Scream Queen • Tara Carpenter

By f0lkl0reswp

11.8K 263 15

Zoey Meeks is the older sister of Mindy and Chad, only by one year thought. They have different dads, but tha... More

[1] beginning of the end
[2] arguments and fights
[3] attacked
[4] new suspect
[5] conversations
[6] great loss
[8] memorial party
[9] act three
[10] your destiny
[11] goodbye
new book!!!

[7] selfish

672 18 0
By f0lkl0reswp

The drive to the hospital was filled with Dewey yelling Sam to slow down and her ignoring him, during the ride there Sam called Richies phone and Ghostfacee answered.

She stalled him on the phone while he made her pick between Tara and Riche, i'm not gonna lie but Sam is an amazing actor. We ran to the elevator and Sam put the phone and mute while we got in so the killer wouldn't hear.

We pressed the button of the floor that Tara was on and made our way up. Just when Ghostface thought that we wouldn't make it in time and was about to kill Tara, the elevator door opened and Ghostface and Tara looked up in shock.

Dewey shot at the killer, but he got away just in time. "I'll get Richie." Dewey said running towards the boy, "Tara!" I screamed while me and Sam ran towards the girl on the floor.

"Oh my god." Sam said i'm shock, Sam started to lift the girl off the ground with my help, but the entire time Tara was crying out in pain. We hugged Tara and Dewey came back holding Richie up. "Get the elevator!" Dewey said right before getting pushed by Ghostface into a glass case.

Dewey was now pressed against the wall and the killers knife was about to pierce his throat, Dewey got the upper hand and pressed the killer against the wall. They started to fight but once again the killer got the upper hand and was about to kill Dewey.

I looked around for anything I could use to hit the killer with, I saw a dead lady on the floor, with a chair right beside her. I tiptoed over to the chair and picked it up.

"Hey fuckhead!" I yelled and the killer looked up at me, I swung the chair against his head and knocked him out into the already broken glass case. Dewey laid on the floor catching his breath and I grabbed his gun "Zoey?" Dewey said confused.

I aimed the gun to the killers chest and shot the gun a couple times before lowering it. "Richie." Dewey said getting off the floor and grabbing Richie.

I walked towards the elevator with no emotion on my face at all, the two girls looked at each other in shock from what had just happened and how I was so calm about it. "Let's go." Dewey said to Richie.

Dewey came and pressed the button of the elevator, we walked inside and Tara cried out in pain since she was practically being dragged by Sam. "Come on, hurry up." Dewey rushed us.

He pressed the button for the ground floor, but before the doors could close Dewey put his hand stopping it. "The head." Dewey said more to himself, "What?" Richie asked confused.

"Zoey didn't shoot him in the head. You have to shoot them in the head or they come back." Dewey explained, "Dewey who gives a fuck!" Sam said just wanting Tara to be safe.

"I do." Dewey said still holding the elevator, "Dewey i'll do it! Just leave this hospital okay! It's my fault that you're here right now, if we would've never showed up at your house you would be safe." I said trying to convince the man.

"Richie hold Zoey." Dewey commanded, "What? No!" Richie said. Dewey stepped out of the elevator and tried to go after him, "Grab her!" Dewey yelled and Richie did as told.

"I'm sorry Zoey." Dewey said before the elevator shut, "No! Dewey!" I yelled out feeling tears well up in my eyes. Even if I wasn't that close to Dewey, I grew very fond of him in such a short amount of time which was very rare for me. Wes had died today and if Dewey did too I would be devastated.

Once the elevator shut all the way and we started moving Richie let go of me. I stared at the man, only seeing red.  "Why the fuck would you do that? Dewey might die because of you!" I yelled at the man, "He wanted me too!" Richie defended himself. "I don't give a shit about what he wanted you to do!" I yelled back turning around from the man.

"Im not sorry!" Richie screamed back at me, I turned around quickly and punched the man in the face. He stumbled backwards and clutched his nose, when he removed his hand it was covered in blood and he looked back up at me.

"Zoey what the fuck!" Richie yelled, "What the fuck is wrong with you Zo!" Sam yelled at me. I turned towards the older girl, a little taken back at what she had just said to me. "What's wrong with me! My best friend died today Sam! I had to find him and his fucking mother dead! And now someone who I was starting to actually care about could fucking die!" I yelled back at Sam with tears in my eyes.

"Zoey I didn't mean it like that." Sam said trying to walk towards me in the small elevator, "Step the fuck back." I said putting a hand in her chest. I looked over at Tara and she was shocked "Wes died?" she asked with tears in her eyes. "Tara." I said starting to cry.

I hugged the girl and she hugged me back tight. "Im so sorry you had to find out like this." I said trying not to let my voice break. Me and Tara had a small moment but the elevator doors opened. We ran outside and I guess the police were already on their way, someone must've heard gunshots and called them.

I sat down waiting anxiously on the back of a ambulance waiting for Dewey to come out okay after speaking to the cops. Gale arrived at the scene and I ran up to her slightly limping since my leg has sore.

"Where's Dewey?" Gale asked right away, "He's still in there, I tried to go after him but he made Richie hold me back." I explained to Gale and tears threatened to fall from my eyes.

"Oh my god. Are you okay? Why would he go back?" Gale asked, "I'm fine, he went back because I didn't shoot the fucker in the head and he wanted everything to be over. So he went back to go and shoot him." I explained. "That sounds like him." Gale said laughing in the slightest to cover up her breaking voice.

Me and Gale waited anxiously together until we saw it. There was a body on a stretcher with a bag cover the body. When we didn't see Dewey come out, we knew he didn't succeed in killing Ghostface and that the body on the stretcher was his.

Me and Gale started to run towards the body but Richie held back Gale and Sam held me back. I let tears fall from my eyes while Gale sobbed the same way I sobbed for Wes. Her cries out for her ex husband broke my heart.

After a while Sam decided to drive me and Richie to the hospital to go and see Tara, Gale had decided to tag along. Me and Gale sat side by side in the hospital waiting room, grieving Dewey. But at the same time I was also s grieving Wes. My mascara was all over the place, I hadn't had time to clean it up from when I had first cried that day, but me crying again just made everything look ten times worse.

Sam walked up to us "I'm sorry." she said to Gale, "I didn't know him well, but... he helped me." Sam added. "That's what he did. He helped people. I should've stopped him." Gale said trying not to cry again.

"If you had my sister would be dead, and most likely Zoey too." Sam said, "Samantha, your sister is awake!" a lady called out. I got up to go with Sam but she stopped me. "Why don't you wait here with Gale, I wanna talk to Tara if that's okay." Sam said to me trying to be nice and I nodded in response sitting back down.

Sam hesitated before walking away, I put my arm around Gale and shut my eyes trying to block out everything that happened today. "Gale." I heard a voice say and I opened my eyes, it was Sidney Prescott.

"Sidney." Gale said, "I came as soon as I heard." Sidney said to Gale walking closer to us. I removed my arm around Gale, letting her get up. The embraces each other in a hug and I heard Gales cry's start again "I'm so sorry." Sidney said to her.

"You shouldn't be here." Gale said when they pulled away, "You shouldn't be here either." Sidney said to the woman. "Mark and the kids are okay?" Gale asked, "Yeah, they're safe for now. I'm here to make sure of that. Come here." Sidney said pulling Gale into another hug.

When they pulled away Sidney and Gale sat beside me, "Hi i'm sorry. I'm Zoey, Zoey Meeks." I said putting my hand out to shake. "Hi Zoey, i'm Sidney." she said shaking my hand. I didn't say that I already knew that, knowing it wasn't the right time. "Is Martha Meeks your mother?" Sidney asked and I nodded my head.

"Are you okay honey?" Sidney asked me, "Yeah, i'm okay." I said trying not to let any tears fall. But it wasn't surprising when I didn't succeed and tears started to well up in my eyes. Sidney pulled me into a hug, when we pulled away she spoke. "We're you close to Dewey too?" she asked me, "Not really, but I was starting to get close with him." I said. "Her best friend died earlier today and she was attacked the other night." Gale explained to Sidney and she gave me a sympathetic look.

"I'm so sorry." Sidney said and I wiped my tears away, I went to respond but I saw Sam walking with Richie while pushing Tara on her wheelchair. "Excuse me." I said to the two, I got up and limped towards the three.

"Where are you guys going?" I asked since they were at the front desk, "We're getting out of here." Sam said. "Wait what?" I said taken back, "It's the only safe option Zoey." Sam explained.

"Can you give us a minute please." I asked the two and they walked away from me and Tara. "Tara." I said my eyes filling up with tears again, "I know." she said and I hugged her the best I could even if she was in a wheelchair.

"I know this is selfish of me but I need to tell you now incase I don't get another chance I said and she gave me a confused look. "I fucking love you okay. And I need you to be safe, even if that means you have to leave and might not ever come back. I've loved you since the day I laid eyes on you Tara. Please just be safe okay, I wish this could've ended differently." I said to the girl.

Tara sat there in shock not knowing how o respond, from her reaction I knew that it was time to walk away so it would hurt less. I watched Tara roll herself away and Richie helped her into the car, after a couple minutes I walked outside of the hospital to go see Gale and Sidney to ask if they could drive me home, but I walked out on some sort of fight.

"Hey! Watch your tone new girl. You know how they always say it goes back to the original? Here's the original." Gale said pointing at Sidney. "I want your help. Because you're wrong, this is your life now. Which means that whoever this is is gonna keep coming for you." Sidney explained.

"So?" Sam asked wanting to leave, "So I want you to help us kill him." Sidney added. "Count me in." I said and they turned towards me not realizing I stood right there.

"You want me to help you and the host of a morning show commit murder?" Sam asked in disbelief, "Correct." Gale said, "Yeah." Sidney agreed. "And i'm what in this scenario, the bait? The helpless victim?" Sam asked, "If the shoe fits." Gale mumbled.

"You're not helpless Sam. He killed your friend, he killed ours. And I have kids, which means I won't sleep until he's in the ground." Sidney said trying to convince the girl. "Look, i'm sorry about what this has done to your lives. But no matter what you or the killer or what anyone says, this isn't my story." Sam said and Richie showed up in the car with Tara honking the horn.

"All right! Let's get the fuck out of town!" Richie exclaimed, "Sorry. That's my boyfriend, Richie." Sam said. "Nice to meet you, we met before." Richie said awkwardly. "Sam please get in the car so we never have to see these ever people again." Richie said and Sam got into the car.

"Sam!" Sidney called out, "No, we're leaving. That's the only way I can protect Tara, i'm sorry Zoey." Sam said closing the door. "Okay good luck." Sidney said.

"You too." Sam replied, and the car drove off. I stared at the car watching it leave the hospital. I was never going to see Tara again.

"Well that went fucking horribly." Gale said, "Don't worry, I have a plan. She seems really tough." Sidney added. "Honestly Sid, who gives a shit? You said it yourself, he's gonna go after her." Gale said annoyed.

I walked away from the two when I heard my phone ringing, "Hey Chad." I said when I answered, "Hey Zo. We're having a memorial party for Wes, it's starting soon. I assumed that you would wanna come. It's at Ambers house." Chad explained, "Yeah i'll be there soon. Bye I love you." I said , "I love you too." he said hanging the phone up.

"Guys!" I said walking back to the two, "I'm gonna take a cab to Ambers house." I said to the two. "Amber? Why?" Gale asked confused not knowing why or who the girl was. "She's somewhat one of my friends, my brother just called me and told me that they're having a memorial party thing." I explained.

"You can't go to a party in the middle of a killing spree!" Gale said, "I don't think its an actual party. I think it'll just be me and a couple of Wes' close friends." I said to the two and they gave each other a look of doubt.

"I'm gonna call a cab since I don't have my car, stay safe." I said to them, "Okay, you too Zoey." Sidney said and Gale waved me goodbye not liking the idea.

I called a cab and about 15 minutes later I was arriving at Ambers house. This did not look like a small gathering, well shit.


Hey guys! So I kinda had to change the end a little so Zoey could be there when they find out Ambers the killer. I think it's so sad Zoeys reaction to Dewey being dead. But it's so cute how Zoey immediately clicked with Gale and Sidney. Get ready for a lot of gore in the best couple chapters! Almost done! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

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