Murder drones x male reader

By Nuclear_Juggernaut

55.9K 779 225

It had been months on to what should have been a few seconds living on Copper-9 how you were still alive was... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Final chapter

Chapter 17

1.7K 20 16
By Nuclear_Juggernaut

I made my way down the hall towards the apartment but I bumped into N "Oh y/n! I was looking for you!" He says with a little awkwardness in his voice, I instantly knew he was hiding something from me "You were? What's up?" I asked "I wanted to learn guitar, could you teach me?" He asked "Cleaver boy" I thought realizing he was using the apology as a cover up for whatever he was doing. "Sure" I say motioning for him to lead the way.

He took us to a empty room and we sat down, I summoned a guitar for him and showed him some cords and he picked up on it extremely quickly. Soon he was playing music right from one of the books I had summoned for him, after a few songs he tried to freestyle his own music and he was pretty good at it "You sure you didn't know how to play? Your awfully talented for a beginner" I asked "I've never played before I swear" he says setting the guitar down. "For some reason I don't believe that but alright" I say reaching into my pocket, "N I wanted to give you something" I say handing him the pin from his hat "When did you get that?" He asked taking it back "When I was rooting around your memories I swiped it" I say as he attaches it back to his hat, activating the recording it had "Hey bud! I wanted to tell you something, I'm proud of you. When we first met you were a very different person, you weren't very good at just about anything. But one thing you were amazing at was being a special glow to every room your in, you bring a smile to just about everyone by being yourself and you mean the world to Uzi. I hope I get to see the day you and her have a family of your own, *sigh* Take care of our little gremlin would ya? She can be a handful but your a patient person, more then I am. You might not be the entire world to me but your one of the biggest parts of it and I just wanted you to hear it in case I never got to say it to you. Take care of yourself and I'm proud of you" it says as he dropped his hat, he looked up at me teary eyed and basically tackled me to the ground burying his head in my chest crying. I patted his back and eventually he let me go "Thanks Y/n" he says sniffling "Anytime, it's just something sweet to remember me by" I say "Why? Are you leaving or something?" He asked sitting down in his chair again, I sat down and paused for a moment "It's becoming a struggle to get out of bed" I say hanging my head "Why? Are you upset like Uzi was?" He asked "No, This body of mine it's dying, I'm dying N. I've realized it isn't like your guys bodies, I can't just do a quick fix and everything is better. It takes permanent damage and withers away over time, with the harsh environment and constant fighting it's taking it's toll on me" I say, N gets worried and moves closer putting his arm around me "I... I just don't know how much longer I can go pretending everything is alright, it hurts to get up, it hurts to move, it's hurts to laugh. And I'm only getting weaker" I say leaning back "Is there anything we can do to help?" He asked "No not really, I'm going to try and transfer myself to a new body but I have no idea if it will work. I'm a very different drone then you guys are. If I go offline I might never come back on" I say "Why wouldn't you? Your the smartest person on this plant! Theres no way you don't know how to do it!" He says trying to lift my spirit "I'm afraid N, I'm afraid I'll never get to see you guys again, it's part of why my messages are almost like goodbyes. Cause I don't know if I'll be able to do it" I say "I know you Y/n, I know you'll find a way to pull through. You always do" he say "Thanks N, let go give Uzi her gift and I'll break the news to them. I feel like they should know" I say getting up. "I'm sure they'll be supportive, they always are" he says.

We made our way back to the apartment and I opened the door to everyone there, Lizzy, Doll, J, V, Uzi, Mom, Dad, Thad, Lilly everyone was there with their gifts. I walked over to Uzi a handed her hers in silence before sitting down. "Alright I've already heard everyone else's, what teary message did you leave me?" She asked, I simply motioned for her to play it, I made her a little hair pin since she tried to keep her special eye covered I figured it would be helpful and stylish for her. She pressed the top in and it played "Hey Uzi, your going to hate me for this but here we go, I'm so over the moon watching you become to women you are, you've grown a lot from the angsty teen I lived with. You have matured and grown to the caring and loving sister I know and love with all my heart. I'm happy to have played such a big part in your life and been there for you in your darkest days. I just hope I can wake up and see you smile everyday, it's one of your best features after all. Thanks for being you Uzi I wouldn't ask for anyone else to be my sister, even if I had a million other choices I'd still choose you every time. I'll always be with you so you can always hear my voice whenever your upset. I'll love you forever and always." Silence filled the room as she got up walked over to me, she put the pin in my hand "Can you put that on for me?" She asked holding back her tears, I took her hat off and put it in her hair, she put her hat back on and curled into my chest not caring if everyone was watching us, "Thanks, I'll keep it safe" she says tears streaming down her face, "Well now that I have her buttered up, I think I should tell you all, I'm going to try and transfer myself to another body" I say getting a very poor reaction from everyone. "What!?" Some asked "Why!?" Others said, I felt Uzi clutch my chest as tight as she could "Why do you want to change!?" She asked. I sighed "I'm suffering, my body is broken and it's healed the best it can but I'm still hurting" I say "So it's because your in pain?" Lizzy asked. I sigh "When I look in the mirror I don't see the man I want to see, I see a broken beaten up and withered fighter who days of fighting are long gone. I'm not sure of how long I can keep going, but I know my path is coming to an end" I say "How long have you been feeling like this?" J asked "It was slow at first but after I lost my arm, I had to pretend that I was fine everyday. I didn't want you guys to be worried about me, I think I've figured out how to do it safely and I've already got a body modeled" I say "But..." V says "It's a disassembly drone that I've made to fit me better, only thing is I'm not one hundred percent certain it will work, it's not so simple as my powers are linked to me and not something my body does" I say "There not? I thought they were?" Doll says confused "I did to but it just some lines of code in my memory, they had to be unlocked for a lack of a better term." I say "So you made these gifts incase this doesn't work..." Thad says looking at his patch "Yes, I'm..... I'm afraid it won't work and I'll be gone for good, but if I don't do this then I'll live in pain till my body gives out and withers away. So I have to choose, a chance to live again, or to accept death and go with it" I say, "Well, let go get you your new body!" Khan says confidently. We left together hoping this would work.

I carried Uzi the entire way to the facility and as we got to the door I stopped and looked at the world around me, "What are you doing?" Nori asked "Enjoying the view one last time with my own eyes" I say smiling, I entered the facility and got to the computer tapping myself in and uploading my model, it popped up saying it wouldn't be able to support the body with the current internals and recommended a different set of internals. I looked it over and accepted it as a replacement. It began making the body and soon finished, I picked it up and set it down next to me on the table "It really does look like you as one of us" Lilly says "Why is it taller and bulkier then us?" V asked "Because I'm me, and you know I'll make it look as close to me as I can, despite the height limit on the drones" I say about to plug in before pausing, "Look if this doesn't work, burn this place to the ground and my bodies with it" I say summoning gas cans and a lighter "Are you sure?" Doll asked "Yes! He's always said he wants to go out as he lived a raging fire" Uzi says still clutching on to me, I nod and take a deep breath before plugging myself into my new body, I began uploading my memories and conciseness to it, everything very quickly got dark before fading entirely. My body slumped over with Uzi still holding onto it, once she knew I was gone she let go and climbed over to my new one hugging it "Please come back... I don't want you to go" she says not getting a response, she began to tear up thinking I was gone. Everything was silent and a few others began fearing that I didn't make it, I moved my new tail around her in a little hug. I very quickly felt her death grip me in a hug "YOUR ALIVE!" She says squealing, I hear a few sighs of relief and a few sniffles. I sat up feeling like a new person which I technically was, "So this is what it feels like to be comfortable again" I say looking at my new hands "So any reason you chose to be a disassembly drone?" Thad asked "A few actually, one reason I can still fight and now repair myself, second reason, my girlfriend is one so I think it would be nice" I say winking at J who made her way over to us, she grabbed my cheeks planting a deep kiss on my lips, she pulled away "Now that I can definitely keep you in line, your going to listen a lot more" she says putting her hands on her hips "God your hot when you acts bossy" I say standing up only to stumble a bit "I'm right here you two!" Uzi says still holding onto me. I set her down and walk over to my parents "Guess I really am you son now huh?" I say wrapping both of them in a hug "You always were" Nori says before we parted "So now what?" Doll asked. "We go home" V says picking up Thad "One last thing I have to do" I say walking over to my old body, I grab a gas can and a lighter before walk outside, I pulled the jacket I use to wear off and set the body ablaze "What are you doing?" Lilly asked "Leaving the past behind me" I say watching the flames consume my old body. Everyone surrounded me watching the fire "So this is it huh?" Lizzy asked "Yep, Copper-9 belongs to drones now, JCJ and all there experiments are gone." I say walking away from the fire. We began the walk back home when I got an idea, I grabbed Nori and spread my wings out "Hold on tight mom!" I say before launching us into the air. She yelled clutching to me tightly, I flew around for awhile before landing on a car crushing its roof. "Did you have fun?" I asked letting her go "No! Don't scare your mother like that!" She says flustered "Wow Y/n for that being your first time flying you did great. Your a natural!" N says walking over to us, "That was easy!" I say rejoining the group, we laughed and joked around the entire way back, our spirits were high and we decided to have another party. This one less formal then the last one.

We were getting ready for it with drinks and food out for everyone this time, it was a quiet party but a pleasant one we invited S and T, as well as Reese and Sally, I invited Rebecca to join us as well, "This going to be interesting to see everyone reactions to the new you" J says sitting next to me on the couch drink in hand. "You know I might not be as tall as I use to be, but something is definitely that same size as before~" I cooed in her ear making her blush "I'm trying to have a pleasant night!" She says scowling at me, I smile and give her a kiss "And you know I like seeing you flustered" she turned her head but when I pulled her towards me she didn't fight it resting herself against me, she sighed "I'm starting to realize I should just accept that you will always find a way to make me soft and cuddly" She says shifting to get comfortable. Just then the door opened and S and T walked in, N greeted them and they walked over arms locked together, "J you got a new boyfriend?" S asked, I snickered a bit "No? It's Y/n" she says sitting up ruining our moment together "Then who is this guy your cuddling up to?" T asked "The same one who made your body's" I say as they looked at me. "Y/n?" S says "In the metal!" I say getting up "What happened to you?" T asked "My old body was failing and dying, so I took a chance and got myself this body." I say giving both of them a hug. S gladly accepted it while T was more awkward about it "So your one of us know then?" T asked "He's always been one of us!" Uzi says making her presents known "Relax Uzi, Yeah I'm a disassembly drone now, weapons and wing included" I say. "Why? Now you need oil" S says "I'd still need oil anyways, so why not join my girlfriend and keep fighting the good fight?" I say "Ha your a fighter! I like you a little more now" T says smiling. We chatted for awhile longer before Reese and Sally joined the conversation, I looked down at Sally who hid behind Reese. I knelt down "Hello Sally, Do you like the actual me?" I asked "Actual you?" She asked "Yes, remember how I was funny looking before? That was a disguise. This is the real me" I say, she smiled walking over wanting a hug, I picked her up as Reese smiled at us, what happened next I wasn't expecting, J walked over "Hey Reese can I talk to you?" J asked "Sure, I've got a list of insults ready" she says "Look, we've had our differences and we definitely don't get along but I think it's time we put the past behind us, we live in the same place now." J says much to Reese's and my surprise "Uhhh sure..." Reese says still caught of guard "Look I might not have been very happy with you taking the guy I liked but, if I had been in his squad I might not have met my wonderful boyfriend so. Bygone be bygones?" J asked extending her hand, "That sounds good" Reese says shaking J hand. Uzi walked over to us and got J attention "Now J, I was hoping your relationship with my brother would be rather short but now that it's been awhile you've grown on me. So I'll give you this now" Uzi says grabbing J jacket collar "Hurt my brother and I will make sure you stay dead this time!" Uzi says letting her go and walking away "What was that about?" J asked looking at me "Siblings looking out for each other. When N and Uzi got together I gave him the warning of hurt my sister and there is no force on this planet that will save you from me" I say pouring myself a drink "So she's serious!?" J asked "Yep she is" I say taking a sip. "I know this is out of no where's but everyone else's gift had a speaker to it, why doesn't mine?" She asked looking at the locket I gave her "It does, didn't you feel the button on the bottom?" I asked "No" she says finding the button pressing it "Hey dear, hope your having a wonderful day, if not then listen to this and I'll cheer you up a bit. We might have only known each other briefly but you've been a wonderful person. You have your rough edges and I do too, but we helped smooth them out together. I always enjoyed talking with you and the sweet moments we shared I'll cherish till I die, if I'm already gone then I just want you to know I love you and I'm always with you in this locket, after all it has some of my memories in it of us. Hope this brightens your day beautiful." She looked at the picture in the locket and it changes to a different picture of us together. "You always know what to say..." she says wrapping her arms around me kissing me. Sally giggled and I set her down, she runs off and I notice Lilly sitting around looking uncomfortable, "J I'm gonna go sit with Lilly for awhile, I'm going to see if I can get her to dance in a little bit" I say "Okay" She says leaving me to it. I walked over and sat down next to Lilly "You look out of your comfort zone" I say as she twirled her thumbs "I don't know what to do.... It's all so much at once" she says "Relax Lilly, do what you want to. Have a drink, eat some food, dance a little, go chat with N and Uzi, sit here and talk with me. What ever you want to do, do it!" I say "I don't know...." She says looking down, her butterfly flew over to her landing on her finger. She looked at it and smiled "Can I really do whatever I want?" She asked "Sure you can" I say, she wrapped herself around me laying against my chest, I quickly sent a message to J telling her not to freak out at Lilly for this as she watched it from across the room. "Thank you Y/n, you've really help change my life" she says "Wanna try something new?" I asked "What?" She asked "Dancing?" I suggested "D dancing?" She asked nervously "Yeah! I enjoy it and it's relaxing" I say pulling her up to her feet, I slowly began moving around in a simple rhythm as to not overwhelm Lilly, her head darted from side to side looking around at everyone "Hey don't worry about them, keep your eyes on me" I say. She tried to but slowly her eyes looked around again, I decided to send N a message and when I saw him where I wanted him, I twirled Lilly around a few times and into N's arms who continued to dance with her. I was going to walk over to V and Thad when Nori stopped me, she took my hand without a word and we started dancing "I've been watching you" she said "And? I thought it would be nice to get Lilly to try something new" I say as we went around, "Did J know about it?" She asked "Of corse she did, I told her what I was going to do" I say "Well alright then guess your safe for now" she says, we continued to dance before she pulled me down and kissed my cheek "That's for the gift, and being an amazing son" she says before walking away. I looked around and saw Uzi sitting on the couch alone with a drink, I walked over and she set it down expecting me to pull her up which I did. "How did I know you'd dance with me" she asked "Because I've been dancing with everyone" I say as I twirl Uzi, "Took you long enough to finally dance with your sister, I was expecting this at prom!" Uzi said "Well you should have said something, I'm not a mind reader" I say "With how many things you can do, reading minds would be the most normal thing" she says making me laugh lightly "Yeah, I guess you got a point there" I realized it didn't hurt for me to laugh making me smile "What?" Uzi asked "I'm at peace, nothing hurts for once" I say, Uzi let go of my hands and gave me an honest hug, not full of love and emotion but a supportive hug. She returned to dancing after a few seconds and we enjoyed ourselves before crashing onto the couch laughing as we did. "Just like when we binged anime for that week straight!" Uzi says "Ha I remember that! God what were we doing with our lives back then?" I ask "Enjoying it" she says finally catching her breath "Yeah, I guess we were" I say grabbing my drink "Ya, *sigh* Thanks for being you Y/n. I don't know where or what I would do without you, Love ya" she says giving me a smile. I give her a small hug "Your the best sister ever" I say letting her go. Rebecca finally arrived and looked around not sure of who to talk to. "Ha look who finally got here" I say to Uzi "You invited her?" She asked "Of corse I did! She's just as much my friend as Lizzy and Doll are, and we banged" I say making Uzi roll her eyes "Just go talk to her already!" She says playfully pushing me. I walk over to her but got an idea along the way, I sent J another message letting her know what I was planning so she wouldn't get mad at me or spoil the joke. "Hello beautiful~ what's your name?" I asked leaning against the wall next to her "Uhhhh Rebecca" she says shy "Well that's a lovely name" I say, she blushed at the compliment. "I haven't seen you around here before, what's your name?" She asked "Y/n" I say thinking she would clue in "I have a friend who has the same name, have you met him?" She asked "No can't say I have, but he's a lucky man, dating that bombshell over there" I say motioning to J "Wait if you haven't met him then how do you know there dating?" She asked "Okay you have to have clued in by now Rebecca" I say dropping the act "Clued into what?" She asked "Think about it, my names Y/n, I know who his girlfriend is, and who isn't here?" I ask. She thought about it before I see it click in her head "What happened to you!?" I laughed a little, "My old body was falling apart so I transferred myself to this one" I say putting my arm around her in a little hug, "Great and you had to pick a nightmare drone?" She asked "Is that what you actually call disassembly drones?" I asked "Yeah.... When I was younger I would always have nightmares of them. So the name kinda stuck with me" she says a little embarrassed "I can understand that, I probably would have too" I say. We continued to chat and soon other joined in on our conversation before we hear a guitar playing, I looked over and saw N sitting in a chair strumming it. I recognized the song he was playing and walked over, "Kind friends and companions come join me in rhyme, come lift up your voices in chorus with mine" I sing out, as more join around "Come lift up your voices all grief to refrain for we may or might never all meet here again" I sing as N gives me a smile joining in "Here's a health to the company and one for my lass, let us drink and be merry all out of one glass, let us drink and be merry all grief to refrain. For we may or might never all meet here again!" We sing as more and more people join in. Soon we were almost all singing and enjoying ourselves in a peaceful song, we soon died down and as the night grew later and later we all got tired. Soon we were closing the night out with pleasant conversations and story telling.

After everyone was gone and Thad was moved in with V, I was about to head to bed when I noticed Lilly cleaning up and washing the glasses. I walked over to her "Lilly don't worry about this, get some sleep" I say seeing her exhausted look "No, I'll do it tonight so no one has to tomorrow" she says half sleeping, I shake my head and pick her up "No you'll go to bed, and you won't do these tomorrow, I'll take care of them when I get up" I say "But...." She says about to protest "But nothing, You don't have to do all the cleaning around here" I say noticing how small she actually was compared to me, "But I don't mind it, it's....." she says pausing, her butterfly flew over to her landing on her necklace. "It's not all your good for, your good at a lot of things." I say carrying her downstairs "Like dancing" I say making her smile and blush a little "It was fun" she says "And I'm more then happy to dance whenever you want to" I say setting her down in her bed, "I liked hearing everyone singing" she says "Were you singing with us?" I asked. She shook her head no, but given she didn't actually say she wasn't I figured she actually was just rather quietly. I sat down and the side of her bed, I hummed a soft toon to her as she wrapped herself in her blankets and soon she was asleep. I got up and noticed J standing in the doorway, she beckoned me over with her finger "Oh boy" I say expecting an ear full but when she led us into our room she plopped down on our bed "Come here" she said as I laid down next to her "Your mom told me about Lilly's issues and I want you to know now, everything you do is okay if it's to help her. You don't have to message me every time you do something" she says "Thanks dear, I just don't want you getting the wrong idea" I say "I know and it's very sweet of you to think of me before you do anything but now I know why you do the things you do. I'm not going to get jealous over you trying to help her" She says, I pull her on top of me giving her a kiss "Thanks for understanding" I say pulling the covers over us, J took her jacket off tossing it from under the covers, as I took off my jacket and shirt she also tossed her bra out from under the covers, she gave me a wink before crawling up to my face planting another kiss, I got the message and we began making out, this time how ever I was smart and tied her hands together first, when we pulled away she tried to lock me up again but realized I had got her first "Hey!" She says wiggling around, I watched as her breast jiggled around as she tried to get free, I sat up with her on my lap I gently bit her nipple causing her to moan, I played with her breast while applying more pressure making her moan louder, I let go and whispered to her "Did you forget what I said last time~" I cooed as she froze "Ahhh... I'll be a good girl" she says nervously "Your right you will, and after I'm done you'll continue to be a good girl~" I say pushing her down on to her back. J got a very nervous look from not being use to being on the bottom, "Don't be so nervous dear~ I'll be gentle with you~" I say with a sly grin pulling her panties off, she gave me a look of I trust you before tilting her head up waiting for me to do something, I rubbed my thumb around her pussy making her moan slightly before I switched to two fingers still circling it, I focused more at the top of it and picked up the speed making her fidget some "Now what is it you said last time? Oh yes hold still~ or I'll tease you longer~" I say slowing down making her groan, she relaxed herself and I picked up the speed more so then last time, I went around for a moment before she spoke up "Stop teasing me and put it in!" She says fidgeting around, I smile getting an idea "Did I say you could speak?" I say repositioning her, she realized what she just did and what was coming next. She closed her eyes and opened her mouth before lowering her head around my cock, "Good girl~ I didn't have to tell you~" I say slipping it into her mouth, she slowly bobbed her head up and down slowly at first not sure if she enjoyed it or not, she wasn't going very far down, I grabbed the side of her head and gently pushed her down a little farther, I heard her gag a little, I let her back up and she lifted her  head up letting it up of her mouth "Push me farther~" she said lust plastered all over her face. She went back down sucking again I grabbed the back of her head pushing her down again, I felt her gag again and stopped pushing incase she wanted up, she didn't and tried pushing herself farther but couldn't do it, I didn't want to push her any father then she was comfortable going so I gently pulled her head back up, she looked at me confused a little "Do you want to try the whole thing?" I ask genuinely concerned "Sweetie...Use my mouth as you want to~ I've been such a bitch fuck my throat clean!" She says wrapping her lips around me again, I push her back down again and once she gags I slowly push her down farther. I grab her hand "Just squeeze if you want up" I say to her, in return she slammed herself the rest of the way down. I felt her throat close around me from gagging, she held herself down for a few seconds before pulling back up, "Y/n, I'm touched you care that I might be uncomfortable, but don't worry about it, tonight I'm yours." She says giving me a smile, with that I pulled her head back down with some strength behind it, just before she started again she said one last thing "Now that's more like it" I shoved her down the whole way and she gagged again, I pulled her back up only to slam her back down. She seemed to enjoy it so I picked up speed for a moment before letting her up, she was gasping for air "There's... your... fire" she says panting, "On your back" I say flipping her over. I moved her to the edge of the bed and started thrusting myself down her throat, she gaged over and over again as I did her saliva covering her face. I kept going for a minute before letting her get air again, she coughed a few times before opening her mouth sticking her tongue out this time "Seems your loving this~" I say pushing myself in again. I felt myself getting close and gave one final deep thrust, I released everything down her throat she coughed kicking her legs around arching her back. Once I finished I pulled out and she gasped catching her breath, I climbed behind her picking her up, she was on her knees resting against my chest "Now, remember what you did to me last time~ ready for your turn?" I asked as she realized what I was going to do. She spread her legs open and I started teasing her again, "Not again" she whimpered, I summon a collar and leash around her neck pulling it down making her tilt backwards trying to breath, once I knew she could I held it there as I slipped my fingers in, I didn't go easy at all. I kept a fast pace the entire time and felt her walls tighten soon her juice covered my hand and fingers but I kept going and she soon began thrashing around trying to get away "No no no dear~ sit still" I whispered right into her ear. I kept going and she failed to sit still even for a moment, I let her go after a minute of it and she was breathing heavily, I make the leash and collar disappear along with her restraints. I pull us backwards her falling on top of me. "So that's what it's like to be a bottom, I see why N likes it so much" she says panting "I was worried you'd be uncomfortable or not like it" I say as she rolled over resting on my chest "I know, and it touches my heart that you did. I'll be on bottom anytime you want~" she cooed. I kissed her forehead and we drifted to sleep together.

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