger he just often followed me around and always stayed by me. Yuki too."

Her mom rubbed her back and laughed. "Aww did my daughter get teased throughout the trip?"

"No." she pouted. "Haru did throw me in the water though. It hurt a lot."

"You want dad to get him the next time he sees him?" her father joked.

Reign laughed. "No, it's fine. I'll get him back myself."

The three of them had a time of catching up since they hadn't seen each other in a while. Then, she suddenly had a thought; it'd be great to tell them that her and Hatori are dating now. She wanted to tell them as quickly as possible since they themselves had been waiting. Reign sat up and held her moms hand.

"Sorry to change the subjects so suddenly but I do have something to tell you guys." Reign muttered.

Her mom squeezed her hand reassuringly. "And what may that be?"

She looked at her dad and he gestured for her to continue.

She sighed and continued. "Hatori and I are dating now and I want to-"

Her mom hugged her tightly and her dad smiled happily.

"I'm so happy for you Reign." her mom happily said.

"You have to bring him to dinner. Should we set the date now?" her father suggested, taking the calendar off the table.

Reign giggled. "I'll ask him what day he's free and tell you. How about me and mom make the meal while you two can catch up?"

Her mom pulled back from the hug and rubbed the back of her head. "Good idea. What dishes does he like? Should we go with Japanese dishes or Korean dishes?"

Reign thought it over and remembered Hatori once saying that he'd like to try some of the food she's used to eating.

"We can mix it but have more Korean dishes. He said he'd like to try more Korean dishes." she informed.

"Great!" her mom exclaimed, hugging her once more. "Tell him quickly."

"I will."


"I'd assume the baby is good?" Hikaru asked nervously. "Is it moving down and preparing to come out?"

Reign looked away from the tv and nodded. "They're moving along just fine. You're due to deliver within the next two weeks. Are you excited?"

"A bit nervous but you are delivering my baby so I feel relieved."

Reign smiled. "Do your contractions come far apart from each other?"

Hikaru sighed and nodded. "They're stronger than I remember them being with Rei but yes."

"That's good. From what I see on the screen, you're baby is going to be around seven pounds and maybe nineteen inches long." Reign informed, turning off the ultrasound.

"I knew I was carrying big this time around!" Hikaru exclaimed.

The sudden outburst made Reign laugh as she wiped the gel off of Hikaru's stomach. Once done, she packed up her equipment and Hikaru sat up, looking a bit exhausted as she did so.

"Do you want children?" Hikaru asked suddenly, breaking the silence.

Reign froze but answered calmly. "I do. I want to but it may not be possible but it's fine. That's why I chose this career."

Hikaru placed a hand on her hand comfortingly. "Thank you."

"No, thank you. I'm glad you let me help you throughout both of your pregnancies." Reign assured, squeezing Hikaru's hand.

"Sorry if that caught you off-guard." she laughed. "I just couldn't hold my curiosity back since you are my doctor and are always around kids."

Reign stood up and closed her bag, helping Hikaru to get up. "No I'm glad you asked. I just like kids and always have."

"Well I'll have you know that Rei is excited to hang out with you again." Hikaru informed, walking Reign to the door.

"I plan on getting the kids together again on a hot day so they can run around and play in water. A nice weekend will do. I'll talk to the other mothers and see how they feel." Reign answered, thinking it over in her head.

Hikaru smiled. "I like the idea. Contact me when you've talked to the other mothers."

Reign grabbed the door handle and nodded, bowing slightly. "I will. Take care and tell Rei and your husband I said hi."

"I will. You take care too." she said bowing.

Reign left and walked to Hatori's house. She needed to talk to him about having dinner with her parents and she just wanted to see him since it had been a day since they last saw each other and she missed him. Reign imagined him to be sitting at his desk going through charts with his brows furrowed with his glasses on. The image of it made her smile and she walked to his home a bit quicker than usual.

Once there, she knocked on the door and he opened it after asking who it was. She walked in and he shut the door behind her. After he shut the door, he wrapped his arms around her and put his head in the crook of her neck.

"How was your day?" he asked softly, holding her tightly.

Reign kissed his arm and sighed. "It's been good; I gave Hikaru her check up. She's due in three weeks and I need to start prepping everything. How about you?"

"I've been well. I've been called to the hospital because of Isuzu though and Shigure called me to pick up a book from Mayuko's family bookstore."

Upon hearing Mayuko's name, Reign felt her heart drop. She took his hands off her and turned around to talk to him face to face.

"You said Mayuko, right?"

He nodded and pushed his glasses up. "Well not Mayuko exactly but her family bookstore."

Reign laughed in disbelief. "She might be there since it's summer break. Another thing, you are aware that she likes you right?"

He raised a brow and questioned her. "I don't think so. She's Kana's best friend."

"That means nothing. If she likes you she likes you and she may make a move."Reign pouted. "How about I go instead?"

He walked towards her and wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him. "I don't mind but I'd still like to go to the bookstore. I have been wanting to read something."

"I still want to go with you."

Hatori gave a smile. "Ok. He told me to go in a few days."

Reign cleared her throat. "Speaking of something in a few days," she brought carefully. "I told my parents about us dating now and they want you to come over for dinner."

His eyes widened. "When?"

"Whenever you have time in your schedule. Me and mom will make dinner while you and dad either watch or go entertain yourselves."

Hatori chuckled. "I haven't seen your parents in a while. The last time I saw them they told me to watch over you."

Reign took his glasses off his face and folded them, setting them down on the table.

"I think you'll be fine. Our parents are friends and we've all grown up together."

"Maybe I'll have time for dinner by the end of this week."

Reign gave him a quick peck on his lips. "Thank you. Have you told your parents?"

He shook his head no. "I don't see them as often as you see yours."

"Just tell them before they find out from someone else, ok?" she asked with an anxious expression on her face.

Hatori leaned his head in and kissed her. Reign kissed him back and wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. Hatori removed one of the hands that were on her waist and trailed it down her leg so he could pick her up. Reign shivered and broke the kiss.

"What are you doing?" she asked, trying to catch her breath."

"Picking you up. Can I not?" he muttered.

Reign smiled and ruffled his hair. "Just let me take a shower and I'll see to that later."

Hatori let her go and followed her into his room. "You're staying here tonight?"

"You don't want me to?"

"It's not that but I'm surprised."

"Don't be. You'll see more of me here often." she winked.


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