Written in the stars (Harry P...

By NyaPotter23

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What would happen if Lily's sacrifice was still made but she wasn't killed as well as James. And what if a wa... More

A/n and info
Year 1
Part 1 - The Train Ride
Part 2 - The Sorting Ceremony
Part 3 - The First Day
Part 4 - Troll Trama
Part 5 - Quidditch
Part 6 - New discoveries
Part 7 - Home for the Holidays
Part 8 - Detention
Part 9 - Dogs and Vines
Part 10 - Keys and Chess
Part 11 - Two faced
Part 12 - Home is where the Heart is
Year 2
Part 13 - The summer of regrets
Part 14 - Harry's new attitude


676 12 49
By NyaPotter23

"Hey stop that. Leave her alone."

3rd person:

October 31st, 1981

9:00pm at night

Lily and James finally got baby Harry to sleep. Harry had refused to go to sleep without both parents being present in the same room. Lily ended up singing a lullaby to get Harry to sleep. It worked a little to well that it made James fall asleep. Lily carried Harry over to his crib and placed him in carefully. She held her breath the entire time thinking that her breathing to close to him would wake him up. After placing him down and standing back up straight, Lily let out a sigh of relief that Harry remained asleep. She walked over to James and ruthlessly shook him awake. Jame sat up straight and saw Harry asleep in the crib.

"Finally us time. Took us a while but we got him asleep."Said James as he wrapped his arms around his lily's waist.

"We? You mean me I sang to him all you did was fall asleep." Lily said as she looked up at James wrapping her arms around his neck. They stood there a while when finally they leaned in and kissed. Only to be stopped due to a loud bang from downstairs.

"Take Harry and go to Rachel and Sirius or Remus. I'm going to check that was who I think it is. I can buy you time to get safe but I don't know if I'll make it. So if not remember that I love you and always will." James said protectively leaving Lily and Harry in Harry's room who was now wide awake from the explosion.

When James got to the bottom of the stairs gripping his wand tightly he came face to face with Voldemort. Spells started flying around the room in an instant. In the process the sofas were blown into shreds, the fridge is now in the living upside down, and all windows are smashed.

"Move out the way Potter I am not here for you. I am actually quite fond of you." Voldemort said with an angry expression across his face.

"Never! I'll never stop fighting for the ones I love." James said and with a flick of his wand Voldemort sent James flying across the room knocking him out. Now the coffee table is broken into two, their are a few holes in the wall.

As Voldemort ascended the stairs faint sound off crying and shushing could be heard.

Lily was trying to get Harry to clam down and stop crying so they could sneak out but before she could get him to stop the door flew open with a blinding flash off green.

Voldemort was now standing in front of Lily who was on her knees begging him to kill her instead of Harry. Some stuff had already fallen off the shelves.

"Move aside. I am going to give you a fate worse than death mud blood. You will have to live knowing your son was killed in the same room you were in and you were helpless to do anything."

But Lily didn't move an inch she didn't even blink an eye and just like James, Lily was thrown aside crashing into a mirror causing the mirror to smash everywhere and leave cuts and bruises on her. Blood had been spilled across the floor. Not enough for her to die of blood loss yet.

Voldemort aimed his wand directly at Harry and recited the incantation for the killing curse but the spell had deflected off harry and hit Voldemort. Leaving nothing but Harry crying in his crib and Lily knocked out on the floor losing more and more blood.

20 minutes later, Sirius, Remus and Rachel who was carrying a baby Yn turned up at the extremely quiet and dark house which was weird with the Potter family. In fact their was nothing weirder. They all approached the demolished door pre-cautiously to see a derelict living room. Remus quickly rushes over to James's limp body to check his pulse and determine whether he was alive or not while Sirius is stood there frozen in shock and Rachel rushes up the stairs with Yn to check on her best friend and Godson.

"He's alive. It's okay. He's only knocked out. He will recover." Said Remus walking over to Sirius who has just snapped back into reality. Sirius looks around the place thinking this was all his fault and that this could have been avoided.

Upstairs Rachel approached Harry's room which was wide open with caution in case Voldemort was still here and she was aghast to see the destruction in Harry's room. The door was destroyed into pieces, glass was shattered all over the floor, Harry was crying and Lily's body was limp on the floor with blood spilled on the floor. Rachel quickly placed Yn next to Harry in the Crib and Harry instantly stopped crying and started to play with Yn. Rachel ran over to Lily panicking to check her pulse to make sure her best friend was still alive and luckily she was still alive but knocked out just like James. She quickly cleaned and bandaged the wound so she wouldn't lose any more blood.

"Watch over Rachel and Yn. I'll be back as soon as I can." And with that Sirius ran out the door into the dead of knight. Remus was stood there shocked, concerned and confused on what Sirius meant and why he left.

Rachel grabbed Harry and Yn from the crib where they were happily playing together and took them down stairs to Remus and Sirius. " Lily is still alive but knocked out at the moment and she lost a lot of blood so that's a big problem so we need to keep an eye on her. Where's Sirius?" Rachel said looking around for the man she secretly cared for. Remus looked down with a miserable expression not daring to look into her eyes knowing that she would be upset and angry.

They stood in silence for a few minutes.

"He left. I am so sorry. I should have stopped him but he told me to watch over you and Yn and that he'll be back as soon as he can." Remus said with a crack in his voice knowing that she wouldn't take this well. Tears started to well in her eyes but she was going to let this guy who didn't stay with her or even let her know where he was going or even that he was going get the better of her.

"I'll stay here with these two you get James and Lily to their bed so they out of the way and so it makes it easier to watch over them. Once that's done, we can then clean and fix this mess around the house." Rachel said as she sat down on the sofa trying to get Harry and Yn ,who would rather play with each other, to sleep. Remus look at her with a miserable expression knowing what she was doing was unhealthy and wrong but then did as she said without a second thought.

Soon enough, Harry and Yn fell asleep cuddling each other. They were practically clinging to each other. After lying Harry and Yn in Harry's bed she started to clean the mess in his room quietly so they didn't wake up.

After 2 hours and 46 minutes of hard work and repairing furniture and scrubbing at the floor to get the blood stain out the house looked as though it was untouched. Remus left to inform the Order what had happened at the Potter's and Rachel was left to watch two sleeping babies and two knocked out adults. Not long after Remus left Lily and James woke up a few minutes apart in their beds panicking and instantly ran to Harry's room to find Harry and Yn asleep. They looked at each other and finally noticed the extra baby in the crib and then walked down stairs more calmed that their son was okay and found Rachel in the kitchen grabbing her nightly cup of tea with confused looks on their faces on what happened and why she was the only one here.

"What happened?"asked Lily being more calm than when she woke up. Then Rachel explained everything to them about how they were found and Sirius running off and then finally the clean up. They all spent the night taking turns on watching over the babies while the others slept because Lily and James were terrified to leave Harry alone.

November 4th, 1981

The news had finally reached Rachel that Sirius was being sent to Azkaban for the murder of Peter Pettigrew and giving Voldemort the Potter's location. This had hurt Rachel a lot but she knew she had to put up a front for her daughters sake. One thing was made sure that day and that was that she wanted nothing to do with Sirius and that Yn would grow up not knowing who he was because Rachel was going to keep that part a secret from her as long as possible.

March 23rd, 1983

"Rach are you sure you want to do this you and Sirius-" Lily was cut off by Rachel standing up abruptly and turning around.

"WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT NAME. I NEVER WANT TO HEAR IT AGAIN." Rachel said with an angry expression spread across her face. "I am sorry Lily it's just he left me without a warning and just hearing his name being mentioned hurts you know? And to answer your question yes I am positive this is what I want to do. Amos is kind and sweet and I love him." Said Rachel as her tone changed from anger to a hint of sadness in her voice.

"Okay I won't mention 'him' anymore. Now let's get you ready for your wedding." And they both got ready because Lily was obviously the maid of honour and Rachel was the bride and they had to look perfect for her amazing day.

3 years old Harry and Yn were with James waiting for both Lily and Rachel to walk down the aisle Harry had been doing something secretly for a while. And it turned out he mad a flower ring and put it on Yn's finger and they pretended to get married which James thought was so adorable. That's when James realised that they could become more than friends. That was the moment he began to ship Yn and Harry.

And there she was. Rachel. Walking down the aisle gracefully and elegantly in her beautifully dressed. She wore a very flattering smile as she approached Amos Diggory. Harry and Yn were now sat far from still in there seats next to Cedric and James who were trying to keep them still as Rachel and Amos exchanged vows.

Rachel and Amos were finally married and while they went on their honeymoon to Hawaii Yn and Cedric were staying with Lily, James and Harry so they would be with someone for the 2 weeks who can be trusted.

May 6th, 1983

Rachel and Yn moved in with Amos and Cedric about a month ago more or less but it quickly felt as though they have always lived together and that they were a real family and to Yn they were because she was to young to remember the wedding. Cedric and Yn got into little petty sibling arguments about anything and everything like who would get the last cupcake and this is like all the time and seeing as Cedric was bigger he got it first because he could reach. But Yn would always instantly be cheer up by the presence of one Harry James Potter. Harry came round once a week to play and Yn would always go at least say hi to the new baby. She was called Emma and she's only 5 weeks old but one thing was definitely she had the biggest brown eyes. James had told Lily and Rachel what happened at the wedding and how he ships Yn and Harry and they both agreed. From that day onwards Rachel, Lily and James were already planning Yn's and Harry's future together like their wedding while keeping an eye on Emma and making sure that no one heard their conversation. You could say they were Yn and Harry's number one shipper. Amos on the other hand spent his time teaching Cedric quidditch early so that when he gets to Hogwarts he can try out as Cedric requested and was teaching Yn how to get on a broom.

June 12th, 1985

They have all lived together now for over two years and it was like they had the perfect family. It was almost a dream. Cedric was now instead of arguing with Yn, he was now protecting her from any boy that dares to even look at her. The only boy that was allowed near her was Harry because Cedric trusts him. Amos was trying to teach Yn how to fly a broom after 2 years but she couldn't get used to flying because Yn asked and said she wanted to play quidditch at Hogwarts when she gets to Hogwarts and Amos fully support her.

One day, Harry came round for their weekly play date. They had spent the last four hours playing together upstairs while the adults drake tea or coffee and laughed and caught up on what's been happening while keeping an eye on 2 year old Emma. Lily and James told Harry it's time to go because they were having stew for dinner and it was 5 in the afternoon and was almost finished cooking. They said to Harry to tell Yn bye and that he'll see her next week. And he did but he also did something that no one was expecting in a million years. He gave Yn a little kiss on the cheek. All the adults were shocked and James was jumping up and down going berserk. Harry and Yn smiled giddily at each other as if nothing ever happened and everything was normal. They all said bye and hugged and the Potter's left.

February 19th, 1988

Rachel has just dropped Yn and Cedric off at a muggle school. Yn sat in the playground waiting to go in when Harry walks over.

"What are you doing? Shouldn't you be socialising over there and not sitting alone in a corner hiding from everyone." Harry said trying to cheer her up but Yn just sat their quietly. "Okay then scooch over and let me sit down. If your going to be alone then we'll be alone together." Yn gave a little giggle. "Ahhh there's my favourite smile in the entire world."

The bell rang which means it's time for them to go inside. They went inside and sat in their seating arrangements the only problem was Harry and Yn were on opposite sides of the classroom which meant that they would only be able to talk at break and lunch.

At break time, Harry rushed over to Yn and tackled her into a bear hug. And they spent break time talking and eating their snack. But the bell went off to signify the end of break which means that they would have to wait two hours to be able to talk to each other.

At lunch Harry could find Yn in the playground so he looked for her but found her crying under a tree a some boys steal her bag and start emptying it everywhere and taking the food from her lunch box and they were either eating it or throwing it on the ground and stomping on it. Harry felt rage fill him up because he knew one of the boys was his cousin Dudley. Harry marched over to them.

"Hey stop that. Leave her alone." Yelled Harry catching the eyes of a few people in the playground not far from them. People were watching in anticipation for what would happen to him if he continued talking to them like that.

"And what are you going to do about it." One of the boys said stomping on her Nutella sandwich. "Who even are you? Are her boyfriend?"

"No. I am her best friend." Harry said throwing a punch at one of the boys. But somehow one punch with the schools biggest and meanest bullies gets you in a whole fight with four guys like twice the size of you.

In the end Harry won the fight. He grabbed all of Yn's stuff and grabbed her hand dragging her away to a more private area. He kept checking to see if Yn was hurt at all when he was the one covered in bruises and had blood dripping from his mouth and nose. They spent the rest of lunch, separated from everybody else, just enjoying each other's company.

Today was Lily pick up so Yn and Harry were being picked up by Lily today because Rachel was busy with work and so was Amos and James. Cedric was staying over at a friends house because it's Friday. Lily took one look at Harry and ran over panicked, hoping that he was ok.

"What happened to you?" Lily asked scanning Harry's face.

"I got in a fight today because a group of boys were bullying Yn and no one bully's Yn." Harry said beaming proudly at Lily but saying the last 5 words angrily. Lily shook her head walking to two kids to the car.

"Your just like your farther you are." Lily muttered without anyone hearing. They hopped in the car and drove to the Potter house.

May 5th, 1991

It was Yn's 11th birthday so today she should be receiving her Hogwarts letter on weather she got into Hogwarts. Yn was sound asleep in her bed when her family burst through her bedroom door yelling " HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!"

Yn groaned rolling over to go back to sleep. But Yn's family had other plans. They had to literally dragged Yn out of bed with the duvet still with her and down the stairs which really hurt, just to open up her presents. After opening all the presents and disposing of all the wrapping paper Yn noticed a letter still on the table and it was the letter she was hoping to get, her confirmation on wether she was going to Hogwarts or not. And ..... she's...... GOING!!!! Yn jumped up and down in her seat.

That day Harry, Lily and James came over and gave their presents and Yn told them she was going to Hogwarts and they were all excited for her. And Harry was now more than wishing to get his acceptance letter now knowing Yn was going to be there.

(5th May is my actual birthday)

August 26th, 1991

Yn had recently received her equipment list for her first year Amos and Cedric went off to get both lots of books while Yn and Rachel went to go get her first wand.

As they entered the store they came face to face with a man who Yn thought had lost his mind. He started to talk about how the wand chooses the witch. Everything wand Yn tried either blew something up or made something fly across the room. No wand in the whole shop would choose Yn which was strange because at least one wand would choose and no other wand would work for her because they are made for different regions.
"This is strange indeed apparently no wand chooses you but you definitely have magical abilities like me and your mum just slightly different" Mr Olivander said with a curious expression. Yn looked at her mum in panic.

"Wait so I am going to a magical school without a wand to do magic!" Yn said as her breath became more heavy.

"You can do magic but it's different to everyone else"Mr Olivander said in hopes it would calm her down and it did. But seeing as Yn wouldn't have a wand there was no longer a reason to be there so they left and Yn is now a wand less witch.

Yn had her books and an owl called Y/O/N now she was about ready for school they had everything else at home now all she had to do was pack.

August 29th, 1991

It's confirmed Harry and Yn were both going to Hogwarts and they were both excited. On the 7th of September they would be going on the train to Hogwarts to learn magic but Yn didn't even know if she would be able to do magic. But only Yn, Rachel and Hogwarts staff know about Yn not having a wand. Harry on the other hand was literally so excited to go, that he re-checked the list eight times. All he wanted was to go learn magic and for Yn to be by his side.


Any-gays that's the Prologue. What did you all think? Be honest.
I have so many plans for this book
Feel free to suggest ideas and don't forget I need a name to call you lot. I was thinking my little nifflers or my little horn tails you suggest a name or vote on the ones I thought of. Either or. I would love to hear some name suggestions from you guys.

Trust me 3rd year will be way better than the first two years but for context I have to sadly do first and second year. I know boring but trust me. And if you don't like it feel free to stop reading. I am writing this for me.


Word count: 3625 words

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