why the f*ck am I in a surviv...

By BAMonster2

9 0 0

Mature for language, BL, and violence. (Own original character) Nore Zuchi wakes up to find he is in a surviv... More

Grandmother's murder
player's area
a week alone in the wild
week in the wild pt 2
Alone in the wild part 4

week in the wild pt 3

1 0 0
By BAMonster2

(Alone in wild pt 3)

Nore dug around in the dirt to find some reasonably large worms, then proceeded to pierce them onto a handmade hook.

Throwing the string with the hook and worm gently into the water, he waited. He did this for about an hour before he removed his pole to see if his worm was still there.

"Fuckers." He growled as he saw his worm was gone. He didn't even feel it get pulled.  Frowning he re did his line and tried again.

It only took him till his third worm to finally catch something. It was a small fish. But at least he got a fish.

His day went like that till it got dark. Only then did he stop his fishing. He did munch on a different fruit went lunch time came around but he wanted to eat the fish for dinner. When he started up the fire once more for the night, he got to work on skinning his eight fish.

He placed his hard to make fishing pole in the corner of his hut. Once outside again he made some small knifes and long Skewers out if his metal affinity. He also made several plates and a cup since he was at it.

His thinned out commentators, those who were not bored with his only fishing all day, perked up at his metal creations.

G5-hey! hey! You had trouble making a fishing pole but culinary equipment you have no issues with??
G??-you can make knifes, what other weapons can you make?
G10- they are pretty simple but look useful... can you make me a weapon??

Nore looked at the questions, not answering them and proceeded to skin the fish and shove them on the skewers.

[Player has been paid 10 points]

[Player has been given 25 points]

Taking a deep breath Nore paused his fishy business.

"The reason I had trouble making the fucking fishing pole was due to that being my first time creating one. Utensils, kitchen wear, weapons or even everyday lab equipment are easy for me cause I make them to sell all the time."

He started up his skinning once more and finished the next fish. Skewering it as he finished.

"Not only did I make money with my science endeavors  but, I also made some on the side with my metal sculpting." He grabbed the third fish and started on it.

"Making simple weapons and 'pottery' in a since are easy to do. Though, using my metal over heats myself and I cannot do it alot." He put the third fish on a skewer and  grabbed the fourth.

"I have already used it up quite a bit just making the hut so, I can make maybe five or six weapons when I leave this game in five days. As long as I don't use my ability like I did yesterday, I should be okay for that many."

All through out his conversation he didn't  cuss. Showing a sign that he had overused his metal ablitiy. When he did over use it he would, one, cuss less. Two, start to look a little flushed and his body temperature would be higher. And three, he would be more distracted and some times slow to respond.

At this moment he was a little flushed and started to cuss less. Once he showed the last symptom. He would be in close need of his 'medicine'.... which unfortunately didn't exist in this game world.

The three people that were left on his stream typed happily that they will wait till his game was over to find him in the player area to pay for some weapons to be made. One even asked about prices.

"Uh..." Nore really hadn't thought of what to price these future weapons as. Since he had someone do that for him in the other world.

"Let me think on it and I'll let you know... either within the next couple of days or when I get to the player area."

After he said that he got to finishing the last of the fish and sat quietly as they cooked over the fire.

Taking his time, he ate, then watched the stars shine up in the  dark sky. He guessed this part of the outdoors was okay.

The night air was cool to his skin, making his body feel comfortable compared to his hotter than normal temperature.

"But ..." he started outloud. "If I ever get back to my world... I will never fucking fish again."

Fishing sucked and was boring as hell.

After eating up most of the fish, he put the last one he had in his storage. He did this to see if it had a time difference or not.

He didn't see anything wrong with the fruits he had picked up... but it had only been a day.

[Day two]
[1/1 shelter]
[3/3 food]

With that Nore went into his hand made metal shelter and went to sleep.

In his dream, he saw the face of his son, Paine, playing in his lab. He looked to be only a couple of years old. Though his body shape made him look to be about six or seven.

He was so cute when he was young. His big mixed matched eyes were too big for his small face. His short grey hair was just at his ears. Literally, his son was just too cute.

The Nore in the dream scooped up the boy and hugged him, cradling him in his arms.

Oh, he loved him soo much!

"Dad... stop it you're Squishing me too hard." The little boy complained. His little arms tried to push away Nore's face.

"Aw just a little bit longer..." the father begged. Forcing the little guy to indulge the older man a little.

Just then, the door to the lab slid open to reveal a young looking Keipt. His hair wasn't as long, maybe to his shoulders but everything else was the same.

"Are you even working?" Keipt asked as he  stopped to stare at the two hugging. Nore just looked at him while the child yelled.

"Help me, Uncle Kay! He is squishing me!" The little guy reached out his arms for assistance.

Sighing, Keipt walked over and took the pleading child from his parent. Then placed him on the ground.

"Go play, we got grown up stuff to do." Keipt told Paine, who was more then happy to do so.

Looking back at the older man he saw that he was pouting.

"...What?..." Keipt asked as he shrugged.

"Nothing..." Nore grumbled as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Uh huh..." Keipt just rolled his eyes and changed the subject. "So the next couple of days are gonna be ruff. We have to finish that blood project, then do a side job for the president. Than after or even during that, work on making all those herb and crystal storing thingys ... that ... I am not sure how exactly to do."

"Don't fucking worry about it." Nore told him. "Let lab 2 work on the blood project. I will do everything else. I already started on fucking storing the herbs and crystals. So everything is fine as fuck."

"If you say so," he looked to the side then back at Nore's face. "Just don't over work yourself. I know how you get when deadlines are close."

Nore waved away his concern then showed him how he was storing the energy in herbs and crystals. And informed him to help out as much as he can with lab 2's project.

Nore opened his eyes and sighed with Recollection. That was a dream of the past. It was a small but nice memory. He loved hugging his son when he was younger. When he fit in his arms.

Paine was an adult now. Well, not technically. His son had only lived for about eight years but physically he looked in his twenties.

Oh, how time flew.

[Day three]
[1/1 shelter]
[0/3 food]

Taking his time, Nore dressed, ate a fruit, and tried to comb his wild hair.

"Day three.." he mummble as he opened up the door to a foggy forest.

"Mmm.... did it rain last night?" He wondered out loud. It was foggy and dark. If he didn't know better he would have thought it was still night.


Nore stopped his walk to the pool of water when this message apeared.

Warning for what?

[Warning! Sudden emergency task has been activated]

[Players can either avoid, fight or flee the oncoming zombies]

[Points will be earned depending on how well your actions go]

[Repeat, players can either avoid, fight or flee the oncoming of zombies]

Nore tilted his head to the side confused. What is a zombie? He wondered.

Next he heard running foot steps as two men rushed from the trees on his left. They continued to run past his hut and seemed to be headed to the trees on the other side.

They were out of breath and looked panicked.

"Hey, what's going on?" Nore held out his hand as he stopped one of them for a second.

"Zombies," he says breathlessly. "They're dangerous if you get scratched or bitten."

"Oh?" Nore said in interest. Then he remembered he didn't have any lab tools and was not even remotely near his lab.

"Well, shit..."

The two men dissappeared into the foggy trees as Nore realized this problem. Not even a few minutes later he heard the disorganized shuffle of the zombies come from not only the place where the men came from but also from where they went.

Yells and screams followed. Then it was silent. Once again the unorganized foot steps appeared.

Slowly Nore could make out the out lines of people emerging into his clearing from the forest.

Rugged looking people with mushroom like skin filed before him. All while, Nore seemed interested in them... that was .... until he saw their complexion.

They looked almost like his father's race... except for the rotting wounds and bloody teeth.

Nore squinted, then frowned.  Were they making fun of his heritage? Yeah, his father side were not pretty people but they weren't fucking monsters!

"Really?" Nore asked out loud in a scoff. "Are you fucking kidding me..." he slightly yelled at the panal that had not disappeared with the warning.

Stomping his foot, the air around him weaved and circled around him. With out lifting a hand, blades of wind shot out and decapitate several of the zombies.

"They look nothing like bilosk! How dare you fucking compare these bags of shit to my father's family!" As his voice rose the wind around him got faster. And so did the falling of the zombies heads.

It was fast and uneventful... as the last of the zombies fell fully dead and head less on the ground.

The one person that was  watching  the streaming video was in shock. He had yet to even type to the player good morning or watch out before everything was already over.

G??- ....whoa....are you ok...

Noticing the lone Commentator, he nodded.

"Yeah, just insulted." Nore notified G??. Nore just rolled his shoulders then popped his fingers.

G??- this is u feeling insulted??!!

"Anything else?" He asked the panel that still had the warning on it.


[Repeat, players can either avoid, fight or flee the oncoming of zombies]

Nore narrowed his eyes. So this is a repetitive thing. He then flicked a finger and all the foggy mist around his cleared area and on the water nearby disappeared. Give view to his Immediate surroundings.

"Bring it, I got all fucking day." Nore told the game.

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