Young justice x Sasuke Uchiha

By kxd106

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This story is based around Sasuke Uchiha in the young justice world. The Uchiha clan was the most powerful fa... More

Sasuke Uchiha origin
Sasuke meets Superman
What Now?
4 years later
Itachi Uchiha Of The Sharingan
Twin terror
Alpha Male
Injustice League
Double Date??
The Genjutsu Master pt 1
The Genjutsu Master pt 2
The Unknown Partner
Usual Suspects
Auld Acquaintance
The Ghost of the Uchiha pt 1
Battle of Brothers pt 2
Let's end this pt 3
Final Valley
Young Justice X Sasuke // Q&A
Happy New Year
World War 3 pt 1
Madara vs Hero Alliance
Itachi vs Sasuke Uchiha
It's all over
Salvage/The Truth

Sasuke meets Zatanna

1.1K 20 7
By kxd106

In the cave

Robin: Come on Sasuke, your telling me there's absolutely nobody.

Sasuke: That's exactly what I'm saying. I'm not in a relationship with anyone, and that's fine by me. Having too many ties in this world will only lead you astray.

Robin: Oh yeah, we'll see

Robin leave the training room and walks into the main room joining the rest of the team. But Sasuke stays behind to continue training

Black Canary: Good work, everyone. In fact its been a very productive week.

Artemis: Yeah, for everyone except Kid Malingerer

Kid flash: Hey, arm broken in combat against the Injustice League here.

Black Canary: Heh, I've really enjoyed being your, uh, den mother this week.

Canary says as the Zeta teleporter activates, and Zatara steps out

Computer: Recognised, Zatara 1. Access granted, Zatanna Zatara A. Zero, three. Authorization, Zatara one one.

Another zeta beam opens and another person exist the tunnel.

Zatara: Zatanna, this is the team. Team, my daughter, Zatanna

Zatanna is a young girl, with a beautiful model face with long smooth black hair, piercing blue eyes and wearing a school uniform outfit.

M'gann goes to introduce herself first.

M'gann: Hi, I'm.... (She gets cut off)

Robin: Robin! Ahem, i mean I'm robin, heh. She's M'gann, uh and thats Wally, Artemis, Kaldur and Conner and -- Where's..?

Sasuke walks into the room exhausted but pretending to look as if he wasn't. He had his hands in his pocked and his normal outfit on.

Sasuke: Robin, i beat your score in the training room, and tell batman he needs to increase the difficulty its easier than ...

Sasuke finally opened his eyes and Saw Zatanna standing there with the rest of the team

Robin looks at Sasuke and remembers their previous conversation they just had in the training room. So Robin decides to be his "Wingman" and help Sasuke

Robin: And this is "The Sasuke Uchiha" He's probably the strongest member on the team.

Superboy(thoughts): Speak for yourself.

Zatanna looks at Sasuke in the eye fixated on his face and how handsome he is, she slowly starts blushing. The whole team notice especially Robin, he stands in the background smiling

Zatanna: Hi, it's nice to meet

Sasuke: Right, are you joining the team then?

Zatara: Let's not get ahead of ourselves, this is simply a visit. Though I am sorry we missed the training. It's something from which Zatanna could benefit.

The team began to communicate telepathically.

M'gann; "Do you get the impression...we're still on probation with Zatara?"

Superboy: Not just Zatara. Why's Marvel still hanging around?

Kid flash: "Because we like having him around."

Sasuke(Sigh): You like having him around cause he's at your beck and call.

Kid flash(smiles): Yeah, but I'm sure you wouldn't mind having miss Zatanna around Sasuke

Sasuke: W-What.... Uh, I have no idea what your talking about

Superboy: Haha, yeah we're sure

Kaldur: It is also makes one nostalgic for red tornado's tenure as our supervisor

Robin lets a sarcastic half chuckle through the link

Robin: At least he trusted us

Superboy: If you ignore the fact we shouldn't have trusted him

Conner snarls, seeming to forget that while he cant be heard his very obvious hand gestures can be seen, something which catches Zatanna attention

Superboy: He was the traitor, that android nearly got M- all of us Killed!

Zatanna: Are you guys having a psychic conversation? cause I cant decide if that's cool, or uh, really rude.

This grabs Black Canary and Zatara attention, Conner feel the adult expectant looks but doesn't even look at the two of them before speaking.

Superboy: Alright, fine. We were talking about Tornado. It's been weeks since his attack and the League hasn't told us anything.

Black canary: The league is searching for tornado as well as the other androids that invaded the cave and their creator, T.O. Morrow. Batman's made tracking them down our highest priority.

Robin: But you've found none of the above

Black Canary: Not yet, but Tornado is Justice League. The team is not to pursue this.

Zatara: Why don't you all take Zatanna on a, uh... He trails off not being able to see her. A tour of the cave?

Everyone looks for Zatanna and then turn there heads towards Wold as he snuffles in his sleep. While Zatanna leans into his side and starts petting him.

Superboy: We can't just forget about Tornado

Sasuke(Sigh): Conner, Leave it, let's all go.

The Team and Zatanna walk into the living/kitchen area of the Mountain not a word is being shared between them.

Sasuke walks in front of everyone else towards the bio ship, with his hands in his pockets, not paying attention to the rest of the team, but they continue to follow him.

Zatanna jogs up to Sasuke side surprising him. He looks at her outfit and noticed that she's out of her school uniform and into casual clothing

Sasuke: Huh, When did you.... How did you?

Zatanna(smiles): Were not really taking a tour, are we?

The Team stops and Conner turns towards her

Conner: No were not, were hunting down that robot, that's why you wanted us to leave so quickly right Sasuke?

Sasuke: Right

Zatanna: Oo, wow. Out loud and everything. Zatanna muses.

Artemis; What about New girl?

Artemis asks Sasuke.

Sasuke then looks towards Zatanna, making her become a little shy and embarrassed.

Sasuke: I doubt she'll say anything, but you can stay here if you want

Zatanna(smiles): I can't tell. Not if you kidnap me.

Artemis(smirks): Oh, she's going to fit in great

The Camouflaged Bioship flies over the heavily wooded area outside Mount justice. Where Captain Marvel stands holding a tree log and Wold is eating nachos. The Bioship continues to get away from the Mountain, when suddenly a beep goes through the ship and Dinah's(black canary) voices comes through the comm set

Dinah: M'gann, the bioship wasn't authorized for departure

M'gann: Were kidnapping Zatanna! M'gann says brightly then she realizes. To uh, show her Happy Harbor. Be back soon

Canary: Uh, Roger that. Have fun

She ends the call

Zatara: I did not authorize permission to-

Canary: There good kids, Giovanni, trustworthy kids. Don't worry

Zatara watches her walk away with an unconvinced look and Dinah looks concerned that she could be wrong


Robin: Where are we going? Batman is the world's greatest detective. He's searched for Tornado and Morrow in every logical place. If were gonna do better we need an illogical solution. A-a truly dumb idea

He glanced over his shoulder and saw kid flash, then the whole team and even Zatanna tunred to face the speedster.

Kid flash: As a matter of fact

Belle Reve,18:35 CDT

The team are in an interrogation room with none other than professor Ivo

Miss Martian: Warden Strange owed us a favour for sopping last month's prison break. He's given us five minutes with you.

Superboy: Spill Ivo. How do we find T.O. Morrow and his Red's?

Ivo: Now, why in the world would I know how to find Morrow?

KF: Because, and here's a truly dumb idea, you're Morrow's biggest competitor in the evil android game

Zatanna watches from the back of the group since she is the only one still in civilian clothes

KF: Who better to keep track of what he's up to, and where?

Ivo: Ahh, I see your point. So let me rephrase, why in the world would I tell you how to find Morrow?

Aqualad: He knows. Aqualad turns to Miss Martian. Do what you must

M'gann eyes snap open with a green glowing colour around in them..

Ivo: Oh please like I've never faced a telepath before. (He chuckles)

Sasuke: Fine, I'll use my Sharingan to get the information out of him. Sasuke says while walking towards Ivo. But before he does..

Zatanna walks over to Sasuke side and suddenly starts chanting.

Zatanna: "Trulb tuo S'worrom eurt noitacol !"

Ivo: Morrow's in a secret underground base beneath Yellowstone National Park 100 meters South of Old Faithful.

The entire Team is completely stunned by what has just happened, Especially Sasuke who looks at Zatanna in confusion but yet he's still impressed. The rest of the team eyes widen at her powers.

Ivo: Wait. What-what just happened?

Strange watches the whole exchange take place over the monitors, his eyebrows knitting together as Ivo rats the other man out.


T.O Morrow is with the other androids(Red tornado, and the other two androids that attacked the cave). They are all witnessing the birth of a new android that T.O. Morrow has just created "Red Volcano". When the android turns online the first thing it does is kill it's creator T.O. Morrow himself. But to the android surprise his "father" was in fact an android.

In Camouflage mode, the Bioship flies over the empty space

Kaldur: Block out all external communications. Soon Canary and Zatara, Batman too, I imagine will know of our.... visit with professor Ivo. We haven't much time.

Sasuke looks over towards Zatanna because he's still curious about her and how her powers work.

Sasuke: How did you do that back there, with that kind of power, what limits do you have?. Could you teleport us to Tornado or Morrow to a cell?

Zatanna: Or create peace on Earth for all time? Zatara couldn't even do all that and I'm nowhere near on my dad level. I need to know a spell cold, or else have time to prep it. Plus, all magic requires energy which usually has to come from within. I cant just make the impossible happen at will.

Sasuke: Right... I understand that. Either way we may need you help. He says to her, making Zatanna smile at him.

Superboy: What's our ETA to Yellowstone? Conner demands angrily. I'm way past ready to stuff tornado into a trash compactor.

Kaldur: Are you so certain he betrayed us

Superboy: Aren't you?!

Aqulad: I am not convinced. And even so, that makes him but the victim of his creator's programming. Certainly, he deserves a chance to prove he's more than the weapon others designed him to be.

Conner closes his eyes as he turns back towards the front of the Bioship when he opens his eyes the rage is gone.

Yellowstone National Park, 20:22

Old faithful creates a geyser as the camouflages Bioship flies past it and lands in the trees. Aqualad is already standing when the bioship touches the ground and Sasuke also stands up

Aqualad: Stealth Mode. He hits his belt buckle.

With a smile, Kid flash taps his emblem with his cast arm. Artemis hits the centre of her Arrow emblem. The green of her costume darkens to the colour of pine trees during the night while her bright green arrow is now pale green

M'gann's clothes darken to a fully black bodysuit, only the red X and the blue cape remain the same

Zatanna watches the transformation with intrigue, but notices that Sasuke and Superboy don't change there costume colours

Zatanna(to sasuke): Aren't you gonna change your costume?

Sasuke: Not really my thing. He says then awakens his Sharingan right after, to get get ready for the fight. Zatanna notices the change in his eye colour.

Zatanna(Thoughts): Woah

Sasuke: Are you gonna stay in the ship?

Zatanna(Smiles): Why, don't you want me to tag along?

Sasuke doesn't respond but turns his head pretending as if he doesn't care either way. Aqualad sees this and walks over towards Sasuke and Zatanna

Aqualad: Sasuke might have a point. I recommend you stay behind

Zatanna: Is that an order?

Kaldur: No. You may do as you see fit.

Zatanna: Good.

She begins to chant her spells and guides the bright blue Major smoke up her body from Head to Toe.

Zatanna: "Emit ot yrt eht wen kool!"

Her clothes transform to casual into a white button-up with an equally white bowtie, a pale yellow vest under a black twin-tailed suit coat, and white gloves all reminist of her father costume, only she is wearing silver tights, black shorts and shin high boots than make her look her own. Sasuke looked at her new suit and couldn't help but stare at her, he didn't know what he was feeling whether he was impressed or something else.

Red Volcano watches the team make their way through the trees on a monitor. He turns to Tornado.

Red Volcano: Prove yourself a loyal Red, brother. Kill them for me.

Tornado looks up at the screen.

The team run down to the mountain, slowing reaching the massive mountain side. Their progress was quickly halted by the growing winds, the red tornado has arrived. The Team ready for battle, Miss Martian goes first but is easily dealt with.

Superboy and Aqualad charge in, but are simply swept up, Sasuke and Kid Flash fly and run in.

Sasuke attack red tornado using his fireball but the wind attack that tornado sends at the fire, cause the flames to loose control and change direction

Sasuke: How...

Sasuke decides to use his new power that he discovered when going against the injustice league

Sasuke: Wood release

Sasuke sends large amounts of Wood attacks towards red tornado but tornado's manages to dodge all of them. And uses his tornado to suck up the oxygen around Sasuke

Kid flash rushes in and grabs an unconscious Sasuke. Taking him away from the android

Kid flash: "That does it, Red. You're not the only spin doctor around here."

Kid spins in reverse to counter the balance of the wind, but their efforts are pointless .

Zatanna steps up to cast her magic, Red tornado flies over, grabbing her by the neck

He takes out the entire team without much effort, And a new evil began to emerge, heat waves bellowed though the sky as a New Red emerged, Red Volcano.

Red volcano: "Quite a performance, brother. But we both know that's all it was."

Red volcano then uses his powers to grab a piece of the ground that wrote "play dead" . Written by red tornado to the team

Red Volcano; I have all your memories, Tornado, plus a next-gen processor. I know your next move before you do."

Before tornado can do or say anything back. Sasuke comes flying in, with his lighting attack

This knocks the evil robot into the ground. The attack took a lot out of Sasuke as he begins to start panting in exhaustion. The rest of the team begin to rise back up, ready to fight again

Volcano: "You stand no chance against me.. humans."

Martian and Superboy charge in.

Both: We're not human!

Volcano girls a bolder at the two of them, slowing down their attack

Volcano: "Apologies. I suppose the properly inclusive term is... "meat bags."

Volcano: Tornado's memory files and my superior processing speed allow me to anticipate your every move.

Zatanna casts magic, turnimg the smoke into a blindfold on volcano face. Sasuke uses that as an opportunity to land earth style attack levitating giant boulders directly at Volcano

Sasuke lands next to Zatanna, although there team attack worked Sasuke continues to pant and sweat runs down his face.

Sasuke "breathing heavily"(thoughts): I'm using the Sharingan and all my powers at once, if I keep going. I'll pass out

Sasuke(to zatanna): Nice moves, but I don't think that will take him out

Zatanna: It's us. I'm sure we'll think of something together.

Zatanna says smiling at him, he smiles back admiring her confidence and willpower.

Volcano comes flying in, ready to attack again , Sasuke quickly reacts and creates an giant earth boulder around himself and Zatanna

Volcano continuously punches the shield and cracking it.
He eventually shatters the shield and forced the mountain to shake, causing an explosion of magma and lava.

Sasuke: You ok?

Zatanna: Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks Sasuke

Kid flash: Guys! He's activating a stage two eruption! It gets to stage three, kiss the hemisphere goodbye."

Aqualad: "Attack him from all sides! Don't give him any breathing room!"

everyone charges in front different angles, Superboy and Aqualad attempting to face him hand to hand, while the others attack from the sides or behind,

Sasuke comes flying from the top to punch Volcano Robot, but his leg immediately gets caught and he's tossed and slammed into the ground. He rolls away before being crushed

Before red volcano can send another attack at the Uchiha he is swept up by a Volume of water, Sasuke turns to Aqualad.

Sasuke: Good hit!

Aqualad: "The hit was not mine. Look!"

They turn their attention to see the other two Red Robots, Red Torpedo and Red Inferno. Torpedo attacks, bellowing with water and launching Volcano into the Volcanic Magma. Inferno gives chase and they force him into the heating Magma.

Red volcano: Sister! Brothers! Stop! Father would be so disappointed."

But it all begins to dismantle, Tornado lands the finishing blow, kicking Volcano deeper into the magma, melting his lower half in the process. Tornado comes back up, legs melted away.

Kid flash: "Tornado, listen. We're on the verge of a stage three super volcano eruption. There's no turning back from that. We need to vent pressure fast but the ash cloud will bring on worldwide nuclear winter unless you divert it!"

Wally turns to the group

Kid flash: Triangulate around the pressure locus. There, there and there.

Artemis fires arrows to explode parts of the mountain.

Tornado forms a massive whirlwind of air, venting the volcano's explosive ash and smoke into the atmosphere.

And the crisis is adverted, the group look at the mangled red tornado and bring him to the underground lab to have his voice restored.

Robin: "There. That should do it. finishing up the last bits and pieces.

Tornado: Yes I can speak again

Aqualad: Tornado. You were willing to sacrifice yourself to save the planet.

Tornado: "The planet would have survived. It is humanity that was saved, though not by me.
My sister and brother were the true heroes this day."

Sasuke: You we're never the mole, we're you?

Tornado: No, I left to to protect you... from further attack and to find my creator, Morrow."

Robin looks around and sees various parts for the Red Machines.

Robin: Tornado, we can rebuild you. Better than you were before."

Tornado: I do not believe I should be repaired." He responds.

Artemis: "Why'd you volunteer to become our den mother in the first place?"

Tornado: "I was the pragmatic choice. I do not require sleep. I have no secret identity or second life to live."

M'gann: "But you do have advanced A.I.
Programming.. designed to learn, adapt, evolve. You wanted to become more human.!

Zatanna: And you couldn't do that with the league

Robin; "You're sure not gonna learn emotion from Batman. Trust me.

Aqualad: "Then the cave was not a proving ground only for us, but for you as well."

Tornado: "I do not know if these statements are accurate but perhaps they are true. And if I understand the term correctly I believe I have come to care about you all.

Superboy: We feel the same, tornado.


On the Flight back to the base, Sasuke looks out the window not paying attention to anything. But he turns to Zatanna to check on her.

Sasuke(sarcastically): So, good kidnapping ?

Zatanna: Actually, yeah. Best ever. So apart from missions what else do you do?

Sasuke: Uh, Train, Practise or sleep

Zatanna smiles at Sasuke thinking how cute he really is

Zatanna: You like movies?

Sasuke starts to have flashback to the times. He, his mother and brother used to watch movies together.

Sasuke: Yeah... I suppose

Zatanna: Alright maybe I will try and stick around

Sasuke: You should join the team then, we could use you

Zatanna: Yeah. I mean If my dad doesn't ground me for life.

In the cave

Zatara: She's grounded for life!!!!!

To be continued

A/N: The end of another great chapter, and introduction to a new character "Zatanna" and it looks like she may have a crush on our boy Sasuke. Let's see how bright that flame burns. On the NEXT CHAPTER OF YOUNG JUSTICE

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