Just One Chance

By dreamerlass

63.6K 4.2K 2.3K

MS Dhoni saves a young girl's life, while on official army business. The girl has suffered a lot because of t... More

Background of the Story
The Unjust Society
Her Saviour
Meeting her Idol
Meeting the Crazy Rabbit
Her First Success
CSK's New Cheerleader
First Milestones
Overcoming Challenges
A Special Request
Training with the Boys
A Special Player Indeed
Making Waves
Maiden India Call-Up
First International Tour
India Debut
Lockdown Diaries
Dark Clouds and Silver Linings
Working Harder
A New Dawn
Yeh Toh Bas Shuruat Hai
Stars on the Rise
New Beginnings
A Special Farewell
Scripting HerStory
Personal Milestones
Starting Her New Life
New Roles, Same People
Going Public
Rising through the Ranks
Moving Forward
The Conquest Continues
Prank or Disaster
New Experiences
The Planned Addition
Caring for Loved Ones
Her First Real Birthday
Reckless Kids
New Obstacles (Future TS Part 1)
Fighting Back (Future TS Part 2)
Comeback (Future TS Part 3)
Overprotective Brother
Never Prank the Kid

Welcome to Ranchi

1.9K 137 54
By dreamerlass

Hey guys 👋🏻

Thank you for choosing to read this story

So I've decided to update this story every week from now on, but only if I get a good response from the readers.

If there is any issue because of which I am unable to post, then I will make an announcement regarding the same on my profile.

Please vote for the chapter and let me know your thoughts in the in-line comments.

The above song is 'Asmaan Di Pari' from the movie 'Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl'

If you like this story then please vote, comment and share with your friends


12 years since the final of the 2011 World Cup 🥳

Hopefully the Cup will come back to India again this year 🤞🏻


Siya is now about to start a new and happier chapter of her life.

Wonder what her life will be like as a 'Dhoni'?


Sakshi was enjoying her alone time before her husband came back from his trip, when her phone alerted her of a message.

She was quite surprised to see a message from her normally phone allergic husband and opens to see that he had just boarded his flight and was on his way home.

What confused her was the little part at the end of his message that said that he needed to talk to her about some very important matter.

Sakshi immediately started to think about what all had happened in the past few days, which could be something her husband would want to talk about.

When she couldn't come up with an answer, she concluded that something must have happened on his trip, which he probably felt was important enough for her to know as well.


The moment Mahi and Siya's flight landed in Ranchi, Mahi turns to his little sister and says, "Welcome to Ranchi Siyu"

Siya looks at her brother with a confused look on her face and asks, "Siyu?"

Mahi replies, "As your older brother, I have the right to give you a nickname na? I'm still trying to figure out which one suits you the most. Don't worry I'll give you a good nickname that only I will use for you."

Siya simply smiles and shakes her head at her brother's response, before looking back outside to take in the sights of her new home.

MS is instructed by the flight attendant to leave before the other passengers to avoid being surrounded by a crowd.

Siya looks around in wonder as she walks inside the airport with her brother, while Mahi holds her with one arm so as to not lose her anywhere.

The bodyguards get their luggage for them, before meeting them near the gate and leading them to their car.

Mahi first gets helps his sister inside the car, before walking over to the other side and getting into the car himself.

Siya grabs her brother's hand once he sits next to her, feeling nervous about meeting her Bhabhi.

Mahi understands what was going on in his sister's mind and squeezes her hand to reassure her that everything would be okay.

Siya instantly calms down a bit, knowing that she will have her brother right beside her no matter what.

The driver drove them all the way to the Dhoni Farmhouse, where Sakshi was waiting for them.


Sakshi was impatiently waiting for her husband to arrive because trying to understand his cryptic message from a few hours ago had started to drive her crazy.

Just then she hears a car arrive at the door and ran to see her husband.

She sighed in relief upon seeing that her husband had arrived because now she will finally get an explanation.

Mahi comes out of the car and immediately goes to the other side to open the door confusing his wife.

Sakshi was pretty sure that no one would arrive unannounced to their place because all her Devars were busy with the Asia Cup preparation, while her older brothers were actually planning to visit them in a few days to surprise their Mahi.

Dada (Sourav Ganguly), Sachin Paaji (Sachin Tendulkar) and Jammy Bhai (Rahul Dravid) had coordinated with her and made the entire plan.

For a moment, Sakshi thought that maybe Dada had decided to come early because he missed his Mahiya too much, but then dropped the idea after she remembered how Dada had been sternly warned by Jammy Bhai to not deviate from their plan.

Just then Mahi comes in front of her with a young girl beside him and gives his wife a look saying that he will explain later.

Sakshi smiles at the young girl to make her feel welcome because she looked extremely nervous.

Mahi decides to make the introductions and says, "Siyu, meet your Sakshi Bhabhi. And Sakshi, this is Siya."

Sakshi comes forward and hugs Siya, who goes stiff at first before relaxing in her Bhabhi's loving and comforting embrace.

Mahi smiled upon seeing how well his wife was handling his little sister, despite knowing nothing about her.

He knew that once his wife would know everything he knew about Siya, she would become just as protective of Siya, as he already was.

Sakshi took Siya to a guest room and helped her get comfortable before getting her some of her clothes to wear after freshening up.


Sakshi goes looking for her husband, who was sitting on the sofa looking a little lost in his own thoughts, so she sits on the armrest next to him.

She decides to bring him back to reality by poking him and asks, "Penny for your thoughts?"

Mahi doesn't look at his wife and replies, "I know you have a lot of questions about Siya. I'll tell you everything, but please don't interrupt me in the middle."

Sakshi nods, so her husband starts telling her about all the events of how he found Siya and saved her from the crazy villagers.

He explains how he couldn't think of a better way to protect Siya from the people who were hellbent on killing her with stones, just to set an example for others.

Sakshi's eyes start tearing up when she listens to everything that Siya had to go through from her childhood up until the moment her husband had found her.

Mahi gets emotional as he says, "I'm sorry that I didn't talk to you before taking such a big decision, but I just couldn't leave her there. When I saw her for the first time, I just felt this strong urge to protect her no matter what, so I just went with my gut."

Sakshi replies, "Relax Mahi. Even if you had asked me, I probably would have told you to do exactly what you did. There's only one more thing we need to do because she's a minor and that is to become her legal guardians, so that no one can take her away from us."

Mahi takes a breath to calm himself and says, "I'll get that done tomorrow itself. I'm not taking any risks in Siya's matter. She deserves the world and I'm going to do my best to give her that."

Sakshi chuckles and jokingly replies, "You know this is exactly how I pictured you as a father. The one who will always pamper his kids, especially if we end up having a daughter."

Mahi couldn't help but chuckle along with his wife and says, "Well I guess now we know that I'm actually ready to be a father. Just need to find a way to be home more often, so that I can actually spend some time with my kid."

Sakshi replies, "I'm sure you'll figure something out and then we'll plan our baby accordingly."

Just then Siya enters the room and sits next to her brother, wearing one of Sakshi's frocks which ended near her knees, making her look extremely cute.

Sakshi smiles and says, "Aww, Siyu Bachha (Child), you look like a cute little doll."

Mahi chuckles, pulling his sister's cheek lightly and adds, "You know what I just found the perfect nickname for you. I'm going to call you Gudiya (Doll) from now."

Sakshi teasingly says, "At least ask Gudiya if she likes the name or not."

Siya immediately replies, "Bhabhi, only Bhaiya can call me Gudiya. It's his special nickname for me."

Mahi smiles widely before pulling his sister in for a hug and looks at his wife with a smirk.

Sakshi rolls her eyes at her husband's antics, before she pretends to be sad and says, "Siyu, you toh only love your Bhaiya."

Siya gets worried about hurting her Bhabhi's feelings and immediately replies, "No, Bhabhi I love you also. It's just that Bhaiya said that he was going to give me a special nickname that only he can call me with, so I said that."

Mahi says, "Gudiya relax. Your Bhabhi is just teasing you."

Siya looks confused, before she sees the teasing smile on her Bhabhi's face and huffs in annoyance turning in the other direction.

Sakshi moves to Siya's line of sight, holding her ears cutely and says, "Sorry Siyu. I promise I won't tease you like this again."

Siya tries to hide her smile, but her brother sees it and decides to tickle her.

Sakshi also joins her husband and Siya can't stop laughing because of the tickle attack from both her Bhaiya and Bhabhi.

Mahi sees the smile on his sister's face and silently makes a promise to himself to always protect that smile.


After the tickle fight is over, Sakshi takes the brother-sister duo to the table and the three of them sit down for their first lunch together as a family.

Mahi introduces his sister to his video games and unfortunately for Sakshi, even Siya starts enjoying them.

The next day Mahi takes his sister out on a tour of his farmhouse, before getting all the paperwork done for becoming Siya's legal guardian with his wife.

Sakshi then announces that she will be taking Siya for shopping because the girl needed her own clothes.

Mahi stayed with the girls at all times like a dutiful husband and brother, before taking them out to his favourite restaurant for lunch.

They all make some small talk while eating where Siya reveals that her birthday falls on the 7th of July, surprisingly the same date as her brother.

Sakshi starts noticing that there were a lot of similarities between her husband and his little sister, in terms of their behaviour and preferences.

She was almost convinced that they both must have been siblings in their previous life.

Sakshi just prayed that Siya didn't share the same love (or obsession according to her) for bikes like her husband because one crazy maniac in her life was more than enough.

(I think we all have a good idea about how much he loves his bikes)


The next morning Mahi and Siya were busy playing with their dogs in the backyard when Sakshi heard the doorbell ring.

She immediately went to the door, knowing that it was probably their older brothers who wanted to surprise her husband.

As expected, it was Dada, Sachin Paaji and Jammy Bhai with their wives and a few bags because they had planned to watch the first Asia Cup match with their younger brother.

Sakshi directed the men to the backyard telling them that Mahi was there with their dogs, while she also wondered what their reaction would be to see Siya.

She told her Bhabhis all about how Mahi had saved the life of a little girl and that they were now her legal guardians as well.

Her Bhabhis all applauded Mahi's actions, before deciding to leave their husbands to deal with the surprise themselves.

They all chuckled when they heard Dona jokingly say, "Sourav convinced these boys to come here and surprise his Mahiya, but now they are going to get a nice surprise."

Anjali adds, "Sachin did tell me once that it is very difficult to pull a successful prank on Mahi because he is always one step ahead of the pranksters, so he easily pranks them back before they can even complete their plan."

Vijeta comments, "Well according to Rahul, that boy has a thinking brain which almost never stops."

Sakshi replies, "Yuvi is the one trying to pull the pranks most of the time, but he forgets that Mahi knows him too well. In fact, all the pranking attempts are so predictable that Mahi always figures it out, even before their plan is complete."

Dona looks horrified and asks, "Don't tell me that the boys still have those stupid prank wars?"

Sakshi replies, "Well they do, but they keep Mahi out of it most of the time. According to them, Mahi has an unfair advantage over everyone, so he isn't allowed to participate to make things even for the rest of them."

Anjali asks, "When will these boys learn to act their age?"

Vijeta jokingly replies, "Probably never"

The ladies all chuckle and get to work in the kitchen, while waiting for their husbands to come back inside.


Dada, Sachin Paaji and Jammy Bhai were all walking towards the backyard when they heard a girl's voice along with Mahi's calling out to the dogs running around.

They cautiously look out to see their Mahi laughing around with a young girl, who they had never seen before.

The protective brother instincts told them to keep the unknown girl away from their little brother, but the logical side of their brain pointed it out to them that Mahi definitely knew the girl, based on how at ease he seemed to be around with her.

They decided to surprise their little brother and simultaneously try to find out about the unknown girl, who looked like someone important to their Mahi.

The dogs start barking happily upon seeing Dada, which causes Mahi to turn around and to his surprise his three elder brothers were right in front of them.

He is excited to meet his brothers after a long time, so he runs up to them and hugs them one by one, when Dada ruffles his hair making him groan in annoyance.

Sachin Paaji then asks, "So Mahi, who is this with you?"

Just then Mahi remembers about his sister and turns back to her, only to find her looking extremely nervous.

He walks up to her and says, "Gudiya, just relax okay. Remember when I told you about my older brothers?"

Siya nods remembering the conversation on the plane, so Mahi continues, "So this is them."

He then introduces her to all his brothers individually and introduces Siya to them as his little sister, before he tells her to play with the dogs for some time.

Once Siya is out of earshot, Mahi turns back to his brothers and immediately says, "I know that you all probably have questions to let me explain what all happened first."

Mahi then proceeds to tell his brothers about the events of the past few days, earning himself a few pats on the back, as his brothers all approve of his decision.

They all play with the dogs for some more time before going inside to have lunch with their wives.

Mahi earns some appreciation from his Bhabhis as well, after he introduces them to his sister.

Siya takes some time, but she manages to form a good bond with everyone, forgetting the fact that she was actually around some big names of Indian Cricket.

She keeps her excitement under control to avoid talking about her interest in cricket because she still wasn't sure about the reaction she would get from her new family.


How long do you think Siya will be able to hide her interest in cricket?

Let me know what you guys think ✍🏻

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