Golden Eyes | Avatar: The Las...

By Mochminnie

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Avatar The Last Airbender Story Warning: Mature, Violence, Discrimination, Sexism, Misogyny, Genocide What i... More

𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬
𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟏 𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑: Chapter 1: The Living Spirit and The Boy in the iceberg
Chapter 3: The Southern Air Temple
Chapter 4: The Warriors of Kyoshi
Chapter 5: Imprisoned
𝐍𝐞𝐭𝐟𝐥𝐢𝐱: 𝐀𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐢𝐫𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫

Chapter 2: The Avatar Returns

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By Mochminnie

Aang accidentally launched a flare over the horizon. Mushu seeing Aang for the first time. It's been a 100 years he thought he would see Roku. At least he thought The Avatar just vanished into thin air. Mushu telepathically speaking to her. "You're telling me that little blue arrow foreheaded boy is the Avatar?! He even got a huge cow! How am I going to compete with that?!" Tala gave him a little recap what have happen and that an Airbender is supposed to be the current Avatar, Aang. She didn't even know she can communicate through the mind.

Tala smiled and was shocked she could talk to her spirit guide, companion telepathically. 'Whoa I never knew we could do this.'

Mushu was as fasciated as Tala was. 'I didn't either we both found out we can do this today and you're the first person I ever talked to this way. Maybe you could talk to The Avatar this way.'

The Southern Water Tribe villagers are standing gathered. The children become overjoyed upon seeing Aang. Tala runs up to Aang and Katara. Checking if they were harmed all over. If they got hurt from the ship.

Aang feeling guilty, "Tala, I'm alright you don't have to worry. We were having fun. And she told me how much you didn't really have this kind of fun."

Tala was upset, furrowing her brows.  "The both of you should've known better not to go into the ship!" Disappointed. Slapping Katara's shoulder. Pulling her ear. She would've pull Aang's ear but she barely knew him.

Katara starts rubbing her shoulder and ears. "We're fine it was just an accident." Now Tala was rarely upset her. The three siblings know she was upset at Sokka and mostly Sokka.

Village kids, Joyfully yells, "Yay! Big sister Tala Aang's back!" Some of them run over to him while the others remain cheerful in the crowd. The adults and Sokka reveal that they are less welcoming. The children reach Aang Katara and the crowd around him gleefully. Aang happily greets them back. Sokka who breaks himself free out of the line of villagers and steps forward to face Aang.

Sokka, in the other hand was more angry. "I knew it!" Accusingly points a finger at Aang as he and Katara draw closer  "You signaled the Fire Navy with that flare! You're leading them straight to us, aren't you?"

Katara protesting, "Aang didn't do anything! It was an accident." Explaining to Sokka.

Aang, Sheepishly. "Yeah. We were on the ship and there was this booby trap, and well..." Awkwardly rubs the back of his head. "We boobied right into it."

Gran Gran, Worriedly. "Katara, Tala is right you shouldn't have gone on that ship! Now we could all be in danger!" Tala now frowns.

Aang, Sorrowfully. "Don't blame Katara. I brought her there. It's my fault."

Sokka, Angrily. "Aha! The traitor confesses! Warriors, away from the enemy." The children begin to sadly walk away. "The foreigner is banished from our village."

Tala goes in between Aang and Sokka, "He is no enemy nor a traitor and it's Fire Nation! We are not banishing anyone in our village."

Mushu, "That boy is harsh should I dishonor him?" Whispering.

Katara, Irritated, clenching her fists. "Listen to Tala! Sokka, you're making a mistake."

Sokka, Stubbornly persisting in his anger. "No, I'm keeping my promise to Dad." Pointing to Aang. "I'm protecting the both you, from threats like him!"

Katara, Angrily. "Aang is not our enemy!" Continues in a calm, soothing voice. "Don't you see? Aang's brought us something we haven't had in a long time... fun."

Tala nods, encourages him. "You'll be more happy."

Sokka, Annoyed. "Fun?! We can't fight firebenders with fun!" Tala is standing right there but she knows he's talking about the bad guys.

Aang, Optimistically agreeing with Tala. "Yeah! You should try it sometime."

Sokka, Angrily. "Get out of our village! Now!"

Tala got angry this time, "If he leaves where in spirits is he going to go? He's just a kid!"

Sokka argued back, "He's the one got stuck in the iceberg! That you magically opened!" Blaming Tala.

Katara, Pleading. "Grandmother, please. Don't let Sokka do this!"

Gran Gran, Gravely. "Katara, you knew going on that ship was forbidden. Sokka is right. I think it best if the airbender leaves."

Tala gasps in shocked, she was betrayed. "Gran Gran..." Going up to her and lowering her voice. "He could possibly be the Avatar, you told me It is my duty to protect and serve him."

Gran Gran, "The village and our people are more important."

Tala, "Then what about the ones that we welcome. He needs protection too!"

Katara, Outraged. "Fine! Then I'm banished, Tala is too!" Drags Aang away. "

"-Come on Aang, Tala! let's go." Hoping her sister follows her and Aang.

Sokka, Demanding. "Where do you think you're going?"

Katara, "Tala and I need to find a waterbender. Aang is taking us to the North Pole." Sure Tala wanted to go around the world but not like this to runaway home and go against her people.

Aang, "I am?" Brightening. "Great!"

Sokka, Looking at his sisters "Would you really choose him over your tribe? Your own family?"

Tala, "Katara, what's Sokka saying is we just met Aang but, No one is banishing anyone. I won't let Sokka do this. Katara I am not letting you choose between Aang or our Village. Choose what's right. We do need to master water bending but we can't just can't leave like this." She doesn't want the village and her family to end in bad terms.

Katara had stopped in her tracks, right between Appa and her tribe. Katara who looks down sorrowfully as Aang approaches her with a sad look upon his face.

Aang, Understanding. " Katara, Tala I don't want to come between you and your family."

Katara, Upset. "So, you're leaving the South Pole? " Then she speaks In much quieter tone, "This is goodbye?"

Aang, "Thanks for penguin sledding with me." Saying his goodbye to Katara. Then to Tala. "-Thank you Tala for being so welcoming. It's okay Tala, I'll leave." Katara and Tala didn't want him to leave.

Katara asks him, "Where will you go?"

Aang, "Guess I'll go back home and look for the airbenders." He places one hand on Appa, but is suddenly struck with realization. "Wow, I haven't cleaned my room in a hundred years. Not looking forward to that." He uses his airbending to hop onto Appa's head. "It was nice meeting everyone."

Mushu, "No one is gonna tell the poor boy that his entire people, culture disintegrated?"

Sokka, Sarcastically with arms crossed. "Let's see your bison fly now, air boy."

Aang, Encouragingly. "Come on Appa, you can do it. Yip-yip!"Aang flicks the reins, but Appa merely rises and growls.

Mushu, "Cows can fly now!?"

Sokka, Mockingly. "Yeah, I thought so!"

Mushu, "Should put his pants on fire." Tala hushing telepathically him.

Village girl, Runs from crowd to stand next to Tala and Katara with tears in her eyes. "Ahhh! Aang, don't go! I'll miss you!" The little girl looks at Tala, "Big Sister Tala, Please do something."

Tala kneels down near the girl, "I tried. I really wish I can do something about it." The little girl hugs her then Tala hugs her.

Aang, Sadly. "I'll miss you, too." Looks at Katara and Tala who frowns back at him, her eyes saddened while her hair loopies sway in the wind. "Come on, boy." Appa turns and plods away, disappearing over the hill. The young girl sighs and trudges back to the village while Katara remains standing in the snow. Kanna walks up to her granddaughter. Mushu starts tearing up as well.

Kanna in a consoling tone. "Tala, Katara, you'll feel better after yo-" Katara quickly turns around and cuts her off. While Tala is not facing Gran Gran. Gran Gran was about to place a hand on her shoulder. Tala refused to let her hand touch her shoulder and not saying anything because of disappointment.

Katara, snaps. "You happy now?" Gestures in the direction Aang took off. "There goes my one chance for me and Tala becoming a waterbender! How is she going to learn how to Firebend? You told her about her past and destiny for nothing." She marches away furiously, leaving Kanna disappointed. Meanwhile, Sokka coaches the young boys to prepare for battle just outside the village.

Tala, looks at Sokka and tells him one last time. "You didn't really have to kick Aang out. Jealously is written all over you."

Sokka, "I did it to protect my family! My Tribe!"

Sokka, "Alright, ready our defenses! The Fire Nation could be on our shores any moment now!"

Village boy, Stopping and dancing around. "But I gotta..." Holding his pee needing to go to the bathroom.

Sokka, Fed up points to inside the walls, signaling that the boy should just go."... and no potty breaks!"

Tala Goes up to Sokka, "Sokka please don't do anything stupid."

Sokka yells, "HEY!"

Sokka getting ready having his warrior gear and face paint. While Mushu helps Tala in the other hut, "We got to have our warrior gear on. Grab the Fans all the weapons we got to fight for our honor!" Grabbing all the random water tribe armor.

Tala eyes's widen, "I don't think that's going to fit." Looking at her frame the curves and her stomach.

Mushu helping her put on the gear. Sassily says, "Oh, Imma make them fit girl." Shoving the armor on.

Tala ties her hair up in a bun.
Now rambling and panicking. "I don't think I have the proper gear, All I have are the fans and swords. I don't even know how to use. It's been a while since fire nation gone to our village. I don't know what to do!"

Mushu gots up on her shoulder. "Look at me now." Grabbing her face making her face him. "- You are the descent of Fa Mulan and you are going to kick some fire nation behind." Encouraging Tala.

She is no longer afraid as before. She always knew she got to do something and not letting Sokka do it alone. "That's the spirit! I knew it! I can see straight through your armor girl!" Tala gasps smacking him away covering her chest.

Mushu rubs his face, "You're grandmother did the exact same. I should have learned from the first time." Then, Tala checks if she didn't hurt him too bad.

The Fire Nation ship approachws the village, cutting through the icy sea. Kanna standing in the snow, looking up in terror at the vessel while backing up slightly. Villagers pass her in their haste to get to safety and the shadow of the large ships descends over her. The ship's bow as it plows through the snowy shores, splintering the ground. Sokka looks up, terrified by the large ship. The ship's approach creates a large crack that quickly travels toward the village and over the wall. Katara helping her grandmother into a tent when she hears a frightened scream. She gasps in terror when she realizes that the sound came from a small boy, kneeling on the ground. The fissure is rapidly approaching him, but Katara quickly runs over and scoops up the child before the ground splinters underneath. She sets the child down again in front of a tent which he quickly enters and then Katara turns back to view her brother. Tala before following Sokka in full armor. She made sure everyone in the village were safe. Mushu behind her hood as always.

Tala also yells out, "Are you trying to get yourself killed?!" Trying to get him out of danger.

Katara also yells hysterically. "Sokka, get out of the way!"

Sokka standing on the wall, the bow of the ship plowing through the snow. Sokka raises his club in defense, ready to strike. Before he can make his move. However , the bow crumbles a large portion of the wall into snowy ruins. The snow slides downward, pushing Sokka several feet back before he lands to a halt. With a loud hiss of steam, the ship has come to a halt as well. The villagers who now curiously come out of hiding and are staring in complete shock at the large vessel. Katara who's looking at the ship, she gasps.

Sokka also gasps when he catches sight of the bow of the ship opening and creaking forward in a burst of steam, forming a walkway. He backs up and falls to the ground once the bow hits the ground with a loud thud. The villagers gather closer around for support and several people even cover their eyes. Katara takes a step back upon noticing the shape of three figures cloaked in the mist. Zuko emerges from the mist, two guards following close behind him. The villagers huddled together and Sokka who kneels in the snow in front of them, ready to defend his tribe. Zuko descends from the ship along with the two guards.

Sokka, thought. recognizing the description of Zuko. 'Tala was right about watching out a boy having a scar on. his left eye. I have to protect my village since, I am the only man.' He lets out a battle cry and charges at the prince with his club to the ready. More soldiers trudge down while Sokka is traveling his way upward. Tala, Yells at Sokka, "No! Sokka Don't!!!" It was too late.

When he reaches Zuko, the Prince merely kicks the club to his left and, without ever resting his leg on the ground, kicks Sokka over to his right, sending him into the snow where his head becomes trapped. Tala face palms. Sokka desperately tries to free himself as Zuko continues on his way to the village, followed by six more men. Katara covers her mouth in shock upon witnessing her brother's quick defeat. Tala, "Ohhh Sokka." Worriedly.

Zuko and his men stand before them. Zuko approaches.  Passes to the right when he doesn't seem to find what he's looking and stops in front of Tala Got in front of Katara who's clutching Kanna. Behind her along with the villagers.

Tala, gasps "That's the boy I saw in my vision Mushu." Lowering her voice. Recognizing the scarred boy.

Mushu, "That boy humbled your brother real quick."

Zuko angrily demanding for answers. "Where are you hiding him?" Then he notice Tala's necklace glowing. 'She must be the girl I show in the light with spirits around.' He even notice she got golden eyes unlike the others in the village. Mushu forces her to go up and face the scarred teenaged boy.

Mushu, " Now here's your chance! You got to face the boy with the horrible ponytail."

Tala, "What?! Mushu!? I just can't- I never done this before!" But she finally got the courage to get in front of the Fire Nation boy.

Tala, "We're not hiding anyone here."

Mushu, "Your necklace, can you find a way to shut it off. Ain't that a sign?" Tala, muttered "I can't"  said out loud. Zuko looking at her weirdly. 'Is she talking to herself?'

Tala frees herself. Her face widens. As he now let go. He's looking around the crowd of villagers who fall completely silent. Without warning, he extends his arm out into the crowd about to grab Kanna but, Tala blocking him out now pointing at Gran Gran she shudders in fear embracing Katara. "Get out of my way Water Tribe peasant."

Tala, "Don't you dare lay your hands on my Grandmother! Haven't you learn respect to your Elders?"

Zuko annoyed and ignored her, "He'd be about that age, master of all elements?" Pointing out Gran Gran.

Katara shoots an angrily glare at Zuko. Receiving no response, Zuko swings his arm out and releases a blast of fire. Threatening the village. As there were not knowing there were non-benders. Tala shutting her eyes not realizing she shuts the fire out preventing it from getting it close to her people. 'That's impossible a fire bender from the Water Tribe?' Zuko thought.

Zuko angrily says getting up close and personal to Tala again. "I know you're hiding him! How'd you do that? Only an air or fire bender can do that."

Tala eyes widen Mushu did as well. Then, ordering him, "Whoever you're looking for ponytail, Get out of our Village! You're not welcome. Who do you think you are?!"

Zuko barks, "How dare you disrespect me. I'm Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation!" Sokka runs over and picks his weapon up, most of his war paint having come off at this point. He lets out another battle cry as he charges toward. "Get off of my sister!!!" Zuko letting go of Tala he swiftly turns around just as Sokka approaches. He ducks under Sokka's wide swing and hurls him forward.

Sokka lands on his rear in the snow and is quickly forced to dart from his spot when Zuko fires a blast at him. He spins to the side. Tala was relieved he dodges the blast. Sokka tosses his boomerang at the enemy who barely manages to miss getting hit by the weapon. Zuko growls in anger at the near hit. One of the village boys "Show no fear!" He tosses Sokka a spear.

Sokka handily catches the weapon and charges at Zuko once more. Sokka faces him. Zuko breaks pieces of the spear with his forearms, pulls the remains of the weapon out of Sokka's hands and pokes him three times in the head Sokka falls to the ground as Zuko snaps the spear in two and tosses the pieces to the ground. Sokka who rubs his head in pain before switching back to a Zuko. boomerang spins into view, unnoticed by Zuko.

The weapon strikes Zuko on the back of his helmet with a loud cling he is momentarily pushed forward by the unexpected blow. Zuko rearranges his helmet. Tala laughs. "Good one Sokka! Boomerang came back!" Zuko growls at Sokka and Tala.

The boomerang has plummeted into the ground in front of Sokka's feet. Enraged, Zuko now have two fire daggers.

The soldiers now surrounding Tala instead. Mushu, "Now have your fans ready, flick them again. Blades will appear." Tala doing as she was told. whisper shouts, "Blades?!?!" Mushu was right the blades did appear.. Tala flicks the fans the blades disappears. The Soldiers go up to Tala. Tala throws the blades to the fire nation soldiers knocking every single one out like a boomerang. Then, Mushu says to her, "Now catch it." She closes her eyes hoping she caught it she did. Her fans "Oh my god I did it!" She was so excited jumping up and down. The children cheering her on.

Aang who is seen rapidly riding on a penguin. He holds his glider horizontal on the animal and he has a determined look on his face, his tongue is out of his mouth in pure concentration. Zuko as Aang collides into him. Zuko falls backward as Aang speeds past, soars into the air and lands several feet away on his face, his legs in the air. He spins around a few times before coming to a halt in front of his men, his helmet landing on his rear. cheering villagers as Aang rides speedily toward them, still mounted on the penguin. The children cheering Aang on. They are showered in snow as Aang rides past, however, after giving each other silent, unamused looks, they begin cheering once again. Several other villagers, including Kanna, Tala, Katara, and Sokka. Aang comes to a halt before them. The penguin crawls out from under him, tossing him off. Aang falls on his rear, blinking stupidly. Aang smiles as the penguin quacks at him before waddling away.

Tala, "Aang what are you doing back here?! You have to leave."

Aang, "Awe! Hey Tala, I thought I was welcome here? Nice fans!" Cheerfully, despite the situation. Now saying hi to the rest of the siblings. "Hey Katara. Hey, Sokka."

Sokka not in the mood, "Hi, Aang. Thanks for coming."

Aang looks back at the Fire Nation soldiers, where Zuko just got back on his feet again. The soldiers now came back up after Tala knocked his soldiers surrounding Aang and Tala. While Zuko in a fighting stance. Aang and Tala is in a fighting stance as well, his staff held firmly in front of him and Tala as they work together, Aang uses air bending and Tala uses her powers lanching snow at the soldiers. 'It's like she's airbending.' Aang seeing her magically do that then, Aang slams the ground, sending a rush of snow at Zuko who braces for the impact. After being sprayed with snow, and heating melting off, Zuko looks up angrily.

Aang, "Looking for me?"

Zuko, Shocked. Looking at Aang "You're the airbender? You're the Avatar?"

Then to Tala, "-Legend says you're the living spirit the Dragonix I saw spirits surrounding you!" Tala furrowing her brows and scoffs. Aang and Tala resumes fighting stance.

Katara, Surprised. "Tala, Aang?"

Sokka, Bewildered. "No way!"

The siblings and the entire village never heard of the tale or myth of the Dragonix. Perhaps it's only a tale told in the Fire Nation?

Tala in the other hand, 'I knew it!' Smiling.
Mushu, 'I thought we been knew?! The boy is the Avatar?!' Exclaiming.

Zuko, Tala, and Aang moving in a circular pattern, awaiting an attack.

Zuko, "I've spent years preparing for this encounter. Training, meditating. For just a teenage girl and a child!" Looking at both Tala and Aang. He also never seen a female warrior with a curvaceous body type.

Tala raising her brow, 'Isn't he a teenager too? We would be probably around the same age.' Sensing reading his mind that all he ever think is the avatar. She even feels the anger.

Aang, sassily, tilting his head to one side. In confusion. "Well, you're just a teenager."

Zuko launches of fire blasts at Aang, who defends himself by twirling his staff, dissipating the flames. Zuko attacking Aang, the villagers watching directly behind him. Zuko fires another blast at Aang who twirls his staff once again to ward the attack off. Immediately ceases to defend himself. But Tala runs to the The villagers almost got the flames directed towards them Tala without knowing, created a glowing forced field. Aang then he opens his eyes and widens to thought, 'Whoa how did Tala do that?!' Everyone was shocked at the force field.

Tala's force field went away from the villagers. Aang, "If I go with you", He holds his staff in front of him as an offer, making sure Zuko understands that he doesn't wish to continue fighting. "will you promise to leave everyone alone?" Zuko's men still surrounding him, spears poised. After a brief moment of hesitation, Zuko nods. "Take the water tribe girl too!" As two soldiers were side by side of Tala restraining her arms.

Aang is apprehended by Zuko's men, who take his staff. Katara runs forward as they leading Tala and Aang away.

Katara cries, "Tala! No! Aang, don't do this!"

Aang, remainly calm. "Don't worry, Katara. It'll be okay." He gasps when he is shoved on the walkway. Katara's face contorts with sadness and frightens "-Take care of Appa for me until I get back. Tala will also be back safely." Smiling at Katara.

Tala now calms down trying to figure out a way for her and Aang to escape the ship. Then she saw Katara have more tears streaming her eyes. She couldn't help but tear up too.

Zuko Boarding the ship up the walkway. Determined. "Set a course for the Fire Nation. I'm going home."

Sokka packing the canoe by the shore. while Katara determinedly speaking, "We have to go after that ship, Sokka. Tala and Aang saved our tribe, now we have to save them."

Sokka tries to to tell Katara something but Katara keeps continuing to talk.

Katara, making arm gestures too emphasizing. "Why can't you realize that he's on our side? Tala did. If we don't help him, we won't save our sister then no one will help them.  I know you don't like Aang, but we owe him and-"
Sokka cuts her off. Slightly annoyed "Katara!- Are you gonna talk all day, or are you comin' with me?" Sokka gestures to a canoe floating in the water. Katara immediately grins
gasps for air. Running over to her brother. "Sokka!" Gives him a hug.

Sokka smiles "Get in, we're going to save our sister and your boyfriend."

Katara, Annoyed. "He's not my -"

Sokka, He shrugs and acts cool. "Whatever."

Kanna Accusingly. "What do you two think you're doing?" The siblings turn around, look at her and try to act as innocently as possible, Sokka grins broadly.

Kanna, Smiling. "You'll need these."Gran Grab holds up 3 sleeping bags. You have a long journey ahead of you. The siblings glance at each other in surprise. Kanna walks over to face Katara. "It's been so long since, I've had hope, but you and Tala brought it back to life, my little water bender." Hugs Katara, takes the sleeping back out of her hands to Sokka. "And you, my brave warrior, be nice to your sisters."

Kanna hugs Sokka who slightly embarrassed pats her back. "Yeah, okay Gran." He smiles broadly when she releases him.

Kanna, "Aang is the Avatar and Tala have magic in her and bends two elements. They're the world's only chance. You three found him and Tala's light symbolizes connections for a reason. Now your destinies are intertwined with his. I wanted to keep Tala's powers and history a secret to protect her sorry I didn't mention this sooner. The two siblings weren't angry but have understanding faces then look at each other uneasily.

Katara and Sokka looking  at the ready packed  canoe "There's no way we're going to catch a warship with a canoe."

Appa appearing over an icy hill on the horizon. He makes his presence growling.

Katara Brightly, "Appa!" Begins running toward him.

Sokka, Annoyed. "You just looove taking me out of my comfort zone, don't you?"

Zuko's ship as it makes its way through the icy waters. Aang, Tala, Zuko, Iroh and some of Zuko's soldiers are standing on deck. Aang's hands are bound behind his back while Zuko holds Tala's sword inspecting it first.

"This sword must be Fa Mulan's and also this staff will make an excellent gifts for my father." Then Inspects the staff "I suppose you wouldn't know of fathers, being raised by monks." Directly towards Aang.
Zuko says To soldiers. "Take the Avatar to the prison. The Water Tribegirl will be held in for interrogation." Handing the staff and sword to Iroh. and take this to my quarters.

Iroh takes the staff and sword and looks at it for a moment while Zuko walks away.

Iroh turns to one of Zuko's soldiers and gives him the staff. And Sword Casually. "Hey, you mind taking these to his quarters for me?"

Aang and Tala came up with a plan telepathically, 'Aang you know you should have fun escaping the soldiers and I'll distract Ponytail over for interrogation." He was so fascinated how he can talk to you through the mind. "It's so awesome we can read through each other minds.' She'll explain more about to him another time.

Aang, 'This is so awesome! Is that why you talk to yourself sometimes?'

Katara and Sokka sit atop Appa, who still hasn't gone airborne, but is instead swimming in the water.  Appa growls. Katara is sitting on top of Appa's head, while Sokka rests in the saddle.

Sokka, Unamused. "Go. Fly." Katara glances annoyed at her brother.  "Soar."

Katara, Pleading as Appa growls again. "Please, Appa. We need your help. Aang and Tala needs your help."

Sokka, Blandly. "Up. Ascend. Elevate. Levitate Tala flys why won't this thing do it?"

Katara, "Sokka doesn't believe you can fly, but remember Tala and I do, Appa." Strokes Appa. "Come on, don't you want to save Aang and Tala?" Appa grunts.

Sokka, "What was it that kid said? Yee-haw? Hup-hup? Wah-hoo? Uh... yip-yip?"

Sokka startles at the sudden movement that last command brought with it as it seemingly prompts Appa. Cut to a shot of his head bobbing in the water as he grunts and beats the water with his tail. After what appears to be a brief running start, he takes flight and soars through the air.

Katara, Thrilled. "You did it, Sokka!"

Sokka, Ecstatically looking over the rim of the saddle. "He's flying! He's flying! Tala will be so happy if she would have seen this! Katara, he's -" Katara who smirks at her brother who then tries to play it cool.

Sokka, "I mean, big deal. He's flying." Brightens quickly.

Iroh smiling. "You can call me Iroh, I apologize for my nephew. I see you must have the sword of Fa Mulan. I use to tell him Stories of the Tales of Mulan and Shang ." Tala was quiet. She wasn't held for interrogation.  Iroh hands her a cup of tea. "Here, a young lady shall drink some tea."

"No thank you " Tala politely bows. Iroh then, goes to his room to go to sleep.

Zuko barges in  the room. as Iroh is leaving. "Uncle! We can not serve tea to the girl! She isn't our guest." Tala refusing to drink the tea. After Tala being in the room with Iroh is very different than Zuko. Slapping the tea away from the table.

Tala staring him "You got want you wanted, What more do you want from me?"

Zuko, "I need answers! You're magic the light that's in you. You hid him in your village! You and the Avatar are connected! Nobody else can bend more than one element than the Avatar. The both of you will restore my honor."

Mushu looks at me telepathically speaking. 'This boy talks highly about honor more than your grandmother. He reminds me a lot like your grandfather.'

Tala, 'I know all he ever yaps about is his darn Honor.' She speaks up, "It just happens I can't control it. Plus you can't forced me to tell you. I don't have every answer too!"

Zuko, "You're lying!" Grabbing her shirt. But Tala shoves him back magically. "-How dare you! I command you to tell me what you know about the Avatar If you can't tell me what you just did there and How could a water tribe peasant like you can fire bend." Before Zuko leaves the room. He put hand cuffs and chained her up. and slams the door.

Mushu, 'This man reminds me a lot like your grandfather surprisingly.'

Tala looks at him weirdly, 'What?'

Tala just magically breaks out of the chains and cuffs. "That was too easy."

The Soldiers locked Tala in another room. But Aang helped her escape. Aang sees his Staff and Tala sees the family sword.

Zuko, "Looks like I underestimated the both of you."

Zuko assumes a fighting stance and fires a blast at Aang who yells and narrowly avoids the attack. Zuko blast Tala she also avoids the blasts. Tala is yet in front of Aang both blocking and avoiding each blast.

Aang uses airbending to try and deter another one of Zuko's attacks by catching his flames in a current of air. While Tala magically got her fans out. After extinguishing yet another one of his attacks, Aang uses Zuko as a stepping stone. He pushes himself off against his head and creates an air scooter in mid-air that he uses to ride around the room and over the walls and ceiling as Zuko resumes attacking. Aang and Tala grabs the tapestry off the hooks and wraps it around Zuko's body, tangling him.  Aang enough grab his staff. The staff at Zuko who destroys the tapestry with firebending. Zuko assumes a fighting stance while Aang looks on with alarm. Aang uses airbending, Tala also uses her magic  to propel a mattress lying in a corner towards Zuko. The mattress slams into the Fire Nation prince, sending him colliding into the wall, before falling onto the mattress. Aang propels the mattress upward, sending Zuko slamming into the ceiling of the room.  Zuko and the mattress fall to the floor and Zuko remains lying face down upon it.  Zuko who raises his head and glances Seeing Tala in a fighting stance as he gets up But Zuko trapped her in the wall. Tala eyes widen. Mushu smirks at the small encounter. 'Maybe these two won't realize it but they might be closer in the future.' He thought to himself.

Then Mushu jumps on Zuko surrounding his body he does a funny looking dance. Wanting Mushu to get off of him.  Tala runs out of Zuko's grip thanks to Mushu and follows Aang. Mushu follows Aang and Tala.

Aang exits the room and runs onto the upper deck of the ship. He throws his staff over the balcony which opens into a glider and begins soaring away. He appears successful. Then Tala couldn't be on top of Aang and his staff. Mushu was about to be in his enormous size.  Aang happily spreads his arms and welcomes the fresh air. until Zuko leaping forward, his arms extended outward. While yelling, Zuko manages to grab hold of Aang's ankle. Aang whose expression of triumph turns into one of despair as he begins losing altitude, struggling to maintain the weight of the extra, unexpected person. The two plummet down to the lower deck of the ship and land with a crash. They bounce a few times before coming to a halt. Aang's glider closes again to a staff. Both lie on the deck for a moment. Zuko's eyes as they narrow in anger. Zuko begins rising, a look of persistence on his face. Aang rises and assumes a fighting stance.  looking very unsure of himself. While Tala is in front of Aang in a fighting stance. Appa growls which caught  Aang and Tala averts their gaze and catches sight of Appa heading towards the ship.

Zuko, Shocked. "What is that?"

Aang and Tala said at the same time ecstatically. "Appa!"

Zuko Blasts at Tala and Aang they didn't block the fire in time causing both of them to almost fall off the ship. But found balance again. Zuko blasts at the two couple more times causing Aang to lose his staff and fall off the ship. Since Aang got hit with fire Tala wen out of her way to save him and falls in the water.

Meanwhile Mushu gets on top of Appa.

Katara, Horrified. "No!"

Both Tala and Aang as sinks further underwater.

Katara, "Tala, Aang! Tala, Aang!"

Aang, his eyes closed also Tala's were close as well both seemingly unconscious. Suddenly their eyes open. glowing a bright along with Aang's arrow tattoos. While Tala necklace glow. Aang frowns angrily. Both steadies  in the water and begins swiveling around, a waterspout forming around.  They rocket upward and erupts from the surface, riding a humongous spinning water vortex.

Zuko's ship being overshadowed by the water tornado.  Aang and Tala appearing  atop the vortex. Zuko looks up in horror. As Tala and Aang lands, summoning the water behind. Aang's eyes and tattoos while Tala's eyes and necklace still glowing, as they bring they're hands around behind. The water swirls around them, forming a protective circle, before spreading outward, knocking Zuko and several soldiers off their feet. Zuko falls over the edge and shouts in surprise. Sokka and Katara leaning over the side of Appa's saddle watching in shock.

Katara, Shocked. "Did you see what they just did?"

Sokka, Impressed. "Now that was some waterbending!"

Tala and  Aang on the deck collapses onto the ground from exhaustion, Aang's eyes and tattoos  while Tala's eyes and necklace ceasing to glow. Appa growls and lands on the deck. Katara and Sokka slide down and quickly run toward the unconscious Avatar and their sister.

Katara checking on Tala and Aang. "Are you guys okay?" She kneels down, holding Aang with Sokka following close behind. Sokka slowly helps Tala up. Making sure she doesn't lose balance.

Aang, Weakly. "Hey, Katara. Hey, Sokka. Thanks for coming. I told you I'd bring your sister back."

Sokka, "Well, I couldn't let you have all the glory."

Aang, Weakly, "I dropped my staff."

Sokka, Rising. "Got it!"

Sokka runs over, grabs a hold of the glider and lifts it only to see Zuko's hand firmly gripping the other end. Sokka appears horrified as Zuko attempts to pull himself upward onto the deck. The two struggle for a bit and then Sokka pokes Zuko repeatedly in the head with the end of the staff the way Zuko did earlier with him. Zuko grunts and falls backward as he lets go of the staff. He falls off the side of the ship, but manages to grasp the anchor chain.

Sokka, triumphantly. "Ha! That's from the Water Tribe!"

Appa who rises from a puddle of water after Katara helped Aang to climb atop his head. Katara and Tala still stands beside Appa while Aang lies on top of his head. Soldiers who rise after being knocked down by Aang's water attack and menacingly approach the two water benders. Katara takes a step back and then slowly and precariously bends a stream of water from the puddle, causing the men to slow down and gasp in surprise. She swings her arms around in an attempt to whip them, however, only succeeds in freezing a channel of water behind her on the deck, encasing Sokka's legs in ice in the process.

Sokka, Complaining. "Katara!"

Tala helps Sokka unfreeze his legs but Tala helps Katara freezing the Soldiers. Katara turns around, her back facing them and draws another stream of water. She closes her eyes tightly, swings her arms behind her and turns around to see one of the soldiers completely frozen in a casing of ice, his arm extended outward to her, still twitching in effort to grab her. She backs away slowly. "Why'd you look away?"

"I got nervous!" Katara. then turns around and quickly runs toward Appa. Tala continue helping Sokka free by smashing his icy chains with his boomerang.

Katara, Urgently. "Hurry up, Sokka!"

Sokka, Muttering to himself as he uses his boomerang to chip the ice. " I'm just a guy, with a boomerang..." Tala frees his left foot. "...I didn't ask for all this flying and magic!" He manages to break free and races up Appa's tail. "Yip-yip! Yip-yip!"

Sokka and Tala mounts Appa who grunts and takes flight, flying past the cabin of the ship. Iroh emerges on deck, having just woken up from a nap.

Iroh rubbing eyes and staring up at Appa in surprise. "Duh? Huh?"

Appa who soars away from the ship, while Iroh helps Zuko, grunting angrily with effort, to heft himself back onto the deck.

Zuko, Angrily. "Shoot them down!"

Zuko and Iroh standing on deck. Together, they synchronize a firebending move and fire a powerful blast at the bison. Sokka and Katara stare at the incoming attack in horror while Aang leaps onto the saddle. He opens the small tail wing of his staff and swings his glider around, While Tala using her fans and magic Aang and Tala synchronizing it together using a powerful swipe of air to redirect the fireball into a nearby cliffside. The impact causes an avalanche of snow and ice to begin falling. Zuko who looks up in horror at the event, raising one arm protectively. The front of the ship becomes buried in a mass of snow and ice while Appa climbs higher and higher. The four of them laugh as they escape successfully. Aang waves goodbye as Appa disappears around the cliff. Zuko, who's seen bending over in rage on the deck with Iroh erecting himself in the background.

Iroh calmly. "Good news for the Fire Lord. The Fire Nation's greatest threat is just a little kid and teenaged girl." Zuko lifts his head and rises while his uncle is speaking.

Zuko, Holding back rage. "That kid" and "the girl", Uncle, just did this." The damaged ship, the whole front covered in ice and snow. "I won't underestimate him and her again." Yells his order to the soldiers and points at the piles of snow. "Dig this ship out and follow them!" Three Fire Nation soldiers using their firebending to melt the icy encasings coating the three soldiers who were Katara and Tala's victims.

Zuko, Slightly embarrassed. "As soon as you're done with that."

Zuko eyes as he looks up in anger and determination.

Appa who soars lazily in the sky while the sun is beginning to set. Aang is perched on the rim of the saddle, while Tala, Sokka, and Katara sit at the back of it.

Katara, Bewildered. "How did the both of you do that?! With the water? It was the most amazing thing I've ever seen!" Asking Tala and Aang.

Aang and Tala looked at each other not knowing how they did it. Aang Quietly, slightly downcast, sitting on the edge of the saddle. "We don't know. I just sort of... did it."

Then everyone looks at Tala. "I'm not sure either something must of trigger it."

Katara, curiously ask but serious. "Why didn't you tell us you were the Avatar?"

Aang, "Because..." Turns away slightly; saddened. "I never wanted to be."

Tala, "I understand it's a lot of responsibility but it is your duty as the avatar to protect other as it's mine to protect your's and the world as well. But I won't let that happen going through it alone." Aang cheered up a bit.

Katara adds, "But Aang, the world's been waiting for the Avatar to return and finally put an end to this war."

Aang looking down, "And how am I going to do that?"

Katara, "According to legend, you need to first master water, then earth, then fire, right?"

Aang, Looking at Katara. "That's what the monks told me."

Katara, Brightening a bit. "Well, if we go to the North Pole, you can master waterbending!"

Aang, Turning to face her, smiling and brightening up completely. Facing Tala and Katara. "We can learn it together! Then after water bending hopefully Tala and I learn how to fire bend."

Katara, Faces her brother; cheerfully. "And Sokka, I'm sure you'll get to knock some firebender heads on the way."

Sokka smiles, "I'd like that. I'd reeally like that." Tala smiles and Sokka fist bump each other.

Katara,  Optimistically. "Then we're in this together!"

Aang, Cheerfully, pulling out a rolled up scroll."Alright, but before we learn waterbending, we have some serious business to attend to." He uses airbending to situate himself onto the saddle and unrolls the scroll, revealing a map of the Avatar World. "Here, here and here."

While stating this, he points to three locations, two in the Earth Kingdom, one in Air Nomad territory.

Katara, "What's there?" Points to one of the locations.

Aang Points to the location in Earth Kingdom. "Here, we'll ride the hopping llamas." Points to the location in Air Nomad territory. "Then waaay over here, we'll surf on the backs of giant koi fish." Katara and Sokka stare at him in wonder. While Tala Smiles. "Then back over here, we'll ride the hog monkeys." The siblings glance at each other. "They don't like people riding them, but that's what makes it fun!"
Aang as he smiles enthusiastically, his eyes widened with excitement.

Then Tala properly introduces. "Guys you know that tiny statue that Gran Gran was talking about saying I got a Spirit Guardian Dragon. Here he is Mushu every body."

"Hello everybody I am the infamous Mushu." Aang and Katara amused he talks.

While Sokka laughs. "That ain't no Dragon that's a lizard."

Mushu scoffs crossed his arms, "Hey! Dragon! Dragon!I don't do that tongue thing." Hissing mimicking a lizard hissing. "How many generations I got to be called a lizard?" Facing Tala.

Tala smiles, "At least I wasn't the one who called you a Lizard." 

Mushu then looks around then back at Appa, "Finally I get to ride on a flying cow!"

Aang corrects Mushu, "Appa is not a cow he's a flying Bison."

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