Short story collection

By lilolll1

86 1 1

Unedited short stories about love because what is storytelling without love? 🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾 More

I don't know - part 1
I don't know - part 2

Best - part 2

14 0 0
By lilolll1

TW - mentions of non-consensual actions


Transitioning from best friends to lovers had been quite natural for Cor and I. I mean we acted pretty much the same, it's just that now we kissed and did some other stuff as an added bonus.

We wanted to keep our relationship intimate. Of course, we told our families and friends and that had been a total raucous. I can still hear our moms screaming from happiness as they saw us kiss or hold hands the night we told them. Claudia and Christie were less surprised, knowing our history. And his friends were nonchalant too. However, for the most, we kept what happened between us, between us. Of course, I talked to my mom and Claudia about our relationship but there are things we kept only between us. I really loved the intimacy.

Surprisingly, after announcing to our parents we were dating, they didn't impose on us any strict rules like 'leave the door open at all times' or anything like that. Which is why we were currently at his house unsupervised because his mom was out of town for a business trip and his dad was on a fishing trip with one of his childhood friends. Cor had a late practice and has been taking a power nap for the past 20 minutes while I was making toast for him to eat as soon as he woke up.

Some weeks we were so busy that little moments like these meant everything.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even hear him coming down the stairs or feel his presence until he snaked his arms around me. Which of course startled me.

'Didn't mean to scare you baby' Cor said chuckling against my neck, which made me relax in his embrace.

I turned around to face him and put my arms around his neck while his arms encircled my waist.

'Hi' I said smiling up at him.

'Hi baby' He replied with his beautiful smile.

His head inched its way towards mine while his eyes flickered down to my mouth. I parted my lips slightly and my eyes fluttered shut down so he took this opportunity to catch my lips with his mouth and kissed me passionately. I kissed him back and brought my hands up to pull at his bed hair. His hands roamed under my pink tank top while his body pushed mine lightly so that I was leaning on the counter. We broke off our kiss for a few seconds so I could hamp myself up on the counter. I parted my legs so he could be in between them and closer to me. We continued our make out session with my hands tangled in his hair and his resting on my thighs. I was getting hotter by the second, our chests were heaving rapidly and since I knew where this was headed, I pulled away from his lips, which made him groan, and rested my forehead against his.

'Why did you pull away' he said as his eyes bore into mine.

'I don't wanna have sex on your kitchen counter babe.' I said matter-of-factly.

'Why not?'


'I mean we've had sex weirder places' he replied smiling.

'Yeah but count this weird place out.' I said as I rested my head against a cupboard door.

We stared at each other smiling for a few seconds before he spoke up.

'Are we still going to Christie's? We could just chill at home. Watch a movie.' He tried to bargain.

Christie was throwing a party with no apparent purpose but I had already said I was gonna be there so I couldn't just cancel on her.

'I already said I was showing up babe. I can't just cancel.' I said as I was playing with his hands. 'It starts in like 45 minutes so I'm gonna go get ready but if you don't wanna go, you don't have to.'

He shook his head quickly 'I wanna be with you so I'm going.'

My big baby.

I grabbed his face and kissed him.

'You're beautiful' He whispered to me as I pulled back.

He pulled me back in but to hug me this time while I leaned back on the cabinets. He rested his hands on the small of my back, caressing me, while I pulled him closer, my arms around his neck. He left little kisses on my neck all the way to my shoulder . I felt a smile trace it's way on my lips.

I pulled back again, gave a big smile and replied 'I love you' while hopping off the counter to go get ready.

'I'm gonna go take a shower' I told him.

'Can I join?'

Safe to say, we arrived a bit late at the party.


The party was in full swing by the time we arrived. Classmates were scattered all over Christie's lawn. Mostly drunk out of their minds, which was an indicator of the state of the party inside the house. As we were walking up to the house, I felt Corwyn tighten his hold on my hand.

Ever since we started dating, his overprotective side had been coming out more aggressively than ever before. He was very wary of other guys and how'd they'd act around me. It could be a turn on, sure, but I was just afraid one harmless interaction could set him off. I didn't like that side of him.

When we stopped in front of the door, I turned to him and kissed him to reassure him nothing was gonna happen. Anyways, we would be together all night, nothing would happen, right?

Of course, the second we stepped in we got pulled away by our respective friends. I joined Claudia and our other friend, Jason, at this beer pong. They both looked so hot in their fits. While Claud was wearing a short silk black dress, Jason was out here with a short sleeved open blouse tucked into black skinny jeans. My friends looked like a million bucks out here. My baby blue crop top and flared jeans didn't quite reach the bar here.

"So... how's it going with the man of your dreams?" Jason had asked once the three of us were seated on the floor in a bedroom upstairs. The first floor was way too loud to talk and since we had lost our beer pong game, there was really no reason to stay down there.

"He is just so... perfect. He listens to me. Like to the stupid shit I have to say. He likes hearing me play. He cooks for me. He's so good in bed." I said which made my friends laugh. "Fuck I might marry this guy." Safe to say, I was slightly tipsy, which made my friends laugh a lot. I probably looked like a sappy teen but it was true. I truly was in love with Corwyn.

I shook my head from the path this thought was putting me on- way too soon to have babies - and focused my attention on Jason, who was telling a story about the guy he was seeing, Danny.

"We met up at a café at noon ish. We talked about his university classes for a bit while he got coffee and tea for me. He paid." He said, emphasizing his gentleman-like behaviour. "And then we just drove around town and talked. It was chill really, no pressure. And we held hands the whole time. Kissed a bit too." He added cutely at the end. Claudia and I both cooed.

"And then, he took me to watch the sunset, on top of Norris hill which was fucking romantic."He sighed as he ran his hand through his jet black hair. Danny had taken him on his dream date and ended with the most beautiful view in town."And he listens to me. I rambled for an hour about you guys and how it is at home with only dad and me and about my obsession with Sylvia Plath's poems. And he listened. And he remembers. Just the date itself... it's just-- I've never liked someone the way I like him, you know?" He said looking down at his hands, his cheeks were slightly rosy. "And I don't want to get hurt."

"I'm so happy for you!" I said as I pulled him into a hug and held him there. He was being so freaking cute. Oh the joy of being in love at the same time as your best friend. I pulled away a bit and grabbed his face so we were face to face, literally. "It's so okay to be scared. Being vulnerable with someone you really like is terrifying and exhilarating, right?" He nodded while his cheeks were squished between my hands. He looked like a chipmunk. Anyway. "It's like you're giving away a part of yourself but it's worth it Jay. Especially if he makes you feel like you're telling me right now." I hugged him again before settling myself beside me. He whispered a thank you close to my ear, still holding me with one of his arms.

We turned to Claudia, who was closest to the door, as she explained her latest love affairs. Apparently, she was seeing a 21 year old guy who was "loaded" and "amazing in bed".

She was halfway into telling us of a trip Mr. Rich guy was planning for her when I excused myself to go to the bathroom. All the alcohol I'd drunk was trying to get out of my system badly. Luckily, there was a bathroom right in front of the bedroom we were in. So I did my business quite quickly in case someone wanted to use the bathroom too. I wasn't expecting there to actually be someone waiting though, which is why I was so surprised to bump into a chest as soon as I stepped out of the washroom.

"I'm so sorry!" I yelped. I felt strong arms keep me from falling to the floor.

"Hey pretty lady." He smirked at me, showing off his dimples. I observed his face without saying a word. His burnt caramel hair hadn't been cut in a few months by the looks of it. He looked ripped. And those blue eyes were piercing through my soul.

Brandon Adams. Wide receiver on the football team who was known for being handsy at parties.

I felt his right hand lowering to the small of my back, the last place I wanted it to be.

I darted my eyes to the door behind, hoping my friends would somehow sense the panic in my head and come rescue me. But since they hadn't developed telepathic abilities...

"What are you doing here?" I asked nervously, trying to put as much space between us as possible. It wasn't working. His hands kept me firmly in place.

"Nothing yet. Where's the boyfriend?" He said as he dipped his head closer to mine,his eyes not leaving mine for even a second.

I gulped, trying to shove his hands away from me. "It's not happening Adams. Let go of me."

"Why? He doesn't have to know. We could pick up where we left off." He said looking at me devilishly.

I glared at him. "Fuck off—".

I couldn't finish my sentence because the last person on Earth who I wanted to interrupt us did.

"Get the fuck away from her."

If looks could kill, Corwyn's eyes would've pulverized Brandon out of this planet. He looked beyond pissed. His jaw was extremely set and he kept clenching and unclenching his fists. He was about to punch someone.

It was then that I realized the compromising position I was in. Brandon was holding my waist and looking at me in a way my boyfriend would certainly not like. I looked at Cor again and I knew that if I didn't move in the next second, he would explode.

I shoved Adams' hand away and quickly put myself in front of Corwyn so he wouldn't do anything stupid.

When he looked down at me, I knew he wasn't just pissed at Brandon, he was also really fucking mad at me. I mean here's a guy that randomly shows up at a party and I clearly have history with him. I had some explaining to do.

I guess my friends had finally sensed the panic waves I had been sending them for the past two minutes because they were both at the bedroom door looking at us with concerned looks on their faces. They knew about the Dave-drama and my lack of sharing it with Corwyn. I was in deep shit.

I turned to face Cor and brought his face closer to mine. "It's not worth it babe. Let's just leave."

I had never seen that look on his face. Pure fury.

I had really fucked up. And lied about it too.

Still, when I took his hand to go downstairs, he followed. I threw a weak smile at Jason and Claudia's alarmed looks before leading him outside of the house.

As we were walking through the living room/dance floor, I felt his hand tighten around mine. It almost hurt at this point.

The silence was deafening once we got seated in the car. We had been sitting for the past 4 minutes but he still hadn't started the motor.

"I-...Babe, we can call a taxi if you've been drinking."

I whispered. We were still holding hands but the one that was on his steering wheel almost turned white.

"Have you been fucking drinking?" He accused as he let go of me, his voice booming. It was like the sound lighting makes during a thunderstorm after the sky being quiet for a while. But I wasn't afraid of him, I couldn't be. I wouldn't be. I felt my fingers interlace together tightly.

"No-Well yeah... but that's not the point. You're driving and you're mad and-"

He cut me off. "I didn't drink. I was too worried something would happen to you. And I was right"

"What happened tonight wasn't my fault."

"I don't even know what happened. Why was Adams touching you like that?"

"I-I don't kno-"

"Don't fucking lie to me!" He raised his voice.

"I'm not fucking lying." I yelled back. Who the fuck does he think he is? "We're not in the right mindset to talk."

"What the fuck?" He looked at me as if I had grown a second head. "That fucking douche was being fucked up with you!" He took a second to calm down before continuing.

"I swear to god, if he had so much as made a move on you, I would've ki-"

"Don't say that, Corwyn." I whispered. " Take me home, please"

He gave me one last pissed off look before starting the car.

What the fuck was that? One minute, I was having a good time with my best friends, the next, my boyfriend had turned into the Hulk.

I love him. I really fucking do. But if he reacted like that with Brandon talking to me, what the fuck was he gonna do when he learned I had withheld the truth from him...



It's been a few days.

We agreed that we needed sometime apart after the party fiasco. It was our biggest fight yet and I know we were both hurting. We barely saw each other at school because of our conflicting schedules and even less at home because he was still clearly mad at me.

I have to be honest. I'm just really scared that he's going to break up with me when he hears the full story.


Me: are you doing something today?

Loml🤧: no

Me: can we talk?

Loml🤧: yeah

Loml🤧: come over after practice. At 4:30.

Me: oki see yah.

15 minutes later.

Loml🤧: i miss u baby.

Me: i miss u too bub.


It was like the night when I told him about my feelings. He was sitting on this bench near the window but this time he was reading a book. He didn't look peaceful though. His whole body was tense. Our imminent conversation was making him tense. I could only see his right side profile and from what I could gather he was stressed. His eyebrow was unrelaxed. What I was about to tell him wasn't gonna brighten his mood that's for sure.

I knew how he'd react. It wouldn't be good. He's an overprotective guy and he always has been. He would never treat me as his possession or like he owned me but he was very clear about his boundaries in our relationship. He was mine and I was his and that was set in stone. He was going to be so fucking pissed at me and probably assume the worse. I didn't want to tell him but I had to.

He looked so perfect on that window sill, I didn't even want to bother him. But he must have felt my gaze coming from his door frame because he looked right at me.

For a while, we just stared. A lot was said through those eyes but not enough. I could see worry and frustration and he could certainly see fear and sadness.

He motioned for me to come and sit by him and I obliged quickly.

Here we were, face to face on his window sill, playing and interlacing our hands in the middle. I looked up at him after a while to see him staring right back. I really wanted to kiss him and from the looks of it, him too.

But I had to come clean, so I looked back at our interlaced fingers and started explaining.

'I owe you the truth about Adams. We actually have a bit of history together.' I started softly. I saw his jaw tick as he turned to look outside.

'Umm... we started talking last year during those three weeks when we had stopped talking. I was in a really shitty place. It wasn't the end of the world but to me it felt like it. I was struggling with the feelings I had for you and thinking of ways to not lose. I-uh..I wanted a distraction and Brandon just so happened to be the perfect one. We hung out for a week but I stopped it.' I looked back up at his eyes and he was staring at me in disbelief. He was probably thinking the worst. I untangled my hands from his to interlace them together.

He looked away as he spoke up. 'Did he fuck you?' He finally said calmly with an icy tone.

That question felt like a knife going through my heart.

Too stunned to answer, I just shook my head feverishly.

'Then what fucking happened Rhu? Huh? Do you still have feelings for him?' He asked as his tone raised.

I was starting to get frustrated too. 'Nothing happened. We only talked and hung out. I-uh... I never- We never got that far...' I looked away as I said that and he definitely caught it because I could feel his eyes on my face. 'but I did know how he felt and I didn't really say anything. I just let him... believe I guess...' I trailed off locking eyes with him. I wanted him to see that I was telling the truth. That, even though we had not started dating at that moment, I wouldn't do something like that to him.

He looked at me for a few seconds before shifting his body so that his back now rested on his window. I brought my gaze down. He knew something was up. The last part was gonna set him off. I found myself tightening my hold on my hands to the point where it hurt. He turned to me again and studied me before speaking up. 'There's still something you're not telling me though... Did something happen?' He didn't look mad anymore, just worried.

'I-uh...' I took a deep breath. ' I was leading him on so I guess it's my fault... he forced himself onto me. He didn't... you know but he kissed and touched me forcefully...'

'Fuck babe...' He said as he looked at me. 'Is it okay if I hold you?' I quickly nodded my head and he grabbed me gently so that I was straddling his lap. He circled my waist while I put my arms around his neck. We stayed like that for a while, my head on his shoulders.

'I'm sorry' I whispered against his neck. My voice was shaking and I could feel tears in my eyes. I didn't want to lose him because of a mistake I made months ago.

His hands left my waist as he gently grabbed my face to make me look at him in the eyes. 'This is not your fault. Not at all. I understand wanting a distraction from your problems and I understand leading people on. We all do shit we regret but this... he took advantage of you when you were in a vulnerable place Rhu. He's a dick, okay?' I nodded my head to his words.

'Have you told anyone?'

'Claud and Jason know. I think I'm gonna tell mom.'


He brought his hand to my right cheek to rub a tear that had escaped from my eye. I saw a flash of anger in his.

'Are you okay?' I asked. 'Are we okay?'

He brought his second hand to my face. He approached me to give me the gentlest kiss. It wasn't anything less than love. He pulled back to whisper 'we're okay.'

I pulled away to observe him. I could see anger and frustration in his eyes but not towards me. His jaw was tense. But he still looked at me like I was the only thing that mattered in this world.

'I have to go on a run.' I caught onto the wild idea behind the statement before his sentence was over.

I approached our foreheads together.

'Promise me you're not going to do anything stupid.'

I said as I looked from one eye to the other. His hands, who were once again back at my waist, started rubbing me up and down to reassure me. Still, he didn't answer.

'Cor, promise.'

He closed his eyes before answering. 'I can't.'

I felt my heart ripping through my rib cage.

He stood up and I circled my legs around him. He quickly walked to his bed as I whispered 'please' over and over again. I tried holding him tight so he wouldn't leave but set me down dryly, clearly wanting to go on his 'run'.

I looked up at him while his hand was resting under my chin.

He brought his face to mine and kissed me.

'Cor, please.' I begged as I held his face.

He stood up and looked up at me one last time before leaving me in his bedroom, sitting on his bed, stunned.


He came back almost four hours later, close to nine thirty. It had started raining tremendously an hour ago so he was drenched from head to toe. The second he stepped through that door, I jumped from my feet to meet him and he engulfed me in a hug. I didn't care about being wet. He was here and he was safe.

It's not until I saw his face under the hoodie that I understood the real damage. He had a black eye on his left side and his right cheek was bruised. I took his hands to look at his knuckles and of course, they'd been bruised too. I backed away from him.

'What happened ?' I asked, frustrated but not surprised.

'Practice actually ended later for the wide receivers today. At six. I punched him a couple of times.' He explained neutrally. 'He did too, clearly.' He said as he pointed to his face

I didn't say anything. I grabbed his hand and led him to the bathroom at the end of the hallway. Once there, I made him sit on the toilet seat before getting antiseptic and a cloth to clean his bruised knuckles.

I was gonna stay up to clean them but he brought me down gently to sit on his lap. After a few seconds, he turned my face to his with the hand I wasn't working on.

'Are you mad?' He asked softly.

'I can't say I'm happy. You could've gotten hurt. Was anyone there to stop you guys?' I asked, concerned.

'Coach was. He suspended me for 2 games. Adams got worse though. He got a whole month. Apparently people have been complaining about him for a while. Teachers too.' I looked at him in concern. I felt myself stiffen against him. He searched my eyes for a while. A flash of realization crossed his eyes. " I didn't tell Coach about what he did to you. I would never."

I put my hand on his neck, my thumb caressing his cheek before answering. "Thank you."

I brought our foreheads together and we stayed there for what felt like forever. I just wanted to press pause for a second and stay with him like this.

"Don't ever do something like that, Cor." I whispered as I pulled away to look into his eyes. He knew I was disappointed.

"I don't need you to fight my battles."

"I know."

"But you don't. I-I was scared tonight. Of what you would do to him. Of what would happen to you. And I know you're protective and I appreciate you for that. But you could've gotten seriously injured, you know?" He nodded his head. "And dealing with your problems by punching someone in the face is not smart. It's really dumb, Cor." I gave him a pointed look, hoping he would understand what that meant. I don't deal with violence.

He was frowning like he was upset. Upset at himself.

Still, I continued.

"I should have told you sooner about Adams. I didn't want to... mess this up I guess. Or maybe I was protecting myself."

He quirked up his eyebrow. "Protecting yourself from what?" I exhaled and brought my hands together on my lap. I looked down at my interlaced fingers.

"From this." I said pointing between us. "From us. From our first inevitable fight. From getting hurt. From getting hurt first." I looked up so our eyes were locked.

He brought his arms around my waist and took my hands and held them with his free hand.

"You know, we can't not fight forever. We have to disagree at some point, babe. You can't be afraid to tell me stuff like this." He sighed. He looked down before looking up again. "But I should've gone about a different way. It's just... when you told me what he did to you... I didn't even know how to react. I felt like I couldn't help you. I felt clueless because I didn't even realize he had caused you pain."

'But I don't need you to save me, baby. I can handle myself. And anyways you're always there for me. All the fucking time. You make me so happy. So happy.' I said smiling. 'But this thing that happened to me wasn't about you. It was about me being able to come to terms with it, okay?'

He nodded at what I said before continuing with what he was saying. 'I'm sorry for how I reacted. It won't ever happen again. I-I don't want to lose you.'

I nodded my head slightly, our eyes not leaving each other. 'You'll never lose me.' I whispered.

His arm gently left my waist so both of his hands were cupping my face softly. He kissed me in the gentlest way possible before bringing our foreheads together again.

"I love you so much"

"I love you more."


So this was the last one :(

Leave a comment if you want me to explore these stories any further,

Until next time :)

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