Helluva Bodyguard! (Male Hell...

By Calamity-boi

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Welcome to my second story! This one's gonna be a little different (Testing different tones of writing) so te... More

Blood-Soaked. (Part1)
S.S.D.D/Bio (Part2)
Shot A Kid.
Phycho Rednecks!
Spring Break O.N.S.
Millie To The Rescue!
Different From Him.
Update (Not A Chapter)
Harvest Moon Festival
Meet My Mom!
Loonie's Shots.
Crashing A Party.
Cupid's Chew Toy/Hotel Hell

Happy Death Anniversary.

3.4K 77 29
By Calamity-boi

Today was an important day for almost everyone involved. To Stolas, it was the day he could finally get all of his Ex-Wife's shit out of the house. To Octavia, it was the day of the Meteor Shower she'd been waiting for since she was a kid. For Blitzø, it was the day he'd finally talk to Loona about her attitude towards clients. But there was one more important thing about this day. There was something that made this day special for a certain someone. That someone was Y/N. And today....

Was the anniversary of the day he killed his father.

Y/N slowly walked through the office halls with an annoyed look on his face, already knowing what today meant. He'd been pacing back in forth for over 30 minutes, which no one had noticed, since some were too busy being the loudest living beings in all of Hell, while others were too busy watching them for their own amusement.

After growing tired, and even annoyed with his own pacing, Y/N finally walk into the lounge to see what the fuck was making all that noise....only to find Loona hurling various office appliances at her adoptive father.

Y/N: "What the fuck is going on."

Taking immediate notice of Y/N's cold and rather angry tone, Moxxie hesitates to answer.

Moxxie: ".....Blit-"

Y/N: "Actually, shut up. I don't think I care enough to force myself through the mind numbing torture that is your voice."

Millie: "Shit, what happened to make you so pissed off?"

Y/N: "If I wanted to tell you, don't you think I already would have?"

Millie: "No, because you don't like to tell people anything."

Y/N: "Exactly."

Blitzø: "N-now Loona-"

Loona throws a computer monitor at him.

Blitzø: "Loona, honey! Wait just a-shit!"

Blitzø narrowly dodges several shuriken, a knife, and a wild Loona with a large jig of water before attempting to continue reasoning with his currently feral daughter.

Blitzø: "Loonie, please? Can we talk just a-"

Loona throws the water jug at Blitzø, nailing him in the face.

Blitzø: "FUCK-I mean, wow! A good throw honey, I'm so proud of YOUUU-"

Loona tackles Blitzø and starts beating him with a painting while Moxxie pours him and Millie a cup of coffee.

Millie: "So....What's this all about, honey?"

Moxxie smugly takes a sip of his coffee with an exaggerated sigh before explaining why Loona was trying to murder her father.

Moxxie: "Oh, Blitzø FINALLY talked to her about her attitude with clients-"

Right as Moxxie finishes that sentence, Blitzø runs next to them and pulls the couch (and them) in front of him so he could use it as cover.

Blitzø: "I just think some small tweaks might help you be more of a...people person-"

Loona: "I AM a people person."

Blitzø glances to Moxxie, as if asking for help, before Loona grabs him by his shirt to bring him closer to her.

Loona: "If I'm so terrible, why don't you just grow a pair and REPLACE ME?!"

Blitzø stutters as he tries to think of a way to calm Loona down, and ends of going with the most nuclear 50/50 Y/N's ever seen in his life.

Blitzø: "Okay, well maybe-I-uh-well, maybe I might!"

Loona: "...What?"

Blitzø looks to Moxxie, who gives him a thumbs up, then to Y/N, who just flips him the bird while chugging a cup of coffee.

Blitzø: "Yeah! Maybe I will, Little Missy!...y-th-that's right, it's tough love time! So now..uh..you can..go..to your desk!"

Y/N: "Damn. Really told her there, Boss."

Loona throws Blitzø on the ground before menacingly stomping over to Y/N.

Loona: "Aren't you supposed to be defending me?!"

Y/N: "....No? I don't even know what the fuck is going on. I just got here."

Loona: "Still! You're supposed to man up and have my back, not stand there in your own stupid little head, acting like it has nothing to do with you!"

Y/N: "I'll have you know, my head is average-sized, thank you very much."

Loona: "That's not what I meant! Not your actual head, dumbass!"

Y/N: "Oh. Well, we both know that isn't little either, so what exactly are you-"

Loona throws one of the couch cushions at Y/N, which he swiftly dodged.

Y/N: "Now your just acting like a psycho bitch."

Loona: "Excuse me?!"

Y/N: "We both know you heard that, but in case you didn't..."

Y/N pulls a megaphone out of nowhere, turning it on with a dead panned look.


Loona: "UGH!"

Loona shouts as she throws a printer at Y/N's head, to which he dodged by nonchalantly stepping the the side, taking a sip of Moxxie's coffee as he watch Loona stop to her desk.

Moxxie takes his cup back and Y/N turns to walk away, only to see Octavia trying, and sort of failing, to sneak her way through the office. He just waves her off while Moxxie starts stroking Blitzø's ego and giving him a massage.

Moxxie: "Sir, if I may say so, You're doing the right thing. If we can't even hire a cheerful qualified receptionist, how can people trust us to massacre and mutilate their enemies."

Y/N: "....Do you not realize how retarded that sounds? Let's say you walk in through those doors, and you're greeted with a cheerful (In an UwU voice for some reason) 'Hello sir! Who may we murder for you today!?', would you trust that?"

Moxxie: "Well-"

Y/N: "I'm gonna stop you right there. No. You wouldn't. Don't bullshit me."

Out of the corner of his eye, Y/N sees Loona and Octavia look at each other, then Loona acting like she doesn't exist.

Y/N: "Great job. Ten out of Ten. Would definitely recommend."

Loona just stares at her phone, pretending like Y/N doesn't exist.

Y/N: "....So you're just going to ignore me?"

Loona: "......"

Y/N: "Alright. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have insulted you like that. It was a dick move."

Loona: "......"

Y/N: "Okay, I know that apology was shit but it's pretty much all I have right now."

Loona lets out a disappointed sigh before looking up to Y/N and rolling her eyes.

Loona: "...It's a start. A bad one, but still a start-"

Suddenly a rather ominous purple light shines from Blitzø's office, alerting the Imps, but not bothering Loona or Y/N.

Y/N: "This is definitely gonna go to shit. I'll be right back, I have to prepare myself for the bullshit I'll have to sit through today."

The three Imps quickly grabbed their weapons and rushed through the door, only to see Octavia walk through a portal, followed by a few seconds of silence.

Blitzø: "......LOOOOOOONA!"

Loona: "Oh, yeah. You have a visitor."

Y/N: "Was gonna tell you, but I guess I just forgot."

It took a few minutes of processing, but once Blitzø finally realized what just happened, he slumped against the wall while hurling profanities at himself.

Blitzø: "Shit....shit! Shitshitshitshitshit!"

Blitzø tries to grab Y/N, but he steps to the side so he grabs Moxxie instead, yanking him until they were so close they looked like they were about to fuse.


Y/N: "Nothing. If he doesn't know, he won't fuck you."

Moxxie: "Don't you mean....?"

Y/N: "......No."

Moxxie: "Oh....oh. Ew. W-well, he does seem to like you sir! Maybe he won't-"

Blitzø shoves Moxxie away and slumps back down, holding his head.

Blitzø: "Look, my dick is GOOD, but it is not THAT good, Moxxie."

Y/N: "Literally can't relate. As far as Loona's concerned-"

Suddenly Y/N gets hit in the back of the head by a....fax machine?

Y/N: "OW!.......When the fuck did we get a fax machine?!"

Moxxie: "....Jokes aside, I don't think we really have a choice. He needs to know!"

Blitzø: "So, what, you want me to just call him up and be like-"

Blitzø: "Heeeey, Stolas! So, your daughter came by, took your book and teleported off to who the FUCK KNOWS WHERE AND WE HAVE NO WAY OF GETTING EITHER OF THEM BACK! OKAY? OKAY! GOOD TALK! byeeee!"


Blitzø flinches away from the phone for a second before looking at it, sighing, and wiping his forehead.

Blitzø: "Oh. Well, that actually went better than I thought-"

Suddenly the door to the office flies off, almost hitting Y/N while he drank his third cup of coffee.

Stolas: "BLITZØ!"

Y/N: (Why is everyone trying to murder me today?!)

After a lot more yelling and explaining, Stolas was pacing around the office like any worried father would.

Y/N: "I feel like you're overreacting."

Stolas: "Overreacting?! This is my daughter! How could ANY of you let this happen?? Do you just let ANYONE walts into your office and grab infinitely powerful artifacts?!"

Y/N: "Would probably be more difficult if his pass code wasn't One, Two, Three, Four."

Stolas: "Why would she do this..? How are we supposed to find her, where would she go??"

Y/N: "Don't get why you're asking me."

Stolas: "I'm NOT asking you!"

Loona sniffs the air a bit before giving a disgusted look.

Loona: "It reeks of urine and desperation, so..."

Loona takes another sniff before covering her nose.

Loona: "Ugh. L-A."

Y/N: "Oh, you've gotta be fucking kidding me. That's the last place I wanna be right now...actually, never mind."

The three Imps and Stolas look at the two like they were foreign objects.

Y/N/Loona: "....What?"

Stolas open a portal to L-A while Blitzø picks Loona up and tosses her through it, causing her to snarl at him. But when he turned to do the same to Y/N, he snapped at him.

Y/N: "If you even THINK about throwing me I will tear you apart. That's the only fucking warning I'm giving you."

Y/N walks through the portal while Loona stops her growling, realizing she was hovering. Keyword, was. The second she noticed, she flopped onto the ground.

Loona stands up and dusts herself off before hearing someone gag. She turns to Y/N, who was currently trying to keep his liquids inside his body.

Y/N: "You couldn't have picked a-*HURK* cleaner alley?!"

Stolas: "Oh, stop being such a baby. It's not that bad."

Y/N: "If I throw up, I'm aiming it at you-*HURK*"

Blitzø: "Huh. This place doesn't look much different from Hell. Alright, let's get to work! Loony, Y/N, SNIFF!"

Y/N: "No. Not feeling up to it right no-*HURK*"

Loona: "How am I supposed to smell anything in this city??"

Moxxie: "Can't you do even ONE thing right?!"

Y/N: "Yeah, me-"

After he barely manages to get his crude joke out, Y/N's stomach finally gives and he regurgitates every ounce of coffee he drank before stepping through the portal.

Loona: "Can't you finally do something about how FAT you are?"

Moxxie: "I'm not-"

Blitzø: "You know Mox, it wouldn't kill you to put a salad in your body every now and then."

Moxxie: "Wha- But I'm not fat!"

Y/N: "Chubbysayswhat!"

Moxxie: "....What??"

Y/N: "Heh."

Blitzø climbs on top of a dumpster and sticks a poorly drawn picture on it to act as a planning board.

Blitzø: "Alright, first things first, if we're gonna do this the old fashioned way we're gonna need disguises!"

The second Stolas and Loona heard 'Disguises', they both did a weird over the top magical girl transformation, finishing with a pose.

Y/N: "Why...was that so sparkly?"

Moxxie stood there deadpanned, while Millie clapped for their proformance, and Blitzø.ExE stopped working for a bit.

Blitzø: "No chance you could conjure us up a couple of those, can ya?"

Stolas: "Sadly, no. I'm afraid that without my Grimoire, my powers are just a tad limited in the human world."

Blitzø: "Oh, what? You can't memorize your fuckin spells?"

Y/N lazily transforms into his human disguise before weakly bumping into Loona, who rolls her eyes before grabbing him to keep him steady.

Y/N: "Bold words coming from the one who can't remember them either-*EUGH*"

Loona: "If you throw up on me I will fucking kick you!"

Blitzø: "See, no no no, that's different! It's his fuckin book, how does HE not remember the spells from HIS book?!"

Stolas: "Oh, and your memories so great?? What's HIS phone number?"

Stolas points to Moxxie, and Blitzø, though he tried, couldn't remember.

Blitzø: "....Fuck you."

Stolas: "E-xactly~!"

Stolas walks out of the alley, followed by Loona(Y/N included), then Blitzø, Millie, and lastly, the emotionally beaten Moxxie.

While walking down the sidewalk, Y/N manages to regain his footing, only to be accidentally elbowed by Stolas, who was trying on glasses.

Stolas: "You really should watch where you walk."

Y/N: "Ugh. I wish Moxxie didn't stop Striker from shooting you."

Y/N manages to put himself back on his feet before noticing Moxxie and Millie were getting left behind while being extorted by one of those garbage street artists.

Y/N: (Of course they got distracted.)

Y/N: "Hey, Prince Bird Brain. You got anything that might help with finding your daughter? I'd rather get this done as fast as possible."

Stolas: "Well, for one, I'd advise you never refer to me as 'Bird Brain' again. And two, if I had anything of the sort, don't you think I'd have used it by now??"

Y/N: "Do you want the honest answer, or the one that's least likely to piss you off? I could also give you both, if you'd prefer that."

Stolas: "Neither. I can tell that no matter which one you give me, it's won't help with FINDING MY MISSING DAUGHTER!"

Y/N: "I'm not a detective, but I don't think yelling at me is going to help eith-"

Y/N pauses his sentence to sniff the air, confusing Stolas and Blitzø.

Blitzø: "What? Ya got something-"

Y/N: "Shut up."

Y/N walks off while continuing to sniff, leading the group towards whatever it is he's smelling that they can't.

Y/N: "Aaaand I lost it."

Blitzø: "What?"

Y/N: "I lost the scent, dumbass. How could that confuse you?"

Blitzø: "You know what. I'm not getting into it with you right no-oh shit! Stop here!"

Y/N: "What??"

Loona: "Why are we stopping-"

The three stare in disbelief as Blitzø walks into a Holloween costume store and starts grabbing random shit off the shelves.

Y/N: "You fucking asshole."

After several agonizing minutes, Blitzø walks out wearing a wig, two comically large ears, a pinkish-tan(?) t-shirt, dark pants, and....heels?

Y/N: "I'm not even going to bother asking why that took you almost thirty minutes, instead, I need to know. Are those heels??"


Blitzø/Y/N: "The fuck is a Brennon Rager-oh...shit."

Stolas: "Oh dear..."

Suddenly a large number of people swarmed Blitzø, taking pictures and trying to touch and rub on him while also trying to get his autograph. After struggling with the mob for a while, Blitzø finally manages to poke his head out of the crowd and shout for Millie.


Y/N: "Oh, yeah, we left them a while ago."


Y/N: "Hm? What's that? I can't hear you over the sound of me NOT GIVING A FUCK!"


Suddenly Blitzø gets pulled back into the crowd, leaving Y/N to chuckle to himself and sit of the bench, watching the chaos unfold.

It was only a few minutes later that a black van pulled up multiple people ran out of it and into the crowd.

After a little while, a large bodyguard picked Blitzø up and walked towards the van.


Stolas: "E-excuse me sir! I am...M-Mister Ragers' agent! And I don't believe you can just-"

Before Stolas can finish his sentence, another large bodyguard appears from the wild, grabbing him and carrying him to the van as well.

Stolas: "Oh! You are strong!"

They end up throwing the two into the back of the van, and after Stolas has a mild panic attack over his daughter, Blitzø smashes through the window with he head so he can yell for Loona, who was just punching people out of frustration, and Y/N, who just...didn't care.


Both Hellhounds just gave a middle finger in response.

Blitzø: "YEAH! WAY TO BE A TEAM PLAYER, SWEETIE! She's in great hands."

Stolas: "Octavia...or your daughter?"

Blitzø: "......OH SHIT-"

After Y/N eventually pulled Loona out of the mob, the two went to get coffee, by that I mean, Loona got coffee while Y/N stood there with a scowl on his face. As they walked down the streets of L-A, Loona kept her eyes glued to her Sinstagram, only stopping when the two walked past a cool looking painting for a souvenir shop called Star Owl. With literally zero hesitation, Loona grabbed Y/N and took a selfie of them both standing in front of the Star Owl painting and posting it with '#Earthshit🔥', before continuing to scroll while drinking her coffee.

Y/N: "A warning would have been nice. Just saying-Holy shit what's wrong with that kid??"

After receiving no answer, Y/N looks to Loona while pointing at the small child being kept on a leash, only to be sprayed with coffee and spit as Loona looks up from her phone.

Loona: "Oh shit! Sorry! But I think I found her. She's been posting a bunch of pictures at different landmarks around L-A. With a little effort, it shouldn't take us too long to-where are you going?!"

Y/N: "Nope. I'm done, not doing it. Count me out."

Loona: "Wha-so you're just gonna leave me alone and let me do EVERYTHING by myself?!"

Y/N: "....Yeah? I didn't even want to do this in the first place."

Loona: "Then why did you?!"

Y/N: "Because Blitzø would have forced me to anyway."

Loona: "What the actual fuck, Y/N?!"

Y/N: "What??"

Loona: "You've been an asshole to everyone since this morning, with no explanation! Even when you try to be nice, you use this condescending tone like you don't give a shit! Like none of it matters! What could have happened for you to be THIS fucking annoying?!"

Y/N: "........I keep being reminded of him. Of what I did to him. How I proved his point. Sometimes I....I can still hear his voice. I see his face everywhere. No matter what I do, he's always there. Reminding me that he was right. I can't even forget about the day I killed him. The day I made myself into monster. I try to convince myself that we're different, that I'm not like him, but....it never works. And it makes me so fucking angry, that no matter what I do, he'll always be apart of my life. Whether I like it or not."

Y/N looks down at his shaky hands, clenching them with an angry look on his face.

Y/N: "It happened so long ago that I thought I'd just forget...but I can't. The first time I ever saw any genuine emotion from him besides anger since...I don't even know how long. It felt good to finally be rid of my piece of shit father...but even though I keep saying that, I can't help but feel...regret. Because on the surface, I thought I hated him. That I COULD be better than him. But deep down...I knew that he let me. He let me kill him. I don't know if it was to prove a point, like he knew I'd always end up like him, but I-"

Loona interrupted Y/N by wrapping him in a hug. It managed to snap him out of his rambling, but it still took him a while to process what was going on.

Loona: "I know I'm bad at this...like, really, really bad. But...You're not as bad as you think you are. Sure, you're an asshole like, all the time, but...you usually don't mean it. You insult and belittle others because it's easier to push them away than it is to open up for them. I....know what that's like. But you can't hold it all in. I'm not saying forget about it, and I'm not saying you HAVE to open up to people. Just...don't let it tear you apart like that."

Loona lets Y/N go, and he stares at the ground, trying his hardest to avoid eye contact.

Loona: "Maybe...try to remember the good things about him. Even if there aren't that many... I don't know...it might help..."

Y/N closed his eyes and took a deep breath as he tries to remember something...anything...positive, about his father. He remembered when he hit a bullseye on the first try with a throwing knife. His father smiled at him. It was....fun. For the first time, he looked...proud. Happy. It wasn't much...but it was a happy memory. A good memory.

Y/N opened his eyes with a weak smile on his face, wiping away the tears rolling down his face as he looks up to Loona.

Loona: "......Better?"

Y/N: "Yeah...sort of...should we..?"

Loona: "Start finding the runaway? Probably. Unless you really don't want to...I can probably handle it myself...maybe."

Y/N: "Nah...that'd just make me feel like even more of an asshole...I'll come with you."

Loona: "....Thanks."

Little did they know, this would lead them on a wild goose chase all around L-A. They were constantly showing up just a little too late. Whenever they got to one location, she'd post a selfie of another one. It had taken taken then hours before they finally thought they found her, but it just happened to be a rather convincing look alike.

After that, they'd both gotten tired of it all...but they kept going anyway. After several more painful hours of running around for what seemed like a pointless goal, they'd arrived at the latest picture. The Observatory Even though they wanted to quit, even though they were sweaty and honestly, a bit disgusting, they were going to find her.

Y/N: "How could it take SO MUCH EFFORT, to find, ONE kid??"

Loona: "I...I don't even know at this point. I just wanna-"

Loona pauses as she spots Octavia sitting on a ledge, quietly crying to herself.

Y/N: *Yeah, Loony, that's a bit out of my comfort zo-*

Loona: *You aren't going anywhere.*

Loona drags Y/N over to Octavia while he groans like a child, alerting her of their presence.

The two shift back to their original appearance as Octavia wipes her tears, looking away from them to try and hide that she was crying.

Loona: "Hey..."

Octavia: *Sniffle* "H-hey...."

Y/N: "Damn, you look like sh-"

Loona smacks Y/N in the back of the head before going back to Octavia.

Octavia: "Wh-h-how did you...find me?"

Loona: "Your Sinstagram. Nice pics by the way."

Octavia: "Oh..*Sniffle*..thanks..."

Loona: "...You okay?"

Octavia: "I just....I can't believe I was so stupid! I spent all day, looking for a place where I could see some...DUMB meteor shower!"

Octavia starts crying again, leaving Y/N to panic internally as he tries to figure out what to do.

Octavia: "And all I get...is..this."

Octavia points at the sky, which had been completely covered by a nasty smog....which gave Y/N an idea. While Octavia and Loona talked it out, Y/N began fiddling with some in his hands.

Loona: "Yeah...smog's a bitch."

Loona takes out a cigarette and tries to light it, but just ends up getting frustrated when her light doesn't work, so Octavia helped her light it with magic....which turned out to be a terrible idea because the smoke immediately flew into her face, forcing her to waft it away with disgust while making weird bird noises.

Loona: "You know...your dad's really worried about you."

Loona climbs on the ledge and sits a a few feet away from Octavia, leaving Y/N to awkwardly sit in between them, completely focused on whatever it was that was in his hands

Octavia: "Right! That's why you're here instead of him! He couldn't be bothered to keep his promise and NOW he can't be bothered to come and get me himself...he'd rather spend his time just...screaming at my mum..wh-I....why does he hate me more than he loves me....*Sniffle*"

Finishing with the seemingly invisible item in his hands, Y/N finally speaks up.

Y/N: "He doesn't, by the way."

Octavia: "...How would you know..."

Y/N: "Because I know what it's like to hate one person more than the many others you love. I learned from experience...that it's not that simple."

Octavia doesn't say anything, so Y/N continues.

Y/N: "I hated my father. Or...atleast I think I did. I convinced myself that I despised him...and ended up making EVERYTHING about hating him. I never thought about my mom, or how she might be feeling. I never thought about Kara, and how this might have affected her. Fuck, I never even thought about myself. Even when I clearly hurt them. It's not just loving and hating one person more than the other..it goes a bit deeper than that...and I'm maxed out so you'll have to take it from here..."

Loona: "Fucking moron...Look...this kinda shit gets messy...everybody's got issues. Especially dads...and sometimes they fuck up...well, *Scoff* ALL the time...but that doesn't mean they don't care."

Octavia: "If he cares then where is he??"

Y/N: "Somewhere down there...I think he got kidnapped?"

Octavia: "H-he's here?"

Loona: "Yeah. Looking for you...try to cut your dad some slack...he may not always get it right, but..."

Loona finally manages to get the lighter to work, which brings a smile to her face, confusing Y/N.

Loona: "He's trying...that's more important than you think."

Y/N, realizing he's kinda in the way of the two, steps off the edge of the balcony and leans against a wall, attempt to cover his nose as an excuse.

Y/N: "Could you put that thing out now?"

Loona chuckles and throws the cigarette away before standing up and stretching.

Loona: "Ready to go?"

Loona gives her hand to Octavia, offering to pull her up, but Octavia gives her the book in confusion.

Octavia: "Yeah."

Before Loona could open a portal, Octavia suddenly gives her a hug, which she gladly returns before looking at Y/N.

Loona: "See? That's how you hug someone."

Y/N: "Oh, so now we're throwing insults? I feel betrayed."

Loona: "You deserve it for being an asshole and making me do all the talking!"

Octavia laughs at the two quarreling, which brought to both of their faces.

Y/N: "Okay fine, Now open the damn portal!"

Blitzø: "Now if we can just find where-"

Loona, Y/N, and Octavia all walk out the portal to see Blitzø dragging Stolas around. As soon as they did, however, Blitzø started running at Loona, overjoyed to see his daughter again.

Blitzø: "LOONA! Oh Loona, my sweet baby girl I'm so sorry, I'll never replace you no matter what you-"

Blitzø jumps at Loona, attempting to give her a hug, but she violently kicked him in the dick before smirking.

Loona: "You're good."

Octavia: "Dad...I'm so sorry-"

Stolas, who unfortunately has not been kicked in the dick, runs up and hugs his daughter while returning to his original bird-ish form, bringing a bit of pain the Y/N's heart, which was soon replaced by a warm, happy feeling.

Stolas: "I'm just relieved you're okay! But what would posses you to do such a thing?! You know I haven't taught you spells like this yet..."

Octavia: "I just wanted to see the stars you promised..."

Stolas: "Stars? *Gasp*-Azathoth's Tears..oh, no...oh my dear sweet Via, I'm so-"

Octavia hugs her dad again, bringing the same jealous pain to Y/N's wounded soul, though this time it was noticed by Loona.

Octavia: "It's okay, dad...You're here now."

Blitzø once again tries to hug Loona, but she smacks him with Stolas' Grimoire before smiling at him...then being confused when fireworks started going off and immediately pulling out her phone.

Loona: "What the fuck is that??"

Blitzø: *Sniff* "My acting career."

Octavia: "Oh, look at that one!"

Y/N suddenly rolled his eyes and took a deep breath, before walking up to Octavia and tapping her shoulder.

Octavia: "...What?"

Y/N: "...You still wanna see that meteor shower?"

Octavia: "I'm sure it's already passed...-"

Y/N: "That doesn't answer my question."

Octavia: "....Yeah...I was looking forward to it since I was a-"

Y/N: "Stop. It was a yes or no question, don't need your life story."

Octavia grew slightly annoyed with Y/N's rudeness, but that soon faded when she noticed a small clear orb forming in his hand.

Blitzø: "I forgot you could do that. Still fuckin pissed you didn't mention it earlier."

Loona: "What are you...doing?"

Y/N: "Watch."

The orb shrinks a bit before shooting into the sky, disappearing into the smog. After a few seconds of silence, Blitzø goes to say something condescending, but then the weather seemed to clear up out of nowhere, revealing the beautiful night sky, and Azathoth's Tears. It had only lasted around a minute, but it was more than enough to put an even bigger smile on Octavia's face.

Y/N: "I don't know when you birthday is, so consider it an...early or late birthday present."

Blitzø: ".....Cool, Now where the fuck are M&M??"

The day turned out to be a lot better than everyone expected it to be. Stolas found his daughter(And started the process of getting Stella's musty possessions out of his sacred home), Loona made a friend, Blitzø got to act again(And set a building on fire), Moxxie got to spend a fuck ton of money on random useless shit, Octavia got to complete one of her childhood goals, and Y/N...


Y/N: "Loona? What's u-"

Loona give Y/N another hug, leaving him confused.

Y/N: "....Why?"

Loona: "You looked like you wanted one."

Y/N: ".....I have no idea what you're talking about."

Despite his denial, Y/N returned the hug with a smile.

Soryy if this felt rushed, I wanted to get this chapter done before Spring Break-

(Felt like I should add this. before any asks, yes. I will be updating this when new episodes release, and no. I'm not doing S2 E1 or S2 E3 because it doesn't really make sense for Y/N to be present in those episodes)

I'll be taking a short break until Demon Slayer Season 3, so I'll see you guys in April :D

5333 Words

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